Treatment of Sugar Ind WW by Adsorbtion GAC Plus Bentonite

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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:08/August-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
Apoorva D *1, Chandrashekar B*2
*1 M. Tech Scholar, Department of Environmental Engineering, JSS Science & Technology University,
Mysuru, Karnataka, India
*2Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental engineering, JSS Science & Technology
University, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
High COD is a characteristic of the effluent discharges from Argo based sectors like sugar industry. In developing
nations like India, industrialization have a serious negative impact on wastewater treatment. Untreated wastewater has
detrimental effects on one’s health. The main objective of this research work is to characterize the physiochemical
parameters of Sugar industry located in Mandya district and to carry out Adsorption through Granular Activated
charcoal (GAC) and Bentonite adsorbents for COD reduction. The initial characterization of wastewater from the
sugar mill had an acidic range of 4.0- 4.2, with a COD/BOD ratio over 3.0. COD and BOD concentration was 1536
mg/L and 431 mg/L respectively. Batch adsorption treatment was carried out by using GAC, Bentonite and COD
removal efficiency was found to be 83.26 % for optimum dosage of 2 g of GAC for a total duration of 150 minutes.
Using Bentonite as adsorbent COD removal efficiency was found to be 84.3 % for an optimum dose of 3 g of
Bentonite for a contact period of 150 minutes.
Keywords: Sugar industry wastewater, Adsorption, Granular activated carbon, Bentonite.
All living things and process industries rely on water for their survival and without it, they can't exist or function.
Enormous amount of water is used in various unit activities and wastewater after processing of sugarcane generates a
large amount of effluent. It is common practice to release wastewater into local river streams, since it is unusable.
They pollute the environment because they have a high concentration of biological and chemical oxygen demand.
Sugarcane processing needs a significant quantity of freshwater supply. To process one ton of sugarcane, 1 – 1.5 m3 of
water is needed and 1 m3 of effluent will generate [Sahu et al.,2015].
It is vital and challenging to meet water quality standards, decrease health hazards, protect water bodies and the
environment. Water from sugar cane factories is often treated using conventional procedures (physiochemical and
biological). But the disadvantage of this procedure is, wastewater generated from the processing of sugarcane is
difficult to dispose because of utilization of large quantity of chemicals that results in the large amount of waste
sludge, therefore treatment system becomes inefficient and ineffective. This makes difficult to get wastewater quality
up to the recycling limit. By using of the appropriate stages and methods in wastewater treatment industrial effluent
treatment can be made more efficient and cost-effective [Sahu,2019].
Wastewater from the sugar industry is used for the Adsorption treatment. 100 mL of sample was taken in a beaker and
1g of GAC is added to the beaker by fixing revolution of 160 rpm in the magnetic stirrer for a total duration of 2
hours. 2 mL of sample is drawn at 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes for which COD and pH were analyzed. Experiments are
repeated for 2 g and 3 g of GAC. Similar procedure was followed for bentonite clay material. Experiments were
conducted at room temperature of 27 ℃. Figure 1. shows the Experiment set up of adsorption treatment. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:08/August-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752

Figure 1: Experimental set up for Adsorption process.

Analysis of the wastewater samples were conducted in accordance with the standard analytical methods (APHA,
2015) [American Public Health Association, American water works Association and Water environment
The initial characterization of wastewaters from the sugar mill is tabulated in table 1. The sugar industry wastewater
varies from season to season, the value band depends on the cane crushing capacities, water consumption and also the
kind of manufacturing process adopted in the industries. As seen from the table 1. pH of wastewater from the sugar
industry is in acidic range of 4.0, with a COD/BOD ratio over 3.5. COD and BOD concentration range from 1536
mg/L and 431.92 mg/L respectively.
Table 1. Initial characterization of sugar industry wastewater
Parameters Unit Values
pH - 4.0
Temperature ℃ 24.3
Turbidity NTU 621
Color - Yellow
Alkalinity mg/L 306
Total hardness mg/L 295

Calcium hardness mg/L 194

Magnesium hardness mg/L 101

COD mg/L 1536

BOD5 @ 27 ℃ mg/L 431.92

Total solids mg/L 2920

TDS mg/L 1320

TSS mg/L 1600

Conductivity μS/cm 534

Chlorides mg/L 278

Nitrate mg/L 30
Phosphorus as Phosphate mg/L 15
Sulphate mg/L 120 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:08/August-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
Morphology of the adsorbents using SEM
Scanning electron microscopy is a useful tool for analyzing organic and inorganic materials on a nanometer to
micrometer scale. A concentrated electron beam is used to a scan a sample using electron microscope called scanning
electron microscope. The sample’s atom and electron interactions result in a variety of detectable signals that gives
information about the sample’s surface topography [Mohammed et al.,2018].
The adsorbent granular activated charcoal (GAC) was subjected to Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis to
know the morphology of the adsorbent. SEM analysis was done by using high vacuum with SED (Secondary electron
detector), for magnification of ×50 and ×100 resolution at the scale length of 500 μm and 100 μm respectively, using
an acceleration voltage of 20.0 kV. The magnification of SEM image shows the adsorbent particles having some
cracks and small pores in the surface that will help for better adsorption of the pollutants present in the wastewater.
SEM image of granular activated carbon is shown in the figure 2.

Figure 2: SEM image of granular activated carbon for a magnification of × 50 and × 100 resolution.
Bentonite material is the second adsorbent used in experiment. SEM analysis was done by using high vacuum with
SED (Secondary electron detector), with the magnification of ×500, ×250 resolution at the scale length of 50 μm and
100 μm respectively, with an acceleration voltage of 20.0 kV. SEM image shows the adsorbent particles are
amorphous in nature that results in the large surface area that leads to the better adsorption of pollutants to the
adsorbent. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:08/August-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752

Figure 3: SEM image of granular activated carbon for a magnification of × 500 and × 250 resolution.
COD degradation as a function of time
At various adsorbent doses, reduction of percentage of COD is shown as a function of time in figure 4. As seen from
the plots, for 1 g, 2 g and 3 g, COD removal of 63.53 %, 83.26 % and 81.6 % were obtained for 150 minutes
respectively for Granular activated carbon adsorbent. In the research work of Dhaval et al.,2017 have obtained the
COD removal efficiency of 80 % by using 2 g of activated carbon adsorbent, similar trends of COD reduction have
been observed in this research work. pH of the wastewater was 4, upto 30 minutes, where COD reduction is less this
may be due to low pH. On increasing the contact time, pH of the wastewater also rises that results in maximum
amount of COD reduction. At low pH, adsorption capacity will reduce this is due to fact that, a greater number of H +
ions will compete with the cations.
1g 2g 3g

0 30 60 90 120 150

Figure 4: Percentage of COD reduction with time for different dosages of Granular activated carbon for a
duration of 150 minutes.
Figure 5 shows the reduction of percentage of COD for a total duration of 150 minutes, for Bentonite adsorbent doses
of 1 g, 2 g, 3 g and 4 g respectively. The plots show that the percentage of COD reduction was 69.80 %, 74.23 %, 84.3
% and 82.93 % correspondingly for different adsorbent dosages. By increasing adsorbent dosages from 1 g to 3 g @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:08/August-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
COD reduction capacity has been increased. For 4 g of adsorbent dosage percentage of COD has been reduced, this is
due to fact that, COD value decreases and % of COD reduction rises up to specific time and specific adsorbent
quantity [Valand et al.,2019]. Further increasing the time and adsorbent quantity % of COD reduction will slow down
due to lack of adsorption sites. After specific adsorbent dosage aggregation of adsorbent particles will takes place that
results in the reduction of COD percent.

1g 2g 3g 4g

0 30 60 90 120 150

Figure 5: Percentage of COD reduction with time for different dosages of Bentonite for a duration of 150
Optimum dosage of adsorbent on COD removal
For 1 g of adsorbent, COD removal efficiency was found to be 63.53 %, for 2 g it is 83.26 % but for 3 g COD removal
efficiency was decreased to 81.6 % therefore optimum dosage is 2 g for a duration 150 minutes. On increasing the
quantity of adsorbents, aggregation of adsorbent particles takes place that results in lower adsorption sites, this is the
reason for the decrease of COD removal efficiency on increasing the dosage from 2 g to 3 g. GAC adsorbent doses are
shown in Figure 6, which demonstrates COD changes as a function of dosage.

90 83.26 81.6
% of COD removal

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Adsorbent dosage (g)

Figure 6: COD removal rate for 1 g, 2 g and 3 g of adsorbent dosages for GAC
For 1 g of adsorbent, COD removal efficiency was found to be 69.8 %, for 2 g it’s 74.23 %, for 3 g it’s 84.3 % but for
4 g COD removal efficiency as decreased to 82.93 % therefore optimum dosage is 3 g for a duration 150 minutes. On
increasing the quantity of adsorbents aggregation of adsorbent particles takes place that results in lower adsorption
sites, this is the reason for the decrease of COD removal efficiency on increasing the dosage from 3 g to 4 g. GAC
adsorbent doses are shown in Figure 7, which demonstrates COD changes as a function of dosage. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:08/August-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752

100 84.3 82.93

% of COD removal
80 69.8




0 1 2 3 4
Adsorbent dosage (g)
Figure 7: COD removal rate for 1 g, 2 g, 3 g and 4 g of adsorbent dosages for Bentonite
pH variation during Adsorption process as a function of time
Figure 8 shows the variation of pH with respect to time during adsorption process. Initially pH in the wastewater was
4. pH of the wastewater was raised from 4 to 7.2 for 1 g dosage, 4 to 8.3 for 2 g dosage and 4 to 8.45 for 3 g dosage
for every 30 min on a total duration of 150 minutes. On increasing the adsorbent dosages from 1g to 3 g, pH of the
wastewater increases time to time that results in the reduction of concentration of H + ions which leads to the less
competition between the pollutants and H+ ions for the adsorption sites.

1g 2g 3g

0 30 60 90 120 150

Fig 8: Variation of pH during adsorption process in case of different dosage of GAC for a duration of 150 minutes.
Figure 9 demonstrates how Bentonite adsorbent affects pH throughout the adsorption process at various adsorbent
doses. pH of the wastewater was raised from a value of 4 to 8.2 for 1 g, 4 to 9.1 for 2 g, 4 to 9.1, for 3g and 4 to 9.23
for 4 g. On increasing adsorbent dosages, pH of the wastewater has increased. At low pH adsorption capacity will
reduce this is due to fact that, a greater number of H + ions will compete with the cations.

1g 2g 3g 4g

0 30 60 90 120 150
Fig 9: Variation of pH during adsorption process in the case of different dosage of Bentonite for a duration of 150
minutes. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:08/August-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
It is concluded that, initially COD of the wastewater was high and pH was low. This sugar industry wastewater can be
effectively treated by using GAC and Bentonite adsorbents for the COD reduction. 2 g of GAC and 3 g of bentonite
we have removed COD effectively. Clay adsorbents are paid attention nowadays and can be best applied for the
treatment of sugar industry wastewater
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