Stormwater Management

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Stormwater Management

• Uninfiltrated, unevaporated, unabsorbed

water from rain events and snow/ice melt

• A needed ‘natural resource’ that may, at the

same time, be a source of pollution and
ecologic change

Problems Associated with Stormwater

• Flooding
– Property damage
– Loss of life
• Water pollution
– Erosion
– Sedimentation
– Nutrients from fertilizers
– Pesticides
– Oil and grease
– Organics
– Biologicals – bacteria
• Infrastructure costs
including maintenance

• A naturally-occurring phenomenon
• Altered by development, industry, agriculture
– Exposure of soil normally less exposed due to

– Impervious surfaces

– Anthropogenic substances


Effects Of Land Development

• Natural spaces converted to less impervious surfaces…
– Infiltration decreases, runoff volume increases
• …Stormwater spends less time in the watershed…
– Less overland flow
– More time in drainage channels
• …Therefore faster flow to the outlet
– Increases in peak rate and total volume from a given storm
– Increases in soil erosion and fine particulate movement
during land clearing and construction
– Increases in bank erosion – streams become wide and
– Increases ease at which land-based pollutants enter

Design of stormwater collection and control – estimating
storm runoff

• Any management strategy cannot be designed and

constructed without knowledge of expected flow, in
particular peak flow, from storms of specific frequencies
and durations
– this will determine the volume of water that must be
managed within a given period of time

• Note also that evaporation and infiltration affect run off;

temperature, humidity, and soil type will influence these

“Old School” Solutions

Shifts the problem downstream and creates new problems including

physical changes that impact aquatic ecology


Storm Sewer Systems

“Newer” separate storm sewers
• exclude sanitary or industrial wastewaters:
“nothing but stormwater”
• Are designed based on recurrence intervals for
storms of estimated intensity and duration
– subject to error
– in actuality, do surcharge on occasion and cause
local flooding
• A network of inlets and pipes

Storm Sewer Systems

The Combined Sewer Problem
• CSOs prevent sewer back ups into homes and
• Water Quality Standards not being met
• Federal mandates leading to increased costs
for consumers
• NEORSD undertaking major projects

Modern Solutions
Municipal Stormwater Best Management Practices
• Preventative (non-structural) measures
– Source reduction practices like:
• land management practices – reduce volume of runoff and
pollutants contained within
• debris removal
• landscaping and lawn management
• vegetated swales
• pervious soil buffers
– may not be enough to meet water quality goals


Example Preventative BMPs

• From the NPDES requirements for Municipal
Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s)
• BMPs Required for NPDES permit holders
– Public Education/Outreach and
– Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)
– Construction Site Runoff Control
– Post-Construction Runoff Control
– Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping

Written Into Permits and Building

Silt Fencing

Downslope -
drainageways and
streams protected

Buried and then

maintained during

Modern Solutions
Best Management Practices (BMPs)
• Control (structural) measures
– Temporary storage of water on site
– Small reservoirs and basins – becoming requirement in building plans for new
• Control short, intense local storms
• Reduce peak runoff
• Reduce severity and frequency of flooding
• Reduce soil erosion and stream sedimentation
• Protect surface water quality
• Recharge aquifer

– Problems
• Maintenance
• Clogging
• Expense of construction
• Debris accumulation
• Vermin and weeds
• Cost
• Public safety


Retention Basin

Detention Basin


Very Localized Control

Rain gardens

Very Localized Control

Green Roof

Very Localized Control

Stormwater Curb Extension


Control Over Stormwater Quality

• Sedimentation Basin

Vegetated Swales



Treatment Wetlands

Effective Control
• Link multiple BMPs to create “pollutant
removal train”
– not unlike the combination of other treatment
technologies for wastewater and air

• Put together the non-structural and structural

measures to reduce stormwater pollution and
flow issues

Floodplain Management
• restrict or prohibit certain types of construction
or activities in the floodplain
– buildings
– landfills
– on-site sewage disposal
• or construct expensive and sometimes expansive
structures like dams, reservoirs, levees, and dikes
– give a false sense of security and make encourage
development in areas that should not be developed

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