The world that we live in has experienced rapid changes in technology, competition,
economy, education and so on. It is constantly evolving and advancing, and so are the
human expectations and demands. In order to compete in a continuously changing world,
organizations need to establish a variety of approaches to keep up with industry trends.
Consequently, organizations have to adapt in order to succeed in these fast paced and
complex environments. These changes often involve multinational supply chains and those
operations that organizations' have outsourced. The differences between nations,
organizations, and societies also form part of these complexities. Therefore, effective
management is crucial and of a high priority at the board-level.
For an organization, it is not sufficient to only be profitable, it is also important for them to
have reliable systems of internal controls covering those risks related to occupational health
and safety, the environment and the reputation of the business. Each organization is
responsible for the health and safety of their employees and others who may be affected by
their activities. Organizations need to operate ethically, as well as, comply with the
respective laws in these matters.
Statistics published by the ILO (International Labour Organization) indicate that: “more than
2.78 million deaths occur annually due to occupational accidents or work-related diseases,
in addition to 374 million non-fatal injuries and illnesses, many of which result in extended
absences from work.”
Seemingly, this enormous number of affected workers is of very high concern to
organizations and the society as a whole. These statistics are clear evidence that
organizations around the world need to implement health and safety management systems.
Likewise, the health and safety of workers is increasingly becoming a priority for most
nations and societies.
Furthermore, according to certain estimations - over 40 million new jobs will be created
annually by 2030, following the world’s population growth. Therefore, reducing the number
of incidents that may result in high numbers of deaths (even by a small percentage) would
be considered as a great achievement. However, as a consequence, there will be a high
demand for “best practice” standards to assist organizations with improvements in health
and safety. These trends led to the need for the development of a recognized standard in all
geographical areas, states, cultures, and jurisdictions, as a reference point for health and
safety management; promoting better communication on common issues.
The ISO’s aspiration is that “the ISO name and the recognition will give further credibility to
the new Standard and lead to even wider adoption of health and safety management
systems in the workplace.”
Correspondingly, following a standard for occupational health and safety will help
organizations reduce accidents and occupational diseases, avoid costly prosecutions, reduce
insurance costs, enhance the public image & business reputation, and establish a positive
culture for the organization where all stakeholders see that their needs are taken into
ISO 45001 is the new international standard for Occupational Health and Safety
Management Systems published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
It is a voluntary standard that organizations can adopt to establish, implement, maintain and
improve their Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OH&S MS).
ISO 45001 is an international standard for occupational health and safety (OH&S) that
derives from OHSAS 18001. It provides a framework for managing the prevention of work-
related injuries, ill health, and/or death; thereby providing a safe and healthy workplace.
OHSAS 18001 required from organizations, regardless of their size, type and/or activities, to
prevent injuries and deaths.
ISO 45001 sets the background for continual improvement in health and safety
management based on the following principles:
Provide safe and healthy working conditions to prevent work-related injury and ill health;
Satisfy applicable legal requirements and other requirements;
Control OH&S risks by using a hierarchy of controls;
Continually improve the OH&S management system to enhance the organization’s
Ensure the participation of workers and other interested parties in the OH&S MS.
Distinctly, the ISO 45001 standard is more advanced than the OHSAS 18001 standard; in
fact, the British Standards Institute will withdraw or completely take-off OHSAS 18001 from
their market right after the ISO publishes the 45001 standard. Note that the British
Standards Institute and ISO are two different standards’ making bodies; one being the
official developer of British Standards (e.g. BS7799), whereas the other being the official
developer of international standards (e.g. ISO 9001). However, all organizations worldwide
that are currently implementing OHSAS 18001 must update their management systems to
the requirements of the new standard, thus ISO 45001.
The prospective users of the ISO 45001 standard
The new ISO 45001 standard brings real benefits to those who will use it. The standard is
designed to be applicable to any organization, and its requirements are intended to be
incorporated in any management system, regardless of the organization’s size or sector;
whether it is a small business, large organization or even a non-profit organization, a charity,
an academic institution or a governmental department. Having in place a systematic
approach to manage health and safety will bring benefits to both the people and the
organization. Ultimately, good health and safety is good business.
The standard is also intended for organizations with small or low-risk operations, as well as,
for organizations with high-risk operations.
This standard states that successful health and safety management depends on the
Leadership and commitment of top or senior management;
Promotion of a healthy and safety culture within the organization;
Participation of workers and/or other representatives in the OH&S Management System;
Identification of hazards and control of risks;
Allocation of the necessary resources;
Integration of the health and safety management system into appropriate processes;
Alignment of the health and safety policies with the strategic objectives of the organization;
Continuous evaluation and monitoring of the health and safety management system in
regards to performance improvement.
Principally, twenty-five years of experience went into the previous OHSAS 18001 standard
and ISO 45001 capitalizes on this learning with the support of the International Labour
Organization (ILO). The ILO has given its expertise on the subject and has provided very
important insights on the standard.
The case of Cameroon
The demographic explosion associated with futuristic structural projects in Cameroon
caused a significant movement of people to larger cities like Douala and Yaoundé, while also
causing an exponential increase in the number of new buildings constructed. Buildings of
various levels are built by local companies, most of them being built with outdated practices
and a breach of the fundamental Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) conditions to
workers on different sites. The use of these practices had led to numerous deaths and work
being halted on many construction sites.
Faced with this harsh reality, the government had to take the necessary measures to ensure
the health and safety of workers by forcing companies of certain sizes to set-up a committee
for Occupational Health and Safety and to adapt international requirements. Surely, in this
case, ISO 45001, the Management System for Health and Safety in the workplace, would
significantly reduce incidents and accidents related to the health and safety of workers.
However, in the past, small-sized enterprises in Cameroon did not believe that the
establishment of a Health and Safety Management System at the workplace would be
sufficient for them; they rather found it to be too complex and tailored for large enterprises.
ISO 45001 would therefore address this and allow all companies to place the health and
safety of employees working at the heart of their concerns.
Essentially, organizations of all sizes can easily align to the new repository that fits perfectly
with the structure of the standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
Overview of ISO 45001
The ISO 45001 standard provides a framework for managing the prevention of work-related
injuries, ill health and death. The intention of this international standard is to improve and
provide a safe and healthy workplace for workers and other persons who may be interacting
with the organization. This includes the development and implementation of an OH&S
policy and objectives which take into account applicable legal requirements and other
requirements to which the organization subscribes.
This standard does not state specific criteria for OH&S performance, nor does it provide a
specific method for the design of the OH&S Management System.
This International Standard is applicable to any organization that wishes to:
establish, implement and maintain an OH&S Management System to improve occupational
health and safety, eliminate or minimize OH&S risks (including system deficiencies), take
advantage of OH&S opportunities, and address OH&S Management System nonconformities
associated with its activities;
continually improve its OH&S performance and achieve its OH&S objectives;
assure itself of the conformity to the OH&S policy;
demonstrate conformity with the requirements of this International Standard.
What is an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OH&S MS)?
According to ISO 45001, the Occupational Health and Safety Management System is part of
the organization’s overall management system used to achieve the OH&S policy. The
intended outcomes of the OH&S Management System are to provide a safe and healthy
workplace for all employees/workers.
Consequently, the effective OH&S management promotes business efficiency, reduces costs
and makes good business sense.
According to ISO 45001, a worker is defined as a person performing work or work-related
activities under the control of the organization, for instance, individuals perform work or
work-related activities under various arrangements; paid or unpaid at a regular or
temporary, intermittent or seasonal, casual or on a part-time basis.
ISO 45001 is the first Occupational Health and Safety Management System standard to be
fully compliant with the new guidelines of the Annex SL and to have a common content
structure and terms and definitions to other management system standards. This means
that ISO 45001 is fully aligned with all other management systems (related) standards that
have also adopted the Annex SL framework.
This international standard does not address issues such as product safety, property damage
or occupational health and safety impacts; it addresses the risk that the working
environment and/ or conditions pose to workers, visitors, vendors, and other relevant
interested parties. ISO 45001 can be used entirely or partially to systematically improve the
OH&S management system. However, claims of conformity to this standard are not
acceptable unless all of the standard’s requirements, without exclusion, are incorporated
into an organization’s OH&S Management System.
Key Clauses of ISO 45001
ISO 45001 follows the high level structure of Annex SL and it is therefore organized into the
following main clauses:
Clause 4: Context of the organization
Clause 5: Leadership and worker participation
Clause 6: Planning
Clause 7: Support
Clause 8: Operation
Clause 9: Performance evaluation
Clause 10: Improvement
Each of these key Clauses is listed and described below.
Clause 4: Context of the organization
The organization is free to define the scope of the OH&S Management System but must
determine the external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and that affect its
ability to achieve the intended outcomes of its OH&S Management System, such as:
The needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties;
Determining its scope in terms of organizational units, functions, and physical boundaries;
The effect of its activities, products, and services;
Applicable legal, regulatory and other requirements to which the organization will comply.
The standard defines “interested parties" as a “person or organization that can affect, be
affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision or activity.”
Clause 5: Leadership and worker participation
Top management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to their
overall responsibility and accountability for the protection of workers, and with respect to
the integration of the OH&S Management System processes and requirements into the
organization’s business processes. The engagement of top management is essential in order
to support the organization through the provision of resources and to promote continual
improvement. Furthermore, top management must demonstrate leadership through
supporting other management roles in enhancing the OH&S management system, and to
ensure continual improvement is achieved by dealing with nonconformities, risks and
hazards, and the identification of opportunities for improvement.
An important responsibility of the top management is to establish, implement and maintain
the OH&S policy, and to ensure that it is communicated within the organization and shared
with relevant interested parties.
Consultation and participation of workers
Appropriate involvement of staff in:
Hazard identification;
Risk assessment and determination of controls;
Incident investigation;
Development and review of the OH&S policies and objectives;
Consultation and representation on OH&S matters;
Consultation with contractors, when there are changes that affect their OH&S.
Clause 6: Planning
This is one of the most critical clauses since it is related to the establishment of strategic
objectives and guiding principles for the Occupational Health and Safety Management
System as a whole. The OH&S objectives, which can be integrated with other business
functions, are the expression of the intent of the organization to treat the risks identified.
When determining the risks and opportunities that need to be addressed, the organization
shall take into account:
OH&S hazards and their associated risks, and opportunities for improvement;
Applicable legal requirements and other requirements;
Risks and opportunities related to the operation of the OH&S Management System that can
affect the achievement of the intended outcomes.
Clause 7: Support
Successfully managing an Occupational Health and Safety Management System relies
heavily on having the necessary resources for each task. This includes having competent
staff with the appropriate training, support services, and with effective information and
communication means.
The organization will determine what documented information is necessary for the success
of the system. Documented information is a new term in the standard, which means the
information can be in any format, media or from any source.
Moreover, internal and external information must be communicated throughout the
organization and must be gathered, disseminated and understood by those receiving it. The
decisions that need to be made are:
On/about what to inform?
When to inform?
Who to inform?
How to inform?
How to receive and maintain documented information and how to respond to relevant
incoming communications?
Respectively, the terms ‘document and record’ became obsolete in the new standard, which
uses the term ‘documented information’ instead, for the purpose of maximizing the
confidence to share information through any media.
Clause 8: Operation
This clause requires:
Operational planning and control on multi-employer workplaces; whereby the organization
shall implement a process for coordinating the relevant parts of the OH&S management
system with other organizations. This clause includes the requirement to reduce risks by
implementing a "Hierarchy of Control" approach as used by the European Union Legislation.
In that regard, this is a system of prioritization which ranks hazard elimination as the
preferred control down through a series of controls which are less effective.
Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks requires the organization to establish,
implement and maintain a process(es) for the elimination of hazards and reduction of OH&S
risks. In order to ensure that this is done properly, the organization shall use appropriate
Management of Change requires the organization to establish a process for the
implementation and control of planned changes so that the introduction of new products,
processes, services or work practices do not bring with them any new hazards.
Procurement requires the organization to establish, implement and maintain a process for
the control of procurement services so as to ensure that they conform to the requirements
of the standard. In addition, the standard requires from the organization to coordinate the
procurement processes with its contractors and to identify the risks that arise from the
contractors’ activities. Furthermore, the organization should ensure that outsourced
processes which have an impact on its health and safety management system are
appropriately controlled.
Emergency preparedness and response requires the organization to identify emergency
situations and maintain a process to prevent or minimize OH&S risks from potential
Clause 9: Performance evaluation
The organization must establish a system that involves the monitoring, measurement,
analysis and evaluation of its OH&S performance. It should decide what to measure and
how, for instance, accidents or worker competence. Moreover, internal audits must be
established along with regular management reviews, in order to see the progress made
towards the achievement of OH&S objectives and the fulfillment of ISO 45001
Clause 10: Improvement
The organization should react accordingly to nonconformities and incidents, and take action
to: control, correct them, cope with their consequences, and eliminate their source so as to
prevent recurrences.