HG G8 Module 6 RTP
HG G8 Module 6 RTP
HG G8 Module 6 RTP
Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 2 – Module 6:
To Be or Not To Be
Homeroom Guidance Self-learning Module – Grade 8
Quarter 2 Module 6: To Be or Not To Be
2021 Edition
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Homeroom Guidance Grade 8
Quarter 2 – Module 6:
To Be or Not To Be
Gabay sa Magulang/Tagapag-alaga
Introductory Message
This self-learning module has six indicative tasks, which are as follows:
Let’s Try This – which will help you to get ready to learn;
Let’s Explore This – which will guide you towards what you need to learn;
Keep in Mind – which will give you the lessons that you need to learn and
You Can Do It – which will help you apply the lessons learned in daily
What I Have Learned – which will test and evaluate your learning; and
Share Your Thoughts and Feelings – which will help you express your
thoughts, opinions and feelings.
Make sure to read, think, follow, and enjoy every task that you are asked to do.
Leaning Objectives
Let’s Try This
Suggested Time Allotment: (10 minutes)
On a sheet of paper, write the terms that you can associate with personal
issues and social issues. Write as many as you can. Personal issues are those that
you consider to have a direct effect on you while social issues are those that have a
direct effect on society. Answer the processing questions after.
Processing Questions:
Write your answers on a clean sheet of paper.
1. What do you notice with your answers?
2. Are your personal issues connected with social issues? If yes, how
are these connected?
3. Are these issues something that you need to decide on? In what
Learn how to get better results or consequences by improving how you make
a decision. Read the scenario below and answer the following questions. Write your
answers on a clean sheet of paper.
There was nobody in the classroom as everybody’s out in the school
grounds for the recess period. On your way to the canteen, you noticed
someone inside the room. Out of curiosity, you peeked at the windows and
saw one of your friends reaching into a classmate’s desk and seemingly
getting something out of it. Just before the lunch bell rang, your classmate
reported to your teacher that his pouch containing money was missing.
1. What is the problem?
2. What are the choices you have?
3. What do you think are the consequences of these choices?
4. How do you feel about the situation?
5. Is there anything else you need to learn about it?
6. Do you need to ask for help? Whom should you ask?
7. What is your decision?
8. Do you think you made the right decision? Why?
Processing questions: (Use the back page of your paper for your answers)
1. Were the questions helpful in making your decision? In what way?
2. Do you consider the same questions every time you need to act on a
particular thing? Why or why not?
3. How did this activity help you in making the decisions?
Keep in Mind
Suggested Time Allotment: (10 minutes)
Sound Decision-Making
One of the important life skills is decision-making. Decision-making is choosing
between two or more choices or options. You always need to make decisions every
day. Hence, it is important to know how to make a sound one.
Here are the steps in making a sound decision.
2) Identify your choices or options with the relevant information. What are
the options or choices you have with your identified problem and the
possible result of each choice/option? What information can help you decide
on this?
3) Evaluate and choose an option. What do you think and feel is the best
among the choices or options?
4) Ask for help. Think of a person whom you can ask for help whenever you
face problems or someone who can guide in doing it like your Guidance
Counselor. It is important to ask for help or guidance from your trusted
persons so that you can see how others view your problem. You can also
gain new ideas or perspective when you do that. It could be your parents,
older brother or sister or relatives, older friends, teachers, or your guidance
5) Make a decision. After considering important factors, it is time to make or
come up with a decision about what to do with your problem. If you think
that your decision is good and you are satisfied with what you have decided,
then go ahead and do it.
On the other hand, if you are still confused and you think you are not confident
with it then go back to step one until you can decide what is best for you.
Take note that in your daily life, from the time you wake up to the time you lay
down to sleep at night, you are making decisions. Even the easy question like what
you will wear or what to eat is a decision to make. We make choices every day, but in
the process of making decisions in our daily routine, it is but natural that we tend to
make bad choices that sometimes lead to some consequences. Thus, decision-
making skill is essential in our daily lives.
Remember this:
Now that you know the steps to come up with a sound decision, it is time to
put into action what you have learned.
Today, the world is facing a pandemic. Everyone has been affected and our
experiences during this time may be different from one another, and yet we find ways
to look for solutions to solve our problems and make decisions.
1. Identify a problem that you have experienced during this time of pandemic
that you need to address immediately.
2. On a clean sheet of paper, with your identified problem during this time of
the table below as template.
My Steps in Making a Decision
Option 1, I do not know when this
pandemic will exactly end and I miss my
friends very much.
Option 2. There are many available
platforms for communication at this
Option 3: I will do nothing; it will not solve
my problem.
Example of choice: I will choose Option 2
because I miss my friends and I can do it
5. My decision
What I have Learned
Suggested Time Allotted: 5 minutes
On a clean sheet of paper/bond paper, do the following:
Based on your identified problem, what do you think are the positive effects of
good decision-making? Fill in the given sentence below.
Sound decision-making will help me ________________________________
How would you explain sound decision-making to Grade 7 learners? Illustrate this using stick
figures with thought balloons.