Analog Electronics I

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(An Autonomous Institution)

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203



Regulation – 2019
Academic Year 2022 – 2023

Prepared by
Dr. S. Ramesh, Associate Professor/ECE
Mr. A.Pandian, Assistant Professor/ECE
Mr.A.Anbarasan, Assistant Professor/ECE

(An Autonomous Institution)
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.




BJT– Need for biasing - DC Load Line and Bias Point – DC analysis of Transistor circuits – Various
biasing methods of BJT – Bias Circuit Design - Thermal stability - Stability factors - Bias
compensation techniques using Diode, thermistor and sensistor – Biasing BJT Switching Circuits-
JFET - DC Load Line and Bias Point - Various biasing methods of JFET - JFET Bias Circuit Design -
MOSFET Biasing - Biasing FET Switching Circuits.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence

1. What do you mean by thermal runaway? BTL 1 Remembering

2. State the importance of selecting the proper operating point. BTL 1 Remembering
3. List out the various biasing methods. BTL 1 Remembering
4. Draw DC load line. BTL 1 Remembering
5. Define the impact of temperature on drain current of MOSFET? BTL 1 Remembering
6. How to find the expression for stability factor? BTL 1 Remembering
7. Predict the collector and base current for the given specifications
BTL 2 Understanding
hfe =80,VBE(ON) = 0.7v, RC=5K, RB=10K, VCC=5V.
8. Illustrate the main idea of compensation techniques. BTL 2 Understanding
9. Summarize the concept of operating point. BTL 2 Understanding
10. Give outline for compensation techniques. BTL 2 Understanding
11. Estimate the DC load line for fixed bias amplifier circuit. BTL 2 Understanding
12. State the relation between operating region and biasing of
BTL 2 Understanding
transistor junctions.
13. Identify the operating regions of N-channel MOSFET and
BTL 3 Applying
how do you identify the operating region.
14. Categorize the different methods of biasing a JFET. BTL 3 Applying
15. How would you apply various conditions for thermal stability
BTL 3 Applying
and what are the conditions for thermal stability?
16. Show the fixed bias single stage transistor circuit. BTL 3 Applying
17. Examine stability factors for BJT. BTL 3 Applying
18. Pointout the thermal runaway and condition for thermal stability. BTL 3 Applying
19. Analyze the function of Q-point. How it varies the output? BTL 4 Analyzing
20. Examine why the operating point selected at the center of the BTL 4 Analyzing

active region.
21. List out the advantages of using emitter resistance in the context
BTL 4 Analyzing
of biasing.
22. Inspect the importance of selecting the proper operating point. BTL 4 Analyzing
23. How would you explain FET is known as voltage variable
BTL 4 Analyzing
24. Infer the reason for stabilizing the Q point of transistor. BTL 4 Analyzing
1. Demonstrate the stability factor for voltage divider bias (13) BTL 1 Remembering
circuit and give reason why it is advantageous than fixed
bias circuit.
2. What is DC load line? How will you select the operating (13) BTL 1 Remembering
point, explain it using common emitter amplifier
characteristics as an example?
3. For a BJT with a voltage divider bias circuit, find the change (13) BTL 1 Remembering
in Q-point with the variation in β when the circuit contains
an emitter resistor. Let the biasing resistors be RB1=56kΩ,
RB2=12.2kΩ, RC=2kΩ, RE=0.4kΩ, VCC=10V, VBE(ON)=0.7V
and β=100.
4. With neat diagrams, how would you show two bias (13) BTL 1 Remembering
compensation techniques and state its advantages and
5. (i) Design a fixed bias circuit to have operating point of (7) BTL 1 Remembering
(10V,3mA). The circuit is supplied with 20V and uses a
silicon transistor of hfe = 250.
(ii) Describe how DC load line is drawn. (6)
6. Relate the various methods of biasing using BJT in terms of (13) BTL 2 Understanding
their stability factors.
7. (i) Illustrate stability and thermal stability. (7) BTL 2 Understanding
(ii) Summarize the biasing FET switching circuits. (6)
8. Interpret the circuit as shown in below. β =100 for this (13) BTL 2 Understanding
transistor. Calculate VCE for a given circuit.

9. (i) Interpret about the meaning of bias stability and what (7) BTL 2 Understanding
factors affect BJT biasing?
(ii) Estimate an expression for the stability factor for fixed (6)
bias method.
10. For the circuit shown in the figure, Ic=2mA, β =100, Calculate (13) BTL 3 Applying
RE,VEC and stability factor.

11. The amplifier shown in Fig. an n-channel FET for which, (13) BTL 3 Applying
ID=0.8mA, VP=-2V,VDD=24V and IDSS=1.6mA. Assume that
rd>Rd. Calculate the parameters VGS, gm, Rs.

12. Solve the bias resistor RB for fixed bias and collector to base BTL 3 Applying
bias and compare the stability factor S for both of them.
Given VCC =12 V, RL = 330 Ω, IB = 0.3 mA, β = 100,
VCEQ = 6 V.
13. Design the circuit shown below with transistor parameters (13) BTL 3 Applying
IDSS=12mA, Vp=-4V and λ=0.008V-1. Determine the small
signal voltage gain Av=Vo/Vi.

14. Analyze various techniques of stabilization of Q-point in a (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
15. Explain in detail about various methods of biasing (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
16. (i) Examine the circuit which uses the diode to compensate (8)
for changes in Ico. Explain how stabilization is achieved in
circuit. BTL 4 Analyzing
(ii) Briefly examine the reason for keeping the operating (5)
point of transistor as fixed.
17. (i) Inspect the importance of emitter stabilized biasing with (5) BTL 4 Analyzing
necessary circuit diagram.
(ii) Determine IB, IC, VCE, VC, VB, VE and VBC For the (8)
emitter bias network shown below.

1. With a neat diagram explain the source and drain resistance (15) BTL 1 Remembering
biasing of MOSFET.
2. Elaborate the various techniques that use temperature (15) BTL 2 Understanding
sensitive devices to maintain constant operating point and
explain in detail.

3. The circuit shown in the figure, let hfe= 100. BTL 3 Applying

(i) Solve Vth and Rth for the base circuit. (5)
(ii) Measure ICQ and VCEQ. (5)
(iii) Draw the DC Load line. (5)
4. Examine the stability factors for any two biasing methods in (15) BTL 4 Analyzing
5. Analyze about the common source self bias and voltage (15) BTL 4 Analyzing
divider bias for FET.


Small Signal Hybrid π equivalent circuit of BJT – Early effect - Analysis of CE, CC and CB
amplifiers using Hybrid π equivalent circuits - AC Load Line Analysis- Darlington Amplifier -
Bootstrap technique - Cascade, Cascode configurations - Differential amplifier, Basic BJT differential
pair – Small signal analysis and CMRR.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Define bypass and coupling Capacitor. BTL 1 Remembering
2. What is an amplifier and AC load line? BTL 1 Remembering
3. Can you recall transconductance? BTL 1 Remembering
4. How would you show Miller effect input capacitance? BTL 1 Remembering
5. Define CMRR of BJT differential amplifier. BTL 1 Remembering
6. State Miller’s theorem. BTL 1 Remembering
7. Summarize the amplifiers classification according to the input. BTL 2 Understanding
8. Draw the small signal equivalent of CB configuration. BTL 2 Understanding
9. Compare cascade and cascode amplifier. BTL 2 Understanding
10. Find CMRR of differential amplifier with differential gain 300 BTL 2 Understanding
and common mode gain of 0.2.
11. Discuss about power gain. BTL 2 Understanding
12. Draw the simplified hybrid π equivalent circuit for NPN BTL 2 Understanding
13. Construct the small signal AC equivalent circuit of the BJT. BTL 3 Applying
14. Why do you choose emitter bypass capacitor in CE amplifier BTL 3 Applying

15. Show the cascade amplifier and its ac equivalent circuit. BTL 3 Applying
16. State the advantages of un bypassed RE in CE configuration. BTL 3 Applying
17. Compare AC and DC load lines. BTL 3 Applying
18. Illustrate about diffusion resistance. BTL 3 Applying
19. Categorize the different coupling schemes used in multistage BTL 4 Analyzing
20. Analyze the bootstrapping technique. BTL 4 Analyzing
21. Infer the need of differential amplifier. BTL 4 Analyzing
22. Inspect the importance of Darlington circuit. BTL 4 Analyzing
23. Assess why RE is replaced by a constant current bias in a BTL 4 Analyzing
differential amplifier.
24. Pointout the improvisation methods of CMRR in differential BTL 4 Analyzing

1. Draw the circuit diagram of common emitter amplifier with (13) BTL 1 Remembering
voltage divider bias, coupling capacitor and bypass capacitor.
With the help of small signal equivalent, obtain the expression
for current gain, voltage gain, input and output impedance.
2. Find the gain, input and output resistance of common collector (13) BTL 1 Remembering
amplifier with a neat circuit diagram and equivalent circuit.

3. State and prove the Miller’s theorem with example circuit. (13) BTL 1 Remembering
4. What is CMRR? Derive CMRR of differential amplifier with its (13) BTL 1 Remembering
equivalent circuit.
5. Draw and explain the hybrid π equivalent circuit for NPN (13) BTL 1 Remembering
6. Summarize the gain, input impedance and output impedance of (13) BTL 2 Understanding
single stage BJT amplifier using mid band analysis.
7. Explain the basic common base amplifier circuit and derive the (13) BTL 2 Understanding
expressions for its small signal voltage gain, current gain, input
impedance and output impedance.
8. (i) Illustrate bootstrapped Darlington circuit with neat sketch. (8) BTL 2 Understanding
(ii)Outline the transfer characteristics of differential (5)
9. Compare CB, CE and CC amplifiers and state their applications. (13) BTL 2 Understanding
10. Construct the Darlington pair circuit with its operation and (13) BTL 3 Applying
advantages and also explain its small signal voltage gain and
input impedance.
11. Derive the expression for Ri, Av and Ro for CE amplifier with (13) BTL 3 Applying
bypassed RE.
12. Illustrate the expressions for Ri, Av and Ro for emitter follower (13) BTL 3 Applying

13. (i)Develop the circuit for the following transistor parameters, (8) BTL 3 Applying
input signal is a current source. Identify its small signal voltage
gain, current gain, maximum voltage gain and input impedance.
(ii) Develop the circuit diagram of bootstrapped emitter follower (5)
with its equivalent circuit, derive for its input and output
14. Analyze the changes in the AC characteristics of a common (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
emitter amplifier when an emitter resistor and an emitter bypass
capacitor are incorporated in the design? Explain with necessary
15. Explain the operation of cascade amplifier and derive voltage (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
gain, overall input resistance, overall current gain and output
16. Examine the circuit diagram for a differential amplifier using (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
BJT’s and find CMRR through small signal analysis.
17. Discuss about the cascode configurations of amplifiers using (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
BJT and compare with cascade configurations.
1. Elaborate the small signal equivalent circuit and derive the (15) BTL 1 Remembering
transistor parameters of widely used amplifier whose current and
voltage gain are greater than unity.
2. Derive the expression of common mode rejection ratio of dual (15) BTL 2 Understanding
input, balanced out emitter coupled differential amplifier.
3. Examine the bootstrapping technique of improving input (15) BTL 3 Applying
resistance in common collector circuit.
4. Estimate the input and output resistance of the emitter follower (15) BTL 4 Analyzing
circuit for the given specifications. Assume RS=0.5kΩ,
, β = 100, R1 = R2 = and ,
VCC=5v, RE= 2 .
5. Design the cascode circuit for the following specifications: (15) BTL 4 Analyzing

Small Signal Hybrid π equivalent circuit of FET and MOSFET - Analysis of CS, CD and CG amplifiers
using Hybrid π equivalent circuits - Basic FET differential pair- BiCMOS circuits.

Question Competence
No. Level
1. List the advantages of common drain amplifier. BTL1 Remembering
2. What is BiCMOS? BTL1 Remembering
3. What is meant by voltage swing limitation in JFET? BTL1 Remembering
4. How a MOSFET can be used to amplify a time varying voltage? BTL1 Remembering
5. Identify the impact of including a source resistor in the FET BTL1 Remembering
6. What is the relationship between pinch off voltage and drain BTL1 Remembering
7. Write down the small signal parameters of JFET. BTL2 Understanding
8. Mention the effect of bypass capacitor on bandwidth of the amplifier. BTL2 Understanding
9. Draw a differential pair using FET. BTL2 Understanding
10. Discuss the use of MOSFET to amplify a time varying voltage. BTL2 Understanding
11. State the advantages of BiCMOS circuits. BTL3 Applying
12. Draw the circuit of JFET common source amplifier. BTL3 Applying
13. How will you construct low frequency equivalent circuit of FET? BTL3 Applying
14. The parameters for the transistor below are Kn = 0.5mA/V2, VTN = BTL4 Analyzing
1.2V, and λ = 0. Simplify VDS and VGS for IQ=50 µA.
15. Analyze the transconductance with its expression. BTL4 Analyzing
16. Compare the three FET configurations (CS, CD and CG). BTL4 Analyzing
17. Explain the importance of multistage amplifiers. BTL3 Applying
18. N channel FET’s are preferred over P channel FET’s. Justify BTL3 Applying

19. Determine the output impedance of source follower circuit. Given BTL4 Analyzing
that Rs=0.75KOhm, ro = 12.5 KΩ and gm= 11.3 mA/V.
20. Draw the small signal equivalent circuit for common source NMOS. BTL4 Analyzing
21. What are the features of BiCMOS cascode amplifier? BTL1 Remembering
22. Compare the features of three MOSFET amplifier configuration. BTL4 Analyzing
23. Draw the voltage current characteristics of JFET amplifier. BTL4 Analyzing
24. List the merits and demerits of BiCMOS differential amplifiers. BTL2 Understanding
1. (i) How would you describe the expression for the voltage gain of (7) BTL1 Remembering
JFET common source amplifier with bypassed RS.
(ii) Derive the expression for the voltage gain of JFET common
source amplifier?
2. Explain the expression for common gate circuit of JFET. (13) BTL1 Remembering
3. What is JFET amplifier? Derive gain, input and output impedance (13) BTL1 Remembering
of common source JFET amplifier with neat circuit diagram and
equivalent circuit.
4. Define the circuit of a basic common source amplifier with (13) BTL1 Remembering
voltage divider bias and derive the expressions for voltage gain,
input impedance and output impedance using small signal model.
5. (i) Explain the voltage gain of BiCMOS cascode amplifier. (8) BTL2 Understanding
(ii) Draw a discrete common gate JFET amplifier and derive
voltage gain Av, input impedance Rin, and output impedance Rout (5)
with small signal equivalent circuit.
6. Derive the gain, input and output impedance of MOSFET source (13) BTL2 Understanding
follower with neat circuit diagram and equivalent circuit.
7. Calculate the voltage gain of the circuit, assuming the following (13) BTL2 Understanding
parameters: VDD=3.3V, RD=10KΩ, RG1=140KΩ, RG2=60KΩ,
RSi=4KΩ. The transistors parameters are Vtn =0.4V, Kn=0.5mA/V2
and λ=0.02V-1
8. (i) Explain how JFET can be used as an amplifier. (7) BTL3 Applying
(ii) Describe the small signal low frequency model of JFET. (6)
9. With the equivalent circuit of a common gate MOSFET amplifier, (13) BTL3 Applying
derive for Av, Ai and Ri .
10. Analyze a simple JFET source-follower amplifier circuit and (13) BTL4 Analyzing
discuss the general AC circuit characteristics.
11. (i) Explain on voltage swing limitations, general conditions under (10) BTL4 Analyzing
which a source follower amplifier would be used.
(ii) Describe the characteristics of BiCMOS circuits. (3)
12. (i) Mention the small signal parameters of MOSFET. (7) BTL4 Analyzing
(ii) Explain the configuration of a common-source amplifier with (6)
source resistor.

13. (i) Consider the PMOS amplifier.The transistor parameters are
Vtp=-1v,βp=(µpCox(W/L)=1mA/v2 and λ=0.
(a) Determine RD and RS, such that IDQ =0.75mA (4)
and VSDQ=6V.
(b) Determine input impedance Ri and output (3)
impedance Ro.
(c) Voltage gain, Current gain and maximum (4)
Output voltage swing.
(ii) Determine the current gain of JFET source follower amplifier. (3)
BTL4 Analyzing

14. Derive the expression for gain of NMOS source follower along (13)
with small signal equivalent circuit. Also explain cascade NMOS BTL4 Analyzing
15. Compare the features and small signal equivalent circuits of three (13)
BTL4 Analyzing
MOSFET amplifier configurations.
16. Enumerate in detail and derive the expression for voltage gain of (13)
BTL4 Analyzing
CS and CD MOSFET amplifier.
17. Derive the expression for the following:
(i) Voltage gain for common gate MOSFET amplifier, (7)
BTL4 Analyzing
(ii) Current gain for common gate MOSFET amplifier. (6)

1. What are the voltage swing limitations and general conditions (15)
under which a source amplifier would be used and explain
BTL2 Understanding
common source amplifier with source resistor and source bypass
2. Design and analyze the characteristics of BiCMOS cascode (15)
amplifier, and explain graphically the amplification process in a BTL4 Analyzing
simple MOSFET amplifier circuit.
3. Determine the small signal voltage gain of a multistage cascade (15)
circuit shown in the figure below. The transistor parameters are
BTL4 Analyzing
Kn1=0.5mA/V2, Kn2=0.2mA/V2, VTN1=VTN2=1.2V and λ1=λ2=0.
The Quiescent drain currents are ID1=0.2mA and ID2=0.5mA.

4. Draw the small signal equivalent circuit for FET shown in the (15) BTL4 Analyzing
figure given below and hence find VO1/Vi and VO2/Vi in terms of
circuit constants.

5. Determine the small-signal voltage gain and input and output (15) BTL4 Analyzing
resistances of a common source MOSFET amplifier has the
parameter are VDD = 10 V, R1 = 70 KΩ, R2 = 29 KΩ, RD = 5 KΩ,
VTN = 2 V, Kn = 0.5 mA/V2 and λ = 0.01 V-1. Assume Rs = 4 KΩ.s

Amplifier frequency response – Frequency response of transistor amplifiers with circuit capacitors – BJT
frequency response – short circuit current gain - cut off frequency – fα, fβ and unity gain bandwidth –
Miller effect - frequency response of FET - High frequency analysis of CE and MOSFET CS amplifier -
Transistor Switching Times.
Question Competence
No. Level
1. What is the effect of miller’s capacitance on the frequency response of BTL1 Remembering
an amplifier?
2. Define rise time. Give the relationship between bandwidth and rise time. BTL1 Remembering
3. List out the advantages of hybrid parameter. BTL1 Remembering
4. What is the need of cascading multistage amplifiers? BTL1 Remembering
5. Mention the reason for reduction in gain for lower and higher BTL1 Remembering
frequencies in case of amplifiers?
6. If the rise time of a BJT is 35ns. Identify the bandwidth that can be BTL4 Analyzing
obtained using this BJT.
7. Differentiate small signal equivalent & hybrid π equivalent circuit. BTL2 Understanding
8. Write the equation of overall lower and upper cutoff frequency of BTL2 Understanding
multistage amplifier.
9. What is the main reason for the drop in gain at the low frequency region BTL2 Understanding
& high frequency region?
10. Discuss the limitations of multistage amplifiers. BTL2 Understanding
11. For an amplifier, midband gain is 100 and lower cutoff frequency is BTL3 Applying
10KHz. Find the gain of an amplifier at frequency is 10Hz.
12. Write about the concept behind drop in gain at the low frequency region BTL3 Applying
and at the high frequency region
13. Solve for the unity gain bandwidth of MOSFET whose gm = 1.2m A/V, BTL3 Applying
Cgs = 50 pF, Cgd= 10 pF, and Cds = 1 pF.
14. Compare BJT and MOSFET Amplifiers. BTL4 Analyzing
15. The Short circuit CE current gain of transistor is 25 at a frequency of 2 BTL4 Analyzing
MHz if fᵦ = 200 KHz Examine find |Ai| at frequency of 10 MHz and 100
16. Calculate the cut-off frequency due to the bypass capacitor in the given BTL4 Analyzing

17. Common base amplifier is preferred for high frequency signal when BTL4 Analyzing
compared to CE amplifier. Justify.
18. What is meant by unit gain frequency and β cutoff frequency? BTL1 Remembering
19. Draw the hybrid π equivalent model of the BJT. BTL3 Applying
20. Write down the high frequency equivalent circuit model for MOSFET. BTL4 Analyzing
21. What are the various types of gate capacitances in MOSFET? BTL1 Remembering
22. Draw the general frequency response of an amplifier. BTL4 Analyzing
23. What is the relationship between bandwidth and risetime? BTL1 Remembering
24. If the rise time of a BJT is 40 ns, what is the bandwidth that can be BTL3 Applying
obtained using this BJT?
1. Describe with neat diagram and derive the expression for cut off (13) BTL1 Remembering
frequency of a BJT.
2. Explain the upper and lower cut off frequencies of multistage (13) BTL1 Remembering
amplifier with expressions.
3. How would you describe the relation between rise time, upper cut (13) BTL1 Remembering
off frequency and bandwidth?
4. Write the operation of high frequency common source FET BTL1 Remembering
amplifier with neat diagram? Derive the expression for
i) Voltage gain (4)
ii) Input admittance (3)
iii) input capacitance (3)
iv) Output admittance. (3)
5. Summarize the expressions for the short circuit current gain of (13) BTL2 Understanding
common emitter amplifier at a high frequency. Define alpha cut-off
frequency, beta cut-off frequency and transition frequency and
derive their values in terms of the circuit parameters.
6. (i) Discuss in detail about the bandwidth of single stage amplifiers. (7) BTL2 Understanding
(ii) Describe in detail about gain bandwidth product for voltage and
current of BJT. (6)

7. (i) Summarize alpha cut-off frequency, beta cut-off frequency and (7) BTL2 Understanding
transition frequency.
(ii) Summarize the expression for Low Frequency Analysis of BJT. (6)
8. (i) Write a brief outline about multistage amplifiers. (8) BTL3 Applying
(ii) List out the advantages and applications of single stage and (5)
multistage amplifiers.
9. Solve and obtain the low frequency response of the amplifier (13) BTL3 Applying
shown in fig. hie=rπ=1.1K.

10. Calculate the bandwidth of the amplifier shown, rb =100Ω, Rπ= 1.1 (13) BTL4 Analyzing
K, Cπ= 3 pF, Cµ= 100 pF, hfe = 225.

11. For hybrid – π common emitter transistor model, derive the (13) BTL4 Analyzing
expression for input conductance (gbe) and output resistance (gce).
12. Derive the expression for an amplifier rise time and sag and their (13) BTL4 Analyzing
relation to upper cut-off frequencies
13. Consider a bipolar transistor that has the parameters fT =20Ghz at (13)
IC=1mA, =120, C =0.08pF, VT=0.026V and gm=38.5mA/V.
BTL3 Applying
Evaluate the values for the bandwidth and capacitance of a bipolar
14. Draw the high frequency equivalent circuit of a MOSFET from its (13)
BTL4 Analyzing

geometry and derive the expression for short circuit current gain in
the common source configuration.
15. Analyze the following:
(i) Overall Lower cut-off frequency of Multistage amplifier, (7) BTL4 Analyzing
(ii) Overall Higher cut-off frequency of multistage amplifier. (6)
16. A CS amplifier has CC1 = CS = CC2 = 1.2 µF, RG = 10 MΩ, RS = (13)
100 KΩ, gm =2 mA/V, RD = RL = 10 KΩ. Find AM, fp1, fp2, fp3 and BTL4 Analyzing
17. For the CE amplifier has the following parameters are RB = 100 (13)
KΩ, RC = 8 KΩ, RL = 5 KΩ, RS = 5 KΩ, β0 = 40 mA/V, rπ = 2.5 BTL4 Analyzing
KΩ, and fL = 100 Hz. Determine CC1, CC2 and CE.
1. Obtain the low frequency response and high frequency response of (15) BTL3
an amplifier, derive its cutoff frequency & discuss the terms rise Applying
time and sag.
2. Design the high frequency analysis of JFET with necessary circuit BTL3
diagram& gain bandwidth product and explain the frequency (15) Applying
response of MOSFET CS amplifier.
3. Determine the midband gain Am and upper 3dB frequency fH of a
CS amplifier fed with a signal source having an internal resistance
(15) BTL4 Analyzing
RS=100KΩ. The amplifier has RG=4.7MΩ, RD=RL=15KΩ,
gm=1mA/V, ro=150KΩ, cgs=1pF and cgd=0.4pF.
4. Estimate the midband gain, input impedance, output impedance,
bandwidth and maximum output voltage swing for the given
NMOS transistor parameters are µnCox(W/L)=0.5mA/V2,
(15) BTL4 Analyzing
VGSQ=3.25V, Vth=2V, λ=0, Cgd=0.1pF, Cgs=1pF, RG1=234KΩ,
RG2=166KΩ, RS=10KΩ, RD=4KΩ, RL=20KΩ, RS=0.5KΩ (assume
5. For the circuit shown in figure has following parameters: hfe = 125,
Cπ = 24 PF, Cµ = 3 PF.

(i) Determine its midband gain, upper – cut off frequency, (7)
BTL4 Analyzing
(ii) Find the values of Cc1, Cc2, and CE by assuming lower cut – off (8)
frequency of 100 Hz.

Linear mode power supply - Rectifiers - Filters - Half-Wave Rectifier Power Supply - Full-Wave Rectifier
Power Supply - Voltage regulators: Voltage regulation - Linear series, shunt and switching Voltage
Regulators - Over voltage protection - BJT and MOSFET – Switched mode power supply (SMPS) - Power
Supply Performance and Testing - Troubleshooting and Fault Analysis, Design of Regulated DC Power
Q.N Question BT Level Competence
1. What is the necessity of bleeder resistor? BTL 4 Analyzing
2. What is meant by ripple factor? BTL 1 Remembering
3. List the advantages and disadvantages of Half wave rectifier. BTL 1 Remembering
4. Write the expression for ripple factor of FWR. BTL 1 Remembering
5. What is filter? BTL 1 Remembering
6. Why capacitor input filter is not suitable for variable loads? BTL 1 Remembering
7. Describe operation of CLC filter. BTL 2 Understanding
8. Using a dc and ac voltmeter to measure the output signal from a BTL 2 Understanding
filter circuit, we obtain readings of 25V DC and 1.5V rms. Solve
the ripple of the filter output voltage.
9. Estimate the ripple voltage of a full-wave rectifier with a100mF BTL 2 Understanding
filter capacitor connected to a load drawing 50 mA.
10. Write down the Transformer Utilization Factor TUF of HWR BTL 2 Understanding
and FWR.
11. Define Voltage regulation? BTL 1 Remembering

12. A DC voltage supply provides 60V when the output is unloaded. BTL 4 Analyzing
When connected to a load, the output drops to 56V. Calculate the
value of voltage regulation.
13. Why unregulated power supply is not suitable for many application. BTL 2 Understanding

14. How to decrease the ripple factor? BTL 3 Applying

15. Why protection circuit is required for the regulator? BTL 2 Understanding
16. What is meant by switched mode power supply? BTL 3 Applying
17. Compare the SMPS with linear power supply. BTL 4 Analyzing
18. Why a simple capacitor filter is not suitable for heavy loads. BTL 3 Applying
19. How shunt regulator is differentiated from series regulator? BTL 4 Analyzing
20. Draw the circuit diagram of RPS. BTL 3 Applying
21. List the Application of full wave rectifier. BTL 2 Understanding
22. What are the advantage of SMPS? BTL 1 Remembering
23. Draw the block diagram of SMPS. BTL 3 Applying
24. Why capacitor input filter is not suitable for variable load? BTL 4 Analyzing
1. (i) Explain the construction and operation of Half wave (10) BTL 1 Remembering
rectifier with suitable diagrams and waveforms.
(ii) List its merits and demerits. (3)
2. (i) Describe the working of a rectifier whose TUF is (10) BTL 4 Analyzing
0.693 with supporting diagrams.
(ii) State its advantages and disadvantages. (3)
3. (i)With the help of circuit diagram and waveforms, (10) BTL 1 Remembering
explain the operation of bridge rectifiers
(ii) Point out its advantages and disadvantages (3)
4. (i) Explain the working of C filter with Full wave (7) BTL 1 Remembering
(ii) Derive the expression for its ripple factor. (6)

5. (i) With a neat diagram describe the operation of L filter? (7) BTL 2 Understanding

(ii) Derive the expression for its ripple factor. (6)

6. (i) With a neat diagram describe the operation of CLC (7) BTL 2 Understanding
(ii) Derive the expression for its ripple factor. (6)

7. What is shunt voltage regulator? Discuss about itsworking (13)
with necessary diagrams. BTL 2 Understanding

8. With the help of neat circuit diagrams, explain the (13)

BTL 3 Applying
construction and operation of series voltage regulator.
9. Calculate the output voltage and the Zener current in the given (13)
regulator circuit for RL = 1 kΩ.

BTL 4 Analyzing

10. Describe in detail about the following

BTL 1 Remembering
(i)Short circuit Protection (7)

(ii)Current limiting circuits (6)

11. Calculate the parameters of the regulated voltage and circuit (13)
currents for the shown shunt regulator.

BTL 3 Applying

12. Explain how the pulse width modulation is applied in Switched

(13) BTL 3 Applying
mode Power supply?
13. Analyse the following protection circuit that could be applied
to voltage regulator.
BTL 4 Analyzing
(i) Fold back limiting circuit (7)
(ii) Over Voltage Protection (6)
14. How to do Power Supply Performance and Testing in Power (13)
BTL 3 Applying
supply unit.
15. A full wave rectifier a signal of 300v at 50 Hz is applied at the BTL 4 Analyzing
input. Each diode has an internal resistance of 800Ω.If the load
is 2000Ω, calculate (5)
i) Instant peak value of current in the output (4)
ii) Output DC current (4)
iii) Efficiency of power transfer
16. With neat circuit diagrams, explain the Fault Analysis method. (13) BTL 3 Applying

17. Explain how the power supply unit problem eliminates using (13) BTL 3 Applying
the Troubleshooting method.
1. Drive the full wave rectifiers parameters Idc, Edc, Irms, Pdc, Pac, (15) BTL 3 Applying
Rectifier efficiency, ripple factor, PIV and TUF parameters.

2. What is Rectifier circuit? Explain full wave rectifier circuit (15) BTL 2 Understanding
operation with circuit and wave forms.
3. Estimate a power supply unit for a System needs to be (15) BTL 4 Analyzing
powered with a 12V dc source of maximum load current
150mA. Design a circuit to supply power with the available
domestic a.c. line. Assume any data required, but reasonably.
Provide short circuit protection.
4. Design a bridge rectifier is applied with input from a step (15) BTL 4 Analyzing
down transformer having turns ratio 8:1 and input 230V,
50Hz.If the Rf = 1Ω, RS = 1Ω and RL = 2kΩ. Find DC power
output, PIV across each diode, Percentage efficiency and
percentage regulation at full load.
5. Design a DC power supply unit 9V DC source of maximum (15) BTL 4 Analyzing
load current 100mA with the available domestic AC line
assume data required, but reasonably provide short circuit


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