Biology ss1

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Biology ss1

27. One of these can be found in the desert (a) Obeche tree (b) cactus plant (c) iroko tree (d) dogon
28. Children’s teeth is known as (a) baby teeth (b) soft teeth (c) milk teeth (d) white teeth
29. In most growth studies, mass may be measured as wet mass and (a) watery mass (b) liquid mass
(c) solid mass (d) dry mass
30. The process by which organisms get rid of waste products during their metabolism is called (a)
excretion (b) reproduction (c) respiration (d) irritability
31. The process by which red blood cells become split or burst as a result of too much water passing
into it is called (a) osmosis (b) diffusion (c) plasmolysis (d) haemolysis
32. All these can be found in both plant and animal cells except (a) golgi bodies (b) cytoplasm (c)
ribosome (d) lysosome
33. The arthropoda is divided into all of these except (a) crustacean (b) arachnida (c) reptilia (d)
34. Tracheophyta are (a) liveworths (b) vascular plants (c) green algae (d) red algae
35. The scientific name of rice is (a) panther leo (b) canis domestica (c) oryza sativa (d) citrus sinensi
36. What is the medium of transportation of nutrients within unicellular organism? (a) blood (b)
serum (c) protoplasm (d) plasma
37. The science of life is referred to as (a) anatomy (b) biology (c) ecology (d) phylogeny
38. The scientist who discovered the cell while examining a thin slice of cork under the microscope
was (a) Anton Van (b) Matthias Schledien (c) Robert Hooke (d) Alexander Fileming
39. Movement of water across a semi-permiable membrane from a weaker solution to a stronger
solution is known as (a) transpiration (b) diffusion (c) plasmolysis (d) osmosis
40. Which of the following is nonrenewable (a)livestock (b) minerals (c) forest (d) air
41. A very poor growth in plants and discolouration of leaves signifies the deficiency of (a) calcium
(b) magnesium (c) potassium (d) manganese
42. In the biuret’s test for protein, the mixture will turn ________ when protein is present (a) red
(b) blue-black (c ) yellow (d) purple
43. Malnutrition can lead to (a) goiter (b) kwashiorkor (c) rickets (d) night blindness
44. Animals that feed on only plants are called (a) herbivores (b) omnivores (c) carnivores (d)
45. All these are carbohydrates except (a) maize (b) bread (c) yam (d) beans
46. The type of nutrition where on organism feeds on the other and harms it is called (a) holozoic
(b) parasitic (c) symbiosis (d) saprophytic
47. Which of the following is an ectoparasite (a) aphid (b) liver fluke (c) round worm (d) guinea
48. Which of these organisms use the biting and chewing mechanism (a) tapeworm (b) housefly (c)
goat (d) none of the above
49. The vertebral column is also known as the (a) backbone (b) spinal column (c) all of the above (c)
none of the above
50. Calcium deficiency can cause (a) muscle paralysis (b) tooth decay (c) anemia (d) poor growth
Attempt any four questions
1. a) Define the following: ecosystem, ecological niche, biome and habitat (4marks)
b) list and discuss three major biotic communities in Nigeria. (6marks)
2. a) State the distinguishing between autotrophs and heterotrophs.(2marks)
b) Make a labeled diagram 8cm to 10cm long of euglena. (5marks)
c) List two animal-like features and one plant like feature of euglena. (3marks)
3. a) List five characteristics of living organisms. (5marks)
b) Explain each of the characteristic listed above. (5marks)
4. a) List three forms in which living cells exist. (3marks)
b) Make a drawing of 6cm to 10cm long of a typical plant cell and label fully. (5marks)
c) In a tabular form, state two differences between a plant cell and an animal cell.
5. a) what is science? (2marks)
b) Define Biology? (2marks)
c) List six stages involved in scientific methods. (3marks)
d) List six usefulness of science to man. (3marks)
6. a) Define the following: a cell, a tissues and an organ. (3marks)
b) With the aid of a diagram list out the major groups of the animal kingdom. Give example
of organisms found in any five of the groups. (7marks)

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