BOLLFILTER Automatic Type 6.64: The Compact Design Multichamber Filter

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The key takeaways are that the BOLLFILTER Automatic Type 6.64 filter uses a multi-chamber design that allows for simultaneous filtration and backflushing of individual chambers without interrupting the overall filtration process.

The concept behind the BOLLFILTER Automatic Type 6.64 filter is that it uses a compact design with multiple individual filter chambers, each fitted with its own filter element assembly. This allows one chamber to be backflushed while the others remain in operation.

The filtration process works by fluid entering the lower inlet and flowing into the individual filter chambers before passing through the suspended cylindrical filter elements. Contaminants are removed and collected on the external surface of the elements while clean fluid emerges from the upper outlet. Chambers are isolated, backflushed, and reintegrated into the process one by one.

BOLLFILTER Automatic Type 6.


The Compact Design Multichamber Filter

Several filters in one

The BOLLFILTER Automatic Type 6.64 is conceived to fill all takes over the task of
these criteria to the full. The key to solving the task is in the the isolated chamber.
concept, the filter is designed to enable simultaneous filter- The individual filter
ing and backflushing independently of one another and with- chambers are subject-
out interrupting operation. The compact filter body houses ed to the filtering and
a number of individual filter chambers. Each chamber is fit- backflushing process
ted with its own filter element assembly providing a large one after the other in
filtration surface area and high free cross-sections sequence. As a result,
giving a very low clean pressure drop. Due to their robust filters never reach crit-
construction the filter elements will withstand high operat- ical contamination lev-
ing differential pressure and the individual filter chambers els.
with different filter elements work together as an integrat- Backflushing can be ac-
ed unit providing consistent quality and security. The con- tuated in accordance
cept of the multi-chamber filter resulted in a cyclic mode of with differential pressure
operation during the filtration process - one chamber con- and/or time. The cleaning
taining a dirt loaded filter is isolated from the process and (back­flush­ing) process is ex-
backflushed whilst simultaneously a filter chamber with tremely fast, thorough and
clean elements (earlier backflushed and held in standby) places less pressure on the fabric used for the mesh by
utilizing compressed air. System pressure remains almost
constant throughout and the unit only requires a minimal
amount of cleaning fluid.

The right size for all needs

Nominal specifications and technical data

Series BOLLFILTER Automatic Type 6.64

Inlet/outlet DN 100 DN 125 DN 150 DN 200 DN 250 DN 350 DN 400

Pressure stage PN 16 PN 16 PN 16 PN 16 PN 16 PN 16 PN 10

Number of Total 4 6 8 4 6 8 10
In operation 3 5 7 3 5 7 9

Total no. of filter candles 32 48 64 124 186 248 310

Filtration area in use in cm 2

8832 14720 20608 34224 57040 79856 102672

Weight, empty (kg) 298 391 464 784 1035 1400 1763

Internal volume (liter) 44 64 113 192 318 500 664

Backflushing in tandem with filtration

In filtration mode the fluid to be filtered enters the lower tor mechanism to the next contaminated chamber and
inlet connection 1 of the filter housing, then flows into the isolates it from flow simultaneously opening the freshly
individual filter chambers 2 from the open under­side of the clean, at pressure chamber waiting in reserve. The back-
chamber before passing from the outside of the suspended flush process is fast and efficient, the pneumatic drive unit
cylindrical filter elements 3 through to the inside. All con- activates the backflush discharge 10 and air release 11
taminants larger than the specified filtration level are re- valves, this releases a blast of compressed air from the air
moved from the liquid and retained on the external surface reservoir 12 into the isolated filter chamber via the selec-
of the elements. The cleaned liquid 4 emerges from the clean tor mechanism. The backflush air drives a small volume of
side 5 of the filter through the upper outlet connection 6. clean liquid through the filter element in reverse direction
One filter chamber is always isolated from this process, held and blasts the entrained contaminants from the surface of
in reserve and sealed by the central selector mechanism 7. the filter elements and out of the filter chamber via the
After being backflushed the chamber, now with clean ele- backflush discharge valve.
ment is returned to system pressure and waits to be inte- Once this process has been completed the air and
grated into the operating system again. discharge valves close once again. The empty chamber is
When the differential pressure between the dirty and refilled with fluid via a borehole on the clean side 13 of the
clean sides of the filter increases due to the amount of dirt selector mechanism and automatically ventilated. Now this
particles that have collected on the filter elements, the chamber takes on the role of reserve chamber waiting to be
differential pressure indicator 8 relays a signal to the con- switched into the filtering process again.
trol unit, which in turn automatically actuates the back-
flushing process. An electric gear motor 9 turns the selec-


5 6


3 11


Filtration Backflushing
A persuasive tick list

A whole host of new innovative developments enable the

BOLLFILTER Automatic Type 6.64 to deliver superior per-
formance, reliability and economy. Key among these is:
1 Space savings due to the one-piece cast housing
2 More durable thanks to the reduced number of assem-
blies, moving parts and piping
3 Perfect synchronization of the backflushing process due
to component integration
4 Easy access to the filter elements thanks to the quick-
Gear Motor
release covers Central Vent

5 Less upkeep due to the use of virtually maintenance-free

ball valves for the backflushing system.
4 Cover
Junction Differential
Box Pressure

Filter Element

Supply 1 Housing

3 Valve Actuator
2 Air Reservoir
with Air Valve 5

5 Backflush
Discharge Valve 5

Bottom Fastening

Data and facts at a glance
BOLL Automatic Filter TYPE 6.64 Multichamber automatic filter with compressed-air backflushing
Range of application Lubricating oil, diesel oil, heavy fuel o il, coolants, emulsions, industrial wash liquids
Differential pressure resistance Up to operating pressure
Operating temperature Up to 150 °C
Housing material Nodular cast iron / Nickel liningon request
Grade of filtration Up to 10 µm abs.
Filter candle type/ mesh type Cylindrical screw-in candles or star pleated candles with woven mesh or fibre felt
Cleaning method Sequential reverse-flow backflushing, assisted by compressed air
Backflushing control Differential pressure-dependent or time-dependent
Filtration of the backflushing liquid

An optional backflushing liquid recovery unit is available as a

pre-fitted flanged-on option. The supplementary unit con-
sists of a depth type cartridge filter, a backflushing
liquid sump and differential pressure indicator/switch.
The size of the sump varies in accordance with the quantity
of fluid discharged from a particular size of filter.
After being backflushed, the fluid in the sump is forced through
the cartridge filter by means of compressed air. The con-
taminants are filtered out by the cartridge and
fully removed for the system by disposing of the maintenance-
friendly filter cartridges. A differential pressure indicator in-
dicates when the filter cartridge needs replacing.
The recovery and return of the cleaned fluid to the fluid cir-
cuit prevents production of large quantities of backflush
discharge or sludge and removes the need to install a sludge
tank. BOLLFILTER Automatic Type
6.64.07 DN 400 with flushing liq-
uid treatment unit.
Control and Monitoring
The fully automatic filter complies with, amongst other
things, the regulations of the following Marine Standards
Authorities (ABS, BV, CCS, KR, DNV-GL, KR, RMRS, NKK,
and RINA) for unsupervised operation onboard ship.
As standard, the backflushing filter is provided with the
Electronic Control Box Type 2300 which comprises the fol-
lowing features and functions:
• Membrane keypad with three keys
• 2-line display
• Impact-resistant display cover
• Display of backflushing operation, • CPU board with non-volatile EPROM
number of backflushes and error messages and program memory
• Adjustable over current release • I.O. board in the control box
• Main switch with interlocking system
Uninterrupted Filtration without Pressure Loss

When it comes to guaranteeing long-term trouble-free op- Key requirements that such filters have to meet are:
eration of internal combustion engines or processing plants, • Adequate filtering capacity
consistent operating conditions are an important factor in • Guarantee of purity for the filtrate
both cases. By protecting moving parts against wear and • Guaranteed integrity of system pressure
tear you maximize their service life. At the same time it is • Unsupervised 24/7 operation
also important to keep wastage of operational fluids to an • Minimum waste maximum efficiency
absolute minimum. Two aspects that play a key role here are • Minimal maintenance and low running costs
the cleanliness of the liquid fuels, lubricants, alkalines or
coolants used and maintenance of a constant operating
pressure. Automatic high performance filters are used in
industry today to guarantee both these factors.

The BOLLFILTER ... for filtering caustic

Automatic Type 6.64 soda in bottle washing
can be used for a wide machines
range of purposes,
e.g. for filtering diesel
engine lubricants,

... for filtering fuels or ... for filtering coolants in

tooling machines
Maximum customer orientation for maximum satisfaction

BOLL & KIRCH continues to prove its strengths as a manu- ideal logistical basis for providing perfect customer support.
facturer and supplier of filters long after the product has Naturally, users of the BOLLFILTER Automatic Type 6.64
been delivered. As a leading international supplier of marine also benefit from the advantages this worldwide network
and industrial filters for filtering fuels, lubricants, coolants provides – swift delivery, faster availability of technical sup-
and water with a global network of sales and service centers port and a trouble-free supply of replacement parts.
in five continents, BOLL & KIRCH has at its fingertips the


BOLL & KIRCH Filterbau GmbH

Siemensstraße 10 – 14
50170 Kerpen

Telefon: +49 2273 562 0

E-Mail: [email protected]

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