EHS Awareness Training Program Module 1

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Awareness & Implementation Training Program On

Environment, Health and Safety

Management System

Mani Kant Singh

(Corporate Quality Audits)
Know Your Trainer
Bachelor of Engineering (Metallurgy) from MREC/MNIT Jaipur (1988)

Certification Bodies served: BSI, TUV- SUD and SAI Global

Lead Auditor and Tutor: ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001

Lead Auditor Competency: ISO 27001

Internal Auditor Competency: TS 16949

Trainer: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 27001, ISO-TS 16949, NDT and
Soft Skills

Total Experience 24 Years.

Industrial Experience 18 years

Auditing Experience 6 Years

1000 Man days audits conducted in India & abroad for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and
OHSAS 18001
EMS, OHSAS & EHS Color Coding


Green Colour Font Red Colour Font


Heading Blue & Sentence Purple Colour

EHS Organisation Structure - ACE Complex

(Mr. MC Agrawal)

Safety Officer
ACE (Mr. Thokchom)

(Maintenance Head)

Shed HR Head

Safety Committee (Staff

2 : Worker 3)
EHS Team - Shed Wise

1) EHS MR Cum Energy Manager Maintenance Head

2) Shed HR Head

3) Production Head


5) Purchase Head
What are EMS & OHSAS?

Environmental Occupational

Health & Safety

Management System Management System

ISO 14001: 2004 OHSAS18001: 2007

Or Just Or Just


Jointly Can Be Called

Environment, Health and Safety

Management System

Or Just

Or Just

What is OHSAS?

Occupational Health and Safety

Assessment Series
Series Are

Older Version- 18001: 1999

Latest Version- 18001: 2007

This is a standard for occupational health and safety

management system against which any organisations
management systems can be assessed & certified.
What is EMS?

Environmental Management System

Standards Are

Older Version- 14001: 1996

Latest Version- 14001: 2004

This is a standard for environmental management system

against which any Organisations management system can
be assessed & certified.
What is Management System?

Management: System:
Coordinated activities to Set of interrelated or
direct and control an interacting elements.

Management System:
System to establish policy and objectives and to
achieve those objectives.
What is Environment, Health & Safety Management System?

Management: Co-ordinated activities to direct and control an organization.

System: Set of interrelated or interacting elements.

Management System: System to establish policy and objectives and to

achieve those objectives.

Environment and occupational health & safety management

system (EHS):
Management System to direct and control an organization with regard to

EMS: Part of an organization's management system used to develop and

implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects.

OHS: Part of an organizations management system used to develop and

implement its OH&S policy and manage its OH&S risks.
Error Proofing Policy,
Corrective Action PLAN Objectives,
Preventive Action Determining Controls


Internal Audit Training,

Incident Investigation Documentation,
Management Review Communication,
Monitoring & Measurements Operational Controls

PLAN Continual Improvement



Continual Improvement?

Deming improvement Wheel / Cycle P - PLAN

D - DO

This is Continual Improvement



What is CA/PA?

Action to eliminate a detected nonconformity.
Example: First Aid, repairing, rework, etc.

Corrective Action?
Action to eliminate the cause of a detected
nonconformity or other undesirable situation.
Example: Diagnosis & treatment.

Preventive Action?
Action to eliminate the cause of a potential
nonconformity or other undesirable potential situation.
Example: Pullovers & Jackets in winters.

Note: Preventive action is taken to prevent occurrence whereas

corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence.

Surroundings in which an organization operates, including: -
air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans,
and their interrelation.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS):

Conditions and factors that affect, or could affect, the health
and safety of employees, other workers, temporary
workers, contractor personnel, Visitors, or any other
person in the Workplace.

Surroundings in the environmental issues extend from

within an organization to the global system.

Workplace any physical location in which work related

activities are performed under the control of the

NOTE: workplace shall include the personnel on job (occupation) who they are
travelling, in transit, driving, flying, on boats, on trains, working at the premises of
a client or customer, or working at home.

Environmental Aspect Hazard

Element of an organization's Source, situation, or act with a

activities or products or services potential for harm in terms of human
that can interact with the injury or ill health, or a combination of
environment. these.

Aspect or Hazard:
Source, situation or act which can
harm our environment, health and
safety can be called Aspect/Hazard.

A place, person, or thing from which something
originates or can be obtained.

Environmental Hazardous Sources:

Hazardous Wastes, Hazardous Effluents, Stack

Emissions, Vehicles Emissions, Freon Gases, etc.

OHS Hazardous Sources:

Chemicals, Acids, Lubricants, Petroleum Storages,

Compressed Gas, Electricity Distribution/ Electrocution,

Surroundings, situated, location/located, conditions,
circumstances. A position of employment i.e. a
post & a place.

Environmental Hazardous Situations:

Working in Reserved Forest, On River Bank, In a

Pesticides Plant, In a Chemical Plant, Old Infrastructure,

OHS Hazardous Situations:

Old Constructed Plant, Gate Opening to Highway, Noise

from Traffic, High Tension Line Overhead and General

To do something, behave in the way specified, serve
the purpose and to take action.

Environmental Hazardous Acts:

Working on Power/Fuel Consuming Equipment, High

Usages of Water in Process, High Use of Stationary,
Misuse of Energy Uncontrolled Activities, etc.

OHS Hazardous Acts:

Working in Confined Space, Working in Thermal/

Pressurized Environment, Working on Height, Working on
HT Lines, Unsafe Working, etc.

Environmental - Impact OHS - Impact

Every aspect has an impact Every hazard has a

on our environment. potentiality to harm our
health & safety
Any change to the environment,
whether adverse or beneficial, Injury or ill health or both of any
wholly or partially resulting from level; either first aid case or
an organization's environmental fatality.

Positive or negative changes to our environment,
health & safety can be called the Impact.

Significant Aspect / Environmental Risk:

Aspects have or can have significant impact(s) on the

environment is called significant environmental aspects / risk.

Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous
event or exposure(s) and the severity of injury or ill health that can
be caused by the event or exposure(s).

Risk = Probability x Severity:

Risk is the combination of probability & severity of injury

/ ill health.

Acceptable Risk:
Risk level (or reduced risk level) which can be
tolerated by an organization considering its legal
obligations and OH&S policy.

ILL Health:
Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition
arising from and/or made worse by a work activity
and/or work-related situation.

Event(s) of injury / ill health / fatality occurred or could have occurred
regard to work but regardless of severity.

Incident / event which has occurred and have given rise to injury / ill health /
fatality called an accident.

Incident / event which has occurred without any injury / ill health / or fatality
may be called near-miss / near-hit / close call / dangerous occurrence.

An emergency situation is a particular type of incident.

Interested Party:

Person or group, inside or outside the workplace, concerned

with or affected by the organizations performance with regard to
Normal Situation:
Activities are happening as per designed process called a
normal situation.

Abnormal Situation:
Activities deviating from the designed process, but still under
control called a abnormal situation.

Emergency Situation:
Activities deviating from the designed process and not under
control called a emergency situation.

Emergency always require external help & support to mitigate

the situation.
4.3 Planning / 4.2 OH&S policy

Overall intentions and direction of an organization.
This is formally expressed by top management.

Top Management:
Person or group of people who directs and controls an organization at the highest level.

Policy shall:
1. be appropriate to the scope,
2. commit to continually improve the EHS performances,
3. commit to prevention of pollution, injury and ill health,
4. commit to comply with applicable legal requirements,
5. commit to comply with other requirements to which the organization subscribes,
6. provide the framework for objectives and targets,
7. be documented, implemented and maintained,
8. be communicated to all persons working for or on behalf of the organization,
9. be available to the interested parties and public, and
10. be reviewed periodically.
4.3.1 Hazard/Aspect Identification

Identification shall cover source, situation and act of

surrounding & workplace including:

1. routine and non-routine activities,

2. activities of all persons including contractors and visitors,
3. human behaviour, capabilities and other human factors,
4. hazards originating from outside to workplace,
5. infrastructure, equipment and materials provided by the
organization or others,
6. changes or proposed changes,
7. any applicable legal obligations relating to EHS, and
8. design of work areas, processes, installations,
4.3.1 Hazard/Aspect Identification

Hazard identification methodology and

risk assessment shall be:

1. proactive rather than reactive; and

2. shall provide prioritization of risks and

application of controls, as appropriate.
4.3.1 Result of Assessment

Significant Aspect:
Aspects have or can have significant impact(s) on
the environment is called significant environmental
aspects / risk.

Not - Acceptable Risk:

Risk level which can not be tolerated by an
organization considering its legal obligations and
OH&S policy.
4.3.1 Applied Controls

Hierarchy of Controls:

1. Elimination,

2. Substitution,

3. Engineering controls,

4. Signage/ warnings/ and/or administrative controls, and

5. Personal protective equipment (PPE).

4.3.1 Applied Action

Elimination & Substitution Engineering/ administrative

controls and PPEs

Management Programs Operational Controls

Objectives Monitoring & Measurements

Monitoring & Measurements Objectives (may be)

Objective: Achievable, Measurable, Responsible, Targeted and

Action Plan.

Who, When and How? SMART

4.3.3 Management Program
Management Program No:

Reference: Aspect/Hazard No:

Risk Level:




4.3.3 Sample MP for Oil Leakage
Management Program No: 11 Program:
Reference: Aspect/Hazard No: 123 1. Quotation call for oil seal= 7- days.
2. PO release= 15- days
Risk Level: 75 3. Incoming= 30- days.
4. Installation= 45- days.
Objective: to reduce oil leakage by 50%. 5. Trial= 60- days.
6. M & M= 80- days.
Target: In next 90- days. 7. MP closure= 90- days.

Responsibility: Maintenance In-charge. Objective Not Achieved.


Objective Achieved= MP closed. New MP may start or operational

controls starts.
Risk Level Reduced= Risk Re-
4.4.6 Operational Controls Procedure
OCP No: 11 Monitoring & Measurement Sheet

Reference: Aspect/Hazard No: 123

2013 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Risk Level: 75 Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat.
Jan. X X
Objective: to have control on oil leakage
by 100%.
Target: On going. Feb.

Responsibility: Production Supervisor

Instructions= Work Instructions
Monitoring Frequency: Weekly.
Measurement Criteria: No spot of oil on Nov.
Measuring Equipment: Visual/ Swab
Test/ dB Meter Dec.
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