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Spectrally resolved linewidth enhancement factor of a semiconductor

frequency comb
Nikola Opačak,1, ∗ Florian Pilat,1 Dmitry Kazakov,1, 2 Sandro Dal Cin,1
Georg Ramer,3 Bernhard Lendl,3 Federico Capasso,2 and Benedikt Schwarz1, 2, †
Institute of Solid State Electronics, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts USA
Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
The linewidth enhancement factor (LEF) has recently moved into the spotlight of research on
frequency comb generation in semiconductor lasers. Here we present a novel modulation experiment,
which enables the direct measurement of the spectrally resolved LEF in a laser frequency comb. By
arXiv:2104.05747v1 [physics.optics] 12 Apr 2021

utilizing a phase-sensitive technique, we are able to extract the LEF for each comb mode. We first
investigate and verify this universally applicable technique using Maxwell-Bloch simulations and
then present the experimental demonstration on a quantum cascade laser frequency comb.

Semiconductor lasers are compact, electrically pumped the asymmetric gain spectrum of semiconductor lasers.
and provide substantial broadband gain. They are re- In interband lasers, this is due to the opposite curvatures
cently gaining vast attention due to a wide range of ap- of the valence and conduction bands in k-space [7], which
plications that utilize their coherence properties, such as yield LEF values around 2-7 [3]. In intersubband lasers,
high-precision spectroscopy [1]. Their asymmetric gain the states have similar curvatures, so the gain asymme-
spectrum additionally sets them apart from other laser try originates from the non-parabolicity [14], counter-
types, where the lasing transition takes place between rotating terms [15], and Bloch gain [9]. Measured values
two discrete levels. Following the Kramers-Kronig rela- range from -0.5 to 2.5 [11, 16–19].
tions, an asymmetric gainshape results in a dispersion An established technique for extracting subthreshold
curve of the refractive index that has a non-zero value values of the LEF is the Hakki-Paoli method by measur-
at the gain peak, where the emission frequency of a ing the gain and wavelength shift [20, 21]. Above thresh-
free-running laser lies [2]. As a consequence, a remark- old values can be inferred from the measurements of the
able property of semiconductor lasers is that both the linewidth broadening [4] and the phase noise [22]. Other
refractive index and the optical gain change simultane- methods are based on the analysis of the locking regimes
ously with the varying carrier population [3]. This was induced by optical injection from a master laser [23], or
quantified with the linewidth enhancement factor (LEF), on the optical feedback and the characterization of the
also called the α-factor, defined by Henry as the ratio of self-mixing signal [24, 25]. Harder et al. provided a study
changes of the modal index and gain at the gain peak [4]. of the laser’s response under a modulation of the injec-
Many unique properties of semiconductor lasers can be tion current and were able to extract the LEF value [26].
traced back to the non-zero value of this factor. The LEF A modified experiment which includes heterodyning al-
was first introduced in the 1980s to describe the broad- lowed a direct measurement of the LEF [16]. However,
ening of the semiconductor laser linewidth [4, 5] beyond all of the mentioned techniques have one substantial lim-
the Schawlow-Townes limit [6]. Furthermore, the LEF itation – they do not resolve the spectral behavior of
determines the dynamics of semiconductor lasers as it the LEF. Most methods rely on single-mode operation,
describes the coupling between the amplitude and phase which is either achieved in Fabry-Pérot lasers very close
of the optical field [7, 8]. In lasers with fast gain recov- to threshold or using distributed feedback (DFB) laser.
ery times, the LEF was recently connected to the onset In DFBs, the lasing wavelength is detuned from the exact
of a giant Kerr nonlinearity [9] and frequency modulated gain peak, thus introducing an uncertainty in the LEF
combs [10]. It was shown that the LEF can lead to a measurement.
low-threshold multimode instability and frequency comb
formation [11, 12]. Appropriate values of the LEF were In this work, we introduce a novel measurement tech-
predicted to result in the emission of solitons in active nique, which enables the direct and spectrally resolved
media [13]. The precise knowledge of the LEF repre- measurement of the LEF of a semiconductor laser op-
sents a key point in understanding many astonishing fea- erating in the frequency comb regime. It builds upon
tures of semiconductor lasers and subsequently control- the modulation experiment by Harder et al. [26] and en-
ling them. ables the extraction of the LEF for each individual comb
The physical origin of the LEF is explained through mode from a single measurment. This is made possible
by the shifted-wave interference Fourier transform spec-
troscopy (SWIFTS) [27]. Each comb mode, together with
its neigboring modulation sidebands, produces beatings.
[email protected] SWIFTS allows the spectrally resolved measurement of
[email protected] both the amplitude and phase of these beatings. We first

a) b) c)
IM FM 1.02
analytic 4

f f 1.00
B± B­ B+ 3
0.98 =2

20 numeric 2 =0.5
IM + FM analytic

[MHz + f0]
θ=0 θ = π/2
0 1

20 0
B­ B+ 0 1 2 3 4 1 0 1
Time / Tmod Frequency [THz + f0]

FIG. 1. Intensity modulation (IM) and frequency modulation (FM) of a single-mode laser and the LEF
extraction. (a) Modulation sidebands and their beating signals B± with the center mode in the case of a pure IM or FM
(top). The beatings are represented in the complex plane. A mixture of both IM and FM is analysed below for two values of
the IM-FM phase shift θ. (b) Time traces of the intensity and frequency. Analytic curves given by Eq. (1) (red dash-dotted
lines) are fitted to the numeric time traces (blue solid lines), obtained from a simulation [10]. The frequency is modulated
around the lasing frequency f0 and the time is normalized to the modulation period Tmod , with fmod = 3 GHz. The phase shift
between the frequency and intensity modulations is θ ≈ π/2. (c) Calculated LEF of a simulated single-mode laser. The lasing
frequency is swept in steps around the gain peak frequency f0 . The extracted values match the LEF from an analytic model
(solid lines).

lay down the theoretical foundations of our method. The the complex beating signals B± between the centerline
analytic values of the LEF are subsequently compared E0 and its first modulation sidebands E±1 can be written
with the values extracted from a numerical model of both as:
a single-mode and multimode laser. This is followed by
the experimental demonstration, where the method is m −iθ  β
employed on a quantum cascade laser frequency comb. B+ = E1 E0∗ = ei(φ+θ) e +
2 4 (3)
In the presence of a non-zero value of the LEF, a sinu-  β m −iθ 
∗ i(φ+θ)
soidal modulation of the bias current results in both an B− = E0 E−1 = e − + e .
intensity modulation (IM) and a frequency modulation 2 4
(FM) of the laser output [7, 26]. Similarly to the work The extraction of the modulation indices m and β is
done in [28], the light emitted by a single-mode laser with
an average intensity I0 is described with an electric field 1.0

p p 0.5
E(t) = I0 1 + m cos (2πfmod t + φ)
× cos 2πf0 t + β sin (2πfmod t + φ + θ) ,
where f0 is the lasing frequency, fmod is the modu-
0.6 analytic
lation frequency, m and β are the IM and FM indices, extracted
respectively. We include an additional arbitrary phase

shift φ with respect to the current modulation and an 0.5

FM-IM phase shift θ. Following Eq. (1), the frequency is
modulated as f = f0 + βfmod cos(2πfmod t + φ + θ). 0.4
Using the Jacobi-Anger expansion [29], Eq. (1) can be 300 200 100 0 100 200
written as a Fourier series: Frequency [GHz + f0]

FIG. 2. LEF of a simulated multimode semiconductor
p X  laser. The normalized intenisty spectrum is depicted on the
E(t) = I0 En exp 2π(f0 + nfmod )t , (2) top. The spectrally resolved LEF is shown on the bottom.
Red dots represent the LEF for each lasing mode, calculated
as is derived in the Supplementary Material. Under the using Eq. (4). The solid blue line represents the LEF from
assumption of a weak modulation strength (m, β  1), the analytic model, given by the Eq. (B3) in the Appendix.

a) b) c)
1.0 1

Beating Normalized
intensity intensity
0.6 LEF
Fit 0
0.5 /4


0.4 0
1250 1260 1270 1248 1250
Wavenumber (cm 1) Wavenumber (cm 1)

FIG. 3. Experimental data of a SWIFTS measurement with LEF evaluation. (a) Sketch of the experimental setup:
Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR), beam splitter (BS), quantum cascade laser (QCL), bias voltage (DC), RF
generator (RF), local oscillator (LO), quantum well infrared photodetector (QWIP), low-noise amplifier (LNA). (b) Measured
intensity spectrum of the QCL and extracted LEF values for each mode (red dots) with a fit (blue dashed line). (c) Intensity
(top), beating intensity (middle) and beating phase spectrum as obtained from the SWIFTS measurement for the highlighted
grey area in (b).

possible from Eq. (3), if both the amplitudes and phases mode laser, whose frequency was tuned in discrete steps
of B± are known. Furthemore, this is also valid in the around the constant gain peak frequency f0 . We show the
case of a multimode laser, where each mode k produces results for three different values of the LEF at the gain
beatings Bk,± with its neigboring modulation sidebands. peak α = 0.5, 2 and 4, represented by green triangles,
With the knowledge of the modulation indices, the spec- red squares and blue circles, respectively. The extracted
tral LEF for each mode can finally be calculated directly LEF values from the numerical model follow the LEF
as [3, 16, 18, 26]: obtained from the analytic model, which is plotted with
solid lines. The analytic model is given by Eq. (B3) in

Bk,+ − Bk,− the Appendix.
LEFk = 2 = , (4) In the following we will discuss how to employ this
mk Bk,+ + Bk,−
technique to a frequency comb. The modulation of the
The modulation sidebands of a single-mode laser are current induces modulation sidebands around each comb
sketched in Fig. 1a (top) in the cases when only IM or mode. By finding the beatings Bk,± of each mode with
FM is present. The corresponding beating signals B± its corresponding neighboring sidebands, one can obtain
are plotted below in the complex plane, following the the LEF for each comb mode. Fig. 2 shows an inten-
analysis of Eq. (3). They are in-phase with each other in sity spectrum of a simulated laser in a multimode comb
the case of a pure IM, and anti-phase (π phase-shifted) regime. The extracted spectrally resolved LEF is plot-
for a perfect FM. In a modulated semiconductor laser, a ted with red dots below, together with the LEF from an
mixture of IM and FM is always present. The beating analytic model of the laser gain medium (Eq. (B3) in
signals in this case are sketched on the bottom of Fig. 1a the Appendix), represented with the blue solid line. The
for two exemplary values of the FM-IM phase shift θ = 0 slight deviations can be attributed to coherent mecha-
and π/2, which is unknown a priori. This highlights why nisms that couple the frequency comb modes.
a phase-sensitive technique is required to measure the In experiments, the amplitudes and phases of the
amplitudes and phases of B± . beatings Bk,± can be measured most elegantly using
In Fig. 1b, we show the instantaneous intensity and fre- SWIFTS. The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 3a.
quency of a semiconductor single-mode laser biased above SWIFTS employs a Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR)
threshold with a small superimposed sinusoidal modula- spectrometer in order to spectrally resolve all individ-
tion. The results are obtained from a numerical time- ual beatings. The modulation of the laser is measured
domain model of the laser based on the Maxwell-Bloch in amplitude and phase using a fast photodetector and
formalism [10]. The analytical model given by Eq. (1) is a lock-in amplifier to obtain the SWIFTS interferogram
fitted to the numerical time traces of both the instanta- (see Fig. C1 in the Appendix). The beatings are ob-
neous intensity and frequency. The IM-FM phase shift tained using the Fourier transformation. We extended
approaches π/2 [18, 30], as can be seen from Fig. 1b. our previous SWIFTS setup [31] with a custom-built
Fig. 1c shows the calculated LEF of a simulated single- high-resolution FTIR spectrometer (≈500 MHz), in order

to resolve the narrowly spaced beatings. The setup con- SWIFTS in both the amplitudes and the phases (middle
sists of a Newport Optical Delay Line Kit (using DL325), and bottom, respectively). Applying Eq. 4 to the beating
a broadband mid-infrared beamsplitter, a temperature amplitudes and phases, we extract the LEF for each indi-
stabilized HeNe-Laser and a Zürich Instruments HF2LI vidual comb mode, as displayed in Fig. 3b (bottom). The
lock-in amplifier for the acquisition of the intensity and extracted spectrally resolved LEF follows the expected
SWIFTS interferograms of the measured laser, as well characteristic shape (see Fig. 1c and 2). Its value matches
as the interferogram of the HeNe-laser. We operate the the prediction from recent theoretical work, which pin-
FTIR spectrometer in rapid scan mode and employ the pointed the origin of the LEF to the Bloch gain [9].
Hilbert-transform to obtain the mirror delay from the In conclusion, we present a novel technique to directly
HeNe interferogram. measure the spectrally resolved LEF of a running semi-
conductor laser frequency comb. The measurement con-
The QCL, which was used in this measurement, is cept is first verified using elaborate numerical simulations
a 3.5 mm long ridge laser emitting at around 8 µm. It of a modulated semiconductor laser. There, an excel-
consists of a long gain section and a shorter modula- lent agreement is observed with the expected spectral
tion section to efficiently couple RF signals to the laser. LEF from the analytic model. The experimental demon-
This feature, however, is not a necessity for the proposed stration was performed on a multimode QCL frequency
technique. The laser was operated in a free-running fre- comb, while the technique itself is universal. It will allow
quency comb state with a repetition frequency of 12.2 to extract the spectral LEF in frequency combs based
GHz. The frequency of the weak modulation was chosen on any type of a semiconductor laser. The LEF gov-
to be sufficiently lower at 9.593 GHz and a demodulation erns many coherent processes in a running semiconduc-
frequency of 9.570 GHz was set on the local oscillator. tor lasers among which is the frequency comb regime.
An RF-optimized quantum well infrared photodetector Its precise knowledge will provide a better fundamental
(QWIP), cooled to 78 K, was used for light detection. understanding of the light evolution that will promote
The intensity spectrum (Fig. 3b) shows a frequency comb further technological advancements.
spanning over 75 modes. A zoom of the grey-shaded area This work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund
can be seen in Fig. 3c. The weak modulation sidebands (FWF) within the projects ”NanoPlas” (P28914-N27)
are below the noise of the intensity spectrum (top). Nev- and by the European Research Council (ERC) under the
ertheless, the beatings, produced by the laser modes and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
their weak sidebands, can be precisely measured using programme (Grant agreement No. 853014).

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2 (A3)
× ei2πf0 t+iβ sin (2πfmod t+φ+θ) .
Appendix A: Theoretical background
Since the modulation of E(t) is a periodic function
with frequency fmod , we can expand Eq. (A3) in an in-
It is known from literature that the width of the laser finite Fourier series of harmonic terms that oscillate at
line is due to the fluctuations of the phase of the optical frequencies f0 + nfmod , n ∈ Z. It follows:
field [4]. These fluctuations partly come from the spon-
taneous emission events within the laser active medium,
which alter the phase and the intensity of the laser p +∞
field. This, together with the resonator losses, defines the E(t) = I0 En exp 2π(f0 + nfmod )t , (A4)
Schawlow-Townes limit of the laser linewidth [6]. How- n=−∞
ever, semiconductor lasers are known to possess a much
where the complex amplitudes En are to be deter-
larger linewidth [3]. This was explained as a consequence
mined. This is feasible by employing the Jacobi-Anger
of an asymmetric spectral shape of the available opti-
expansion [29]:
cal gain. Following the Kramers-Kronig relations, an
asymmetric gain shape will induce a non-zero value of
the refractive index dispersion line at the position of the +∞
gain peak. Since the gain depends on the carrier den- eix sin y = Jn (x) einy , (A5)
sity, the refractive index will change as the carrier den- n=−∞
sity changes. The change of the refractive index in a
limited amount of time will enforce an additional phase where Jn (x) is the n-th Bessel function of the first
shift and an additional broadening of the linewidth which kind. Combining Eqs. (A3) and (A5), using the identity
is much greater than the one induced by the spontaneous J−n (x) = (−1)n Jn (x) for n ∈ Z, and keeping only the
emission. The dynamic coupling of the refractive index orders n = −2, −1, 0, 1, 2 yields:
and gain is described simply by the ratio of their respec-
tive carrier-induced changes. This ratio is known as the p  m
E(t) = I0 ei2πf0 t 1 + ei(2πfmod t+φ)
linewidth enhancement factor (LEF), or the α-factor. In 4
this work we will reveal for the first time a measurement m −i(2πfmod t+φ) h
+ e J2 (β) e−i2(2πfmod t+φ+θ)
technique that is able to extract the value of LEF over 4
the whole spectrum of an operating laser. − J1 (β) e−i(2πfmod t+φ+θ) + J0 (β)
We will start by analyzing the response of a single- i
mode semiconductor laser biased above threshold with a + J1 (β) ei(2πfmod t+φ+θ) + J2 (β) ei2(2πfmod t+φ+θ) .
superimposed weak modulation. The bias current J(t) is (A6)
modulated sinusoidally as:
Comparison of Eqs. (A4) and (A6) yields the expres-
sions for the complex amplitude of the centerline E0 and
J(t) = J0 + ∆J cos (2πfmod t), (A1)
its first modulation sidebands E±1 :
where fmod is the modulation frequency. Due to the
non-zero LEF in semiconductor lasers, a modulation of
E0 = 1
the current will result in the modulation of both the laser  m 
intensity and frequency. The optical field that is emitted E±1 = e±i(φ+θ) ± J1 (β) + J2 (β)e±iθ + J0 (β)e∓iθ .
by the laser is the defined as: 4

We can now also employ the weak modulation approx-

p p
E(t) = I0 1 + m cos (2πfmod t + φ)
 (A2) imation so that J0 (β) ≈ 1, J1 (β) ≈ β2 , and J2 (β) ≈ 0
× cos 2πf0 t + β sin (2πfmod t + φ + θ) , holds. By finding the beatings between the centerline

and its first sidemodes, we can directly extract the mod- Insertion of Eq. (B1) in Eq. (B2) yields the definition of
ulation indices m and β. The beating signals B±1 are the spectrally resolved LEF as a function of the value at
defined as: the gain peak α, angular frequency ω and the dephasing
time T2 , which describes the gainwidth. It is obtained:
β m
B1 = E1 E0∗ = ei(φ+θ) + e−iθ

2 4 (A8)
∗ β m 2α − (1 − α2 )(ω − ω0 )T2
= ei(φ+θ) − + e−iθ .

B−1 = E0 E−1 LEF(ω) = . (B3)
2 4 (1 − α2 ) + 2α(ω − ω0 )T2
The LEF can be calculated from the modulation in-
dices, as is known from literature [3, 16, 18, 26]:
It is trivial to confirm that the LEF at the gain peak is
equal to the inserted α-factor – LEF(ωpeak ) = α, where
β ωpeak = ω + α/T2 is the frequency at the gain peak.
LEF = 2 . (A9)
Combining Eqs. (A8) and (A9) finally yields the LEF
as a function of the beating signals:

B1 − B−1 Appendix C: Additional experimental data
LEF = , (A10)
B1 + B−1

Zoom Zoom
Appendix B: Analytical expression for the LEF
based on the complex susceptibility
The spectral response of the laser active medium is
fully described with its complex optical susceptibility χ = 11
χR +iχI . Assuming that the gain varies linearly with the
carrier density, we can define χ(ω) as [7]: 0

µ2 ∆N (1 + iα)2
χ(ω) = , (B1)
ε0 ~ ω − ω0 − Ti
where ω is the angular frequency, ω0 = 2πf0 , µ is the 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 3.9 4.0
dipole matrix element, ∆N is the carrier density, and T2 Mirror displacement (cm)
is the dephasing time. The value of the LEF at the gain
peak is α. A non-value α-factor describes the asymmetric FIG. C1. Experimental data of a SWIFTS measure-
gainshape of the semiconductor lasers. ment: Normalized intensity interferogram (top), Normalized
The LEF is defined as the ratio of the carrier-induced SWIFTS X and Y quadrature interferograms (middle, bot-
change of the refractive index and gain. As the optical tom) with a zoom around the second burst indicated by the
gain is described by χI and the refractive index is de- arrow (right).
fined with χR , we can write LEF = −(∂χR/∂N )/(∂χI/∂N ).
Under the assumption that both the real and imaginary
part of the susceptibility are linear functions of the carrier The recorded intensity interferogram as well as the X
density, we can remove the derivatives in the definition and Y trace of the SWIFTS measurement can be seen in
of the LEF [7]: Fig. C1. The custom-built FTIR spectrometer allows for
a large mirror displacement, resulting in a substantially
high resolution in frequency space to clearly distinguish
χR (ω) the beatings of the central modes with the weak modu-
LEF(ω) = − . (B2)
χI (ω) lation sidebands.

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