GST 102 Past Question Answer

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Instructions: Attempt all question in section A & one question in section B. All question in section in section A are to be
answered in the OMR Answer sheet while the question in section B is to be answered using an answer booklet. Do not
forget to write boldly your Department and Reg. No. on the answer booklet

1. The word philosophy was coined from two Greek words (a) Philo & Sophos (b) Philo & Sophist (c) Phila & sopher (d)
Philos & Sophia
2. Philosophy strictly speaking is (a) love of wisdom (b) love of wealth (c) love of power (d) love of justice
3. Two orientation in philosophy are (a) life & death (b) subjectivity and objectivity (c) light & darkness (d) truth &
4. One of these is not a feature of philosophy (a) speculative (b) coherence (c) holistic (d) bitterness
5. The expression “man” know thyself is ascribed to which philosopher? (a) Socrates (b) Plato (c) Aristotle (d) Origin
6. What is the major tool of philosophy? (a) education (b) critical thinking (c) wisdom (d) knowledge
7. The study of philosophy helps us to (a) cultivate ignorance (b) enhance our social status (c) improve our reasoning ability
(d) doubt our faith
8. philosophy has the audacity to question every aspect of knowledge (a) yes (b) No (c) Not always (d) Not at all
9. The word fallacy is derived from the Latin word fallere which means (a) to question (b) to deceive (c) to announce (d)
to listen
10. Fallacies can be classified into kinds or categories (a)2 (b)3 (c)4 (d)5
11. An argument is said to be fallacious when there is a IN such argument. (a) defect (b) progress (c) big word (d) to
12. A lecturer who makes a demand of cash or kind from a student in order to give him/her good grade in exams commit the
fallacy of (a)Appeal to authority (b)Appeal to force or stick (c)Appeal to law (d)Appeal to Logic
13. A student who approaches a lecturer after exam to beg for good grade with the excuse that he had headache while writing
the exam commits the fallacy of (a)Argumentum ad populum (b)Argumentum ad Baculum (c)Argumentum ad
Misericordia (d)Argumentum ad hominem
14. If the lecturer come to you in examination hall and asks: Have you stopped cheating? What should be your answer?
(a)Yes (b) No (c) Yes and No (d) none of the above
15. When a particular word is used in two different senses in an argument, the arguer is guilty of the fallacy of
(a)weak induction (b)Equivocation (c)False cause (d)Argumentum ad ignorantiam
16. If you buy a fake product from a trader with the strong claim that it is original, the trader commits the
fallacy of (a)Complex question (b)False cause (c)Suppressed evidence (d)Hasty generalization
17. A school of thought is from which we look at reality. (a)A perspective (b)An angle (c)An opinion (d)All of the
18. Idealism place primary on (a)Matter (b)Spirit (c)Spirit and matter (d)None of the above
19. Which of the following is an idealist? (a)Plato (b)Rene (c)George Berkley (d)All of the above
20. Materialism is the opposite of (a)Monism (b)Dualism (c)Idealism (d)None of the above
21. Materialists insist that whatever exist is simply (a)Idea (b)Spirit (c)Matter (d)All of the above
22. The father of modern rationalism is (a)Rene Descartes (b)Plato (c)St. Augustine (d)Spinoza
23. The rationalists mistrust the (a)Senses (b)Reason (c) Reason & sense (d)None of the above
24. Logic is the study of (a)rules of games (b)Principle & techniques of correct arguments (c)Legal implication (d)Political
25. By arguments in Logic, we mean (a)Quarrel (b)Dispute (c)A systematized way of reasoning (d)Conflict
26. Logic deals with all forms of thinking. True or false? (a)True (b)False (c)Both (d)None
27. Sometimes, Logic is defined as the science of the laws of thought. True or false? (a)True (b)False (c)Both (d)None
28. An argument is a group of propositions which stands in such a relationship that one of them is said to be
(a)Inferior (b) Superior (c) Derived from the others (d)Contradicted by the others

29. The premises and the conclusion of an argument together constitute what we call the of the argument (a)
Constituency (b) Compliments (c) Structure (d) Opposition
30. The savior was sent to come and die for man’s sins. Those who betrayed him facilitated his mission. Therefore, they did
well, and should be praised (a)Sound (b)Indeterminate (c)Both (d)Not sound.
31. The savior was sent, not to come and die but to show mankind the way to salvation. Those who betray him facilitate his
mission. Therefore, they sinned by that act, and should be blamed for it, (a)Sound (b)Indeterminate (c)Both (d)Not sound.
32. One of the following is not an attribute of philosophy (a)rationality (b)Critical analysis (c)Reflection (d)Dogmatism
33. The first theoretical discipline which raises fundamental questions pertaining to nature and human existence is
(a)Mythology (b)Religion (c)Philosophy (d)Sociology
34. The highest academic certificate awarded in any intellectual disciple is (a)Doctor of Philosophy (b)Doctor of Medicine
(c)Professor (d)Doctor of Mathematics.
35. Philosophy is the mother of all disciples, the queen and king of all science and the foundation and apex all knowledge
(a)True (b)False (c)Not sure (d)only option
36. Philosophy came into existence as a result (a)Religion and science (b)Truth and validity (c)Curiosity and wonder
(d)Power and fame.
37. The first foundational question of philosophy is (a)How is? (b)How far? (c)What is? (d)What is, what is?
38. Member of the Ionian school of thought includes (a)Socrates, Plato& Aristotle (b)Pythagoras, Parmenides & Heraclitus
(c)Thales, Anaximander & Anaximenes (d)None of the above
39. The universally acceptable definition of philosophy is (a)Love of wisdom (b)Knowledge of power (c)Being is reality
(d)None above.
40. One of the greatest impediments to Africa philosophy was (a) Witchcraft (b) Colonialism (c) unbelief (d)
natural disaster
41. Which of these truly define African philosophy (a)religious pluralism (b)African doctrines or theories on reality and the
universe (c)cult personality (d)Puritanism
42. The African being places much premium on (a)The spiritual (b)truth (c)heaven (d)hell
43. One of these is an African philosopher (a)John Rawls (b)Kwasi Wiredu (c)John Locke (d)Thomas Hobbes
44. One of cornerstone of African philosophy is (a)individualism (b)incest (c)communalism (d)egoism
45. Which branch of philosophy studies the moral aspect of human life? (a)Logic (b)Ethics (c)Metaphysics (d)Aesthetics
46. Utilitarianism as an ethical system is usually associated with those ethical philosophy? (a)J.S Mill (b)Thomas Hobbes
(c)Jeremy Bentham (d)John Locke
47. What is the main teaching of utilitarianism? (a)Spiritual uprightness (b)selfishness (c)indifference (d)greatest good of
the greatest number
48. The doctrine of the “golden mean” is attributed to which philosopher? (a)Plato (b)Thales (c)Descartes (d)Democritus
49. Another name ethics is (a)moral philosophy (b)euthanasia (c)golden rule (d)goodness
50. Which of the following is not an ethical problem? (a)corruption (b)cultism (c)examination malpractice (d)flood disaster
1. i. The sense of wonder is the mother of philosophy. State, In one sentence only, what it means to wonder.
ANS: According to Socrates and Theaetetus, wonder includes pondering over the meaning of words and of being.

ii. In two sentence only, what do you think are the main reasons for studying Logic?

ANS: i. Logic brings the power of proof and persuasion.

ii. Logic builds the mental habit of thinking in an orderly way.
iii. Logic helps in attaining wisdom.
iv. Logic help in recognizing contradictions.
v. Logic helps in finding truth.
2. Discuss the importance of ethics to national development.

ANS: Ethics plays an important role in the fruitful development of any nation, those charges with shouldering the burden
of any nation development needs to be very ethical in all of their dealings. Without the leaders of a nation being ethical, the
affairs of such nation will be jeopardized and scanty, but with ethics they will be able to easily implement most if not all of
their supposed policies equally and successfully.

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