Knerr ID Number 179 Korr Ha

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Black water of different origin - characterisation and biological


H. Knerr *, M. Engelhart****, J. Hansen**, G. Sagawe****, H. Steinmetz***, J. Wölle*

* Institute of Urban Water Management, Technical University of Kaiserslautern (E-mail: [email protected])

** Tectraa – Institute for Innovative Waste Water Technologies, Technical University of Kaiserslautern
**** Enviro-Chemie GmbH, Roßdorf

Abstract This paper evaluate characteristics from raw and mechanical pre-treated black water and its
biological treatment. For this purpose in Kaiserslautern (Rhineland-Palatinate; Germany) two pilot plants
were installed on locations with different utilisation. The results show, that the matrix of black water is not
ideal for biological treatment. On one hand the C : N ratio is disadvantageous for complete nitrogen removal.
On the other hand a high portion of inert carbon is contained in black water influent. To optimize removal
efficiency further investigations and long term monitoring are necessary.
Keywords black water characteristic; biological treatment; flushing toilet

Within the context of ecological sanitation one approach examines the reuse of black (toilet-) water
for toilet flushing in order to save drinking water. Other concepts examine the reuse of black water
for irrigation. But so far only few data on characterisation of black water and the biological
treatment process exist on attempts to use methods known from conventional wastewater treatment
plants (WWTP). Therefore systematic investigations on the characterisation of black water were
conducted at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern. Also the treatment process of black water
was tested with a technical scale plant and semi-technical scale plant. Results of the pilot plants for
biological treatment and analytical results of black water composition are presented in this paper.


The investigations were carried out with black water which originates from conventional flushing
toilets and urinals from two different places. One sample collection took place in a staff building on
the central WWTP in Kaiserslautern (12 male persons during day, which corresponds with about
5 i.e.). The second test was conducted in a block of flats in the center of Kaiserslautern (about 20
inhabitants). Both locations have their own test plant but in two different scales. Both test plants use
activated sludge process for biological treatment. While the semi-technical scale plant, which is
installed at the central WWTP uses SBR-technology for biological treatment the technical plant
uses continues flow reactor technology and is equipped with a membrane for water withdrawal.

In order to characterize the black water fraction, 24 hours composite samples have been taken of
both buildings and analysed concerning parameters like TOC, COD, BOD, nitrogen, phosphorus
and acid capacity according to German standard methods (DIN). Black water samples at the
technical scale plant where only taken from the storage tank after the mechanical pre-treatment unit.
At the staff building raw black water and mechanic pre-treated black water characteristics were


The results of the measurements of raw black water at the semi-technical scale plant and a
comparison to values of the literature (e.g. Atasoy et al. (2007), Schneidmadel et al. (2000),
Londong and Hartmann (2006), …) are shown in figure 1. It shows partly differences between the
measured and the literature values. The concentrations of measured raw black water, especially for
COD spread in a wide range (523 – 5,737 mg L-1). The average value of COD concentration was
2,010 mg L-1. Less than half of organic matter is dissolved as derived from the average ratio of
soluble COD to total COD which is 0.44. This condition is typical for small units but also reasoned
by the sampling of raw black water, which consists of a mixture of faeces, toilet paper, urine and
transport water. However, the results indicate almost 3 to 4 times higher concentrations than
ordinary raw municipal wastewater.

8.000 800

7.000 700

6.000 literatur values 600

COD, BOD, TOC [mg/l]

measured values (TU KL 500


TN,NH4-N, TP [mg/l]
4.000 400

3.000 300

2.000 200

1.000 100

0 0

Figure 1. Comparison of measured raw black water concentrations with values of the literature

Generally, the BOD : COD relation of water samples give information about biodegradability of
organic matter. With an measured relation of COD : BOD = 3.5 : 1 the raw black water shows a
minor biological degradability in comparison to municipal wastewater. Therefore a high portion of
non-bio-degradable (inert) dissolved carbon must be contained in the black water influent. The
concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus of the analysed black water are very high, so that the
relation between carbon and nutrients is shifted into the nutrient direction. The measured BOD : TN
relation amounts in average 2.3 : 1. The BOD : TP relation was calculated with about 20 : 1. These
values range clearly below the optimum for biological treatment of nutrients and below typical
values for municipal WWTP. This is important for the black water treatment process, if complete
nitrogen elimination (nitrification / denitrification) is necessary or wanted. The results of
characterisation studies with mechanical pre-treated black water are given in Table 1. The samples
have been taken from a storage tank after the mechanical pre-treatment unit, which consists of
filterbags with a pore size of 500 µm. Within toilet paper and faeces are removed from black water
influent. As a result of mechanical pre-treatment the influent of biological reactor COD
concentrations are reduced for about 75%, while BOD is decreased only about 34%. The resulting
COD : BOD relation of 2 : 1 corresponds with the ratio for municipal waste water given in literature
(Mudrack and Kunst, 2003) and can be classified as well bio-degradable. Furthermore TN is
reduced about 15%. With a resulting BOD : TN ratio of 1.3 : 1 after solid separation, the relation
between carbon and nitrogen has changed to even more unfavourable conditions. Therefore the
conditions for full nitrogen elimination are worse in comparison to raw black water.

Since November 2006 the semi-technical plant operates in sequencing batch mode with an average
hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 8.7 d and one cycle a day. Each cycle has 24 hour intervals
including a reaction phase of 22 hours (11 hours aerobic and 11 hours anoxic conditions) and an
effluent withdrawal period of 2 hours.
Table 1. Composition of mechanical pre-treated black water from the two investigated plants

Parameters Technical scale plant Semi-technical scale plant

Average Min-Max Average Min-Max
pH 8.75 8.58 - 8.98 8.42 8.28 – 8.63
BOD [mg L-1] 402 366 - 432 181 107 - 252
COD [mg L-1] 784 651 - 874 507 336 - 597
TOC [mg L-1] 334 271 - 368 219 142 - 283
TKN [mg L-1] 309 277 - 349 243 172 - 376
NH4-N [mg L-1] 242 209 - 275 166 113 - 189
NO3-N [mg L-1] 2.0 1.6 – 2.5 1.1 0.8 – 1.3
TP 27.1 22.5 – 31.0 17.5 13.6 – 20.5
PO4-P [mg L-1] 24.5 20.5 – 28.2 13.8 9.5 – 17.3
Conductivity [mS/cm] 2.45 2.19 – 2.66 1.73 1.34 – 2.05

The characteristics of the COD, BOD, NH 4-N and NO3-N profiles in the effluent during operation
are presented in figure 2 (left). 96% of the BOD was eliminated, but still the average BOD
concentration in the effluent was 16 mg L-1, which could be caused by sludge output with the
effluent, because only a simple decanting device was used. Average COD concentration in the
biological treated effluent was 182 mg L-1, corresponding to a COD elimination rate of 89%. The
fraction of dissolved COD in the effluent amounts 94% of total COD, which points out, in
combination with BOD-concentrations and the high HRT that this potion is mostly inert COD.
Furthermore it can be assumed, that biological elimination of organic matter is nearly complete.
700 350
600 300 NO3-N
Effluent concentrations [mg/l]
Effluent concentrations [mg/l]

500 250

400 200

300 150

200 100

100 50

0 0
Nov. 06 Dez. 06 Jan. 07 Feb. 07 Mrz. 07 Apr. 07 Mai. 07 Jun. 07 15.04.07 22.04.07 29.04.07 06.05.07 13.05.07 20.05.07 27.05.07

Figure 2. Effluent concentrations of the test plants (left: SBR, right: MBR)

Concerning nitrogen removal a complete denitrification was not achieved, because of the low
BOD : TN-ratio. Average TN concentrations in the effluent was 126 mg L-1, corresponding with a
TN removal efficiency of 52%. Indeed, the high TKN-elimination of the treated black water is
remarkable. The measured TKN-elimination rate amounts 81%, although the oxidation of the
ammonia produces acidity, with results in pH decrease on average to 5.2 in the effluent of the SB-
Reactor. From the theoretical point of view under these conditions nitrification must be either
inhibited significantly or does not occur at all (Mudrack and Kunst, 2003). Concerning to (ATV-
DVWK-A 131, 2000) about 13% of the nitrogen influent of the black water treatment plant is
assimilated into biomass. The remaining 68% are metabolized by nitrification.

The technical scale MBR with an effective volume of about 1,200 L was set into operation in
January 2007. The system includes a submerged ultrafiltration capillary module. The module has
nominal pore size of 0.05 µm with a total membrane area of 6 m². The membrane material is PSE.
The characteristics of the COD, BOD, NH4-N and NO3-N profiles in the permeate during operation
are presented in figure 2 (right hand). The BOD removal efficiency amounts in average 99%.
Therefore BOD elimination was almost complete. COD concentrations in permeate are quite high
again, average amounts of 135 mg L-1 are achieved, which corresponds with an elimination rate of
83%. After the membrane only soluble COD could be found. , Taking the long HRT of the system
from about 2.5 d and the low effluent BOD values into account, the proportion of inert COD is very
high. TKN-elimination rate amounts in average 79%, although pH in the effluent decrease on
average values of 5.1. This result is in agreement with the nitrification rate found at the semi
technical scale test plant (see above), which means that nitrification is not inhibited significantly.

The results of the investigations shows that the matrix of black water is not ideal for biological
treatment, but a stable biocoenosis has been build up very fast at both experimental plants. Stable
effluent values concerning BOD elimination as well as TKN elimination can be achieved in very
short time.

The elimination rate of BOD is very high and amounts nearly 100%. In contrast COD is eliminated
substantially worse, because of a high fraction of inert COD contained in black water. Hence, the
black water system behaves different than a conventional municipal WWTP and the value for
COD : BOD ratio of 2 can not be used as an index for good biodegradability of the COD in black
water. One reason might be that in “normal wastewater” there is a dilution of inert COD through the
high volumes from the grey water and infiltration water. But further investigations should be carried
out to find out, which COD : BOD ratio leads to COD effluent values in the range of municipal
WWTP. To improve advanced black water treatment, the treatment process has to be enlarged by
further processing units, e.g. by chemical oxidation, in order to reduce the COD. Referring to this,
further investigations are carried out in the next months on the test plants in Kaiserslautern.

In raw as well as in mechanical pre-treated black water the C : N ratio is disadvantageous for the
second step of complete nitrogen elimination (denitrification). On one hand the oxidation of
ammonium to nitrate (nitrification) leads to a significant pH decrease, caused by high nitrogen
influent concentration. However, nitrification is not inhibited although nitrification is a highly
sensitive process which should be inhibited by low pH-values significantly. On the other hand, not
enough slightly degradable carbon for dentrification is available. For full nitrogen elimination in
black further treatment procedures have to be integrated or an alternative dosage of external carbon
for denitrification is necessary.

The study was conducted as a part of the research project KOMPLETT (
The authors would like to thank the German Federal Ministry for Education, Research and
Technologies (BMBF) for the financial support.

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