Filmetrics Tutorial - Thickness Metrology Guide v3N

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Thin film
Very thin layers of material that are deposited on the Optical techniques determine thin-film characteristics
surface of another material (thin films) are extremely by measuring how the films interact with light. Optical
important to many technology-based industries. Thin techniques can measure the thickness, roughness, and
films are widely used, for example, to provide passivation, optical constants of a film. Optical constants describe
insulating layers between conductors, diffusion barriers, how light propagates through and reflects from a material.
and hardness coatings for scratch and wear resistance. Once known, optical constants may be related to other
The fabrication of integrated circuits consists primarily of material parameters, such as composition and band gap.
the deposition and selective removal of a series of thin
films. Optical techniques are usually the preferred method
Films typically used in thin-film applications range for measuring thin films because they are accurate,
from a few atoms (<1 nm or 0.001 μm) to 100 μm thick nondestructive, and require little or no sample preparation.
(the width of a human hair.) They can be formed by The two most common optical measurement types are
many different processes, including spin coating, vacuum spectral reflectance and ellipsometry. Spectral reflectance
evaporation, sputtering, vapor deposition, and dip coating. measures the amount of light reflected from a thin film
over a range of wavelengths, with the incident light normal
To perform the functions for which they were designed, (perpendicular) to the sample surface. Ellipsometry is
thin films must have the proper thickness, composition, similar, except that it measures reflectance at non-normal
roughness, and other characteristics important to the incidence and at two different polarizations. In general,
particular application. These characteristics must often be spectral reflectance is much simpler and less expensive
measured, both during and after thin-film fabrication. The than ellipsometry, but it is restricted to measuring less
two main classes of thin-film measurement are optical complex structures.
and stylus based techniques.
Stylus measurements measure thickness and
n and k Definitions
roughness by monitoring the deflections of a fine-
tipped stylus as it is dragged along the surface Optical constants (n and k) describe how
of the film. Stylus instruments are limited in light propagates through a film. In other words, the
speed and accuracy, and they require a electromagnetic field that describes light traveling through
“step” in the film to measure thickness. a material at a fixed time is given by:
They are often the preferred method
when measuring opaque films,
such as metals.
A • cos (n 2π x) • exp (-k 2π x)
λ λ
where x is distance, λ is the wavelength of light, and n
and k are the film’s refractive index and extinction coef-
ficient, respectively. The refractive index is defined as
the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed
of light in the material. The extinction coefficient is a
measure of how much light is absorbed in the material.


Spectral Reflectance Basics Multiple Interfaces

Single Interface Consider now a φ1 φ2
Reflection occurs whenever light crosses the thin film on top of
interface between different materials. The fraction another material.
In this case both Ambient
of light that is reflected by an interface is determined
by the discontinuity in n and k. For light reflected off the top and bottom
of a material in air, of the film reflect d
light. The total Thin-Film
2 2
(n-1) + k amount of reflected Material
R= 2 2
light is the sum of
(n+1) + k these two individual Substrate
(n-1) 2
Because of the wavelike nature of light, the
R= reflections from the two interfaces may add together
(n+1) either constructively (intensities add) or destructively
(intensities subtract), depending upon their phase
relationship. Their phase relationshipis determined
To see how spectral reflectance can be used to by the difference in optical path lengths of the two
measure optical constants, consider the simple reflections, which in turn is determined by thickness
case of light reflected by a single nonabsorbing of the film, its optical constants, and the wavelength
material (k=0). of the light. Reflections are in-phase and therefore
Clearly, n of the material can be determined from add constructively when the light path is equal to
a measurement of R. In real materials, n varies with one integral multiple of the wavelength of light. For
wavelength (that is to say, real materials exhibit light perpendicularly incident on a transparent film,
dispersion), but since the reflectance is known at this occurs when 2nd = iλ, where d is the thickness
many wavelengths, n at each of these wavelengths of the film and i is an integer (the factor of two is due
is also known, as shown here. to the fact that the light passes through the film
twice.) Conversely, reflections are out of phase and
add destructively when the light path is one half of a
wavelength different from the in-phase condition, or
when 2nd = (i+1/2)λ. The qualitative aspects of these
reflections may be combined into a single equation:

R = A+B • cos (4πnd )

From this, we can see that the reflectance of a
thin film will vary periodically with 1/wavelength,
which is illustrated below. Also, thicker films will
exhibit a greater number of oscillations over a given
wavelength range, while thinner films will exhibit
fewer oscillations,and oftentimes only part of an
oscillation, over the same range.

Determination of thickness (d) Determination of refractive index (n)

d=500 Å d=5000 Å d=20,000 Å n=2 n=3 n=4


Determining Film Properties from Spectral Reflectance

Models for n and k
The amplitude and periodicity of the reflectance There are many models for describing n and
of a thin film is determined by the film’s thickness, k as a function of wavelength. When choosing a
optical constants, and other properties such as model for a particular film, it is important that the
interface roughness. In cases where there is more model be able to accurately describe n and k over
than one interface, it is not possible to solve for the wavelength range of interest using as few
film properties in closed form, nor is it possible to parameters as possible. In general, the optical
solve for n and k at each wavelength individually. constants of different classes of materials (e.g.,
In practice, mathematical models are used that dielectrics, semiconductors, metals, and amorphous
describe n and k over a range of wavelengths using materials) vary quite differently with wavelength,
only a few adjustable parameters. A film’s properties and require different models to describe them (see
are determined by calculating reflectance spectra below). Models for dielectrics (k=0) generally have
based on trial values of thickness and the n and three parameters, while nondielectrics generally
k model parameters, and then adjusting these have five or more parameters. Therefore, as an
values until the calculated reflectance matches the example, to model the two-layer structure shown
measured reflectance. below, a total of 18 adjustable parameters must be
considered in the solution.

Mathematical Models for n & k


Amorphous Semiconductor:

Crystalline Semiconductor:


Number of Variables, Spectral Reflectance versus Ellipsometry

Limitations of Spectral Reflectance Given the restrictions listed above, spectral
Spectral reflectance can measure the thickness, reflectance can be used to measure a large
roughness, and optical constants of a broad range percentage of technologically important films.
of thin films. However, if there is less than one However, when films are too thin, too numerous,
reflectance oscillation (i.e. the film is very thin), or too complicated to be measured with spectral
there is less information available to determine reflectance, oftentimes they can be measured with the
the adjustable model parameters. Therefore, the generally more powerful technique of spectroscopic
number of film properties that may be determined ellipsometry. By measuring reflectance at non-
decreases for very thin films. If one attempts to solve normal incidence (typically around 75° from normal),
for too many parameters, a unique solution cannot ellipsometry is more sensitive to very thin layers and
be found; more than one possible combination the two different polarization measurements provide
of parameter values may result in a calculated twice as much information for analysis. To carry the
reflectance that matches the measured reflectance. idea even further, variable-angle ellipsometry can
An example of the reflectance from a very be used to take reflectance measurements at many
thin film, 5 nm of SiO2 on silicon is shown below, different incidence angles, thereby increasing the
where it is compared to the reflectance from a amount of information available for analysis.
bare silicon substrate. In this case, measuring the The following pages of this brochure describe
thickness, roughness, and n of the SiO2 requires five spectral reflectance systems available from
parameters to be determined. Clearly, the change in Filmetrics. If you are uncertain whether spectral
the spectra caused by adding 5 nm of SiO2 does not reflectance or ellipsometry is appropriate for your
require five parameters to describe, and a unique film measurements, please call us to discuss your
solution cannot be found unless some additional application. If spectral reflectance cannot satisfy
assumptions are made. your needs, we will be happy to refer you to a
Depending upon the film and the wavelength reputable source for ellipsometry.
range of the measurement, the minimum single-
film thickness that can be measured using spectral
reflectance is in the 1 nm to 30 nm range. If one
is trying to measure optical constants as well, the
minimum thickness increases to between 10 nm and
200 nm, unless minimal parameterization models
can used. When solving for the optical properties
of more than one film, the minimum thicknesses are
increased even further.


Thin-Film Measurements on Your Bench Top

Thickness, refractive index, and

extinction coefficients are measured
quickly and easily with Filmetrics’
advanced spectrometry systems.
Simply plug the Filmetrics system
into your computer’s USB port
and start making measurements.
The entire system sets up in
minutes and measurements can
be made requiring little more than
basic computer skills. This simple
hardware and intuitive software
provides thin-film knowledge to a
whole new group of users.

From near infrared

to ultraviolet
Systems are available with
wavelengths from 200 nm to
1700 nm enabling thickness
measurements of films 1 nm to
13 mm. The Filmetrics systems
measure transparent thin films
made from virtually all common

Easy to use software

The familiar and user friendly
interface provided by Filmetrics
software is quickly mastered.
Measurements are made at about
one per second. Measured data,
along with meaurement details,
are easily saved and exported with
standard Windows file saving and
clipboard methods. Plus, a public
.NET Assembly allows for easy
integration with other programs.


R&D 100 Award

The Filmetrics in-situ system, Model
F30, was selected as one of the 100 most
technologically significant new products
by R&D Magazine.


Both the measured and calculated reflectance spectra are displayed so that the
integrity of the measurement may easily be judged. The measured n and k curves
may also be plotted.

One measurement
– One mouse click

Choose from a list

of common film
types or define
your own

results are
displayed in an

A wide range of reflectance wavelengths are

available, from 200 nm to 1700 nm

Photonics Spectra Circle of Excellence

The Filmetrics F20 was chosen as one of the 25
most significant new products by Photonics Spectra


Semiconductor Process Films

Lab / Process

Filmetrics measurement systems are

routinely used to measure the thickness,
roughness, and optical constants of oxides,
SiNx, photoresist, and other semiconductor
process films. In addition to these single
layer applications, many two- and three-layer
film measurements are also possible. An
example is polysilicon/SiO2 on silicon, which
is used in SOI applications. The screen to
the right shows a typical measurement result
for the structure modeled on page 4.

In-Situ Measurements
The flexible optical probe assembly makes on-
line and in-situ thickness measurements possible. All
that is required is optical access for normal incidence
reflectance measurements. Call us for more details
about interfacing with your production equipment.

Optical Coatings
Thin films are used for scratch resistance
and/or antireflection coatings in many
industries. Automotive plastics, eyeglass
lenses, and many plastics packaging
applications use thin films. For hardcoats, a
primer layer is often applied first for improved
film adhesion. Filmetrics systems are capable
of measuring the thickness of these layers
individually or simultaneously, regardless of
the presence of coatings on the backside of
the sample.

Flat Panel Display Applications

Proper polyimide and resist thicknesses
are critical to yield in flat panel display
manufacturing. Besides measuring these
materials, Filmetrics systems can also
measure cell gap spacing, for both empty and
filled cells.



Thin-Film Measurements in
Bench top measurements of thickness,
optical constants (n and k), and
transmittance are made quickly and easily
by the Model F20. This versatile hardware
can be configured to measure transparent or
translucent films that are 1 nm to 1 mm in
thickness. Typical accuracy is within a few
angstroms. Spot size is adjustable over a
wide range.

A wide variety of stages, chucks, and
special measurement heads are available to Wafer chucks make
fixture most sample geometries. sample handling easy

Surprisingly Low Price

Filmetrics is pleased to offer a
breakthrough low price. The difficult and
expensive task of thin-film measurement is Accessories are available for
now simple and inexpensive. measuring nonstandard samples

Transmittance may be
measured with a simple
stage modification


F30 F40
In-Situ Measurements Turns Your Microscope into a
For process applications, Filmetrics offers systems Film Thickness Measurement Tool
that need only optical access. Interfaces to a wide range For thickness measurements on patterned
of control systems are available. surfaces and other applications that require a spot
size as small as 10 microns.
For most common microscopes, the F40 is a
simple bolt-on attachment. Standard C-MOUNT
adapter provided for CCD camera viewing of
measurement location.

Thickness Mapping System
Extends F20 thickness measurement functionality
and intuitive operation to automated mapping of large
area samples.
Map sample uniformity in minutes. Five points to
hundreds of points as fast as one second per point.
Standard chucks available for up to 12” diameter
wafers. Custom chucks also available.


Models - for complete specifications, visit

F20-UV F20-UVX F20 F20-EXR F20-NIR F20-XT
Thickness Measurement 1 nm - 1 nm - 15 nm - 15 nm - 100 nm - 0.2 µm -
Range*: 40 µm 250 µm 70 m 250 µm 250 µm 450 µm
Min. Thickness to Measure n& k: 50 nm 50 nm 100 nm 100 nm 500 nm 2 µm
Accuracy* The Greater of: 1 nm or 0.2% 2 nm or 0.2% 3 nm or 0.4% 5 nm or 0.4%
Precision1: 0.02 nm 0.1 nm 1 nm
Stability2: 0.05 nm 0.12 nm 1 nm
Spot Size: Standard 1.5 mm, Optional down to 20 µm 600 µm
Sample Size: From 1 mm to 300 mm diameter and up
Light Source: External, D2 + Halogen Internal, Halogen

Wavelength Range: 190 - 190 - 380 - 380 - 950 - 1440 -
1100 nm 1700 nm 1050 nm 1700 nm 1700 nm 1650 nm

Custom wavelength combinations available General:

* Material dependent.
1 Standard deviation of 100 thickness readings of 500 nm SiO film on Power Requirements: 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 0.3-0.1 A
silicon substrate. Value is average of standard deviations measured
over twenty successive days.
Computer Requirements:
2 Two sigma based on daily average of 100 readings of 500 nm SiO
2 Operating System: Windows XP(SP2) - Windows 8(64-bit)
film on silicon, measuring over twenty successive days.
System Memory: 50 MB min
Hard Disk Space: 60 MB min
Interface: USB 2.0
Internet Access: Recommended for online support
Certifications: CE EMC and safety directives

Please call us if you would like more information about
measuring your thin films, or to arrange for a free trial
International customers: Please visit our website to get
information on local agents.

Filmetrics, Inc., Specifications subject to change without notice.

No part of this document may be duplicated
10655 Roselle St., Ste. 200, San Diego, CA 92121 without written consent from Filmetrics, Inc.
Tel: (858) 573-9300 Fax: (858) 573-9400 ©2018 Filmetrics, Inc. Rev.6.18
Website: Printed in the USA


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