CBCS Syllabus - Ma Applied Psychology - 20.07.2019

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The key takeaways from the document are that it outlines the structure, objectives, eligibility criteria and course content of the Master of Arts in Applied Psychology program at the University of Delhi. The program aims to train students to apply psychological principles to solve human problems in real world settings such as hospitals, organizations and counseling centers.

The purpose of the Applied Psychology program at the University of Delhi is to train professional psychologists to serve in hospitals, organizations and counseling centers as well as advertising and marketing research agencies by applying psychological principles to solve human problems.

The three principal domains of specialization covered in the Applied Psychology program are Clinical and Health Psychology, Organizational Behaviour, and Counselling and Social Psychology.



Applied Psychology

Effective from the Year 2019-2020

Revised Syllabus as per Choice Based Credit System (C.B.C.S.)

S.No. Title Page No.
1. Affiliation 3
2. Preamble 3-4
3. Vision 4
4. Objectives 4
5. Structure of the Courses 4-5
6. Principles kept in mind while drafting the 5
7. Program Structure 5-10
1. Semester I 6
2. Semester II 7
3. Semester III 7-8
4. Semester IV 9-10
8. Eligibility of Admissions 10
9. Assessment of Student’s performance and 10-11
scheme of examination
10. Pass percentage and promotion criteria 11-12
11. Course Content 13-56
1. Semester I 13-17
2. Semester II 18-27
3. Semester III 28-42
4. Semester IV 43-56


The proposed programme shall be governed by the Department of Psychology, Faculty of

Arts, University of Delhi—110007.

Applied Psychology Unit of Department of Psychology, University of Delhi

The University of Delhi, in order to cope with the ever-expanding student population,
evolved a concept of multi-campus system during the early seventies, resulting in the
establishment of South Campus in 1973. One of the objectives for its establishment has been
to avoid replication of the existing course and provide necessary diversity in the programmes
offered by the University at both the campuses.

Keeping this in view, a number of new inter-disciplinary and applied science courses were
started at the South Campus and the Psychology Department started the M.A. Applied
Psychology Course at the South Campus. In its endeavour to widen the horizons of the Social
Sciences, Applied Psychology Course was designed to train the professional psychologists to
serve in hospitals, organizations and counseling centers as well as the advertising and
marketing research agencies.
Currently the department has strength of 62 students. There are 2 permanent faculty in the
department (1 professor and 1 Associate Professor).


Application of psychological principles to solve human problems has acquired new dimension
with the changing nature of the challenges that the world faces today. In view of this, the
scientific discipline of Applied Psychology has emerged as a natural process of evolution in
the knowledge base. It has gathered spectacular momentum in recent years. In this context a
post-graduate training in Applied Psychology has been a need of the time. It demands a
comprehensive curriculum. For preparing the applied psychologists of the future, equipping
them with skills and adequate knowledge-bases, attempt has been made to incorporate

professional training in three principal domains of the discipline such as: (A) Clinical and
Health Psychology, (B) Organizational Behaviour and (C) Counselling and Social
Psychology, as specializations, apart from focusing on understanding of the fundamental
psychological processes, and research methods in Applied Psychology.

The Department holds the provision for inclusion of new courses and modification of
presented ones during a given academic year. Reading material will be made available by
concerned faculty.


To prepare competent psychologists who would excel in knowledge, orientation and practice
of psychology, with high ethical standards and social relevance.


1. To provide an opportunity to extend the knowledge base to the world of practice with
a view to promote healthy interface between academia and society.
2. To create a strong research oriented theoretical foundation in consonance with recent
advances in the discipline of psychology.
3. To equip students with skills and competencies in order to successfully engage with
the community.
4. To enable students to take a creative, empirical and ethical approach to the program
that combines conceptual repertoire and research practices in both quantitative and
qualitative traditions.

Structure of the Courses

To achieve these objectives the proposed curriculum would have the following structure:
A. Core (Foundational) Courses
B. Electives (Specialization)
C. Open Electives (skill based papers)

1. Core courses of the curriculum are designed to promote common educational edifice
without which a particular discipline cannot be taught. They are necessary as they enable the
students to take up more specialized course of their choice later on.
2. Elective courses would cater to specialization in particular domains. They must highlight
the conceptual foundations, pedagogical considerations and specific set of skills required
within semester frame. They would strive to bring in a process orientation. These courses
would be taught through workshop/experiential/reflective mode, and assessment would be
done by process driven activities.
3. Open Elective courses should also be designed and developed keeping in view the market
demands and core competencies available within the discipline of psychology, which would
be taught with the blend of pedagogies relevant for psychology as a subject.

Principles kept in mind while drafting the Course

1. These courses were designed and developed by smaller groups of faculty members. At
least two faculty members were assigned the task of designing the Core and Elective papers.
They were given the choice of co-opting experts in that domain.
2. The courses were designed to be commensurate with the credit system, which requires a
minimum of 40-50 hours of active engagement over a semester.
3. It was envisaged to provide learning possibilities with a high degree of specialization and
in-depth knowledge in at least one area/domain of the discipline, or more than one.
Nonetheless, developing and retaining appropriate level of skills to enhance employment
opportunities in different domains was decided to be a concurrent priority while designing the
courses. It is to be remembered that a significant number of students enroll in the Graduation
Program after having done Psychology in grade XII. Larger number of students, however,
have previous study exposure from other streams of sciences, arts and commerce. Therefore,
one of the principles that was kept in mind was that the transition be made smooth both from
content as well as process orientation of teaching.


The M. A. Applied Psychology Programme is divided into Two Parts as under. Each Part will
consist of two Semesters to be known as Semester-1 and Semester-2.

Semester-1 Semester-2

Semester Core Course Elective Course Open Elective Course Total

No. of papers Credits Total No. of Credits Total No. of Credits Total
papers papers
I 4+1(Practicum) 4 20 - - - - - - 20
II 2 +1 4 12 2 4 8 - - 20
III 1 (Field 4 8 3 4 12 2 2 4 24
Training) + 1
IV 3 (Elective 12 (electives) 20 2 2 4 24
papers) + 1 + 8
Dissertation (Dissertation)
Total 88
for the
Part I First Year Semester—I-1 Semester—I-2
Part II Second Year Semester—II-1 Semester—II-2

Course Credit Scheme:

The structure of papers prescribed for various semesters shall be as follows:

Semester 1:
Semester 1 shall consist of 4 core papers which will be compulsory for all students. Each core
paper will be for 4 credits. 4 credits will be provided for the Practicum that will be
compulsory for all students. Total credit points for this Semester shall be 20.

Paper No: Nature of paper Title Maximum Credit

marks points

AP/10001 Core paper Introduction to Applied Psychology 100 4

AP/10002 Core paper Community Psychology 100 4

AP/10003 Core paper Quantitative Research Methods 100 4

AP/10004 Core paper Applied Cognitive Psychology 100 4

AP/10005 Compulsory Practicum 100 4

Semester 2:
Semester 2 shall consist of 2 core papers (4 credit points per paper) and one compulsory
Practicum (4 credits). There will be three specializations offered to the students out of which
students will have to opt for 1 specialization: Clinical Psychology (A), Organizational
Behaviour (B) and Counselling Psychology (C). Each elective paper will be for 4 credit
Total Credit points for this semester shall be 20.
Paper No: Nature of Title Maximum Credit
paper Points

AP/20001 Core paper Applied Psychometrics 100 4

AP/20002 Core paper Qualitative Research methods 100 4

AP/20003A Elective Psychopathology 100 4

AP/20004A Elective Psychotherapeutic Processes 100 4

AP/20003B Elective Basics of Organizational Behaviour 100 4

AP/20004B Elective Applied Industrial/Organizational 100 4


AP/20003C Elective Psychology of Group Dynamics 100 4

AP/20004C Elective Self and Personal Growth 100 4

AP/20005 Compulsory Practicum 100 4

Semester 3:
Semester 3 shall consist of 3 elective papers from each of the three specializations. 4 credit
points shall be given for each of these elective papers. The students can opt for a maximum of

2 open electives from this semester. 2 credit points shall be given for the open elective paper
which shall consist of 2 units of theory (2 hours/week classes).
There will be a mandatory paper on Field Training Work that the students will have to
undertake which shall be for 4 credit points. Total credits for this semester shall 24.
The floating of Open Elective Papers shall be dependent on the availability of the faculty.

Paper No: Nature of Title Maximum Credit

paper points

AP/30001A Elective Forensic Psychology 100 4

AP/30002A Elective Childhood Psychopathology 100 4

AP/30003A Elective Clinical Neuropsychology 100 4

AP/30001B Elective Organizational Change and 100 4


AP/30002B Elective Training and Consulting in 100 4


AP/30003B Elective Managing Across Cultures 100 4

AP/30001C Elective Critical Psychology 100 4

AP/30002C Elective Counselling and socio- 100 4

cultural context

AP/30003C Elective Psychology of Relationships 100 4

AP/30004 Compulsory Practicum 100 4

AP/30005 Open Health Psychology 50 2


AP/30006 Open Behaviour Therapy & 50 2

Elective Cognitive-Behaviour

AP/30007 Open Psychological Assessment 50 2

Elective and Profiling

AP/30008 Open Applications of Social - 50 2
Elective Psychological Principles

AP/30009 Theory- Field Training/Internship 100 4


Semester 4:
Semester 4 shall consist of 3 elective papers each from 3 specializations. There will be one
compulsory Practicum paper. Students will have to opt for two open elective papers from this
semester. There shall be a Dissertation paper that will be compulsory for all students. The
dissertation shall be for 8 credit points. The total credit points for this semester shall be 24

Paper No: Nature of Title Maximum Credit

paper points

AP/40001A Elective Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 100 4

AP/40002A Elective Cognitive Behavioral Interventions 100 4

AP/40003A Elective Applied Psychophysiology & 100 4


AP/40001B Elective Organizational Culture and Climate 100 4

AP/40002B Elective Leadership processes in 100 4


AP/40003B Elective Cross-Cultural Communication 100 4

AP/40001C Elective Psychology of Gender and Power 100 4

AP/40002C Elective Psychoanalytically-oriented 100 4


AP/40003C Elective Humanistic and Feminist 100 4

Approaches to Counselling

AP/40004 Compulsory Practicum 100 4

AP/40005 Open Play and Art Therapy 50 2


AP/40006 Open Psychology of Peace and Happiness 50 2


AP/40007 Open Hypnotherapy 50 2


AP/40008 Open Correctional Psychology 50 2


AP/40009 Open Sports Psychology 50 2


AP/40010 Compulsory Dissertation 200 8

1. Students can earn a maximum of 8 credit points from the Open Elective papers
(including Semester 3 and 4)
2. Open Elective and Specialization Papers shall be offered depending upon the
availability of the faculty.
3. In order to claim/earn a Specialization, students are required to take at least Six
Elective papers in that Specialization.
4. In each semester the students can opt for only one specialization area.
5. No practical examination or Viva shall be conducted for the open electives.

Eligibility for Admissions:

The eligibility for admissions shall be decided by the faculty members and shall be reflected
in the Admission Brochure.

Assessment of Student’s Performance and Scheme of Examination:

1. English shall be the medium of instruction and examination.
2. Examination shall be conducted at the end of each Semester as per the Academic
Calendar notified by the University of Delhi.
3. The system of Evaluation shall be as follows:

3.1 Assessment of students’ performance shall be based on the 70: 30 criteria. 70
marks shall be for the end point examination consisting of five theory questions
(14 marks each) and 30 marks shall be for internal assessment. For Open electives
(50 marks paper) the examination will be for 35 marks and Internal Assessment
for 15 marks.
3.2 For Practical Examination 70 marks will be based on practical report and 30
marks will be based on viva-voce.
3.3 Assessment of field training shall be based on the Field training report provided
by the student based upon the 50 days summer internship undertaken during
summer vacation after Semester 2.
3.4 Assessment of the Dissertation shall be done on the basis of the report of
Dissertation (150 marks) and viva-voce held by the University appointed External
Examiner and Internal Examiner (50 marks)


Minimum marks of passing the examination in each semester shall be 40% in each paper
and 45% in aggregate for a semester. However, a candidate who has secured the
minimum marks to pass in each paper but has not secured the minimum marks to pass in
aggregate may reappear in any of the paper/s of his choice in the concerned semester in
order to be able to secure the minimum marks prescribed to pass the semester in
No student would be allowed to avail more than 3 chances to pass any paper inclusive of
the first attempt.

Semester to Semester Progression:

Students shall be required to fulfil the Part to Part Promotion Criteria. Within the same
Part, students shall be allowed to be promoted from a Semester to the next Semester,
provided she/he has passed at least half of the courses of the current semester.
Part to Part- I to II: Admission to Part-II of the Programme shall be open to only those
students who have successfully passed at least 75% papers out of the papers offered for
the Part-I courses comprising of Semester 1 and Semester 2 taken together. However,
he/she will have to clear the remaining papers while studying Part – II of the Programme.

Conversion of Marks into Grades:

As per University rules
Grade Points:
Grade points shall be determined as per the Grade point table as per University Examination
CGPA Calculation:
As per University Examination guidelines
Division of Degree into Classes:
As per University guidelines
Attendance Requirement:
No student shall be considered to have pursued a regular course of study unless he/she is
certified by the Head of the Department of Psychology, University of Delhi, to have attended
75% of the total number of lectures, tutorials and seminars conducted in each semester,
during his/her course of study. Provided that he/she fulfils other conditions the Head,
Department of Psychology may permit a student to the next semester who falls short of the
required percentage of attendance by not more than 10 percent of the lectures, tutorials and
seminars conducted during the semester.
Span Period:
No student shall be admitted as a candidate for the examination for any of the
Parts/Semesters after the lapse of four years from the date of admission to the Part-I/Semester
I of the M.A. Programme.

Guidelines for the Award of Internal Assessment Marks for M.A. Applied Psychology
(Semester Wise)

The Internal assessment for every paper shall be based on the following criteria:
Criteria of Assessment Assignment/class Assignment/class Attendance Total
test 1 test 2 Internal
For 100 marks paper 12 12 6 30
(Core and Electives)

For 50 marks paper 6 6 3 15

(Open Electives)



Paper: AP/10001: Introduction to Applied Psychology (Core Paper)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To introduce different domains of applied psychology.

2. To understand-application of psychology in different sectors
3. To explore the practical implications of psychology in social, emotional and
behavioural problem.

Unit I: Concept and definitions of Applied psychology, Theoretical approaches to

applied psychology. Areas of Applied psychology, Methods and approaches of applied

Unit II: Clinical Psychology: Concept, Scope, and Methods of study. Importance and
application of clinical psychology in different settings. The profession of Clinical

Unit III: Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Concept and definitions, Areas of
I/O psychology, Scope of I/O psychology, Application/Importance of I/O psychology.
Methods of I/O psychology.

Unit IV: Applied Social Psychology- Concept and Definition, Approaches to study
applied social psychology, Areas of Applied social psychology, Recent advances in
social psychology. Importance of social psychology.

Unit V: Two practicum based on the above four units.


Griffith, C. R. (2010). An introduction to applied psychology, New York, NY, US:
MacMillan Co.
Oskamp, S. (1984). Applied social psychology. Prentice Hall.

Paper: AP/10002: Community Psychology (Core Paper)

Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:
1. To acquaint students with the history and current status of community psychology and
community mental health services.
2. To develop a community based orientation towards mental health.

Unit I: Introduction, historical and social contexts of community psychology: concept,

evolution and nature of community mental health. Core Values of Community Psychology,
Social construction and its Critics, Participatory and Action Research

Unit II: Models of mental health services, Models of mental health services for Children and
Types of Problem: ADHD, PTSD, and Child Abuse.

Unit III: Community mental health intervention and community based rehabilitation (CBR):
Issues, principles. Notions of Social Change in Community Psychology: Issues and

Unit IV: Community mental health in India: Issues & Challenges. Intervention Strategies,
Social action and Innovation, Empowering communities

Unit V: Two practicum based on the above four units


Bloom, B. (1973). Community Mental Health—A critical analysis. New Jeresey:

General Learning Press

Koch, C.H.(Ed.) (1986). Community Clinical Psychology. London: Croon Helm.

Mann, P.A. (1978). Community Psychology: Concepts and Application. New York: The
Free Press.

Rappaport, J. (1977). Community Psychology: Values, Research and Action. New York:
Holt, Reindhart and Wingston.

Paper: AP/10003: Quantitative Research Methods (Core Paper)
Maximum Marks 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To inform students about the basics of scientific research in Applied

2. To make them learn the statistical rigors in designing research and
processing data.

Unit I: Introduction to Research: Meaning, Purpose, Steps involved in

Research process. Experimental Designs: Between-group and Within-group
designs, Quasi-experimental designs, Group vs. Single subject designs,
methods of controlling variance in experimental designs. Single factor two-
group design: Application of independent and dependent sample t-test.

Unit II: Correlation and introduction to Regression: Pearson's correlation,

Simple Linear Regression and Multiple Regression. Assumptions of
Regression, Different methods of Regression: Enter, Stepwise, Forward and
Backward, Hierarchical Regression.

Unit III: Comparing Several Means: One-way Analysis of Variance and Two
Way Analysis of Variance, Factorial Design, Randomized complete block
design, Post Hoc Testing.

Unit IV: Repeated Measures design, Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA),

Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA), Exploratory Factor Analysis.

Unit V: Two practicum based on the above four units


Broota, K. (1982). Experimental Design in behavioral science, New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Ltd.
(Chapter 1:Introduction to Experimental design and methods of controlling
variance in experimental designs (Unit 1), Chapter 2, 3 and 4 for One-way
ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA and Post-hoc testing (Unit 3), Chapter 7 and 8 for
Factorial Anova (Unit 3), Chapter 5 for Randomized complete block design (Unit

Field, A. (2005). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS (2nd Edition). New Delhi: Sage
Publications.(Chapter 4: correlation, Chapter 5- regression (Unit 2), Chapter
8 for ANOVA (Unit 3), Chapter 10 for Factorial ANOVA (Unit 3), Chapter
7 for t-test application (Unit 1) Chapter 11 for Repeated measures design
(Unit 4), Chapter 14 for MANOVA (Unit 4), Chapter 15 for Exploratory
Factor Analysis (Unit 4))
Kumar, R. (2014) Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners. 4th edition,
New Delhi: Sage (chapters 1-17-steps in research)
Seltman, H.J. (2015). Experimental Design and Analysis, Published by Carnegie Mellon
University (Chapter 10 for ANCOVA (Unit 4), Chapter 9 for Simple linear
regression (Unit 2), Chapter 7 for ANOVA (Unit 3), Chapter 11 for 2 way
ANOVA (Unit 3))
Gliner, J.A & Morgan G.A. (2000) Research methods in applied settings: An integrated
approach to design and analysis, Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah.
Howell, D.C. (2002) Statistical methods for Psychology (5th Ed) Duxbury, California:
Thomson Learning.
Siegel, S. (1956) Non-parametric statistical for behavioral sciences. New York: McGraw
Weinberg, D. (2002). Qualitative Research Methods. Blackwell Publishers.

Paper: AP/10004: Applied Cognitive Psychology (Core Paper)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:
1. To explore the practical implications of cognitive processes in human performance..

2. To facilitate the learning of traditional and emergent fields of applied cognitive

3. To understand-brain-behaviour relationship in day to day life

Unit I: Introduction to applied cognitive psychology: Philosophical antecedents, Emergence

of Cognitive psychology. Approaches and key issues.

Unit II: Sensation and Attention, Attention and consciousness, Perception and perceptual
process, Theoretical approaches to perception, Deficits in perception. Neuropsychological
approach to sensation, attention, perception and consciousness, Representations and
manipulation of Knowledge, Images and Propositions: Spatial cognition and Cognitive Map.

Unit III: Memory- Concept and definition of memory, Models of memory, Memory
Processes, Neuropsychological approach to memory, Practical Applications of Cognitive
Psychology in improving memory processes.

Unit IV: Problem-solving and Creativity; Practical applications of cognitive psychology.

Decision-making and reasoning; Language; Bilingualism and Multilingualism; Language
Comprehension. Neuropsychological approach to problem solving, decision making and
reasoning, Neuropsychological approach to language.

Unit V: Two practicum based on the above four units.


Durso, F. T. (2007). Handbook of Applied Cognition (2nd Ed). New West Sussex : Wiley &

Esgate, A. et al. (2005). An Introduction to Applied Cognitive Psychology. Psychology Press:

New York.

Sternberg, R. J. (Ed.) (2000). Handbook of intelligence. New York: Cambridge University


Sternberg, R. J. (2009). Applied Cognitive Psychology: Perceiving Learning and

Remembering. Australia: Cengage Learning.

Algom, D. (1992). Memory psychphysics: An Examination of its Perceptual and Cognitive

Prospects. In D. Algom (Eds). Psychophysical Prospects to Cognition,

Paper: AP/10005: Practicum based on papers AP/10001, AP/10002, AP/10003, and

AP/10004 (Compulsory)
Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4


Paper: AP/20001: Applied Psychometrics (Core Paper)

Maximum Marks 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To help students learn the scientific approach to assessment of Individual

differences through psychological testing.
2. Develop Competence in Test Construction in a scientific manner and taking
appropriate decisions based on test scores.

Unit I: Introduction to Psychological Assessment: Historical antecedents and

current trends. Typology of Tests, Scales of measurement and their applications in
psychological testing. Theoretical and Practical challenges in psychological
measurement, Classical Test Theory and its assumptions.

Unit II: Test and Scale construction: Steps followed in test development and
standardization. Difference between test and scale construction, Reliability and
Validity: Different types, factors affecting reliability and validity. Norms:
Qualitative and Quantitative norms.

Unit III: Applications of Psychological testing: Clinical, Organizational and

Business, Educational, Military and career guidance settings.

Unit IV: Professional, Moral and Social issues shaping the field of testing.
Ethical Issues in Psychological Testing: International guidelines. Challenges of
cultural adaptation and translation of tests. Psychological testing and Society,
Computerized testing.

Unit V: Two practicum based on the 4 units


Murphy, K. R., & Davidshofer, C. O. (2005). Psychological testing: Principles and

applications. 6th Edition Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall. (Chapter 5 – 10 for
reliability, validity, norms (Unit 2), 18 – 21 for applications (Unit 3) )

Kaplan, R.M. and Saccuzzo, D.P. (2005). Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications
and Issues. India: Wadsworth, Cenegage. (Chapter 1-introduction, types of tests,
history of psychological testing (Unit 1), Ch 6 and 7 for steps in test construction
(Unit 2) , Chapters 15, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17 for applications (Unit 3) , Chapter 19, 20
and 21: for Unit 4: ethical issues)

Chadha, N.K. (2009). Applied Psychometry. New Delhi: Sage Publication Pvt. Ltd.
(Chapter 1 and 2 for Unit 1: Psychological measurement, errors in
measurement, chapter 6-8 for test construction steps
(Unit 2) )

Kline, T. J. B. (2005). Psychological Testing. New Delhi: Vistaar Publication (Chapter 2

for designing and writing items under Unit 2, chapter 3 and 4 for steps of
test construction (Unit 2), chapter 5 for CTT and its assumptions (Unit 1))

Miller, L.A., Lovler, R.L., McIntire, S.A. (2013). Psychological Testing: A practical
Approach. 4th Edition, New Delhi: Sage publications. (Chapter 11 and 12:
for steps followed in test/scale construction (Unit 2), Chapter 13, 14 and 15
for applications (Unit 4))
Gregory, R. J. (2011). Psychological Testing: History, Principles, and Applications (6 th Ed.).
Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Paper: AP/20002: Qualitative Research Methods (Core Paper)

Maximum Marks 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. Acquaint students with qualitative paradigm of psychology and different

qualitative research methods
2. Understanding the use and application of qualitative methods in research

Unit I: Introduction to Qualitative Research: Conceptual foundations and issues of
paradigms, nature of qualitative research, approaches to qualitative research, designing
qualitative research, issues of reflexivity, subjectivity, and reflectivity

Unit II: Methods of qualitative research: Interviews, Focus group, ethnography

Unit III: Methods of qualitative research: Grounded theory, Life story research,
cooperative inquiry

Unit IV: Feminist Research, Discourse analysis and Narrative analysis

Unit V: Two Practicum based on the four units.


Hesse-Biber, S. N., & Leavy, P. (2011). The practice of qualitative research. Los
Angeles: SAGE. (Chapter 1, 2, and 3 and 4 for Unit 1, chapter 7 for focus
group (Unit 2), chapter 8 for ethnography (Unit 2), chapter 5 for Interview
(Unit 2) )
Silverman, D. (1998) Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Practice. 2nd edition,
New Delhi: Sage Publications (Chapter 10- focus group research (Unit 2) )
Smith, J. A. (2008). Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods.
London: SAGE Publications. (Chapter 1 and 2 for Unit 1-conceptual
foundations, chapter 4: Grounded theory (Unit 3), Chapter 8: cooperative
inquiry (Unit 3), chapter 9: focus group (Unit 2), Chapter 5 for Narrative
Analysis (Unit 4), Chapter 7 for Discourse Analysis (Unit 4))

Smith, J. A., Harré, R., & Langenhove, L. (1995). Rethinking methods in psychology.
London: Sage Publications.(Chapter 2 for interview (Unit 2), chapter 3 for
grounded theory (Unit 3), chapter 9: co-operative inquiry (Unit 3), Chapter
4: Life story research (Unit 3), Chapter 6 for Discourse Analysis (Unit 4))
Wickramasinghe, M. (2009). Feminist Research Methodology: Making Meaning of
Meaning Making. Routledge (Chapter 2 for Feminist Research in Unit 4)

Paper: AP/20003A: Psychopathology (Elective)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To develop a general orientation towards psychopathology and related disorders.

2. To understand Psychopathological relation to different neurotic and psychotic
3. To introduce different diagnostic criteria for psychological disorders.

Unit I: Introduction to Psychopathology- Explanation in psychopathology; Models of

psychopathology-Ethological model; Community disaster model; Psychodynamic model,
Biopsychosocial model, Information processing model, Biographical and literate model,
Psychopathology and Behaviour- Psychopathology of everyday behaviour and general
appearance, Classification of disorders.

Unit II: Causes and symptoms of Schizophrenic Spectrum disorders, Causes and symptoms
of Bipolar and Related Disorders, Causes and symptoms of Depressive Disorder, Causes and
symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive and other anxiety related disorders, Causes and
symptoms of Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders, Causes and symptoms Personality

Unit III: Causes and Symptoms of Dissociative Disorder, Causes and symptoms of Somatic
Symptom and Related Disorder, Causes and symptoms of Fedding and eating disorders,
Causes and symptoms of Sleep-Wake Disorders, Causes and symptoms of Sexual
dysfunctions. Substance abuse and addictive related disorders, Causes and symptoms
Neurocognitive Disorders.

Unit IV: Diagnostic Criteria- History of DSMs; DSM-IV-TR; DSM5; ICD-10 other criteria.

Unit V: Two Practicum based on the above four units.


Davis, D. R. (1984). An Introduction to Psychopathology. Fourth Edition, Chapter 1 to 7,

Pages 1-168.
Taylor, M. A., & Vaidya, N. A. (2008). Descriptive psychopathology: the signs and symptoms
of behavioral disorders. Cambridge University Press.Pp-133-351.
World Health Organization. (1992). The ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioural
disorders: clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines (Vol. 1). World Health

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
disorders (DSM-5). American Psychiatric Pub.
Srivastava, S. K. (2012).Psychopathological Disorders: Biopsychosocial Analysis, First
Edition. Pp.309-332.

Paper: AP/20004A: Psychotherapeutic Process (Elective)

Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To develop a general orientation towards psychotherapy for psychological disorders.

2. To understand the application and implementation of different psychotherapy.

Unit I: Concept and Definition of Psychotherapy; History of Psychotherapy; Types of

Psychotherapy Need, Goals and Scope of Psychotherapy.
Unit II: Assessment in Psychotherapy- Setting the stage; The intake Interview; Gathering
additional intake information, Behavioural coding, Case history taking.
Unit III: Psychotherapeutic Process- Case conceptualization and Treatment planning;
Catalyst for Change; Framework for process in psychotherapy; Pragmatic issues related to
Unit IV: Termination of Psychotherapy; Psychotherapy and related techniques;
Psychotherapy in India.
Unit V: Two practicum based on the above four units.


Bohart, A. C., & Tallman, K. (1999). How clients make therapy work: The process of
active self-healing. American Psychological Association.

Heru, A. M. (2001). Psychotherapy: Processes and Techniques: By Christiane Brems.

Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999, 352 pp., 1-328.
Greenberg, L. S., & Pinsof, W. M. (1986). The psychotherapeutic process: A research
handbook. Guilford Press.

Paper: AP/20003B: Basics of Organizational Behavior (Elective)

Maximum Marks 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To develop an understanding of structure and processes of the organization

as a whole

2. To understand the interaction of individual and groups within the

organization and different attitudes and behavior resulting from
organizational membership.

Unit I: Introduction to Organizational Behavior: Its nature and scope, Historical

background, Traditional and modern models of OB. Management theories of
organizational behavior.

Unit II: Behavior in organizations: motivation and performance, role of human

personality and emotions in organizations, power and politics, group processes in
organizations, teams and their effectiveness.

Unit III: Job Attitudes: Job satisfaction and Organizational Commitment. Productive
Organizational behaviors: Organizational citizenship behavior and innovative work
behaviors. Counterproductive behavior in organizations: absenteeism, turnover,
ineffective performance.
Unit IV: Enhancing Organizational Health and Well-being: Role of Psychological
capital, Emotional Intelligence, Effective communication and Decision making.

Unit V: Two practicum based on the 4 units

Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. (2013). Organizational behavior (15th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
(Chapter 1: Introduction-Nature and scope (Unit 1), Ch 7 and 8: motivation
(Unit2), chapter 4 & 5: emotions and personality (Unit 2), chapter 9 and 10 for
group processes and teams (Unit 2), chapter 13 for Power and politics (Unit 2))
Luthans, F. (1998). Organizational behavior. 12th edition. Boston, Mass: Irwin/McGraw-
Hill. (chapter 8 for communication and decision making (Unit 4), chapter 7 for
Organizational health and well being (Unit 4)).
Furnham, A. (2005). The psychology of behaviour at work : the individual in the
organization, 2nd ed., Psychology Press (Chapter 2: History of OB (Unit 1))

Greenberg, J. & Baron, R.A. (2007). Behaviour in Organizations (9th Ed.). India: Dorling
Kindersley.(Chapter 1: Traditional and modern models of OB, Management
theories of OB for Unit 1)
Muchinsky, P. (2006). Psychology applied to work: An introduction to industrial and
organizational psychology. 8th Edition, NC: Hypergraphic Press. (Chapter
1: History of OB (Unit 1))
Jex, S. M., and T. W. Britt. 2008. A scientist-practitioner approach: Organizational
psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley. (Chapter 5: Job attitudes (Unit 3),
chapter 4: Productive organizational behaviors (Unit 3), chapter 6:
counterproductive organizational behaviors (Unit 3))

Chadha, N.K. (2007). Organizational Behavior. Galgotia Publishers: New Delhi.

Griffin, R.W. & Moorhead, G. (2009). Organizational Behavior: Managing People &
Organizations. New Delhi :Biztantra publishers
Pareek, U. (2010). Understanding organizational behaviour. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Paper: AP/20004B: Applied Industrial/Organizational Psychology (Elective)

Maximum Marks 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To acquaint the students with application of human resource functions in

the organizations.
2. Understand the role of Organizational psychologists in hiring, supporting
employees, performance appraisals in order to achieve the strategic
goals of the organization, reduced turnover, increased productivity, and
improved employee engagement.

Unit I: Work Environment & Engineering Psychology: Job and Job Analysis, Job
Design, Ergonomics, Job Enrichment and Enlargement, Job Evaluation, Employee
safety, Occupational Health.

Unit II: Recruitment Process: Internal and External recruitment, new methods of
recruitment. Selection: Importance of Realistic Job Preview, Methods of selection
(psychological tests, interviews, assessment centers, contemporary methods), Equal
Employment opportunity. Stress and worker well-being: models/theories of stress

(causes, moderators and consequences). Stress management: Individual and
organizational strategies.

Unit III: Compensation: Establishing Strategic Pay Plans, Pay for Performance and
Financial Incentives, Benefits and Services. Performance Management and Appraisal,
Employee Retention, Engagement, and Careers

Unit IV: Employee Relations: Ethics and Employee Rights, Labor Relations and
Collective Bargaining, Managing Global Human Resources, Managing Human
Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Firms.

Unit V: Two practicum based on the 4 units

Aamodt, M. G., & Aamodt, M. G. (2010). Industrial/organizational psychology: An applied
approach. 6th Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. (Chapter 2: Job analysis and
evaluation (Unit 1), Chapter 3-6: Recruitment and Selection (Unit 2), Chapter 15-
Occupational stress and management (Unit 2))
Muchinsky, P. (2006). Psychology applied to work: An introduction to industrial and
organizational psychology. 8th Edition, NC: Hypergraphic Press. (Chapter 11:
occupational health (Unit 1), Chapter 3-4 for selection (Unit 2))
Dessler, G. (2013). Human Resource Management, 13th Edition, New York: Pearson.
(chapter 16: Employee safety and health (Unit 1), Chapters 14, 15, 17 and 18 for
Unit 4, Chapter 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 for Unit 3)
Aswathappa, K. (2008). Human Resource Management (5th edition). New Delhi: Tata
McGraw Hill.
Pareek, U. (2004) Understanding Organisational Behaviour. New Delhi: Oxford
University Press.

Paper: AP/20003C: Psychology of Group Dynamics (Elective)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To Understand and describe major group dynamic factors, intergroup Relations, Conflicts,
and collective Identity and groups as systems or interactive teams for Intervention.

2. To Understand the Process of Counseling in multicultural society and diverse population
and ethical guidelines for group counselors and related issues.

Unit I: Nature, Structural aspects of Group and Political Psychology of Group. Ethics in
specific counseling situations with Diverse Populations

Unit II: Theories of Intergroup Relation: Social Identity Theory, Social Dominance Theory,
And False Consciousness.

Unit III: Groups in Counselling, Fear of Equality, Collective Identity, Inter-group

Discrimination and Social categorization, Interventions in Group: Group Counseling

Unit IV: Counseling with Diverse Population: Elderly Population, Gender Based and Sexual
Orientation, and Counseling in Multicultural Society.

Unit V: Two practicum based on the 4 units


Jhon T. Jost and Jim Sidanieces (2004) Political Psychology. Chapter ,3,4,16,19, 24)

Corey, G. (2008). Group Counseling: Theory and practice of group counseling (7th ed.).
Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.)

Rogers,C.(1970) Encounter groups. New York: Harper and Row.

Gladding .T.S (2017). Counseling : A Comprehensive Profession. (7th ed.) Pearson. (Chapter
4 and 5)

Paper: AP/20004C: Self and Personal Growth (Elective)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To expose the student to the concept of learning through experience & reflection,
learning by doing combined with reflection.
2. An active rather than a passive process requiring learners to be self-motivated in
understanding their personal growth and designing Intervention.

Unit I: Introduction to Personal growth, consciousness and Self actualization,
challenges in contemporary context.
Unit II: Life Span Perspective in Personality development. Experiential Paradigm.
Managing Self
Unit III: Theories of Personality Development and Personal Growth. Assessment of
Unit IV: Designing interventions, facilitating and ethical considerations in situations
of human interventions: Peer Counseling.
Unit V: Two practicum based on the 4 units


Feldman, R.S. (2000), Development Across the Life span (2nd ed.) Prentice Hall, New Jersy.

Adler, A. (1927). The practice and Theory of Individual Psychology. Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, NewYork.

Vohra, S.S. & Kailash.S.(2010) Experiential learning (section III) in Psychology of Turbulent
Relationships. New Delhi: Icon Publishers.

Myrick, R. D. and Erney, T. (1985), Youth helping Youth: A handbook for Training peer
Facilitators. Educational Media Corporation Minnesota.

Gladding .T.S (2017). Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession. (7th ed.) Pearson. (Chapter
4 and 5)

Hjelle, L. A., and Zieglar,D.J (1992). Personality Theories: Basic Assumptions,Research, and
Applications. McGraw Hill.

Paper: AP/20005: Practicum based on papers AP/20001, AP/20002, AP/20003 and

Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4


Paper: AP/30001A: Forensic Psychology (Elective)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To develop a general orientation towards different filed of forensic psychology and

criminal behaviour.
2.To learn different techniques used in forensic investigation .

Unit I: Forensic Psychology: Introduction and overview; Historical Perspective; Fields

of Forensic Psychology; Criminal and Investigative Psychology; Police Psychology.

Unit II: Hostage taking; Police interrogation and False confession. Criminal of
Psychological autopsy. Geographical profiling and mental manpower, Criminal
Identification; Solitary confinement.

Unit III: Psychological impacts of violence and sexual offences, Treatment of sexual
offenders, Family violence and victimization, Prevention of violence; Family
preservation model Psychology of the bystanders.

Unit IV: Mental and Aptitude testing; Personality assessment; Education and Training;
Occupational stress in Police and investigation, Post-traumatic stress disorder in police.

Unit V: Two Practicum based on the above four units


Bartol, C. R. & Bartol, A. M. (2004) Introduction to forensic psychology. New Delhi:

Blackburn, R., (1993) The psychology of criminal conduct: Theory research and
practice. Chichester: Wiley &Sons.

Dhanda, A. (2000) Legal order and mental disorder. New Delhi: Sage.

Harari, L. (1981) Forensic psychology. London: Batsford Academic.

Paper: AP/30002A: Childhood Psychopathology (Elective)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To develop a general orientation towards different childhood, Causes and symptoms

2. To know the diagnostic techniques of childhood mental disorders
3. To learn different intervention techniques to deal with differently abled people

Unit I: Intellectual Disabilities (Mental Retardation)-Concept and definitions, Types of

intellectual disabilities, Diagnosis of intellectual disabilities Quality of life and and quality of
intellectual disabilities, Family issues in intellectual disabilities, Family care giving across the
full life span of intellectual disabilities.

Unit II: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)- Concept and definitions, Types of ASD,
Diagnosis of ASD, Neuropsychological relation to ASD, Socio-psychological issues in ASD,
Interpersonal relationship intervention, Skilled based intervention, Cognitive intervention,
Behavioural intervention, Physiological/biological/neurological intervention, Arts therapy,
Music therapy.

Unit III: Specific Learning Disorders (SLD): Concept and definitions of SLD, Types of SLD,
Diagnosis of SLD, Neuropsychological relation to SLD, Psycho-social issues in SLD,
Interventions of SLD- Early intervention, Behavioural Intervention, Cognitve behavioural
intervention, Neuropsychological Intervention, Psycholinguistic intervention.

Unit IV: Attention Deficit Disorders/Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADD/ADHD)-
Concept and definitions of (ADD/ADHD), Diagnosis of (ADD/ADHD), Neuropsychological
relation to (ADD/ADHD), Psycho-social issues in (ADD/ADHD), Interventions of
(ADD/ADHD), Training for Teachers and parents to deal with (ADD/ADHD).

Unit V: Two practicum based on the above four units.


Simpson, R. L.(2008). Autism spectrum disorders: Interventions and treatments for

children and youth. Corwin Press.
Van Herwegen, J., Riby, D., & Farran, E. K. (2015). Neurodevelopmental disorders:
definitions and issues.
Emerson, E. (2012). Clinical psychology and people with intellectual disabilities (Vol.
97). John Wiley & Sons.
Bailey, R. D. (1982). Therapeutic Nursing for the Mentally Handicapped. Oxford
University Press, USA.
Clarke, A. (1987). Science And Service in Mental-Retardation-Berg, JM.
Silver, A. A., & Hagin, R. A. (2002). Disorders of learning in childhood. Wiley.
Mahakud, G. C. (2013). Dyslexia: An Introduction to Reading Disorders. McGraw
Hill Education (India).
Wodrich, D. L., & Woodrich, D. L. (1994). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder:
What every parent wants to know. Paul H. Brookes.
Rief, S. F. (2008). The ADD/ADHD checklist: A practical reference for parents and
teachers. John Wiley & Sons.

Paper No: AP/30003A: Clinical Neuropsychology (Elective Paper)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To know different brain regions responsible for psychological attributes.

2. To understand the neuropsychological relation to different psychological disorders.

Unit I: Introduction to Clinical Neuropsychology- Methods in neuropsychology, Brain
Lateralisation, Dysfunction in Neural networking and its impacts. Brain Injury and its impact.

Unit II: Lobular syndromes-Frontal, Parietal , Occipital, Temporal Lobe syndromes.

Sensory and Motor disorders.

Unit III: Neuropsychological Attention Disorders, Neuropsychological disorder of Executive

functions, Neuropsychological language disorders and Learning disabilities,
Neuropsychological Visuo-spatial Disorders,

Unit IV: Neuropsychological Disorders: Minimal brain Dysfunction. Epilepsy, Mental

Retardation and Learning Disabilities, Amnesia, Aphasias, Apaxias, Agnosias, and Epilepsy

Unit V: Two practicum based on the above four units.


Stirling, J. (2002). Cortical functions. Routledge.

Stirling, J., & Elliott, R. (2010). Introducing neuropsychology. Psychology Pres.

Cacioppo, J. T., Tassinary, L. G., & Berntson, G. (Eds.). (2007). Handbook of

psychophysiology. Cambridge University Press.
Kevin Walsh, A. O. (1978). Neuropsychology: A clinical approach. Churchill
Crawford, J. R., Parker, D. M., & McKinlay, W. W. (Eds.). (1992). A handbook of
neuropsychological assessment. Psychology Press.

Mahakud, G. C. (2013). Dyslexia: An Introduction to Reading Disorders. McGraw Hill

Education (India).
Boller, F. & Grafman, J, (1988) Handbook of neuropsychology. New York: Elsevier.
Kolb, B., & Ian, Q. W. (1990) Fundamental of neuropsychology. New York:

Rao, S. L., Subbakrishna, D. K., & Gopukumar, K. (2004). NIMHANS

neuropsychological battery. Bangalore: NIMHANS Publications.

Kar, B. R., Rao, S. L., Chandramouli, B. A., & Thennarasu, K. (2004). NIMHANS
neuropsychological battery for children-manual. Bangalore: NIMHANS
publication division.

Kumar, J. K. (2010). Neuropsychology in India 13. The Neuropsychology of Asian

Americans, 219.

Paper: AP/30001B: Organizational Change and Development (Elective)

Maximum Marks 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To give an exposure to current issues, concerns, dilemmas in dealing with the

change in organizations.
2. To understand the complexities involved in organizational development (OD),
role of Organizational Psychologists in OD and learn different approaches of OD.

Unit I: Organizational Change: Forces for Change, Planned change, critique of planned
change, Resistances to change, Lewin’s and Kotter’s model of Change, Managing,
motivating and sustaining change.

Unit II: Organizational Development: The field of OD, Definitions, History, Values,
assumptions and beliefs, Action Research and OD, The OD Practitioner: Skills,
knowledge, Professional values and ethics, The process of OD: The contract between
consultant and client.

Unit III: Interpersonal and Group Interventions: T-Groups, Process consultation, 3rd
party peacemaking interventions, Quality circles and team building interventions.
Comprehensive Interventions: Confrontation meeting, Grid OD, Survey feedback and
intergroup relations interventions.

Unit IV: Techno-structural Interventions and applicability of OD, Restructuring

Organizations, Employee Involvement. Power, politics and OD, Research on OD, Future
of OD.
Unit V: Two practicum based on the 4 units


Cummings, T.G. & Worley, C. G. (1996). Organizational Development and Change, 6th
Edition, International Thomson Publishing (South-Western College Publishing).
(Chapter 2: for planned change (Unit 2), Chapter 10 for Unit 2 (Managing,
Motivating and sustaining change, Chapter 1: Introduction to OD (Unit 1),
Chapter 4: The process of OD (Unit 1), Chapter 8: survey feedback (Unit 3),
Chapter 12: Interpersonal and group process interventions (Unit 3), Chapter 13:
Comprehensive interventions (Unit 3), Chapter 14 for technostructural
interventions (Unit 4), Chapter 15 for Employee Involvement (Unit 4))

French, W. L. & Bell, C. H. (2004). Organization Development : Behavioral Science

Interventions for Organizational Improvement, 6th Edition, New Delhi:
Pearson (Chapters 1,2,3,4, and 7 for Unit 1, Chapter 14: Contract between
consultant and client (Unit 1), Chapter 9: Team Interventions (Unit 3), Ch
10: intergroup and 3rd party interventions (Unit 3), Chapter 11 for
Comprehensive OD interventions(Unit 3), Chapter 12 for Technostructural
interventions and applicability of OD (Unit 4), chapter 16, 17 and 18 (power
and politics, research on OD and Future of OD) For Unit 4).

Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. (2013). Organizational behavior (15th ed.). Boston:
Pearson. (Chapter 18: Organizational Change (Unit 2), creating a culture of
change (Unit 2), Lewin’s and Kotter’s model of change (Unit 2))

Paper: AP/30002B: Training and Consultancy in Organizations (Elective)

Maximum Marks 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. Understand the relevance of training as a development intervention and learn designing,

implementing and evaluating the training program,
2. Understand the nature and value of organizational consultancy for organizational problem
solving and effectiveness.

Unit I: Nature and value of Organizational consultancy, Roles and Responsibilities of
organizational consultants, Preparing and contracting with the organization for consultancy,
Building capabilities for consulting, Ethical issues in consulting.
Unit II: Creating a culture of consulting and coaching, the seven-eyed process model of
supervision, shadow consultancy and consultant teams, the skills of consultants: core skills
and capabilities, key qualities and capacities
Unit III: Training: role of Organizational environment, Stages, proactive and reactive route,
Training Needs assessment, Training objectives, learning and motivational principles
involved in training, Role of trainer in training, the training course: Selection, design and
Unit IV: Methods of training and their critical evaluation, e-training, Assessing the
effectiveness of training, Competency based Training and Development. Training and
development in India: The National Training policy, Training and Development Scenario of
Various sectors in India
Unit V: 2 practicum based on the above four units


Aamodt, M. G., & Aamodt, M. G. (2010). Industrial/organizational psychology: An

applied approach. 6th Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.(Chapter 8: for
Unit 3 and 4)
Bhattacharyya, D.K. (2015). Training and Development: Theories and Applications,
New Delhi: Sage publications. (Chapter 5: for Competency based Training
and Development (Unit 4)

Buckley, R. & Caple, J. (2009). The theory and practice of training, 6th Edition, London:
Kogan Page (Chapters 1-8 for Unit 3, Chapter 12 for Unit 3, Chapters 9 and
10 for Unit 4)
Chadha, N.K. (2012). Human Resource Management, 3rd Edition, New Delhi: Shri Sai
Printographers (Chapter 7- Training and Development for Unit 3 and 4)
Hawkins, P. & Smith, N. (2013). Coaching Mentoring and Organizational Consultancy:
Supervision, Skills and Development, 2nd edition, Berkshire: Tata Mc Graw
Hill. ( Chapter 6 for creating a culture of consultancy (Unit 2), Chapter 9 for

the 7-eyed process model of supervision (unit 2), chapter 11 for shadow
consultancy of consultant teams (Unit 2) chapter 13 and 14 for skills of
consultants (Unit 2))
Hodges J. (2017), Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change, Kogan Page
(Chapter 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 for Unit 1)

Paper: AP/30003B: Managing Across Cultures (Elective)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:
1. Increased understanding and insights to culture and cultural frameworks for acquiring
competencies for situations such as working/studying abroad, working/interacting
with foreigners, participating in multicultural management
2. Making the students learn about the art of cross-cultural management

Unit I: Introduction to the Global Business Environment and Cross Cultural

Management, Definitions and Models of Culture
Unit II: The Role of Regional, Industry, Corporate and Professional Cultures,
Managing Knowledge across Borders
Unit III: Leadership and Cross-Cultural Teams, Corporate Culture and Cross-Border
HRM and Employment Practices: case examples
Unit IV: Cross cultural training: effectiveness and myths, Global careers -
Expatiation and repatriation, Leadership in multi-cultural organizations, employer-
employee relationships and cross-cultural management.
Unit V: Two practicum based on the 4 units


Browayes, M.J. and Price, R. ( 2011) Understanding Cross – Cultural Management, 2nd
edition. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited
Dicken, P. (2011 ) The Global Shift: Mapping the changing contours of the world economy,
sixth edition, London, Sage.
Understanding Cross-Cultural Management, Pearson Education, by Marie-Joëlle Browaeys
and Roger Price, 2011.

Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts, Sage, by David Thomas, 2008.
International dimensions of organizational behavior. Cengage Learning, by Nancy J. Adler,
and Allison Gundersen, 2007.
Culture, Leadership and organizations, The GLOBE study of 62 societies by House, Hanges,
Javidan, Dorfman and Gupta, 2004.
A Critique of Hofstede's Fifth National Culture Dimension by Tony Fang. International
Journal of Cross Cultural Management, Dec 2003; 3(3):347- 368. Accessible
through ABI/INFORM Global.

Paper: AP/30001C: Critical Psychology (Elective)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To promote and study of a psychology that is committed to addressing the pressing

social issues of current time.
2. This course offers Students a critique of mainstream psychology that grants
psychologists an opportunity to think critically and creatively about how best to serve
a wide range of individuals and communities.

Unit I: Introduction: Critical Psychology and Psychology for Liberation: Values,

Assumptions, Theory and Application, Social identities,
Unit II: Qualitative Enquiry of Psychology, Stereotype Threat, Racial Socialization
and Mental health, Lesbian and Gay Psychology: A Critical Analysis.
Unit III: Critical Theory, Postmodernism, and Hermeneutics: Insights for Critical
Psychology Relationship between power and knowledge in psychology, Psychology
of Oppression.
Unit IV: Understanding and Practicing Critical Psychology, Methods of Liberation:
Critical Consciousness, Double Consciousness, and Therapy of Capitalism, Crisis
Unit V: Two Practicum Based on Unit I to Unit IV.


Isaac Prilleltensky and Dennis Fox (1997) Critical Psychology an Introduction, edited
by Dennis Fox and Isaac Prilleltensky. Sage Publication. New Delhi.

M. Montero & C. Sonn (2009) (Eds.), Psychology of Liberation:Theory and Applications
(51-72). New York: Springer.

Fals Borda, O. (1988). Knowledge and people’s power: Lessons with peasants in Nicaragua,
Mexico and Columbia. New Delhi: Indian Social Institute.

Eric Greene (2017). The Last Psychology, Part Two. The Capitalism of Therapy and the
Therapy of Capitalism: The Journal of Critical Psychology, Counseling and
Psychotherapy (Vol.17,2017)

Cheryan, S., & Bodenhausen, G. V. (2000). When positive stereotypes threaten intellectual
performance: The psychological hazards of "model minority" status.
Psychological Science, 11(5), 399-402.

Kaiser, C. R., & Miller, C. T. (2001). Stop complaining!: The social costs of making
attributions to discrimination. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27,

Hoff. L.A., (2009) People in Crisis: Clinical and Diversity Perspective (6th ed.) Routledge.

Paper: AP/30002C: Counseling and Socio-Cultural Context (Elective)

Maximum Marks 100 Credits: 4

Course Objective:
1. To acquaint student with theoretical basis of counseling skills, counseling models,
counselor’s personal and professional issues and growth and ethical and legal issues.
2. To Understand assessment, appraisal and special concerns in Counseling.

Unit I: Introduction: Meaning and definitions of counseling; Goals and Scope of counseling;
Qualities of an effective Counselor; Counselee-Counselor relationship; Personal and
professional development; Ethical and Legal issues in counseling.
Unit II: Counseling Skills: Nature and definitions of Acceptance, Genuineness, Respect,
Warmth, Immediacy; (b) Meaning , definitions and types of : Attending, Observing,
Encouraging, Paraphrasing, Summarizing, Reflecting feeling, Confronting, Focusing,
Reflecting meaning, Influencing : Interpretation / reframe, Logical consequences , Self
disclosure, feedback, information/ suggestions, directive.

Unit III: Assessment and Appraisal and Diagnosis in Counseling: Interest, Aptitude and
Personality Assessment for Counseling, Nature and Assessment of Creativity, Data Appraisal
in Counseling.
Unit IV: Special Concern in Counseling: Counseling for Suicide prevention, Substance
abuse, Child abuse. Expressive Therapies: Art Therapy, Drama Therapy and Psychodrama.
Unit V: Two Practicum Based on Unit I to Unit IV.


Edward E., Jacobs; Robert L., Masson & Riley L., Harvill. (2001) Group Counseling:
Strategies and Skills. (4th edi) London: Wadsworth.

Gladding .T.S (2017). Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession. (7th ed.) Pearson.

Malchiodi, C.A. (Ed.). 2005. Expressive Therapies. The Guilford Press Newyork.

Cormier, S., & Hackney, H. (2013) Counseling strategies and interventions (8th International
Edition). London: Pearson.)

Hoff. L.A., (2009) People in Crisis: Clinical and Diversity Perspective (6th ed.) Routledge.

Paper: AP/30003C: Psychology of Relationships (Elective)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To understand the psychology of interpersonal relationship for meaningful and

engaged lives that enhances the Well being.
2. To equip the student with the skills, to practice and promote positive
relationships of themselves and others.

Unit I: Introduction: Nature, Scope, Types of Relationships., Psychology of Love and Hate:
Passionate Love, Sadism, The power of Positive relationship.

Unit II: Theory and Implications for Intimate Relationships, Interpersonal Hate from Clinical
Perspective, Gender Myths.

Unit III: Interventions: Developmental perspective on relating with children, adolescents,
adults and the elderly; Understanding the relational dynamics of social exclusion, violence
and marginalization (disabled, LGBT, caste and tribal status etc.).
Unit IV: Therapeutic Relationship: Transference, Counter-transference and Imagination,
Family Counseling, Marriage and Couple Counseling.

Unit V: Two Practicum Based on Unit I to Unit IV.


Wiener. J. (2009). Transference, Countertransference, and the Making of Meaning. Texas

A&M University Press

Emma Cuyler And Michael Ackhart (2009) Psychology Of Relationships. Nova Science
Publishers, Newyork.

Palmer. S. (2002). Multi-cultural Counseling. Sage

Brgin and Garfeild (2013) Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change (6th ed.) Jhon
Wiley & Sons. New Jersy.

Paper: AP/30004: Practicum based on papers AP/30001, AP/30002 and AP/30003


Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper: AP/30005: Health Psychology (Open Elective)

Maximum marks: 50 Credits: 2

1. To develop a general orientation towards Health and disease process through

various models of Health Psychology.
2. To understand Psychological causes of Different diseases, psychodiagnostic
assessment of different diseases.
3. To introduce different psychological intervention programmes for different
diseases and improve the psychophysical health.

Unit I: Introduction to Health Psychology-Mind-body relationship, biopsychosocial
model of health, Biological bases of Health-Nervous system, Central nervous system,
Life expectancy and diseases pattern, Health Behaviour, Hazardous Lifestyle for Drug
and substance usage.

Unit II: Illness: The cardiovascular System, Cancer and Psychoneuroimmunology,

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Asthma, Gastrointestinal Diseases,
Ulcer and Irritable bowel syndrome, Suicide and self harm.


Allen, F. (2010). Health psychology and behaviour in Australia. McGraw-Hill.

Taylor, S. E., & Sirois, F. M. (1995). Health psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Ogden, J. (2012). Health psychology. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

Paper: AP/30006: Behaviour Modification and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (Open


Maximum marks: 50 Credits: 2

Course Objectives:

1. To develop a general orientation towards behavior therapy.

2. To understand develop a general orientation towards cognitive behavior therapy

Unit I: Behaviour Therapy & Applied Behaviour Analysis. Behavioural Assessment. Basic
concept. Stimulus control Relaxation techniques, Use of behaviour therapy in Problem
Behaviour- Internalizing problem behaviour, Externalizing problem Behaviour, Conduct
disorders, Behvioural Distortion, Behavioural coding and Behavioural assessment, Case
history taking.

Unit II: Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy and Approaches: REBT, Understanding, Defining
and assessment of the issue: Behavioul Observation, Empathy, Integration of intake.
Interventions: Exposure Therapies, Flooding and Implosion, Modeling, Systematic
Desensitization, Assertiveness training, EMDR: Application


O'Donohue, W. T., & Fisher, J. E. (Eds.). (2012). Cognitive behavior therapy: Core
principles for practice. John Wiley & Sons.
Jena, S. P. K. (2008). Behaviour Therapy: Techniques, Research and Applications. New
Delhi: Sage.
Kazdin, A. E. (2001). Behaviour Modification in Applied settings, 6th Ed. Wadsworth

Paper: AP/30007: Psychological Assessment and profiling (Open Elective)

Maximum marks: 50 Credits: 2

Course Objectives:

1. Familiarizing students with the procedure of psychological assessment and


2. Learn assessment and profiling of individuals in different settings using

standardized psychological tests.

Unit I: Psychological Assessment and profiling: measuring and testing intelligence, aptitude
and personality
Unit II: Clinical and counselling assessment, neuropsychological assessment, assessment at

Cohen, R. J. & Swerdlik, M. E. (2013). Psychological Testing and Assessment: An
Introduction to Tests and Measurement (Eighth Edition). New York: McGraw-

Murphy, K. R., & Davidshofer, C. O. (2005). Psychological testing: Principles and

applications. 6th Edition Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall.

Paper: AP/30008: Applications of Social -Psychological Principles (Open

Maximum Marks 50 Credits: 2

Course Objectives:
1. To understand the social justice as guiding principle is counseling.

2. To equip with the skills to manage their own life and deal with social

Unit I: Introduction: Counseling in Social Psychology and Social Justice, Social

Neuroscience, Social Justice Training in Counseling Psychology, Needs and

Unit-II: Promoting Competence and Reducing Risks, minority influence, Experience

of marginalization, group polarization, and risky shift, Causes and cures of
Discrimination, Stigma and Deprivation and Prejudice.


Rebecca L. Toporek, Fouad, Sodowsky and Israel (2006). The Handbook for Social

Justice in Counseling Psychology: Leadership, Vision, and Action, Sage


Hogg, A.M. (Ed.) (2003) Social Psychology, Vol. I-IV. London: Sage.

Burke, P. J. (2006). Contemporary Social Psychological Theories. Stanford Social Sciences

Delamater, J. (2003) Handbook of Social Psychology. New York: Kluswer Academic

Paper: AP/30009: Field Training/ Internship - Theory Practice Integration


Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4


Paper: AP/40001A: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (Elective)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To understand different neuropsychological assessment and interventions for different

levels of brain injury patient for various neuropsychological disorders
2. To learn the step by step scientific procedure of applications of neuropsychological
interventions and the ethical guidelines.

Unit I: Introduction to neuropsychological rehabilitation, Historical evidences of

Neuropsychological rehabilitation, Need and scope of neuropsychological rehabilitation,
Theories of neuropsychological Intervention, Major influences and recent advances in the
development of rehabilitative neuropsychology

Unit II: Neuropsychological Assessments; NIMHANS Neuropsychological Battery for

Children and Adults, AIIMS Neuropsychological Battery, Technological Assisted for
Neuropsychology diagnosis-CT-Scan, PET, fMRI.

Unit III: Plasticity and Restoration of Brain Function- Synaptic pruning, Glutamate and
GABA, Neurotransmitter activities, Mind and Brain Relationship.

Unit IV: Cognitive behavioural intervention for neuropsychological disorders,

Brainswitching and Brainstorming, Computer assisted neuropsychological rehabilitation and
training, Ethical issues in Neuropsychological rehabilitation.

Unit V: Two practicum based on the above four units.


Kevin Walsh, A. O. (1978). Neuropsychology: A clinical approach. Churchill

Rajeswaran, J.(2013). Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Need and Scope. (First
Edition, Elsevier.
Raskin, S. A., & Mateer, C. A. (1999). Neuropsychological management of mild
traumatic brain injury. Oxford University Press.
Johnstone, B., & Stonnington, H. H. (2011). Rehabilitation of neuropsychological
disorders: A practical guide for rehabilitation professionals. Psychology

Paper: AP/40002A: Cognitive Behavioural Interventions (Elective Paper)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To develop a general orientation towards different cognitive theories and cognitive

behavioural problems.
2. To understand the different cognitive behavioural assessment/measures for diagnosis
of different cognitive and behavioural disorders
3. To know the application of different cognitive behavioural techniques diagnostic

Unit I:Cognitive-behavioural approaches- Beck, Meichenbaum, and Ellis, Cognitive-

Behavioural Problems in Childhood; Cognitive- Behavioural Problems in Adolescence;
Cognitive- Behavioural Problems in Adulthood; Cognitive- Behavioural Problems in Elderly.

Unit II: Core Principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy; Cognitive Restructuring; Problem
Solving; Self Regulation, Emotional Regulation; Additional Cognitive Behavioural

Unit III: Cognitive Behavioural Assessment; Qualitative and Quantitative Cognitive

Behavioural Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation in Cognitive Behaviour therapy.

Unit IV: Practical Implementation of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy- Cognitive
Conceptualization, Structure of the First Therapy Session, Session Two and Beyond:
Structure and Format, Problems with structuring the CBT session, Identifying and responding
the automatic thoughts, emotions, Core beliefs, Treatment Planning, Termination and Relapse
prevention, Ethical Issues in CBT.

Unit V: Two practicum based on the above four units.


O'Donohue, W. T., & Fisher, J. E. (Eds.). (2012). Cognitive behavior therapy: Core
principles for practice. John Wiley & Sons.
Sheldon, B. (2011). Cognitive-behavioural therapy: Research and practice in health
and social care. Routledge.
Beck, J. S. (2011). Cognitive behavior therapy: Basics and beyond. Guilford press.

Paper: AP/40003A: Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback (Elective)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To introduce the basic concepts of applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, so that

the students can apply these techniques in health care
2. To understand the endocrine system in relation to different psychopathological
problem of human being

Unit I: Introduction, basic concept of and historical developments of psychophysiology and

neurofeedback, Electroencephalography: Normative EEG activity, Data acquisition and
Signal analysis. Quantitative Scalp analysis: Spectral analysis, Asymmetry metrics, Time
frequency analysis, Coherence analysis, Quantitative EEG analysis. Functional

Unit II. Event related Brain potentials: Quantification of ERP component The N200s, The
P300s Electrodermal system: Anatomical and Physiological basis of Electrodermal activity
(EDA) recording System. Psychological and Social context. Individual differences in EDA

Unit III: Introduction to Endocrine and Exocrine system. Different Endocrine system and its
relation to Psychopathology. Different Exocrine system and its relation to Psychopathology.
Endocrinology and brain behaviour integration.

Unit IV: Partitioning of neuroendocrine Steroids and Peptides between Vascular and cerebral
components-Steroid Hormones, Cortisol, Gonadal steroids, Neuroendocrine peptides.
and Aggression Psychoendocrine relation toEmotional expression, Psychoendocrine relation
to Child development
Unit V: Two practicum based on the above four units.


Brown, B. (1977) Stress, and the Art of Biofeedback. Toronto: Bantam Age Books.
Cacippo, J. T., Tassinary, L.G., & Berntson, M. (2007) Handbook of Psychophysiology,
Schwartz, M. S. (Ed) (2001) Biofeedback: A Practitioner’s Guide. New York: The
Guilford Press.
Levinthal, C. F. (1990). Introduction to physiological psychology. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Brush, F. R., & Levine, S. (Eds.). (2013). Psychoendocrinology. Academic Press.

Paper: AP/40001B: Organizational Culture and Climate (Elective)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:
1. To sensitize students to the need of managing differently in diverse cultural environments
2. To develop skills for diagnosing and understanding heterogeneity of cultures, and to
function effectively in them.

Unit I: Introduction to Organizational Culture and Climate: Historical antecedents of

Organizational culture and climate and current state of the field, differences between
Organizational culture and climate. Foundations of Organizational culture: approaches to
understanding organizational cultures and methods of studying them.
Unit II: Theories/models of organizational culture, Culture as a variable and root metaphor,
the emergence, effectiveness and change of organizational cultures.

Unit III: Sources of Cultural Intelligence, Self-Assessment of Cultural Quotient (CQ).
Culture shock and Acculturation: Nature of culture shock and Coping, Reverse culture shock,
Art of Negotiation, Dos’ and Don’ts of Cross cultural Negotiation, Challenges of Cross
cultural Negotiations.
Unit IV: Intercultural communication Ethics; complexities in managing across cultures; cross
cultural communication, cross cultural misperceptions, cross cultural misinterpretations, need
for linguistic proficiency in international business, linguistic diversity. Developing global
Unit V: Two practicum based on the 4 units.

Ehrhart, M.G., Schneider, B. & Macey, W.H. (2014). Organizational Climate and
Culture: An Introduction to Theory, Research and Practice, Routledge (Chapters
1-4 for Unit 1, Chapter 5: Unit 2-the emergence, effectiveness and change of
organizational cultures.)
Ang, S & Dyne, L.V. (2008). Handbook of Cultural Intelligence, Routledge (Chapters 2-
4: Cultural intelligence)
Ferraro, G.P. (2007), The Cultural Dimensions of International Business (5th Ed.). New
Jersey: Prentice Hall. (chapter 7: culture shock and coping, Chapter 6:
Negotiation (Unit 3), Chapters 3 and 4 for Unit 4 (Communication and Linguistic
proficiency), Chapter 8: Developing global managers (Unit 4))
Early, C. & Mosakowski, E. (2004). Cultural intelligence, HBR, (Unit 2)
Furnham, A. (2005). The psychology of behaviour at work : the individual in the
organization, 2nd ed., Psychology Press ( Chapter 15: Working abroad for culture
shock and reverse culture shockand coping)
Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational Culture and Leadership, 4 th Edition, Jossey-Bass
Publishers. (Chapter 1-4 for Unit 2)
Smircich, L. (1983). Concepts of Culture and Organizational Analysis; Administrative
Science Quarterly, 28(3): 339-358. (Unit 2: culture as a variable and root
Hofstede, G. (2011). Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context. Online
Readings in Psychology and Culture, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.9707/2307-
0919.1014 (Unit 2)

Paper: AP/40002B: Leadership Processes in Organizations (Elective)
Maximum Marks 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To provide an understanding of concepts and approaches of leadership,

competency, capability and its linkages at various work levels in
2. To acquaint students with critical perspective and emerging forms of

Unit I: Leadership: Meaning, Impact on organizational performance, Trait

approach to leadership: Personality traits, motives, Cognitive factors, physical and
background factors, influence of heredity and environment, critical evaluation of
trait approach.

Unit II: Effective Leadership behaviors and attitudes: Pioneering research,

task and relationship oriented attitudes and behavior, critical evaluation of
leadership behavior. Leadership styles, contingency and situational leadership

Unit III: Contemporary Approaches: Charismatic and Transformational

Leadership, Path-Goal Theory, Leader Member Exchange model, Authentic and
Ethical Leadership, Servant Leadership, Gender differences in Leadership styles:
Feminist perspective

Unit IV: Emerging Challenges to Leadership: Power, Politics and Leadership,

teamwork and leadership, motivating and coaching skills, creative problem
solving, communication and conflict resolution skills, International and
culturally diverse aspects of leadership

Unit V: 2 practicum based on the above four units


DuBrin, A.J. (2010). Leadership: Research Findings, Practice and skills. OH: Cengage.
(Chapter 1 and 2: Unit 1, Chapter 4, 5 and 6 for Unit 2, Chapter 3 for

Charismatic and Transformational leadership (Unit 3), Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13 and 15 for Unit 4.)

Northhouse, P.G. (2015). Leadership: Theory and Practice, 7th Edition. Sage
Publications. (Chapter 2 and 3: trait approach and skills approach (Unit 1),
Chapter 4 for behavioral approach to leadership (Unit 2) , Chapter 5 and 6
for contingency approach to leadership (Unit 2) , Chapter 7 for path goal
theory (Unit 3), Chapter 8-11 for transformational, servant and authentic
leadership (Unit 3), Chapter 16 for Ethical Leadership (Unit 3), Chapter 14
for Feminist approach to Leadership (Unit 3))

Patel, G. (2013). Gender Differences in Leadership Styles and the impact within
Corporate Boards. The Commonwealth Secretariat, Social Transformation
Programmes Division, pg: 1-39 (Unit 3)

Grint, K. (2001). Leadership: Classical, contemporary, and critical approaches. New York:
Oxford University Press.

Paper: AP/40003B: Cross-Cultural Communication (Elective)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:
1. To encourage students to engage with different cultures in a hands-on way and to
meaningfully experience cross-cultural communication.
2. To provide a space for students to reflect on their own personal experience with
cultural difference

Unit I: Basic Concepts in Communication, Communication Styles: Verbal and Non-

verbal, Communication Barriers and Breakdowns, Communication in Relational
Unit II: Intercultural communication: its nature and assumptions, global and domestic
diversity trends, value orientations and intercultural encounters, mindful intercultural
verbal and non-verbal communication, biases in cross-cultural communication

Unit III: Constructive Inter-cultural conflict management, Trans-cultural
communication competence, Identity change and Inter-cultural adaptation
Unit IV: Cross – cultural Negotiation and Bargaining: Process, verbal and non-verbal
behaviour, persuasion tactics, planning, composition of the negotiation team, working
through the contract
Unit V: Two practicum based on the above 4 units

Danziger, K. (1976). Interpersonal communication. New York: Pergamon Press.
Gudykunst, W. B. (Ed.) (2003). Cross-cultural and intercultural communication. Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Prasad, L. M. (2012). Organizational behaviour. New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons.
Reynolds, S.; Valentine, D. and Munter, M.M. (2010). Guide to Cross-Cultural
Communications, 2nd Edition, Pearson
Mattock, J. (2003). Cross-cultural communication : the essential guide to international
business, Kogan Page publishers
Hendon, D. W., Hendon, R. A., & Herbig, P. (1996). Cross-Cultural Business Negotiations,
Westport, CT: Praeger
Toomey, S.T. (1999), Communicating Across Cultures, The Guilford press.

Paper: AP/40001C: Psychology of Gender and Power (Elective)

Maximum Marks 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To facilitate students to explore the role of gender in development of Psyche, perception,

overall development and mental health.

2. To understand the into gender and power relation through social psychological

Unit I: Understanding Gender from Psycho-social Perspective. Quantifying Masculinity and

Femininity. Psychoanalystic Point of View.

Unit II: Role of Gender in Psychosocial Development. Gender: Socialization, Norms, Roles
and Stereotypes and Self Concept.

Unit III: Perpetuation generally and from within. The Psyche, Perception of and motive for
power. Expression of Power, Queer Theory.

Unit IV: Mental Health and Well being from Gender and clinical Psychology Perspective,
Feminist Therapy Approaches. Towards Liberation: Intervention, Counseling in domestic and
intimate partner Violence.

Unit V: Two Practicum Based on Unit I to Unit IV.


Issues in the Psychology of Women.(2000), Edited by Myrka Biaggio and Michel Hersen.
New York, Plenum Publishers. ( Chapters 2, 4 and 13)

Mental Health from a Gender Perspective (2001), Edited by Bhargavi V. Davar, New Delhi,
Sage Publications.

Bem, S. L. (1974). The measurement of psychological androgyny, Journal of Consulting and

Clinical Psychology, 42, 155‐162.

Spence, Janet T. (1993). Gender‐related traits and gender ideology: Evidence for a
multifactorial theory, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64(4),

Winter, D. G. (1988) The power motive in women‐‐and men, Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 54(3), 510‐519.

Powers, R. S. & Reiser, C. (2005). Gender and self‐perceptions of social power, Social
Behavior and Personality, 33(6), 553‐568.

Simon (1947) The Second Sex. (Chapt, 2, Chpt. 14)

Judith Butler (2015). By Sara Salih, Special Indian Edition,Routledge. (Chapter 5)

Paper: AP/40002C: Psychoanalytically-oriented Psychotherapy (Elective)

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To develop understanding of psychoanalytic psychotherapeutic approaches.

2. To explain its applications of psychoanalytic psychotherapeutic approaches
in various social conditions

Unit I: Introduction to psychoanalytic approaches to psychotherapy Development of

Psychodynamic Approach: Theory and therapeutic techniques.
Unit II: Free association, catharsis, dream analysis, The post-Freudian evolution of
the psychodynamic approach

Unit III: Application of psychoanalytic approaches to various social problems:

Crowding, Aggression and Violence, Social Stigma and Discrimination

Unit IV: Use of analytically oriented-psychotherapy in different social conditions :

Family, School, Peer Groups and Workplace
Unit V: Two Practicum Based on Unit I to Unit IV.


Cormier, S., & Hackney, H. (2013) Counseling strategies and interventions (8th International
Edition). London: Pearson.)

Gladding, S. T. (2014). Counseling: A comprehensive profession. New Delhi: Pearson


Jones E. (2000) Therapeutic Action: A Guide to Psychoanalytic Therapy. Book-mart Press,

Inc. of North Bergen, NJ.

Beck, J. S. (2011). Cognitive behavior therapy: Basics and beyond. Guilford press.

Paper: AP/40003C: Humanistic and Feminist Approaches to Counseling

Maximum marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Objectives:

1. To Understand the process and Therapeutic technique underlying
Phenomenological approach to counseling.
2. To explain the Feminist Concerns and approaches to Counseling.

Unit I: Phenomenological Approach, Person –Centered: Assumptions, Stages;

Empathy, Congruence
Unit II: Gestalt Approaches (Empty Chair Technique, Owning responsibility,
Awareness Integration, Confrontation, Dream application, Role-reversal and other
techniques), Existential Counseling
Unit III: Feminist Therapy: Strategy for Social and Individual Change, Feminist
Challenges to Traditional Counseling and Psychotherapy. The personal is the
Unit IV: Feminist Therapy in Clinical Practice, Integrating Feminism and
Psychotherapy, Feminist Counseling for Domestic Violence, Emerging issues from
Current Feminist Counseling Practice.
Unit V: Two Practicum Based on Unit I to Unit IV.


Philip Brownell (2010) Gestalt Therapy: A guide to Contemporary Practice. Springer

Publishing Company, LLC.
Bhate, Deosthali (2013) Feminist Counseling and Domestic Violence in India
Kathy M. Evans, Elizabeth Ann Kincade, Susan (2011) Introduction to Feminist
Therapy: Strategies for Social and Individual Change. Sage Publications.

Paper: AP/40004: Practicum based on papers AP/40001, AP/40002 and AP/40003

Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper No: AP/40005: Play and Art Therapy (Open Elective)

Maximum marks: 50 Credits: 2

Course Objectives:
1. To understand the importance of play therapy in treatment of different
psychopathological problems.
2. To know different types of play therapy and its application in clinical setting.

Unit I: Concept and definition of Play Therapy, Historical evidences of impact of play
therapy, Application of play therapy, Psychotherapeutic relation to play therapy.

Unit II: Different types of play therapy: Toy and Object Play Techniques- Ball Play, Baby
Doll Play; Baby Bottle Play, Toy Telephone Play, Bubble Play, Block Play, Balloon Play;
Role-Play Techniques- Role Play, Costume Play, Mask Play, Superhero Play, Puppet Play;
Creative Arts Techniques- Color Your Life, Clay Play, Free Drawings, Trauma Drawings,
Mandala Drawings; Game Play Techniques- Communication Games, Self-Control Games,
Strategy Games, Cooperative Games.


Schaefer, C. E., & Cangelosi, D. (2016). Essential Play Therapy Techniques: Time-tested
Approaches. Guilford Publications.

Kaduson, H., & Schaefer, C. (2010). 101 favorite play therapy techniques (Vol. 3). Jason

Schaefer, C. E., & Cangelosi, D. M. (Eds.). (2002). Play therapy techniques. Rowman &

Webb, N. B. E. (1991). Play therapy with children in crisis: A casebook for practitioners.
Guilford Press.

Landreth, G. L. (1996). Play therapy interventions with children's problems. Jason Aronson.

Paper AP/40006: Psychology of Peace and Happiness (Open Elective)

Maximum Marks: 50 Credits: 2

Course Objective:

1. To bring an experience marked by preponderance of positive emotions and

informing them about emerging paradigm of Positive Psychology.
2. To inform students about the efforts to develop sustainable societies through
prevention of violence and understanding their role as Psychologist.

Unit I: Introduction to Psychology of happiness and Peace, scope and paradigmatic

challenges, Role of Psychologists in Promoting Peace.

Unit II: Positive emotions and its influences: Resilience, flow, happiness, gratitude
and forgiveness. Negative Emotions: Shame, guilt, Embarrassment and Anger.

Blumberg, H.H., Hare, A.P., & Costin, A. (2006). Peace Psychology: A comprehensive
introduction. Cambridge. University Press
Carr, A. (2004). Positive Psychology. The Science of Happiness and Human Strengths.
London: Routledge.
Snyder, C.R. & Lopez. S. (2007). Positive Psychology. The scientific and Practical
explorations of Human Strengths. Sage Publications

Paper AP/40007: Hypnotherapy (Open Elective)

Maximum marks: 50 Credits: 2

Course Objectives:

1. To acquaint the students with the science of f Hypnosis, Theory of Mind and Process of

2. To Facilitate students to help themselves so that they run their own lives effectively and

Unit I: Introduction: Historical and Current Perspective, Nature, Theories and Applications
of the Hypnosis. Myths, Therapeutic Relationship, Ethical code.

Unit II: Theory of Mind, Theories of Depth in Hypnosis, Theories of Suggestibility, Skills of
Hypnotherapist: Pre-Induction Interview. Framing Affirmation, Induction, Hetro-hypnosis
and Self-Hypnosis.


Assen A. (2008). Hypnotherapy Explained. CRC Press .Taylor & Francis Group.

Rick Voit and Molly Delaney (2005) Hypnosis In Clinical Practice Steps For Mastering
Hypnotherapy Brunner-Routledge New York And Hove Brunner-Routledge,
New York
Scripts; Hypnotherapy School of India , Delhi NCR, Gurgaon.

Paper AP/40008: Correctional Psychology (Open Elective)

Maximum marks: 50 Credits: 2

Course Objectives:

1. To develop a general orientation towards correctional process applicable for criminal

2. To understand different correction strategies for prevention and intervention of crime
behaviour and criminal settings.

Unit I: Correctional Psychology: Legal rights of inmates: Rights to treatment, Right to refuse
treatment, Inmates with mental disorders, Substance abuse and correctional psychology.

Unit II: Psychological assessment in correction, Psychological methods of correction,

Community-based correction, Correctional psychology in Group and Homes; Community


Blackburn, R., (1993) The psychology of criminal conduct: Theory research and
practice. Chichester: Wiley &Sons.

Dhanda, A. (2000) Legal order and mental disorder. New Delhi: Sage.

Harari, L. (1981) Forensic psychology. London: Batsford Academic.

Paper: AP/40009: Sports Psychology (Open Elective)
Maximum marks: 50 Credits: 2

Course Objectives:
1. To describe what sport psychology is and what sport psychologists do
2. To discuss personality, achievement motivation and competitiveness in sportsperson

Unit I: Introduction: History of sports psychology, Sport psychology specialties:

Clinical-sport psychology, Educational psychology, Personality and sports: Approaches
to personality, Assessment of personality, Personality research in sports.

Unit II: Motivation: Definition, Achievement motivation and competitiveness in

sportspersons, Enhancing performance and self-confidence, Defining self-confidence,
assessing and building self-confidence

Horn, T. S. (Ed.) (2002). Advances in Sport Psychology. USA: Human Kinetics Publishers.
Weinberg, R. S., & Gould, D. (2003). Foundations of sport and exercise psychology. USA:
Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.

Paper AP/40010: Dissertation

Maximum Marks: 200 Credits: 8


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