Msdac Frauscher ACS2000

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Multi Section Digital Axle Counter

November 2016
Target group:
SSEs/JEs(Signal) & Signal Maintainers

Contact person: Director (S & T)

Indian Railways Centre for Advanced Maintenance Technology
Maharajpur, GWALIOR (M.P.) 474 005
) : 0751-2470185, FAX: 0751-2470841 e-mail: [email protected]
The Frauscher Axle counting system ACS2000 is a microcontroller
based modular system. When fully configured, the system
comprises the following components/boards:

Trackside equipment
 Wheel sensor RSR180 with moulded
cable and protection tube
 Rail claw with clamping bolts
 Rail deflector FRD
 Strain relief clamp SRC
 Track lead junction box TLJB
 Line verification box LVB
(for ‘conditional hard reset’

Indoor installation
 Fuse board SIC
 Evaluation board IMC (EB)
 Axle counting board ACB
 Overvoltage
protection board BSI
 Board rack BGT
 Axle counting backplane ABP
 Digital input/output board DIOB (optional for transmission
 Reset box RSTBOX (for ‘preparatory or conditional hard reset’
 Frauscher Reset acknowledgement PCB FRA (for ‘preparatory
reset’ application only)
Cabling Scheme – Block Diagram

#1 Each wheel sensor to evaluation board IMC requires 4 wires (either
4 wires of Red or Green for one sensor and other 4 wires may be
used for 2nd sensor, if any to the same ABP (ST1 connector).
Mounting instructions for Wheel Sensor RSR 180
 To be mounted at the inside face of the rail (wheel flange side).
 In curves - to be mounted at the inside face of the curve.
 In point areas, the minimum admissible space between rails is
100 mm (inside width between heads of rail).
 Minimum spacing between two wheel sensors on the same rail
is two sleeper spaces.
 Minimum spacing between a wheel sensor and the next rail
joint or the next rail-weld is 1.5 m to 2.5 m.
 The distance between the centre of the wheel sensor and rail
deflectors on either side in the longitudinal rail direction
should be at least 350 mm away from the wheel sensor.
Rail claw mounting – Important parameters
Min. width of foot of rail 110 mm
Max. width of foot of rail 155 mm
Min. height of rail 130 mm
Max. height of rail 180 mm
Height (vertical) between the top of the 40 to 45 mm
railhead and the top of the sensor
(Measurement A, see Figure)
Depth (horizontal width) between the side of 0 to 8 mm
the railhead and the inner face of the sensor
(Measurement B, see Figure)
Rail Profile Claw type Bolt type

60 Kg SK140-011 BBK 22
52 Kg SK140-012 BBK 17.5

90 lbs SK140-013 BBK 22

→The wheel sensor housing must not touch the head of rail.

Adjust measurement B
- Adding a washer
- Exchanging BBKs

Adjust measurement A
by loosening/tightening

Measurements on the IMC when the wheel sensor
RSR180 is connected . Cycle: < 2 years
Measure voltage at test sockets for Sys1 and/or for
Sys2, Specified range: 280 mV to 500 mV DC.
The measured voltage corresponds to the wheel
sensor system current across an internal 100 Ohm
shunt resistance (100 mV corresponds to 1 mA
wheel sensor system current). The voltage must be
measured in the unoccupied (Clear) status.

If the difference between the two voltages > 20

mV or 5% (max), then the possible reasons are
• Incorrect wheel sensor mounting
• Wheel sensor RSR180 not mounted centrally
between the sleepers
• Metal parts below the wheel sensor RSR180
• A wheel sensor system is defective

V+, GND -- 2 mm test sockets, voltage

corresponds to the analogue wheel sensor
current via a 100 Ω shunt

Testing of ACB
Cycle: < 2 years
Test (a) Traversing of a counting head connected to the ACB
to be tested and counting in and out of at least one axle or
Test (b) Counting in and out of at least one axle, using the
testing plate PB200

Testing of Wheel sensor RSR180
Cycle: < 2 years
Test: Perform visual inspection
and mechanical checks of wheel
sensor RSR180.
Testing Plate PB200
Traverse wheel sensor with a train or Damp (occupy) the wheel
sensor using the testing plate PB200. This is done by means of
traversing (both system 1 and system 2) of at least one axle, which
must be counted in and out correctly by the corresponding ACB as
given below:

1 Start position:
The wheel sensor is not occupied

2 Move (pull) the PB200 constantly in

direction of arrow over the first wheel
sensor system.
Wheel sensor system 1 occupied

3 Move (pull) the PB200 constantly in

direction of arrow in the middle of
both wheel sensor systems.
Wheel sensor system 1 & 2 occupied
4 Move (pull) the PB200 constantly in
direction of arrow over the second
wheel sensor system.
Wheel sensor system 2 occupied

Measurements at the overvoltage protection board BSI
Voltage measurement :
Between clamps E3 and E4. Specified range12 V to 28 V DC (with wheel sensor
Between E1 & E4 – Specified range 1.5 V to 3.0 V DC
Between E2 & E4 – Specified range 1.5 to 3.2 V DC

Current measurement:
At wire E3.Specified range 57 mA to 65 mA
Measurements in TLJB when wheel sensor RSR180 is connected
Voltage between wires 3 and 4 - 12 V to 14 V DC.
If voltage is less than 12 V DC, the loop resistance must be tested.
The maximum loop resistance of the cable from the TLJB to the
backplane ABP is 250 Ohms

Tools and Measuring instruments

 Steel wire brush and WD40 spray - used to clean the rail
surface area for easy fixing of rail claw.
 Torque wrench (range 15 - 60 Nm) -used to fasten the bolts at
specified torque.
 Socket spanner SW19 and SW17 & screw drivers.
 Fixed spanner SW36/Friction type ratchet – used to fix rail claw
in the rail.
 Steel tape measure (Fibre/wooden tape measure
recommended in RE area)
 Plumb bob for level measurement (2 m length).
 Multi-meter: Range 1000 mV DC, precision ± 0.5 %
 Two probes with 2 mm male connectors (for connection of
evaluation board with mV meter).
 Testing plate PB200.

Important parameters
Outdoor equipment Wheel Sensor RSR180
Indoor equipment ACS 2000 system consisting of BSI,
DIOB boards and reset box
Configurations of axle counting (i) 1 ACB + 1 SIC + 2/3/4/5/6
backplanes ABP slots evaluation boards IMC &
(ii) 1 ACB + 1 SIC + 1 DIOB +
2/3/4/5/6 evaluation boards
No. of counting heads per ACB 6
For more than 6 counting 2 ACBs interconnected by null-
heads (Max. upto 12). modem cable
Communication between Four-wire signalling cable
Indoor (ACB) and Outdoor (typically star-quad cable)
equipment (RSR180)
Length of sensor cables 5m (10 m & 15m on special
between TLJB and RSR180 requirement)
Input power supply range +19 V DC to +72 V DC.

Maximum cable length from Up to 4.4 km (0.90 mm dia. star -

the TLJB to the backplane ABP quad cable with a loop resistance
of 56.6 Ohms /km.
Max. No. of wheels counted 8191
per track section by the ACB
Reset Box input Power Supply +19 V DC to +30 V DC

Error codes for troubleshooting
Listed below are some generic error codes that may be displayed
on ACB during the functioning of the ACS2000 system :
Error Code Cause & Remedy
+111/+211 or - 111/- 211 Partial traversing e.g. during shunting or Very
+112/+212 or -112/-212 Small wheel.
+113/+213 or -113/-213 1.Check wheel sensor mounting
+114/+214 or - 114/- 214 2. Apply Reset
+115/+215 or - 115/- 215
+115/+215 or - 115/- 215
+116/+216 or - 116/- 216

+121/+221 or - 121/- 221 Negative axle at the Evaluation Board. Reset

+122/+222 or -122/-222 applied when track section occupied or presence
+123/+223 or -123/-223 of at least one wheel in the track section or Very
+124/+224 or - 124/- 224 small wheel -Apply Reset
+125/+225 or - 125/- 225
+126/+226 or - 126/- 226

**** flashing Appears after

power up -Apply Reset

**** steady If after power up and before reset a wheel was

counted in or out -Remove fuse on the fuse
board, re-insert and apply Reset
During power up, a wheel sensor system
//// assigned to the track section is occupied.
1. Check - If sensor is occupied, Sensor wiring,
DIP - switch setting for double usage or Double
usage RJ45 patch cable.
2. Remove fuse on the fuse board, re-insert and
apply Reset
- 109/- 209 or +109/+209 Reset applied from reset box or from PC based 11
reset – After train movement it will clear.

Do’s & Don’ts
 Always carry out adjustment and testing after any work done
in the sensor.
 Check Nuts and bolts of sensor and rail claw in every
maintenance round and tighten if found loose.
 Always ensure that Wheel sensor cables for connection
between TLJB and RSR-180 are visible and not buried under
ballast or mud.
 Check the axle counting system fuses at regular interval by
checking the LEDs.
 Axle counting system Powering Down: Switch OFF individual
section by pulling the SIC board out of the rack.
 Axle counting system Powering Up: Switch ON the individual
section by pushing the SIC board back into the rack.
 Check regularly the BSI, BGT and earth connections. Always
maintain earth resistance value less than 1 Ohm.
X Attempt to use “pre -Reset” input switch on the the ACB.
X Change DIP switch and soldering jumper settings on the axle
counting backplane ABP and plugin berg jumper position on
the PCB inside the reset box.
X Touch the module components & repair module on your own.
X Remove/modify axle counting system interface wirings or
cables without authorization.
X Use blower for cleaning the dust or use vacuum cleaner inside
the housing.
X Remove RJ45 cable when axle counting system is ON.
DISCLAIMER :The information given in this pamphlet does not supersede any existing
provisions laid down in Signal Engineering Manual, Railway Board and RDSO publications.
This document is not statutory and instructions given in it are for the purpose of guidance
only. If at any point contradiction is observed, then S.E.M., Rly. Board/RDSO guidelines or
Zonal Rly. instructions may be followed.

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