Sample Chapter 4 and 5

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This chapter presents the data and provides a discussion of the analyses

and interpretation of responses to the specific questions in the study. From the

questionnaire, and documents gathered, data were classified and presented in

different tables. Descriptive statistics were applied to test the null hypotheses


1. Profile of Manufacturing Companies

Profile includes forms of ownership, accreditation, number of employees,

length of operation, organizational structure, and products offered. The study

surveyed 35 manufacturing companies in the province of Batangas.

1.1 Forms of Ownership

Types of ownership are classified into three 3 such as sole proprietorship

which is organized and managed by only one person, partnership where two or

more persons carry out a business and corporation which is a business

organization that has a separate legal personality from its owner and a

corporation, therefore, has separate tax filings, can change ownership, and has a

continuous existence apart from the owners. One hundred percent 100% of the

manufacturing companies studied were classified as corporations. The

geographical location of Batangas Province makes it easy for legal entities to

establish corporations with low crime rate and stable labor condition.

Additionally, under the law, corporations possess many of the same rights

and responsibilities as individuals. They can enter contracts, loan and borrow

money, sue and be sued, hire employees, own assets, and pay taxes. According

to the law, a company is regarded as a distinct entity that exists independently of

its owners. A corporation is subject to taxation, has legal recourse, and can sign

contracts. When ownership changes, the corporation continues to exist and has

its own existence.

According to Novak a corporation is an excellent business structure for

someone wishing to take on a little bit more risk, have access to a variety of

funding choices, and possibly go public in the future, which would entail selling

stock to the general public. More complicated processes may lead to more

standard operating procedures, which may potentially increase uncertainty at


1.2 Accreditation

Industry accreditation is essential for manufacturing companies, especially

those that work in high-performance companies like power generating and oil

and gas processing. The company's accreditation displays its dedication to

quality, safety, and dependability. Companies surveyed are accredited by three

ISO Certifications namely ISO 45001:2018, ISO 9001:2015 and OSHAS. Results

of the study showed that among 35 companies, 25 or 75% of the total companies

passed the ISO 45001:2018.

These companies are usually engaged in continuous and high operations

that require a safe and sound environment. The focus of this accreditation was to

mitigate any factors that can cause the businesses and employee’s irreparable

harm. Companies under this accreditation maintained its goal of helping the

companies to provide a healthy and safe working environment for the employees

and all the stakeholders who visit the company. Also, to control the factors that

could potentially lead to any forms of injury, illness, and extreme situations

resulting in death.

Ultimately, the role of being accredited was to instill trust and confidence

in all goods and services to the end users. Also, it enhances the image of the

companies that resulted to more consumer loyalty and retention. Accreditation

also served as guide on giving quality goods and services that might improve the

operations of the company and enhances the safe and health working


While Six companies 17% were accredited by OSHAS, this accreditation

requires companies that could cater the safe and health processes in the

workplace. Manufacturing companies accredited by OSHA to protect workers

from any related injury and worse as death. It is just like other safe and health

accreditation that oversee the workplace operations to lessen or avoid the


ISO 9001:2015 accredits companies for quality assurance purposes. An

integration of this accreditation would also be beneficial for the whole safety and

health operations. As it needs to demonstrate industry ability to consistently

provide goods and services which meet customer satisfaction. It is also a

requirement for a holistic approach such as for organization policies and risk

management. ISO 9001 is a process based, the certification means that

manufacturers have worked through quality issues at each stage of production.

Four or 11% of the total number of companies under surveyed were accredited

by this accrediting body. The focused of manufacturing companies are not just

confined dealing with the quality of output but also on the quality of the workers

by giving safe and sound workplaces.

According to ISO Occupational Safety Health Management stated that the

ISO 45001:2018 standard outlines the specifications for an occupational health

and safety (OH&S) management system and provides instructions for its

application, enabling organizations to provide safe and healthy workplaces by

proactively enhancing their OH&S performance and preventing work-related

injury and illness. It applicable to any organization that wishes to establish,

implement and maintain an OH&S management system to improve occupational

health and safety, eliminate hazards and minimize OH&S risks including system

deficiencies, take advantage of OH&S opportunities, and address OH&S

management system nonconformities associated with its activities.

1.3 Number of Employees

Although there are a variety of responsibilities and tasks, most

manufacturing jobs offer full-time work contracts. Given the necessity of

continuous production and assembly across the majority of industry sub-sectors.

This indicates that, in order to reduce supply disruptions, industrial employees,

engineers, and production supervisors, managers will all be expected to work

full-time. Those employed in the manufacturing sectors may also be required to

accept shift work.

As a result one hundred percent 100% of the 35 manufacturing companies

studied were having more than 300 employees, because manufacturing

companies have a complex operation that requires more employees working on

different shifts and in different assemblies or stations. It was also noticed that

most of the manufacturing companies in the province of Batangas are

categorized as big and multinational companies that requires more employees in

their complex work designs. Also, manufacturing companies was considered as

the largest and most influential sector of the economy.

According to Grundy, the largest employers who support the health of the

economy are still manufacturing businesses. 11.7 million more individuals were

working in manufacturing enterprises in 2018 than in 2017, an increase of 1.7%.

The manufacturing industry's operations are greatly impacted because they are

focused on producing high-quality, standardized product. Additionally,

manufacturers must be able to recognize, interpret, and react quickly to changing

employee and customer expectations. It is challenging to create this agility in the

context of the most recent industrial revolution, known as Industry 4.0, which

places a significant focus on interconnection, automation, machine learning, and

real-time data.

1.4 Length of Operation

According to the corporation code of the Philippines, manufacturing

companies engaged in a corporation as their form of ownership must exist for not

more than 50 years. And the contract will be subject to termination upon

exceeding the years of existence. Seventy-seven 77% or 27 of the manufacturing

companies being studied had more than 30 years of operations. Meaning most of

the processes, standard operating procedures, safety guidelines were already

established. Employees and systems were consistent and well managed to

produce excellent goods and services.

While eleven percent 11% or 4 manufacturing companies were operating

for 5 to 10 years they were considered as newbies in the industry, but they also

impacted the process of producing consumer demands. They also started the

campaign to become one of the distinguished manufacturers that boost the

economy. Lastly, manufacturing companies that have a length of operation of 16-

20 and 21-25 have a percentage of .05% or 2 manufacturing companies

respectively are in their middle age. They are building their credibility and

producing high quality goods and services to their consumers. Mostly their

processes, system, safety, and health guidelines are smoothly implemented.

1.5 Organizational Structure

A system that specifies how specific tasks are directed to fulfill an

organization's goals is known as an organizational structure. Rules, roles, and

obligations are examples of these activities. The flow of information between

levels inside the corporation is also determined by the organizational structure. In

a centralized structure, decisions are made from the top down, but in a

decentralized structure, decision-making power is distributed throughout the

organization. The role of organizational structure is vital in the success of the

manufacturing operations. As it determines the flow or the protocol of orders from

the top management going to the bottom level or vice versa.

One hundred percent or 100% or 35 manufacturing companies studied

were having divisional as their organizational structure. This is helpful to the

manufacturing companies to fully disseminate the process or information

synchronously and strategically follows the right protocol.

1.6 Products Offered

The manufacturing sector is highly diverse, composed of a wide range of

subsectors. Different products will be produced by different companies. The

production of products depends on the companies classification and also the

geographical location has also had an impact. Based on the analysis most of the

manufacturing companies or about 23 of them which accounted for 66% were

producing electronics and accessories which is the most needed by the

consumer especially in the stage of globalization and industrialization. It will be

followed by food processing with .11% or 4 manufacturing companies. Food

processing is one of the sustainable companies because it is the basic need of

the consumer. The food processing industry in Batangas supplies most of the

food chains and food businesses in the country.

Meanwhile, two manufacturing companies for the optical products,

car/motorcycle parts, and plastic products or about .05% this mean that the

production of these products were quite slow due to the limited needs of

consumers. This possibly resulted in the slow distribution of such products due to

low market demand. Finally, apparel and aerospace products with one

manufacturing industry or 0.02% demand on this kind of product is also quite low.

But it has been notable that the production of aerospace products is deemed

important as most of the airline companies in the country are tied up with this

aerospace manufacturer. The geographical location of this company helps the

easy way of distribution as it is near Metro Manila.

2. Level of severity of risk with regard to identifying the risk

The respondents assessed the level of severity in terms of identifying,

analyzing, evaluating, treating, and monitoring the risk.

2.1 Identifying

This term is the process of determining risk that could potentially prevent

the program, enterprise, or investment from achieving its objectives.

Table 4 shows the level of severity of risk in manufacturing companies as

assessed by managers, safety officers and employees.

Table 4
Level of Severity of Risk with Regard to Identifying the Risk
Items Manager Safety Officer Staff Overall
Report immediately the
incidents/accidents to health and
safety officers 3.38 0.55 H 3.27 0.51 H 3.41 0.67 H 3.36 0.60 H
Determine the potential causes that
could lead to the occurrence of the
event 3.29 0.49 H 3.33 0.51 H 3.34 0.59 H 3.32 0.54 H
Inspect the work areas and sites to
know the unsafe acts and unsafe
conditions 3.35 0.54 H 3.17 0.60 H 3.38 0.74 H 3.32 0.66 H
Examine previous incidents/accidents
to see what happened and if the same
thing could happen again 3.29 0.55 H 3.29 0.55 H 3.32 0.66 H 3.30 0.60 H
Examine equipment and material
details to establish any necessary
safety precautions 3.27 0.51 H 3.17 0.57 H 3.37 0.69 H 3.29 0.62 H
Examine the work environment, tools
and equipment 3.25 0.57 H 3.24 0.50 H 3.31 0.69 H 3.28 0.61 H
Align activities, tasks, and procedures
with the risks to make them easier to
be identified 3.22 0.77 H 3.21 0.48 H 3.31 0.71 H 3.26 0.67 H
Document the identified risks to allow
further action 3.25 0.59 H 3.18 0.58 H 3.30 0.77 H 3.26 0.68 H
Determine which records are required
to eliminate and control risks 3.19 0.50 H 3.17 0.57 H 3.26 0.65 H 3.22 0.59 H
Use a survey questionnaire to gather
information about potential hazards in
the workplace 3.10 0.67 H 3.14 0.52 H 3.13 0.84 H 3.12 0.72 H
Composite Mean 3.26 0.44 H 3.22 0.41 H 3.31 0.54 H 3.27 0.48 H

Legend: 2.5 – 3.49 - High

When each statement is considered, results of the study showed that

report immediately the incidents/accidents to health and safety officers displays

the highest assessment by the managers WM = 3.38, SD = 0.55, safety officers

WM = 3.27, SD 0.51, and staff WM = 3.41, SD = 0.67 with the overall weighted

mean of 3.36 verbally interpreted as high. It has the highest weighted mean

because employees injured on the job are to report the injury to their supervisor

or safety officers as soon as possible after the incident/accident, and when it is

safe to do so. Near miss accidents or incidents when an employee nearly has an

accident but can avoid it should be reported as well. All accidents and incidents

should be reported for prevention purposes. The supervisor immediately notifies

the safety officer when an incident/accident occurs.

Then followed by determine the potential causes that could lead to the

occurrence of the event for managers WM=3.29, SD=0.49, safety officers

WM=3.33, SD=0.51, staff WM=3.34, SD=0.59 with the overall weighted mean of

3.32 interpreted as high. The role of safety officers is to maintain the safety of the

workplace before, during and after operations. It is evident that safety officers

determine the possible occurrence of the unsafe act and unsafe condition to

secure the overall condition of the workplace.

Next is, inspect the work areas and sites to know the unsafe acts and

unsafe conditions for managers WM=3.35, SD=0.54, for safety officers

WM=3.17, SD=0.60, for staff WM=3.28, SD=0.74 with the overall weighted mean

of 3.22 interpreted as high. The Safety officers together with the managers

always inspect the workplace to ensure the safety of the operations as well as

the staff to ensure the safety and health in the operation.

Meanwhile, document the identified risks to allow further action for

managers WM=2.25, SD=0.59, safety officers WM=3.18, SD=0.58, and staff

WM=3.30, SD=0.77 with an overall weighted mean of 3.26 verbally interpreted as

high. Proper documentation in all accidents or incidents for future reference the

documented events could help in planning, most of the manufacturing companies

may not regularly practice documenting the incidents or accidents occurred in the


Followed by determine which records are required to eliminate and control

risks for managers WM=3.19, SD=0.50, safety officers WM=3.17, SD=0.57, and

staff WM=3.13, SD=0.84 with an overall weighted mean of 3.12 interpreted as

high. The importance of having a record is to study the possible causes or may

serve as a basis for accurate solutions.

Finally, use a survey questionnaire to gather information about potential

hazards in the workplace and for managers WM=3.10, SD=0.67, safety officers

WM=3.14, SD=0.53, and staff WM=3.13, SD=0.84 with an overall weighted mean

of 3.12 or high as the verbal interpretation. with an overall weighted mean of 3.27

and standard deviation of 0.48. The use of surveys is important to address or to

know the actual event in the operation. The manufacturing company may

strengthen the use of survey questionnaires to easily determine possible

occurrence of risks and hazards.

It can be gleaned from the above table that there is a high level of severity

in terms of identifying the risks as assessed by managers WM=3.26, SD=0.44;

safety officers WM=3.22; SD=0.41 and staff WM=3.31; SD=0.54. It can be noted

here that all the three groups of respondents agreed on rating this severity as

high level WM=3.27; SD=0.48. These results can be attributed to the companies’

plan of action in identifying the risks. This conforms with the study of Jeelani

stating that to improve safety performance in construction visual data analytic

and virtual reality were utilized to identify the risks. To address this issue, it can

be suggested that companies should enhance hazard awareness and hazard

management to improve workplace safety. This will also help to build more

effective interventions to address the problem of poor hazard recognition.

Also, it conforms by the study of Al-Dhafeeri stating that the potential

causes of risks using closed systems impact on the identifying of risks. The

monitoring of the system could lead for the risks not to reoccur. Similar to

Hosseinian et al stating that risk can be avoided if the workplace is well inspected

and properly identified or investigates the prior events that may trigger the

fundamental cause of accidents. Proper examination in the work areas is

important to know if there still is the presence of the uncertainties. Nekhwevha

added that sharing lessons learned from previous incidents is crucial in

preventing future problems; it can identify the significant contributors to events of

unsafe conditions.

Jeelani states that the creation of computer-based applications to monitor

and identify risks in the workplace and assign further action is important.

Unplanned events involving the movement of people or objects, or even

materials are needed to put in record to easily identify and track the data that

may be analyzed to easily eliminate and control the identified risks. Lengyel also

added that to become effective in gathering information about the potential risks

and hazards in the workplace managers may employ the use of checklists and

survey questionnaires. It can also help to improve the organizations residual risks

acceptance decision competency.

Similar contentions were given by Duarte stating that in giving risks and

hazard identification there is a need to use data from the firm's internal

occurrence reporting system, an analysis of the reports was performed to

determine which dangers the organization had faced in the previous five years.

The gathered date will be used compared to the encountered risks and hazards.

On the contrary, Toomari, despite the effectiveness of the safety method learnt

from aviation and nuclear energy, healthcare continues to have a higher number

of preventable catastrophic adverse events than aviation and nuclear energy.

This is because the implementation of a safety management system standard

that includes process control, change management, proactive hazard

identification and risk management, fatigue management, and reliability analysis

of safety-critical jobs are very effective.

2.2 Analyzing the risk

The term is a process that helps you identify and manage potential

problems that could undermine key business initiatives or projects.

Table 5 shows the level of severity of risks in manufacturing companies as

assessed by managers, safety officers and staff. When each statement is

considered, results of the study showed that record and track risks as assessed

displays the highest assessment by the managers (WM = 3.38, SD = 0.52), safety

officers (WM = 3.20, SD 0.53), and staff (WM = 3.30, SD = 0.68) with the overall

weighted mean of 3.30 verbally interpreted as high. It has the highest weighted mean as

the manufacturing company maintains the recording and tracking of risks. The recorded

risks may be evaluated or treated for possible solutions, and it is monitored by correct


Followed by choose and implement a viable mitigation approach that will

minimize possible loss of resources for managers (WM=3.19, SD=0.56), safety

officers (WM=3.26, SD=0.47), staff (WM=3.35, SD=0.64) with the overall

weighted mean of 3.38 interpreted as high.

Table 5
Level of Severity of Risks with Regard to Analyzing the Risk
Items Manager Safety Officer Staff Overall
Record and track risks 3.38 0.52 H 3.20 0.53 H 3.30 0.68 H 3.30 0.60 H
Choose and implement a
viable mitigation approach
that will minimize possible
loss of resources 3.19 0.56 H 3.26 0.47 H 3.35 0.64 H 3.28 0.58 H
Identify the threats,
vulnerabilities, and
uncertainties in the areas of
concerned 3.25 0.47 H 3.23 0.55 H 3.30 0.65 H 3.27 0.58 H
Create a contingency plan for
each of the identified risk 3.27 0.57 H 3.12 0.57 H 3.28 0.73 H 3.23 0.65 H
Estimate the possible impact
of uncertainty 3.24 0.59 H 3.12 0.48 H 3.26 0.66 H 3.22 0.60 H
Analyze the potential
consequences of hazards to
find an immediate remedy 3.27 0.54 H 3.17 0.54 H 3.21 0.67 H 3.21 0.60 H
Develop and cultivate
responses to the risk 3.17 0.66 H 3.15 0.53 H 3.26 0.71 H 3.21 0.66 H
Link the possibility of each
risk to its impact 3.19 0.62 H 3.15 0.50 H 3.23 0.68 H 3.20 0.62 H
Create or use a model to
ease the process of
analyzing risks 3.22 0.68 H 3.09 0.55 H 3.22 0.73 H 3.18 0.67 H
Estimate the possible impact
of uncertainty 3.17 0.55 H 3.02 0.57 H 3.18 0.68 H 3.14 0.62 H
Composite Mean 3.24 0.50 H 3.15 0.38 H 3.26 0.55 H 3.22 0.50 H

Legend: 2.5 – 3.49 - High 14

Contingency plan is vital in this event, the managers or safety officers provide

readily available solutions to the identified risks or hazards. Every manufacturing

company recognizes the importance of risk mitigation so that they potentially enhance

the process on how to immediately minimize the potential occurrence of risks in the


Then, identify the threats, vulnerabilities, and uncertainties in the areas of

concerned for managers WM=3.25, SD=0.47, for safety officers WM=3.23,

SD=0.55, for staff WM=3.30, SD=0.65 with the overall weighted mean of 3.27

interpreted as high. After determining the risks, the next step is to know the

threats itself and its contribution to the possible incidents or accidents. The

vulnerabilities of the risks are also taken into consideration to further limit the

occurrence of the uncertainties.

Next is link the possibility of each risk to its impact for managers

WM=3.19, SD=0.62, safety officers WM=3.15, SD=0.50, and staff WM=3.23,

SD=0.68 with an overall weighted mean of 3.20 verbally interpreted as high.

Connect all the identified risks and stream down all the causes and the possible

impact to the workplace. Determine the level of severity it may give to the

operations of the manufacturing companies and from which the solution is being


Followed by create or use a model to ease the process of analyzing

risks for managers WM=3.22, SD=0.68, safety officers WM=3.09, SD=0.55, and

staff WM=3.22, SD=0.73 with an overall weighted mean of 3.22 interpreted as

high. Model to be used in the process of analyzing the risk has a vital role in
analyzing the risk and immediately providing the best solution. Model to be used

in analyzing the risks can enhance the possible impact of uncertainties.

Lastly, estimate the possible impact of uncertainty and for managers

WM=3.17, SD=0.55, safety officers WM=3.02, SD=0.57, and staff WM=3.18,

SD=0.68 with an overall weighted mean of 3.14 or high as the verbal

interpretation. Manufacturing companies understand and know the impact of

uncertainties to the operations in the workplace. Assigned a plan on each

uncertainty that could resolve risks immediately.

It can be seen from the above table that there is a high level of severity in

terms of analyzing the risks as assessed by managers WM=3.24, SD=0.50;

safety officers WM=3.15; SD=0.38 and staff WM=3.26; SD=0.55. It can be noted

here that all the three groups of respondents agreed on rating this severity as

high level. This conforms with the study of Ahmed stating that a developed model

can easily record data and track risks and overcome the uncertainty and lack of

available data on the severity and likelihood of hazards. It also helps

manufacturing companies under uncertainty and data unavailability as the

recorded data may be used for decision making and boast the effectiveness and

flexibility of risk assessment.

Similarly, it conforms by the study of Bondoc and Noroña, stating that

after identifying the risks it is important to incorporate the risks management,

focused on the collaboration in establishing a proactive mitigation approach that

will lead to minimizing the high priority risks and hazard which is critical to the

manufacturing companies and also in the operations of safety and health

program. Furthermore, Ayuningtyas and Nasri proved that through risks and

hazard identification methods exposure of employees in unsafe acts and unsafe

conditions will be eliminated. The manufacturing industry identifies the

vulnerabilities and uncertainties through risk assessment, exposure assessment

and provides control recommendations in all areas of concerns.

On the other hand, Shukri, stressed that conflicting information sources

from different specialists has offered difficulties and it has brought impact on the

process of analyzing the risks. It is difficult to link the possibilities of each risk

especially if the sources come from different perspectives. Amhed, supported

that contentions and stated that the created universal model for assessing risks

and which intended to ease the process of analyzing risk may only be used for

selected and random uncertainties and it does not fully measure the risks as a

whole. Meanwhile, Horbah mentioned that to properly estimate the impact of

uncertainty in the oil and gas industry, developing a robust safety management

regime can deal with it. This is based on an engineering risks assessment

approach which is intrinsically ineffective considering the gaps on the impact of


2.3 Evaluating the Risk

The term is the process to determine the significance of each risk. In this

study, it compares the results of risk analysis and risk criteria to determine if risk

is acceptable or tolerable.

Table 6
Level of Severity of Risks with Regard to Evaluating the Risk
Items Manager Safety Officer Staff Overall
Determine the overall residual risk ranking
by applying a risk rating to determine the
overall ranking on the risk matrix 3.22 0.61 H 3.20 0.47 H 3.34 0.62 H 3.27 0.58 H
Describe the existing control on the process,
policy, device, practice or other action that is
used to modify the likelihood or the
consequence of the risk event occurring 3.13 0.52 H 3.20 0.47 H 3.34 0.66 H 3.25 0.59 H
Assess the effectiveness of the control 3.17 0.52 H 3.26 0.54 H 3.27 0.73 H 3.24 0.63 H
Assess the residual consequence by
knowing the most probable impact of the risk
event if it were to occur within the current
control environment 3.17 0.55 H 3.21 0.45 H 3.24 0.63 H 3.22 0.56 H
Assess the residual likelihood by
understanding the probability of the risk
event occurring within the current control
environment 3.19 0.53 H 3.14 0.46 H 3.27 0.69 H 3.21 0.60 H
Identify the control owner, the person or role
with accountability for ensuring that the
control activity is in place and is operating
effectively 3.24 0.53 H 3.18 0.43 H 3.19 0.66 H 3.20 0.57 H
Assess inherent likelihood by calculating the
possibility of a risk event occurring in the
absence of any controls 3.10 0.53 H 3.18 0.46 H 3.26 0.58 H 3.20 0.54 H
Apply a risk rating to determine the overall
ranking on the risk matrix and determine the
overall inherent risk ranking 3.06 0.62 H 3.12 0.51 H 3.27 0.64 H 3.18 0.61 H
Test the control to determine the
effectiveness in evaluating the risks 3.14 0.53 H 3.11 0.56 H 3.23 0.65 H 3.17 0.60 H
Assess the risk event's inherent
consequence in terms of its most likely
impact if no controls were in place 3.10 0.53 H 3.14 0.55 H 3.20 0.62 H 3.16 0.58 H
Composite Mean 3.15 0.47 H 3.17 0.37 H 3.26 0.51 H 3.21 0.47 H

Legend: 2.5 – 3.49 - High

Table 6 shows the level of severity of risks in manufacturing companies as

assessed by managers, safety officers and employees. When each statement is

considered, results of the study showed that determine the overall residual risk

ranking by applying a risk rating to determine the overall ranking on the risk

matrix displays the highest assessment by the managers WM = 3.22, SD = 0.61,

safety officers WM = 3.20, SD 0.47, and staff WM = 3.34, SD = 0.62 with the

overall weighted mean of 3.27 verbally interpreted as high. For each risk, there

should be only one overall inherent risk rating, regardless of whether multiple

causes or consequences have been identified. Manufacturing companies are

efficient in determining the residual risk and continuously applying the risk rating

for the determination of the overall ranking and to match up on the matrix to

conclude the possible evaluation of the risks.

Then it was followed by describe the existing control on the process,

policy, device, practice, or other action that is used to modify the likelihood or the

consequence of the risk event occurring for managers WM=3.13, SD=0.52,

safety officers WM=3.20, SD=0.47, staff WM=3.34, SD=0.66 with the overall

weighted mean of 3.25 interpreted as high. The controls that could be

implemented in the manufacturing company are properly introduced to the

employees. Though the information is limited only to the employees who are

already tenured. New hired employees require to be trained for them to

understand the full concepts of the controls, processes, policies, etc.

Next was, assess the effectiveness of the control for managers WM=3.17,

SD=0.52, for safety officers WM=3.26, SD=0.54, for staff WM=3.27, SD=0.73

with the overall weighted mean of 3.24 interpreted as high. The effectiveness of

control in a specific manufacturing industry is important. It measures the reliability

of the control if the workplace does not experience uncertainty. Since

manufacturing companies are accredited by the ISO series pertaining to safety

and health, most of the employees are aware of the effectiveness of the policies

and other safety and health control measures.

On the other hand, apply a risk rating to determine the overall ranking on

the risk matrix and determine the overall inherent risk ranking for managers

WM=3.06, SD=0.62, safety officers WM=3.12, SD=0.51, and staff WM=3.27,

SD=0.64 with an overall weighted mean of 3.20 verbally interpreted as high.

Some of the employees in manufacturing companies are not aware of the control

measures that the workplace implements. Assessing risks assists in identifying,

analyzing, and prioritizing key business risks. It helps validate and prioritize key

risks to monitor and it highlights any opportunities for improvements to current

activities used as controls in the business. A risk assessment provides insight to

significant inherent risks from a practice perspective and links these to a firm's

objectives, strategies, and business processes. But the awareness is just limited

to those tenured employees.

Then it was followed by test the control to determine the effectiveness in

evaluating the risks for managers WM=3.14, SD=0.53, safety officers WM=3.11,

SD=0.56, and staff WM=3.23, SD=0.65 with an overall weighted mean of 3.17

interpreted as high. Employees are among the followers of the rules and policies

being implemented in the manufacturing companies. But most of the employees

are unaware of the controls that determine the effectiveness specifically in

evaluating risks. There is no proper dissemination of information so that the test

on the control does not give it effectiveness particularly in evaluating the risks.

Finally, assess the risk event's inherent consequence in terms of its most

likely impact if no controls were in place and for managers (WM=3.10, SD=0.53),

safety officers WM=3.14, SD=0.55, and staff WM=3.20, SD=0.62 with an overall

weighted mean of 3.16 or high as the verbal interpretation. Considering that there

are many control measures available in the manufacturing companies,

employees are unfamiliar with the process specially in evaluating and in giving

meaning on the result of the evaluation. Risk is uncertain and it cannot be

controlled by whoever, detailed information needs to be provided to the

employees to understand the likelihood of the impact of risks.

To address this issue, it can be seen from the above table that there is a

high level of severity in terms of evaluating the risks as assessed by managers

WM=3.15, SD=0.47; safety officers WM=3.17; SD=0.37 and staff WM=3.26;

SD=0.51. It can be noted here that all the three groups of respondents agreed on

rating this severity as high level. This conforms with the study of Kotiloglu, stating

that in order to determine the risks ranking through applying a risk rating, the

manufacturing companies look for the intensity of the risks and evaluate the risks

based on the rating. Based on the evaluation manufacturing companies

determine the control base on the policy, practices, standard operating

procedures. The effectiveness of the control measure will help to suffice the

cause of the risks. It can also be suggested that the manufacturing industry's age

has an impact in the evaluation of risks as the younger takes fewer chances

compared to the older one.

On the other hand, Shirinda, explains that risk management has a direc

relationship with the success and performance of the companies. The linkages of

the risks and the workplace has an impact on the companies performances.

Risks are always present that need to determine its impact. It also provides that

management plan for safety and health was an effective control to determine and

evaluate the risks.

2.4 Treating the Risks

The term is the process of selecting and implementing of measures to

modify risk.

Table 7 shows the level of severity of risks in manufacturing companies as

assessed by managers, safety officers and staff. When each statement is

considered, results of the study showed that communicate with stakeholders by

commencing briefing sessions to inform stakeholders as to what changes are

required and why displays the highest assessment by the managers WM = 3.21,

SD = 0.48, safety officers WM = 3.26, SD 0.51, and staff WM = 3.29, SD = 0.75

with the overall weighted mean of 3.26 verbally interpreted as high.

Manufacturing managers, safety officers and employees are anyone with

an interest in the business, either influencing the business or being affected by it.

They are the primary stakeholder, and the success and failure of the operations

depend on them. The stakeholder consultation process is an opportunity for key

groups to be kept informed, and for their views and feedback to be heard. It also

gives awareness and information.

Table 7
Level of Severity of Risks with Regard to Treating the Risks

Items Manager Safety Officer Staff Overall

Communicate with stakeholders by
commencing briefing sessions to inform
stakeholders as to what changes are
required and why 3.21 0.48 H 3.26 0.51 H 3.29 0.75 H 3.26 0.62 H
Assign appropriate owner who is
accountable for monitoring and reporting
on progress of the treatment plan
implementation 3.17 0.58 H 3.29 0.52 H 3.28 0.71 H 3.25 0.63 H
Monitor mechanisms and review points,
that the treatment plan owner should
specify the mechanisms by which
implementation will be monitored 3.17 0.49 H 3.24 0.50 H 3.29 0.63 H 3.25 0.56 H
Specify the treatment option to avoid,
reduce, share/transfer or accept 3.08 0.63 H 3.20 0.53 H 3.36 0.64 H 3.24 0.62 H
Specify a target resolution date where risk
treatments have long lead times, consider
the development of interim measures 3.19 0.53 H 3.21 0.51 H 3.29 0.60 H 3.24 0.56 H
Document the treatment plan by outlining
the approach to be used in treating the risk 3.19 0.59 H 3.15 0.59 H 3.30 0.66 H 3.23 0.63 H
Assess forecast likelihood by determining
the probability of the risk event occurring
within the control environment 3.19 0.53 H 3.17 0.48 H 3.30 0.66 H 3.23 0.59 H
Identify the status of the treatment plan it
is either ‘open' for in progress or ‘closed'
when implementation has been completed 3.17 0.49 H 3.20 0.47 H 3.29 0.70 H 3.23 0.59 H
Assess forecast consequence through the
extent of the most probable impact of the
risk event if it were to occur within the
control environment 3.16 0.51 H 3.08 0.59 H 3.29 0.65 H 3.20 0.60 H
Determine the overall inherent risk
ranking by applying the risk rating to
determine the overall ranking 3.11 0.57 H 3.15 0.50 H 3.27 0.70 H 3.20 0.62 H
Composite Mean 3.17 0.44 H 3.19 0.41 H 3.29 0.53 H 3.23 0.48 H

Legend: 2.5 – 3.49 - High

Followed by assign appropriate owner who is accountable for monitoring and

reporting on progress of the treatment plan implementation for managers

WM=3.17, SD=0.58, safety officers WM=3.29, SD=0.52, staff WM=3.28,

SD=0.71 with the overall weighted mean of 3.25 interpreted as high. Managers

are responsible for overseeing the whole operations, safety officers are on their

side to ensure that the workplace are always safe. The staff rely on both the

managers and the safety officers. And each one of them is considered as the

owner of their own processes. As an owner they are responsible and

accountable in monitoring and reporting the progress on the event that they are

in most especially in the uncertainties. Management may wish to define

expectations of the detail of treatment plans required for each risk level.

However, for risks rated as low and very low that have improvement

opportunities, development of a treatment plan may be at the discretion of the

risk owner.

Then next is monitor mechanisms and review points, that the treatment

plan owner should specify the mechanisms by which implementation will be

monitored for managers WM=3.17, SD=0.49, for safety officers WM=3.24,

SD=0.50, for staff WM=3.29, SD=0.63 with the overall weighted mean of 3.25

interpreted as high. Monitoring and evaluation are an essential component of any

adaptation planning and should not be neglected; it is the responsibility of both

managers, safety officers and staff. Trigger indicators and performance indicators

can be monitored, and the results used to determine when actions should be

implemented and to track the success of the adaptation plan. Effective

monitoring and evaluation underpin the planning cycle.

Next is identify the status of the treatment plan it is either ‘open' for in

progress or ‘closed' when implementation has been completed for managers

WM=3.17, SD=0.49, safety officers WM=3.20, SD=0.47, and staff WM=3.29,

SD=0.70 with an overall weighted mean of 3.23 verbally interpreted as high. As

the operations taking place the plan should also continuously monitor. Managers

and safety officers conduct a series of treatment for the occurrence of risks. The

staff on the other hand follows the mandate that is being disseminated.

Managers and safety officers declared the status of the treatment plan if it is

successful or failure.

Followed by assess forecast consequence through the extent of the most

probable impact of the risk event if it were to occur within the control environment

for managers WM=3.16, SD=0.51, safety officers WM=3.08, SD=0.59, and staff

(WM=3.29, SD=0.65) with an overall weighted mean of 3.20 interpreted as high.

Forecasting is one of the hardest controls implemented in a manufacturing

industry. It collects the prior data or uncertainties and serves as the basis for the

new forecast. Managers see the importance of forecasts in the extent of probable

impact because they have the firsthand information compared to the safety

officers and staff so that they are high in standard deviation.

Finally, determine the overall inherent risk ranking by applying the risk

rating to determine the overall ranking and for managers WM=3.11, SD=0.57,

safety officers WM=3.15, SD=0.50, and staff WM=3.27, SD=0.70 with an overall

weighted mean of 3.20 or high as the verbal interpretation. A risk assessment is

a thorough look at the workplace. It identifies those things, situations, processes,

that may cause harm, particularly to people. After identification is made, you

analyze and evaluate how likely and severe the risk is. When this determination

is made, you can next, decide what measures should be in place to effectively

eliminate or control the harm from happening.

It can be seen from the above table that there is a high level of severity in

terms of treating the risks as assessed by managers WM=3.17, SD=0.44; safety

officers WM=3.19; SD=0.41 and staff WM=3.29; SD=0.53. It can be noted here

that all the three groups of respondents agreed on rating this severity as high

level. This conforms with the study of Kgosietsile, stating that depending on how

uncertainties and risk are managed, and controlled projects success or failure

can be determined. Communicating with the stakeholders on the result of the

projects is important. Projects have encountered risks, delays of schedules, poor

quality of output and projects with clustered uncertainties. The assignment of an

appropriate specialist who is accountable for the monitoring of the progress is

also important. Treating those unexpected events needs to be monitored all the

time. This will also help to identify risks causes, improve operations, ensure

compliance and proper implementation of risks management process, plan,

strategies, and measures. Communicate and educate the result to the


On the other hand, Chukwuebuka, stating that if risk is not correctly

assessed to the start of the operation it is hard for the project to identify or

provide treatment. The effectiveness of assessing the risks and the extent to

which the forecast of the risks to the extent of the most probable impact and on

the companies end to provide effective risk management solutions. Furthermore,

Arrenvalagan and Mahamed, express that the threat of risks to a project is well-

known, as a result, risks that arise in a project have the potential to derail the

project's objectives, which could lead to project failure. Industry employees face a

variety of failures, including inability to meet quality and operational criteria, cost

overruns, and unknown project completion delays. Developing efficient risk

management systems for the manufacturing engineering business remains a

difficult undertaking for industry practitioners. Good risk management is a critical

ability that practitioners in project management must possess in order to manage

project hazards.

2.5 Monitoring and Reviewing

The term is the process which tracks and evaluates the levels of risk in an

organization. As well as monitoring the risk itself, the discipline tracks and

evaluates the effectiveness of risk management strategies.

Table 8 shows the level of severity of risks in manufacturing companies as

assessed by managers, safety officers and staff. When each statement is

considered, results of the study showed that conduct of review to monitor the

possible occurrence of risks on monthly basis displays the highest assessment

by the staff WM = 3.55, SD = 1.95 interpreted as very high, managers WM =

3.24, SD = 0.53, and safety officers WM = 3.26, SD 0.44 with the overall weighted mean

of 3.39 verbally interpreted as high.

Staff have the highest weighted mean because they have firsthand

information on the uncertainties that occur in the workplace. Managers, safety

officers and staff are responsible for monitoring the environment for changes that
affect the nature and/or the impact of the risk. Monitoring risks should be a

standard part of program reviews. At the same time, risks should be managed

continuously rather than just before a program review. Routinely review plans in

management meetings.

Table 8
Level of Severity of Risks with Regard to Monitoring and Reviewing

Items Manager Safety Officer Staff Overall

Conduct of Review to monitor the
possible occurrence of risks on monthly
basis 3.24 0.53 H 3.26 0.44 H 3.55 1.95 VH 3.39 1.39 H
Learn lessons from risk events,
including near-misses, changes, trends,
successes, and failures 3.19 0.62 H 3.23 0.49 H 3.36 0.66 H 3.28 0.61 H
Provide assurance that appropriate
controls and procedures for managing
risks are clearly understood and strictly
followed 3.25 0.54 H 3.30 0.46 H 3.28 0.71 H 3.28 0.61 H
Ensure that controls are effective and
efficient in both design and operation 3.21 0.54 H 3.32 0.50 H 3.29 0.70 H 3.27 0.61 H
Detect changes in the external and
internal context, including changes to
risk criteria and to the risks, which may
require revision of risk treatments and
priorities 3.14 0.50 H 3.15 0.53 H 3.41 0.61 H 3.27 0.57 H
Obtain further information to improve
risk assessment 3.27 0.54 H 3.21 0.48 H 3.30 0.76 H 3.27 0.64 H
Monitor on reporting fortnightly on risks
receivables 3.17 0.49 H 3.24 0.47 H 3.29 0.62 H 3.25 0.55 H
Evaluate the current environment for
new risks and routinely reassess the
program’s risks exposure 3.19 0.56 H 3.26 0.51 H 3.23 0.68 H 3.23 0.61 H
List the prioritized risks that have been
identified for risk responding and
treatment actions 3.21 0.48 H 3.21 0.41 H 3.24 0.68 H 3.23 0.57 H
Document the result for future
references 3.27 0.51 H 3.15 0.50 H 3.23 0.71 H 3.22 0.61 H
Composite Mean 3.21 0.44 H 3.23 0.39 H 3.32 0.56 H 3.27 0.49 H

3.50 – 4.0 – Very High
2.5 – 3.49 - High

Then it was followed by learn lessons from risk events, including near-

misses, changes, trends, successes, and failures for managers WM=3.19,

SD=0.62, safety officers WM=3.23, SD=0.49, staff WM=3.36, SD=0.66 with the

overall weighted mean of 3.28 interpreted as high. Staff has a high weighted

mean because most of the risks happen in the bottom level of the management.

This is where they usually do their work. Staff of manufacturing companies have

direct contact with the uncertainties in the workplace.

Then, provide assurance that appropriate controls and procedures for

managing risks are clearly understood and strictly followed for managers

WM=3.25, SD=0.54, for safety officers WM=3.30, SD=0.46, for staff WM=3.28,

SD=0.71 with the overall weighted mean of 3.28 interpreted as high. Managers

and Safety officers provide an assurance regarding the safety of the workplace.

An appropriate control and procedures are well established and also

communicated to the staff for the safe and sound operations.

On the other hand, is evaluate the current environment for new risks and

routinely reassess the program’s risks exposure managers WM=3.19, SD=0.65,

safety officers WM=3.26, SD=0.51, and staff WM=3.23, SD=0.68 with an overall

weighted mean of 3.23 verbally interpreted as high. Safety officers have always

been responsible for the safety of the workplaces. Risk impact assessment is the

process of assessing the probabilities and consequences of risk events if they

are realized. The results of this assessment are then used to prioritize risks to

establish a most to least-critical importance ranking. Ranking risks in terms of

their criticality or importance provides insights to the project's management on

where resources may be needed to manage or mitigate the realization of high

probability/high consequence risk events.

Followed by list the prioritized risks that have been identified for risk

responding and treatment actions for managers WM=3.21, SD=0.48, safety

officers WM=3.21, SD=0.41, and staff WM=3.24, SD=0.68 with an overall

weighted mean of 3.23 interpreted as high. The risk response planning involves

determining ways to reduce or eliminate any threats to the project, and also the

opportunities to increase their impact. Managers and safety officers should work

to eliminate the threats before they occur. Managers and Safety officers are also

responsible to decrease the probability and impact of threats and increase the

probability and impact of opportunities.

Finally, document the result for future references and for managers

WM=3.27, SD=0.51, safety officers WM=3.15, SD=0.50, and staff WM=3.27,

SD=0.71 with an overall weighted mean of 3.22 or high as the verbal

interpretation. Managers are more aware of the documentation of the result

because it will serve as a basis on the risks forecast and for the proper

monitoring and reviewing. The basis was all analyzed and kept for records. The

documented risks after proper analyzation are ready to discuss to the safety

officer for proper treatment and to the employee for the awareness.

It can be seen from the above table that there is a high level of severity in

terms of monitoring and reviewing as assessed by managers WM=3.21,

SD=0.44; safety officers WM=3.23; SD=0.39 and staff WM=3.32; SD=0.56. It can

be noted here that all the three groups of respondents agreed on rating this

severity as high level. This conforms with the study of Ishola, stating that it is

necessary to revisit risk management to monitor the possible occurrence of the

risks and also for developing a more reliable, adaptive and holistic risks model to

further detailed investigate risks. A proactive approach for advanced risks

management offered to analyze and reduce the interruption of risk. There will be

an assurance that is appropriate to the controls and procedures. The decision-

making procedures must be based on reliable data and strictly followed.

On the contrary, Alkahtani, highlighted the need to improve the working

environment by adopting the effective approaches for analyzing and assessing

safety hazards and to control the most dangerous incidents. It looks for the

current risks and routinely reassesses. Documentation of the result gives

importance and may serve as a future basis. Similarly, Rout and Sikdar, identify

all potential risks at various iron ore pelletizing sector workplaces, conduct an

occupational health risk assessment, generate a risk rating based on a risk

matrix, and evaluate the risk rating before and after management measures.

Inspection of the workplace, employee responses to potential hazards in their

workplace, review of department procedure manual, work instructions, standard

operating procedure, previous incident reports, material safety data sheet, first

aid/injury register, and employee health records were all used to collect data.

3. Extent of hierarchy of control practices

The respondents assessed the extent of hierarchy of controls in terms

of, elimination, substitution, engineering control, administrative control, and

personal protective equipment.

3.1 Elimination

Hazard elimination is a hazard control strategy based on completely

removing a material or process causing a hazard. Elimination is the most

effective of the five members of the hierarchy of hazard controls in protecting

workers, and where possible should be implemented before all other control


Table 9 shows the level of extent of control practiced in manufacturing

companies as assessed by managers, safety officers and staff. When each

statement is considered, results of the study showed that provide safety

equipment to employees that reduces their exposure to the physical hazard

displays the highest assessment by the staff WM = 3.52, SD = 0.60 interpreted

as great extent, managers WM = 3.27, SD = 0.57, and safety officers WM = 3.32,

SD 0.50 with the overall weighted mean of 3.40 verbally interpreted as moderate


Staff has the highest weighted mean because they are in the ground for

operations meaning they have direct contact on the process of elimination.

Providing safety equipment to employees that reduces their exposure to the

physical safety hazard. Reduce noises and vibrations present in the workplace.

Place barriers between employees and physical hazards such as radiation or

microwaves. Provide proper ventilation and air conditioning for staff.

Table 9
Extent of Hierarchy of Control with Regard to Elimination
Items Manager Safety Officer Staff Overall
Provide safety equipment to
employees that reduces their
exposure to the physical hazard 3.27 0.57 ME 3.32 0.50 ME 3.52 0.60 GE 3.40 0.58 ME
Provide employees with rest breaks 3.19 0.59 ME 3.27 0.48 ME 3.30 0.73 ME 3.27 0.63 ME
Train employees to recognize and
avoid physical hazards 3.17 0.52 ME 3.26 0.51 ME 3.31 0.77 ME 3.26 0.65 ME
Provide proper ventilation and air
conditioning for employees 3.19 0.56 ME 3.18 0.46 ME 3.30 0.68 ME 3.24 0.60 ME
Insulate any surfaces that could be
prone to extremes in temperature 3.16 0.51 ME 3.17 0.45 ME 3.26 0.70 ME 3.21 0.60 ME
Place barriers between employees
and physical hazards such as
radiation or microwaves 3.19 0.56 ME 3.23 0.49 ME 3.17 0.72 ME 3.19 0.63 ME
Spend less time in areas of exposure 3.17 0.49 ME 3.12 0.57 ME 3.20 0.69 ME 3.17 0.61 ME
Use smaller quantities of dangerous
and reactive chemicals 3.14 0.56 ME 3.11 0.50 ME 3.22 0.71 ME 3.17 0.62 ME
Working away from noise when
possible 3.14 0.59 ME 3.20 0.50 ME 3.16 0.83 ME 3.16 0.70 ME
Reduce noises and vibrations present
in the workplace 3.14 0.64 ME 3.20 0.47 ME 3.15 0.74 ME 3.16 0.65 ME
Composite Mean 3.18 0.47 ME 3.20 0.40 ME 3.26 0.55 ME 3.22 0.49 ME
3.50 – 4.0 – Great Extent
2.5 – 3.49 – Moderately Extent

Followed by providing employees with rest breaks for managers

WM=3.19, SD=0.59, safety officers WM=3.27, SD=0.48, staff WM=3.30,

SD=0.73 with the overall weighted mean of 3.27 interpreted as moderate extent.

Staff are to be completely relieved from duty during their meal break. If a

nonexempt staff is required to perform any work duties while on his or her meal

break period, the staff is compensated for the time spent performing work duties.

The time spent working during the meal break will be counted toward the total

hours worked. It will also help the employee to lessen possible contact to risks

and hazards.

Then, train staff to recognize and avoid physical hazards for managers

WM=3.17, SD=0.52, for safety officers WM=3.26, SD=0.51, for staff WM=3.31,

SD=0.77 with the overall weighted mean of 3.26 interpreted as moderate extent.

Staff should be trained to respond appropriately to each scenario that is

applicable to their workplace, which could mean training everyone not only to

evacuate, but also to shelter in place and how to lock down areas.

Followed by working away from noise when possible and for managers

WM=3.14, SD=0.59, safety officers WM=3.20, SD=0.50, and staff WM=3.16,

SD=0.83 with an overall weighted mean of 3.16 interpreted as moderate extent.

Manufacturing companies through managers, and safety officers assess the

working area to provide adequate protection for their workers. The managers and

safety officers orient their staff to avoid working at a very noisy area, if so they

will be equipped with protection.

Finally, reduce noises and vibrations present in the workplace and for

managers WM=3.14, SD=0.64, safety officers WM=3.20, SD=0.47, and staff

WM=3.15, SD=0.74 with an overall weighted mean of 3.16 or moderate extent as

the verbal interpretation. Noise is an intense, disturbing and unpleasant sound.

Excessive noise can cause hearing impairment. Noise that contains sudden,

powerful impact sounds, so-called impulse noise, is particularly harmful. Noise is

the most common cause for occupational diseases. Manufacturing companies

look for a possible solution to eliminate or lessen the presence of noise and

vibration in the working area.

It can be seen from the above table that there is a moderate extent of

control practiced in terms of elimination as assessed by managers WM=3.18,

SD=0.47, safety officers WM=3.20; SD=0.40 and employees WM=3.26;

SD=0.55. It can be noted here that all the three groups of respondents agreed on

rating this severity as high level. This conforms with the study of Syeda, stating

that the industry has been encouraged to eliminate risky and hazardous

materials with alternatives that are either less toxic or nonhazardous. The

manufacturing provides safety equipment that may lessen the direct contact to

the presence of the physical hazard. Similarly, Balitaan also reveals the

cutaneous and systemic effects of occupational exposures on modern workers

and their surroundings. Employees are provided ample time for health breaks to

limit the presence of hazardous materials.

On the other hand, Magube, conforms that workplace health and safety

has a major impact on employees such, eliminating hazardous materials help to

work accordingly to reduce workplace injuries, accidents, or incidents.

Manufacturing companies limit employees to work near noise and it can be done

through reducing noises and vibrations that are present in the workplace. Also,

management ensures workers a supply of personal protective equipment and

provides frequent education and training on workplace health and safety issues

to prevent workplace injuries and increase productivity. Furthermore, Lu stated

that the workers in the industrial sector were observed to be exposed to risks like

heat, noise, and dust, notably in nine cement plants in the Philippines. A

significant concentration of cotton dust, a lot of noise in the weaving regions, and

harmful chemicals used in the bleaching, dyeing, printing, and finishing

processes were found in four textile factories in the Philippines. Extreme heat,

dust from textile fibers, and ergonomic risks have all been identified to be

concerns for women working in the clothing business.

3.2 Substitution

The term defines as a hazard control strategy in which a material or

process is replaced with another that is less hazardous. Hazard substitution is a

hazard control strategy in which a material or process is replaced with another

that is less hazardous. Substitution is the second most effective of the five

members of the hierarchy of hazard controls in protecting workers, after


Table 10 shows the level of extent of control practiced in manufacturing

companies as assessed by managers, safety officers and staff. When each

statement is considered, results of the study showed that switch out processes,

equipment, material, or other components, where applicable displays the highest

assessment by the managers WM = 3.17, SD = 0.52, safety officers WM = 3.27,

SD = 0.51, and staff WM = 3.39, SD 0.57 with the overall weighted mean of 3.30

verbally interpreted as moderate extent.

Most of the equipment, materials and chemicals used by the

manufacturing companies are subject for substitution specially they are all

hazardous and can harm the workers in the ground. It is visible on the side of the

staff as they had firsthand contact. Chemical substation is important to limit or

even eliminate the occurrence of uncertainties.

Followed by identify a hazardous substance or piece of equipment and

substituting it for a substance or piece of equipment that is not hazardous for

managers WM=3.24, SD=0.59, safety officers WM=3.18, SD=0.46, staff

WM=3.29, SD=0.70 with the overall weighted mean of 3.25 interpreted as

moderate extent. Substitution of currently used products with less hazardous

products is one of the most effective ways of eliminating or reducing exposure to

products that are toxic or pose other hazards. A hazard includes any product,

chemical or material that has the ability or a property that can cause an adverse

health effect or harm to a person under certain conditions.

Followed by change high-level vibrating equipment with newer equipment

with less vibration exposure and for managers WM=3.06, SD=0.59, safety

officers WM=3.12, SD=0.51, and staff WM=3.17, SD=0.68 with an overall

weighted mean of 3.13 interpreted as moderate extent. The staff usually concern

themselves with the materials that can cause injuries and accidents. The higher

level of management assesses all the material that is available in the workplace.

The materials that are subject to cause damage to the staff are needed to

immediately substitute with other worker friendly materials.

Table 10
Extent of Hierarchy of Control with Regard to Substitution

Items Manager Safety Officer Staff Overall

Switch out processes, equipment,
material, or other components, where
applicable 3.17 0.52 ME 3.27 0.51 ME 3.39 0.57 ME 3.30 0.55 ME
Identify a hazardous substance or piece of
equipment and substituting it for a
substance or piece of equipment that is
not hazardous 3.24 0.59 ME 3.18 0.46 ME 3.29 0.70 ME 3.25 0.61 ME
Use freon instead of methyl bromide
chloride as a refrigerant 3.16 0.57 ME 3.12 0.51 ME 3.27 0.65 ME 3.20 0.60 ME
Use detergent plus water-cleaning ME
solutions instead of organic solvents 3.14 0.56 ME 3.12 0.54 ME 3.24 0.73 3.18 0.64 ME
Introduce chemicals that don’t have ME
multiple hazards (eg, switching to water-
based products) 3.17 0.49 ME 3.15 0.44 ME 3.18 0.66 3.17 0.56 ME
Mixed chemicals with water so they are ME
less concentrated (eg, using diluted
cleaning products) 3.14 0.53 ME 3.12 0.48 ME 3.18 0.63 3.16 0.57 ME
Use dip or brush instead of spray painting 3.14 0.64 ME 3.09 0.52 ME 3.18 0.64 ME 3.15 0.61 ME
Use electric motors instead of diesel or
petrol engines to eliminate hazardous
exhaust fumes 3.11 0.54 ME 3.12 0.57 ME 3.16 0.64 ME 3.14 0.60 ME
Change high-level vibrating equipment
with newer equipment with less vibration
exposure 3.06 0.59 ME 3.12 0.51 ME 3.17 0.68 ME 3.13 0.61 ME
Use “dust-free” cutting or grinding
equipment 3.06 0.64 ME 3.12 0.51 ME 3.13 0.67 ME 3.11 0.62 ME
Composite Mean 3.14 0.46 ME 3.14 0.37 ME 3.22 0.49 ME 3.18 0.45 ME
2.5 – 3.49 – Moderate Extent

Finally, use dust-free cutting or grinding equipment and for managers

WM=3.06, SD=0.64, safety officers WM=3.12, SD=0.51, and staff WM=3.13,

SD=0.67 with an overall weighted mean of 3.11 or moderate extent as the verbal

interpretation. Staff also have concerns about the dust produced by the grinding

and other cutting equipment, but it is not the focus of the management as it is just

a small percent of the workplace problem, and substitution for this problem may

require a lot of resources.

It can be seen from the above table that there is a moderate extent of

control practiced in terms of substitution WM=3.14, SD=0.46; safety officers

WM=3.14; SD=0.37 and employees WM=3.22; SD=0.49. It can be noted here

that all the three groups of respondents agreed on rating this severity as

moderate extent. This conforms with the study of Lubbecke, stating that

manufacturing companies are required to review the hazardous chemicals and

materials on a regular basis to discover safer substitution for dangerous

ingredients. The manufacturing will identify a hazardous substance and

substitute it with a non-hazardous substance. There is also an important thing

that if processes, materials, and equipment are not in use, switch it out.

Understand the importance of dilution as it lessens the hazardous content of a

particular substance.

Similarly, Hernandez explained the use of HAZID methodology to identify

the hazards in the workplace as well as conducting health and safety diagnosis

and programs to establish preventive and corrective measures to control,

eliminate, substitute or replace the hazards discovered such as using electric

materials instead of motors that emit hazardous substances. Eliminate or

substitute the use of machines and materials that have strong vibration.

Substitute equipment that can harm the physical health of the employees in the

specific workplace.

3.3 Engineering Control

The term defines as to protect workers by removing hazardous conditions

or by placing a barrier between the worker and the hazard. Engineering

controls protect workers by removing hazardous conditions or by placing a

barrier between the worker and the hazard.

Table 11. shows the level of extent of control practiced in manufacturing

companies as assessed by managers, safety officers and staff. When each

statement is considered, results of the study showed that place the material or

process in a closed system displays the highest assessment by the managers

WM = 3.14, SD = 0.56, safety officers WM = 3.24, SD = 0.47, and staff WM =

3.34, SD 0.59 with the overall weighted mean of 3.26 verbally interpreted as

moderate extent. The hazardous material or chemicals are properly placed in an

enclosed area to prevent accidents. The safety officers are responsible for the

monitoring of the materials that are dangerous to health.

Followed by implement a see-through barrier between the workstation

and the hazard to minimize your risk of a chemical splash for managers

WM=3.19, SD=0.59, safety officers WM=3.26, SD=0.44, staff WM=3.29,

SD=0.65 with the overall weighted mean of 3.25 interpreted as moderate extent.

A hazard control program consists of all steps necessary to protect workers from

exposure to a substance or system, the training and the procedures required to

monitor worker exposure and their health to hazards such as chemicals,

materials or substance, or other types of hazards such as noise and vibration. A

written workplace hazard control program should outline which methods are

being used to control the exposure and how these controls will be monitored for

Table 11a dust control system that uses water

effectiveness. Then followed by implement
Extent of Hierarchy of Control with Regard to Engineering Control
Items to settle particulates on the Manager
ground for outdoor hazards andStaff
Safety Officer for managersOverall
Place the material SD=0.63,
or process safety officers WM=3.23, SD=0.49, and staff WM=3.23,
in a closed
system 3.14 0.56 ME 3.24 0.47 ME 3.34 0.59 ME 3.26 0.56 ME
Implement a see-through barrier between
SD=0.67 with an overall weighted mean of 3.18 interpreted as moderate extent.
the workstation and the hazard to
minimize your risk of a chemical splash 3.19 0.59 ME 3.26 0.44 ME 3.29 0.65 ME 3.25 0.58 ME
In a materials
Move hazardous ventilation wheresystem,
fewer an air cleaning device removes or captures the
workers are present 3.17 0.55 ME 3.24 0.50 ME 3.27 0.67 ME 3.24 0.60 ME
Install guardrails to provide thatprotection
are present in the air.
from moving parts or electrical
connections 3.19 0.50 ME 3.24 0.50 ME 3.26 0.65 ME 3.24 0.57 ME
Increase ventilation with fans or ducting
for indoor hazards 3.16 0.57 ME 3.26 0.51 ME 3.26 0.65 ME 3.23 0.59 ME
Eliminate or substitute workplace
hazardous substance, then full enclosing
the workplace 3.14 0.62 ME 3.21 0.48 ME 3.28 0.70 ME 3.23 0.62 ME
Install shielding to provides protection
from potential explosions 3.17 0.58 ME 3.29 0.55 ME 3.17 0.72 ME 3.20 0.64 ME
Install a control on/off light to indicate the
status of the exhaust fan 3.13 0.66 ME 3.18 0.49 ME 3.25 0.67 ME 3.20 0.63 ME
Implement a dust control system that
uses water to settle particulates on the
ground for outdoor hazards 3.05 0.63 ME 3.23 0.49 ME 3.23 0.67 ME 3.18 0.62 ME
Use fume hoods, fans, air ducts and air
filters 3.14 0.59 ME 3.11 0.53 ME 3.16 0.70 ME 3.14 0.63 ME
Composite Mean 3.15 0.51 ME 3.23 0.41 ME 3.25 0.53 ME 3.22 0.50 ME
2.5 – 3.49 – Moderate Extent

The type of air cleaner used will depend on type of air contaminant to be

removed, concentration of the contaminant in the air, how much contaminant

must be removed to meet regulations or standards, type and size of dust

particles, temperature, humidity, fire safety and explosion control, and air

pollution control regulations.

Finally, use fume hoods, fans, air ducts and air filters and for managers

WM=3.14, SD=0.59, safety officers WM=3.11, SD=0.53, and staff WM=3.16,

SD=0.70 with an overall weighted mean of 3.14 or moderate extent as the verbal

interpretation. It is visible that most of the manufacturing companies are aware of

the use of fumes, hoods, fans, air ducts, and air filters but some are still non

consistent with these measures. Engineering control holds huge responsibilities

in assessing the safety of all employees in relation to the equipment and

materials being used in the workplace.

It can be seen from the above table that there is a moderate extent of

control practiced in terms of engineering control as assessed by managers

WM=3.15, SD=0.52; safety officers WM=3.23; SD=0.41 and employees

WM=3.25; SD=0.53. It can be noted here that all the three groups of respondents

agreed on rating this severity as high level. This conforms with the study of Al-

Dhafeeri, stating that the strategies to operate the processes be part of a closed

system with controls that can be monitored, and data collected so that the

judgment regarding the process safety can be made. Materials are placed in a

closed system that can be managed properly. Similarly, Parsamehr stated that it

is critical to re-engineered construction management to keep up with other

companies like manufacturing, and predictive safety planning in the construction

is presented. Implementation of the engineering controls is important to the

safety of the workers and workstations. Removing all the hazardous materials

where there are few workers.

Furthermore, Schubauer stating that to reduce exposure to engineered

particles had been advocated by the companies. Engineering controls provide

limitations on the time a worker works in a certain hazardous workplace. As

workers are exposed to hazardous substances, it may risk the workers’ health.

Moreover, Kopczewski and Smal, explains that technological safety engineering

addresses the design, construction, operation, and decommissioning of technical

measures to reduce the likelihood and magnitude of the negative impact on the

workplace. It is important that control systems should be implemented and

provide a conducive working environment. Meanwhile, Nwankwo stated that

engineering controls either eliminate or assist personnel. Control, isolation of the

emission source, and ventilation are all engineering controls that should always

be considered first. Basic engineering controls involve processes like opening a

window or door or trapping that can be done on the spot without assistance.

3.4 Administrative Controls

Define as controls that alter the way the work is done, including timing of

work, policies and other rules, and work practices such as standards and

operating procedures.

Table 12
Extent of Hierarchy of Control with Regard to Administrative Control
Items Manager Safety Officer Staff Overall
Provide standard operating procedures
(SOP) and checklist to provide
opportunity to identify hazards 3.30 0.64 ME 3.27 0.51 ME 3.34 0.63 ME 3.31 0.60 ME
Train the employees on occupational
safety and health 3.27 0.60 ME 3.17 0.54 ME 3.37 0.63 ME 3.29 0.60 ME
Include safety in Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) and demonstration
with community of nearby 3.27 0.63 ME 3.23 0.49 ME 3.32 0.70 ME 3.28 0.63 ME
Use a lock out/tag out system to ensure
no energy source is present 3.27 0.72 ME 3.23 0.46 ME 3.27 0.70 ME 3.26 0.65 ME
Provides a clear and readable signage
are administrative tool for
communication and control of hazards
at workplaces 3.30 0.56 ME 3.15 0.47 ME 3.27 0.67 ME 3.25 0.59 ME
Reduce time exposure to the hazard by
increasing breaks between work, adding
additional personnel to a task and job
sharing 3.22 0.63 ME 3.21 0.48 ME 3.26 0.70 ME 3.24 0.63 ME
Conduct job hazard analysis prior to the
start of operation 3.27 0.65 ME 3.17 0.57 ME 3.21 0.71 ME 3.21 0.66 ME
Limit the time a person works with a
certain material 3.17 0.71 ME 3.12 0.54 ME 3.16 0.73 ME 3.15 0.68 ME
Mandate that no one should work in the
workplace alone 3.14 0.67 ME 3.09 0.57 ME 3.19 0.66 ME 3.15 0.64 ME
Give workers longer rest periods or
shorter work shifts to reduce exposure ME
time 3.11 0.76 ME 3.14 0.39 ME 3.17 0.72 ME 3.15 0.66
Composite Mean 3.23 0.57 ME 3.18 0.41 ME 3.26 0.54 ME 3.23 0.52 ME
2.5 – 3.49 – Moderate Extent

Table 12 shows the level of extent of control practiced in manufacturing

companies as assessed by managers, safety officers and staff. When each

statement is considered, results of the study showed that provide standard

operating procedures (SOP) and checklist to provide opportunity to identify

hazards displays the highest assessment by the managers WM = 3.30, SD =

0.64, safety officers WM = 3.27, SD = 0.51, and staff WM = 3.34, SD 0.63 with

the overall weighted mean of 3.31 verbally interpreted as moderate extent.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) work well for designing experimental

protocols in general. It provides an opportunity to identify risks and hazards at

each step of an experimental process. An effective SOP analyzes potential

hazards associated with several factors ranging from the types of materials the

experiment requires, to the people working in the lab. Based on the identification

of these hazards and risks, SOPs help predict what could go wrong and assess

the impact of a safety failure.

Then train the employees on occupational safety and health for managers

WM=3.27, SD=0.60, safety officers WM=3.17, SD=0.54, staff WM=3.37,

SD=0.63 with the overall weighted mean of 3.29 interpreted as moderate extent.

A workplace with an efficient safety training program can reduce turnover,

improve productivity and morale. Workplace safety training is a process that aims

to provide your workforce with knowledge and skills to perform their work in a

way that is safe for them and their co-workers. In addition, an effective workplace

safety plan includes instructions and guidelines to identify hazards, report them,

and deal with incidents.

Followed by mandate that no one should work in the workplace alone and

for managers WM=3.14, SD=0.67, safety officers WM=3.09, SD=0.57, and staff

WM=3.19, SD=0.66 with an overall weighted mean of 3.15 interpreted as

moderate extent. It is important that the three groups of respondents are aware

of the safety guidelines that no one is allowed to work alone, especially in the

processing, assembling and other manufacturing industry that require flow of


Finally, give workers longer rest periods or shorter work shifts to reduce

exposure time and for managers WM=3.11, SD=0.76, safety officers WM=3.14,

SD=0.39, and staff WM=3.17, SD=0.72 with an overall weighted mean of 3.15 or

moderate extent as the verbal interpretation. Having short work shift or long rest

period may also help to eliminate or lessen the presence of accidents or

incidents. But most of the manufacturing companies opted for such things

because most of the companies are after the output in production.

It can be seen from the above table that there is a moderate extent of

control practiced in terms of elimination assessed by managers WM=3.23,

SD=0.57; safety officers WM=3.18; SD=0.41 and employees WM=3.26;

SD=0.54. It can be noted here that all the three groups of respondents agreed on

rating this severity as moderate extent. This conforms with the study of Kitaw,

stating that sustainable development gains credibility in terms of workplace

safety and health improvement. Manufacturing companies should provide

procedures to continuously operate without risks and hazards. Also,

Ramaganesh explains that practical application of safety is a difficult endeavor

that requires collaboration of all employees. To provide a path or goal to attain or

in having a safe work environment is a good training ground based on

occupational safety and health. Manufacturing companies provide training for

employees to sustain knowledge on safety and health. Parsamehr, also confirms

that lack of knowledge and training is to be blamed for the accidents. With the

use of artificial intelligence, the new line of thinking is management has been

moving toward a predictive decision-making process. Training of employees

gives assurance to have a safe work environment.

However, Ferede, stating that risk management is vital to the

administration method and can assist ensure that projects are successful. The

precise outcomes demonstrated that there is a dearth of sensible risk

management strategies. Most construction firms are familiar with the notion of

risk management nevertheless, they lack appropriate understanding on risk

management standards. Furthermore, Oraith explains that recognizing,

analyzing, and managing human factor-related hazards that affect pilotage

operations' safety performance is critical. The impact of human factors on

pilotage operations and to assess the impact of these factors on operators'

performance that could have an impact on current pilotage operations by

proposing an effective risk management framework based on a decision-making

analysis methodology.

3.5 Personal Protective Equipment

The term is defined as an equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that

cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses.

Table 13 shows the level of extent of control practiced in manufacturing

companies as assessed by managers, safety officers and staff. When each

statement is considered, results of the study showed that provides training to

workers on the proper use of PPEs displays the highest assessment by the

managers WM = 3.25, SD = 0.62, safety officers WM = 3.29, SD = 0.49, and staff

WM = 3.34, SD 0.62 with the overall weighted mean of 3.30 verbally interpreted

as moderate extent. OSHA requires employers to provide training to each

employee who must use PPE.

Table 13
Extent of Hierarchy of Control in Terms of Personal Protective Equipment
Items Manager Safety Officer Staff Overall
Provides training to workers on the
proper use of PPEs 3.25 0.62 ME 3.29 0.49 ME 3.34 0.62 ME 3.30 0.59 ME
Inspect PPEs prior to each use 3.21 0.63 ME 3.30 0.50 ME 3.34 0.72 ME 3.30 0.64 ME
Select standard PPEs to provide
protection for anticipated hazards 3.19 0.62 ME 3.26 0.47 ME 3.37 0.65 ME 3.29 0.60 ME
Provides PPEs at no costs to workers 3.19 0.64 ME 3.26 0.47 ME 3.36 0.64 ME 3.29 0.60 ME
Provides efficient and effective tracking
of PPEs to maintains inventory 3.19 0.62 ME 3.29 0.49 ME 3.33 0.67 ME 3.28 0.61 ME
Dispose PPEs that is no longer wanted
or suitable for re-use according to
waste 3.16 0.65 ME 3.23 0.46 ME 3.37 0.69 ME 3.28 0.63 ME
Remove PPEs whenever workers are
leaving the work area 3.19 0.62 ME 3.30 0.46 ME 3.30 0.63 ME 3.27 0.59 ME
Clean, maintain, and store PPEs
according to manufacturer guidelines 3.19 0.62 ME 3.24 0.53 ME 3.32 0.70 ME 3.27 0.63 ME
Classify PPEs that can restrict and
oppress working conditions and it
should only be worn for a limited
period 3.22 0.63 ME 3.18 0.43 ME 3.32 0.66 ME 3.26 0.60 ME
Limits the wearing of PPEs through job
rotation 3.05 0.66 ME 3.14 0.55 ME 3.18 0.73 ME 3.14 0.67 ME
Composite Mean 3.18 0.56 ME 3.25 0.39 ME 3.32 0.55 ME 3.27 0.52 ME

2.5 – 3.49 – Moderate Extent

The training covers situations in which PPE is necessary; required PPE

products; properly putting on, taking off, adjusting, and wearing PPE; limitations

of PPE; and the proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of PPE.

Training usually requires a hands-on demonstration so each employee can

demonstrate the ability to use PPE properly before he or she can perform work

requiring the equipment. When changes in the workplace render previous

training obsolete, retraining is necessary. Technicians also must go through

retraining when the type of PPE changes or if employees demonstrate they have

not retained an understanding or skill for proper PPE use. Managers must

maintain records with the name of each employee trained, dates of training, and

the type of PPE covered.

Followed by inspect PPEs prior to each use for managers WM=3.21,

SD=0.63, safety officers WM=3.30, SD=0.50, staff WM=3.34, SD=0.72 with the

overall weighted mean of 3.30 interpreted as moderate extent. Visually inspect

the PPE ensemble to be worn to ensure that it is in serviceable condition, that all

required PPE and supplies are available, and that the sizes selected are correct

for the healthcare provider. The trained observer reviews the donning sequence

with the healthcare provider before the healthcare provider begins the donning

process and reads it to the healthcare provider in a step-by-step fashion using a


Followed by classify PPEs that can restrict and oppress working

conditions and it should only be worn for a limited period and for managers

WM=3.22, SD=0.63, safety officers WM=3.18, SD=0.43, and staff WM=3.32,

SD=0.66 with an overall weighted mean of 3.26 interpreted as moderate extent.

Selecting the right PPE to sufficiently reduce exposure to hazards is essential to

laboratory safety. The purpose of this section is to provide resources allowing

researchers to identify and classify various types of PPE, so the appropriate

safety precautions are taken when conducting research. PPE will be classified

into categories: eye and face protection, hand protection, body protection,

respiratory protection, and hearing protection.

Finally, limits the wearing of PPEs through job rotation and for managers

WM=3.05, SD=0.66, safety officers WM=3.14, SD=0.55, and staff WM=3.18,

SD=0.73 with an overall weighted mean of 3.14 or moderate extent as the verbal

interpretation. Job rotation increases the variety of tasks required as the worker

takes on more duties, enlarging the physical demands and adding variety to the

job. The objective is to provide a consistent and systematic method of developing

formal job rotations that are based on the requirements of the job being rotated.

It’s important to remember that job rotation doesn’t eliminate ergonomic risk

factors. While job rotation is an effective control measure for jobs that have been

identified as problem or high-risk jobs, it is desirable that ergonomic risk factors

are “hidden” by administrative controls.

It can be seen from the above table that there is a moderate extent of

control practiced in terms of personal protective equipment as assessed by

managers WM=3.18, SD=0.56; safety officers WM=3.25; SD=0.39 and staff

WM=3.32; SD=0.55. It can be noted here that all the three groups of respondents

agreed on rating this severity as high level. This conforms with the study of

Wollfe, stating that the use of systematic review in chemical risk assessment is

gaining traction on establishing decision making. This has prompted proposals

for a more evidenced based approach in which all relevant, available materials

are thoroughly examined. It can be done through giving proper training for the

workers to determine the best and effective materials to be used, proper

inspections also need to be done.

On the other hand, Balkhyour, stating that employees are exposed to

multiple physical, chemical, and incidental charges due to low utilization of

Personal Protective Equipment, it can extremely be effective at reducing

workplace injuries and accidents and other hazards that could otherwise result in

insignificant manpower. The use of PPE is still in need but make sure that it is

well clean and maintained. Use PPE on its accurate usage mandated by the

manufacturer’s guidelines.

4. Variations in the Assessment of Severity of Risks and Hierarchy of Control

The respondents assessed the variation on the severity of risks and the

hierarchy of control.

Table 14 shows the comparison of the assessment of the three groups of

respondents on the level of severity of risks.

Table 14
Comparison on level of severity of risks
Variables F-value Prob.Value Significance
identifying the risks 0.89 0.412 Not Significant
analyzing the risks 1.043 0.354 Not Significant
evaluating the risks 1.386 0.252 Not Significant
treating the risks 1.778 0.171 Not Significant
monitoring and reviewing 1.099 0.335 Not Significant

In terms of identifying the risks, the table shows that there is no significant

difference in the assessment made by the three groups of respondents F(2,

241)=0.89; p=0.412.

Meanwhile, in terms of analyzing the risks, the table shows that there is no

significant difference in the assessment made by the three groups of

respondents F(2,241)=1.043; p=0.354. Same results were obtained when

evaluating the risks is considered; F (2, 241) = 1.386 ; P = 0.252. For treating

the risks, the table shows that there is no significant difference in the assessment

made by the three groups of respondents F (2, 241) = 1.778 ; P = 0.171.

Finally, monitoring and reviewing the table shows that there is no

significant difference on the assessment made by the three (3) groups of

respondents F (2,241)=1.099; p=0.335.

This indicates that the three groups of respondents have similar

assessments on the level of severity of risks. All members of the companies can

easily identify the risk that may affect its performance. This can also be attributed

to the assessment made by the three groups of respondents as presented in

tables 4 to 8. Bosak et al, emphasized the role of managers and employees in

mitigating the severity of risks in the workplace. The study also highlighted the

managerial commitment to safety and contexts where employees experience

tensions between production deadlines and safety procedures.

The next table showed the comparison of assessment of the three groups

of respondents on the hierarchy of control practice.

Table 15 shows the comparison of the assessment of the three groups of

respondents on the hierarchy of control practiced.

Table 15
Comparison on the Hierarchy of Control
Variables value Prob.Value Significance
elimination 0.614 0.542 Not Significant
substitution 0.897 0.409 Not Significant
engineering controls 0.865 0.422 Not Significant
administrative controls 0.496 0.61 Not Significant
personal protective equipment 1.519 0.221 Not Significant

In terms of elimination, the table shows that there is no significant

difference in the assessment made by the three groups of respondents F(2, 241)

= 0.614 ; P 0.542. Then, for substitution, the table shows that there is no

significant difference on the assessment made by the three groups of

respondents F(2, 241) = 0.897 ; P 0.409.

Meanwhile, for engineering control, the table shows that there is no

significant difference in the assessment made by the three groups of

respondents F(2, 241) = 0.865 ; P 0.422. Furthermore, for administrative control,

the table shows that there is no significant difference in the assessment made by

the three groups of respondents F(2, 241) = 0.496 ; P 0.61. Finally, for personal

protective equipment, the table shows that there is no significant difference in the

assessment made by the three groups of respondents F(2, 241) = 0.519 ; P

This indicates that the three groups of respondents have similar

assessment on the hierarchy of control such as the elimination, substitution,

engineering control, administrative control and personal protective equipment

being practiced by the manufacturing companies. Manufacturing companies

followed the rules and guidelines pertaining to the safety and health operations.

The managers, safety officers and the staff were all aware of the implementation

of the guideless to have a workable environment that is free from uncertainties.

Jeelani examined the five hierarchy of hazards control practices. Although

the study was conducted in construction companies results showed similarity to

the present study. Jeelani studied managers and construction workers behavior

in the workplace to be able to develop training interventions that ensure

recognition of all safety hazards. The output of the study was to develop an

intervention that can be leveraged to improve hazard recognition and hazard

management in the construction industry. Such efforts will be beneficial in

reducing workplace injuries and improving safety performance in the construction

industry. Another objective of the study is to determine the relationship between

the level of severity of risks and hierarchy of control practice. Results of the study

are presented on the next table.

5. Relationship between Severity of Risks and Hierarchy of Control

Table 16 shows the relationship between the level of severity of risks and the

hierarchy of control practices in terms of elimination.

Table 16
Relationship of severity of risk with regard to elimination
Variables Pearson r r54
Square Prob. Value Significance
identifying the risks 0.71 0.50 < 0.01 Highly Significant
analyzing the risks 0.717 0.51 < 0.01 Highly Significant
evaluating the risks 0.704 0.50 < 0.01 Highly Significant
treating the risks 0.744 0.55 < 0.01 Highly Significant
monitoring and reviewing 0.74 0.55 < 0.01 Highly Significant
Relative to identifying the risks, the result of the study showed that there is

a highly significant relationship between the two variables; r(244) = 0.71; p<0,01.

This also indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables tested.

The r2 value of 0.50 indicates that only 50% of the outcome variable or the

elimination can be explained by the predictive variable or the identifying the


In terms of analyzing risks, the result of the study showed that there is a

highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) = 0.717 ; p<0,01,

this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables. The r2

value of 0.51 indicates that 51% of the outcome variable or the elimination can

be explained by the predictive variable or the analyzing the risks.

Meanwhile, in terms of evaluating the risks, the result of the study showed

that there is a highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) =

0.704 ; p<0,01, this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two

variables. The r2 value of 0.50 indicates that 50% of the outcome variable or the

elimination can be explained by the predictive variable or the evaluating the


In terms of treating the risks, the result of the study showed that there is a

highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) = 0.744 ; p<0,01,

this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables. The r2

value of 0.55 indicates that 55% of the outcome variable or the elimination can

be explained by the predictive variable or the treating the risks.

Finally in terms of monitoring and reviewing results of the study showed

that there is a highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) =

0.74 ; p<0,01, this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two

variables. The r2 value of 0.55 indicates that 55% of the outcome variable or the

elimination can be explained by the predictive variable or the monitoring and


One of the components of identifying, analyzing, evaluating, treating,

monitoring and reviewing risks is to deliver safety communications inside the

workplace. Result of the study supports the claim of Horbah stating the

significant relationship between workers perceptions for hazard incident risks and

safety communications. This indicates that in order to treat the risks proper

communication of safety procedures and practices should be evident in the


Table 17 shows the relationship between the level of severity of risks

and the hierarchy of control practices in terms of substitution.

Table 17
Relationship between level of severity of risk and hierarchy of practiced control
with regard to substitution
Variables Pearson r r Square Prob. Value Significance
identifying the risks 0.602 0.36 < 0.01 Highly Significant
analyzing the risks 0.644 0.41 < 0.01 Highly Significant
evaluating the risks 0.634 0.40 < 0.01 Highly Significant
treating the risks 0.681 0.46 < 0.01 Highly Significant
monitoring and reviewing 0.679 0.46 < 0.01 Highly Significant
Table 17 shows the relationship between the level of severity of risks

and the hierarchy of control practices in terms of substitution. Relative to

identifying the risks, the result of the study showed that there is a highly

significant relationship between the two variables; r(244) = 0.602; p<0,01.

This also indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables

tested. The r2 value of 0.36 indicates that only 36% of the outcome

variable or the substitution can be explained by the predictive variable or

the identifying the risks.

In terms of analyzing risks, the result of the study showed that there is a

highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) = 0.644 ;

p<0,01, this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two

variables. The r2 value of 0.41 indicates that 41% of the outcome variable

or the substitution can be explained by the predictive variable or the

analyzing the risks.

Meanwhile, in terms of evaluating the risks, the result of the study

showed that there is a highly significant relationship between the two

variables. r(244) = 0.634 ; p<0,01, this also indicates a strong positive

relationship between two variables. The r2 value of 0.40 indicates that

40% of the outcome variable or the substitution can be explained by the

predictive variable or the evaluating the risks.

In terms of treating the risks, the result of the study showed that there is a

highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) = 0.681 ; p<0,01,

this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables. The r2

value of 0.46 indicates that 46% of the outcome variable or the substitution can

be explained by the predictive variable or the treating the risks.

Finally in terms of monitoring and reviewing results of the study showed that

there is a highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) = 0.679

; p<0,01, this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables.

The r2 value of 0.46 indicates that 46% of the outcome variable or the

substitution can be explained by the predictive variable or the monitoring and


Table 18 shows the relationship between the level of severity of risks and the

hierarchy of control practices in terms ofTable 18

engineering control.
Relationship between level of severity of risk and hierarchy of practiced control
with regard to engineering controls
Variables Pearson r r Square Prob. Value Significance
identifying the risks 0.63 0.40 < 0.01 Highly Significant
analyzing the risks 0.616 0.38 < 0.01 Highly Significant
evaluating the risks 0.628 0.39 < 0.01 Highly Significant
treating the risks 0.713 0.51 < 0.01 Highly Significant
monitoring and reviewing 0.72 0.52 < 0.01 Highly Significant

Relative to identifying the risks, the result of the study showed that there is a

highly significant relationship between the two variables; r(244) = 0.63; p<0,01.

This also indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables

tested. The r2 value of 0.40 indicates that only 40% of the outcome variable or

the engineering control can be explained by the predictive variable or the

identifying the risks.

In terms of analyzing risks, the result of the study showed that there is a

highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) = 0.616 ; p<0,01,

this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables. The r2

value of 0.38 indicates that 38% of the outcome variable or the engineering

control can be explained by the predictive variable or the analyzing the risks.

Meanwhile, in terms of evaluating the risks, the result of the study showed

that there is a highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) =

0.628 ; p<0,01, this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two

variables. The r2 value of 0.39 indicates that 39% of the outcome variable or the

engineering control can be explained by the predictive variable or the evaluating

the risks.

In terms of treating the risks, the result of the study showed that there is a

highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) = 0.713 ; p<0,01,

this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables. The r2

value of 0.51 indicates that 51% of the outcome variable or the engineering

control can be explained by the predictive variable or the treating the risks.

Finally in terms of monitoring and reviewing results of the study showed

that there is a highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) =

0.72 ; p<0,01, this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two

variables. The r2 value of 0.52 indicates that 52% of the outcome variable or the

engineering control can be explained by the predictive variable or the monitoring

and reviewing.

Table 19 shows the relationship between the level of severity of risks and

the hierarchy of control practices in terms of administrative control

Table 19
Relationship of severity of risk and hierarchy of practiced control with regard to
administrative controls
Variables Pearson r r Square Prob. Value Significance
identifying the risks 0.606 0.37 < 0.01 Highly Significant
analyzing the risks 0.629 0.40 < 0.01 Highly Significant
evaluating the risks 0.602 0.36 < 0.01 Highly Significant
treating the risks 0.675 0.46 < 0.01 Highly Significant
monitoring and reviewing 0.68 0.46 < 0.01 Highly Significant

Relative to identifying the risks, the result of the study showed that there is

a highly significant relationship between the two variables; r(244) = 0.584;

p<0,01. This also indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables

tested. The r2 value of 0.34 indicates that only 34% of the outcome variable

(administrative control) can be explained by the predictive variable (identifying

the risks).

In terms of analyzing risks, the result of the study showed that there is a

highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) = 0.615; p<0,01,

this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables. The r2

value of 0.40 indicates that 40% of the outcome variable or the administrative

control can be explained by the predictive variable or the analyzing the risks.

Meanwhile, in terms of evaluating the risks, the result of the study showed

that there is a highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) =

0.554 ; p<0,01, this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two

variables. The r2 value of 0.31 indicates that 31% of the outcome variable or the

administrative control can be explained by the predictive variable or the

evaluating the risks.

In terms of treating the risks, the result of the study showed that there is a

highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) = 674 ; p<0,01,

this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables. The r2

value of 0.45 indicates that 45% of the outcome variable or the administrative

control can be explained by the predictive variable or the treating the risks.

Finally in terms of monitoring and reviewing results of the study showed

that there is a highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) =

0.658 ; p<0,01, this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two

variables. The r2 value of 0.43 indicates that 43% of the outcome variable or the

administrative control can be explained by the predictive variable or the

monitoring and reviewing.

In this study, administrative control includes implementing policies, rules,

and schedules that support safety, as well as setting safe operating procedures

and standards to reduce exposure to hazardous substances and dangerous

tasks. These were emphasized in the study of Horbah showing a significant

relationship between workers’ hazards, incident risks and management

commitment, safety training, and equipment maintenance. The present study and

the study of Horbah suggest that proper workplace safety training would greatly

improve in minimizing the severity of risks.

Table 20 shows the relationship between the level of severity of risks and the

hierarchy of control practices in terms of personal protective equipment.

Table 20
Severity of risk and hierarchy of practiced control with regard to personal protective
Variables Pearson r r Square Prob. Value Significance
identifying the risks 0.584 0.34 < 0.01 Highly Significant
analyzing the risks 0.615 0.38 < 0.01 Highly Significant
evaluating the risks 0.554 0.31 < 0.01 Highly Significant
treating the risks 0.674 0.45 < 0.01 Highly Significant
monitoring and reviewing 0.658 0.43 < 0.01 Highly Significant

Relative to identifying the risks, the result of the study showed that there is

a highly significant relationship between the two variables; r(244) = 0.606;

p<0,01. This also indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables

tested. The r2 value of 0.37 indicates that only 37% of the outcome variable or

the personal protective equipment can be explained by the predictive variable or

the identifying the risks.

In terms of analyzing risks, the result of the study showed that there is a

highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) = 0.629 ; p<0,01,

this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables. The r2

value of 0.40 indicates that 40% of the outcome variable or the personal

protective equipment can be explained by the predictive variable or the analyzing

the risks.
Meanwhile, in terms of evaluating the risks, the result of the study showed

that there is highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) =

0.602 ; p<0,01, this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two

variables. The r2 value of 0.36 indicates that 36% of the outcome variable or the

personal protective equipment can be explained by the predictive variable or the

evaluating the risks.

In terms of treating the risks, the result of the study showed that there is a

highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) = 0675 ; p<0,01,

this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables. The r2

value of 0.46 indicates that 46% of the outcome variable or the personal

protective equipment can be explained by the predictive variable or the treating

the risks.

Finally in terms of monitoring and reviewing results of the study showed

that there is a highly significant relationship between the two variables. r(244) =

0.68 ; p<0,01, this also indicates a strong positive relationship between two

variables. The r2 value of 0.46 indicates that 46% of the outcome variable or the

personal protective equipment can be explained by the predictive variable or the

monitoring and reviewing.

Workers’ attitude and behavior can be seen in using PPE in the

workplace. Every member of the industry is expected to show proper behavior in

wearing, cleaning, maintaining, keeping, and storing, and disposing. The study

Horbah also emphasized these factors as it revealed a significant relationship

between the workers’ hazards, incident risks and safety motivation and safety

behavior. Although the study showed a negative relationship between these

variables, it suggested that these factors can help to minimize, if not avoid the

severity of risks.

6. Proposed Risks and Hazard Management Strategies. The result of the

analysis of the managers, safety officers and staff of manufacturing companies of

Batangas Province are used as basis in the formulations of the risks and hazard

strategies that should be implemented in every manufacturing workplace to

eliminate the possible occurrence of the uncertain events such as the incidents

or accidents.

The researcher believes that the awareness of the employees of

manufacturing companies regarding the risks and hazard strategies would give

safe and sound operations to the workplace. The proposed risks and hazard

strategies is a 17 pages compilation of various occupational safety hazards and

risks. The risks and hazards strategies introduce new concepts of action being

taken by the manufacturing companies to secure the overall safety operations.

The role of managers, safety officers and staff were also significant to the

compilation of strategies.

Details of these risks and hazards management strategies are presented on

the next section.


This chapter mainly presents the summary, findings, conclusions,

recommendations based on the results achieved by the researcher.


This study Proposed Risks and Hazards Management Strategies for

Manufacturing Companies. First, it sought to determine the profile of

manufacturing companies in terms of forms of ownership, accreditation, number

of employees, length of operation, organizational structure and products offered.

Second, was the assessment of three groups in the level of severity of risks in

manufacturing companies identifying, analyzing, evaluating, treating and

monitoring and reviewing the risks. Third, was to determine the extent of

hierarchy of control practiced relative to elimination, substitution, engineering

controls, administrative control and personal protective equipment. Fourth, was

to determine the significant variations in the assessment of three groups. Fifth,

was to determine the significant relationship between the severity of risks and

hierarchy of controls. Lastly, was to determine the findings and possible strategy

to be proposed.

Furthermore, the study used a descriptive method of research with a

survey questionnaire as the main data gathering instrument and also

documentary analysis for the profile of the manufacturing companies. There were

three groups of respondents, the manager, safety officer and staff who answered

the questionnaire. The statistical treatments used in the analysis of data were
frequency, weighted mean, ranking, multiple regression, and canonical

correlation analysis.

The study aimed to propose risks and hazard management strategies for

manufacturing companies in Batangas Province.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the manufacturing companies in terms of

1.1 forms of ownership;

1.2 accreditation;

1.3 number of employees;

1.4 length of operation;

1.5 organizational structure; and

1.6 products offered?

2. As assessed by the managers, safety officers and staff, what is the level of

severity of risks in manufacturing companies in terms of

2.1 identifying;

2.2 analyzing;

2.3 evaluating;

2.4 treating; and

2.5 monitoring and reviewing the risks?

3. To what extent are the hierarchy of controls practiced relative to:

3.1 elimination;

3.2 substitution;
3.3 engineering controls;

3.4 administrative controls; and

3.5 personal protective equipment?

4. How do the assessments by the three groups vary? Are there significant


5. How do severity of risks and hierarchy of controls relate? Are there significant


6. Based on the analysis, what risks and hazards management strategies for

manufacturing companies may be proposed?


These hypotheses were tested in the study.

1. There are no significant differences in the assessment made by the three

groups of respondents on the level of severity of risks and the extent of hierarchy

of controls practiced.

2. There are no significant relationship between the level of severity of risks and

the extent of hierarchy of controls practiced.


From the data gathered, the following are the findings.

1. Profile of Manufacturing companies

1.1 forms of ownership, one hundred percent (100%) or 35 of the

manufacturing companies were under corporation.

1.2 accreditation, majority of the manufacturing companies are with ISO

45000:2015 certification, with a total of twenty-five (25) companies or seventy-

seven percent 77%. Followed by six manufacturing companies or seventeen

percent 17% were accredited under Occupational Safety and Health Association.

Lastly, four manufacturing companies or about eleven percent 11% had ISO

9001:2015 accreditation.

1.3 number of employees, thirty-five manufacturing companies or one

hundred percent 100% were having employees of more than 300.

1.4 length of operation, twenty-seven out of 35 manufacturing companies

or about seventy seven percent 77% were operated for more than 30 years. It

was followed by four manufacturing companies or about eleven percent 11%

having 5 – 10 years of operations. Then, two or about .05% of manufacturing

companies were operated for 16 – 20 years and 21 – 25 years respectively.

1.5 organizational structure, all or 100 percent or thirty-five manufacturing

companies were having divisional as their organizational structure.

1.6 products offered, twenty-three of thirty five manufacturing companies

which about 66% offered electronic and accessories as their products. Then,

about 11% or 4 manufacturing companies are engaged in food processing. While

2 manufacturing companies or about 0.05% produced car/motorcycle and plastic

products. Lastly a small percentage of the manufacturing companies or about

0.02% or 1 manufacturing industry was engaged in producing apparel and

aerospace products

2. The level of severity of risks in manufacturing companies in terms of identifying

the risks as assessed by managers, safety officer and employees it was found

out that report immediately the incidents/accidents to health and safety officers

displays the highest assessment by the managers WM = 3.38, SD = 0.55, safety

officers WM = 3.27, SD 0.51, and staff WM = 3.41, SD = 0.67 with the overall

weighted mean of 3.36 verbally interpreted as high. While, use a survey

questionnaire to gather information about potential hazards in the workplace has

the lowest with WM=3.10, SD=0.67 as assessed by managers, safety officers

WM=3.14, SD=0.53, and staff WM=3.13, SD=0.8 with an overall weighted mean

of 3.12 or high as the verbal interpretation with an overall weighted mean of 3.27

and standard deviation of 0.48.

In terms of identifying the risks, record and track risks as assessed

displays the highest assessment by the managers WM = 3.38, SD = 0.52, safety

officers WM = 3.20, SD 0.53, and staff WM = 3.30, SD = 0.68 with the overall

weighted mean of 3.30 verbally interpreted as high. While, for the lowest was

estimate the possible impact of uncertainty as for managers WM=3.17, SD=0.55,

safety officers WM=3.02, SD=0.57, and staff WM=3.18, SD=0.68 with an overall

weighted mean of 3.14 or high as the verbal interpretation.

Next was evaluating the risks, determine the overall residual risk ranking

by applying a risk rating to determine the overall ranking on the risk matrix

displays the highest assessment by the managers WM = 3.22, SD = 0.61, safety

officers WM = 3.20, SD 0.47, and staff WM = 3.34, SD = 0.62 with the overall

weighted mean of 3.27 verbally interpreted as high. While, assess the risk

event's inherent consequence in terms of its most likely impact if no controls

were in place has the lowest with WM=3.10, SD=0.53 for managers, safety

officers WM=3.14, SD=0.55, and staff WM=3.20, SD=0.62 with an overall

weighted mean of 3.16 or high as the verbal interpretation.

Furthermore. for treating the risks, communicate with stakeholders by

commencing briefing sessions to inform stakeholders as to what changes are

required and why displays the highest assessment by the managers WM = 3.21,

SD = 0.48, safety officers WM = 3.26, SD 0.51, and staff WM = 3.29, SD = 0.75

with the overall weighted mean of 3.26 verbally interpreted as high. As for the

lowest is determine the overall inherent risk ranking by applying the risk rating to

determine the overall ranking and for managers WM=3.11, SD=0.57, safety

officers WM=3.15, SD=0.50, and staff WM=3.27, SD=0.70 with an overall

weighted mean of 3.20 or high as the verbal interpretation.

Finally, for monitoring and reviewing conduct of review to monitor the

possible occurrence of risks on monthly basis displays the highest assessment

by the staff WM = 3.55, SD = 1.95 interpreted as very high, managers WM =

3.24, SD = 0.53, and safety officers WM = 3.26, SD 0.44 with the overall

weighted mean of 3.39 verbally interpreted as high. Then, with the lowest is

document the result for future references and for managers (WM=3.27,

SD=0.51), safety officers WM=3.15, SD=0.50, and staff WM=3.27, SD=0.71 with

an overall weighted mean of 3.22 or high as the verbal interpretation.

3. The extent are the hierarchy of control practiced relative to elimination found

out that provide safety equipment to employees that reduces their exposure to

the physical hazard displays the highest assessment by the staff (WM = 3.52, SD

= 0.60) interpreted as very high, managers WM = 3.27, SD = 0.5, and safety

officers WM = 3.32, SD 0.50 with the overall weighted mean of 3.40 verbally

interpreted as high. While, with the lowest is reduce noises and vibrations

present in the workplace assessed by managers with a (WM=3.14, SD=0.64),

safety officers WM=3.20, SD=0.47, and staff WM=3.15, SD=0.74 with an overall

weighted mean of 3.16 or high as the verbal interpretation.

For substitution, switch out processes, equipment, material, or other

components, where applicable displays the highest assessment by the managers

WM = 3.17, SD = 0.52, safety officers WM = 3.27, SD = 0.51, and staff WM =

3.39, SD 0.57 with the overall weighted mean of 3.30 verbally interpreted as

high. As for the lowest is the use “dust-free” cutting or grinding equipment as for

managers with a WM=3.06, SD=0.64, safety officers WM=3.12, SD=0.51, and

staff WM=3.13, SD=0.67 with an overall weighted mean of 3.11 or high as the

verbal interpretation.

Then, for engineering controls place the material or process in a closed

system displays the highest assessment by the managers WM = 3.14, SD =

0.56, safety officers WM = 3.24, SD = 0.47, and staff WM = 3.34, SD 0.59 with

the overall weighted mean of 3.26 verbally interpreted as high. And the lowest is

use fume hoods, fans, air ducts and air filters as for managers with WM=3.14,

SD=0.59, safety officers WM=3.11, SD=0.53, and staff WM=3.16, SD=0.70 with

an overall weighted mean of 3.14 or high as the verbal interpretation.

Next is administrative controls, provide standard operating procedures

(SOP) and checklist to provide opportunity to identify hazards displays the

highest assessment by the managers WM = 3.30, SD = 0.64, safety officers WM

= 3.27, SD = 0.51, and staff (WM = 3.34, SD 0.63) with the overall weighted

mean of 3.31 verbally interpreted as high. While for the lowest is give workers

longer rest periods or shorter work shifts to reduce exposure time and for

managers (WM=3.11, SD=0.76), safety officers (WM=3.14, SD=0.39), and staff

(WM=3.17, SD=0.72) with an overall weighted mean of 3.15 or high as the verbal


Finally, personal protective equipment provides training to workers on the

proper use of PPEs displays the highest assessment by the managers WM =

3.25, SD = 0.62, safety officers WM = 3.29, SD = 0.49, and staff WM = 3.34, SD

0.62 with the overall weighted mean of 3.30 verbally interpreted as high. Then for

lowest is limits the wearing of PPEs through job rotation and for managers

(WM=3.05, SD=0.66), safety officers (WM=3.14, SD=0.55), and staff (WM=3.18,

SD=0.73) with an overall weighted mean of 3.14 or high as the verbal


4. As to the significant variations on the assessment by the groups of

respondents. In terms of identifying the risks, the table shows that there is no

significant difference in the assessment made by the three groups of

respondents F(2, 241)=0.89; p=0.412. While analyzing the risks, the table shows

that there is no significant difference in the assessment made by the three

groups of respondents F(2,241)=1.043; p=0.354. Then, for evaluating the risks

the table shows that there is no significant difference in the assessment made by

the three (3) groups of respondents F (2, 241) = 1.386 ; P = 0.252. And for

treating the risks, the table shows that there is no significant difference in the

assessment made by the three (3) groups of respondents F (2, 241) = 1.778 ; P

= 0.171. Finally, monitoring and reviewing the table shows that there is no

significant difference on the assessment made by the three (3) groups of

respondents F (2,241)=1.099; p=0.335.

5. The relationships of severity of risks and hierarchy of control shows that

in terms of elimination relative to identifying, analyzing, evaluating, treating,

monitoring, and reviewing the risks showed that there is a highly significant

relationship. This also indicates a strong positive relationship between the

variables tested.

The relationships of severity of risks and hierarchy of control shows that

relative to substitution relative to identifying, analyzing, evaluating, treating,

monitoring, and reviewing the risks showed that there is a highly significant

relationship. This also indicates a strong positive relationship between the

variables tested.

As to the relationships of severity of risks and hierarchy of control shows that

in terms of engineering control relative to identifying, analyzing, evaluating,

treating, monitoring, and reviewing the risks showed that there is a highly

significant relationship. This also indicates a strong positive relationship between

the variables tested.

While the relationships of severity of risks and hierarchy of control shows that

in terms of administrative control relative to identifying, analyzing, evaluating,

treating, monitoring, and reviewing the risks showed that there is a highly

significant relationship. This also indicates a strong positive relationship between

the variables tested.

Finally for the relationships of severity of risks and hierarchy of control shows

that in terms of personal protective equipment relative to identifying, analyzing,

evaluating, treating, monitoring, and reviewing the risks showed that there is a

highly significant relationship. This also indicates a strong positive relationship

between the variables tested.

6. The manufacturing companies should sustain the proper use of guidelines

and rules mandated by the ISO 45000:2015 and OSHAS. The development of a

localized framework for the elimination of the occurrence of risks and hazards

must be continued to create a standard risks and hazard strategies for the



Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Manufacturing companies are under corporation as form of ownership.

2. Treating poses the most severe risks in manufacturing companies.

3. Engineering control practiced to a moderate extent.

4. There are significant variations on the severity of risks and on the practice of

hierarchy of controls.

5. Severity of risks significantly relate to hierarchy of controls.

6. Management strategies highlights risk and hazard assessment tools.


From the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are


1. The result of the study may be checked and validated by safety officers.

2. The risk and hazard management strategies may be used in manufacturing


3. For future researchers to conduct similar study including mitigation and

isolation of risk.



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