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Chapter 3 page 4 Chapter 3: Logical Reasoning

► 3.2.1 Argument

Argument involves given statements (premises) and a conclusion.

Inductive argument Deductive argument

- From specific premises to make general conclusion. - From general premises to make specific conclusion.
Cats are warm blooded. Example:
Tigers are warm blooded. All form 5 students have to take SPM.
Dogs are warm blooded. Kelvin is a form 5 student.
Conclusion: All mammals are warm blooded. Conclusion: Kelvin have to take SPM.

Exercise: Determine whether the following is deductive argument or inductive argument.

1. All multiple of 9 are multiple of 3. 2. The sum of exterior angle of triangle is 360o.
72 is multiple of 9. The sum of exterior angle of pentagon is 360o.
Hence, 72 is multiple of 3. The sum of exterior angle of hexagon is 360o.
Hence, the sum of exterior angle of each polygon is 360o.

3. The area of circle is 𝜋𝑟 2 . Circle A has radius of 7 cm. 4. 20 =1 30 = 1 40 = 1 50 = 1

Hence the area of the circle A is 49𝜋. Hence, a0 = 1.

5. Given am × an = am+n . Hence, 25 × 23 = 28. 6. 1 + 1 =2 1+3=4 3+5=8

Hence, the sum of two odd numbers is an even number.

► 3.2.2 Deductive Argument

There are 3 types of valid deductive argument:

Form I Form II Form III

Premise 1: All A are B. Premise 1: If p, then q. Premise 1: If p, then q.
Premise 2: C is A. Premise 2: p Premise 2: Not q
Conclusion: C is B. Conclusion: q Conclusion: Not p

Example: Example: Example:

Premise 1: All students in 5S4 is genius. Premise 1: If raining, Premise 1: If raining,
Premise 2: Kelvin is student in 5S4. then Miss Teoh absent. then Miss Teoh absent.
Conclusion: Kelvin is genius. Premise 2: It is raining. Premise 2: Miss Teoh is not absent.
Conclusion: Miss Teoh absents Conclusion: It is not raining,

Exercise: Write the conclusion for the following deductive argument:

1. Premise 1: All cubes have 6 square faces.
Premise 2: Solid A is a cube.
Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 3 Page 5
2. Premise 1: All regular polygons have sides with same length.
Premise 2: Rhombus is a regular polygon.
Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________________________

3. Premise 1: All factors of 4 are factors of 12.

Premise 2: 2 is factor of 4
Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________________________

4. Premise 1: If x is an even number, then x is divisible by 2.

Premise 2: 16 is an even number.
Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________________________

5. Premise 1: If m is a factor of 4, then m is factor of 8.

Premise 2: 2 is a factor of 4.
Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________________________

6. Premise 1: If 𝑘 > 0, then 5𝑘 > 0.

Premise 2: 𝑘 > 0.
Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________________________

7. Premise 1: If 𝑘 is divisible by 5, then 𝑘 is multiple of 5.

Premise 2: 56 is not multiple of 5.
Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________________________

8. Premise 1: If 3𝑥 − 8 = 16, then 𝑥 =8

Premise 2: 𝑥≠8
Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________________________

9. Premise 1: If 𝑥 > 3, then 𝑥 2 >9

Premise 2: 𝑥2 ≤ 9
Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________________________

10. Premise 1: If ABCD is regular polygon, then ABCD is a square.

Premise 2: ABCD is not a square
Conclusion: ___________________________________________________________________________
Exercise: Complete the premises in each deductive argument.

1. Premise 1: All rectangle are parallelogram.

Premise 2: _____________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: ABCD is a parallelogram.

2. Premise 1: If PQR is isosceles triangle, then PQ = QR.

Premise 2: _____________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: PQ = QR.
Chapter 3 Page 6
3. Premise 1: If ABCD is a square, then ABCD has 4 equal sides,
Premise 2: _____________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: ABCD is not a square.

4. Premise 1: All even numbers are multiple of 2.

Premise 2: _____________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: 100 is a multiple of 2.

5. Premise 1: If y is multiple of 10, then y is multiple of 5.

Premise 2: _____________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: 80 is multiple of 5.

6. Premise 1: If x = 7, then x + 2 = 9.
Premise 2: _____________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: x≠ 7

7. Premise 1: _____________________________________________________________________________
Premise 2: 38 is even number.
Conclusion: 38 is divisible by 2.

8. Premise 1: _____________________________________________________________________________
Premise 2: x>6
Conclusion: x>4

9. Premise 1: _____________________________________________________________________________
Premise 2: 6 is not factor of 96.
Conclusion: 6 is not factor of 12.

10. Premise 1: ___________________________________________________________________________

Premise 2: 2𝑥 + 1 ≠ 9
Conclusion: 𝑥≠4
► 3.2.3 Determine whether deductive argument is valid and sound
• Sound means all premises and conclusion are correct.
• Valid means comply with any forms of valid deductive argument.
Form I Form II Form III
Premise 1: All A are B. Premise 1: If p, then q. Premise 1: If p, then q.
Premise 2: C is A. Premise 2: p Premise 2: Not q
Conclusion: B is A. Conclusion: q Conclusion: Not p

Exercise: Determine whether the argument is valid and sound. If it is not, justify your answer.
a) Premise 1: All basketballs are in spherical shape.
Premise 2: The Earth is basketball.
Conclusion: The Earth is spherical in shape.
Answer: _________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 3 Page 7
b) Premise 1: If k is even number, then k + 1 is odd number.
Premise 2: 8 + 1 is an odd number.
Conclusion: 8 is even number.
Answer: _________________________________________________________________________________
c) Premise 1: If x is multiple of 8, then x is multiple of 4.
Premise 2: 12 is not multiple of 8.
Conclusion: 12 is not multiple of 4.
Answer: _________________________________________________________________________________

d) Premise 1: All triangles have three sides.

Premise 2: ABC is a triangle.
Conclusion: ABC has three sides.
Answer: _________________________________________________________________________________
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