Eapp LP Review Lessons, Etc.
Eapp LP Review Lessons, Etc.
Eapp LP Review Lessons, Etc.
1. Review the lessons covered during the midterm
2. Answer the questions during the review.
3. Ask questions for clarification.
4. Internalize the pointers given.
5. Comply the lacking requirements
B. References
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Authors: Grace M. Saqueton
Marikit Tara A. Uychoco
Publishing Company: REX Bookstore
C. Instructional Materials
Prepared pointers and Test Questionnaires notebook
D. Assessment Tools
Written Assessment, Socratic Method
A. Preliminary Activities
- Prayer
- Exchange of greetings
- Checking of attendance
- Classroom rules
B. Presentation
The teacher will writewill write something on the board for the students to
activate their thinking skills.
C. Review Proper
The teacher will review the coverage of the test. Both teacher and the
students will engage in a question and answer for clarifying any doubtful thoughts .
The teacher also will read some prepared questions for the students aswer
the test questions.
The teacher will check the answer and assess the content of the answer of
the students.
Try answering the pointers given.