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Ame Unit 2

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Radiation is the term used to represent the emission or reception of wave front
at the antenna, specifying its strength.


Wire antennas are made of thin conducting straight or curved wire segments or
hollow tubes that are very easy to construct. The dipole and monopole are
example of straight wire antennas. The loop antenna is an example of curved
wire antenna.

Types of wire antenna:

1. Transmission Lines
The wire or the transmission line has some power, which travels from one end
to the other end. If both the ends of the transmission line are connected to
circuits, then the information will be transmitted or received using this wire
between these two circuits.
The radiation of energy when done through such a bent wire, the end of such
transmission line is termed as dipole or dipole antenna.

Dipole connected to a transmission line

The current for a dipole is maximum at the center and minimum at its ends. The voltage
is minimum at its center and maximum at its ends.

The types of wire antennas include Half-wave dipole, Half-wave folded dipole, Full-
wave dipole, Short dipole, and Infinitesimal dipole.
3.SHORT DIPOLE (Hertzian dipole)
A short dipole is a simple wire antenna. One end of it is open-circuited and the other
end is fed with an AC source. This dipole got its name because of its length.
The Short dipole is the dipole antenna having the length of its wire shorter than the
wavelength. The wire that leads to the antenna must be less than one-tenth of the
wavelength. That is
L < λ/ 10
Where, L is the length of the wire of the short dipole.
λ is the wavelength.

A Hertzian dipole fed by a balanced Equivalent of Hertzian dipole

transmission line
Any linear antenna may be considered as many very short conductors connected in
A short linear conductor is so short that current may be assumed to be constant
throughout its length. such short linear conductor is often called "short dipole" or
Hertzian dipole "or” infinitesimal dipole".

Radiation Pattern

Radiation pattern of a Short dipole

• Ease of construction, due to small size
• Power dissipation efficiency is higher
• High resistive losses
• High power dissipation
• Low Signal-to-noise ratio
• Radiation is low
• Not so efficient

• Used in narrowband applications.
• Used as an antenna for tuner circuits
The dipole antenna is cut and bent for effective radiation. The length of the total wire,
which is being used as a dipole, equals half of the wavelength (i.e., l = λ/2). Such an
antenna is called a half-wave dipole antenna. This is the most widely used antenna
because of its advantages. It is also known as the Hertz antenna.


If the length of the dipole, i.e. the total wire, equals the full wavelength λ, then it is
called as full wave dipole.

If a full wavelength dipole is used either for transmission or for reception, let us see
how the radiation will be.
Construction & Working of Full-wave Dipole:
The full-wave dipole with its voltage and current distribution is shown here. Both the
positive and negative peaks of the wave induce positive and negative voltages
respectively. However, as the induced voltages cancel out each other, there is no
question of radiation. The above figure shows the voltage distribution of full-wave
dipole whose length is λ. It is seen that two half-wave dipoles are joined to make a full-
wave dipole.
Voltage distribution of Full-wave dipole

The voltage pattern when induces its positive charges and negative charges at the same
time, cancel out each other as shown in the figure.
The induced charges make no further attempt of radiation since they are cancelled. The
output radiation will be zero for a full wave transmission dipole.

Radiation Pattern
As there is no radiation pattern, no directivity and no gain, the Full wave dipole is
seldom used as an antenna. Which means, though the antenna radiates, it is just some
heat dissipation, which is a wastage of power.
Heat dissipation
Wastage of power
No radiation pattern
No directivity and no gain

A folded dipole is an antenna, with two conductors connected on both sides, and folded
to form a cylindrical closed shape, to which feed is given at the center. The length of
the dipole is half of the wavelength. Hence, it is called a half-wave folded dipole
Radiation Pattern
The radiation pattern of half-wave folded dipoles is the same as that of the half-wave
dipole antennas. It is an Omni-directional pattern.

Half-wave folded dipole antennas are used where optimum power transfer is needed
and where large impedances are needed.
This folded dipole is the main element in the Yagi-Uda antenna.

The long wire antennas are formed by using a number of dipoles. The length of the wire
in these type of antennas is n times λ/2

L = n λ/2
Where, L is the length of the antenna,
n is the number of elements,
λ is the wavelength
As ‘n’ increases, the directional properties also increase.

Types of Long-wire Antennas

Long wire antennas are divided into two types namely − Resonant Antennas and Non-
resonant Antennas.

Resonant Antennas
Resonant Antennas are those for which a sharp peak in the radiated power is intercepted
by the antenna at a certain frequency, to form a standing wave. The radiation pattern of
the radiated wave is not matched with the load impedance in this type of antenna.
The resonant antennas are periodic. They are also called as bi-directional traveling-
wave antennas, as the radiated wave moves in two directions, which means both
incidents and reflected waves occur here. In these antennas, the length of the antenna
and frequency are proportional to each other.

Non-resonant Antennas
Non-resonant Antennas are those for which resonant frequency does not occur. The
wave moves in the forward direction and hence do not form a standing wave. The
radiation pattern of the radiated wave matches with the load impedance in the non-
resonant antennas.

These non-resonant antennas are non-periodic. They are also called as Unidirectional
traveling-wave antennas, as the radiated wave moves in the forward direction only,
which means that only incident wave is present.

These long-wire antennas are the basic elements for the construction of V-shaped
antennas or the rhombic antennas.
• An RF current carrying coil is given a single turn into a loop, can be used as
an antenna called as loop antenna. The currents through this loop antenna
will be in phase. The magnetic field will be perpendicular to the whole loop
carrying the current.

Frequency Range
• The frequency range of operation of loop antenna is around 300MHz to
3GHz. This antenna works in UHF range.

Construction & Working of Loop Antennas

• A loop antenna is a coil carrying radio frequency current. It may be in any
shape such as circular, rectangular, triangular, square or hexagonal
according to the designer’s convenience.
• Loop antennas are of two types.
–Large loop antennas

–Small loop antennas

Large loop antennas
• Large loop antennas are also called as resonant antennas. They have
high radiation efficiency. These antennas have length nearly equal to
the intended wavelength.

– L is the length of the antenna

– λ is the wavelength

• The main parameter of this antenna is its perimeter length, which is

about a wavelength and should be an enclosed loop.
• It is not a good idea to meander the loop so as to reduce the size, as
that increases capacitive effects and results in low efficiency.
Small loop antennas
• Small loop antennas are also called as magnetic
loop antennas.
• These are less resonant. These are mostly used as
• These antennas are of the size of one-tenth of the
– L is the length of the antenna
– λ is the wavelength
The features of small loop antennas are −
A small loop antenna has low radiation resistance.
 If multi-turn ferrite core constructions are used, then high
radiation resistance can be achieved.
It has low radiation efficiency due to high losses.
Its construction is simple with small size and weight.
• Due to its high reactance, its impedance is difficult to match
with the transmitter.
• If loop antenna have to act as transmitting antenna, then this
impedance mis-match would definitely be a problem.
• Hence, these loop antennas are better operated as receiver
Frequently Used Loops
• Small loop antennas are mainly of two types −
– Circular loop antennas
– Square loop antennas

• These two types of loop antennas are mostly widely used.

Other types (rectangular, delta, elliptical etc.) are also
made according to the designer specifications.
• The images show circular and square loop antennas.
These types of antennas are mostly used as AM receivers
because of high Signal-to-noise ratio.
• They are also easily tunable at the Q-tank circuit in radio
Polarization of Loop
• The polarization of the loop antenna will be vertically or
horizontally polarized depending upon the feed position.
• The vertical polarization is given at the center of the
vertical side while the horizontal polarization is given at
the center of the horizontal side, depending upon the
shape of the loop antenna.
• The small loop antenna is generally a linearly
polarized one.
• When such a small loop antenna is mounted on top of a
portable receiver, whose output is connected to a meter,
it becomes a great direction finder.
Radiation Characteristics of a Small Loop
• A small loop is a loop of constant current. Its radius must satisfy

or, equivalently, C < λ/3,to be able to approximate its far-field as

that of an infinitesimal magnetic dipole.
• The limit in eqn. (2.58) is mathematically derived from the first-
order approximation of the Bessel function.
•  To make sure that the current has near-constant distribution
along the loop, a tighter limit must be imposed:

a < 0.03 λ
or,C < λ/5. The approximate model of the small loop is the infinitesimal
loop (or the infinitesimal magnetic dipole). The far-field components of the
loop, the axis of which is along z:

It is obvious that the far-field pattern,

is identical to that of a z-directed infinitesimal electric dipole although the

polarization is orthogonal. The power pattern is identical to that of the
infinitesimal electric dipole:

F(θ) = sin2θ
The relation in (2.62) provides a handy mechanism to increase
and the radiated power π. Unfortunately, the losses of the loop
antenna also increase (although only as ≈ N ) and this may result
in low efficiency. The directivity is the same as that of an
infinitesimal dipole:
Radiation Pattern

The radiation pattern of these antennas will be same as that of short

horizontal dipole antenna.
• The radiation pattern for small, high-efficiency loop antennas is shown in the figure
given above.
• The radiation patterns for different angles of looping are also illustrated clearly in the
• The tangent line at 0° indicates vertical polarization, whereas the line with 90°
indicates horizontal polarization.

• The following are the advantages of Loop antenna −

• Compact in size

• High directivity

• The following are the disadvantages of Loop antenna −

• Impedance matching may not be always good

• Has very high resonance quality factor

• The following are the applications of Loop antenna −
• Used in RFID devices
• Used in MF, HF and Short wave receivers
• Used in Aircraft receivers for direction finding
• Used in UHF transmitters
Practical loop antennas
Aperture Antenna
• An Antenna with an aperture at the end can be termed as an Aperture
• Waveguide is an example of aperture antenna.
• The edge of a transmission line when terminated with an opening, radiates
• This opening which is an aperture, makes it an Aperture antenna.

The main types of aperture antennas are −

– Wave guide antenna

– Horn antenna

– Slot antenna
Waveguide Antenna
• A Waveguide is capable of radiating energy when excited at one end and opened at the other

end. The radiation in wave guide is greater than a two-wire transmission line.

Frequency Range

• The operational frequency range of a wave guide is around 300MHz to 300GHz.

• This antenna works in UHF and EHF frequency ranges.

• This waveguide with terminated end, acts as an antenna..

• But only a small portion of the energy is radiated while a large portion of it gets reflected back
in the open circuit.

• It means VSWR (voltage standing wave ratio, discussed in basic parameters chapter) value


• The diffraction around the waveguide provides poor radiation and non-directive radiation
Radiation Pattern
• The radiation of waveguide antenna is poor and the
pattern is non-directive, which means omni-directional.
• An omni-directional pattern is the one which has no certain
directivity but radiates in all directions, hence it is called
as non-directive radiation pattern.
• The above figure shows a top section view of an omni-
directional pattern, which is also called as non-directional
• The two-dimensional view is a figure-of-eight pattern, as
we already know.
• The following are the advantages of Aperture antenna −

• Radiation is greater than two-wire transmission line

• Radiation is Omni-directional

• The following are the disadvantages of Aperture antenna −

• VSWR increases

• Poor radiation

• The following are the applications of Aperture antenna −

• Micro wave applications

• Surface search radar applications

• The waveguide antenna has to be further modified to achieve better performance,

which results in the formation of Horn antenna.
Radiation Pattern

The radiation pattern of this half-wave dipole is Omni-directional in the H-

plane. It is desirable for many applications such as mobile communications, radio
receivers, etc.

 Used in radio receivers.
 Used in television receivers.

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mw be. -re ,,,,-ed . p-re<f'< n'T{y fhue ay rr,an y tJ/hl.Y ~wr nm,rJ>
d=1 1 "a / °I'll, 'ca h'on 4 du cf,
/!1Jrnmerc,, a r ~ uU /.,. , 7
acl r
, =d
I !Xa
coiu, /ur e,,mm un f ca h 't)J7 fha I- h~ Ye. rf'/rni O,,. r/)''·Jfi 'ca k on 1
•ro ,-,,,d -1noe ,,,e7u i ,cme.o l- , tv,1 c~rf' fn•f anten no.. oc1n be Yee
(Ne cl. zf /./J<S' f' ey uenc: ; a b ovc I l'!O Ii 'X ( }.. o -<'. 3 nn) = It{)

t 4c ,oc1ln"I an r cnn a o.on if'/{ fa' °.I a Ve01 fh me I-a//i''c In
j'/2n'f ( fatch ) fiacc d a wve cJ"°"''Jd plalX . ,;h<- <thrr'/ and ffi

O,ro el nc/ ff arie a"'- cf"/'a r a tee( q<j a d t' e /ecfYI •c r:f'h-e<-f Caiieol.
cfcJ hJ' JoCl J-e _
-,::ea fu,e..r ;
I' A
(\_ " - - " - " ' /1
./-h ,n J!af me +d lie
I 'f e.1ion ca I I e d f CI ich
;2. - A d/eie c fn c d'ubJ' IYa te
.3 • @iw' ;nq _;!ew e ,c,h/ ch /.r rnue b iar,c;e• fhan pa.f'ch
d 1menrJ t mr
It- , Feed nelw o ~;z ~o/p l/cd lo anle nno.
Ra.ct la h·on NJ,nh an I-"vJ'm J) ~rch
'I •
l'\._,A--A__ _"-- r- ._._,,
I'-"--"'- - A- "'-

'. -



6Jrot.1nc/ plane

C otel'-;z.
• C,,0 ina/i" .J'y~lcm for ~aeh
ala . b ,. Hx ch ara_r:. fe <Hi I/ c
7roro •; n : :. / D
~ 37r ).6 I 7lfl-
-r Zc, =
IO (i.
:= 8y ;::. .!l

Held cdlS
Jf h -=- N/b I

F,tc\c { CC'I I = Jo c..rl coa.x

\f<K .
"Lf 8,r =-!l
n =. \O . Qcw d(V l'de d i"'o :f te.[(;
tj . ~ct r·ch C.{ .J \ rh v-1
.c\ !5 . Eff tch've
o/ Ae :;

:;_;x SD ~ ~2 - ~ (),3(10
7T x 3 77
,-r - -;30
- ~
' I , ,
' ( I \ 1I
', \ I ';' 1
~\ I II I I-
' '
' \ I I I;
cyj 0
0 -1 :: cp ::. 90
6 ~
e.4> =-o 0 1 £1 ,
£ ....£ d e,o-«JIbo rxn t;; F

th e I a.cu CCL hon ;a. ,,-rr. r

L' -
cl I

veh - - 'j 'e {I

Ee • 01 n[ udJ d'! n0 din d,) h J

coJ [ '( M~ ·) 8 ,nf) c,oJ ¢ Jros ~
[C KN J'tn 8 J'tn C'.p) /IJ. ]

I !5.!J .sin /9 <\'] s,;, 4

\q> = - cft! i [( /<. w J1fJ
[ ( KcDJ;r; [)
19 a10 q,) 2.]
~i rJ d> J /2 J
CD-5 [ ( c,:u

Pe. J'u/ f-a()f- E/e cf-r >"c f, eJd /'J

£ [ {} , cp) :: VEt/ 2-+E,p !2.


Fee d il)C l luJC,ff;JCJ d J' ~

~J f\.,A_ ,I\._" --"\

I, h/ cro vfn'j; Fee.cl 1-.fne

3, A-per/u re COUf!1J Fecc/

-f-- L
- - - - - fctrch N

~--------i 'Dl e lcc.M c ·

,flt bJ Ira Ye.

C.Oa'.X,<ctl -.-
6rm und plcme. fee .cl.
i I
ff · M,'c¥'0 Jfn p )!'ne, fee cj
h - cv. ctx.,'a f frr 0be

,.".;- d i Jo a Cohe/Lt_c.: h~ d/2-,p , u.Jw/,t

Tix m lcro ulnp fee d li°r t
_;cu cd to /-fX. j>a 'rctJ. 7J:e
o/ mct_c.h d'm a //er w J°d 1h ~m
1✓ &:lJ/J to f ct bYJ ~a re. I d'1mp /e /-o rna f'ch bJ cz;n hoJ/y;f
/tn( fee d
ft:Je /nJef- 1 oJ·/ fro r; a
nd cl, mf /e. to mo de / .
[/e ccl .J- 1 Chhe,c +he. c½rrt C/Jn duc.J·c,,- o/
co ax /a J J,'tx In
7a Ct1.a l--/o n ;a 'rch cvh / Je Ou. fer
coa) IJ aff ac }xo l fo !ft
...______ -· --------~
r I

~ ~ 1,

!!J !
__ 11

£r I ~ i

( I r- -_ .. _~ 1//;~ 1
Fe-cc/ J fro x. ,'m ; 'J - ( l'' l-'-f lc .f ea/
COl lff r. d
i = ltf< rhJ1c.. o re arx / ro {r(
a u .c u ed 7. 1-- . tJ eai.)' k K /b tt ,·r
ff)(. !J sDClno l ,Pla n::. .l..J
l) i at .v bc u- ". ,j nofi.1"cX
cb q lJ "o n
d /r ha J l oc v J ;l1.r- ,o u1 ra
a h
,C /j /c'u .1 /f Ir>
rn w c I
' lu,e ccxl f 1-j f --c /
no n w nr a c. hA_J o/X
ba tx tw t d li)
' " eve, (.D fl')f_ fne ✓.: 1n bu f ea !J lu
)lo i.xv?ct o.), ·c1
ar x: t/ . :lr a /J o r:,a, /7(1-.rtT
efholC.¥> 1/5 /

hcu mccte 0 LL
1 Ta w a tw o .
ro rc ,& ;: ; by
rr x> dd a 0c1 1-wo -fu bf lr c. dJ J'
j ha.1 ou­
th e h.J I(:. cyx,
rr x: ilf :n \-,1 fey bl> H b m tl"(.//;J✓ h-
at "e /a /n ·c c•
orour:o / la ne . H-tj h fn'c.. COnvl-w7f f"r1 o II~ -,.c1 I f -r:rr t~ f r/ t,b lh -cd
cv-x:t +h /ck.. low
cu : e,/ec
ev c1 /J o 1'J o
/a rr ✓ th
+h e ifu bJ tr nr
,I x - r.e be /w ee n
cJ.j)[)U nc t /la J
ft' ,y c., rc nt r
e/el7f)(Y) f- ct r.x i rn rn lrir-Jl~eJ ln
,aa..e'o. lrr!J net j>o IC/ a-/x.a h on
f-e -ed :fron-, f-rx. n ~ m a H o n a.
/-,' on fr.rr }a ffe , _ w /d fh
clj)lh -( ol N oacu 'a m cq ~ wn Im I I t.J{J fix
pun• j9 ·-r tx m a lr h d ft x
1✓ j> frf o VJj
a n
Of Fix if/ of . JerJfh
Of rf-x fe ed I/ a Jr1..0 e-f
hn I) t°d'a.d 1/qn~
A d van ra qe 1 o- 1 ,A,-"J /rJTOA.rJ- ItJ
f'.- .A. "'-- "'- A

-,..;__ ~ .h ct ~ E j,f ;'u •e

nc .r
r-..r... ~ 1, 1--0 cv ,P Df
an ~ nna.
J. Loe..o Jn>f-1' /e 2 . fflrJ h Q C£x re-l'
/ oJ lo o)

cf 'm q; 1 if,'.z.e ,
Le.I✓ frvu.jhl- .5 b a n d w /d
'.2 . 3 . Ve,v Nc ar oo
and a. n ,c:.
~ . Low COJ f
i-f . i::tean Jet fo m
/.; £.q_J:J 7-n rf fa I
Icch 'o l7
J,r:necror.r,hr;-;, fJ n'.."1£ nnCt :
ca f, on 1 8- I ~ "- ~ : ~I? --.: >'\ . ......
A /JJJ/ / ,vt ,
AA "-"--" /?"-. 17'-. ....,
A-fylA /ra h'on , ~
I· f..'J t l/ f-ont .~ .,, Rcckef-
r\. ./V '\. J 17"-
~ cr a Jf mN'✓//f.1 ,
a ff J; cl C e 1

h V el oc ll y (J._l~ rr AfJ'/
A(J l c1/J o
a te be JI clGt i /-able . A be
3q u- t7 5e !Du., jJ -rvj-ile
to m r. n u n ;" cq h 'o ,n e fc .
cfa ft fo 'le
b::lcme}'Y,) To.a.or

~ · dJJac ~ ab p) / ca h ·o nJ ~
"- "'- /'/
cl'urh a1
a ;, ; J/ ccr /;'on J'
A. A
I,.__~ r\_

,~ ~ cr f'e
Ol? LU Jn a
M f'c.,,-oJhrr;
/v) ec, cf l llr :n yn f
rl h!" l! i" L"c:
u 1-h /-./'m lo
e "l / Ec
h a r..r J a fh ,f./,.)(:J ea fh E xp ! D -J ti C :Lv' £ £.
) ,
·1.n /:e"rf)a fr 'o n o t
cf '?J

[ EJ... M s J J ·rA R I JFA ✓ /J

1 ..,. ere .
o'hQ H ie x~CZJ ,q cl c, r C l/)J
<.f/ IZ ) / Eo

a hon ✓
mer C ,'a l Q/Jf l1°c
.; . CA.om 7 1 r\..
A. "- A
n.r / Glo ba l jJ OJ
r\.. '7 "l•h 'ooc1JJ
./\. ._. "-. ..~ 1,,.._.,;·,

p c.orornu.n/ca ho
1'-0 oh //e d'afe./1//.
clyJ lern ; ,;--. . f b ad C Q :f ifa f- el /t' le C IJtaS ) ,. A em r:
u; re c
r I
1-f •
r\.. /'\.A_ I"\..--.
r\.. ~

l<e,jlec J-o4'".t . are, CRt cd

b · :::Sh')~ l l Fla\' -6 he.er

Apc.Y\-u,e D-:ivt'.o
E.l<l'l")(.Q_~._- --111.
~r .

c\ . Ad·iv e Como Rc..flc.chsY e . Pci-s6ive eo-r rx.r Re.f le.ch:0-

F- Pa..rcibo)fG RC:f lc~

Vh\uC\I 1 o--fiven
focus. - - --
~•~: ---
1 -Elemen~
I '
t~~bo)1C. Rc::flec.t-6)- i ' C\¥Cc dcn Re,fk;c.k;Y
8· Elltrh'eal Rt:f kcb h'

!wm H!J. Q . otf/ec/-rsY hear a. /Foe.a~ c/;pD /e .

J.-awe I Fldf r;J'hcc:- f

ante✓ f7/JO. f-o ''fedu ce Joacx cvarc / ·, cu;(./a h'o n . ·rhe, ._ c/€.J/ '~ b/_ce - ·-:
,PPDfu flu Of d heel- n,2) e.c/-6Y m~ he, farye✓ (y p
re. Jf iJ v-e d wIJ-h

.me.. oe:-z) ecf-@- oecJuced /'h cf/ ):.e /r, zl9· h . 7he.. f/!) · c the.. d'h e-e f
h aJ aeg-e.neJ·ai'ed tnfo a /-h;n oeJ}e ck<:d" e/erne.nl-

N / fh h»-o ,jlaf- d'h e. e-f-✓ inter J'ec h ng cU- an

anr1le er -< 18v
aJ i;; dhaJ /)( f rac,//a./."Dn ; aHe m ca n l::e_ ohrcu ned / l
f, g , cL Q

call ed a. c f,'ve co~n er re. t)ec h - A- · W 'rncr ref/e .c t-6( wi'f-boctl an

£Xct h1} anl'e nna · GUed a.r a. pa.JJ,·ve rej-/e c h:sr , ev-rnu ang le tr
ctlwa!JJ q o~ w P_a<lJ·f V~ 'Y~Z )e.cw , Re-~ /e.ch~ ~n-n
f-htJ a~le h:1-vl
/e~-tec,J pac~ fnwc rrdJ
fhe, f m,JXd J H-;a l- ah ;nc1d.enf- wav e 1J i cj
/ ,.. . d'oU ree frJ f'tJ ' e +he. Cotner achr fg cu· CL I
~e.hu YC:f:,le. c w .,
'The ;x:u-a hoJ / c ~ccf /e.chsr U.Jt'cl . ID f "lfJ :7'c.le h/Bh!y c/1d"e
cli'o~ I

• ,.l,'c;· f~) ,yef/e cl-...r thz_ COCl Ve J' ().;--,u_c ,/ n aftno

furn a JolllCC
an h-e nna. J - 1 n J ,\/ v
af tf)L foau lh /1) o. I i-e I beam / fne_ ~ ~ct bD la /,q~1 ,foYm (f)j o
ee,/ wa·V.e fan/ fro m the_ j-eecJ Oln{,e nna a l- ./-fx fo
cu✓ 1db
fhe_ CC/W
a hlan e c-<X:l ve fr1Jn r, ' ~ f -/g.CSJ f mdu ce ct
r --rhe_ ,Ftl/phca l ~e.f/eclur 0/' In .t

rl/vo g1r( j bea m c.vtlh ali rtj/e.cl-ecl roave faJJLIJJ fh?tOe.;Jh tlJl
&econcl /oct.U Of Hx e,//l'f"1'e . e>the 1 ex.arn;o)er M 10 f;g, h and 71
A-ffl/co. h'on.f Of C,.OTn( r Re,j/ecl-rs, ;
"'-A,A..-"-- ,...,__ A. " ' I\./'. f\..."1:1\.. A (\._ A. tr\__"-.,/'\

I • ,e/e. v/.r/on !1... l<.ad/o /-f.t lronomy C-D'frrnu nf cah'

e1 ~~-~ R~~c}? : C P~~~ R~t~~~) ·,.

flc{ I rfneef ,he problem o/ an an rcnf)a a t Cl ct r'J '(Qi')Ce, (f

l<.ef/echsY fem a pcrjl?C f-fy c..ondu c p/arx?. (thee j- 1119

,-ej-J-ccf--o-,- Oj in-J/h~fe e:x. renJ- /.J' 'Teadi l!f
An/-enno. hcu:cJ/cd bcf me me rhtd 0/ i°rn:t(Je.✓ • 1n In;~
rnef·fx:c/ J--he.. oel)kc 1-0 ;°J reflcae.d hb' an
J. mc'{J< OJ H;e cm h: nrx:i ct f a ct /'it f-a nee ~ J'
from f--hc. ctnfennCl Q,i tn f fj, ef'hoUJn .
·:i.J--- 7ieduce..r
e-ra.c1/aHon . anc/
FfJ· Anlenna c<J!rn N· J>roV'l°dc( 6'ubdt'anhai rqcr. LP In f-h c. fora.xrrc
Fled rfhuf Re:f/ecksr d. h b
. na 'or> J <t~c/.llC-ln.J. +-he-Ud'/ ac.uj,51 b e /ween

ffx_ ef'h<-e f . ·rJ· con ver ~ a. btd trec hof)a /

I-he aoLinna. ard
pa ,--n1~ rn /iJ/1) a1,,,' ctc~-rec..h''ona I

i u.,o F-lct \r o -e..f l cc~q -S½ceh

i nYev ~c.chfg q \-- an a ra"le oY

c.o·-rne, a~ co ht] jonn an

eff€d1ve di~ecKbr)QI an·k n6'A.
\-ne. G!YlYK". Y Q ~ \e or ~ C:( O'
v--J 'y)e I')
\-he. :$b e el-s in Hr Scd a I--
~3h~ ar-a'le s fey mu½ a

f,6. co-rn~¥ Rel)Iec.rur

L . an"reY")Oa. s cru.a5e'" U YS'()Ct ?Je.:f)ec:_l-b•,s , Comt

Cl l es b?m 5 6c.C(Yn 0~ \e-S~ thar::J 9D c.an be, ct scd a il-bo'-t]~

h,! e. 75
ci • e p< a c. h c a I ct 1'? a d \la r, \n<3C s h:> aq, le-' m w :h ic:;.,; tt:xn
. A ~YX~ 75e:fie.-c\-w c.D,\n o\ ·~ l&'Q i"6 ec,u;vcde.n} l-o a. :ftQ~
Shed . 75cflet.'v~o and roa(J b::. c.oo6f d eoe.d a.o a h~·i h~ cax
OJ ~ ac,·,nn ?.refk.c..~-Y . U6~S ~ ic/ n,-/J'/'oo,, !(.odrco o..rhvaom,y
rvv-. l'(!) /n l- - Jomt C1Jmmun/cahbn ·
~~o.,(J t:JJ R e_+/e c~--Y ~rJ
"- ...... A.. X,tA_. IP\_..~
a /en ✓
A.. "-- ,r\,,,

A 'Yef/echrt o'I
a /.enJ fhaf /-.f larg e 1~ c.cav-e Jvr;fh~
and }wl h!J C< c.f'maI1 horn o > ofho e/erne.n f-a/J (/hare
,~ a ·i dal-ive fy ef','mp/f; In e.xpend'/ve an rennet rc7a.b/e
o~- p ·rod uu!fJ, a h{Jh <fa t/J pa !-ft 'rtJ wf J-h a Te.ctuonQ hi~
(f'tde Jobe. Jevei.

.9- ' DA= 1, J.+ /ij- J, ;;; ~ ~ 8 R~ S ;>" €) .

,,ej/ecfn cthr:e. I.
tv hl, re .a d' t'de Jenfj th Of ffx

= DJ men rfl on ~f ~ rfur~

,xi ver rex ~ ,J-rx rr-ef/ccfov
6; - XJ1\r f. b/n feed a

f'tJTa.m/'dd t -_ _ _ ____:::i.,___ para bt>/o/clal

hffn CV. ,"v>

a . parabt> J/c ctl<f h

A j)Ora ho! a /J a lwv d/me.,nd'/'ona i J>lane, u.rrre ., A- J orqi:tJJ/<
tJ '
·oe.3 Jed.sr rs, ;,r Q ffyr-e e d(ra!.IJllonal curvccl
If ei'Jf ce . /!- · ;oara bofo/'cl i"t fonxd b.!/ ,m f-0- -iriJ a / oraho)a
Qb()U.f Jfr a x_/J . ']._}- ;roc/,u oer ct ;oral/el be a ~ Of c/rcu l ar
C-30J.f' C)ec)fop bew we ~ rYJoufh ◊Z> J oroho/01 d 1J c/rruc lar
,!, f</:J c, . -tfx- cfacl;~a f!or.; ; a He,n . oJ , _,,, (J!/}),-el'}r,,a ha.1
ve { dha '/' rnj17 : o he. CV?d nu m bu Of m tno, Iobe. eohfct

a r e.. cf'rnaJ/er 10 r/1.z._e .

co h tc /J kno un Cf J'
-rf-y:_ j>OrO hoJo/' d ahb cal/rd dl'a h
IJ;°Jh anlenna Ulecf Jo( c/afel!~/-e iv
Tero/ ,h·o J'J .

f\...A.../4/ '\
FnllC1 non
A-ft r Ju r e
I· Btv F N : ! 1-f.o'A _ df/!'eC __ c tn:.u Jo >-
!D 0
,txr h..11rc,
D. . 13 H FN = I/5 A_ d'!J-ree fur )cec /-{)I. rzp,ii '

.3 I l+;)JI- .._), N -
.._ 58
- ·
'A ~ .
tJ /J:: J.rrr A
- - )i:l.

A : : Ao - n-r-:/1-
.K 4.

~" power Gar; trrr Ao hrT k'A .. Ao == kA.

I 1
~f -=
. -
-- )\ 2-
•. , '

/o ra f-/o,
"-""-' \__/\. A,,-,. Of!: ovrr
Qr.)C /
lda cJ<.
f\...r'\ ..
~ ·'"

f> D/ 4
!l · f\_A./'--

I • f.{)(5( e d(rec/-tv[jf ..
Acft as point cfource w[/n la{je 'UZ:,}a/rr,,
:1 '
3 w Rah"u
1/o' dh ou/ d be I a[J-e .fr ®tf(Srr() /1/umI'na -kon .

£'!}: r ff;.__~~.J JvJe 1-f:, od,

I\_ "--"'- ' \

I· Rear
! o o / J. o
:rn 1--f,).r /TanrJml J'J i°o l') i ;"n,_ Jj no!- frJ /+x, CUJ t-er , •<-Ju lrrn-51
,;, an atymmd,JCa I f aff-en - ;f..n ce.nfe, rfeed Ca dual cyah.ne
fee d ) euc, v(-yw·q, _;"~ ,-:; ffJ<.. ccnh j 0
d/d'h Cl~cj e_ne.r;p ,✓
trJacl_"- lu Gm d _ I 6:7 a f ff.,<. end o 3 wa il"lJW de 'tJ /-rOJ', «J
c/. en(! ne d ~-e;31 ah ;1? f I a f e.
AdVanf-aQe.[ ~
"--"--~ utL/"\
ie 'LI- fo-rnJ' a. com;a C f ~rfem... . ~ II ~
9. Mfnfmurn le1J M Of l-rw, f m 1JJ'1bn ltrx. 7VJU J°><o! .-wa nn:;
,n /e.[J h-anrm ,''lJ/'on //{)e !()ft -

~ ' Fron h f.eq;J :

f'\./V'v"' /'\..A-'\./)
1. e;x rlw e 2 . 1.rn;,e-d.£1.."tc miJ·maf-eh 1'ri ;/uct , uu/1
3. rm;ectan r_e /vJ tr mah:h caJJ be., rrcauc.e..d h!J UJ'v/!J :J:m;x:.,.
me.re h f'?J rcQ.hrJ170.e e,0hi"ch lower-" H?e cfcu/J ·
4 a · "

3 , ruJ.re }- f€.cd ;
-; J f\./'--'" "-A/\

i~ Of){l half of }# ;ara bo}a u_ Je.c/

!l · NO Afe :r nu e
b/ 0 U<-0:Je
:5 tro ;t_rtnj<.Ola n a
r j\/) J°am Cl l-c h

I-/" M0o e d/ff/aJ.J /- Iv r/'eah

5' · rf-u -t'ou__.1/:; q_/fecf--r ;-er rrrrnanc-e. 6 paraboJtc.
para bo/1 c paraboitc R.c,Z)cchiv
Rct>kc.hv l<ei>/~chsr

paretd't'h°c paraJ·fhc
Re.2/e.chsr Re-J/~chrr
Rear Feed 1vif-h Re.ar fee! wrM
Halj MCA.Ve d'f°)e h~r>
f ronf- feed wfrh h&-r.

'~fueJ- feecl
61.) rf-h h6>11

Rumdey prfnciple
he dhape of a
rales that f
Ramdey' principle Hen
only tn term of ae,
Jiven antenna dpecifed
rer o3 hat antenna
t impeclance, and pathern rope
Cbil be ndependent of fregueney.
ipdeepdent anrennai
Principle Fiequeny
dprta antenna Can

a Condíion Freguency
be Zndependecc
The antennas cohích are dinmple, dmall,
econemícal ane operatrng over te
entire fregueny
band are most desivable, duch anlennas ave rezerred
anBenna sed l o - 10,000
a eg ueny indcpenqen comrmunftahin
MHX Teqfon duch as ty. point b -poin
and lerses
antcnna complete ly opecied ydpiral

the cumenk a long te hucfure does not redute

gebeat k
asfane aeway fom tie hpct ternm ina. Also

patebn does not have a

srm limítrg wih freguen
(Rumsey popoled autral dhape equafion whlch
has reg uency indepeinqent impectance, paHem dhd
polaixatHon characlrÝsher and cofth thir hape ht
ccuent dishi bu Hon Teduce fo Zeo Tapia/)
Rurley dtated perforrmantë o a

louter anfenna i indeperdernt freque rney, if ke

dimensions i termi of Navelen9h Termath contant, if
tte antena dpecified inerm of agk .

dpherical Coorolfnate r of e
Reurndey useng
Ohere 19) = Any Jene hion of
Eg.Tecdacer to

a c+Po)
Thi equation of an equi argalara he TaBe
/pgari th mic piral o g- pftal in A. a
tahn. a
expan $fon and Po i orien
Tuo 3oce: ae idenhal and dimilar but Cogruent also
Choth duace are coinite). corgruence cas be estobltha
ir net altoewed becaue
ony hy otatron ih ¢, Transla hon
te ternminalt a both dur jace
rgih. Ro ta ften io
s bared because of both pat of fe oinal are
& 0, 7 2xes . Hencc for te
ymmefan Cally dtposed alorg

c t h te frct
Se cond ankenna to achfeave congruenee
imust be rotaBed angle , do thak

KF (0,¢) FC0.4 +c)

ota Hon e
dependr on K but eiter depena
Argle 0
aC+ Bo on Har ¢.
Pysical congruence implies thak tre ognal antenna
Syslem for anttnna
b) Two
m ec a l
Coul elecmcally beha Ve th dàmx at bo fequen aes.
a) CooTdinate
dpira of la spral antena However, tix radation patte tn coill be dotaled axFmu thall
based on equargalo k
andescted Value 0f
Fy. peba) Antenna. hrocug theangle c . F
dofate by amle a
¢ wih ö
be Co K ) h r pathern
Tenner parks o4 the dpiral must on K, but fk dhape coil be
d*< reguen because c dep hd
ferinated at afeed poik 0f inite ad patern cwiiI be
altered. Hence, He iope
m dome
ahd h outer pastr teminate aF
max mum m
radicas. These terminahonr Hegteny todejjndenr
he highest ang lowest freguencfer a From eg

(O, ¢ +¢)
Opeiaton. A dpiral of cond tarnt hrekhes KE C9,¢): F
oes not gmctly fulfir te ff. con to thz agle
Furthe roo, a balaneed feecd point (O,4)] t FCOp>c}]

c) Tub asmmca needed Qnd hnce b tie

awe aie led kF v
ams coi aOo conua Hep dhocwn i Ag. b. wher
F COp+)]
Antenna vratca tH2 dame Valcue of a' bat FCO.4)
1¢) d

edges have
abou cornnpor aRi d becon
dferent Value
of Po- Ara Fendu Now if Cb. b ¢ te eg.(6)
ancd we
ingin ttx nb Shaioht e s
dpisal degerrab
anive at # C cohich ih dolid eguïValenh, is He case KFl0,4)]
do C
d [F0I +C)J
Ofa biconical hn of tbinil extent CFCO.¢4e)] +
From elia. a
te anBerma
durzate iven ar Equate &g. andO
F(O, 4) K
T:F(0,) do
ohere T i s a nce alone tte duae
edpe From E2.
T FI01)
louey tan He
The above egu.
Sgucncy R imer
Oyigcnal equeny. 1 dppose K tim greala, rc
ew uace ivern as and a

hdepndent 3
T'= KF Oq) A) Since LHS Y $9.(7) 3 Hx
ol. f t i du 2ace = Fl®,g)
oheC K dernds nejther or d. a
f1o) anenna ae a hown ið FI,
¢) e
a puae he r TH

cchve a c Floi Conpletely arbianp

caltd kumiy Pioaple
o Gereot

The aboue
rgueny cindependenk antenba.
Thape eguaton
C. dpial anenna
0 eeney 'RaGndent Planar 101
Ai annna
ahanna i ere geomehical
anEnna Agle Beveen ancd
.7h eguangular pia
tiop whore taCe Can be deibed y aglks targent o dplral
Con pr a
be of. dpira! plate
th beguiie ment go dhaper tha C. diogle r o
7ufur an
Cised to deign regdenY mdependent antenno. Fig dome itnple dhaped af Jregucny indeperaent planar
A t he cune alorg itr durzoce
# Fom Clea. C. anenna
itNheceway desýnar H length o he
an nna Ri Input Zmpedanee a/ an@ha fn Value i a
dpec3Y a gini& dixe fion
0f opera
ohen te
Inpcu Zmpe cdan te o/ anlanna for Value i : T- a
3. The oves JKequeny Two anáhnar 76
tofal arm leng Ho Cooparable o tha cwave Jeng ho and Comple mnay d'ercenr and hepre ar
and Zmpedane Cwual,
this, he patten
fos ailreguerce er above

chara cfeaTStTC aie egueny hdependent

d. plana pia aniona
te equ'- angalar plane dpíral u n e Then
The dhape a
m Can be deived by Choo i # dtr va fve of fl0) of and /20T

e) a oliocws
ASC2 8) Z z a 6oT oT S8.4 ohm3
fto) Bur
constant prachital value
inpet Zmjpeaane
/64 obm
whtse A= Arbitay poriHYe
S Disacclla l ) funchon Oesion pgation
Now om t . 10)Teduces. Ratio ed i
ung eg
. kepgh i r a ) L7-To) Va
-fo TITadius 0f Outer dpral
T STo e 2
To Tadius of inner dpital
dimple fha r e g ueny tndependent plana
wurg 8q., the fig. d gves

7 a e aS
C -) ac4- 7- S)
Fegd 3 T4 ye
a e a CTi

a)Two dpisals ewhn So :o,T b) mulhple, JPital

Cube p: 0,7a ,T, 21/2
Copical- OPjoa°A
Co ann annr
e. Fregueny independen 2. Helical anlenna: ( o
The dhape 0f a non-pla nar opiral
Can be dese
sanbed Helical antenna basc ye of Tadíator and
dinuy driVative of f1o) pruhapsit the dimpler t antenna
provde cirulor!y
r9) AS Cp-8)+4) polaixe d . Et is broad banad VHE a d UHF ahtenna b
d9 are dgind pronde ciseular polaXahon characlersh'cs. It condjtk o-
The c o p i t a l písal
duzace a helix 0f thick Copper cie o ubtrig
72= a e a din
o) ohape o3 a dezecw thread and used ar an an tenna lo

72 b
' b a Sin Oo confunchion coito a 2lat rmetal plake calied a gruna plaBe
I Jed bekween one ene and agmund Aane as shoron
below fy
cwhere OSineo C¢-S) Groune
t torat Plane
Cadin &)S : Bo =
Half of Feed Nire
Cone apple
The conical opiral dhaped Conduck Coaxial cable|
Cable Ttruchure can b consched Cshg
prinlcd circuit tech nique cohích
deyes ar a
dupp Th feed Tnner
Oummyig i bound b t meral arm ohich Conduch

NTA coaxia Ca ble aie wrapped aound co shoc A= NS
b. Radiakion attem.
t 9.a. a. Helical Anenna
balanced kanimiston The ourd plane
Ay ing S
i tz Conical egufangular
antena dhel and helix is fecl by coaxiat
a. Two
armr balanced
- opisal anlihna fed qt Hz apex. Th ine
caied up n apex inside Hr1
Pas cable.The 03 helix
one erd
Connccled o He cenhe corlucor o
a lorg i axis the cable and te uter corchuchar
CoOe Cone
bevcen conical dpiral and planar TConncted o t una plane
The aifered ce The paraeters on chich t i
dpiral that Coni cal dpjral pnider unidiseehonal radiahin
lobe o h Cone coith mcae of Tadfahop depen are

in digle
a Poward t apex
B/n h dfame ter of helix and
oaximum alop h axis. C.znte -Relahon Clente b centre .
Turn dpacurg s
coical ant+na, circular polasixa tiop ir oblaind Cirumfeence, spacng,
over h bandwid H tum arple ,pieh a7le.
and Telafively constant impecda n e Th dfenfion 3 helx aoe
ave preJen Fed.
The nput
impedapte 0f a conical dpita cirtumference of helix c7D)
ante ma Tangs betveen oo o i5Dun for pitch a7/
2. pieh apgle fan' C
diameher of helx
and fum argle 20' to 60 3.d
. A Axial legth N
The bandwid tn dependr on He Taho of bafe 5. N= Namber of turns.
diammter t th truncaled apex tamete and h 6.eng th Oh u n .
may bc chootn atbitra ily helix om ound plae.
Tah large such ar 5:/ 0
7. opacung df
Fr N turn of beli'x, total leg
hurn af
equal h Ns and circum ferenee
TD. Y o
circumfeence CTD)
heli'x i unroled On a plane durja h
Tela a are heo
pactng d , turn enghh and pith angle
dhort aspole ir
by Tarangle shocon
o dia C. Far eld of
t argke
behween a Ir boHCI fe. s|
Axial Tatio CAR) -1Ee T.X S
pitch argle is deined normal b hely 27T A
plare 196TLYJ dh8 A
te helix
oe and
tangent b
axi. AR 2SA A
fan a TTD2 bliphcai
Norma Mod 07 Rada hon Ppolan zahion
Fs circlar polat xahon

Axial oY Bcam mode o/Tadiahon nnnn

cd Nomal o d 6
Axfal mode
coaxial Rad. cciTeulor polarizah)
Norma) mode
cable Max
O0O00OLMaximu MX
Grouc Tvo cwre Tx.line
Hh coaxfal cable b Two Wire Transmisrion ine
a. Helix tn
o p h e r ic a l coorainate
D The helica an lEnna Tadiahing field
c. Short dipole u, qq0
maximum in He end fire airechion ie
b Lop o maximum
fela axiaí
Zn tmis mode, the Taqiahon h e helix anis alog axiu o2 he helx caileq
i the direchon
Tadiahon i r C. Rad. pattetn ið made elfca anken na. The polaixaho
broad way ie
Thi mode
of Axial Moce coave i eircular h th mocle.
i cihcu la y e
beli'x gre dmai Compared
dimtsfo 03 e decede thir mde O dadrah'on a1e
obtained f bandcoiah of duch belfx Vey nam TOvO paramefer ehich
hehx Co)
NLLLA. But tuwo turnr Cs) ai He dtame ter
ie a n d effefeny dpacern betweern
loco Tadiato fic feney. 13and
wicl a n d to
This nocle is pasrble ih hel'cal an lanna
dnd dixe belrx
orde f ohe tavele29 h
can by b Cxeascrg belix axi's
be intvea ded cirtumfesen ce delected o e

bave th Cumcht ib phase

alopg eguivalen and eleciead approx aüly
dpa cung egeal o 7/4 o two
iCombinahion ef
The Taad 'ahon
pattern o n Hx Same
helis cwite ranimiasion line.
dhoat aipole pasihoed
Tadiation fom
cohich a l s 6 coaxifal wi#
Design Eguahon
QxS and a dmai a loop
helix Tectuces o .
Zmpedance, R: a.HpBN . d
helix axis. z t is because he
ba ipea
HOC ohm.
pitch angle o arna

aia merea


90 hocwp i g a , b. c. . BNFN= d9. h irechUnl7 D = /5 NSC

anlinna a A3
Ahelical anlinna may be convidercd O4 havong
loop and dipolcr Conrecked m
dhsrt 6 Axial Raho, AR I+
dercs is cwhicn loop dia mete egual helix diameer 6 Far Feid patlern i s
e9ua to dipole leng th. to Jar eld )
din ()cors. hh
and opaceng E
Tadia led by helx i Dama moele elescibed
a keam
O Eo and E4 componenG dipo le and cop 4an Ci-coro)+ J
Far er4 ma /bop
E s : /aoT"[ZJ SnOA A = TD
APPli cahont condirtr f namber
Fom Fig PDA 0f dipoler of
Sailent Featuses
d'tferent lengh and hacng . dath poA ir an aray i
for cirular i t i urtr
Bandd 2. dpate pobe om.
fed ustng a balanced bandmistion i e and

in VHF
VHF Si9nal thrush cent pain af terminals of
a. Used 3. hanspored berveen eath ada
Ton odph¢
3. Hgh ivech'vil7
arge Bandebid
the eedlie ir conecied at n a w end or pex o3
karge consu thon ibcreasesfom feea potn
linear Verh amay . Tbe length 3 dipole
S dimple AR:0, vemaui
fowards otor end suth that thcluded angle
6. AR=D,
Círtular pola k a h o n . constan
hon, AR : / , ana
polaixa The ibCreate ch te ler2gh» of t dippie C)
Antennai ( LPPA) between two dioles C) are
3 pg perrodic e patten opacung i wavelengh
indepencjent an enna, that dfme nsior of t adjacenk dipole pOese
regueny Such
n any
I m p e d a n ce bot ate indeperden of Cerra i Tatfo wi each oter
Oirechivil) and
ohtain fregueny indepenqent,
t e anfena
The olpo)e length opacing behvecn tuwo aajacmk
7eguenty to havelengh
tte mete Caiied der ign
dhouid expand Or contract i propor hon d poles a r e velated tonugh para
antenna mechanically, zn F. Thui
cohich zela hon
is denoBed by
i not potible tv aajust OT deale facl n+i is
Or Tt
dhoald be popor trooa| dn and ch+ and An and
aaia tung gion dhip betwc en
e ike
03 th
fo antenna i de2ined ar tz dn T peHedicilfac
The Log peioaic cwith Alwayr le an I.
tíer muit epeat pericci cally dn +i nt
elcch cal pYopot Fregueny impecdace
can be
The ena of dlpo le along haght i e on
t 7requeny
Ioganth of over
two kalpht meet
at feed poin aex oy

when the Vaiation of te poperhes drdes. Theie

rwo t . Ifes
hence all tte periods iromali angle dla cohlch apgle yincludid
perrod and a
The desigd ofl0g Perodic anfenna
a Aoepenod u on
legg of aipole, ege
bat cwith
basic eometie Suchuredhcture.
toat i depeated
The uchue sze T n acive Tranfm iI4Ton i 'on C<aj:
he LsM2
changing dize o3 cod tant deale facha Antenpa elernenk are dhat coi ti leng e.
tiron eath oepe by a
changr wth
conrack. The ko9 perbdi 2. Flemeots present bigh Capacitance Imprdance.
So hat the ductue expand or
3 Flemen cument l dmall base
leadt'and Voltage by 90.
Ttood by periodic clipole aay cHpDA i Waveleng t dmall.
prnciple und Inacve cshp)
Flement opacing
5. By hans párih'on 0f tx.lie inoaute l85 phase htt+ bfn
houn / # Achvc
Tegiop CL>A)
Tegion 1s l a aafa cen k dipojes.
R flechve
eqicn) 6. Curent ió elerments of tzse rgtons aie dmall ard kexe
CTX Hre) egíon taciahion i
dall batk uarel dhsec Hon huards lef)
2 Active Regon l4 Ma):
in Zmpedance offered b aipoles aie
e ifh ve
Element CunenF i are large and phate of
Voltage. dpare behween tuo elermenh aie lagt, Cauty
Tovin Hx phase l a porh tula lement h leacd by 9o'
i ffeid Tadi a ted from element ln+H Teaches in
the ime
CTx. in S.By
n e . phase of 2n ad vane by 9o and i t fieicd add fo
the Held of ln+I elements, iö phasc producng larqe a

Fig og penodi c Tesultant field tpwardi teft. buaidi

dipole away Hence, he hong Tadiaton lf} in bacrwa2d
4iYecton and a liHe Tadiahon toward qht.
( L>A/a)
3 In achve
cflechve 3cqion

dcsonant lergth. an [1-
.Dipole lergt
L>A/a, Causu - aex argle
irnducHve beca use Ln+l = /2
basc Voltage Put K Scalc Fachor
9. Impedance to lag t e
Curens c t

vol¥aqe suppled

ransmi SSion e is noco
4 SSpaua t
haveleng h Shart
3. Base
almost ail t exrgy han smitted do
much Small
as tan - warc of A/2 ekrn,
and vadialed b aci ve
has ren athiacted
eg lop. This
enton presenif a lage 3eachve Tmpedce
4 A
mo unt of incident
and#nas ang a
tohe lire IOC3ecfed bacg toawar ds
and n -h" :F
achve agio
cuave fom 4 tan 2
bach u a d diacchon.
an -T
Radiahon Pattern

2tan 45
H 0 enea chavaceishies:
E - Plane pattern .PA xcitecl from the shorher length drde o bigh
b 4 - plane pattern pnodi
freguen cy dide om one achve egton log
ach've regfon lg e r
Design nhon hde by drde paalel
antenna and at He cen
he fur fuo
balancecd wo cwfye Tx.lie
LPPA consict of a
Jeguence 0f anenna. They ae
ded by a

fomi coplana aray. Zom 9.a. Fr unidfrectional pA, Shruchue rer n

Back ward
inca dpole 2.
ward Tadiation i Vey dmall 01 Ze».
diiechon and fa
Sn an 3. fo Bidisechiona ApA, Max Tachia hon it brtad

ide diiet
Rn dn
n h Tx ine active Tegon prope characteith cr
must have
cohere n 1123, e

impedance coíthDEgligible Tactiation

at dipole Cen trer.
Qn JaP oacing Tn achve egfon,
tx phadcng of
magni rude and
dpacing fact i degined a
cun en dhoul be pDper do that v ng radi'ah'on
Rn Dctu7 backward diiechon and Xem Taclia ron along

O oltpole r direchon in cave of unidhechonal and broad

2 Ln 2n.
dide for bicdire chta
Eg. Can be Tewithen ai
6. tn tna ttive Te3lechve e9ron, theve should be rapid
conskan decay 0f Cunennt.
Fro. 3ig. APPlicaions
ala -n
HF CommuniCa hons.
han 2. Televison Recephon.
TOune monihrnj. tes dinqle
Ln4) Ln 3 Best suited fo a
PA Cove all the hgher veguen

pDA delerm mahon o)

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