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The Significance of Educational Technology in Teaching Learning process

Article in International Journal of Indian Psychology · August 2020

DOI: 10.25215/0401.097

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2 authors, including:

S Rehan Ahmad
Hiralal Mazumdar Memorial College for Women , Kolkata


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The International Journal of Indian Psychology
ISSN 2348-5396 (e) | ISSN: 2349-3429 (p)
Volume 4, Issue 1, No. 79, DIP: 18.01.097/20160401
ISBN: 978-1-365-56745-2
http://www.ijip.in | October-December, 2016

The Significance of Educational Technology in Teaching

Learning process

Dr. S Rehan Ahmad1*, Mohammad Un Nisa2

Technology is an integral element in the world today. Technology in today’s world touches,
influences and shapes every aspect of human life. Technology plays significant roles in work
places, education, entertainments and the way of life surviving. Technology acts as catalysts for
changes, change in wok environments, handily and exchanging information, teaching process
and methods, learning approaches, research arena and in using knowledge, information.
Therefore, the present paper discusses the role of technology, the promise, benefits, limitation,
challenges and key hurdles of integration to education system.

Keywords: Technology, Teachers, Education, Institutions

Educational Technology sometimes shortens to Edutech or Edtech is a wise field. Educational

technology is a design science, a club of various kinds of research area dealing with basic,
fundamental and key issues of learning, teaching and social organization. It is a process in which
modern technology is used in an organized and systematic way for improvement, betterments
and enhancements of the quality of the education. Technology means systematic, organized
application of scientific or others organized knowledge to practical work. Therefore, educational
technology is depends on theatrical knowledge from different disciplines (Communication,
psychology, sociology, philosophy, artificial intelligence, computer science etc.) Plus
experiential knowledge from educational practice. (Natalie Deseryver ) . Educational technology
aims at increasing efficiency, effectiveness of current practices and simultaneously aims at
bringing pedagogical changes for betterment of education. It is considered as design science
addressing fundamental, basic, important issues of learning, teaching and social organization and
thus makes use of full rage of modern social science and life Science methodology.

“Technology provides us with powerful tools to try out different designs, so that instead of
theories of education, we may begin to develop a science of education. But it cannot be an

Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India
Seacom Skills University, Bolpur, West Bengal, India
*Responding Author
© 2016 S Ahmad, M Nisa; licensee IJIP. This is an Open Access Research distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any Medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The Significance of Educational Technology in Teaching Learning process

analytic science like physics or psychology; rather it must be a design science more like
aeronautics or artificial intelligence. For example, in aeronautics the goal is to elucidate how
different designs contribute to lift, drag maneuverability, etc. Similarly, a design science of
education must determine how different designs of learning environments contribute to learning,
cooperation, motivation, etc.” (Collins, 1992:24).

Educational Technology is defines differently by different authors depending on their needs

because of diversity and different perceptions.
1. Educational technology is the use of technology to improve education. It is a systematic,
iterative process for designing instruction or training used to improve performance. Educational
technology is sometimes also known as instructional technology or learning technology.
(Wikipedia: Educational technology)
2. The study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating,
using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.
3. A definition centered on its process: "A complex, integrated process involving people,
procedures, ideas, devices, and organization, for analyzing problems, and devising,
implementing, evaluating and managing solutions to those problems, involved in all aspects of
human learning"
4. Lachance et al. (1980:183) also focus on the the process idea: la technologie éducative en tant
que processus systématique intégrant les diverses fonctions du processus éducatif. Elle vise,
d'une part, à analyser des problèmes reliés à l'enseignement et/ou à l'apprentissage et, d'autre
part, à élaborer, implanter et évaluer des solutions à ces problèmes par le développement et
l'exploitation des ressources éducatives (cited by Lapointe, 1991)
5. Educational Technology (Information Technology) according to International Technology
Education Association
a) Teaches with technology (uses technology as a tool)
b) Primarily concerned with the narrow spectrum of information and communication
c) Primary goal: To enhance the teaching and learning process
Irrespective of the fact that educational technology has immense benefits, utility and implication
in the field of education , still not be fully applied in schools , because there is lack of
equipments , resources , infrastructure necessary for its application .

Significances of Educational Technology

Educational technology analysis forever had degree formidable agenda. Typically it solely aims
at hyperbolic efficiency or effectiveness of current practice, but usually it aims at education
modification. Whereas it's going to be thought-about as a method science it together addresses
basic problems with learning, teaching and social system so makes use of the entire vary of
recent science and life sciences methodology. We sleep in a very dynamic world capsulated by
just about endless amounts of knowledge. Riding the coattails of data is all of the technology we

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The Significance of Educational Technology in Teaching Learning process

have at our fingertips. For as prevailing as technology is presently, is it commutation real lasting
education? Can technology have a neighborhood in our classrooms? I think any level-headed
skilled would agree that kids ought to be able to use technology to be competitive inside the
geographical point once graduation. With all the trends and advancements in technology no one
can argue that we'll go backwards from here. I don’t foresee technology commutation
impassioned lecturers educating their students. I just see it as a significant tool to help the
education methodology and prepare students for the long-term. From the studies I’ve scan,
lecturers got to use plenty of technology inside the space. the kids seem to basically get pleasure
from it and area unit excited concerning exploitation it. Those interested by grip technology
ought to be compelled to coach themselves on what’s out there. Here could also be a small sliver
of the advantages we tend to tend to achieve from exploitation technology to show people.

Equality: School districts across the country are not created equal. There is so much disparity in
educational resources depending on the wealth, or lack thereof, depending on certain areas.
Students using technology in low income districts gain significant skills and advantages in the
learning process. Using the same technology is an equalizer for disadvantaged students.
Future: The world is moving towards technology at a breakneck pace. Educators have a
responsibility to introduce, encourage, and help students master technology, as well as subjects,
as it applies to school and the future. Technology will be used in every aspect of the professional
lives of current students. So upon graduation, whether the next step is college or career,
technology will be used daily. Why not use it daily in school?
Mobile: Using technology the classroom can be taken anywhere. With all the knowledge and
resources contained and deliverable on demand in a mobile device, students can learn at home or
in the “field”. Mobile technology allows for greater collaboration between students promoting
strong foundations in group work.
Motivation: Technology tracks and reports student’s progress instantly. What fun is running a
marathon if you don’t know how long it takes. Runners can get instant feedback for hundreds of
data points as to their condition. This feedback provides instant motivation to improve

Similarly students who use technology are motivated to improve performance. Just like they do
at home on their gaming consoles. Trying to beat high scores at home and trying to beat high
scores in math use the same psychology.

Social: This runs along the same lines as motivation. Creating a social element to educational
technology can allow for healthy competition amongst peers both in the same classroom and
across the country. Performing well and earning badges to gain virtual social status is of the heart
of many social applications today. Personal identities do not have to be used, instead students
could use avatars to hide possible confidentiality breaches. Using technology to make education
have social elements can make learning very addictive.

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The Significance of Educational Technology in Teaching Learning process

Savings: The savings which result from using technology can come in many facets. On a basic
level technology can replace infrastructure. Desks, books, lab equipment and other items are a
heavy cost burden on schools everywhere. Technology and devices can help save on these costs.
In addition geographically isolated or economically disadvantaged children can benefit from
access to online software or resources which would be cost prohibitive without technology.
Updates: I recently read an article that reported students using 10 year old textbook in school.
Updating textbooks can cost lots of money and do significant damage to budgets. On the other
hand, updating software and educational content is not as expensive or cumbersome. With the
help of technology course curriculum can reflect real world data. In some applications students
can be exposed to real-time information.
Assessments: Assessing students performance can be done instantly with technology. It’s more
than just test scores, simply understanding students grasp of the subject in real time can be done
on tablets in classrooms. A classroom could be questioned with a multiple-choice problem.
Students could then input their answer and the feedback score is instantly given to the student
and teacher. Corrections can be made long before examinations.
Global: Students and classrooms or even schools can be connected to anyone in the world
instantly. Devices coupled with the Internet can allow for a free way to communicate globally.
The chance to understand international or different cultural perspectives on the same topic is
Convenience: Having children carry heavy backpacks, text books, and binders isn’t very
efficient. A new lightweight laptop weighs less than 5 pounds and can have an internal storage
capability of more than 2 million illustrated pages. In addition to an internal hard drive, access to
the Internet can provide an almost unlimited source of information. Ergonomic issues and back
pain are a real problem in children. These conditions can lead to chronic problems throughout

Education coupled with technology is overall a very positive thing. It’s still in relative infancy
and progress will continue to move forward making better systems. Teachers will still retain
control over learning.

The school of 10 years ago looks very different from schools today. Also, students are being
inundated with technology at a very young age. The transition has already begun. Education of
the future will be delivered with current information delivered through traditional teaching
methods and fantastic technological tools.

Earlier, technology in education was a debatable topic amongst the society. Everyone had their
own views on modernizing education and making it technology aided. There were a huge
number of positives and negatives to education technology. But, gradually as technology was
embraced by the educational institutes, they realized the importance of technology in education.
Its positives outnumbered the negatives and now, with technology, education has taken a whole

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The Significance of Educational Technology in Teaching Learning process

new meaning that it leaves us with no doubt that our educational system has been transformed
owing to the ever-advancing technology. Technology and education are a great combination if
used together with a right reason and vision.

To elucidate on the topic of this article, I am more than definite that technology improves
education to a great extent and it has now become a need for revolutionizing education for the
With technology, educators, students and parents have a variety of learning tools at their
fingertips. Here are some of the ways in which technology improves education over time:
• Teachers can collaborate to share their ideas and resources online: They can
communicate with others across the world in an instant, meet the shortcomings of their work,
refine it and provide their students with the best. This approach definitely enhances the
practice of teaching.
• Students can develop valuable research skills at a young age: Technology gives students
immediate access to an abundance of quality information which leads to learning at much
quicker rates than before.
• Students and teachers have access to an expanse of material: There are plenty of
resourceful, credible websites available on the Internet that both teachers and students can
utilize. The Internet also provides a variety of knowledge and doesn’t limit students to one
person’s opinion.
• Online learning is now an equally credible option: Face-to-face interaction is huge,
especially in the younger years, but some students work better when they can go at their own
pace. Online education is now accredited and has changed the way we view education.

There are innumerous instances till date where we can see the improvement in education, once it
embraced technology. I will state a few remarkable ones of them to provide you with a more
realistic picture of the whole scenario. Here’s the list along with the references to the originals:
• The Flipped Classroom: This popular technological approach has gotten to everybody’s
ears by now. It is a practice in which, students watch lecture videos as homework and
discussion is carried on them in the class-time by the teachers. It has resulted in a remarkably
better student performance, with noticeable grade boost-up. Students can now learn at their
own pace and save class-time for interaction. To go into more details about this approach
refer to this article on The Flipped Classroom .
• Effectiveness of EdTech on Mathematics for K-12: Technology has proved to be effective
for making students efficiently adept with Math. Out of several, there are three remarkable
technologies, which in my opinion should be brought to the light. Computer-managed
learning is a program that uses computers to assess student learning on Math and assign them
with appropriate Math material, which they can work on to score and receive a chart of their
progress for self-assessment; Comprehensive models such as Cognitive Tutor and I Can
Learn use computer-aided instruction as well as non-computer activities for students to

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The Significance of Educational Technology in Teaching Learning process

approach Math; Supplemental CAI technology consists of individualized computer-assisted

instruction (CAI), to provide additional instruction at students’ assessed levels. Findings
indicate that educational technology applications produce a positive effect on Mathematics
• Long-term research indicative of the positives of technology on learning: Researches
have been performed to address to the question, does the use of computer technology affect
student achievement in traditional classrooms as compared to classrooms that do not use
technology? An extensive literature search and a systematic review process were employed
and insights about the state of the field, implications for technology use, and prospects for
future were discussed. Refer to the original review, Review of Educational Research .
• Educational Technology improves student learning outcomes: Evidence suggests that
educational technologies can improve student achievement, so long as such tools are
integrated thoughtfully into teaching and learning. When digital capabilities like, online
environments are incorporated meaningfully into instruction, students have new opportunities
to learn and achieve. Refer to this research brief for details.
• The effect of technology on education depends on the design of instruction: The design
of the instruction accounts for more variance in how and why people learn than the
technology used to deliver the instruction. Educators and educational researchers should be
encouraged to focus on determining how to better integrate the use of a given technology to
facilitate learning, rather than asking if it works or if one is more effective than another.
Refer to this report for a detailed study.

Over the past years, a number of studies have shown benefits from the use of technology in
education. The role is vital, and the question is no longer if technology enhances learning, but
rather how do we improve our use of technology to enhance learning?

Scope of Educational Technology

Educational generation is a process- oriented method. Educational era is not confined to teaching
and studying manner and theories nonetheless teaching-getting to know method is inspired a
whole lot more by using educational technology. Theories were shifted from getting to know to
teaching simplest because of educational generation.
If the academic technology is limited to audio-visible aids, mechanical and electronic devices the
scope of educational era becomes constrained, but educational technology isn't always restricted
to all this stuff alternatively, it pervades all over. Instructional era need to move into:
a. At home with family and relative
b. Help by External sources
c. Continuous and rigorous analysis
d. Obstacles in solving problems
e. Specification of direct behavior
f. Clear Specification of the problems
g. Management and organization of man, material, resources

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h. Determination of pre-requisites and the gradual direct behaviour.

i. Availability of a few media as for example films, television, radio etc.

The author appreciates all those who participated in the study and helped to facilitate the
research process.

Conflict of Interests
The author declared no conflict of interests.

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How to cite this article: S Ahmad, M Nisa (2016), The Significance of Educational Technology
in Teaching Learning process, International Journal of Indian Psychology, Volume 4, Issue 1,
No. 79, ISSN:2348-5396 (e), ISSN:2349-3429 (p), DIP:18.01.097/20160304, ISBN:978-1-365-

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