Maths IA II

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Higher level
Internal Assessment

Topic: Two-dimensional Heat Flow Equation


Introduction: .................................................................................................................. 2

Introduction to Differential Equations: ........................................................................ 2

The concept of heat flow: ............................................................................................. 3

Solution to Laplace’s Equation: ................................................................................... 5

Solving to Predict the Heat Flow in a given metal. ..................................................... 7

Limitations: .................................................................................................................. 10

Conclusion: .................................................................................................................. 10

Bibliography: ............................................................................................................... 11


My interest in differential equations started to grow when I heard something

about the heat equations. I have found heat equations to be very different as it was the
first time I have heard of representing the heat flow in form of mathematical equations,
which is totally different from the calculations which I have done using formulae in my
10th grade.

The Laplace’s equation is the main concept which is used in my research work.
The Laplace’s equation considered as a second order partial differential equation. In the
study of heat conduction, the Laplace’s equation is known as the steady-state heat
equation. Also, the Fourier series of sines and cosines also comes into the picture at
the end to represent the heat flow in the form of the sum of sines and cosines. But
throughout the research, I will be focusing more on Laplace’s heat equation than
Fourier’s series, solving a problem to find the heat flow of a metal with the given
boundary conditions using Laplace’s heat equation.

Introduction to Differential Equations:

A relation between the dependent and independent variable and derivative of a

dependent variable is called differential equation. The two different types of differential
equations are categorized by the type of derivative contained in the equation, which are:

 Ordinary Differential Equation: A differential equation that contains derivatives

with respect to only one variable is known as ordinary differential equation.

 Partial Differential Equation: A differential equations with derivatives with

respect to more number of variables are called as partial differential equations.

In this investigation, the concept which will be focused is Partial Differential

Equation, which will be used to solve the Laplace’s Heat equation, which in turn will be
used to solve and find the two dimensional heat flow in a metal with the required data.

The concept of heat flow:

The two-dimensional heat flow uses differential equations to determine the heat
flow through a metal plate when the metal plate is heated at a particular point.

Assume the heat flow in a metal plate of uniform thickness (cm), density
(gr/cm ), specific heat s (cal/gr deg) (Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat
energy per unit mass required to raise the temperature by 1o Celsius1) and thermal
conductivity K (cal/cm sec deg) (Thermal conductivity is the amount of heat per unit
time per unit area that can be conducted through a plate of unit thickness of a given
material, the faces of the plate differing by one unit of temperature2). Let XOY plane be
taken in one face of the plate. In the event that the temperature anytime is
unconventional of the z- coordinate and relies only on x and y time t, then the flow is
considered as two dimensional. In this case, the heat flow is in the XY - plane only and
is zero along the normal to the XY - plane.

Figure 1.
Helmenstine, Anne Marie, and Helmenstine. “Here's How You Define Specific Heat Capacity.”
Thoughtco., Dotdash,
“Thermal Conductivity.”,,

Assume a rectangular element ABCD of the plane with all sides. Therefore, the
rate at which heat enters the metal is being given as:
( )

Where ( )a is the rate of change of heat at the plane or point ‘a’ (any point on the

And the amount of heat entering the element in one second from the side AD
( )

And the quantity of heat flowing out through the side BC per sec.
( )

The quantity of heat flowing out through the side CD per sec.
( )

Hence the total gain of heat by the rectangular element ABCD per second:
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

*( ) ( ) + + *( ) ( ) +

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
[ ]

Also the rate of heat gained by the element can be given by the equation:
( ) …. (2)

Thus equating (1) and (2),

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )
[ ]

Dividing both sides by and taking limits as 0, 0, to check the change in
heat within the smallest distance, which is similar in differentiation, we get:

( ) ( )

I.e., ( ) where diffusivity. …. (3)

Hence the equation (3) gives the temperature distribution of the plane transient state.
When the temperature of the metal is said to be at steady state, u is said to be
independent of t, resulting in and the above equation reduces to,

This equation is known as the Laplace’s equation in two dimensions.

Solution to Laplace’s Equation:

…. (1)

Let, u= X(x) Y(y) be a solution of (1).

We have assumed so as the solution for (1) as the change in heat is independent in the
x and y directions.

Therefore, by substituting the solution that we have assumed in (1), we get:

( x y ) ( x y )

Or separating the variables, … (2)

Since x and y are independent variables, (2) can be true only if each side of (2) is equal
to a constant, assume it to be k. Then (2) leads to the differential equations

Therefore, resulting in an auxiliary equation:

 Case I: when k = 0.

…. (3)

 Case II: when k = ,


cos sin


cos sin …. (4)

 Case III: when k = ,



cos sin

cos sin …. (5)

Solving to Predict the Heat Flow in a given metal.

An infinitely long plane uniform plate is bounded by two parallel edges and an end at right
to them. The breadth is ; this end is maintained at a temperature uo at all points and other
edges are at zero temperature. Determine the temperature at any point of the plate in the
steady-state. (Temperature distribution in long plates)

Figure 2

As we realize that, in the steady state, the temperature u(x, y) at any point P(x, y) satisfies
the equation

… (i)

The boundary conditions are u (0, y) = 0 for all values of y … (ii)

u( , y)= 0 for all values of y … (iii)
u(x, )= 0 in 0 < x < … (iv)
u(x, 0) = uo in 0 < x < … (v)

The three solutions, which we have found previously by solving the Laplace’s equation, to
solve (i) are
u = (c1x+c2). (c3y+c4) … (vi)
u = (c5e + c6e ). (c7 cos py +c8sin py )
px -px … (vii)
u = (c5 cos px+c6 sin px). (c7e + c8e )
py -py … (viii)
Out of these, we have to choose that solution which is consistent with the physical nature of
the problem.

 Equation (vii) cannot be used as it leaves with (c7 cos py +c8sin py) when x= 0,
which does not show any change in the heat flow, thus resulting in u= 0, which is
 Equation (vi) cannot be used according to the boundary condition u(x, ) as the
substitution of y= results in a value in terms of infinity, which is also
contradictory as it should be 0, as u(x, )= 0.

Thus the only possible equation to solve is (viii):

u(x, y) = (c1 cos px+c2 sin px).(c3epy + c4e-py) … (ix)

Now by solving the equation considering all the boundary conditions, we get:

u(0, y)= c1(c3epy + c4e-py) = 0 for all y.

Hence c1= 0, as (c3epy + c4e-py) = 0 results in non- real values, and reduces (ix) to

u(x, y)= c2sin px. (c3epy + c4e-py)

u( , y)= c2sin p . (c3epy + c4e-py)= 0 for all y … (x)

We cannot consider c2 as 0, because u(x, y) ends up resulting in 0 as c1 is also 0, which is
again a contradiction to the question.

This implies that,

c2sin p = 0
sin p = 0
p =n
p = n, an integer.

Since the equation should also satisfy the boundary condition (iv),i.e., u= 0 as y ,
therefore, not to have an imaginary value, c3= 0.
Hence (x) takes the form u(x, y) = bn sin nx. , where bn= c2c4.
the most general solution satisfying (ii), (iii) and (iv) is of the form:

, ∑ sin

… xi

, ∑ sin

, by putting y= 0. … xiii

In order that the boundary condition (v) may be satisfied, (v) and (xii) must be the same.
This can be done by using the half-range Fourier sine series in (0, ), which is the given

Note: Fourier series is an expansion of a periodic function in terms of an infinite sum of

sines and cosines.


, ∑ sin ∫ sin [ ]

i.e., bn = 0, if n is even; bn= 4uo/n if n is odd.

Therefore, the heat flow of the metal with the given boundary conditions follows the heat
equation given above u x, y , which is in the form of Fourier’s series


Throughout the research, I have come across new symbols, new concepts and
new mathematicians too. It was interesting working on the Heat Equations. The main
challenge for me was not only to complete this research but also to get a better
understanding about how partial differentials work, as it is not a part of our syllabus. I
had to practice and watch many videos to improve my skills based on partial differential
equations. It was tough for me to learn the concepts as some them were a part of
physics, which is not my subject. My interest is sciences had made me focus and work
on this topic.


In conclusion, Laplace’s equation makes easy to solve problems with open

boundary, which cannot be solved using the 1st order partial differential equation, thus
making it more useful. In this research work, we have derived the Laplace’s Steady-
State Heat Equation using the partial differential equations and the required formulae
under physics, relating it more to the subject. We have used the Laplace’s equation to
figure out the heat flow of the metal given the necessary conditions, trying to make it
more accurate, and have shown the heat flow in form of Fourier series, as it seemed to
be appropriate to represent the flow of heat for me. Many added methods are actuality
begin by abounding mathematicians about the apple beneath this aspect, which makes
bodies widen their horizons of cerebration and advance their skills, which ability advise
them to analyse new equations and actualize their own abode in the history of

Academy, Neso. “Conditions for Existence of Fourier Series (Dirichlet Conditions).” YouTube,
YouTube, 2 Nov. 2017,

“Differential Equations.”

“GradeBuddy - Quality Lecture Notes Online.” FORS 200 - FSU - GradeBuddy,

B. S Gerwal. Higher Engineering Mathematics. Gerwal B. S.


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