Chapter 1 Lesson 1

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AND THEIR [email protected]
COURSE This course describes the skills, knowledge and performance
DESCRIPTION outcomes required to develop the ability of students to become
professionals in their field by undertaking the ideas of improving
one’s personality and ways on how they are going to be valued
in the business industry by means of presenting their ideas like
company meetings, professional networking, interviews and
through proposals of services considering the proper
collaboration to their associates and portraying professional
business ethics. It also teaches writing skills and emphasize in
verbal communication and company potentially and stability to
develop a strong and effective career pathway. (CMO No. 62
Series of 2017)
COURSE I – Introduction to Professional Development
OUTLINE II – Image Management
III – Professional Ethics In Hospitality Management
IV – Business Etiquette
V – Techniques In Professional Development Phase I
VI – Techniques in Professional Development Phase II
VII – Techniques in Professional Development Phase III
VIII – Techniques in Professional Development Phase IV
RATIONALE Professional development refers to many types of
educational experiences related to an individual’s work.
Doctors, lawyers, educators, accountants, engineers, and
people in a wide variety of professions and businesses
participate in professional development to learn and apply new
knowledge and skills that will improve their performance on the

Many fields require members to participate in ongoing

learning approved by the profession, sometimes as a
requirement for keeping their jobs. Professionals often also
voluntarily seek new learning.

In education, research has shown that teaching quality and
school leadership are the most important factors in raising
student achievement. For teachers and school and district
leaders to be as effective as possible, they continually expand
their knowledge and skills to implement the best educational
practices. Educators learn to help students learn at the highest

Many people may not be aware of their local school system’s

methods for improving teaching and student learning.
Professional development is the only strategy school systems
have to strengthen educators’ performance levels. Professional
development is also the only way educators can learn so that
they are able to better their performance and raise student

This module covers the following topics :

A. What is Professional Development
B. Importance of Professional Development
C. Qualities / Components of Professional Development
D. Objectives of Professional Development
INSTRUCTION This module should be completed within 2 weeks.
TO THE USERS If you set an average of 1.5 hours per meeting, you should be
able to complete the module comfortably by the end of the
assigned week.
Try to do all the learning activities in this module. If you do not
get a particular exercise right in the first attempt, you should not
get discouraged but instead, go back and attempt it again. If you
still do not get it right after several attempts then you should
seek help from your friend, tutor or professor.
PRE-TEST Answer the following questions:


What do you expect from the word professional



What is your personal opinion, from the adage by
Albert Einstein, “I speak to everyone in the same way,
whether he is the garbage man or the president of the
LEARNING After going through this module, you are expected to:
OBJECTIVES a) Understand and explain in his/her own word what
professional development is;
b) Understand and explain qualities / components of
professional development;
c) Understand the Objectives of professional
development in his/her own experiences; and
d) Apply the importance of professional development.
CONTENT Introduction
PREPARATORY Professional Development provides you with an opportunity to
ACTIVITIES learn and develop the necessary skills to engage in life/career
planning. It can assist you in many areas of their career
development, from choosing a major and deciding on
occupations to learning about resumes, interviewing, and job
search strategies.

According to Edwin Flippo, “A career is sequence of separate

but related work activities that provide continuity, order and
meaning to a person’s life.” It is not merely a series of work-
related experiences, but consists of a series of properly
sequenced role experiences leading to an increasing level of
responsibility, status, power and rewards. It represents an
organized path taken by an individual across time and space.

In the case of an employee, career planning provides an answer

to his question as to where he will be in the organization after
five years or ten years or what the prospects of advancing or
growth are in the organization. Career planning is not an event
or an end in itself, but a process of development of human
resources. In short, it is an essential aspect of effective
management of people at work.

A career path is the sequential pattern of jobs that forms a

career. Career goals are the future positions one strives to reach
as part of a career. Career planning is the process by which one
selects career goals and the path to these goals.

Career development involves those personal improvements that

a person undertakes to achieve a personal career plan. Career
management is the process of designing and implementing
goals, plans and strategies to enable the organization, to satisfy
employee needs while allowing individuals to achieve their
career goals.
The career development involves the process of conversion of
personal career plan into action in order to achieve career goals.

What is Professional Development?

Professional development refers to the continued training and
education of an individual in regards to his or her career. The
goal of professional development is to keep you up-to-date on
current trends as well as help you develop new skills for the
purpose of advancement in the field.
Some professions actually require professional development in
order to renew certification or licensure and ensure employees
are up to standard. However, you can typically pursue
professional development on your own through programs
offered by educational institutions, professional organizations, or
even your own employer.

Importance of Professional Development

1) Be better able to recognize opportunity;
2) Be more aware of the trends and directions in
technology and society;
3) Become increasingly effective in the workplace;
4) Be able to help, influence and lead others by your
5) Be confident of your future employability and;
6) Have a fulfilling and rewarding career.

*Professional development helps employees continue to not only

be competent in their profession, but also excel in it. It should be
an ongoing process that continues throughout an individual's

career. Actively pursuing professional development ensures that
knowledge and skills stay relevant and up to date.

Qualities/Components of Professional Development

1. HONESTY - refers to a facet of moral character and denotes

positive, virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, and
straightforwardness along with the absence of lying, cheating, or
theft. .“Honesty is the best policy. If I lose mine honor, I will lose
myself.” -William Shakespeare
2. INTEGRITY - is a concept of consistency of actions, values,
methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes.
Integrity can be regarded as the opposite of hypocrisy, that it
regards internal consistency as a virtue. The word "integrity"
derived from the Latin adjective integer that means “wholeness”.
“Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and
knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.” -
Samuel Johnson
3. TRANSPARENCY - is a general quality. It is implemented by
a set of policies, practices and procedures. It allow citizens to
have accessibility, usability, utility, understandability,
informativeness and auditability of information and process held
by centers of authority (society or organizations). “A lack of
transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.”
-Dalai Lama
4 ACCOUNTABILITY - is often used synonymously with such
concepts as answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and other
terms associated with the expectation of account- giving. It is the
acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions,
products, decisions, and policies and be answerable for resulting
consequences. It cannot exist without proper accounting
5. CONFIDENTIALITY - is an ethical principle of discretion
associated with the professions, such as medicine, law,
psychotherapy. In law, and mediation, there exist
communications between the client and the professional, which
are “privileged” communications. In business, the confidentiality
of information, a mainstream adaptation of the “need to know”.
In military, it is basic to the security of corporate information.

6. OBJECTIVITY - is a principle of journalistic professionalism.
In journalism, objectivity may synonymous with neutrality.
Objectivity in journalism enables highly accelerated news
reporting and delivery, which sometimes is at tension with
standards of objectivity. “The belief in objectivity is a faith in facts,
a distrusting values, and a commitment to their segregation.“ -
Michael Schudson
7. RESPECTFULNESS - Respect gives a positive feeling of
esteem for a person and conduct representative of that esteem.
Respect can be a specific feeling of regard for the actual qualities
of the one respected. Rude conduct is usually considered to
indicate a lack of respect, disrespect, whereas actions that honor
somebody or something indicate respect. The opposite of
respect is contempt. “I speak to everyone in the same way,
whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.”
-Albert Einstein
8. OBEDIENCE TO LAW - Law is the set of enforced rules under
which a society is governed. Law is one of the most basic social
institutions-and one of the most necessary. The law thus
establishes the rules that define a person’s rights and
obligations. The law also sets penalties for people who violate
these rules. In fact, laws frequently are changed to reflect
changes in a society’s needs and attitudes. Law is a system of
rules and guidelines, which are enforced through social
institutions to govern behavior.

Objectives of Professional Development:

1. Social Acceptance is one’s wish to be treated in accordance
with who they are at present to gain more friends and to feel love
and belongingness.
2. Self–satisfaction is one’s desire to feel contented and pleased
with themselves whenever they are in the company of other
3. Self-confidence is the ability of a person to deal with anybody
on different situations without hesitations.

DEVELOPMENTA Please watch the following videos and reflect:



1. In your own opinion, what is professional

2. “Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without
your consent” – Eleanor Roosevelt.


1. Discuss the importance of professional development.

2. How can individual show his/her honesty and integrity
towards family members and community? Cite
3. According to Michael Schudson, “The belief in
objectivity is a faith in facts, a distrusting values, and a
commitment to their segregation”. What is your


Write an “Agreement with Myself” document where you

will write your commitment for your professional
development for the semester. List down the things
you want to learn and change about yourself. At the
end of the semester, this document will be returned to
you so that you can compare your accomplishments
with what you wrote down at the start of the semester.

SYNTHESIS / Chapter Summary

N Professional Development provides you with an opportunity to
learn and develop the necessary skills to engage in life/career
planning. It can assist you in many areas of their career
development, from choosing a major and deciding on
occupations to learning about resumes, interviewing, and job
search strategies.

Professional development refers to the continued training and
education of an individual in regards to his or her career. The
goal of professional development is to keep you up-to-date on
current trends as well as help you develop new skills for the
purpose of advancement in the field.

Importance of Professional Development

1) Be better able to recognize opportunity;
2) Be more aware of the trends and directions in technology and
3) Become increasingly effective in the workplace;
4) Be able to help, influence and lead others by your example;
5) Be confident of your future employability and;
6) Have a fulfilling and rewarding career

Qualities/Components of Professional Development

1) Honesty
2) Integrity
3) Transparency
4) Accountability
5) Confidentiality
6) Objectivity
7) Respectfulness
8) Obedience to Law

Objectives of Professional Development

1. Social Acceptance is one’s wish to be treated in accordance
with who they are at present to gain more friends and to feel
love and belongingness.
2. Self–satisfaction is one’s desire to feel contented and pleased
with themselves whenever they are in the company of other
3. Self-confidence is the ability of a person to deal with anybody
on different situations without hesitations.
EVALUATION 1. Give some popular phrases that are attributable to qualities /
components of professional development. (Example. “Honesty
is the best policy.” William Shakespeare)
2. What is your definition of career development? How would
you achieve this?

ASSIGNMENT / Ask three persons (friends, family members, relatives, or
AGREEMENT classmates) on what they understand about professional
development / career development and compare this with your
own understanding and experiences in class.
REFERENCES Personality Development. Charo L. Bayani, et. al. Philippine
Copyright @ 20019 by Mutya Publishing House, Inc.

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