Logical Reasoning - Argument

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Logical Reasoning

3.2 Arguments
KSSM Mathematics Form 4
The specific statements are statements that refer to a particular case,
While the general statements are statements that describe a concept.
• The area of triangle ABC is 8 cm2. specific statement
• The volume of cube = general statement
Deductive argument is a process of making specific conclusion based on
general premises (前提).

Inductive argument is a process of making specific conclusion based on

specific premises.

Please refer example 16 on page 73 and 74

Self Practice 3.2a
1. Premise 1: General Conclusion: Specific Deductive Argument.
2. Premise 1: Specific Conclusion: General Inductive Argument.
3. Premise 1: Specific Conclusion: General Inductive Argument.
4. Premise 1: General Conclusion: Specific Deductive Argument.
5. Premise 1: General Conclusion: Specific Deductive Argument.
6. Premise 1: Specific Conclusion: General Inductive Argument.
7. Premise 1: Specific Conclusion: General Inductive Argument.
8. Premise 1: General Conclusion: Specific Deductive Argument.
9. Premise 1: General Conclusion: Specific Deductive Argument.
10. Premise 1: Specific Conclusion: General Inductive Argument.
A valid deductive argument can be categorised into three forms
Form I Form II Form III
Premise 1 All A are B If p, then q if p then q
Premise 2 C is A p is true Not q is true
Conclusion C is B q is true Not p is true

Premise 1 : All actresses are good at dancing. false

Premise 2 : Jasmine is an actress.
Conclusion : Jasmine is good at dancing.
The above argument is a valid argument because the argument follows Form I
(A = actress, B = good at dancing, C = Jasmine)
The above argument is not sound as Premise 1 is false.
Please study example 17 carefully and thoroughly on page 76.
Self Practice 3.2b
1. Premise 1 : All multiples of 5 are multiples of 10. False not sound
Premise 2 : 35 is a multiple of 5. True
Conclusion : 35 is a multiple of 10. False not sound
Form I valid.
2. Premise 1 : All squares have right angles. True
Premise 2 : PQRS is a square. True
Conclusion : PQRS has right angles. True 只要符合form I / form II / form III
Form I valid. All true sound 就是valid.
3. Premise 1 : If , then x < 9. True 全部 Premise and Conclusion
Premise 2 : . True true 就是 sound
Conclusion : 4 < 9. True (任何一个false, 就是not sound)
Form II valid. All true sound
4. Premise 1 : If < 9, then k > 9. False Form I Form II Form III
Premise 2 : . True Premise 1 All A are B If p, then q if p then q
Conclusion : 10 > 9. True not sound Premise 2 C is A p is true Not q is true
Conclusion C is B q is true Not p is true
Form II valid.
Self Practice 3.2b
5. Premise 1 : If x is a factor of 6, then 6 is divisible by x. True
Premise 2 : 6 is divisible by 3. True
Conclusion : 3 is a factor of 6. True
No Form not valid. All true sound
6. Premise 1 : If is parallel to , then gradient of = gradient of . True
Premise 2 : gradient of gradient of . True
Conclusion : is not parallel to . True
Form III valid. All true sound
7. Premise 1 : All rhombuses have perpendicular diagonals. True
Premise 2 : PQRS has perpendicular diagonals. True
Conclusion : . False
只要符合form I / form II / form III
No Form not valid. not sound
Form I Form II Form III 全部 Premise and Conclusion
Premise 1 All A are B If p, then q if p then q true 就是 sound
Premise 2 C is A p is true Not q is true (任何一个false, 就是not sound)
Conclusion C is B q is true Not p is true
Self Practice 3.2b
8. Premise 1 : If x is an even number, then 3x is an even number. True
Premise 2 : 3x is not an even number. True
Conclusion : x is not an even number. True
Form III valid. All true sound
9. Premise 1 : If , then . True
Premise 2 : . True
Conclusion : . False not sound (If k = -6, 不是 5)
No Form not valid.
10. Premise 1 : All cubes are cuboids. True 只要符合form I / form II / form III
Premise 2 : Object P is a cube. True 就是valid.
Conclusion :Object P is a cuboid. True
全部 Premise and Conclusion
Form I valid. All true sound
true 就是 sound
Form I Form II Form III (任何一个false, 就是not sound)
Premise 1 All A are B If p, then q if p then q
Premise 2 C is A p is true Not q is true
Conclusion C is B q is true Not p is true
Self Practice 3.2c
1(a) Premise 1 : All the pupils in 4 Amanah use digital textbooks.
Premise 2 : Preevena is a pupil of 4 Amanah.
Conclusion : Preevena use digital textbooks.
(b) Premise 1 : If Kai Meng is the champion of the stale level
chess competition, then he will get a cash prize
of RM200.
Premise 2 : Kai Meng is the champion of the state level chess competition.
Conclusion : Kai Meng gets a cash prize of RM200.
(c) Premise 1 : If quadrilateral PQRS is a regular polygon,
then quadrilateral PQRS is a square.
Premise 2 : Quadrilateral PQRS is not a square.
Conclusion : Quadrilateral PQRS is not a regular polygon.
Self Practice 3.2c
(d) Premise 1 : All isosceles triangles have one axis of symmetry.
Premise 2 : is an isosceles triangle.
Conclusion : has one axis of symmetry.
(e) Premise 1 : If , then .
Premise 2 : .
Conclusion : .
(f) Premise 1 : If , then .
Premise 2 : .
Conclusion : .
Self Practice 3.2c
2(a) Premise 1 : All straight lines with zero gradient are parallel to the x-axis.
Premise 2 : Straight
line AB has zero gradient.
Conclusion : Straight line AB is parallel to the x-axis.
(b) Premise 1 : _________________________________________________
All multiples of 9 are divisible by 3.
Premise 2 : 891 is a multiple of 9.
Conclusion : 891 is divisible by 3.

(c) Premise 1 : If polygon P is a nonagon, then polygon P has nine vertices.

Premise 2 : Polygon
P is a nonagon.
Conclusion : Polygon P has nine vertices.
Self Practice 3.2c
(d) Premise 1 If , then
: _________________________________________________
Premise 2 :
Conclusion :

(e) Premise 1 : If it is raining today, then the room temperature is lower than .
Premise 2 : The
room temperature is not lower than
Conclusion : It is not raining today.

(f) Premise 1 If , then .

: _________________________________________________
Premise 2 : .
Conclusion :
Inductive Argument
Conclusion is true Conclusion is false

All premises and Strong One of the premises is false Weak

Conclusion are true

Cogent Not Cogent Not Cogent

Self Practice 3.2d
1. Premise 1 : The table is made of wood.
Premise 2 : The chair is made of wood.
Premise 3 : The cupboard is made of wood.
Conclusion : All furniture are made of wood. false weak and not cogent

2. Premise 1 : (k5)2 = k10 true

Premise 2 : (k8)2 = k16 true All true cogent
Conclusion : (km)n = kmn true strong

3. Premise 1 : 23 is divisible by 4
Premise 2 : 25 is divisible by 4
Conclusion : 2n is divisible by 4 false weak and not cogent
Self Practice 3.2d
4. Premise 1 : true
Premise 2 : true All true
Premise 3 : true cogent
Conclusion : The product of multiples of 2 and 5 true strong
end with digit 0.
5. Premise 1 : 24 is a multiple of 6. true
Premise 2 : 36 is a multiple of 6. true
Premise 3 : 40 is a multiple of 6. false not cogent
Conclusion : All the multiples of 6 are even numbers. true strong

6. Premise 1 : Rats have 4 legs.

Premise 2 : Cats have 4 legs.
Premise 3 : Horses have 4 legs.
Conclusion : All animals have 4 legs. false weak and not cogent
Self Practice 3.2e
1. 2.

Self Practice 3.2e
3. 4.

Self Practice 3.2f
Self Practice 3.2f
(a) From 1/01/2012 to 31/12/2016 = 5 years
Self Practice 3.2f
3. 4. (a)

(b) (b)
babies (c)

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