Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 9 Mathematics Lesson 4: X X X X X X

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At the end of the discussion, at least 75% of the students will be able to:
a. recall additional and multiplication;
b. cooperate in the activity involving the sum and product of roots of quadratic
c. find the sum and product of roots of the given quadratic equation.


Topic: The sum and the product of roots of a quadratic equation
Reference: Mathematics 9 Learners Material, page 66-67
Material: Chalk, book and visual aids
Values Integration: Cooperation and activeness


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, ma’am

2. Prayer
Everybody stand up for a prayer ( The students will stand up and pray)

3. Checking of Attendance
(the teacher will check the attendance)

4. Review
Do you still remember how to add and
Yes ma’am

Very good! Now, Let’s have a short test

of your memory

What is? (The student will answer)

1. 7 + 5 =? 1.) 7 + 5 = 12
2. -9 + 14 =? 2.) -9 + 14 = 5
3. -6 + (-17) =? 3.) -6 + (-17) = -23
4. (8) (15) =? 4.) (8) (15) = 120
5. (-4) (7) =? 5.) (-4) (7) = -28

Very good!

So, what is x 1 + x 2 , if x 1 = 3 and x 2 = 3 x 1 + x 2 = 3+3 = 6

Very good!

What is ( x 1) ( x 2) if x 1 = 3, and x 2 = 3 ( x 1) ( x 2) = (3) (3) = 9

Very good!

B. Lesson Proper
a. Activity
Now, let’s divide the class into two

All number one (1) stand up. At a count (Do the instruction)
of five (5), go to your left side. silently

All number two (2) stand up. At a count (Do the instruction)
of five (5), go to your left side. silently

Select a representative from your (Select the representative and then the
respective group to come in front and selected representative will come in front to
get your worksheet get the worksheet)

Now, go back to your respective groups. (Go back to their respective groups)

This activity is good for 10 minutes. Your (Starts answering the worksheet)
time starts now.

“Content of the worksheet per group”

Group 1 worksheet
Equation: x 2 + 7x = 12 = 0
1. What is the value of a, b, c in the
a=____ b= ____ c = ____

2. Determine the roots of the quadratic

equation using any method.
x 1 = ____ x 2 = ____

3. What is the sum of the roots?

4. What is the product of the roots?

Group 2 worksheet
Equation: 2 x 2-3x-20 = 0
1. What is the value of a, b, c in the
a=____ b= ____ c = ____

2. Determine the roots of the quadratic

equation using any method
x 1 = ____ x 2 = ____

3. What is the sum of the roots?

4. What is the product of the roots?

b. Analysis
Now, let’s answer number 1 which is the
equation of group 1

Anybody from group 1, what is the

Quadratic equation of x 2 + 7x = 12 = 0
Values of a, b, c is a = 1, b = 7, c = 12
Roots x 1 = 4, x 2 = -3
Sum -7
Product 12

Is the answer of group 1 correct? Yes ma’am.

Yes, it is correct. Very good.

Now, let’s check the answer of group 2.
Anybody from group 2, what is the
Quadratic equation of 2 x 2 - 3x - 20 = 0
Values of a, b, c is a = 2, b = -3, c = -20
Roots x 1 = 4, x 2 = -5/2
Sum 3/2
Product -10

Is the answer of group 2 correct? Yes ma’am.

Yes, it is correct. Very good.

c. Abstraction
From the activity that you had a while
The sum and the product of roots of quadratic
ago. What do you think is something
new today?

d. Application
With the same group, we’ll have a short
game, what you’re going to do is to
determine the roots of the quadratic
using any method and determine the
sum and the product of the roots. The
group who can answer first will won the
round. This game will have two rounds
and you’ll answer each round for 3
minutes. You can select 3
representatives from your group to
answer on the board. Each round must
have different representative.

(The teacher will raise the equation)

(expected answer from the group)
1. x – 9x + 20 = 0 x 2 – 9x + 20 = 0 x 1 = 5 sum: 5+4 = 9
(x-5) (x-4) = 0 x 2 = 4 product: (5) (4) = 20
2. x 2+5x+4 = 0 x 2+5x+4 = 0 x 1 = -4 sum: -4 + (-1) = -5
(x+4) (x+1) = 0 x 2 = -1 product: (-4) (-1) = 4

Very good class

Are there any clarifications? None so far, ma’am.

IV. Evaluation
Get ½ crosswise
(The teacher will post what the students (The students will start answering)
are going to do)

“Content of the posted material on the

Determine the values of a, b, and c; the
roots using quadratic formula; the sum
and the product of the roots. For 5
minutes only
Equation: 4 x 2– 3x – 1 = 0; and
5 x 2– 9x – 8 = 0

V. Agreement
Study in advance on page 69-76 the sum
and product of the roots of quadratic

Goodbye class! Goodbye and thank you, Ma’am Joan!

Prepared By:



At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to:

a. Recall similar and dissimilar fractions;
b. Perform addition and subtraction of similar and dissimilar fractions; and
c. Solve routine and non-routine problems involving addition and subtraction of
fractions using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.


Topic: Addition and Subtraction of Similar and Dissimilar Fractions
Reference: Mathematics IV Learners Material, week 6 Quarter 2
MELCs: M4NS-IIg-83, M4NS-IIh-87.1
Material: Chalk, blackboard, and visual aids
Values Integration: Cooperation and activeness


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Prayer
- The teacher will ask someone - Lord we praise and glorify Your Holy
to prayer. Name. We thank You for this wonderful
day that You’ve given us and for another
chance to live, for us to be able to
continuously adore You. Lord God, forgive
every one of us in our sins. We are asking
for Your love, care and guidance for each
and every one of us and for our family and
loved ones. Please give our teacher
wisdom and enough knowledge. Protect us
Lord from all evil deeds. All these in Your
Mighty Name. Amen.

2. Keeping the Room in Order

- Good morning everyone! - Good morning Ma’am!
- Class before you take your
seats, please see those pieces of
paper and plastics under your
chairs, pick up those up and
arrange your chairs properly in

3. Checking of Attendance
- Is there any absent today? - None, Ma’am.
- Very Good!
4. Collecting the Assignment - Yes, Ma’am.
- Yesterday, I gave you an
assignment, right? (The students will pass their assignment
- Please pass it forward and I will forward.)
check it later.

5. Review of the Previous Lesson

- Yes. Ma’am!
- Last time we discussed the
Similar and Dissimilar Fractions,

- Before we move to our next

lesson let us have first a recap of
the lesson that we had discussed
last time. Now what can you say
about these fractions?

- The first 1 is 1/7

- 3/7


- What do you notice about these

fractions? - these fractions have the same
- Yes, _____? denominator; these are Similar Fractions.
- Very Good!

- How about these fractions?

- Yes, _______? - the first one is 1/9


-Very Good! - These are Dissimilar Fractions because it

- What do you notice with these has the different denominators.

- Very good! You’re still

remember what Similar is, and
Dissimilar Fractions. -

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