Imp Qstions TLRF

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General theory of Transmission lines - the transmission line - general solution - The infinite line - Wavelength,

velocity of propagation - Waveform distortion - the distortion-less line - Loading and different methods of
loading - Line not terminated in Z0 - Reflection coefficient - calculation of current, voltage, power delivered

and efficiency of transmission - Input and transfer impedance - Open and short circuited lines - reflection factor
and reflection loss.
PART A ( 2 marks)

Q.No. ee Questions BT Competence

1. Define transmission line. BTL 1 Remembering
2. List the conditions for distortion less line. BTL 1 Remembering
3. State phase distortion and frequency distortion. BTL 1 Remembering
4. What are primary constants and secondary constants of a BTL 1 Remembering
transmission line?
5. How to avoid the distortion that occurs in the line? BTL 1 Remembering
6. Choose the properties of infinite line. BTL 1 Remembering
7. Write the expressions for the phase constant and velocity of BTL 2 Understanding

8. Discuss the effect of inductance loading of telephone cable. BTL 2 Understanding
9. Deduce the relationship between characteristic impedance and BTL 2 Understanding
propagation constant.

10. Conclude the general equation for the input impedance and transfer BTL 2 Understanding
impedance of a transmission line.
11. Build the voltage and current equations at any point on a uniform BTL 3 Applying

transmission line.
12. Illustrate how practical lines made appear as infinite lines. BTL 3 Applying
13. Sketch the equivalent circuit of a unit length of transmission line. BTL 3 Applying

14. Analyze the expression for reflection coefficient and reflection loss. BTL 4 Analyzing
15. The open circuit and short circuit impedance of a transmission line BTL 4 Analyzing
at 1500 Hz are 800 ∠-30 Ω and 400 ∠-10 Ω respectively, Examine
its propagation constant.
16. Assess the expression for reflection factor. BTL 4 Analyzing
17. Prove that 1 neper=8.686dB. BTL 5 Evaluating 2
18. Estimate the reflection coefficient of a 50ohm transmission line BTL 5 Evaluating
when it is terminated by a load impedance of 60+j40Ω.
19. Formulate the equation to find the relation between characteristic BTL 6 Creating
impedance and primary constants of a transmission line.
20. Design Campbell’s formula for a uniformly loaded line. BTL 6 Creating
PART –B (13 marks)

1. Obtain the general transmission line equation for the (13) BTL 1 Remembering
voltage and current at any point on a transmission line.

2. (i) Outline the expression for the attenuation and phase (7) BTL 1 Remembering
constants after obtaining an expression for the
characteristic impedance.

(ii) How to solve the Campbell’s equation for the loading (6)


3. (i) Discuss in detail about inductance loading of telephone (7) BTL 1 Remembering
cables and recall the attenuation constant, phase constant
and velocity of signal transmission for the uniformly
loaded cable.
(ii) Describe about the reflection on a line not terminated in (6)
its characteristic impedance.
4. (i) What is a loading? Specify the types of loading of lines. (7) BTL 1 Remembering

(ii) Write a short note on reflection factor and reflection loss (6)
and give expressions.
5. (i) Explain in detail about the waveform distortion and (7) BTL 2 Understanding
also derive the condition for distortion less line.

(ii) Predict the expression for open and short circuited (6)


6. (i) Identify the conditions (α, β) required for a distortion (7) BTL 2 Understanding
less line.

(ii) A distortion less transmission line has attenuation (6)

constant α=1.15×10-2 Np/m, and capacitance of 0.01
nF/m. the characteristic resistance L/C=50Ω. Identify

the resistance, inductance and conductance per more of

the line.

7. (i) A telephone line has parameters of R = 6.5 Ω/km, L= (7) BTL 2 Understanding

0.4 mH/km, C=0.05μF/km and G=0.5 μmho/km.

Extend the calculation for finding the input impedance
of the line at a frequency of 500 Hz given that the line
is very long.

(ii) A lossless transmission line with Z0 = 75ohm and (6)

electrical length l= 0.3 λ is terminated with a complex
load impedance of ZR = 40+j20ohm. Estimate reflection 3
coefficient and VSWR of the line.

8. (i) The characteristic impedance of a certain transmission (8) BTL 3 Applying

line is 682.5-j195.7 ohm. The frequency of operation is
1 KHz. At this frequency, the attenuation constant in
the line was observed to be 0.01 neper/km and phase
constant 0.035 radians /km. Prepare the line constants
R, L, G and C per km of the line.

(ii) Draw and explain the reflection loss due to mismatch (5)
between source and load impedances.

9. (i) An open wire line having R=10.15 ohm/km, L = 3.93 (7) BTL 3 Applying
mH/km, G=0.29 μmho/km and C=0.00797 μF/km is
100 km long and terminated in Z0. Solve Z0, α, β and γ.

(ii) Illustrate the Zo and in terms of primary constants. (6)

10. (i) Connect the value of attenuation constant ‘α’ as R/2
ee (7) BTL 4 Analyzing
+ G/2 , when the series resistance R and
shunt resistance G of the transmission line are small but
not negligible.

(ii) Demonstrate the concept of attenuation and phase (6)

constant of an infinite line.

11. (i) Analyze the expressions for short circuited and open (6) BTL 4 Analyzing
circuited impedance.

(ii) Point out the propagation constant of continuously (7)


loaded cable.

12. (i) A 2 meter long transmission line with characteristic (7) BTL 4 Analyzing
impedance of 60+j40 is operating at =106 rad/sec has
attenuation constant of 0.921 Np/m and phase shift

constant of 0 rad/miff the line is terminated by a load of

20+j50,find the input impedance of this line.

(ii) Simplify the expression for input impedance and (6)

transfer impedance of transmission lines.

13. (i) Summarize how an infinite line equal to finite line (6) BTL 5 Evaluating

terminated in its characteristic impedance.

(ii) The characteristics impedance of a 805m-long (7)

transmission line is 94 angle -23.2⁰Ω, the attenuation
constant is 74.5×10ˉ⁶ Np/m. and the phase shift
constant is 174×10ˉ⁶ rad/m at 5KHz. Assess the line
parameters R,L,G and C per meter and the phase 4
velocity on the line.

14. The constants of a transmission line are R= 6Ω/km, BTL 6 Creating

L=2.2mH/km, C=0.005×10ˉ⁶F/km and G=0.25×10ˉ⁶
mho/km. calculate at the frequency of 800 HZ, Design
(a) The terminating impedance for which no reflection
will be setup in the line,
(b) The attenuation in dB suffered by the signal after (6)

travelling a distance of 50Km when the line is

properly terminated and the phase velocity with
which the signal would travel.

PART C (15 marks)

1. (i) Adapt the condition for minimum attenuation in a (7)

distortion less line BTL 6 Creating

(ii) Develop and derive the relation between primary (8)
constants and secondary constants.
2. A 100 km long line is terminated in its characteristic
impedance. A generator of internal impedance of 600
ohm and a voltage of 5 volts operating at frequency of
800 Hz is connected at the input end of the line. The
characteristic impedance of the line is 550 ∠ -150 and
the propagation constant γ = 0.045 +j0.0825 per km. (15) BTL 6 Creating
Observe the parameter such as
(a) Primary Constants
(b)Sending end current and sending end voltage
(c)Receiving end current and Receiving end Voltage
(d) Sending end power and Receiving end power.
3. Open circuited and short circuited measurements at a
frequency of 5KHz on a line of length 200km yielded
the following results:

Zoc = 570 ∠ -480 ohm , Zsc = 720∠ 340 ohm (15) BTL 5 Evaluating
EvaluateZo , α, β and primary constants given that the
approximate velocity of propagation to be 1.8 *106

4. (i) An open wire line is 200 km long is correctly (10)

terminated. The generator at the sending end has
Es = 10 V, f = 1 KHz and internal impedance of 500
ohm. At that frequency Zo=683-j138 and γ=

0.0074+j0.0356 per km. Measure the sending and BTL 5 Evaluating

receiving end voltage, current and power.
(ii) A cable has α = 0.01 nepers /km and β = 0.0018/km and (5)

having length of 100 km.Estimate the receiving end

voltage when the line is terminated in its characteristic
impedance and Es = 5V.
Transmission line equations at radio frequencies - Line of Zero dissipation - Voltage and current on the
Dissipation less line, Standing waves, Nodes, Standing wave ratio - Input impedance of the dissipation-less line
- Open and short circuited lines - Power and impedance measurement on lines - Reflection losses - 5
Measurement of VSWR and wavelength.
PART A (2 marks)

Q.No. Questions BT Competence

1. Define Skin effect. BTL 1 Remembering

2. Label the assumptions made for the analysis of performance of the line at BTL 1 Remembering

radio frequency.

3. Compare the values of SWR for ZR = 0 and ZR = Z0. BTL 1 Remembering

4. Recognize the dissipationless line with the proper condition. BTL 1 Remembering

5. What are nodes and antinodes on a line? BTL 1 Remembering

6. Find the nature and value of Z0 for the dissipation less line. BTL 1 Remembering

7. Give the relation between standing wave ratio and magnitude of BTL 2 Understanding
reflection co efficient.
8. Express reflection coefficient in terms of SWR. BTL 2 Understanding

9. Predict the expression for input impedance of RF line.

ee BTL 2 Understanding
10. Indicate the minimum values and maximum values of SWR and BTL 2 Understanding
reflection coefficient.
11. Relate the nature of input impedance of open circuited and short BTL 3 Applying
circuited and matched load condition for dissipation less line.
12. Solve the terminating load for a certain R.F transmission line which has BTL 3 Applying
the characteristic impedance of the line 1200 Ω and the reflection co-
efficient was observed to be 0.2.

13. Sketch standing waves on a line having open or short circuit termination. BTL 3 Applying

14. Deduce an expression for inductance of an open wire line and coaxial BTL 4 Analyzing


15. Analyze the line with dissipationless line and find the values of BTL 4 Analyzing
attenuation constant and characteristic impedance.

16. Explain the concept of dissipation less line. BTL 4 Analyzing

17. How would you justify that the point of voltage minimum is measured BTL 5 Evaluating

rather than the voltage maximum?

18. A lossless transmission has a shunt capacitance of 100 pF/m and a series BTL 5 Evaluating
inductance of 4μH/m. Evaluate the characteristic impedance.

19. Can you predict the range of values of standing wave ratio? BTL 6 Creating

20. Adapt the condition for open and short circuited line. BTL 6 Creating

PART B (13 marks) 6
1. Derive the expressions for voltage and current at any point (13) BTL 1 Remembering
on the radio frequency dissipation less line. Obtain the
expressions for the same for different receiving end

2. (i) Brief notes on Standing waves, nodes, standing wave ratio (7) BTL 1 Remembering
also make relation between the standing wave ratio S and the
magnitude of the reflection coefficient.

(ii) State the condition for the open wire line at high frequencies (6)
and derive the parameters.

3. (i) Explain the parameters of open wire line and co axial at RF. (7) BTL 1 Remembering
Mention the standard assumptions made for radio frequency
line. Label the Line constants for zero dissipation.

(ii) Enumerate the voltage and current equation on dissipation (6)

less line.

4. (i) Discuss the reflection coefficient of different transmission (6) BTL 1 Remembering
(ii) The ratio of spacing’d’ to the radius ‘a’ of an open wire
dissipation less line is 25 and the space between the
conductors has a dielectric of relative permittivity of 8.

(a)Inductance (b) Capacitance (c) Characteristic impedance
5. (i) Compare the features of open wire and co axial cable at high (7) BTL 2 Understanding

(ii) Outline the variation of input impedance along open and (6)
short circuit lines with relevant graphs.

6. (i) Describe the various parameters of open wire and co axial (7) BTL 2 Understanding
lines at radio frequency.

(ii) Summarize the concept of Standing wave ratio. (6)

7. Explain how the VSWR and wavelength of the line (13) BTL 2 Understanding
measured in detail.

8. (i) Derive the line constants of a zero dissipation less line. (7) BTL 3 Applying

(ii) Sketch the voltages and currents on dissipation less line for (6)

the conditions given below.

(a) Open circuit (b) Short circuit (c) Rr =R0

9. (i) A low loss transmission line of 100Ω characteristic (7) BTL 3 Applying
impedance is connected to a load of 200Ω.Apply the
formula to calculate the voltage reflection coefficient and the
standing wave ratio. 7
(ii) Solve the standing wave ratio and reflection co – efficient on (6)
a line having Z0 =300ohm and terminated in ZR=300+j400

10. (i) Draw the standing wave pattern for (7) BTL 4 Analyzing
(a) Open circuited load (b) Short circuited load
(c) matched load

(ii) Predict that the reflection coefficient (6)

[|Emax| - |Emin|] / [|Emax| +|Emin|].

11. Explain the expressions for the input impedance of the (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
dissipation less line. Deduce the input impedance of open
and short circuited dissipation less line.

12. (i) Examine the voltage and currents at any point on the (7) BTL 4 Analyzing

dissipation less line along with incident and reflected voltage
wave phasor diagrams which should satisfy the conditions
such as open circuit, short circuit, RR=R0.

(ii) Analyze the standing waves with neat diagram.

ee (6)

13. (i) Summarize the relation between standing wave ratio (S) and (7) BTL 5 Evaluating
magnitude of relation co – efficient.

(ii) Find the reflection coefficient and voltage standing wave (6)
ratio of a line having Ro = 100 ohm, Zr = 100 – j100 ohm.
14. Formulate the following parameters (13) BTL 6 Creating
(a) Standing waves
(b) Standing wave ratio

(c) Relation between SWR and K

(d) Nodes and Antinodes

PART C (15 marks)

1. A Dissipation less co-axial cable has an inner copper

conductor of radius 3mm and an outer copper conductor of

BTL 5 Evaluating
radius 15mm. It is filled with dielectric material of relative
permittivity εr. When it is excited at one end by an a.c.
source, the phase velocity of the wave was observed to be

1.5 X 10 8 m/s. The other end is terminated in a load

resistance ZR = RR which produces standing wave ratio of
3.8. What would you recommend the values for following

(a) Characteristic impedance Zo = Ro 8
(b) Dielectric constant

(c) Load resistance ZR = RR

(d) Reflection Coefficient K




2. Generalize the expressions for voltage and current at any (15) BTL 5 Evaluating

point on the radio frequency dissipation less line. Obtain the

expressions for the same for different receiving end

3. How could you adapt the length of dissipationless line to obtain (15) BTL 6 Creating
an inductance of 15μH at 60 MHz frequency with open circuit
termination? Given that characteristic impedance of the line
is 400 ohm.

4. (i) How would you make up the expression for maximum and (8) BTL 6 Creating
minimum impedances on the line for a lossless line as RoS and
Ro/S respectively?
(ii) What way would you design the coaxial line at high frequencies? (7)
Design a graph to show the variation of Ro for a coaxial line.



Impedance matching: Quarter wave transformer - Impedance matching by stubs - Single stub and double stub
matching - Smith chart - Solutions of problems using Smith chart - Single and double stub matching using
Smith chart.

PART A (2 marks)

Q.No. Questions Competence


1. What is the need for impedance matching? BTL 1 Remembering


2. List the requirements of a better transmission line BTL 1 Remembering

3. Interpret the effect of impedance mismatching. BTL 2 Understanding
4. Express standing wave ratio in terms of reflection coefficient. BTL 2 Understanding
5. Discuss about nodes and anti nodes in a transmission line. BTL 4 Analyzing
6. Why do standing waves exist on transmission lines? BTL 1 Remembering
7. Give the minimum and maximum value of SWR and reflection BTL 1 Remembering
coefficient. 9
8. Calculate the standing wave ratio if the reflection co-efficient of a line is BTL 3 Applying
0.3 -66.
9. A lossless line has a characteristic impedance of 400. Determine the BTL 5 Evaluating
standing wave ratio if the receiving end impedance is 800+j0
10. List the application of a quarter wave line. BTL 1 Remembering
11. Justify the statement - quarter wave lines are termed as impedance BTL 5 Evaluating

12. Analyze why Quarter wave line is called as copper insulator. BTL 4 Analyzing

13. A 75 lossless transmission line is to be matched to a resistive load BTL 6 Creating
impedance of ZL =100 via a quarter wave section.
14. Determine the characteristic impedance of the quarter wave transformer. BTL 2 Understanding
15. Mention the advantages of Smith Chart. BTL 2 Understanding

16. Illustrate the procedure to find the impedance from the given admittance BTL 3 Applying
using smith chart.

17. Define the term Stub used in transmission line. BTL 1 Remembering
18. Examine why short circuited stub is preferred to open circuited stub. BTL 3 Applying
19. Generalize the method to determine the positon and the length of a single BTL 6 Creating
stub connected across the transmission line.
20. Compare single stub matching and double stub matching. BTL 3 Applying
PART –B (13 Marks)
1. (i) Examine the operation and application of quarter wave (7) BTL 2 Understanding
(ii) Consider a line with a load of ZR/RO =2.6+j, which is 28° (6)
long. Find the input impedance.
2. (i) Deduce the expression for input impedance of a quarter (8) BTL 6 Creating
wave transformer and mention its applications.
(ii) Design a Quarter wave transformer to match a load of (5)

200Ω to a source resistance of 500Ω which operates at the

frequency of 200 MHz.
3. Analyze the transmission line circle diagram by deriving (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
the expression for constant S and constant βs circle.

4. A lossless line with ZO =70 is terminated with (13) BTL 5 Evaluating

ZR =115-80j. Wavelength of transmission is 2.5 λ. Using
smith chart evaluate the VSWR, reflection coefficient,

input impedance and input admittance

5. Describe the impedance matching technique using single (13) BTL 1 Remembering
stub and obtain the expression for the stub location and stub

6. Consider a line of RO = 55 ohms terminated with 115+j75 (13) BTL 1 Remembering
ohms. If the total length of the line is 1.183λ, find the
reflection coefficient, VSWR, input impedance and
7. What is the procedure for double stub matching on a (13) BTL 1 Remembering
transmission line, explain with an example. 10
8. A UHF lossless transmission line working at 1 GHz is (13) BTL 2 Understanding
connected to an unmatched line producing a voltage
reflection coefficient of 0.5(0.866+j 0.5). Calculate the
length and position of the stub to match the line using
corresponding equations verify the values using Smith
9. A transmission line is terminated in ZL. Measurements (13) BTL 2 Understanding

indicate that the standing wave minima are 102 cm apart

and that the last minimum is 35 cm from the load end of the
line. The value of standing wave ratio is 2.4 and R0 =
250. Determine frequency, wavelength, Real and reactive
components of the terminating impedance. Also Verify the
results obtained from equations using the smith chart.

10. VSWR of a lossless line is found to be 5 and successive (13) BTL 3 Applying

voltage minima are 40cm apart. The first voltage minima is
observed to be 15cm from the load. The length of the line is
160cm and Zo is 300 Ω. Apply the values in smith chart to
find the load impedance and input impedance.
11. A RF transmission line with Zo=3000° Ω is terminated in (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
an impedance of 10045°Ω. This load is to be matched to
the transmission line by using a short circuited stub. With
the help of smith chart, Determine the length and location
of the stub.
12. A 50  transmission line feeds an inductive load 35+j35. (13) BTL 1 Remembering
Analyze and design a double stub tuner to match this load
to the line using smith chart. Spacing between the two stubs
is λ/4.

13. Derive the expression of radius and center for constant R (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
and X circles in Smith Chart.
14. Examine the transmission line to provide an impedance (13) BTL 3 Applying

matching using a stub. Obtain the length and location of the

stub to provide an impedance match on a line of 600 ohms
terminated with 200 ohms. Assuming that the stub is short

circuited at one end.

PART – C (15 Marks)

1. (i) Determine length and location of a single short circuited (8) BTL 5 Evaluating
stub to produce an impedance match on a transmission line
with characteristic impedance of 600 ohm and terminated in
1800 ohm.
(ii) A 300 Ω transmission line is connected to a load impedance (7)
of (450-j600) Ω at 10MHz.Evaluate the position and length
of a short circuited stub required to match the line using 11
smith chart.
2. For a normalized load impedance of 0.8+j1.2 design a (15) BTL 6 Creating
double stub tuner with the distance between them as 3λ/8.
Considering the stubs are short circuited determine the
length of the stubs and the position of the first stub from the
load. Verify the answer using Smith Chart.
3. (i) A line having characteristic impedance of 50 Ω is (8) BTL 5 Evaluating
terminated in load impedance [75+j75] Ω. Determine the

reflection coefficient and voltage standard wave ratio.

(ii) Mention the significance of smith chart and its application (7)
in transmission lines.
4. (i) Develop the expression for the input impedance of the (10) BTL 6 Creating
dissipation less line and thus obtain the expression for the
input impedance of the quarter wave line. Also discuss the

application of the quarter wave line.

(ii) Design a single stub match for a load of 150+j225 Ω for a (5)
75 Ω line a 500 MHz using smith chart.
General Wave behavior along uniform guiding structures – Transverse Electromagnetic Waves, Transverse
Magnetic Waves, Transverse Electric Waves – TM and TE Waves between parallel plates. Field Equations in
rectangular waveguides, TM and TE waves in rectangular waveguides, Bessel Functions, TM and TE waves in
Circular waveguides.

PART A (2 marks)
Q.No. Questions BT Competence
1. What are guided Waves? Give examples for guiding structures. BTL 1 Remembering

2. Interpret the characteristics of E wave and H wave. BTL 2 Understanding


3. Write about Principal wave. BTL 1 Remembering

4. Express the dominant mode in the wave propagating in the waveguide. BTL 2 Understanding

5. Deduce the expression for cut off frequency when the wave is propagated BTL 4 Analyzing
in between two parallel plates.

6. Examine the Characteristics of TEM waves. BTL 3 Applying

7. Justify, why TM01 and TM10 modes in a rectangular waveguide do not BTL 5 Evaluating

8. Define cutoff frequency of a waveguide. BTL 1 Remembering

9. Illustrate the features of TE and TM mode. BTL 2 Understanding

10. Mention about the dominant mode of a rectangular waveguide. BTL 1 Remembering

11. Discuss about the dominant mode and degenerate modes in rectangular BTL 5 Evaluating 12

12. Explore the relation between group velocity, phase velocity and free space BTL 3 Applying

13. Why rectangular waveguides preferred over circular waveguides? BTL 1 Remembering

14. Exhibit the nature of the evanescent mode. BTL 3 Applying

15. Analyze why TM01 and TM10 modes in a rectangular waveguide do not BTL 4 Analyzing


16. How would you categorize the modes as degenerate modes in a BTL 4 Analyzing
rectangular waveguide?
17. Consider an air filled rectangular waveguide with a cross – section of BTL 6 Creating
5 cm × 3 cm. For this waveguide, deduce the cut off frequency (in MHz)

of TE21 mode.

18. List the dominant mode in circular waveguide. BTL 1 Remembering

19. Write Bessel’s functions of first kind of order zero? BTL 2 Understanding

20. Formulate the size of the circular waveguide required to propagate TE11
ee BTL 6 Creating
mode if λc=8cm and p’11=1.841.

PART - B (13 marks)

1. Obtain the expression for the field components of an (13) BTL 1 Remembering
electromagnetic wave propagating between a pair of
perfectly conducting planes?
2. Derive the expression for the field strength for TE waves (13) BTL 6 Creating
between parallel plates propagating in Z direction?
3. (i) Explain about transverse electromagnetic waves between a (7) BTL 1 Remembering
pair of perfectly conducting planes?

(ii) Determine the expression of wave impedance of TE, TM (6)

and TEM wave between a pair of Perfectly conducting
4. Illustrate the transmission of TM waves between two (13) BTL 2 Understanding

parallel perfectly conducting planes with necessary

equations and diagram.
5. A pair of perfectly conducting plates is separated by 10cm (13) BTL 3 Applying

in air and carries a signal frequency of 6GHz in TE1 mode.

Find Cut-off frequency, Angle of incidence on planes,
Phase velocity, group velocity, Phase constant, Cut-off
wavelength, characteristic wave impedance, and

wavelength along guiding walls. Is it possible to

propagate TE3 mode.
6. (i) Interpret the propagation of TE waves in a rectangular (6) BTL 2 Understanding
waveguide with necessary expressions for the field
(ii) (7)
Summarize the characteristics of TE and TM waves and
also derive the cutoff frequency and phase velocity from 13
propagation constant.

7. Analyze the field configuration, cut off frequency and (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
velocity of propagation for TM waves in rectangular wave
8. A rectangular air filled copper waveguide with (13) BTL 5 Evaluating
dimension 0.9inch x 0.4inch cross section and 12inch

length is propagated at 9.2GHz with a dominant mode.
Find the cutoff frequency, Guide wavelength, Phase

velocity, characteristic impedance and the loss.

9. An air filled rectangular waveguide of 5cm x 2 cm cross BTL 2 Understanding

section is operating in the TE10 mode at a frequency of
4GHz. Determine

(a)the group velocity

(b)the guide wavelength
(c) the attenuation to be expected at a frequency which is (6)
0.95 times the cut off frequency ( assuming the guide walls
is made of perfect conductors).
10. Using Bessel differential equation Obtain the TM field (13)
components in circular waveguides.
11. A TE11 wave is propagating through a circular waveguide. BTL 4 Analyzing
The diameter of the guide is 10cm and the guide is
air-filled. Given p’11=1.842 (4)
(a)Find the cut off frequency
(b)Find the wavelength λg in the guide for a frequency (4)
of 3GHz. (5)
(c)Determine the wave impedance in the guide.
12. Analyze the expressions for the transmissions of TE waves (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
in a circular waveguide conducting planes for the field

13. An air filled circular waveguide has a radius of 2 cm. (13) BTL 3 Applying
Examine the cut off frequency and the phase constant for
the dominant mode (p11’ = 1.841 and p11 = 2.405.)
14. Obtain the field distribution of transverse and longitudinal (13) BTL 1 Remembering

components of the electric and magnetic fields in circular

waveguide with necessary equations.

PART C (15 marks)


1. (i) A hollow rectangular waveguide is to be used to transmit (8) BTL 6 Creating

signals at a carrier frequency of 6GHz. Choose its

dimensions so that the cut off frequency of the dominant

TE mode is lower than the carier by 25 % and that of the
next mode is atleast 25 % higher than the carrier.

(ii) Evaluate the ratio of the area of a circular waveguide to (7)

that of a rectangular one if both are to have the same cut
off frequency for dominant mode. 14
2. (i) The interior of 𝑎 20/3 𝑐𝑚 × 20/4 𝑐𝑚 rectangular (8) BTL 5 Evaluating
waveguide is completely filled with a dielectric of εr = 4.
Waves of free space wave – length shorter than which can
be propagated in the TE11 mode.
(ii) A rectangular waveguide having TE10 mode as dominant (7)
mode is having a cut off frequency of 18 GHz for the TE30
mode. Evaluate the inner broad – wall dimension of the
rectangular waveguide.

3. Determine the cut off frequencies of the first two (15) BTL 5 Evaluating

propagating modes of a circular waveguide with a=0.5cm
and εr = 2.25 the guide is 50cm in length operating at
f=13GHz. Determine the cut off wavelength and
propagation constant.
4. A TE wave propagating in a dielectric filled waveguide of BTL 6 Creating
unknown permittivity has dimensions a=5 cm and

b = 3cm.If the x – components of the electric field is given

by Ex=36cos(40πx)sin(100πy)sin(2.4π×1010t−52.9πz)
(V/m). Devise
(a) εr of the material in the guide, (5)
(b) the cutoff frequency, (4)
(c) the expression for Hy.
ee (6)
Active RF components: Semiconductor basics in RF, bipolar junction transistors, RF field effect transistors,
High electron mobility transistors Basic concepts of RF design, Mixers, Low noise amplifiers, voltage control
oscillators, Power amplifiers, transducer power gain and stability considerations.
PART A (2 marks)

Q.No. Questions BT Competence

1. List some of the active RF components. BTL 1 Remembering

2. Enumerate the band gap energy for Si and Ge used for semiconductor BTL 4 Analyzing
3. Draw the cross section of multifinger Bipolar Junction Transistor BTL 1 Remembering
4. What is called as HBTs ? BTL 1 Remembering

5. Define reverse active mode in bipolar junction transistor. BTL 1 Remembering

6. Classify RF field effect transistors based on physical construction. BTL 2 Understanding


7. Compare the enhancement type FET with Depletion type FET. BTL 3 Applying
8. Outline the characteristics of modulation doped field effect transistor BTL 1 Remembering
9. Illustrate the generic RF amplifier design. BTL 2 Understanding

10. Mention the various types of mixers. BTL 1 Remembering

11. Summarize the basic steps in the design process of RF amplifier circuits. BTL 5 Evaluating
12. Distinguish between oscillator and Mixer BTL 4 Analyzing
13. Examine the importance of voltage controlled oscillator in RF system. BTL 2 Understanding

14. Interpret the basic parameters of RF amplifier. BTL 2 Understanding 15
15. Generalize the concept of unconditional stability of an amplifier. BTL 6 Creating
16. Analyze the techniques of efficiency boosting in RF power amplifier BTL 4 Analyzing
17. Evaluate the significance of negative resistance in oscillation of a circuit BTL 5 Valuating
18. Devise the operation of single ended and differential ended LNA. BTL 5 Creating
19. Deduce the transducer power gain of a RF power amplifier. BTL 3 Applying
20. Demonstrate typical output stability circle and input stability circle BTL 3 Applying

PART –B (13 Marks)

1. Outline the process to compute the junction capacitance and (13) BTL 1 Remembering
the space charge region length of a pn junction
semiconductor device.
2. (i) For a Si pn junction the doping concentration are given as (7) BTL 5 Evaluating
NA = 1018 cm-3 and ND =1015 cm-3 with an intrinsic
concentration of ni = 1.5 x 1010cm-3. Find the barrier

voltages for T = 300o K.

(ii) Considering the electron concentration and hole (6)
concentration in a semiconductor as n and p respectively
infer that np = ni2 where ni is the intrinsic concentration.
3. Elaborate the construction and the functionality of the (13) BTL 3 Applying

bipolar junction transistor.
Discuss about the different operating modes of a bipolar
junction transistor with appropriate diagram.
(13) BTL 3 Applying

5. Derive the drain saturation voltage and maximum saturation (13) BTL 6 Creating
current for a field effect transistor.
6. (i) Compare the field effect transistor with the bipolar junction (6) BTL 4 Analyzing
(ii) Explain the distinct features of high electron mobility (7)
7. (i) Analyze the steps involved to design a low noise amplifier (6) BTL 4 Analyzing

(ii) Distinguish power match and noise match in a Low Noise (7)
8. (i) Interpret the various types of mixers with its principle of (6) BTL 2 Understanding

(ii) Examine the following parameters of Conversion gain, (7)

Linearity and isolation of a mixer.
9. Illustrate the design principles of RF amplifier and (13) BTL 2 Understanding

impedance matching.
10. (i) Write about the method used to design an integer N (7) BTL 1 Remembering
frequency synthesizer.

(ii) Determine the transfer function of a voltage controlled (6)

11. Obtain the expression for unilateral power gain with (13) BTL 1 Remembering
necessary signal flow diagram.
12. Describe the various power gain for a two port RF network (13) BTL 1 Remembering 16
considering the stability of the amplifier involved.
13. Discuss about input and output stability circles in the (13) BTL 2 Understanding
complex ГL and ГS planes, also derive the condition for
unconditional stability.
14. A MESFET operated at 5.7GHz ha the following S (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
parameters: S11=0.5-60°, S12=0.020°, S21=6.5115° and

S22=0.6-35°. Determine if the circuit is unconditionally

stable and Find the maximum power gain under optimal
choice of reflection coefficients, assuming unilateral design
PART – C (15 Marks)
1. An abrupt pn junction made of Si has the acceptor and (15) BTL 6

donor concentration of NA= 1018 cm-3 and

ND = 5 x 1015cm-3 , respectively .Assuming that the device
operates at the room temperature , Formulate (a) the barrier
voltage (b) the space charge width in the p- and n- type
semiconductors (c) the peak electric field across the
junction (d) the junction capacitance for a cross sectional
area of 10-4cm2 and a relative dielectric constant of εr = 11.7
2. An RF amplifier has the following S parameters: (15) BTL 5 Evaluating
S11=0.3-70°, S21=3.585°, S12=0.2-10°, S22=0.4-45°.
Further Vs=5V0°, Zs=40Ω and ZL=73Ω. Assuming
Zo=50Ω. Find GT, GTU, GA and G. Also find Power
delivered to the load PL, available power from source PA
and incident power to amplifier Pinc.
3. Consider a Si bipolar junction transistor whose emitter, BTL 5 Evaluating
base , collector are uniformly doped with the following
concentrations NED = 1021 cm-3 , NBA = 2x1019cm-3, NCD =
1019 cm-3. Assume that the base emitter voltage is 0.75 and

the collector –emitter potential is set to 2 V. The cross

sectional area of both junctions is 10-4 cm2 and the emitter,
base and collector thickness are dE = 0.8µm , dB = 1.2µm
and dC = 2µm respectively. Assuming that the device is

operated at room temperature :

(a) Find the space charge region extents for both (5)
junctions. (5)

(b) Compute the base, emitter and collector currents
(c) Calculate the forward and reverse current gains
4. (i) Generelize the homodyne and heterodyne architecture of (8) BTL 6 Creating

RF system
(ii) Devise the various stabilization methods for a RF amplifier (7)
circuit. 17

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