DNS Security 1705660927

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DNS protection

Implementing Ad blocking can be

secure DNS can enhanced using

communication with
prevent access to secure DNS,
known botnet
adult sites and other reducing unwanted
servers, reducing
unwanted content, ads and improving
the risk of cyber-
reducing the risk of employee
attacks and
potential productivity and
protecting sensitive
cyberattacks. efficiency.

DNS servers with Secure DNS can

Secure DNS can security measures prevent typo
prevent access to have faster squatting attacks
websites that host response times, by blocking access
malware, phishing improving to malicious
scams, and other operational domains and
malicious content. efficiency and redirecting traffic
productivity. to authentic ones.
DNS tunnelling
DNS spoofing DNS hijacking Domain lock-up
allows attackers to
redirects users redirects users to attacks flood

communicate with
to a malicious malicious resolver resources,
command and
website instead destinations, causing a
control servers or
of the intended launching various degradation of
exfiltrate sensitive
website attacks service

NXDOMAIN attacks
Botnet-based CPE
flood DNS servers Phantom domain
attacks exploit DNS cache
with requests attacks overwhelm
vulnerabilities in poisoning redirects
for non-existent DNS, causing
modems and traffic from a
records, resulting degraded
routers to create legitimate website
in a denial of performance and
a botnet and to a malicious one
access to service disruption
disrupt services
legitimate traffic

DNS reflection
DNS volumetric DNS amplification
attacks Random
attacks flood DNS attacks use publicly
overwhelm subdomain
servers with high accessible DNS
victims' network attacks generate
traffic volumes, servers to amplify
resources by subdomains to
causing traffic and cause a
exploiting overwhelm the
unavailability to denial of service
vulnerable DNS server
legitimate users attack
Implement DNSSEC to prevent DNS spoofing
attacks and ensure the authenticity of DNS

Perform regular software updates for DNS to

address known vulnerabilities.

Use robust authentication methods, such as two-

factor or biometric authentication, to prevent
unauthorised access to DNS servers.

Use DNS filtering to block access to malicious IP

addresses and prevent DNS-based attacks.

Monitor DNS traffic and log queries and

responses to detect suspicious activity.

Conduct regular security audits to identify

vulnerabilities in DNS infrastructure.

Best practices
for securing Consider implementing intrusion detection
the DNS layer and prevention systems in order to identify
and prevent DNS attacks.

Educate employees on DNS security

best practices to prevent human error.

Use advanced threat intelligence tools to detect

even highly evasive threat activity in DNS.

Keep threat intelligence feeds current to have

the latest information on DNS threats.

Consider using a DNS security tool that

automatically detects and stops DNS attacks.
DNSSEC is a security solution that
protects against various types of
attacks on the DNS.

It is a set of protocol extensions that

add security features to the DNS,
ensuring that only validated DNS
responses are accepted.

DNSSEC checks digital signatures to

ensure the authenticity and integrity of
DNS data, thereby lowering the chances
of being directed to a malicious website.

DNSSEC is a security protocol that digitally
signs DNS records to ensure their
authenticity and prevent unauthorized
modifications or tampering of DNS data
from malicious attacks.

It incorporates cryptographic
mechanisms that add an extra layer
of protection to the DNS.
It encrypts DNS queries in DNS over TLS (DoT) is a

an HTTPS session security protocol for
DoH conceals DNS queries protecting against DNS
from unauthorized access tampering and on-path
This enhances data privacy attacks.
and security DNS queries and responses
Major web browsers like are encrypted by DoT to
Chrome, Edge, and Firefox prevent attackers from
have adopted DoH intercepting and modifying
DoH prioritizes user privacy DNS traffic.
by concealing DNS queries Implementing DoT can
within HTTPS traffic. significantly improve
overall DNS security.
DoT allows for effective
monitoring and blocking of
DNS queries.
Article by
Praveen Singh

Infographics by
Netpoleon India

Techtalk Series-An initiative by
Mohan Kumar T L

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