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Z - Source Inverter For Grid Connected Dual Rotor Counter Rotation Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator

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Z - Source Inverter for Grid Connected Dual

Rotor Counter Rotation Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Generator
Assistant Professor,
Department of EEE, Kumaraguru College of Technology,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr.B.Karunamorrthy Mr.C.Sivan Raj

Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor,
Department of EEE, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Department of EEE, Kathir College of Engineering,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
karnagce@gmail.com reachsivanraj@gmail.com

Abstract - The main focus of this research is to design a Dual Rotor Counter Rotation Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator
(DRCRPMSG) and efficient power converter to extract and transfer maximum power from wind to grid. Space Vector Pulse Width
Modulation (SVPWM) is used for proper switching of power electronic switches. Z-Source Inverter (ZSI) is proposed to conditioning
the power from counter rotating PMSG type WECS, and to reduce the number of power conversion stages compared to conventional
power conversion system. Owing to the additional feature of ZSI, it has buck and boost the voltage, which is possible because of
additional shoot-through state introduced in zero state of the conventional inverter which provides desired Alternating Current (AC)
output voltage. The shoot through pulse width is adjusted as per the generated voltage by PMSG and to maintaining constant grid
voltage. Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) is employed for switching control to the Z-source inverter.

Keywords— Wind Energy Conversion System, A-Source Inverter, PMSG, SVPWM, DRCRPMSG.

Recent trends in meeting increasing energy demand are moving towards generating power with distributed energy resources,
and most of them are renewable as they have greater advantages due to their environmentally friendly nature and their ability of
on-site generation. Furthermore, reliability of service and power quality is enhanced by proximity to the customer. This concept is
commonly known as “Distributed Generation (DG)” and it has gained acceptance over the years. The DG complements
centralized generation by having a relatively inexpensive response to increasing nature in power demand, by preventing existing
transmission and distribution capacity upgrades, by locating power where it is most desired and by having the flexibility to put
power back into the grid at user sites. Moreover, there are social demands for cheaper, less polluting, safer and more reliable and
sustainable energy for consumers, suppliers, generators and policy makers.
The DG, including integration of renewable sources, is a promising solution to solve those demands. However, such
renewable sources are distributed and technologies and standards necessary for their grid interconnection and isolated operation
are presently being developed. There are numerous types of DG energy sources producing electrical power at different voltages
and frequencies. Such disparity in output characteristics can be found even in sources like wind turbines, fuel cells and solar cells,
all of them have a high potential to be dominant DG sources in future. Hence, it is necessary to convert the output voltage and
frequency of such sources to standard values to be compatible with domestic and industrial loads. This can be achieved with a
power conditioner.
Traditionally, there are two types of inverters used; commonly known as Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) and Current Source
Inverter (CSI). Both of these inverters have limited operating range even though both are used in DG applications. To overcome
the limited operating range, both these inverters need to be connected with a separate DC-DC converter stage at the front end.
This enables them to operate in both buck and boost modes. This topology is commonly known as a two-stage inverter.
Small scale two-stage inverters have been developed for domestic DG applications with fuel cells. However, two-stage
inverters are not cost effective and also controlling them is known to be cumbersome [1]. As a solution to this problem, Z-source
inverter was proposed recently.


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This is a single-stage inverter and it can operate in both buck and boost modes. The buck-boost characteristic is achieved due
to the unique impedance network interfacing the inverter with the DC source. Moreover, it has better EMI properties due to the
absence of the dead-time. Amongst sustainable resources, wind energy has gained rapid development and has made a significant
in-road into electrical power systems as a potential source of bulk power generation. Wind energy is derived from small area
harnessing schemes as well as large wind farms that could generate significant amount of energy to loads. Unfortunately, much
like other renewable sources such as solar, wind generation tends to be unsteady because wind speed is influenced by natural and
meteorological conditions.
Notwithstanding such drawbacks, wind energy has been found to be a technically and economically feasible option for
generating power. With the advent of high speed and efficient power electronic devices and variable-speed direct-driven
generators, a quiet and economical wind generation system has become a reality. [2] have dealt with the synchronous generators,
which have been used for direct-coupled and low-speed wind generation applications. Particularly, permanent magnet (PM) type
synchronous generators have been gaining acceptance for such applications recently as they are highly efficient and are of
relatively smaller in diameter. The AC voltage produced by PM generators can be rectified to generate a smooth DC voltage using
a simple diode rectifier to reduce the cost. The output of the combination of PM generator and diode rectifier is uncontrollable in
nature as PM generators lack excitation control. Moreover, the shaft speed of the generator needs to be varied in proportion to the
wind speed to keep the “tip-speed ratio” of the turbine at its optimum value that corresponds to the maximum power generation.
As the diode rectifier is uncontrollable, the grid interfacing inverter current is controlled to draw a proportional current from
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) so that a torque necessary for tracking the optimal speed of PMSG is
produced eventually. With the variation of shaft speed of PMSG, the EMF produced by PMSG and consequently the rectified DC
voltage would vary with time. To interface such widely varying DC voltage to the mains grid, a Z-source inverter based single
converter stage is proposed in this paper. The proposed topology is economical and less complex compared to traditional two-
stage converter topologies.
The power conversion to obtain variable ac voltage at variable frequency was earlier carried out by using three stages of
power conversion. To reduce the power conversion stages and to overcome the limitations of conventional systems, the Z-Source
Inverter (ZSI) based Direct Drive Wind Energy Conversion Systems (DDWECS) is introduced. The operating modes of the ZSI
with DDWECS are discussed with the support of mathematical equations. Here the distribution of shoot through periods in PWM
control methods with ZSI, such as Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) is carried out. The mathematical equations
for boost factor, voltage gain and switching stress are given and explained in detail. Moreover, the change of shoot through
period in relation to PMG generated voltage is an important requirement and it is described here.
The complete circuit of proposed WECS with ZSI is illustrated in Fig. 1. The output of the PMG is fed as input to the diode
bridge rectifier through the stator inductances and resistances of PMG. The diode bridge rectifier acts as the dc source whose
output is fed as input to Z-source inverter.

Fig. 1 Wind power generation scheme for PMSG fed Z-source inverter

Fig. 2 shows the equivalent circuit of ZSI for mode I operation. The inverter bridge is operating in one of the two conventional
zero states and shorting through either the upper or lower three devices. Hence it acts as an open circuit viewed from Z-source
network. The PMG phases ‘a’ and ‘b’ are connected to the impedance network through the two diodes D1 and D6 in parallel with
capacitor Cdc.
Fig. 3 shows the equivalent circuit of ZSI in shoot through operation. In this mode because of higher voltages in inductors
both diodes are OFF, separating dc link from the ac line. Hence PMG is disconnected from the load. This shoot through mode is
to be used in every switching cycle during conventional zero state generated by the PWM control. The shoot-through time or
shoot through duty cycle is determined based on the required boost factor.


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Fig. 2 Equivalent circuit of ZSI for mode I

Fig. 3 Equivalent circuit of ZSI for mode II

From the equivalent circuit of Fig. 3 and symmetry of the Z-Source network the voltage across inductor and capacitor are
Vc1 = Vc2 = Vc and VL1 = VL2 = VL
When the shoot-through period (T0) is accommodated within switching period T s during the one switching period Ts the
capacitor and inductor voltages are equal.
VL = Vc (1)
The voltage input to the Z- source network is given as,
Vdc = 2Vc (2)
The voltage across Inverter Bridge is,
Vi = 0 (3)

Fig. 4 Equivalent circuit of ZSI for mode III

Fig. 4 shows the equivalent circuit of ZSI in conventional active state operation. In this mode, the inverter bridge can be
operated in anyone of the six conventional active states.


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During this state, the voltage is impressed across the load. When the active period (T 1) is accommodated within switching
period (Ts) the voltage across the inverter is given by,
Vi = Vdc − Vc (4)
The voltage obtained after the Z-source network which is input to Inverter Bridge is expressed in Eqn. (5).
Vi = 2Vc − Vdc (5)
The average voltage across the inductor over the one switching period (T s) is equal to zero. From Eqns. (2) to (5) the relation
between capacitor and inductor voltage is given by,
Vc T1
= (6)
Vdc T1 − T0
The voltage input to Inverter Bridge given in Eqn. (4) and Eqn. (6) is expressed in Eqn. (8).
Vi = 2Vc − Vdc
Vi = V (7)
T1 − T0 dc
Vi = B (8)
Where, B is Boost Factor
B= (9)
1 − 2Do
D0 is the shoot-through duty ratio
D0 = (10)
The rectified output voltage of two-stage WECS is
Vdc = (11)
Now the Eqn. (8) becomes
Vi = B (12)

The RMS output voltage of the ZSI can be expressed as,
Vac = BM (13)

Vac = G (14)

Where, M is the modulation index and G is the voltage gain.
The same Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) methods for VSI can be used to switch the ZSI with slight modifications. The
distribution of the shoot-through period in the switching waveforms of the conventional PWM concept is the key factor to control
the output voltage of ZSI. The dc link voltage boost, controllable range of ac output voltage, voltage stress across the switching
devices and harmonic profile of the ac output parameters are purely based on the method of control algorithm adapted to insert the
shoot-through period.
There are a number of control methods which have been presented in recent years. In this section, Space Vector Pulse Width
Modulation schemes (SVPWM) is explained elaborately and their performance control characteristics are investigated in many


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In space vector modulation technique, the shoot-through state is inserted before or after the active states by keeping the time
period of the active states constant. Shoot-through states again boost the DC link capacitor voltages and could partially
supplement the null states within a fixed switching cycle without altering the normalized volt–sec average, since both states
similarly short-circuit the inverter three phase output terminals, producing zero voltage across the AC load.
A. Space Vector Modulation
Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) technology gradually obtains widespread applications in the power
electronics and the electrical drives [4]. Space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) method often referred to as space vector
modulation (SVM) is an advanced, computation intensive PWM method and is possibly the best among all the PWM techniques
for variable speed drive applications. Because of its superior performance characteristics, it has been finding widespread
applications in recent years. All the other PWM methods have only considered implementation on a half bridge of a three phase
bridge inverter. If the load neutral is connected to the canter tap of the DC supply, all three bridges operate independently, giving
satisfactory PWM performance. The maximum peak fundamental magnitude of the SVPWM technique is about 90.6% increase in
the maximum voltage compared with conventional sinusoidal modulation [6].
With the machine load, load neutral is normally isolated, which causes interaction among the phases. This interaction was not
considered in other PWM techniques. SVM considers this interaction of the phases and optimizes the harmonic content of the
three phase isolated neutral load. There are eight traditional states in the three phase voltage source three leg inverter, in which six
are active states producing output voltage either positive or negative magnitude and two are traditional zero vectors producing
zero output voltage.
Basically, this zero vector time period is the difference between the total switching time period and sum of the time periods of
the adjacent active vectors. This zero state vector is distributed uniformly and inserted in the switching waveform of the inverter
either before or after the active vector periods without changing the active vector time period. The space vector based modulating
technique is a digital technique in which the objective is to generate PWM line voltages that are on average equal to given load
line voltages. This is done in each sampling period (Ts) by properly selecting the switch states from the valid ones of the voltage
source inverter and by proper calculation of the period of times they are used. The selection and calculation time are based on the
space transformation.
B. Space Transformation
Any three phases set of variables that add up to zero in the stationary a-b-c frame could be represented in a complex plane by a
complex vector that contains a real (α) and an imaginary (β) component. For instance the three phase line modulating signals
could be represented as,
𝑣𝑎 (𝑡) = 𝑉𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜔𝑡)
𝑣𝑏 (𝑡) = 𝑉𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜔𝑡 − ) (15)
𝑣𝑐 (𝑡) = 𝑉𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜔𝑡 + )
The above three functions of time satisfy,
𝑣𝑎 (𝑡) + 𝑣𝑏 (𝑡) + 𝑣𝑐 (𝑡) = 0 (16)
This could be represented in a two dimensional space by space transformation
2 2 2
𝑉 (𝑡) = [𝑣𝑎 + 𝑣𝑏 𝑒 𝑗( ⁄3)𝜋 + 𝑣c 𝑒 −𝑗( ⁄3)𝜋 ] (17)
Where 2/3 is a scaling factor, Eqn. (17) could be written as a complex function as
𝑉 (𝑡) = 𝑉𝑥 + 𝑗𝑉𝑦 (18)
The co-ordinate transformation could be obtained from the a-b-c axis to the x-y axis by using the Eqns. (17) and (18)
1 1
𝑉𝑥 2 1 −
2 2
[𝑉 ] = (19)
𝑦 3 √3 √3
[0 −
− ]
Eqn. (19) could also be written as follows,


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𝑉𝑥 = [𝑉𝑎 − 0.5(𝑣𝑎 + 𝑣𝑏 )] (20)
𝑉𝑦 = [𝑣 − 𝑣𝑐 ] (21)
3 𝑏
The stationary frame is transformed to a rotating frame by the transformation from x-y axis to α-β axis with an angular
velocity of ω. The rotating frame could be obtained by rotating the x-y axis with ωt as given by,
𝑉𝛼 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜔𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ( + 𝜔𝑡) 𝑉
2 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜔𝑡 − 𝑠i𝑛 𝜔𝑡 𝑉𝑥
[𝑉 ] = [ 𝜋 ] [𝑉𝑥 ] = [ ][ ] (22)
𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜔𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑛 ( + 𝜔𝑡) 𝑦 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜔𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜔𝑡 𝑉𝑦
From eqn. (22), the space vector representation is obtained as
𝑉 (𝑡) = 𝑉𝑒 𝑗𝜃 = 𝑉𝑒 𝑗𝜔𝑡 (23)
This is the vector of magnitude Vm rotating at a constant speed ω in rad/sec. ejθ may be interpreted as vector rotational operator
that converts rotating frame variables into stationary frame variables. The direction of rotation depends on the phase sequence of
the voltages. With the sinusoid three phase command voltages, the composite PWM fabrication at the inverter output should be
such that the voltages follow these command voltages with a minimum amount of harmonic distortion.
C. Inverter Switching States
A three phase voltage source inverter has 23 = 8 permissible switching states. For example in state-I, switches S4, S3 and S5 are
open andS1, S6 and S2 are closed. In this state, phase ‘a’ is connected with positive DC terminal of the battery and phase’s b and c
are connected with negative terminal of the battery. The phase-neutral voltage is represented by
𝑣𝑎𝑛 = 𝑉
3 𝑑𝑐
𝑣𝑏𝑛 = − 𝑉𝑑𝑐 (24)
𝑣𝑐𝑛 = − 𝑉𝑑𝑐
The inverter has six active states, where the voltage is impressed across the load and two zero states when the machine
terminals are shorted through, either upper or lower devices of the inverter bridge. Fig. 5 shows the trajectory of voltage space
vectors for the traditional three phase PWM inverters. The output voltage of the inverter is determined by the different voltages
between each inverter arm and the time duration in which the voltage is maintained.

Fig. 5 Voltage space vector for voltage source inverter

⃗⃗⃗⃗0 , 𝑉
Eight voltage vectors 𝑉 ⃗⃗⃗⃗1 , 𝑉
⃗⃗⃗⃗2 , … … ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝑉7 ,are defined corresponding to the switching states ⃗⃗⃗𝑆0 = [0 0 0], 𝑆 ⃗⃗⃗1 =
⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗
[1 0 0], … … 𝑆7 = [1 1 1] respectively. 𝑉1 , 𝑉2 , … … 𝑉6 , are called active vectors 𝑉0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑉7 are called traditional zero vectors.
Length of the active vectors is unity and length of the zero vectors is zero. In one sampling interval T S, the output voltage
⃗ split into the two nearest adjacent voltage vectors.These two nearest active vectors and the
vector of the traditional inverter is 𝑉
traditional zero vectors are used to synthesize the output voltage vector. Two nearest vectors ⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝑉𝑛 and 𝑉 𝑛+1 (where n = 0……6) are
applied at times T1 and T2 respectively, and zero vectors are applied at TZ time period. For example in sector-I 0 ≤ 𝜃 ≤ 3 output
voltage vector could be 𝑉⃗ synthesized as,


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⃗ =
𝑉 ⃗⃗⃗1 + 2 ⃗⃗⃗
𝑉 𝑉2 + (𝑉⃗⃗⃗ 𝑜𝑟 ⃗⃗⃗
𝑉7 ) (25)
𝑇𝑠 𝑇𝑠 𝑇𝑠 0
Time period for the traditional zero vector, TZ could be calculated as,
2 𝜋
𝑇𝑍 = 𝑇𝑠 − (𝑇1 − 𝑇2 )𝑇𝑠 − 𝑇1 = 𝑇2 (1 − ⃗ 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜃 + ) 𝑇𝑠 )
𝑉 (26)
√3 3
⃗ should be a circular (as shown in Fig. 5) while maintaining pure sinusoidal output line–to-
The trajectory of voltage vector 𝑉
line voltages. Time duration for the active vectors are kept constant throughout the operation and the zero vector time is
conveniently placed depending upon the angle of the space vector (T Z is decreased when the length of the output voltage vector is
increased). Maximum output line-to-line voltage is obtained when the voltage vector trajectory becomes an inscribed circle of the
hexagon and 𝑉 ⃗ becomes √3/2. )

Fig. 6 Switching pattern of VSI for sector-I

This limitation of the length of the active vector affects the smooth operation of loads like motor drives where overdrive is
desired. Fig. 6 shows the construction of the symmetrical pulse pattern for a switching period (T s). Here, Ts=1/fs (fs = switching
frequency) is the switching time. The null time has been conveniently distributed in the start and end of the switching cycle to
describe the symmetrical pulse widths. This type of symmetrical pulse pattern gives minimal output harmonics.
In over-modulation, the reference vector follows a circular trajectory that extends the bounds of the hexagon. Hence the
boundary of the linear modulation and over-modulation is a hexagon. Portions of the circle inside the hexagon utilize the same
Equations for determining state times T1, T2 and TZ. However, the portions of the circle outside the hexagon are limited by the
boundaries of the hexagon, and the corresponding time states could be found from,
√3 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃
𝑇1 = 𝑇𝑠 ( )
√3 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃 + 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃
2 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃
𝑇2 = 𝑇𝑠 ( )
√3 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃 + 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃
𝑇𝑍 = 𝑇𝑠 − 𝑇1 − 𝑇2 (27)
The maximum modulation index (M) for SVM is √3/2. For the 0 ≤ M ≤ 1, inverter operates in a normal SVM, and for
M ≥√3⁄2, the inverter operates completely in the six-step output mode. Six step operation, switches the inverter only to six active
vectors, thereby minimizing the number of switching at a time. For 1 ≤ M ≤2⁄√3, the inverter operates in over-modulation, which
is normally used as a transition step from the SVM techniques into six-step operation. Although over-modulation allows more
utilization of the DC input voltage than the linear mode, it results in non-sinusoidal voltages with a high degree of distortion,
especially at a low output frequency.
All the traditional PWM schemes could be used to control the Z-source inverter with proper modifications and their theoretical
input–output relationships still good. When the DC voltage is high enough to generate desired AC voltage, the conventional


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PWM inverter is used. In every switching cycle, two non-shoot-through zero states are used along with two adjacent active states
to synthesize the desired voltage.
While the DC voltage is not enough to directly generate a desired output voltage, a modified PWM with shoot-through zero
states would be used to boost the DC link voltage. For a three phase voltage source inverter, both continuous switching (e.g.,
cantered SVM) and discontinuous switching are possible with each having its own unique null placement at the start and end of a
switching cycle and an optimum harmonic spectrum.
The Table 1 lists the fifteen switching states of a three phase Z-source inverter. In addition to the six active and two null states
associated with a conventional voltage source inverters [10], the Z-source inverter has seven shoot-through states representing the
short circuiting of a phase leg b (shoot-through states E1 to E3), two phase-legs (shoot-through states E4 to E6) or all three
phase-legs (shoot-through state E7). With three state transitions, three equal interval shoot-through states (T0/3) could be added
immediately adjacent to the active states per switching cycle. This preferred state sequence and placement of shoot-through states
are shown in the Fig. 3, where the middle shoot-through state is symmetrically placed above the original switching instant.
Table I Switching table of three phase Z-source inverter
State Switching Output Voltage S1 S3 S5 S2 S4 S6
Active 100 Non Zero 1 0 0 0 1 1
Active 110 Non Zero 1 1 0 0 0 1
Active 010 Non Zero 0 1 0 1 0 1
Active 011 Non Zero 0 1 1 1 0 0
Active 001 Non Zero 0 0 1 1 1 0
Active 101 Non Zero 1 0 1 0 1 0
Null 000 Zero 0 0 0 1 1 1
Null 111 Zero 1 1 1 0 0 0
Shoot-thrgh E1 Zero 1 1 S3 0 S5 0
Shoot-thrgh E2 Zero S1 *S1 1 1 S5 *S5
Shoot-thrgh E3 Zero S1 *S1 S3 *S3 1 1
Shoot-thrgh E4 Zero 1 1 1 1 S5 *S5
Shoot-thrgh E5 Zero 1 1 S3 *S3 1 1
Shoot-thrgh E6 Zero S1 *S1 1 1 1 1
Shoot-thrgh E7 Zero 1 1 1 1 1 1

*Sx is complement of Sx
The active states (100) and (110) are left/right shifted accordingly by (T o/6) with their time intervals kept constant, and the
remaining two shoot-through states are inserted last within the null intervals, immediately adjacent to the left of the first state
transition and to the right of the second transition. This way of sequencing inverter states also ensures a single device switching at
all transitions, and allows the use of only shoot-through states E1, E2, and E3. The other shoot-through states could not be used
since they require the switching of at least two phase-legs at every transition.

Fig. 7 switching pattern for three phase Z-source inverter (sector I)

The state sequence and placement of shoot-through states in Fig. 7 could similarly be generated through carrier based
implementation. Starting with a set of three phase sinusoidal signals (va, vb and vc) and noting that the first VSI transition is
triggered by the intersection of the falling carrier with V max=max(va, vb, vc), the modified references for inserting the first shoot-
through state E1. Vmax(sp) is for inserting shoot-through state E1 by turning ON the upper (odd-numbered) switch of the relevant
phase-lag at prior to (T0/6) , while Vmax(sn) is for ending the shoot-through by turning OFF the lower (even numbered) switch


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at(T0/6)earlier. In the same way, second and third VSI transitions are triggered by V mid=mid(va, vb, vc) and Vmin=min(va, vb, vc)
respectively. The traditional reference voltages could be represented by the expressions,
𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝑠𝑝) = 𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 + 𝑉𝑜𝑓𝑓 + 𝑇 (28)
𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝑠𝑛) = 𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 + 𝑉𝑜𝑓𝑓 + (29)
𝑉𝑚𝑖𝑑(𝑠𝑝) = 𝑉𝑚𝑖𝑑 + 𝑉𝑜𝑓𝑓 + (30)
𝑉𝑚𝑖𝑑(𝑠𝑛) = 𝑉𝑚𝑖𝑑 + 𝑉𝑜𝑓𝑓 − (31)
𝑉𝑚𝑖𝑛(𝑠𝑝) = 𝑉𝑚𝑖𝑛 + 𝑉𝑜𝑓𝑓 − (32)
𝑉𝑚𝑖𝑛(𝑠𝑛) = 𝑉𝑚𝑖𝑛 + 𝑉𝑜𝑓𝑓 − 𝑇 (33)
(sp,sn) (1, 4), (3, 6), (5, 2)
where T=To/Ts shoot-through duty ratio and sp and sn are switches connected in positive DC rail and negative DC rail
respectively and Voff represents the tripled offset needed for implementing cantered SVM.
The active state (100) is left shifted by (T 0/6) and the other active state (110) is right-shifted by (T0/6) to insert the middle
shoot-through for the duration (T0/3). While shifting the active states towards the traditional zero states, the length of the each
traditional zero state (000) and (111) is reduced by (T 0/2). Remaining two shoot-through states are inserted before and after the
active states (100) and (110) respectively. Since the shoot-through time is acquired from the traditional zero time periods, the
length of the traditional zero state is reduced to (T Z/2-T0/2). It should be noted that each phase leg still switches ON and OFF once
per switching cycle. Without changing the total active state time interval, shoot-through zero states are evenly allocated into each
phase. That is, the active states are unchanged. However, the equivalent DC link voltage to the inverter is boosted because o f the
shoot-through states. It is noticeable here that, the equivalent switching frequency viewed from the Z-source network is six times
the switching frequency of the main inverter, which greatly reduces the required inductance size of the Z-source network.
The power captured by the wind turbine is converted into electrical power by PMSG and it is transmitted to the grid through
diode rectifier, ZSI and three phase voltage source inverter. Inductance L 1 and L2 in the Z- source inverter is 1500 µH, 15A and
capacitor C1 and C2 are 2200µF,900V. Switching frequency is 15 kHz. Fig. 8 shows the SIMULINK model of ZSI with
DRPMSG. The three phase sinusoidal PMSG is modeled in dq reference frame and choose the resistance as 2.875 ohm and
inductance as 8.5 mH.

Fig. 8 Overall Simulink model


ISSN: 1748-0345 (Online) www.tagajournal.com

Fig. 9 Phase & Line voltages A, B, C before filter

Fig. 10 Phase voltage before and after filter, line voltage before and after filter and line current before transformer

Fig. 11 DC link voltage and current Fig. 12 Z-source capacitor voltages (Vc1)

Fig. 9 shows the phase & Line voltages for three phases A, B and C before output LC filter and the voltage is 360 volts & 450
Volts respectively peak to peak. Fig. 10 shows the Phase voltage before and after filter, line voltage before and after filter and line
current before transformer, these voltage and currents are 140 volts, 230 volts and 1.7 amps respectively. Fig. 11 shows the DC
link voltage and current, which are 490 volts and 35 Amps and Fig. 12 shows the Z-Source capacitor voltages (Vc1).
The performance of ZSI with DRPMSG is validated using the hardware setup as shown in Fig. 13. The specification of
hardware components used to implement the test rig of ZSI is shown in Table 2.
Table II Components specification of experimental test rig
Name of the component Specification
Inductance L1 and L2 in the Z- source 1500 μH, 15A, ferrite core inductor
Capacitance C 1 and C2 in the Z-source 2200 μF,900 V, electrolytic capacitor
SKM 50 GB 12T 4, 1200 V,50 A,
Switching frequency 20 kHz,3 chips available
Voltage sensor LV-25-P
Current sensor LTS-25-NP
Switching frequency 15 kHz


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Fig. 13 Test rig of DRCRPMSG with Z- source inverter

A. Rotor 1 is running
Table III Experimental results when rotor 1 is running
Rotor 1 Speed (rpm) Phase Voltage (V) Frequency (Hz)
300 72 10
600 138 20
900 202 30

Now the rotor 2 is kept stationary and rotor 1 is rotated with prime mover 1. The observations are given as Table 3.

Fig. 14 Phase & Line voltage of phase A

B. Rotor 2 is running
The rotor 1 is kept stationary and rotor 2 is alone-rotated with the help of prime mover 2. The observations are given as
Table 4. Now when both the rotors are rotated simultaneously in opposite direction with the help of two prime movers, the
phase voltage gets doubled for the same speed on each rotor thus reducing the cut in speed. The observations are as shown in
Table 5.
Table IV Experimental results when rotor 2 is running
Rotor 2 (rpm) Phase Voltage (V) Frequency (Hz)
300 72 10
600 134 19
900 196 29

Fig. 14 shows the Phase & Line voltage of phase ‘A’ after the Z- Source inverter, Fig. 19 shows the DC link voltage before
the Z-Source. Fig. 15 shows the DC Link voltage and Line current before step-up transformer connected to the grid. Fig. 16
shows the Z-Source capacitor voltage (Vc1), and the Phase voltage of phase ‘A’ after the filter (before the transformer).


ISSN: 1748-0345 (Online) www.tagajournal.com

Table V Experimental results of two rotors rotated at the same time

Rotor 1 Speed Rotor 2 Speed Phase Voltage on Phase Voltage Frequency on no Frequency
(rpm) (rpm) no load (V) on load (V) load (Hz) on load (Hz)
300 300 140 138 20 20
450 450 200 192 30 29
300 600 200 194 30 29

Fig. 15 DC Link Voltage and Line Current

Fig. 21 Z-source capacitor voltage (Vc1) and Phase voltage of phase ‘A’ after the filter (before the transformer)

Thus the ZSI offers the advantage of boosting the DC source voltage in the DC link, which is a highly attractive solution for
variable speed PMSG where the generator voltage is low and the load demand voltage is high. Wind speed is below the cut-in
speed in most of the remote locations where other sources of energy cannot be utilized effectively for a long period. So, Wind
Farms cannot be installed in those places. There is a possibility of generation of power by the wind farms if the cut-in speed can
be reduced to a greater extent. This proposed system provides a solution for generation of power in wind mill through a special
machine which can generate even in lower cut-in speeds. So this system can be put to use in all remote areas for local power
generation and utilization. This innovative idea could possibly be the ideal solution for the ever-growing power scarcity in India.

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