Texas A&M University Department of Animal Science Equine Sciences Program
Texas A&M University Department of Animal Science Equine Sciences Program
Texas A&M University Department of Animal Science Equine Sciences Program
D. Douglas Householder
w1w1, w2w2, etc. - modifiers of Ap acting in the The genetics of white spotting in horses
presence of ww has not been worked out. Several spotting genes
have been hypothesized by researchers. In most
ss - expression of spots cases, researchers have; however, recognized that
spotted horses are of two distinctly different
s1s1, s2s2, - modifiers of Ap acting in the presence phenotypes.
Castle (1954) said spotting is caused by
gene P (for piebald or pinto) which only expresses
itself when in heterozygous (Pp) condition. Lasley
(1970) stated that dominant gene S causes white
spotting. In addition he added that horses of
genotype SS or Ss were spotted while those with
ss genotype were full colored. Jones and Bogart
(1971) postulated gene T (for tobiano) was
responsible for dominant white spotting patterns.
These authors also hypothesized that several
modifier genes operated in conjunction with the T
gene to cause variable white markings on the face,
body, feet and legs.
The genotypes listed below were obtained from Castle and Singleton (1961) and Lasley (1968). For
genotype simplification, gene C, as well as other non-expressing gene pairs, have been omitted. Also
dominant genes alone mean that the allele could be either dominant or recessive without changing the
individual's phenotype.
Dominant Ww White
White ww White not expressed
Working crosses with several pairs of coat color genes is not as complicated as it first appears. This
is because many times individuals mated are homozygous for the same genes. Each time a pair of genes is
homozygous the same way in both parents those parents can produce only that genotype of offspring. On the
other hand, when the parents are different in one or more pairs of genes, one to several different offspring
genotypes are possible. The more pairs of genes for which parents are different, the more difficult the genetic
combinations. For illustration, below are examples of four sample matings:
Genetic Combinations: Both parents have exactly the same genotype; therefore only one combination is
In the next 3, more complex examples, examine the genotypes of each parent, noting those specific
gene pairs which are not homozygous the same way in both parents. From these, list all possible combinations
of genes contributed by the mare to the left of the box. Do likewise for the stallion and list at the top of the
box. Fill in offspring squares with the approximate gene combinations. Figure the percentage of each
Example 2. Parents: A1a2bbddeeggrrssww A1a2bbddeeggrrssww
Sorrel(female), Sorrel(male),
light mane and tail light mane and tail
Genetic Combinations:
A1 a2
A1 AA Aa
a2 Aa aa
Brown, J. 1970. Color Inheritance in Horses. The Inheritance. Appaloosa Horse Club, Inc.,
Paint Horse Journ., May-June. Moscow, Idaho.
Castle, W. E. 1940. The genetics of coat color in Odriozola, M. 1951. A Los Colores Del Caballo.
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Castle, W. E. 1946. Genetics of the palomino Pulos, W. L. and F. B. Hutt. 1969. Lethal
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Castle, W. E. 1948. The abc's of color inheritance
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Castle, W. E. 1953. Coat color inheritance in
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35. coat color, the basic color patterns. Jour.
Hered. 32: 235.
Castle, W. E. 1961. Genetics of the claybank dun
horse. Jour. Hered. 52: 121. Searle, A. G. 1968. Comparative Genetics of Coat
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Jour. Hered. 42: 60. Singleton, W. R. ant Q. C. Bond. 1966. A allele
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palomino horse. Genetics 46: 1143.
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dapple, a unique color variety among
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145. Jour. Hered. 8: 561.