EC8252 Electronic Devices

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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203



EC8252 – Electronic Devices
Regulation – 2017
Academic Year 2018 – 19

Prepared by
Mr. A. Anbarasan, Assistant Professor/ECE
Mr. C. SaravanaKumar, Assistant Professor/ECE
Ms. Indu Nikhil, Assistant Professor/ECE
Ms.S.Surabhi, Assistant Professor/ECE
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.


SUBJECT : EC8252 – Electronic Devices
PN junction diode, Current equations, Energy Band diagram, Diffusion and drift current
densities, forward and reverse bias characteristics, Transition and Diffusion Capacitances,
Switching Characteristics, Breakdown in PN Junction Diodes.
Q. No. Questions BT Level Competence
State the relationship between diffusion capacitance and BTL 1 Remembering
diode current in a PN diode.
What is the principle operation of PN junction in reverse BTL 1 Remembering
bias condition?
A silicon diode has a saturation current of 7.5µA at room BTL 6 Creating
3. temperature 300K. Calculate the saturation current at
4. Define diffusion current and drift current. BTL 1 Remembering
Point out why silicon is always preferred than BTL 4 Analyzing
6. Show the expression for drift current density. BTL 3 Applying
7. Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor. BTL 2 Understanding
8. Give the expression for diffusion current density. BTL 2 Understanding
9. Write down the diode current equation. BTL 1 Remembering
Identify the expression for depletion region width in PN BTL 4 Analyzing
11. Distinguish between avalanche and Zener breakdown? BTL 2 Understanding
Compare the silicon and germanium diodes with respect to BTL 5 Evaluating
cut in voltage and reverse saturation current.
Demonstrate the equation for drift current density and BTL 3 Applying
diffusion current density due to electron and hole.
14. Formulate the diode current equation. BTL 6 Creating
15. List the types of recovery time and define it. BTL 1 Remembering
16. Analyze the V-I characteristics of PN diode. BTL 4 Analyzing
17. Discuss storage and transition time. BTL 2 Understanding
18. Explain the applications of PN diode. BTL 5 Evaluating
19. Examine the energy band structure of PN junction diode. BTL 3 Applying

20. What is breakdown voltage or Peak inverse voltage? BTL 1 Remembering

Q. No. Questions BT Level Competence
Recall the quantitative theory of PN diode currents and BTL 1 Remembering
obtain the diode current equation. (13)
Find the expression for PN junction diode forward and BTL 1 Remembering
2. reverse currents with suitable diagram and necessary
explanation. (13)
i) Show the position of Fermi level in N type and P type BTL 1 Remembering
3. semiconductors. (5)
ii) Write notes on classification of semiconductors. (8)
Examine the operation of open circuited PN Junction and BTL 4 Analyzing
4. derive the expression for built in potential barrier with the
help of energy band structure. (13)
Demonstrate the working mechanism of a PN junction BTL 3 Applying
diode in both forward bias and reverse bias conditions.(13)
i) Explain in detail about how temperature affects the VI BTL 2 Understanding
characteristics of diode. (7)
ii) Describe the deviation of VI characteristics of PN
junction diode from its ideal. (6)
Conclude the theory of PN junction diode and obtain BTL 5 Evaluating
depletion width. (13)
Discuss about the switching characteristics of PN junction diode BTL 1 Remembering
8. with suitable diagrams. (13)
i) Illustrate the break down in PN junction diode. (8) BTL 2 Understanding
ii) Explain the limiting values of PN junction diodes. (5)
Show the expression for transition capacitance and BTL 2 Understanding
diffusion capacitance of a PN diode. (13)
Describe the construction of PN junction diode and explain BTL 3 Applying
11. the forward and reverse characteristics of PN junction
diode and obtain its VI characteristic curve. (13)
Examine the drift and diffusion current densities and BTL 4 Analyzing
obtain the current density for P type and N type. (13)
Analyze the impact of temperature on V-I characteristics BTL 4 Analyzing
of PN diode. (13)
i) Estimate the voltage when the reverse current in a PN BTL 6 Creating
junction diode reach 90% of its saturation value at
room temperature. (8)
ii) Formulate the dynamic forward and reverse resistance
of a PN junction diode when the applied voltage is 0.25
volt at T=300K given Io=2µA. (7)
Summarize the following:
(i) Transition capacitance (3)
(ii) Diffusion capacitance (3)
15. BTL 5 Evaluating
(iii) Diffusion current densities (3)
(iv) Drift current densities (3)
(v) Effect of temperature in diode (3)
Explain the forward and reverse bias characteristics of PN
16. junction diode. (15) BTL 5 Evaluating
Discuss the switching characteristics and breakdown in PN
17. junction diode. (15) BTL 6 Creating

Construct the energy band structure of PN junction and

18. BTL 6 Creating
derive the diode current equations. (15)
NPN -PNP -Operations-Early effect-Current equations – Input and Output characteristics
of CE, CB, CC - Hybrid -π model - h-parameter model, Ebers Moll Model- Gummel Poon-
model, Multi Emitter Transistor
Q. No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Define Early Effect. BTL 1 Remembering
2. Find the need for biasing? BTL 1 Remembering
3. List the transistor parameters. BTL 1 Remembering
4. Summarize the relationship between α and β. BTL 1 Remembering
5. Identify the other name of early effect and explain the same. BTL 6 Creating
6. Draw the diode equivalent model of a transistor. BTL 1 Remembering
7. Outline the basic structure of BJT. BTL 2 Understanding
8. Give the relationship between currents in NPN transistor. BTL 2 Understanding
9. Analyze the bias condition of base emitter and collector base BTL 4 Analyzing
junction to operate a transistor in cut-off region.
10. Calculate the value of β if a transistor has α = 0.97.Also find α BTL 4 Analyzing
if β=200.
11. Examine Gummel number. BTL 4 Analyzing
12. Why BJT is called as current controlled device? BTL 5 Evaluating
13. When do you apply Ebers-Moll model. BTL 5 Evaluating
14. Draw Hybrid pi model for CE configuration. BTL 6 Creating
15. Mention the benefits of h parameters. BTL 1 Remembering
16. What is high level injection effect? BTL 2 Understanding
17. Infer about multi emitter transistor. BTL 2 Understanding
18. Identify the advantages of multi emitter transistor. BTL 3 Applying
19. Give an explanation on base spreading resistance. BTL 3 Applying
20. Built the conversion formula of h parameter from CE to CB. BTL 3 Applying
1. Explain the configurations and the principle of operation BTL 1 Remembering
of BJT. (13)
2. i) Develop the input and output characteristics of a BTL 1 Remembering
transistor in CC configuration (8)
ii) Formulate the relationship among α, β, γ. (5)
3. With neat diagram explain the input and output BTL 1 Remembering
characteristics of a transistor in CE configuration. (13)
4. i) The reverse leakage current of a transistor when BTL 1 Remembering
connected in CB configuration is 0.2 µA and it is 18
µA when the same transistor is connected in CE
configuration calculate α, β. (8)
ii) Describe early effect. (5)
5. i) Justify transistor as an amplifier. (6) BTL 2 Understanding
ii) Develop the comparison of CE, CC, CB
configuration. (7)
6. Describe the input and output characteristics of a transistor BTL 2 Understanding
in CB configuration. (13)
7. Construct and demonstrate the working mechanism of CE BTL 3 Applying
configuration of BJT. (13)
8. Describe hybrid parameters for all three configurations BTL 3 Applying
and relations between them. (13)
9. i) Analyze the working mechanism of CB configuration BTL 4 Analyzing
of BJT. (7)
ii) Distinguish between h and π model. (6)
10. Describe the Eber’s Moll model for a NPN transistor. (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
11. Express the derivation for fβ and Draw the hybrid π BTL 4 Analyzing
model of BJT? (13)
12. Evaluate the Eber’s Moll model for a PNP transistor. (13) BTL 5 Evaluating
13. Formulate the expression of Gummel Poon-model with BTL 6 Creating
neat circuit diagram and obtain the Gummel number. (13)
14. i) Show How multi emitter transistor is working? BTL 2 Understanding
Explain it with neat diagram. (7)
ii) The h parameter for the transistor are hie=1.1kΩ,
hfe=99, hre=2.5* 10-4 and hoe=25 µA/V. Find the h
parameter for common base and common collector
configurations. (6)
15. Explain the input and output characteristics of CE and CB
BTL 5 Evaluating
configuration. (15)
16. Evaluate the operation of NPN and PNP transistors. (15) BTL 5 Evaluating
17. Discuss the following:
(i) h-parameter model. (8) BTL 6 Creating
(ii) Ebers Moll model. (7)
18. Construct the Hybrid-π model and Gummel Poon model.
BTL 6 Creating


JFETs – Drain and Transfer characteristics,-Current equations-Pinch off voltage and its
significance- MOSFET- Characteristics- Threshold voltage -Channel length modulation, D-
MOSFET, E-MOSFET- Characteristics – Comparison of MOSFET with JFET.
Q.No Questions BT Domain
1. Write down the Shockley’s equation. BTL 1 Remembering
2. State the applications and difference between BJT and BTL 1 Remembering
3. Define amplification factor in JFET. BTL 1 Remembering
4. Recall about drain resistance. BTL 1 Remembering
5. Point out the advantages of MOSFET compared to BTL 1 Remembering
6. Compare JFET and MOSFET. BTL 1 Remembering
7. List the advantages and applications of JFET. BTL 2 Understanding
8. What are the two modes of MOSFET? BTL 2 Understanding
9. Deduce the drain current equation of JFET. BTL 2 Understanding
10. Define Trans conductance gm. BTL 2 Understanding
11. Formulate the relationship between various FET BTL 3 Applying
12. Justify how JFET act as VVR? BTL 3 Applying
13. Examine why Depletion MOSFET is commonly known BTL 3 Applying
as “Normally-ON” MOSFET?
14. Classify the three regions that are present in the drain BTL 4 Analyzing
source characteristics of JFET.
15. Differentiate between current voltage relationship of N BTL 4 Analyzing
channel and P channel MOSFET.
16. Analyze in which region JFET acts as a resistor and BTL 4 Analyzing
17. What is JFET and give its modes of operation? BTL 5 Evaluating
18. Assess on Pinch off voltage. BTL 5 Evaluating
19. Formulate V-I characteristic curve of MOSFET. BTL 6 Creating
20. Elaborate Channel length modulation. BTL 6 Creating
1. i) Explain the construction and operation and of a BTL 1 Remembering
JFET. (7)
ii) Derive the FET characteristics parameters from the
above characteristics. (6)
2. Outline the classification of FET family and explain each BTL 1 Remembering
component in detail. (13)
3. Explain the construction and operation of n-channel BTL 1 Remembering
JFET with neat diagrams. (13)
4. Explain the construction and operation of p-channel BTL 1 Remembering
JFET with neat diagrams. (13)
5. Derive an expression for drain current of FET in pinch BTL 2 Understanding
off region with necessary diagram. (13)
6. Draw a circuit for obtaining drain and transfer BTL 2 Understanding
characteristics of an n channel JFET. (13)
7. Obtain the drain and transfer characteristics of an p BTL 3 Applying
channel JFET. (13)
8. Explain the construction and principle of operation of BTL 3 Applying
Enhancement MOSFET with the help of suitable
diagram. (13)
9. Explain the construction and principle of operation of BTL 4 Analyzing
D-MOSFET with the help of suitable diagram. (13)
10. Describe with suitable sketches the operation and BTL 4 Analyzing
characteristics of the n channel Enhancement type
MOSFET. (13)
11. Explain the construction, operation and characteristics BTL 4 Analyzing
of n- Channel depletion type MOSFET. (13)
12. Illustrate and compare the operation of depletion BTL 5 Evaluating
MOSFET and enhancement MOSFET. (13)
13. i) Describe the effect of channel length modulation. (7) BTL 6 Creating
ii) Explain briefly the effect of temperature on
14. i) Explain the concept of threshold voltage in a BTL 2 Understanding
ii) Describe some applications of JFET? (6)
15. Illustrate the working mechanism of JET with necessary BTL 5 Evaluating
diagram. (15)
16. Discuss the differences between BJT and FET. (15) BTL 6 Creating
17. Discuss your understanding on MOSFET detailing the BTL 6 Creating
types, construction and characteristics. (15)
18. Compare the difference between JFET & MOSFET.(15) BTL 5 Evaluating
Metal-Semiconductor Junction- MESFET, FINFET, PINFET, CNTFET, DUAL GATE
MOSFET, Schottky barrier diode-Zener diode-Varactor diode –Tunnel diode- Gallium
Arsenide device, LASER diode, LDR.


Q.No Questions BT Domain

1. What is Metal Semiconductor Junction? BTL 2 Understanding
2. Write short notes on MESFET. BTL 1 Remembering
3. Define zener diode. BTL 6 Creating
4. Expand LASER and LDR. BTL 1 Remembering
5. Discuss the zener breakdown voltage. BTL 6 Creating
6. List out the applications of zener diode and schottky
BTL 2 Understanding
7. Describe the negative resistance of tunnel diode. BTL 1 Remembering
8. Explain Tunneling phenomenon. BTL 1 Remembering
9. What are the differences between a Tunnel diode and an
BTL 2 Understanding
ordinary PN junction diode?
10. Identify the symbol and structure of schottky diode. BTL 3 Applying
11. Draw the energy band diagram of metal and
BTL 4 Analyzing
semiconductor before and after conduction is made.
12. What is Gallium Arsenide Device (GaAs)? BTL 3 Applying
13. Sketch the V-I characteristics curve for Zener diode. BTL 1 Remembering
14. Develop the Tunnel Diode Oscillator circuit. BTL 2 Understanding
15. Give the equivalent circuit for tunnel diode. BTL 1 Remembering
16. Describe the working principle of varactor diode. BTL 3 Applying
17. State the applications of the tunnel diode. BTL 4 Analyzing
18. Conclude the applications of zener diode. BTL 5 Evaluating
19. Compare MOSFET and MESFET . BTL 4 Analyzing
20. Assess diode capacitance value from varactor tuning
BTL 5 Evaluating
1. i) Illustrative the V-I characteristic curve and explain
the operation of zener diode. (8) BTL 1 Remembering
ii) Compare Avalanche and Zener breakdown. (5)
2. Inspect how a zener diode is used in Voltage regulation.
BTL 4 Analyzing
3. Describe the variable capacitance characteristics of a
Varactor diode and analyze its operation in typical BTL 1 Remembering
circuit. (13)
4. Determine the current voltage relationship of a schottky
BTL 2 Understanding
Barrier diode and discuss its operation. (13)
5. Explain the FINFET circuit model with necessary BTL 1 Remembering
diagrams and parameters. (13)
6. Discuss the concept of dual gate MOSFET. (13) BTL 6 Creating
7. Analyze the construction details and working principle of
LASER diode. (13) BTL 3 Applying

8. Write short notes on LDR and list out its applications.(13) BTL 1 Remembering
9. Give the working principle of Gallium Arsenide Devices
BTL 2 Understanding
with neat diagram. (13)
10. Explain the working of PINFET and CNTFET with its
BTL 5 Evaluating
characteristics. (13)
11. Interpret the forward biasing and reverse biasing of
metal-semiconductor junction along with energy band BTL 4 Analyzing
diagrams. (13)
12. Define the Metal n-type and Metal p-type semiconductor BTL 4 Analyzing
contact with suitable diagrams. (13)
13. i) Outline tunnel diode and varactor diode using energy
band diagrams. (8)
ii) Outline the operation of conventional p-n junction BTL 2 Understanding
diode. (5)
14. Develop the structure and operating principle of
BTL 3 Applying
MESFET. (13)
15. Explain in detail about Zener and Tunnel Diode. (15) BTL 5 Evaluating
16. From the energy band diagram justify the V-I
characteristics of
BTL 5 Evaluating
a)Tunnel Diode (8)
b) PIN photodiode (7)
17. Discuss the working mechanism of a LASER diode with
BTL 6 Creating
necessary diagram. (15)
18. i) A 24V, 600mW Zener Diode is used for providing a
24V stabilized supply to a variable load. If the input
voltage is 32V, estimate (a) the value of series
resistance required, and (b) diode current when the
load is 1200ohm. (8)
ii) A Zener voltage regulator circuit is to maintain
BTL 6 Creating
constant voltage at 60V, over a current range from 5
to 50mA. The input supply voltage is 200V. Solve
for the value of resistance R to be connected in the
circuit, for voltage regulation from load current I L
=0mA, the maximum possible value of I L. What is
the value of IL max? (7)


UJT, SCR, Diac, Triac, Power BJT- Power MOSFET- DMOS-VMOS. LED, LCD, Photo
transistor, Opto Coupler, Solar cell, CCD.
Q. No Questions BT Domain
1. What is SCR? Mention its applications. BTL 1 Remembering
2. Why SCR cannot be used as a bidirectional switch? BTL 1 Remembering
3. Compare BJT and UJT. BTL 4 Analyzing
4. What is Diac? List out its applications. BTL 1 Remembering
5. Write note about Triac and mention its applications. BTL 1 Remembering
6. Draw the two transistor equivalent circuit of SCR. BTL 3 Applying
7. Identify a Diac or Triac by the schematic symbol. BTL 2 Understanding
8. List the applications of UJT. BTL 1 Remembering
9. Describe the working principle of an LED and its
BTL 2 Understanding
10. Sketch the V-I characteristics of UJT. BTL 3 Applying
11. How does Triac differ from Diac? BTL 4 Analyzing
12. Show the V-I characteristics for Triac. BTL 3 Applying
13. “A solar cell is a PN junction device with no voltage
directly applied across the junction”. If it is so, how does BTL 6 Creating
a solar cell deliver power to load?
14. What is the effect of temperature in Solar cell? BTL 4 Analyzing
15. Express the equation for standoff ratio. BTL 2 Understanding
16. Determine the characteristics of photo transistor. BTL 5 Evaluating
17. If positive voltage is applied to gate, plan what happens
BTL 6 Creating
in DMOS?
18. Discuss the types of opto couplers. BTL 2 Understanding
19. Assess the characteristics of the material used in LED. BTL 5 Evaluating
20. Draw the symbol and equivalent circuit of TRIAC. BTL 1 Remembering
1. Draw the basic structure of UJT and explain its V-I
BTL 1 Remembering
characteristics with the help of equivalent circuit. (13)
2. i) Discuss the characteristics and working principle of Understanding
SCR and list out its applications. (6)
ii) Explain the significance of opt couplers. (7)
3. Analyze the spectral output curves and radiation pattern
BTL 4 Analyzing
of LED. (13)
4. i) Outline the structure of Phototransistor and explain its
operation. (7) BTL 4 Analyzing
ii) Explain Power MOSFET & Power BJT in detail. (6)
5. Demonstrate the construction, working principle and BTL 3 Applying
characteristics of Diac and Triac. (13)
6. Suggest a method for thyristor protection and summarize
the different methods of Thyristor protection that are in BTL 6 Creating
practice. (13)
7. i) Give a brief note on CCD. (6)
BTL 1 Remembering
ii) Write short notes on modes of operation of LCD. (7)
8. What is the working principle of solar cell and opto
BTL 1 Remembering
couplers? (13)
9. Describe the structure and operation of Power BJT and BTL 2 Understanding
Power MOSFET. (13)
10. Determine the operation of UJT relaxation oscillator and BTL 5 Evaluating
R1 value from the conditions for turn-on and turn-off.(13)
11. Enumerate the construction and operation of LED. (13) BTL 1 Remembering
12. Explain the working and characteristics SCR and its BTL 2 Understanding
application. (13)
13. i) Illustrate the construction, symbol and characteristics BTL 3 Applying
of photovoltaic cell. (7)
ii) Interpret the working of phototransistor &
optocoupler. (6)
14. i) Analyze the concept of LED and LCD. (5) BTL 4 Analyzing
ii) Examine the working principle of a DMOS and
VMOS transistor. (8)
15. Explain the working and characteristics of DIAC and its
BTL 5 Evaluating
application. (15)
16. Discuss the limitation factors for the maximum rated
current and voltage in a BJT and MOSFET. Also explain BTL 5 Evaluating
the different structure of power MOSFET. (15)
17. i) Design a two transistor model of SCR. (8)
BTL 6 Creating
ii) Format three phase CCD operation. (7)
18. Determine the average power limitation in Power BJT
BTL 6 Creating
with the help of its characteristics. (15)

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