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Character Movement and Encumbrance Table

Encumbrance Exploration Movement Combat Movement Running Movement

Up to 5 stone. 120’ per turn 40’ per round 120’ per round

Up to 7 stone 90’ per turn 30’ per round 90’ per round

Up to 10 stone 60’ per turn 20’ per round 60’ per round

Up to max capacity 30’ per turn 10’ per round 30’ per round

Exploration Movement Wilderness Movement Movement

(Feet per Turn) (Miles per Day) Terrain Multiplier

30’ 6 Desert, hills, wooded areas 2


60’ 12 Thick jungle, swamps, mountains 1


90’ 18 Road travel, clear wide trails 3


120’ 24

150’ 30 Getting Lost

180’ 36 Terrain Navigation

210’ 42 Plains 4+

240’ 48 Mountains, Hills, Forest or Coast 7+

270’ 54 Open Sea, Desert, Jungle or Swamp 11+

Sea Vessels

Crew Feet per Round Miles per Day Cargo Armor Class Hit Points

Sailors Rowers Marines Sailing Rowing Sailing Rowing

Boat, river - 1 1 - 60’ - 36 400 1 20-45

Boat, sailing 1 - - 45’ - 72 - 600 1 20-45

Canoe - 1 - - 60’ - 18 60 0 5-10

Galley, large 20 180 50 60- 120’ 90 60 4.000 2 95-120

Galley, small 10 60 20 60’ 150’ 90 60 2.000 1 75-100

Galley, war 30 300 75 45’ 120’ 72 50 6.000 2 125-150

Lifeboat - 1 - ‘ 30’ - 18 150 0 12-18

Longship 75 (60) (75) 60’ 150’ 90 60 2.000 1 65-80

Raft 1 - - - 30’ - 12 2,5 / sq 0 5 / sq

Sailing Ship, large 20 - - 45’ - 72 - 30.000 2 125-180

Sailing Ship, small 12 - - 60’ - 90 - 10.000 1 65-90

Troop Transport, large 20 - 50 45’ - 72 - 30.000 2 150-200

Troop Transport, small 12 - 25 60’ - 90 - 10.000 1 90-110

Monster Attack Throws Character Attack Throws

Attacking Monster HD Attack Throw Attacking Character Level Attack

1 or less 10+ Fighters Cleric/Thieves Mages Value

1+ and 2 9+ 0 0 0 11+

2+ and 3 8+ 1 1-2 1-3 10+

3+ and 4 7+ 2-3 3-4 4-6 9+

4+ and 5 6+ 4 5-6 7-9 8+

5+ and 6 5+ 5-6 7-8 10-12 7+

6+ and 7 4+ 7 9-10 13-15 6+

7+ to 9 3+ 8-9 11-12 - 5+

9+ to 11 2+ 10 13-14 - 4+

11+ to 13 1+ 11-12 - - 3+

13+ to 15 0+ 13 - - 2+

15+ to 17 -1+ 14-15 - - 1+

17+ to 19 -2+

19+ to 21 -3+ Dungeon Exploration Table

21+ or more -4+ Task Throw

Forcing open a Door 18+*

Detecting Secret Door 18+ (Elves 14+)

Listening at a Door 18+ (Demi-Humans 14+)

Spotting a Trap 18+ (Dwarves 14+)

*Modify result by 4 per point of Strength

Turning Undead Table

Cleric Level

Undead 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Skeleton 10+ 7+ 4+ T T D D D D D D D D D

Zombie 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ T T D D D D D D D D

Ghoul 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ T T D D D D D D D

Wight 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ T T D D D D D D

Wraith - 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ T T D D D D D

Mummy - - 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ T T D D D D

Spectre - - - 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ T T D D D

Vampire - - - - 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ T T D D

Infernal* - - - - - 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4 T T D

*This category includes very powerful undead, or unholy beings such as demons and devils
Fighter Saving Throws Cleric Saving Throws

Level Petrification Poison Blast or Staffs and Spells Level Petrification Poison or Blast or Staffs and Spells
or Paralysis or Death Breath Wands or Paralysis Death Breath Wands

1 15+ 14+ 16+ 16+ 17+ 1-2 13+ 10+ 16+ 13+ 15+

2-3 14+ 13+ 15+ 15+ 16+ 3-4 12+ 9+ 15+ 12+ 14+

4 13+ 12+ 14+ 14+ 15+ 5-6 11+ 8+ 14+ 11+ 13+

5-6 12+ 11+ 13+ 13+ 14+ 7-8 10+ 7+ 13+ 10+ 12+

7 11+ 10+ 12+ 12+ 13+ 9-10 9+ 6+ 12+ 9+ 11+

8-9 10+ 9+ 11+ 11+ 12+ 11-12 8+ 5+ 11+ 8+ 10+

10 9+ 8+ 10+ 10+ 11+ 13-14+ 7+ 4+ 10+ 7+ 9+

11-12 8+ 7+ 9+ 9+ 10+

13 7+ 6+ 8+ 8+ 9+ Thief Saving Throws

14+ 6+ 5+ 7+ 7+ 8+ 1-2 13+ 13+ 16+ 14+ 15+

3-4 12+ 12+ 15+ 13+ 14+

Mage Saving Throws 5-6 11+ 11+ 14+ 12+ 13+

1-3 13+ 13+ 15+ 11+ 12+ 7-8 10+ 10+ 13+ 11+ 12+

4-6 12+ 12+ 14+ 10+ 11+ 9-10 9+ 9+ 12+ 10+ 11+

7-9 11+ 11+ 13+ 9+ 10+ 11-12 8+ 8+ 11+ 9+ 10+

10-12 10+ 10+ 12+ 8+ 9+ 13-14+ 7+ 7+ 10+ 8+ 9+

13-14+ 9+ 9+ 11+ 7+ 8+

Thief Skills Table

Level Open Locks Find and Pick Pockets Move Silently Climb Walls Hide in Hear noise
Remove Traps Shadows

1 18+ 19+ 17+ 17+ 6+ 19+ 14+

2 17+ 18+ 16+ 16+ 5+ 18+ 13+

3 16+ 17+ 15+ 15+ 5+ 17+ 12+

4 15+ 16+ 14+ 14+ 4+ 16+ 11+

5 14+ 15+ 13+ 13+ 4+ 15+ 10+

6 12+ 13+ 12+ 12+ 4+ 14+ 9+

7 10+ 11+ 10+ 10+ 3+ 12+ 8+

8 8+ 9+ 8+ 8+ 3+ 10+ 7+

9 6+ 7+ 6+ 6+ 3+ 8+ 6+

10 4+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 3+ 6+ 5+

11 3+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 4+ 4+

12 2+ 2+ -1+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+

13 1+ 2+ -3+ 1+ 1+ 2+ 2+

14 1+ 1+ -5+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+
Reaction to Hiring Offer Table Retainer Loyalty Table

Adjusted Die Roll Result Adjusted Die Roll Result

2 Refuse and Slander 2 Hostility

3-5 Refuse 3-5 Resignation

6-8 Try Again 6-8 Grudging Loyalty

9-11 Accept 9-11 Loyalty

12+ Accept with élan 12+ Fanatic Loyalty

Monster Reaction Table Monster Morale Table

Adjusted Die Roll Result Adjusted Die Roll Result

2 Hostile, attacks 2 Retreat

3-5 Unfriendly, may attack 3-5 Fighting Withdrawal

6-8 Neutral, uncertain 6-8 Fight On

9-11 Indifferent, uninterested 9-11 Advance and Pursue

12+ Friendly, helpful 12+ Berserk

Missile Weapon Ranges Animal/Vehicle Movement and Encumbrance Table

Weapon Short Range Medium Long Range Animal / Vehicle Exploration Normal Maximum
-0 Range -2 -5 Movement Load Load

Axe (thrown) Up to 10’ … to 20’ … to 30’ Camel 150’ / 75’ 30 60

Bow, long Up to 70’ … to 140’ … to 210’ Donkey 120’ / 60’ 8 16

Bow, short Up to 50’ … to 100’ … to 150’ Elephant 120’ / 60’ 120 240

Crossbow Up to 80’ … to 160’ … to 240’ Horse, Heavy 120’ / 60’ 40 80

Dagger (thrown) Up to 10’ … to 20’ … to 30’ Horse, Light 240’ / 120’ 20 40

Dart Up to 15’ … to 30’ … to 45’ Horse, Medium 180’ / 90’ 30 60

Holy Water Up to 10’ … to 20’ … to 30’ Mule 120’ / 60’ 20 40

Javelin Up to 20’ … to 40’ … to 60’ Ox 60’ / 30’ 45 90

Oil Up to 10’ … to 20’ … to 30’ Cart, Small, 1 mule 60’ / 30’ 35 70

Sling Up to 40’ … to 80’ … to 120’ Cart, Small, 2 mules 60’ / 30’ 80 160

Spear Up to 20’ … to 40’ … to 60’ Cart, Large, 1 Horse 60’ / 30’ 80 160

Cart, Large, 2 Horses 60’ / 30’ 120 240

Wagon, 2 Horses 60’ / 30’ 160 320

Wagon 4 Horses 60’ / 30’ 320 640

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