Technology For Teaching and Learning 1: MC Allied 2 SF/ Profed 08he
Technology For Teaching and Learning 1: MC Allied 2 SF/ Profed 08he
Technology For Teaching and Learning 1: MC Allied 2 SF/ Profed 08he
Demonstrations in Teaching
Module 11
Field trips offer an excellent bridge between the work of the school and the work of the world outside.”
To predict procedures and criteria that must be observed in planning and conducting field trips
To know the educational benefits derived from a field trip
To construct community resources that can be utilized for learning
"The whole trip was a mess. Some lost their way and arrived very late. Others arrived at the place much earlier and were
inconvenienced waiting for the arrival of the others. Anyway, everybody enjoyed the picnic."
"The students enjoyed the field trip. But when asked to relate what they saw to our lesson, they were not able to connect."
Note: Write your answer in Self-Assessment Activity Sheet (SAA)
The teachers’ comments given above indicate failure of the field trips conducted. This is definitely the consequence of
no planning or if ever there was, planning was done poorly.
What procedures must we follow to avoid the failed study trips described above? Let’s plan. Planning a field trip includes
these steps:
1. Preliminary planning by the teacher,
2. Pre planning with others going on the trip, and
3. Taking the field trip itself and
4. Post – field trip follow up activities.
Make preliminary contacts, a tour on final agreements with the place to be visited.
Make final arrangements with the school principal about the details of the trip: time, schedule, transportation,
arrangements, finances and permission slips from parents.
Make a tentative route plan, subject to later alteration based on class planning and objectives.
Try to work out mutually satisfactory arrangements with other teachers if the trip will conflict with their classes.
Prepare preliminary lists of questions or other materials which will be helpful in planning with the students.
Preplanning with students joining the trip
Discuss the objective of the trip and write them down. The main objective should be included in the permit slip given
to parents and should be consulted later when the trip is evaluated.
Permit Slip
Refers to a document that a given school or organization sends home through the use of a student to a parent or
guardian to obtained consent for the student to travel under the care of the school or the respective organization for a
specific event or field trip.
Prepare list of questions to send ahead to the guide of the study trip.
Define safety and behavior standards for the journey there and for the field trip site itself.
Discuss and decide on ways to document the trip. Everyone is expected to take notes.
List specific object to be seen on their way to the site, on the site of the field trip and on their way home from the
Preplanning with Others Joining the Trip
Other people accompanying the group need to be oriented on the objectives, route, behavior, standards required of
everyone so they can help enforce these standards. These may be parents who will assist the teachers and/ or school
administrator staff.
A document recording the waiving of a right or claim.
An itinerary is your travel plan-where you will go and when you will be there.
Evaluating Field Trip
These are questions we ask ourselves after the field trip to evaluate the field trip we just had.
Could the same benefits be achieved by other materials? Was it worth the time, effort and perhaps extra money? Where
there any unexpected problems which could be foreseen another time? Where these due to guides, students, poor
planning, or unexpected trip conditions?
Where new interest developed?
Should the trip be recommended to other classes?
Studying similar topics?
These educational benefits are compensate for the drawbacks of field trips, some of which are:
1. It is costly,
2. It involves logistics,
3. It is extravagant with time,
4. Contains an element of uncertainty.
Community Resources
A field trip may be a visit to a scenic spot or to a historical place. What community resources can we use for learning?
These can be persons and places in the community. For persons, let us not go too far. Let us begin with the parents of
our students. Many of them can be resource speaker in their fields of expertise. A dentist may be invited to the children on
how they care for their teeth. A journalist may serve as a resource paper on the part of the newspaper and how to write an
editorial. A dynamic teacher will find a way to have a record of parents’ names, contact number, occupation, and other
pertinent data she needs.
1. Louis Pasteur once said: “In the fields of observation, chance favors only the prepared mind.” How does this
quote relate to field trips?
2. Some Schools have made it a policy not to allow filed trips of all sorts. Can you think of some reason
Note: Write your answer in Self-Assessment Activity Sheet (SAA)
Waiver-A document recording the waiving of a right or claim.
Itinerary -An itinerary is your travel plan-where you will go and when you will be there.
Permit Slip -Refers to a document that a given school or organization sends home through the use of a student to a
parent or guardian to obtain consent for the student to travel under the care of the school or the respective organization
for a specific event or field trip.
Now that you have finished the review of the various concepts outlined above, it is now time for an
assessment to see how far you have improved. On every module’s “End of Module Assessment” (this part),
write your answers on the sheet/s provided. (See End of Module Assessment Answer Sheets for the
Congratulations for making it till the end of this module! If you aced the assessments, I am happy for you. If
you have not reached your desired level of competence, just keep going! Remember that an expert was once a
The next topic will deal on The Power of Film, Video and TV in the classroom.
Paz I. LUCIDO, Ph.D., Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D., Educational Technology 1
OSMEÑA COLLEGES College of Teacher Education
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Now that you have finished the review of the various concepts outlined above, it is now time for an assessment to see how
far you have improved. Write your answers on the blank space provided for each question.
Note: Answer the following questions but you don’t need to submit a photo of your answer to me (it will serve as a
reviewer for our EMA). The end of module assessment (EMA) will be delivered using Google Forms please visit our
Facebook Group for the link.
I. Multiple Choice
2. Who should we invite to talk to the children on how to care for their teeth?
A. Journalist
B. Dentist
C. Senior citizen
5. Have a wide range of application, not meant only for children but for adults also...
A. Picnic trips
B. Field trips
C. None of the two
2. Itinerary
3. Permit Slip
4-8. Disadvantages of field Trips
9-12 What procedures must we follow to avoid the failed study trips