Ma Galācarana Prayers: Sung During Shri Ram Katha

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Maṅgalācarana prayers

sung during Shri Ram Katha

By Pujya Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza
13 - 21 Feb. 2021 | 03.30pm – 07.00pm (IST)
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|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza
|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..2..
lokābhi rāmaṃ raṇaraṅgadhīraṃ,
rājīva netraṃ raghuvaṅśanātham II
kāruṇyarūpaṃ karuṇākaraṃ taṃ,
śrī rāmacandraṃ śaraṇaṃ prapadye II
I take refuge in Lord Rāma, who is pleasing to the sight, the master of the
stage of war, lotus-eyed, Lord of the Raghu race and compassion-
personified. (Rāmarakṣastotra)

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..3..

manojavaṃ mārutatulya vegaṃ,
jitendriyaṃ buddhimatāṃ variṣṭham II
vātātmajaṃ vānarayūthamukhyaṃ,
śrī rāmadūtaṃ śaraṇaṃ prapadye II
I take refuge in Hanumāna, who is as fast as the mind, equals His father,
the Wind-God, in speed, is the master of the senses, the foremost
amongst the learned, the leader of the Monkey forces and the great
messenger of Lord Rāma. (Rāmarakṣastotra)

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..4..

śrī rāmacandra bhagavāna kī jaya...
śrī bāla krṣṇa lāla kī jaya...
śrī hanumānajī mahārāja kī jaya...
sadguru bhagavāna kī jaya...
oṃ namaḥ pārva pataye hara hara mahā deva hara...
Glory to Lord Rāmacandra... Glory to Lord Kṛṣṇa...
Glory to Śrī Hanumāna... Glory to the Guru...
Glory to the consort of Pārva , Lord Mahādeva (Śivā)

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..5..

śrī rāma jaya rāma jaya jaya rāma...
śrī rāma jaya rāma jaya jaya rāma...
śrī rāma jaya rāma jaya jaya rāma...
śrī rāma jaya rāma jaya jaya rāma...

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..6..

rāmaṃ lakṣmaṇpūrvajaṃ raghuvaraṃ sitāpa ṃ suṅdaraṃ I
kākutsthaṃ karuṇārṇavaṃ guṇanidhiṃ viprapriyaṃ dhārmikam II
rājendraṃ satyasaṅdhaṃ daśarathatanayaṃ śyāmalaṃ śāṅtamūr ṃ I
vaṅde lokābhi rāmaṃ raghukula lakaṃ, rāghavaṃ rāvaṇārim II

I salute Lord Rāma, who is handsome, the elder brother of Lakṣmaṇa, the husband of
Sitā, the best of the scions of the Raghu race, who is the ocean of compassion, the
stockpile of virtues, the beloved of the Brāhmins and the protector of Dharma, who is
the prac cer of the Truth, the Lord emperor of kings, the son of Daśaratha, dark-
complexioned, the personifica on of peace and tranquility, who is the enemy of
Rāvaṇa, the crown jewel of the Raghu dynasty and the cynosure of all eyes.

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..7..

nīlāmbuja śyāmala komalāṅgaṃ,
sītāsamāro pitavāmabhāgam I
pāṇau mahāsāyaka cārucāpaṃ
namāmi rāmaṃ raghuvaṅśanātham II
I adore Rāma, the Lord of the Raghu race, whose limbs are delicate and
dark as the dark-blue lotus, who has Sitā enthroned on His le side and
who holds in His hands infallible arrows and a graceful bow.
(Ayodhyākānḍa, Rāmacaritamānasa)

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..8..

nānyā spṛhā raghupate hṛִ daye'smadīye I
satyaṃ vadāmi ca bhava nakhilāntarātmā II
bhak ṃ prayaccha raghupuṅgava nirbharāṃ me I
kāmādidoṣa rahitaṃ kuru mānasaṃ ca II
O Raghupa , I declare in truth, and You, too, know the inmost secrets of
all, that there is no other craving in my heart but that You should grant
me perfect devo on, O crest-jewel of the Raghu house, and make my
heart clean of lust and every other sin!
(Sundarakānḍa, Rāmacaritamānasa)

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..9..

atulitabala dhāmaṃ hemaśailābha dehaṃ I
danujavana kṛִ śānuṃ jñāninām agragaṇyam II
sakalaguṇa nidhānaṃ vānarāṇā madhīśaṃ I
raghupa priyabhaktaṃ vātajātaṃ namāmi II
I make obeisance to the Son of the Wind, the home of immeasurable
strength, possessing a body shining like a mountain of gold (Sumeru), a
fire to consume the forest of the demon race, the foremost among the
wise, storehouse of every excellence, the chief of the monkeys,
Raghupa 's noble messenger! (Sundarakānḍa, Rāmacaritamānasa)

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..10..

Śrī Rāma Stu
śrīrāmacandra kṛpālu bhaju mana haraṇa bhavabhaya dāruṇaṃ I
navakaṅja locana kaṅjamukha, kara kaṅja pada kaṅjāruṇaṃ II
kaṅdarpa agaṇita amita chavi, navanīla nīrada suṅdaraṃ I
paṭa pīta mānahu taḍita ruci śuci naumi janakasutāvaraṃ II
bhaju dīnabaṅdhu dineśa dānava daitya vaṅśa nikaṅdanaṃ I
raghunaṅda ānaṅdakaṅda kośalacaṅda daśaratha naṅdanaṃ II
sira mukuta kuṅdala laka cāru udāru aṅgavibhūṣaṇaṃ I
ājānubhuja śara cāpa dhara, saṅgrāma jita kharadūṣaṇaṃ II
i vada tulasīdāsa śaṅkara śeṣa mumi mana raṅjanaṃ I
mana hṛdaya kaṅja nivāsa kuru, kāmādi khala dala ganjanaṃ II

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..11..

O my mind! Revere the kind Lord Rāma, who can remove the fear of
rebirths, who has lotus eyes, a lotus face and lotus feet, red like the
rising sun.
His beauty is immeasurable like Kāmadeva and He is as blue as the
ocean. His yellow clothes convey the strength of lightning. He is the
husband of the pious, virtuous and beau ful daughter of King Janaka.
He is adorned with a crown, earrings and rich jewelry. He has a bow
and arrows in His hands to protect His devotees and win ba les with
evil for their sake.
Lord Śivā, the Saints and the Sages gain delight when they remember
Lord Rāma. Tulasīdāsa prays to Lord Rāma to remove any wickedness
and cruelty that may be le in his heart. (Vinay Patrikā)

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..12..

śrīguru carana saroja raja
nija manu mukura sudhāri I
baraṇau raghubara bimala jasu
jo dāyaku phala cāri II
Having cleansed the mirror of my soul with the dust of the guru's lotus
feet, I describe Raghuvara's spotless glory, the bestower of life's four
fruits. (Hanumāna Cālisā from Vinay Patrikā)

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..13..

maṅgala bhavana amaṅgala hārī
dravau so daśaratha ajira bihārī I
jaya jaya jaya hanumāna gosāī
kṛִ pā karahu gurudeva kī nāī II
Glory, glory, all glory to Hanumāna! Be gracious to me like my own guru.
(Bālakānḍa, Rāmacaritamānasa &
Hanumāna Cālisā from Vinay Patrikā)

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..14..

śrī rāma rāma raghunaṅdana rāma rāma
śrī rāma rāma bharatāgraja rāma rāma I
śrī rāma rāma raṇakarkaśa rāma rāma
śrī rāma rāma śaraṇam bhava rāma rāma II
I surrender to Lord Rāma, who is the delight of the Raghus, elder brother
of Bharata and the tormentor of his enemies in the war.

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..15..

ullaṅghya sindhoḥsalilaṁ salīlaṁ
yaḥśoka vahniṁ janakātmajāyāḥ I
ādāya tenaiva dadāhalaṅkāṁ
namāmi taṁ prānjali rānjaneyam II
Who crossed over the ocean's water in a mere play, and also took the fire
of grief of Janaka's daughter and burnt the city of Lankā by that fire. To
Him, the very Son of Anjana, I offer my obeisance with folded hands.
(Hanumat Kavaca)

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..16..

yatra yatra raghunātha kīrtanaṁ,
tatra tatra kṛta-mastakāṅjalim I
bhāṣpavāri paripūrṇa locanaṁ
māru ṁ namata rākṣasāṅtakaṁ II
Wherever Lord Rāma is sung of, in all those places, Māru (Hanumāna) is
always present with head bent in reverence and folded hands, with eyes
full of tears welled up from devo on. Saluta ons to that Māru , who is
the destroyer of the demons. (Rāmbhujaṅga-prayāta Stotram)

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..17..

Rāmāyaṇa Ār
āra śrīrāmāyanajī kī, kīra kalita lalita siya pī kī
gāvata brahmādika muni nārada bālamīka bijñāna visārada
suka sanakādi seṣa aru sārada barani pavansuta kīra nīkī
gāvata beda purāna aṣṭadasa chaho sāstra saba graṁthana ko rasa
muni jana dhana saṁtana ko sarabasa sāra aṁsa saṁmata sabahī kī
gāvata saṁtata saṁbhu bhavānī aru ghaṭasaṁbhava muni bijñānī
vyāsa ādi kabibarja bakhānī kāgabhusuṅḍī garuḍa ke hī kī
kalimala harani biṣaya rasa phīkī subhaga siṇgāra muk juba kī
dalana roga bhava muri amī kī tāta māta saba bidhi tulasī kī

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..18..

This ār is to the worshipful Rāmāyaṇa which recalls beau fully the greatness,
a ributes, achievements and pas mes of the consort of Sitā (Lord Rāma).

His glories were sung by Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Śivā along with Nārada and other great
and realised souls, including Vālmiīkī. Śuka, Sanaka, Śesha and Sarasva , they all
sang in praises of these beau ful works including the greatness of Hanumāna.

The Rāmāyaṇa is the essence of the Vedās, the purāṇas, śāstras and indeed of all
spiritual texts. It is the very valued possessions of Saints and Sages, whose opinions
and praises are contained in this popular text.

Lord Śivā, Pārva and Vyāsa all recounted me and me again the greatness of the
Rāmāyaṇa. The very essence of the divine feelings of the hearts of Kagabhuṣuṅḍi
and Garuḍa is fully described.

The Rāmāyaṇa destroys all the impuri es of Kaliyuga; it destroys all desires. The
Rāmāyaṇa is the giver of eternal life. It destroys all worldly diseases. For the poet
and devotee Tulasīdāsa, the Rāmāyaṇa is Mother, Father and all rela ons!

|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..19..


The Rāmarakṣastotra was wri en by Śrī Buddhakauśika

The Rāmbhujaṅga-prayāta Stotram was wri en by Ādi Saṅkarācārya
The Rāmacaritamānasa was wri en by Tulasīdāsa
The Dohāvali was wri en by Tulasīdāsa
The Hanumat Kavaca was wri en by unknown
The Ār was wri en by Tulasīdāsa a er comple ng the Rāmacaritamānasa

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|Sandipani Vidyaniketan |Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza ..21..
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Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza

Sandipani Vidyaniketan

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