Sanitary Specifications - RD

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SECTION SPGR - Sanitary & Plumbing General Requirements

SECTION SW - Sanitary Works

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This section applies to all sections of the specifications of the Sanitary & Plumbing System


A. The term Contractor under these specifications shall mean the Sanitary & Plumbing
Contractor who shall enter into a contract with the Owner in respect to the Sanitary &
Plumbing Works.

B. The work to be done consist of the fabrication and furnishing of all equipment, materials,
labor, supervision, plant facilities, tools, tests, adjustments, commissioning, full
instruction after completing the job to the maintenance personnel, warranty within the
specified period, and all other necessary services to complete and make operational the
Sanitary & Plumbing Works.

C. All work shall be in accordance with the governing Codes and Regulations and
Specifications. In case of conflict, the governing Codes and Regulations shall govern.

D. The contract drawings and specifications are complementary to each other, and any
labor or materials called for by either, whether or not called for by both, if necessary, for
the successful operation of any of the particular type of equipment furnished and
installed will be without additional cost to the owner.

All dimensional locations of fixtures, drains, riser and pipe chase shall be verified on
the architectural drawings and manufacturers catalogue.

In cases where there are conflicts between the drawings and the specifications, the
contractor shall within three (3) days, inform the Engineer of such conflicts.

E. Minor details not specifically mentioned in the Bid Documents, but necessary for the
proper installation and operation, shall be provided by this Contractor, as if herein
specified or shown.

F. This Contractor is advised to examine all documents relating to his work and verify all
governing conditions prior to submission of proposal. No consideration shall be given for
alleged mistakes in the preparation of bids, it being understood that the submission of
proposal is an agreement to all conditions stipulated in the Bid Documents.

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G. The plumbing contractor is required to refer to all architectural, structural, mechanical and
electrical plans and specifications, and shall investigate all possible interference and
conditions affecting his work.

H. It is the intention of these specifications and plans to call for finished work, tested and
ready for operation. Whenever the word “provide” is used, it shall mean “furnish and
install, complete and ready to use”.

I. These specifications are intended to provide a broad outline of the required installation,
but are not intended to include all detail design and construction. This Contractor, if
requested, shall prepare the necessary submittals for Plumbing/Sanitary Consultant’s
approval prior to mass fabrication and installation.

J. Electrical system is not included in this division but the Plumbing Contractor will provide
all facilities and make provisions for the installation of the work as construction

K. The mechanical works shall be supplemented in accordance with the Owner’s general
construction schedule with minimum disturbance to the Owner’s operations.


The work includes providing new sanitary & plumbing systems for the 18 – STOREY
RESIDENTIAL BLDG.. The equipment, materials installation, workmanship, inspection and
testing shall be in strict accordance with the required advisory provisions of the Plumbing Code of
the Philippines except as modified herein. The work includes the following:

A. Sanitary drains from the building and their connections to the point of discharge as shown
in the plans.

B. Roof to ground storm drainage system and connections to storm drainage system as shown
in the plans.
C. Soil, waste and vent pipe system within the building.

D. Air-con, Fan coil unit drain pipes, and their connections to the nearest drain pipes.

E. Plumbing, trims and accessories.

F. Water distribution pipe system, including pipings for water heater within the building.

G. Payments for all permit incidental to the completion of the project.

H. The contractor shall provide all necessary shop drawings and as-built plans.

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I. Provide water meter calibration certificate from authorized government agency (NWRB)
and MWSS connections as shown in the plans.

J. All other works described in other sections of this document necessary for the completion of
this contract.


The following work or materials in conjunction with the work to be done or installed by

a. Water for construction purposes other than required in this division and temporary toilet

b. Pumping, shoring, general excavations and backfill.

c. Painting, except as required by the Plumbing Code and these specifications.

d. Conduits for electrodes to pump control panel.


Prior to installation, submit data for approval showing that the Contractor has successfully
installed sanitary and plumbing system, and equipment of the same type and design as specified
herein, or that he has a firm contractual agreement with a contractor having such required experience.
The data shall include the names and locations of at least two installations where the
Contractor or the Contractor referred to above, has installed such systems. Indicate the type and
design of each system and certify that each system has performed satisfactorily in the manner
intended for a period of not less than 18 months.


Submit shop drawings, manufacturer’s data and certificates for equipment, materials and
finish, and pertinent details for each system as specified in each individual section, and obtain
approval from the Engineer before procurement, fabrication, or delivery to the job site. Approval of
submittal shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of inspecting such material or
equipment for defects or non-conforming with the specifications. Partial submittals are not
acceptable and will be returned without review. Submittals shall included the manufacturer’s name,
trade name, catalog model or number, nameplate data, size, layout dimensions, capacity, project
specification and paragraph reference, applicable, industry, and technical society publication
references, years of satisfactory service, and other information necessary to establish contract
compliance of each item the Contractor proposes to provide. Photographs of existing installations
and data submitted in lieu of catalog data are not acceptable and will be returned without approval.

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A. Shop Drawings: Floor plan, sectional views, wiring diagrams, equipment spaces
identifying and indicating proposed location, layout and arrangement of items of
equipment, accessories, piping, and other items that must be shown to assure a coordinated
installation. Drawings shall indicate adequate clearance for operation, maintenance, and
replacements of operating equipment devices. If equipment is disapproved, drawings shall
be revised to show acceptable equipment and be resubmitted.

B. Manufacturer’s Data: Submittals for each manufactured item shall be manufacturer’s

descriptive literature of catalogued products, equipment drawings, diagrams, performance
and characteristic curves, and catalog cuts.

C. Manufacturer’s Installation/Instructions: Where installation procedures or any part thereof

are required to be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of the
material being installed, printed copies of these recommendation shall be furnished prior to
installation. Installation of the item will not be allowed to proceed until the
recommendations are received. Failure to furnish these recommendations can be a cause
for rejection of the material.

1. Within fifteen (15) days after award of contract, the Plumbing Contractor shall submit
for the Engineer’s approval four (4) copies of all complete list of manufacturer’s name
of all materials he proposes to use.

2. After approval of the above list and before purchase of any equipment or materials, the
Plumbing Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval four (4) complete sets of
detailed information consisting of manufacturers bulletins, shop drawings and part list
of the materials to be provided under this contract.

3. The Plumbing Contractor shall assume the cost of and the entire responsibility of any
change in the work as shown in the contract drawings which may be occasioned by
approval of materials other than those specified.


Furnish an operation and maintenance manual as required for each item of equipment as
specified in each individual section. Furnish 4 copies of the manual bound in hardback binders of an
approved equivalent. Furnish one complete manual to the Engineer for review and approval within
90 calendar days after the equipment is approved, but at least 60 calendar days prior to field
acceptance testing of the equipment or system. Furnish the remaining manuals at least 60 calendar
days before the contract is complete. Inscribe the following identification on the cover: the words
OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL, the name and location of the equipment or the
building and the name of the Contractor. The manual shall include the names, addresses, and
telephone numbers of each contractor installing equipment, and of the local representatives for each
item of equipment. The manual shall have a table of contents and be assembled to conform to the
table of contents with the tab sheets of drawings folded in. The manual shall include wiring and

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control diagrams with data to explain detailed operation. The parts list for equipment shall indicate
the sources of supply, recommended spare parts, and the service organization, which is reasonably
convenient to the project site. The manual shall have complete information on the controls,
accessories, and associated appurtenances provided.


Furnish approved operating instructions for each system and principal item of equipment as
specified in each individual section for the use of the operation and maintenance personnel. The
operating instructions shall include wiring diagrams, control diagrams, and control sequence for each
principal item of equipment. Operating instructions shall be printed or engraved, and shall be framed
under glass or in approved laminated plastic and posted were directed. Operating instructions shall
be attached to or posted adjacent to each principal item of equipment and include directions for start-
up, proper adjustment, operating lubrication, shutdown, safety precautions, procedure in the event of
equipment failure, and other areas as recommended by the manufacturer of each item of equipment.


Equipment and materials shall be handled, stored, and protected to prevent damage before
and during installation in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Damaged or
defective items shall be replaced.


A. Materials and equipment shall be standard products of a manufacturer regularly engaged

in the manufacture of such products, which are of similar material, design and
workmanship. The standard products shall have been in satisfactory commercial or
industrial use for two years prior to bid opening.

B. Service support: The equipment items shall be supported by service organizations. The
Contractor shall submit a certified list of qualified permanent service organizations for
support of the equipment that includes their addresses and qualifications. These service
organizations shall be reasonably convenient to the equipment installation and able to
render satisfactory service to the equipment on a regular and emergency basis during the
warranty period of the contract.

C. Manufacturer’s Nameplate: Each item of equipment shall have a nameplate bearing the
manufacturer’s name, address, model number, and serial number, securely affixed in a
conspicuous place; the nameplate of the distributing agent will not be acceptable.


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A. Belts, pulleys, chains, gears, couplings, projecting setscrews, keys rotating parts, and other
power transmission apparatus, located so that any person can come in close proximity
thereto, shall be fully located or properly guarded. Points of operation, ingoing nip points,
and machinery producing flying chips and sparks shall be guarded.


a. All plumbing works to be done and sizes of pipes to be used shall be in accordance with
the following:
 National Plumbing Code of the Philippines
 Philippine National Building Code
 Regulations of Local Waterworks & Sewerage Authority

b. The Plumbing Contractor shall verify the above paragraphs with each section of the
specifications and coordinate his work so that the General Contractor will understand
clearly the intent of the work to be done.


After completion, but before final acceptance of the work, furnish a complete set of drawings
of each system for record purposes. Drawings shall be reproducible and shall be in reduced size.
Drawing size shall be 24” x 36”.



The work throughout shall be executed in the best and most thorough manner to the
satisfaction of the Architect and Engineers, who will jointly interpret the meaning of the
Drawings and Specifications and shall have the power to reject any work and materials which
in their judgement, are not in full accordance therewith.

The Contractor shall assume unit responsibility and shall provide the services of the qualified
Engineer to supervise the complete installation of equipment and systems and who shall be
available for conducting the final acceptance test.


Equipment, materials, installation and workmanship shall be in accordance with the

applicable standard of the National Plumbing Code of the Philippines.

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The Project Manager and Engineer shall witness formal test and approve all systems before
they are accepted by the Owner.

* * * END OF SECTION * * *



All materials to be used shall conform with the standards specified. All classes listed are not
necessarily required for this project. Of classes listed, only those specifically called for under sections
of this Division or shown shall be provided.

Use of materials shall further be governed by other requirements imposed on other sections of
this specification. Materials shall be subject to test necessary to ascertain their fitness if the Engineer
so requires.


Use of any material not specified in these specifications may be allowed, provided such
alternate has been approved by the Engineer, and provided further that a test, if required, shall be
done by an approved agency in accordance with the generally accepted standards.

The plate numbers herein given are intended to illustrate the quality and design of fixtures
that will be required. Plumbing fixtures may be considered of equivalent quality but any
substitution made to any item of fixtures specified herein must be first approved by the

Locally manufactured plumbing fixtures shall be provided with U.S. manufactured fittings
and accessories.


Each length of pipe, fittings, traps, fixtures and devices used in the plumbing system shall
have cast, stamped or indelibly marked on it the manufacturer’s trademark or name, the weight, type
and classes of products when so required by the standards mentioned.

All materials and equipment mentioned in this specification, including all incidental items not
specifically indicated but required to complete the contract shall be new and free from defects. If

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damaged during the course of construction, it shall be repaired or replaced as directed by the Project
Manager at no additional cost to the Owner.

a. ASTM A-120-76 Galvanized Iron Pipes

ANSI Standard B-36 and Fittings
Schedule 40 approved equal )

b. Federal Specs. Bronze Gate Valves

WW-V-58 (for sizes (FIVALCO, KITZ, TOZEN or
2 1/2” and smaller) approved equal )

c. Federal Specs. Lead Sheet


d. AWWA C500-58 (for Gate Valves

sizes 3” and larger) (FIVALCO, KITZ or approved equal )

e. AWWA C700-64, Water Meter ( SYNERGY, BADGER,

Positive Displacement Type or approved equal )

f. U.S. Federal Union Patents (Malleable

Specs. WW-U-531, Iron for ferrous pipes)
Types B Zinc-coated

g. ASTM D2729 PVC Orange Pipes and Fittings

Series 1000, High Impact [Horizontal
or approved equal )

h. ASTM D2564 Solvent Cement or Rubber

O-Ring Jointing of uPVC

i. ASTM A888 Cast Iron Soil Pipes and Fittings

CISPI Standard 301 [Vertical Pipe] (TYLER, TIGER
Federal Specs. WW-P-401E or approved equal)

j. ASTM C 564 No hub coupling (GRIPPER, RELIABLE,

MISSIONor approved equal)

k. ASTM C1277 No hub sealing sleeves

Federal Specs.WW-P-401

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l. DIN 8077 / 8078 Polypropylene Pipes
or approved equal)

m. UL 174 Electric Water Heater, Single-Point type

approved equal)

1.05 CAST IRON PIPES (C.I. PIPE) & FITTINGS [ Vertical Pipes & Main Horizontal Pipes
at Transition Level ]

a. All vertical pipes for soil stack shall be cast iron pipe: CISPI 301-95, ASTM 888-94,
No-Hub Cast Iron Pipes and CISPI 310-95, ASTM C564 for No-Hub Couplings
(TYLER, TIGER or approved equal)

b. All main horizontal collector pipes at transition level such as main soil collector pipe
shall be cast iron pipe: CISPI 301-95, ASTM 888-94, No-Hub Cast Iron Pipes and
CISPI 310-95, ASTM C564 for No-Hub Couplings (TYLER, TIGER, or approved

1.06 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE (uPVC ORANGE) [ Vertical / Horizontal Pipes ]

a. Pipe material and fittings equivalent to uPVC Series 1000 High Impact. Unplasticized
rigid (uPVC) pipe and drainage pattern fittings or equal. (EMERALD, MOLDEX,
CROWN or approved equal)

b. Solvent cement joint or rubber-o-ring.

c. All vertical pipes such as downspout, vent stack, and ahu/fcu stack shall be uPVC pipe
Series 1000 High Impact.

d. All horizontal branch pipes at every floor levels (except for the main horizontal
collector pipes at transition level) such as soil collector pipe, main & circuit vent,
ahu/fcu collector pipe, and storm drain collector pipe shall be uPVC pipe Series 1000
High Impact.


a. Provide 20mm (3/4”) thick rubber type insulation for all condensate drain pipes exposed
inside the ceiling and pipe chase. (ARMAFLEX, AEROFLEX, ECOOFLEX or approved


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a. Cold Waterline 100mmØ and below: ( POLYMUTAN, VESBO)
 Polypropylene-Random (PP-R) Pipes, PN-20
 Pipes and Fittings: Polypropylene-Random (PP-R) Pipes and Fittings
 Jointing: PP fusion welded connection
 Fittings: Brass/PP threaded fittings
 Working Pressure: 20 Bar (300 psi)
 Bursting Pressure: 1500 psi
b. Hot Waterline 100mmØ and below: ( POLYMUTAN, VESBO)
 Polypropylene-Random (PP-R) Pipes, PN-20
 Pipes and Fittings: Polypropylene-Random (PP-R) Pipes and Fittings
 Jointing: PP fusion welded connection
 Fittings: Brass/PP threaded fittings
 Working Pressure: 20 Bar (300 psi)
 Bursting Pressure: 1500 psi
c. Waterline Pipes 150mmØ and above: (SUPREME, SOUTHERN PIPE or approved equal)
 all waterlines 150mmØ and up, exposed to sunlight and outside the building shall be
G.I. Pipe schedule 40.
 Pipe material shall conform to ASTM or ANSI A-120-76 seamless or electric
resistance welded (ERW) hot dipped zinc coated.
 Fittings, Pipe Sizes and Weights
1. Cold water service up to 3 in., 125 lbs. screwed malleable iron.
2. For pipe sizes above 3 in., 150 lbs., slip on flange.


a. Provide 20mm (3/4”) thick rubber type insulation for all condensate drain pipes
exposed inside the ceiling and pipe chase. (ARMAFLEX, AEROFLEX, ECOOFLEX
or approved equal).


a. Provide flexible unicellular, 40mm (1 & 1/2”) thick insulation for all hot water pipes.
(ARMAFLEX, AEROFLEX, ECOOFLEX or approved equal).

a. Gate valves of branches to supply fixtures shall be 125 psig. ( FIVALCO,
KITZ or approved equal )

b. Valves up to and including two inches shall be threaded ends connection with a union
on all but one side of the valve, rough bodies and finished trimmings.

c. Valves 2 ½ in. diameter and below shall have bronze or brass body, brass mounted &
shall have either screw or flanged end connections.

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d. Valves 3” in. diameter and larger shall have iron bodies, brass or stainless rubber seated
and shall have either screws or flanged end connection.



1. 75 mm and larger gate Non- Iron Flanged AWWA

valves, inside boxes Rising With C500-59
(200 psi working Rubber
pressure) Seat

2. 75 mm and larger check -do- Flanged AWWA

valves (200 psi working C-500-59

3. 65mm and smaller gate Non- All Female Federal

valves inside boxes Rising bronze Threaded Specs
(200 psi working pressure) WW-V-58

4. 65mm and smaller - -do- -do- -do-

check valves (200 psi
working pressure)

5. 65mm and smaller Rising -do- -do- UL

globe valves (200 psi Approved
working pressure)

6. 75 mm and larger gate -do- Iron Flanged AWWA

valves exposed (200 psi with C-500-59
working pressure) Rubber

7. 65mm and smaller gate -do- All Female Federal

valves, (200 psi bronze Threaded Specs
working pressure) WW-V-58


a. Screwed Galvanized Steel Pipe:

1. A-120 pipe use Class 125 galvanized cast iron flanges and ASTM A-307 Grade B
bolts and nuts hexagonal semi-finished finish.
2. Full flat face non-metallic impregnated asbestos gaskets.

b. Provide unions at each threaded or soldered connections to equipment, and

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valves for pipes sizes up to 2 in.


a. PVC Fittings - PVC Compound.
b. G.I. - Teflon Tape

1.14 DRAINS: ( EUROBRASS, METMA or approved equal)

a.Drain: Provide cast-iron drains and clamping rings for use with membrane

b.Flush Strainer Floor Drains: Provide with drainage flange, perporated

or slotted stainless strainer, with insect-trap (check valve mechanism to prevent insect
to enter from the drain pipe) adjustable collar and
P-trap. Drains of size 50mm shall have strainers with minimum free area of 32 square

c.Extended Rim Floor Drains: Provide as specified for flush strainer floor
drains, except strainer body shall have 25mm extended rim installed
flush with finished floor.

d.Roof Drains: Provide stainless (preferred) or hot-dip galvanized cast-iron

drains, with minimum of 250mm diameter body, non-puncture flashing clamp device
with integral gravel stop and deck clamp, and removable cast-iron or polypropylene
locking dome. Free area of dome shall be not less than two times the free area of drain
outlet. Provide drain flashing ring seat flush with adjacent roof deck, and secure
rigidly in place with deck clamp.

e.Floor Drain with Free Standing Sediment Bucket: Provide with hinge grate,
locking device and sediment bucket with lift bar.

1.15 TRAPS

a. Traps installed on threaded pipe shall be recessed drainage pattern.

b. No trap which depends for its seal on the action of movable parts shall be used, full S-
traps, bell traps and crown vented traps are prohibited.

c. Trap Cleanouts: Each fixtures trap except those cast integral or in combination with
fixtures in which the trap seal is readily accessible for if the trap is removable shall have
an accessible brass trap screw of ample size.

d. Underground traps except P-traps on floor drains shall be provided with removable

e. Grease Traps: Submit material for approval.

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