Application of Information Technology To Enhance Management School Education A Theoretical View
Application of Information Technology To Enhance Management School Education A Theoretical View
Application of Information Technology To Enhance Management School Education A Theoretical View
Theoretical View
Swarnima Jaiswal (Gold Medalist)
Senior Research Fellow,
Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi.
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile no: +91 9793097071
Computer was introduced into education in 1970s. Over the past several decades it has
been used in a variety of ways for a variety of purposes. One of the earliest uses of computers
in education was to operate as a supplement to the teachers’ classroom instruction. Since then
there has been an evolution of best technologies. As computers gained in sophistication, they
became proxy for teachers, creating a rich learning environment for its users using databases,
spreadsheets, presentation and several other research tools across all subject areas. Next the
Internet impacted technology use and suddenly there was a volume of knowledge available to
students along with a network of people across the world that enhanced communication and
exchange of ideas. But, In spite of all these sophistications it is wise to remember that a
computer is just a tool and can only calculate or obey commands and cannot think of its own.
Thus, to use information technology to improve learning processes, the pedagogical
assumptions underlying the design of information technology for educational purposes must
be understood. This paper discusses and analyses some of the changes that have been brought
by the Information Technology in the teaching, learning process of our education system.
Information technology, teaching learning process, Information society
The combination of education and technology has been considered as the main key to
human progress. One of the basic functions of education is preparation of students for life.
Education feeds technology, which in turn forms the basis of education. In the process,
Information rich societies were being created and thus, they are now dominating and are
controlling the information throughout the world. Information rich society promotes new
practices and paradigms for education where the teacher has to play a new role of mentoring,
coaching and helping students in their studies rather than to play the conventional role of
spoon feeding in the classrooms. The student teacher dynamic has drastically changed since
the introduction of technology based class structure. The international society for technology
in educational (ISTE) emphasizes that the teachers of today should be prepared to provide
technology-based learning opportunities to the students. In fact, preparation for applying the
technology and awareness of technology to enhance the quality of the students learning
should be one of the teacher's basic skills. Students can be involved in skill oriented activities
in group learning environments for accumulated knowledge. The instructor is no longer the
king of the classroom but a middleman between information and student. The students can
now receive and use information of all kinds in more constructive and productive way rather
than depending upon a teacher. They can interact and share learning experiences with their
teachers and fellow learners in knowledge construction and dissemination process.
In different ages people used different but limited materials and methods for communication
such as rocks and stones, papyrus, palm leaves, animal leather and handcrafted manuscripts
for storing and transmitting the information from one place to another and to the next
generation. However, with the advent of the era of technology, the communication and
learning resources are being widened, with the vivid and vast techniques as part of the IT
curriculum, learners are now encouraged to regard computers as tools to be used in all aspects
of their studies. Though computer could simply means a machine for performing calculations
automatically. But, today its role is not restricted to merely being a calculator. It does a vast
variety of job with tremendous speed and efficiency. Today people use computers in almost
all walks of life. Computers have now become an indispensable part of every profession. In
this sense, information technologies may result in knowledge explosion, computer technology
(software) may extend knowledge beyond the geographical boundaries of a state or country
providing relevant information to the relevant people round the clock. Among the devices
used are still and motion pictures, filmstrips, television, audiotapes, records, teaching
machines, computers, and videodiscs. At present, knowledge may be regarded as power and
it comes from having information. It can help the teachers and students in having up-to-date
information and knowledge. It was found that, other conditions being equal, more
information is taken in if it is received simultaneously in two modalities (vision and hearing,
for example) rather than in a single modality. They can facilitate perception of the most
important features, when carefully organized; furthermore, the learning is also enhanced.
In this paper we discussed some of the changes that have been brought by the
Information Technology in teaching, learning process of our education system. With
information technologies learners are now able to participate in learning communities
throughout the world. IT tools have relative advantages as compared to conventional mode of
information sharing. They are independent and free in choice of their programmes of study
and access to resources. However, the faculty requires an institutional support so as to enable
them to effectively use it to the benefit of their students. They may learn collaboratively,
share information, exchange their learning experiences and work through cooperative
activities in virtual learning communities. Information technologies facilitate teaching
learning process in a more productive way. Internet as an invaluable source of information
for student give opportunities to access electronic libraries, e-books, catalogues and database
all over the world. So, launching the internet in classrooms as well as in administrative areas
can substantially enhance the opportunities of modern education and will allow human
resource to use online database/resources. In nutshell, information technologies are
restructuring our teaching learning process and we need to restructure our educational system
so as to meet the International standards.
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