Six Sigma White Belt Certification v4

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The key takeaways are that Six Sigma focuses on reducing defects and variations through continuous improvement processes, while Lean aims to eliminate waste.

Six Sigma was developed by Bill Smith at Motorola in 1986 to minimize defects through continuous process improvement. It aims to reduce variations and improve customer satisfaction.

Lean aims to reduce costs, delivery times, and waste while improving quality and customer satisfaction through continuous improvement.

Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certification

The purpose of this program:

This study material is designed to provide a general
background regarding six sigma, where it comes from,
why it is used, and the very foundational concepts upon
which it is built.

After you’ve completed this study material, you’ll take

the certification exam for:
Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certified (LSSWB)

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History of Six Sigma

Although referred to regularly in today’s working world, the

Six Sigma methodology is a relative newcomer to the
landscape of theories and practices to work quality. In
1986, Bill Smith was the first person to develop this
principle. He was working for Motorola at the time and had
been fascinated with ways to improve working practices.
Making processes more efficient by pushing ahead with
quality improvements and trying to get the most from a
manufacturing production line.

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History of Six Sigma

The idea that Mr. Smith came up with was to work on a way
to minimize defects in production through continuous
improvements. He recognized that every manufacturing
and business process could be measured, analyzed, and
improved based on analysis and then controlled to stay
within that new process. Continuing to do this would reduce
variations in the process; therefore, produce output much
more effectively, meeting the desires of the customer.

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History of Six Sigma

Six Sigma focuses on measuring the impact of an

improvement project. It requires buy-in across the business
for the project to make changes based upon those
measurements, irrespective of personal views. Guesswork
and assumptions have no place in Six Sigma; it is a precise

Buy-in: Agreement to support a decision.

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Six Sigma White Belt

A Six Sigma project uses “Belts” to help define the roles of

people on the team.

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Six Sigma White Belt

A Six Sigma “White Belt” is an entry-level certification for

those individuals who need to have a basic understanding
of what Six Sigma is. These individuals are not involved in
a Six Sigma project but may work in a company or
department going through a Six Sigma process

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Six Sigma Yellow Belt

A Six Sigma “Yellow Belt” is typically a subject-matter

expert (SME) in a particular subject or area of the business
being reviewed. These members are generally not
involved with the Six Sigma project directly. Instead, they
may provide information and assistance to Green Belts (as
subject matter experts) so that they can better understand
a particular segment of the business.

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Six Sigma Green Belt

A Six Sigma “Green Belt” is an employee who takes on a

Six Sigma implementation project along with his or her
other job responsibilities, operating under the guidance of
Black Belts.
A Green Belt works to understand which business
processes are not performing as needed, identify root
causes of problems, analyze and improve contributing
factors, and sustain gains in those improvements.

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Six Sigma Black Belt

A Six Sigma “Black Belt” has knowledge of Six Sigma

philosophies and principles and leads a team during a Six
Sigma project. They must have both leadership and
project management skills to be successful.

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Six Sigma Master Black Belt / Champion

A Six Sigma “Master Black Belt” is in charge of training

Black Belts and Green Belts in Six Sigma processes. They
are also a go-to reference for ideas and theories during a
project. Master Black Belts typically have years of
experience as a Black belt, before taking on the Master
Black Belt role.

A Six Sigma Champion is a senior executive within the

organization whose role is sponsoring specific projects.
They have the authority within the organization to allocate
resources for the project.

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An Overview of DMAIC

Now we’ll gain a basic understanding of the DMAIC

fundamentals at the core of Six Sigma methodology.

Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control

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The DMAIC Method

Every Six Sigma project will follow the same process in a

systematic and uniform method known as DMAIC, an
acronym made up of the first letters of each element –
Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control.

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The DMAIC Method

DMAIC is a formalized problem-solving method that is

designed to improve the effectiveness and ultimate
efficiency of the organization. These slides will provide a
basic understanding of the concept and how it applies to
the life cycle of a Six Sigma project.

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The DMAIC Method

The Steps to a Solution:

• This first stage sets the context within which the Six
Sigma project is to be performed. Identify and state the
practical problem.
– Who wants the project and why?
– The Scope of the project or improvement
– Key team members and resources for the project
– Critical Milestones and stakeholder review
– Budget Allocation

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The DMAIC Method

The Steps to a Solution:

• The second stage is where the starting-point metrics are
recorded. Validate the practical problem by collecting
– Ensure measurement system reliability
– Prepare data collection plan
– How many data points do you need to collect?
– How many days do you need to collect data for?
– What is the sampling strategy? (i.e. where from, from whom)
– Who will collect data and how will data get stored?

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The DMAIC Method

The Steps to a Solution:

• The third stage reviews the metrics. Using a variety of
tools, practitioners gain an understanding of the cause
and effects within the system being studied.

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The DMAIC Method

The Steps to a Solution:

• The fourth phase focuses on fully understanding the top
causes identified in the Analyze phase, with the intent of
either controlling or eliminating those causes to achieve
better performance. The overall theme for the Improve
phase is process redesign.

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The DMAIC Method

The Steps to a Solution:

• The final phase is about sustaining the changes made in
the Improve phase to guarantee lasting results. The
best controls are those that require no monitoring
(irreversible product or process design changes).
• Frequently there are process settings, setup procedures,
etc., that need employees to follow specific requirements
in daily operations – these items are typically
documented in a control plan.

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The DMAIC Method

The 5 stages to improving the business process can be

defined as a series of steps or rungs on a ladder. They
follow in sequence with the activities of each stage being
dependent upon the outcome of the previous stage.

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The DMAIC Method

The define stage begins the process of improvement. Here

we are writing the problem statement, objective of goal,
and formally launching the activities to apply Six Sigma
methodology. Once we know this, we can then start to
understand the process through measurement of the
associated activities. We can determine the range of the
process so that we know what limits we can work within,
then confirm the accuracy of the metrics collated in the
process. This ensures that they are valid to use as a
benchmark for improvement.

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The DMAIC Method

With the metrics available we need to define the

relationship within the process. We use this data to define
the y = f(x) + Ɛ function. This will enable us to begin
looking at the potential for refinement and improvement
within the process and look at the causes of error or failure
within the process. Having identified where these
variances are occurring in the function, we can determine
how to improve the function. Let's define y = f(x) + Ɛ

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The DMAIC Method

• y = f(x) + Ɛ function:

– Y is the outcome or result you desire

– X represents the inputs or factors necessary to create the outcome
– f is the function. The way by which the inputs are transformed into
the outcome.
– ε is the presence of error or uncertainty surrounding how accurately
the x is transformed to create the outcome.

Don’t worry about memorizing this equation for now. It is

not required for the White Belt level. It does, however, help
to give you a general understanding of how Six Sigma
uses formulas to improve processes.

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The DMAIC Method

Having arrived at one or more solutions, we then

implement the new process or system within a controlled
environment. We use a period of monitoring to ensure
consistent achievement into the standard business process
and to maintain the identified results.

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The DMAIC Method

When looking at a Six Sigma project and the DMAIC

journey, the need for Black, Green, and Yellow Belts at
every stage of the project is evident.
In the define stage, the activity will be a mutual
collaboration with company management and the
appointed Black Belt. This is where the Black Belt’s
experience and knowledge are used to clearly define a
workable problem statement. They also ensure everyone
comprehends the task-at-hand and the projects likely

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The DMAIC Method

The Measure, Analyze and Improve stages will be

undertaken within the project team. The Green and Black
Belts use all their skills to undertake this work, pulling
information and subject knowledge of the business through
intelligent use of Yellow Belts and the process owner(s).

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The DMAIC Method

The Control stage is the release of responsibility from the

project team to the business. It is where the process owner
takes back control of the process and with the support of
the Six Sigma project team, ensures the sustainability of
the improvement into the future.

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The tools below are all used within Six Sigma projects. For the White Belt
and Yellow Belt level, there is generally no need to be trained on these
tools, however you should be familiar with the terms.

•Process Mapping •Tolerance Analysis

•Structure Tree •Components Search

•Pareto Analysis •Hypothesis Testing

•Gauge R & R •Regression

•Rational Subgrouping •DOE

•Baselining •SPC
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What is Lean?

Now let’s discuss Lean and gain a basic understanding of

Lean within the Six Sigma methodology.

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Definitions of Lean

The idea of ‘Lean’ is to maximize customer value while

minimizing waste. Simply put, lean means creating more
value for customers with fewer resources. A lean
organization understands customer value and focuses on
vital processes to continuously increase it. The goal is to
provide perfect value to the customer through a perfect
creation process with zero waste.
• Value - The product or service provided to a customer at the
right time at an appropriate price, as defined in each case by
the customer. Features of the product or service, availability,
cost, and performance are dimensions of value.
• Waste - Any activity that consumes resources but creates no
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What is Lean?

Lean focuses on eliminating waste in processes, expanding

capacity by reducing costs and shortening cycle times.

Lean is about understanding what is important to the

customer. It is not about eliminating people.

“In America today we have good people

working in poor processes. What we want
are good people working in great processes” Michael Hammer

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Thinking Lean

Examples of Lean project goals:

– Reduced inventory requirements
– Reduced floor space requirements
– Quicker response times and shorter lead times
– Decreased defects, re-work, and scrap
– Increased overall productivity

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Lean provides tangible benefits. It reduces costs, not just

selling price. Lean helps to:
– Reduce delivery time, cycle time, set-up time
– Eliminate waste
– Seeks continuous improvement
– Improve quality
– Improve customer ratings and perceptions
– Increase overall customer satisfaction
– Improve employee involvement, morale, and company culture
– Helps “transform” organizations

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Additional Belt-Level Certifications

Interested in learning more about Six Sigma? The

Management and Strategy Institute (MSI) offers Six Sigma
Certification at all levels.

– Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certified (SSYBC)

– Six Sigma Green Belt Certified (SSGBC)
– Six Sigma Lean Green Belt Certified (LGBC)
– Six Sigma Black Belt Professional (SSBBP)
– Six Sigma Lean Black Belt Professional (LBBP)
– Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt (LSSMBB)
– See all Six Sigma Certification options

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Additional Certification Options

MSI also offers popular certifications such as:

– 5S Concept Certified (5SC)

– Project Management Qualified (PMQ)
– Continuous Improvement Manager (CCIM)
– Corporate Trainer Certified (CTC)
– Change Management Specialist (CMS)
– Project Management Essentials (PMEC) - FREE
– Plus Many More! See All Certifications

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Now that you’ve completed the study material for MSI’s

Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certified (LSSWB)
certification, let’s continue to the White Belt project
simulator called WBsim™.

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End of Course

Thank you for viewing our Lean Six Sigma White Belt
Certification training. To proceed to the final exam, please
close the presentation viewer by clicking on the X in the
upper right corner.

Once you’ve closed the viewer, click “Next Module”

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