Diachronic Analysis of Neologism in Social Media Interaction

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Azhar ud Deen Babar

Reg # 16068
Supervised by
Dr. Muhammad Saeed Akhter
Co-supervisor: Ms. Sobia Rasheed
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of

Master of Philosophy
English (Linguistics)
Riphah International University,
Faisalabad Campus, Pakistan
July, 2021

Computer-Mediated-Communication (CMC) is becoming prominent as a new medium because it

purportedly combines features of speech and writing alike. The swallowing proliferation of CMC
has also affected the English orthography. The instant research has objective to investigate what
has been its influence on orthographic patterns of English used by Pakistani students for their
Facebook communication ‘on the wall’. Unlike the traditional orthography, various orthographic
patterns of English have been emerging since 2017. The study is to expose that there has been a
swift simplification in English orthography in these years through CMC. It looks as different
orthographic features regress towards simplification despite the proliferation of new styles of
writing in CMC. Thus, we may approximate that linguistic forms would regress towards
simplification with ever escalating needs of CMC. This is a process of assessment though quite
radical, which the world languages have been passing through since their inception. In a world
where everything varies it would be unlikely if a language alone remains behind this universal law.
The research has set out the following research questions: (a) what are orthographic patterns of
mediated-communication? and (b) how CMC has made language simple and swift source of
communication? What can be the potential implication of neologism? To meet the above-
mentioned research questions, linguistic postings and text chatting of 100 participants (collected
from Facebook walls of university students) over the period of three years (2017-2020) will be
analyzed under certain classifications and parameters. Students (of Riphah International University,
selected as sample using convenient sampling technique) will be subject for data collection. This is
also expected that future will unfold many novel orthographic patterns of English.

Key words: Mediated, Orthography, Neologism, Interaction, CMC


Computer mediated communication has been incessantly altering contact languages since the rapid
increase of indispensable part of social discourse. English enjoys the prestigious position of global
language among all other contact language, which is being used as apex means of communication
in non-native prospective. English, as a second language, is also used in Pakistan. English is also
acquired with Urdu as language of academics in Pakistan by most of the students. Preference by the
students is to English and Urdu to use on their in particular Facebook Wall and on twitter and
Instagram in general for communication. The omnipresence of Facebook and genres of other
mediated communication are supposedly altering the script and orthographic patterns of English
language. Script is in the case with non-Roman script and orthographic innovations is with the
contact languages all over the globe. For instance, Roman transliteration of Nastaliq Urdu is used
while communication on Facebook and other mediated genres. Orthography of both the languages,
Urdu and English is presumably subject to transformation.

Seargeant (2012) is convinced that diachronic assessment of a language can be the perfect
speculation of the change in language. But measuring a language diachronically is a hard nut to
crack and a challenging task. Tangible and concrete timeframe is the first obstacle to be coped
with. Since Facebook inaugurated in 2004 and it got the status of well-liked and most wanted until
the start of 2009 in Pakistan. The student community made the most of it as the source of
communication. The omnipresence and the proliferation of conversation on the Facebook Wall
comfortably escalates over a short stretch of time. This ubiquity and the proliferation are matchless
with the investigations that interrogated the change in language consisting of various decades. The
change in language taking place over decades, jubilees and centuries that looks occurring in
supposedly short span of time when we talk about CMC can be the reason to believe. The
hypothesis though debatable seemingly suggests the path through the initial obstruction. The
second hurdle which comes in mind and we forecast is the dearth of above-board variables for
exploration. More concrete and tangible parameters comparatively may not be claimed by us to
marshal at this point. However, some conceivable solutions may be suggested by the studies
conducted in the past. We may form and draw some common or exceptional parameters like,
neologism, reduction, omission and addition, further breaking down into functional and content
words to deep down the root level. Right population can be the third challenge that we meditate. To
select population for this investigation can be an uphill task. So, student community can be the
target population to be proposed as Facebook is exploited chiefly by the youth as the mode of
communication. The Tribune endorses that male population who exploit Facebook is 61% and 50%
of the Facebook users are lying between ages of 18-24.

To draw sample, using Timeline features of Facebook, for investigation is the fourth challenge that
a research may encounter. If the Timeline feature is not used by the sample then it will be very
difficult to gather data from the previous years. Around the end of September 2011 Facebook
initiated a radical profile page design called Facebook Timeline. The default profile of full
description of your whole life since your birth to latest updates including images, photos, videos,
location and status updates can be changed on Facebook Timeline. This research becomes more
captivating with the mushrooming curiosity of the students in Facebook. The investigation catches
more notice as it aims at about 40 million Facebook users in Pakistan. In 2011 the total population
that exploited Facebook in Pakistan was approximately 7 million but with the conclusion of the
year 2020 Pakistan held a distinct position in social media proliferation. According to statistics
disclosed by NapoleonCat, there were 39 240 000 Facebook users in Pakistan in April 2020, which
accounted for 18.4% of its entire population. The majority of them were men - 78.6%. People aged 25
to 34 were the largest user group (15 300 000). The highest difference between men and
women occurs within people aged 25 to 34, where men lead by 8 700 000. The community which
asserts to be the major portion of the population which uses the Facebook is students. So, the
students may have paramount delight in this exploration as students are the very community which,
by making use of Facebook, is supposedly providing English with orthographic innovation and
changes in patterns. An otherwise point of view of the orthographic patterns has been set by the
students who use Facebook. In the very investigation the innovated and altered orthography is
analyzed to demonstrate the metamorphosis that has come to light since the time of Chaucer to up
to the minute period of computer mediated communication.

Spellings of Chaucerian English inclined to be simplified with the passage of time. In CMC “fsh”
is used for “fish” that replaced “fishe” which was used for Chaucer’s “fysshe”. In English language
there has been frequent simplification in capacious variations. A part of simplification, Reduction,
like LOL (laugh out loud), TBH (to be honest), RIP (rest in peace), DP (display picture), FB
(Facebook), FBF (Facebook Friend) and ASAP (as soon as possible) etc. is everywhere. The
modification in orthography of CMC can be due to various reasons.

Statement of the Problem

The research inclines to have diachronic analysis of the orthographic innovations of CMC. In this
investigation the orthographic innovations and interactional features of English and CMC are to be
observed. This exploration draws an obvious distinctive line between the formal standard and
altered orthographic patterns as we find various linguistics and interactional postings on Facebook
have otherwise patterns when we compare them with the formal and standard orthography. This
research also discloses that Facebook plays significant role to simplify language and converting it
to the simpler and swift source of communication.

Objectives of the Study

The core objective of this exploration is;

1. To identify the continuous orthographic innovations of English is the first objective of the
research. Old script and orthography of English language were complicated as compare to
modern patterns. People desire it to be uncomplicated for which we find numberless
changes in the orthographic patterns of English language since it started.
2. To examine that orthographic innovations of CMC are not the extermination of English
language but it is the evolutionary process can be the second goal of investigation. As every
living thing goes through an evolution so English language is also subject to evolution and
3. To explore the causes behind preference given to CMC orthographic innovation over
standard English language spelling patterns.

Research Questions

The present research explores the answers of the following questions is the aim of the study.

1. What are the orthographic innovations in the shape of spellings, grammar and punctuation
of CMC?
2. How social media has made language simple and swift source of communication during
covid-19 in Pakistan?
3. What are the potential implications of orthographic neologism of CMC?


This research may be helpful for the social media users to convey their message, thoughts and ideas
using innovated orthographic patterns swiftly and speedily. English is, doubtlessly, the widely used
language. In other words, English is global language and language of all the walks of life,
commerce, education, offices, science and technologies. As English in used by different nations so
it got different speaking dialects and varieties as well. A recently emerged internet and media has
also affected English language. Computer mediated communication has totally changed the
orthographic patterns including grammar, spelling and punctuation. This source of communication
has even changed English standard morphological styles. Thus, this study may shed light on the
changes that computer mediated communication has brought so for in English grammar, spelling
and punctuation.

Scope of Research

The influence of computer mediation communication (CMC) in changing the English writing,
vocabulary, spelling and grammar cannot be denied. Due to the different agents, speakers of the
language contribute to the development of their own language unconsciously. This research
examines the role of CMC in the changes occurring in English language. Such alterations can be
exposed, found out and studied by implementing different research methodologies as the CMDA.
Yet, further research needs to be conducted to investigate the factors and reasons affecting this
alteration. Otherwise, literature of the effect of CMC on the other languages is indeed of


The research has definitely some restrictions of limitations. The first limitation is that all the most
of the people are not using internet or computer mediation communication sources so they are out
of this research. This research comprises of the internet and computer users.

Another limitation of the study is the difference between formal and informal. This study may not
be having English for the documented academic writings, formal use of language for business,
other official purposes and literary works in limits.

Third limitation is of methodology. For the analysis of computer mediation communication other
literary and non-literary discourse or critical discourse analysis (CDA) may not be as much fruitful
as CMDA and this research is limited to English language only other language may have different


 The study is delimited to only the people using Facebook to analyze the changes in English
language. For further study emails and business portals for communication twitter, WhatsApp
may also be the part of research.

 The research includes on graphological aspects of English Language for investigation

grammar, spelling and punctuation. In future studies can include other pragmatic and semantic
aspect to examine change in the use of English language to explore the reasons influencing
this alteration

Literature Review

The wide range and vastness of social media can be summed up or elaborated in a single definition.
Social has been defined in differently by different researchers and thinker as social is having no pet
technical meanings. Some said it a web-based consumer generated collaboration of knowledge. A
chunk of applications founded on internet having ideological and technical bases of Web 2.0 and
foundation that permits the generation and inter change of user created content with intention to
create pictures, images words, texts videos and such other material to share with other users of their

The internet has been one of the most modern forces on the English language, and it has given birth
to a slew of new terms and phrases in addition to appropriating current vocabulary. Nobody has
heard of the words "unfriend," "selfie," "fleek," or "emoji" a few years back, but these terms have
made their way down from social media and through our everyday conversations. Any of these
phrases have also made it into the Oxford Dictionary, like YOLO (You Only Live Once) and
compound words like "Craptacular" and "Amazeballs," as well as the new social media trend of
naming high-profile celebrities by merging their first names to create a blend phrase, such as
Brangelina. Along with these terms are a slew of social media acronyms, starting from the almost
widely recognized "LOL" (Laughing Out Loud), "DM" (Direct Message), "FOMO" (Fear of

Losing Out), and "TBT" (Throwback Thursday) (Throwback Thursday). The rate at which new
jargon is added, used, easily over-used, and then discarded on the internet is incredible and has
never been faster. OMG, TXT, GR8, M8, and L8R are examples of words that are still called
"antique" text talk on social media.

A variety of suppositions have been shared by corpus linguistics and variationist linguistics. Their
perseverance on empirical data as their aim of research, their attention to contextual impact of the
use of language, and their quantitative analysis to rely upon, is the most important of them. Cross
fertilization in both the areas of study was not found diachronically or theoretically before as much
as it might be imagined. But harmonization in the contemporary printing may be witnessed. The
curiosity about the diachronic and synchronic change that arise in our mind and the investigation
based on corpus are building corpora and this variation has been the topic of research and
exploration, having a lot of book length treatment, since beginning. On the other hand, the
sociolinguists are starting collectively annotating data with already set corpus linguistic methods,
tools, and technique which they have in their mind. Bringing designs from both the areas has
shepherd to fecund exploration in the area of World Englishes and discourse analysis. These
studies are clear cut variationist talking about the rules or norms of analysis followed by them.

One more advance enhancement in both of the fields said before is mushrooming inquisition in
Computer mediated communication CMD as a medium of observational data. CMD computer
mediated discourse clearly varies from the communication in offline forms of linguistic usage. The
examination of the communication occurred using online mediums have give new insight that can
be connected to other sources, ways and text types more productively.

The well-known tools for social media under these classifications consists of Instagram, Facebook,
LinkedIn, Myspace, Bloggers, Wikipedia, Flicker, iTunes, Picasa, YouTube, Twitter, Second Life,
world of Warcraft, Google Docs, Digg, RSS 2.0, Yahoo, Google Search, and Skype, WhatsApp,
WeChat etc. Among all the mediums mentioned before, we can have many more which are used
for online communication.

The language utilized in texting, chatting, emailing can be termed as the result of short-cut. Those
short cuts encompass abbreviations, acronyms, and precise spellings. There were many researches
in this very problem ever since it has started out to emerge within the language with the arrival of
cell-telephone, social media and emails. typographical and spelling mistakes have grown to be

maximum commonplace ever considering then. We can surely say that those adjustments have
passed off in language because of instant texting as Lenhart, Madden & Hitlin (2005) recommend,
“the considerable majority of youth interact in various sorts of digital communique on a daily
foundation, and immediate messaging is one of the most famous kinds of electronic verbal

This phenomenon in language has very extensively spread, looking at the ongoing, mushrooming
and ever-growing modifications in language a few, “others (e.g., crystal, 2006; Dvis & Brewer,
1997) move similarly to signify the new linguistic structures evolved for on-line conversation may
represent the advent of a ‘‘new media language, ‘wonderful from however complementary to
conventional written English. as well, this new language may gain college students in terms of
encouraging creativity in written expression and increasing literacy” (Sternberg, Kaplan, & Borck,

At the same time as we speak, we do it very speedy, and we speak our thoughts at a far high speed.
however, on the subject of writing, we are very sluggish in speaking our ideas, as a whole how
speedy We are at typing. that feel of compensating the time for writing messages offers start to
looking for short-cuts. “typing is a lot slower and more mistakes susceptible than is speaking
(Herring, 1999, 2003); possibly to make amends for these troubles, people speaking even though
immediately messaging have advanced short cuts to typing complete phrases, such as l8r for later,
or acronyms for not unusual phrases, inclusive of brb for be proper returned (Werry, 1996).

Use of Twitter and Twitlish (Twitter English)

The tweets of five prominent personalities in each of the following field education, entertainment,
social life, politics and personal level were looked into and analyzed the tone as well as the typing
styles embedded in the lexical, grammatical and rhetorical traits of the tweets. The content words
or lexical features of English used in the five categories of tweets studied were neutral number
nouns, singulars and plurals and proper nouns; unmarked adverbs, adverb participles and wh-
adverbs; unmarked adjectives, comparatives and superlatives; the base form of the verb “be”, past
form of the verb“be”,-ing form of the verb “be”, infinitive of the verb “be”, past participle of the
verb “be”, s form of the verb “be”, base form of the verb “do”, infinitive of the verb “do” ,
infinitive form of the verb “have”, base form of the lexical verb, past tense form of the lexical
verb,-ing form of the lexical verb, infinitive of the lexical verb, past participle form of lexical verb

and s form of the lexical verb. Majority of the Twitter users from the five categories used lexical
verbs followed by nouns, adjectives and adverbs in their tweets. The dominant grammatical
features of English used in Twitter are prepositions; indefinite, personal, reflexive and wh-
pronouns; auxiliary verbs, the base form of the verb “be”, past form of the verb “be”, -ing form of
the verb “be”, infinitive of the verb “be”, past participle of the verb “be”, -s form of the verb “be”,
base form of the verb “do”, past form of the verb “do, infinitive of the verb “do”, infinitive form of
the verb “have”, base form of the lexical verb, past tense for of the lexical verb, ing form of the
lexical verb, infinitive of lexical verb, past participle form of the lexical verb and -s form of the
lexical verb; conjunctions; article -s and interjections. Among the tweet -s analyzed, more posts
utilized formal rather than informal language. More emoticons than punctuation marks were used
by Twitter users to express themselves. This was not immediately apparent until no Internet users
of popular social net workings it such as Facebook and Twitter noticed that unless they signed in to
use these sites, they would encounter some difficulty following the chatter, the acronyms and the
emoticons that were common among the users. The Twitter, for one, a social networking service
owned by American company Twitter started in 2006 now boasts in excess of 190 million users per
month who post 65 million tweets each day (Wauters, cited in Lasorsa, Lewis&Holton,2011).
Twitter pivots around the concept of micro blogging or providing short snippets of texts which call
responses from other users, often in real time. These pieces of text, that are called tweets, can be
maximum of 140 characters long, and could be questions, responses, descriptions, pieces of
information, or any other kind of communicational marker. (Jalbuena, 2012).

Language Source of Transmission and Communication

Traditions, ideologies, dogmas, traditional values, and norms are all conveyed by words. It is also
an important consideration in deciding a country's status. India is a multilingual country that values
people who can communicate in English on a national or international level. The English arrived
with the British, but they cannot be blamed whether they were or are the origin of its height in
India. English is also the most commonly used language on the planet. It has been so for a number
of reasons, including the English Natives' political, fiscal, science, and technical superiority.
However, the media is or has been the most important force. (Phiyapa Sirivedin, 2018).

“Unlike any other language in the world, the English language can change quickly and easily.”

These TV personalities are also advocating for a new language known as Hinglish. The language
is a fusion of Hindi and English. Hinglish is the most often used term in television commercials.
“Are you hungry, Kya?” Any of the Hinglish campaigning ads include "Yeh Dil Mange More,"
"What Your Bahana Is?" and others.

Electronic Mail

Many facets of office memos are increasingly being replaced by electronic mail. CMC's synchronic
nature is often associated with the idea of linguistic precision. Some early on mentioned ellipsis
(particularly the absence of pronouns and determiners) and clippings as examples of succinct and
pithy language usage in synchronous CMC. Werry (1996) states that abbreviations, ellipsis, and
orthographic reduction (e.g., bb ppls for bye bye peoples) are commonly used in Internet Relay
Chat (IRC), a form of real-time multiparticipant Internet text communication that began in 1988.

Electronic English and Vowel Deletion

In American English, vowel reduction is critical for maintaining native-like stress patterns (Flege
and Bohn, 1989; Gut, 2007). Vowel reduction is a phonological mechanism in which unstressed
vowels undergo neutralization of several feature contrasts to form a central vowel (Chomsky and
Halle, 1968; Burzio, 2007; Flemming, 2009). In American English, candidates for vowel reduction
are most common where they are similar to the tonic syllable. The plural allomorph -s, as in
watches, the possessive allomorph -s, as in Sasha's, and word-finally, as in Russia, are the three
morpho phonetic variants of schwa studied in this study.

Use of English in Textese

As children's use of cell phones grows, concerns about the effect on their reading skills have
emerged. One well-known characteristic of children's text messaging is that they use a register
known as textese, and they do not welcome or obey standard patterns or laws. Kids use phonetic
alternates, such as ur instead of your, and acronyms in this register. Terms like lol and drop words
tend to use a special form of register called textese when texting messages to their peers on their
cell phones. The use of textism is allowed in this register, as are instances of non-standard written
language such as the 4ever (forever) phrase. Textese has been seen to have a positive impact on
children's reading skills in previous studies. It's also possible to have an effect on children's
grammar. In this register, grammar rules are often ignored. When examining the impact of using

textism, other research looking at children's grammar skills took their message length into account.
Kemp et al. Wood et al.

Txtng: the Gr8 Db8.

In the field of linguistics, text messaging has arrived! Txtng: the Gr8 Db8 by David Crystal is an
entertaining and enlightening look at the medium's "great debate." His book's premise is that, rather
than harming the English language, texting will actually improve literacy. This goes against the
very tenets of the British media: to use Crystal's words as an example, according to the Daily Mail,
John Humphrey's critique of texters is as follows:

“Vandals who are doing to our language what Genghis Khan did to his neighbours eight hundred
years ago” (which seems similarly unfair to texters and Mongolian leaders), while The Guardian
defines textese as “thin and – contrasted, tell, with Californian personalized license plates –
unimaginative,” As Crystal puts it, such media reports lead to a "massive cultural narrative" in
which "exaggerated and twisted accounts of what teenagers are thought to do when they text has
fueled prophecies of imminent linguistic catastrophe." “It's a smart case of ‘trying it on,' the
linguistic equivalent of wearing a hoodie to class.” (p.99), Crystal, 2008).


If methods refer to techniques and procedures used in the process of data-gathering, the aim of
methodology then is to describe approaches to, kinds and paradigms of research (Kaplan 1973).
Kaplan suggests that the aim of methodology is to help us to understand, in the broadest possible
terms, not the products of scientific inquiry but the process itself.

The data for this project will be collected over the course of 3 years. As a longtime user of
Facebook, I have fluent understanding of the orthographic conventions used on Facebook in a
multitude of settings (different kinds of posts from different subcommunities). I have a keen
understanding of Facebook orthography and its evolution over the years. Due to the way Facebook
works, one cannot simply search the site for types of posts except through the tag and add system.
Because of this, study will be limited to my personal feed of the friends I would add. A group will
be created to get posts that exemplify the orthographic features and to analyze in this study, so that
It would be easily accessed them later. As such, appropriate approach and design for this study is
qualitative, linguistic postings (collected from Facebook walls and text chatting of university

students) will be analyzed under certain classifications and parameters. This study describes the
primary orthographic changes currently found on Facebook.


Research design

The present study is descriptive and quantitative in nature. This research is based on the theoretical
frame of diachronic analysis which was made by Rooker (1994) about Biblical Hebrew late later
used by Mayor & Alcaraz (2008) on adverbial frequency; by Gerow & Ahmed (2019) on
diachronic analysis in grammatical relationships and by Camenev & Melenciuc (2017) on the
analysis diachronic semantics

Data Collection

Data for the said research will be collected by creating a group on Facebook and using the posts on
the walls or time lines and chats of the group participants as data collection tools. For the purpose
of data collection, a sample size is designed choosing participant randomly using convenience
random sampling method.

Population and Sample Size

 Theoretical Population

Theoretical Population selected for this study are the Facebook users.

 Study population

Students of Riphah International University will be studied for the research using convenient
random sampling method.

 Sample Size

Walls of 100 students of Riphah International University Faisalabad Campus are randomly chosen
to collect data for the said proposal

Age of Participants

The age for the participant is 18 to 30 years old with a mean of 24.

Selection of Language under Research

English Language is used for research to check the orthographic changes in English language
swiftly and rapidly taking place in it diachronically. Particularly with the advent of computer
mediated communication.

Data Analysis

For the analysis of gathered data some classification and parameters have been set and are stated


 Deletion/Omission

The data will be anaylised on the classification of how letters are deleted and omitted to change the
orthographical style.

 Numeric Insertion

Numeric insertion will be another tool to gauge the orthographic change.

 Acronyms/Abbreviations

How abbreviations and acronyms are made to communicate easily will be examined.


 Phonemic Orthography

An orthography (language writing system) in which the graphemes (written symbols) refer to
the language's phonemes (key spoken sounds) is called phonemic orthography.

 Phonological Orthography

A phonemic orthography is a method of writing that uses letters to represent sounds. An

orthography (language writing system) in which the graphemes (written symbols) correspond to the
phones (essential spoken sounds) of a certain speech sound or expression, regardless of whether the
precise sound is important to word meanings.

 Morphological Orthography

A morphological orthography is an orthography (system for writing a language) in which the
graphemes (written symbols) correspond to the morphemes (significant written letter) of the

 Morphophonemic Orthography

A morphological orthography is an orthography (language writing system) in which the graphemes

(written symbols) refer to the language's morphemes (important written letters).

 Invention.

Inventions of new words and new styles of word formation, spellings, grammar and punctuation
will be analyzed.

Conclusion (It would be done after data analysis)


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