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Webu Sayadaw and

Sayagyi U Ba Khin
Venerable Webu Sayadaw and Sayagyi U
Ba Khin were closely linked in their
Dhamma work beginning with their first
meeting in 1941. Webu Sayadaw urged
Sayagyi U Ba Khin with unmistakable
words to teach meditation and
effectively gave him his mission to
spread the Dhamma, and he continued
to encourage and support him
throughout his life in various ways. In
1953, Sayagyi U Ba Khin invited the
Sayadaw to visit his newly established
meditation centre in Inya Myaing Road
in Yangon (Rangoon). Daw Mya Thwin
(later Mother Sayamagyi) had, in Sayagyi
U Ba Khin’s view, attained to a deep
penetration of the Buddha Dhamma,
and U Ba Khin wanted the Ven Webu
Sayadaw’s confirmation.  People who
knew the Sayadaw did not think that he
would accept the invitation as he had
never made visits outside his three
meditation centres in Upper Burma, but
to everyone’s surprise he immediately
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to everyone s surprise he immediately
accepted the invitation
by one of Sayagyi’s disciples.

Ven. Webu Sayadaw undertook his first

journey to lower Burma in response to
Sayagyi’s invitation and spent seven
days at the International Meditation
Centre. Afterwards, he visited lower
Burma every year, to give talks and
teach. Seven years later, in 1960, he
stayed at the IMC again from May 12th
to May 17th.

Sayagyi U Ba Khin used to consult Webu

Sayadaw on matters connected with his
teaching, and when he wrote a treatise
in Burmese entitled The Basic Study of
the Buddha’s Teachings and Their Correct
Application, he submitted it to Webu
Sayadaw for approval in 1953. In his
intro­duction to the book, Sayagyi wrote,
“What we have found and what I am
describing here are merely our findings
and our analysis. I do not consider
everything presented here to be
completely, absolutely proven. If there
are mistakes, I request that others
correct me. I would like to invite
pertinent criticism as well as comments
from those who have a mature
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from those who have a mature
knowledge of the texts
from those Noble Ones who follow the
Teachings — those who have practised
extensively in the past and who

continue to practise diligently today. It is

my aim to do further work based on
such comments — to either answer and
clarify them or accept them.”

In mentioning “those Noble Ones who

follow the Teachings — those who have
practised extensively in the past and
who continue to practise diligently
today”, Sayagyi was especially thinking
of Ven. Webu Sayadaw. He told the
Sayadaw, “This booklet was written in
accordance with the instruction I
received from you. This is how I have
been teaching Vipassanā, based on first-
hand experience. This is the way I
discovered the common factors involved
in extraordinary achievements.”

Before publishing the text, Sayagyi sent

a copy to Ven. Webu Sayadaw for his
comments. Webu Sayadaw approved
the text of The Basic Study in a
handwritten letter, saying, “I received
Sayagyi U Ba Khin’s text through my lay
disciple Maung Bo. From the day U Ba
Khin received the Teachings of the
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Buddha, he has practised and ful­filled

them without interruption. Now he has
reached the position of Accountant
General and at the same time he is

striving to benefit others through the

Buddha’s Teachings. He has understood
perfectly what only Noble Ones can
understand — those Noble Ones who
truly follow and fulfil the Buddha’s
Teachings, who practise the three
trainings of sīla, samādhi, and paññā in
all their pristine purity in accordance
with the Pāḷi scriptures. He has made
lofty aspirations, and the treatise he has
submitted is impressive. I believe that
this booklet will spread the fragrance
and the light of the Sāsana as it is in
agreement with the aims of true
Buddhists. You have given a great deal
[in this book]. Now be mindful.”

In 1965, Sayagyi U Ba Khin ordained for

ten days under Webu Sayadaw in his
forest monastery and meditation centre
at Ingyinbin, Webu Sayadaw’s birthplace.

The following sections include, apart

from my own accounts, relevant extracts
from the biography of Sayagyi U Ba Khin
written by his disciple U Ko Lay, former
vice-chancellor of the University of
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Mandalay, with additional material

contributed by Sayagyi U Chit Tin.  Some
slight corrections have been made to
the extracts.

From Yangon
to Webu
In 1941, Sayagyi became the Accounts
Officer for Burma Rail­ways. That year,
the fire of war was ablaze in the world;
the skies of Burma were also overcast
with the clouds of war. In July, Sayagyi
took an express train, using his special
carriage, to inspect the accounts in Myit
Tha railway station. When he found that
another railway accounts officer had
already done so, he had some free time.
His carriage was pulled to Kyauksai
station where it was shunted aside as he
had a few days’ work to catch up on.
Due east from the railway station, there
was the dark silhouette of Shwe Tha
Lyaung Hill, which seemed to beckon
Sayagyi. He went there without delay
accompanied by the assistant station
master of Kyauksai to pay respects at
the pagoda on the hill. After doing so, he
looked around, enjoying the lush
verdant landscape.
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verdant landscape.


north there was CENTRE
a small hill, and
at its foot they could see a small
bamboo-hut monastery. When Sayagyi

asked his companion about it, he replied

that a monk worthy of veneration was
living in the hut, and since he had
chosen to live at the foot of Webu Hill,
they called him Webu Sayadaw. The
people who lived nearby venerated and
respected this Sayadaw as they believed
he was an Arahat. Sayagyi instantly felt a
thrill inside him and wanted to go and
pay respects to this Sayadaw. He started
to descend directly towards the little hill,
but his escort told him that it was not
possible to descend from that side of
the mountain. “The Sayadaw doesn’t
receive visitors now,” the assist­ant
station master added. “I’ll accompany
you to his place in the afternoon.”

Back at the station, they had lunch. Then

Sayagyi went to meditate in his carriage.
He concentrated with mettā on Webu
Sayadaw and informed him in his mind
that he wanted to come and pay
respects. At three o’clock in the
afternoon, Sayagyi called his companion
and they took a horse carriage to Webu
Valley When the road became too
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Valley. When the road became too
they descended and continued
on foot. As they entered Webu valley,
their minds became very quiet and
serene. They saw the Konawin Pagoda,

which is nine cubits high, and the Sīmā

Hall and paid their respects.

At that moment, two lay nuns appeared.

As there was no one else around, they
asked them whether they could pay
respects to Webu Sayadaw. “This is not
the time,” was the reply. “You can see
him only at breakfast time and in the
evening when he gives a discourse.”
Sayagyi told the lay nuns it was not
important that he see Webu Sayadaw in
person. If they would show him his
dwelling, he would pay respects outside
it. The lay nuns showed him a little
bamboo hut, and Sayagyi went closer.
He took off his sandals, squatted down
on the ground and paid respects. He
addressed the Sayadaw in his mind,
saying, “Disciples from Yangon are here
to pay respects, Sir.”

The little door of the hut suddenly

opened and Webu Sayadaw’s face
appeared. “What wish do you have in
mind as you pay respects, great lay
disciple?” were the Sayadaw’s first
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“Sir, I wish to attain the Paths and
Fruition States, Nibbāna,” Sayagyi
“Oh, you want Nibbāna,” the Sayadaw
said. “How will you go there?”

“Sir, the way to Nibbāna is the

knowledge gained through
Vipassanā, paññā,” Sayagyi replied. “I am
also directing my mind to the awareness
of anicca at this moment.”

“Oh,” the Sayadaw said,

“sādhu, sādhu, sādhu (well done). How
did you receive this Dhamma?”

Sayagyi replied that he had meditated

for seven days under the guidance of his
teacher and benefactor Saya Thet Gyi;
then he had con­tinued on his own. Even
when travelling, as he was at that time,
he meditated in his railway carriage.

“You have pāramī, great lay disciple,” the

Sayadaw said. “I thought that you must
have spent a long time by yourself in the
forest and that you must have made
great efforts there.”

They spent more than one hour

conversing in this way, then after having
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obtained permission to offer a
vegetarian meal earlyMEDITATION CENTRE
the next morning,
Sayagyi and the assistant station master
returned to Kyauksai station. The next

day they cooked the meal and went to

offer it to Webu Sayadaw. He accepted
the food and gladdened them again with
talk on the Dhamma. The other people
who came to offer breakfast said that
Webu Sayadaw had never talked that
much before. At the end, he said, “Great
disciple, you have to give the Dhamma,
share the Dhamma you have with
everyone. You cannot be sure that you
will meet again the disciples who are
here with you now. Now that you have
met them, give them the Dhamma.
Show them the Dhamma to some small
extent. Give the Dhamma. Do not wait.”
In this way, Webu Sayadaw admonished
and stirred Sayagyi.

Sayagyi heeded the Sayadaw’s words.

Back at the station in Kyauksai, he
taught the assistant station master in
his railway carriage. That man was the
first person to be taught the Dhamma
by Sayagyi U Ba Khin.

The Webu
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his first
journey to
lower Burma
– The Cause
of the
The ripening of Mother Sayamgyi’s
paramis was the reason for Sayagyi U Ba
Khin to invite the Venerable Webu
Sayadaw to Rangoon. In April 1953,
during the Water Festival period, Mother
Sayamagyi Daw Mya Thwin, took her
first meditation course at the
International Meditation Centre (IMC). 
She was the wife of U Chit Tin (later,
Sayagyi U Chit Tin), who was one of
three people working in Sayagyi U Ba
Khin’s department who had been
selected to do the first course in the
shrine room of the Accountant General’s
Office.  Before the IMC was founded,
Sayagyi U Ba Khin taught in this shrine
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Sayagyi U Ba Khin taught in this shrine
He asked his office workers
attend the office as normal, but instead
of doing their work, they were to
meditate. He himself would do their

work for them for that period of ten


When U Chit Tin did his first course, he

didn’t want to stop meditating when he
got home in the evening, so he taught
his wife Anapana meditation.  He told
Mother Sayamagyi, that she should
think of Sayagyi U Ba Khin as her
teacher and gave her the formalities. 
When Mother Sayamgyi started to
concentrate on her breath, her mind
became focused immediately and within
the first ten minutes she saw a light like
a glow worm.  She was surprised and
opened her eyes, to look for the source
of this light, but the room was in
complete darkness.  When she reported
this to U Chit Tin, he praised her, saying
that this was very good.  She continued
to meditate at home after this, but not
very regularly.

After the land for the IMC had been

purchased, Mother Sayamagyi on one
occasion accompanied U Chit Tin to the
IMC to deliver fencing wire that U Chit
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Tin had picked up in the city.  There she

met U Ba Khin again.  He asked her,
“When are you going to come for a
course?” She didn’t reply.

Before the Water Festival time in 1953,

Mother Sayamagyi’s neighbour, an
elderly lady who was from Moulmein
like Sayamagyi and U Chit Tin, tried to
convince Mother Sayamagyi to go with
her to the IMC for the period of the
festivities, to meditate.  Burmese people
traditionally go to their monastery
during this time to observe the eight
precepts and to listen to the discourses
of the monks.  As both of them had
recently arrived in Rangoon and didn’t
know any monastery there, the
neighbour thought that the meditation
centre would be a good alternative for
them.  However, Mother Sayamagyi was
not very keen at first but was eventually
persuaded and entered the ten-day
course with forty other students.  She
experienced great difficulty at first in
Anapana meditation, though she had
practiced at home before.  She even told
Sayagyi U Ba Khin on one occasion that
she didn’t think that she had any
Paramis.  Sayagyi U Ba Khin told her: “If
you didn’t have any Paramis, you
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wouldn’t be here”.
When Sayagyi U Ba Khin taught the
group Vipassana, Mother Sayamagyi
couldn’t feel anything at first.  After the

teaching of Vipassana Sayagyi U Ba Khin,

sitting in the central shrine, moved from
cell entrance to cell entrance in the
octagonal pagoda and asked the
students about their experiences. Only
when Sayagyi U Ba Khin asked her
directly, did she suddenly feel a rush of
sensations from the top of the head
throughout the body. In the following
days Mother Sayamagyi experienced
intense suffering, dukkha; so much so
that she at times she thought that she
was on the point of death.   However,
she held on to the awareness of
impermanence, anicca, and this kept her
in good stead and brought her
eventually to the point where the
dukkha came to an end and she
experienced peace and coolness.

After this first course Sayagyi U Ba Khin

visited U Chit Tin and Mother Sayamagyi
every morning and evening, meditated
with them and kept a close watch over
Mother Sayamagyi’s progress. When the
next course in May came up, he
suggested that Mother Sayamagyi come
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suggested that Mother Sayamagyi come
first two days MEDITATION
of the course. In
the end Mother Sayamagyi stayed for
the whole ten days and consolidated
and further developed her

understanding of the Buddha’s

teachings and Sayagyi taught her many
profound Dhammas.  Sayagyi U Ba Khin
was very happy to have gained a disciple
with such great penetration of the
Dhamma, but he wanted his conclusions
confirmed by a respected meditation
teacher.  For this purpose he decided to
invite the Venerable Webu Sayadaw to
come to the IMC.   The Webu Sayadaw
was gracious enough to accept the
invitation. After the Sayadaw had
established himself in his quarters
Sayagyi U Ba Khin went there with
Mother Sayamagyi to receive the
Sayadaw’s advice. Mother Sayamagyi
described all her progress along the
path in the last two months to the
Sayadaw in Sayagyi U Ba Khin’s
presence.  The Webu Sayadaw 
approved and said: “Don’t stop here. 
Don’t stop.”

The Webu Sayadaw also spent much

time meditating in the pagoda at the
IMC during this seven day visit. Before
travelling back to his monastery in
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travelling back to his monastery in
Hse, he circumambulated the
Dhamma Yaung Chi Ceti, The Light of
the Dhamma Pagoda three times
keeping it to his right. He did this in

order to show his gratitude to the place

where he had meditated.  When he
arrived at the airport in Mandalay a big
throng of worshippers awaited him,
venerating him as an arahat. On a later
visit to the IMC he declared, “My Sasana
has also started from this place. My
Sasana has also started from this place”

Later also the Webu Sayadaw showed

his great appreciation not only of
Sayagyi U Ba Khin’s Paramis but also of
Mother Sayamagyi’s Dhamma qualities. 
When Sayamagyi went to pay respects
to the Webu Sayadaw in his monastery
at Shwebo, he received her graciously
and he instructed the Thila Shins (lay
nuns) to prepare refreshments for her
and her group.  The nuns took a long
time over it and eventually, as it was
getting late, Mother Sayamagyi  had to
take her leave.  Only then did the nuns
finally arrive with the refreshments.  The
Webu Sayadaw scolded the nuns,
saying: ”You are really very slow!” They
had not been able to acquire the merits
placed within their easy reach by the
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placed within their easy reach by the
Venerable Webu Sayadaw.

When Mother Sayamagyi and a group of

disciples went to report Sayagyi U Ba

Khin’s demise to the Sayadaw on the

occasion of his visit to Rangoon, the
Webu Sayadaw told them: “Your Sayagyi
is not dead. He continues with his work.
Others are dead even though they are
still alive”.

Invitation to
In June 1953, Sayagyi U Ba Khin and
Mother Sayamagyi mentally invited the
Venerable Webu Sayadaw to come and
dwell at the IMC for seven days. Then,
Sayagyi sent U Boon Shein, a close
disciple, to Kyauksai to make a formal
invitation to Ven. Webu Sayadaw.
Sayagyi did not give U Boon Shein a
formal letter of invitation for the
Sayadaw. “Just say that I sent you,”
Sayagyi said and gave him instructions
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concerning the invitation.


U Boon Shein’s first stop was at a
friend’s house in Mandalay. “So, it’s the
great U Boon Shein,” his friend said in

greeting him. “What brings you to Upper

Burma so unexpectedly?”

“My teacher has sent me here on a

special mission,” U Boon Shein replied. “I
came on the first available plane. Can
you get me a car, my friend?”

“Who is your teacher? And just what is

your special mission?” his friend asked.

“My teacher is Sayagyi U Ba Khin, the

Accountant General,” U Boon Shein
replied. “A group of us in the Accountant
General’s Office have set up a Vipassanā
Association and opened a meditation
centre. We’ve built a pagoda there. The
Accountant General is the teacher at the
centre; that’s why we call him ‘Sayagyi’
(revered teacher). He has asked me to
invite Ven. Webu Sayadaw to come to
Yangon, so I have to go to Kyauksai.”

“You must be mad, U Boon Shein,” his

friend said. “Ven. Webu Sayadaw doesn’t
even come to Mandalay. What makes
you think he’d go as far away as
Yangon? He never leaves his monastery.
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He never accepts invitations.”

“My dear fellow,” U Boon Shein said, “I
don’t know anything about all that. It

doesn’t concern me. My duty is to simply

go to the Sayadaw and convey the
message my teacher gave me. The
Sayadaw can tell me himself whether he
will accept the invitation to come to
Yangon or not. Please just arrange for
me to have a car to go to Kyauksai as
quickly as possible!”

The car was arranged and U Boon Shein

approached Ven. Webu Sayadaw around
lunch time. In those days, the Sayadaw
was not surrounded by crowds of
people making offerings when he had
his meals — there were only two lay
nuns, three or four lay women, and two
attendants present. The lay disciples
and the attendants, named U Kyaung
and Bo Tun, served the Sayadaw every

“I have come with a message from

Sayagyi U Ba Khin, venerable sir,” U
Boon Shein told Ven. Webu Sayadaw.
The Sayadaw looked up from his bowl,
glanced at U Boon Shein, and said, “Yes,
yes,” then continued his meal. When U
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Boon Shein looked at the Sayadaw’s

face, he had the impression the
Sayadaw was saying, “Yes, I knew you

were coming. Wait for a moment.” U

Boon Shein waited humbly.

After finishing his meal, Ven. Webu

Sayadaw glanced at U Boon Shein.
“Have you come all the way from
Yangon, lay disciple?” he asked.

“That is correct, sir. I was sent by the

great lay disciple U Ba Khin.”

“The great lay disciple U Ba Khin?”

“Yes, sir. He is the great disciple who

came to Webu to pay respects to you
before the war. That was in the month
of Wagaung in 1302 (1941). Because of
your instructions to him, he has been
teaching meditation and spreading the
Dhamma ever since. After the war, U Ba
Khin became Accountant General of
Burma and has settled down in Yangon.
He teaches meditation to his
subordinates in a meditation room in
his office. There are also some
foreigners who practise meditation
under his guidance and who have
become Buddhists.”
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“It is delightful MEDITATION
to hear CENTRE
that he is sharing
the Dhamma he obtained through his

unwavering effort in the practice,” Ven.

Webu Sayadaw said.

“Yes, sir. Accountant General U Ba Khin

founded the Vipassanā Research
Association in 1951 together with some
of his office workers. He has been
studying their meditation experiences in
a scientific manner. He has compiled a
small booklet of his findings entitled The
Basic Study of the Buddha’s Teachings and
Their Correct Application, and he wishes
to submit it to you for your approval.
Thanks to your loving kindness and
encouragement, he was able to found
the Vipassanā Association on the new-
moon day of Kason in 1951, and all the
employees of the Accountant General’s
Office were given permis­sion to join.
These office workers’ families also
wanted to join, so the space in the
shrine room at the office was too small.
As a result, we bought a plot of land on
Inya Myaing Road. A meditation centre
was opened there on the new-moon day
of Kason in 1952, and Sayagyi is
teaching at the new centre He has built
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teaching at the new centre. He has built
a Dhamma Yaung ChiMEDITATION
INTERNATIONAL Ceti on a small hill
at the centre, and his main concern now
is teaching the Dhamma to foreigners.”

Ven. Webu Sayadaw looked at U Boon

Shein with loving kindness as he gave
this explanation without asking any
questions. Then U Boon Shein conveyed
Sayagyi U Ba Khin’s message. “There is a
pagoda at the centre now,” he said,
“with eight meditation cells. We have
also built living quarters for you to live
in. Sayagyi has sent me to you to
humbly request that out of compassion
for us you travel to Yangon to bless the
Dhamma Yaung Chi Ceti, which was built
about a year ago.”

The two attendants and the ladies

looked at U Boon Shein and the
Sayadaw doubtfully when he said this,
but U Boon Shein continued, “I have a
special message from Sayagyi U Ba Khin
to convey to you, sir: The people of
Kyauksai, Shwebo, and Khin U are able
to pay respects to the qualities of
sīla, samādhi, and paññā as embodied by
the venerable Sayadaw, but there are
many people in other parts of Burma
who cannot easily obtain an opportunity
to pay respects to the Sayadaw Your
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to pay respects to the Sayadaw. Your
pāramīs are very powerful
ability to teach is very great. The places
where people have received this
Teaching from you are very few.

Venerable sir, the great disciple U Ba

Khin requests that you leave your
monasteries and that, with your great
loving kind­ness (mettā) and compassion
(karuṇā), you tour the country in order
to dispense the cooling Dhamma to all
the people of Burma. He says that now
is a good time for the Sayadaw to do

U Boon Shein had finished his short

speech. He wiped the sweat from his
brow with his handkerchief and waited
for the Sayadaw’s reply. Everyone in the
little bamboo hut was silent.

“When do you want us to come to

Yangon?” the Sayadaw’s voice broke the

“Whenever you wish, sir,” U Boon Shein

answered with a trembling voice.

“Well, I don’t think we can leave

tomorrow,” Ven. Webu Sayadaw said,
“so it will have to be day after tomorrow.
Does it suit you if we come day after
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happy he could
hardly speak. “It … it is suitable, sir,” he

said. “I’ll inform Yangon immediately so

that every­thing can be made ready.”

The Sayadaw sent Bo Tun to fetch two

monks, U Ñāṇa and U Sumana. When
they arrived, he said, “We are going to
Yangon to instruct the disciples there.
Arrange everything for the journey with
this lay disciple. We will go with six
monks and two attendants.”

The two monks were so surprised they

could scarcely believe their ears. They
went outside and asked U Boon Shein to
explain. Then they conferred on the
arrangements for the trip to Yangon.
The date was Friday, July 3, 1953. They
agreed that the trip would be made by
train on Sunday, July 5th. U Boon Shein
went back into the Sayadaw’s hut to pay
respects and to inform him of the

“The Sayadaw and his disciples will

travel by train to Yangon on Sunday,” he
said. “Please inform your disciple of any
special require­ments for your stay in
Yangon ”
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“Just ask the great disciple in Yangon to
provide toilet facilities in accordance
with the Vinaya rules for the monks,”

Ven. Webu Sayadaw said. “There’s

nothing else we need.”

U Boon Shein went back to Mandalay

and headed straight for the telephone
exchange in order to call Yangon. As the
Accountant General’s Office was one of
the most important government depart­-
ments, U Boon Shein was able to speak
to Sayagyi and convey the good news to
him in no time. He then went to his
friend’s office to tell him what had
happened. His friend was very
surprised. U Boon Shein waited in his
friend’s office to hear from Sayagyi.
Within an hour, he was told that
everything had been arranged. Tickets
had been bought and places booked on
the train for the monks, the lay disciples,
and U Boon Shein.

At the International Meditation Centre in

Yangon, preparations for the Sayadaw
and his followers were quickly made:
their living quarters, robes, the toilet
facilities, etc.

The Shin Saw Lu Sayadaw the Webu

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The Shin Saw Lu Sayadaw, the Webu
Sayadaw’s most devoted
successor as head of the monastery in
Kyauksai, liked to tell the story of how
Sayagyi U Ba Khin met them at the train
station and enthusiastically began to
talk to the Webu Sayadaw about very
deep meditation experiences.  The
Webu Sayadaw smiled and told Sayagyi
to wait with these profound subjects
until they were at the centre.  It was not
appropriate to discuss such things in
front of people who didn’t understand

Ven. Webu Sayadaw was brought to the

Centre from the train station in a large
car. The people who were there to
welcome him took their places on either
side of the flight of steps leading to the
pagoda and on the pagoda platform.
When the car stopped at the bottom of
the steps, Sayagyi opened the door
himself. After he got out of the car, Ven.
Webu Sayadaw looked up at the pagoda,
which had recently been gilded and
crowned with its hti (parasol). It was
shining and sparkling in the sunlight.
The Sayadaw stopped at the foot of the
steps and raised his hands towards the
pagoda in veneration. Only after doing
this did he slowly proceed up the steps
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this did he slowly proceed up the steps
towards the pagoda platform.

When they arrived at the pagoda

platform, Sayagyi raised his joined

hands in reverence and indicated the

way, then Sayagyi invited the Sayadaw
to enter the pagoda through the north
cell. The Sayadaw entered the central
room.[v] Sayagyi U Ba Khin’s disciples
were seated in the cells around the
central room and all around the pagoda
outside, and they raised their joined
hands in respect to the Sayadaw.

Sayagyi then said, “This Dhamma Yaung

Chi Ceti is a place where the three Noble
Gems of the Buddha, the Dhamma, and
the Saṅgha can be worshipped and our
debt of gratitude to them can be repaid.
It is a place that we have established in
order that it can be the centre of our
teaching of the Paths and the Fruition
States to the world, making the qualities
of sīla, samādhi, and paññā the basis of
our teaching. Venerable Webu Sayadaw
has made the journey here to give us
the necessary strength and protection
and to instruct us. After we take the
precepts (sīla) from him, we will fix our
minds on the aspects of the Dhamma
we have realized we will pay respects to
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we have realized, we will pay respects to
the Buddha, to Venerable
Sayadaw, and to the monks
accompanying him. May Sakka, the king
of the Devas, the Four Guardians of the

World, and all the great Devas descend

on this place! May they join us in the
highest meritorious deed of paying
respects to the Buddha, the Dhamma,
and the Saṅgha, and may they protect

Everyone then took the triple refuge and

the moral precepts from Ven. Webu
Sayadaw, and this was followed by
everyone paying their respects by
meditating for five minutes.

Sayagyi gave a talk, relating how he had

first met and paid respects to Ven. Webu
Sayadaw in 1941. He said he had started
to teach after Webu Sayadaw urged him
to do so. Sayagyi spoke of how he had
founded the Accountant General’s
Vipassanā Research Associ­ation and of
how he taught meditation to the office
staff and to foreigners, who had become
Buddhists through this. The site on Inya
Myaing Road had been acquired after
the Association was well established and
the Dhamma Yaung Chi Ceti was built
there. The International Meditation
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Centre was founded at this location in

order to spread the Buddha-Dhamma
throughout the world.

Ven. Webu
Sayadaw in
the Dhamma
Hall, IMC-
As Sayagyi spoke, Ven. Webu Sayadaw’s
face was lit by a smile. It was obvious
from his expression that he was happy
with what he heard.

After Sayagyi finished, Ven. Webu

Sayadaw said, “The practice of the Great
Teacher’s Teachings leads to the
appeasing of suffering. You all know this
for yourselves. It is very noble to pass
one’s own Dhamma on to others. This is
the noblest gift of all. You know the
gratitude you owe to the Buddha. You
practise the Dhamma. This practice is
the highest practice. You are all doing
noble work in an auspicious place. As a
result, you will obtain great benefits. The
results of your efforts will be in
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results of your efforts will be in
accordance with the strength
pāramī. Establish yourselves through the
power of effort and continue to practise
according to the Buddha’s instructions.

In this way you will attain everything

that should be attained. We came here
in answer to your invitation so that we
would not be lacking in repaying our
debt to the Buddha, so that we could
pay back the debt of gratitude we have
to the Buddha. In olden days, those who
were wise also worked in this way, being
constantly mindful, and they attained
their goal. In the same way, Noble Ones
today succeed through establishing
effort and working hard.”

All those present were delighted and

said, “Sādhu, sādhu, sādhu,” with great
devotion and joyful voices.

Afterwards, Webu Sayadaw was taken to

his quarters in a building that had been
set up as a temporary monastery, and
all the monks with him were given their
own accommodation. At six o’clock in
the evening, cold drinks were offered to
the Sayadaw and the monks, and after
that, the Sayadaw gave a talk to the
people who had come from Yangon to
pay respects. It was only the following
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day that a multitude of visitors from all

over the city came to the centre. The
visitors included former President Sao
Shwe Thaik, judges, and government

ministers. They all brought offerings of

food, robes, and other requisites. Ven.
Webu Sayadaw gave three discourses
each day to the people who came to pay

In this way, the people of Yangon were

able to pay respects to and receive the
Teachings from Webu Sayadaw for
seven days. They had this opportunity
thanks to Sayagyi’s concern, loving
kindness, and foresight, and thanks to
the efforts of the members of the
Vipassanā Association. So the people of
Yangon are greatly indebted to them for

After the seven days were over, Ven.

Webu Sayadaw and the monks
accompanying him returned to Kyauksai
by plane, taking with them the many
gifts offered in Yangon.

When people heard that Ven. Webu

Sayadaw had visited the International
Meditation Centre, they wanted to have
him come to their own villages, towns,
and regions In Yangon former
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and regions. In Yangon, former
President Sao Shwe Thaik
association that was to organize the
Sayadaw’s visits to the capital. They
invited him to come in May 1954. While
staying at the association’s temporary
monastery, Ven. Webu Sayadaw went to
I.M.C. on May 1st and meditated with
Sayagyi and his disciples in the Dhamma
Yaung Chi Ceti. That afternoon, he gave
them a talk in the centre’s Dhamma Hall
at five o’clock, and they made suitable
offerings to him at that time.

After that, Ven. Webu Sayadaw came to

Yangon each year at the association’s
invitation. He visited I.M.C. again on May
10, 1955; Feb. 21, 1957; and April 5,
1958. On each of these visits he
meditated with Sayagyi and his disciples
in the Dhamma Yaung Chi Ceti and then
gave a talk in the Dhamma Hall. The
members of the Vipassanā Association
always made an offering of robes and
the other requisites for monks.

In 1960, seven years after the Sayadaw’s

first visit to I.M.C., Sayagyi sent him the
following letter:

The Vipassanā Association

Office of the Accountant General,

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Yangon, Burma (The 15th day of the

new moon of Natdaw, 1321/Dec. 14,

Maung Ba Khin respectfully addresses

Venerable Webu Sayadaw!

Since the month of Wagaung 1302 (August

1940), when your disciple first met the
venerable Sayadaw while on a tour in the
service of the Railways Accounts
Department, your disciple has undertaken
many tasks and duties in the service of the
Sāsana, following the venerable Sayadaw’s
admonition. The venerable Sayadaw has
seen for himself the Dhamma Yaung Chi
Ceti and the success of our work at our
meditation centre. He has seen the many
foreigners from all over the world who
have been given the Dhamma by his

In 1315 (June 1953), the venerable

Sayadaw came to the meditation centre in
Inya Myaing Road and resided there for
exactly seven days. During that time, the
Sayadaw gave the cooling medicine of the
deathless. The Sayadaw will also
remember that, having sown very special
seeds for the Sāsana, he began to actively
spread the Teachings.
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Since that time, over six

venerable Sayadaw has travelled to many
places all over Burma and has benefited
beings beyond measure. Your disciples can
also say that their work has progressed

As we are entering the seventh year since

the venerable Sayadaw first visited us, your
disciple requests that you honour the
International Meditation Centre with your
presence together with your Saṅgha for a
period of ten days for the benefit and
development of the Sāsana, for the benefit
and development of beings, and in order
to bring inspiration. If the Sayadaw wishes
to come, everything will be according to
the Sayadaw’s wishes.

The Sayadaw’s disciples, who are full of

hope, respectfully request the Sayadaw to
come to I.M.C. for ten days, for this
meditation centre is very dear to the
Sayadaw, who, out of great compassion
and great loving kindness, strives to make
the Sāsana continue to grow. If he should
come, the disciples under his protection
and guidance, both monks and lay people,
will have an opportunity to savour the
extraordinary taste of the Dhamma
(Dhamma-rasa). Therefore, your disciples
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earnestly and humbly request the

Sayadaw to favour us with his visit.

Maung Ba Khin

The International Meditation Centre

Inya Myaing Road, Yangon

Ven. Webu Sayadaw was not able to

reside at the centre for ten days,
however, as he had accepted other
invitations. But he did come for five days
(May 13–18, 1960). Once again, those at
the centre were able to pay respects to
the Sayadaw as they had done before.
There was also an American, Dr Hislop,
at the centre at that time. He had been
meditating there for nearly a month and
was able to continue while Ven. Webu
Sayadaw was there. Dr Hislop took the
Triple Refuge from the Sayadaw. Ven.
Webu Sayadaw was very happy about
this and urged Sayagyi to teach more
foreigners. On the last day of his visit, he
made this the main topic of his talk. “I
also started teaching at this place,” he
said over and over again.

After 1960, no special invitations were

extended to the Sayadaw to come and
reside at I.M.C., but the meditators there
always went to pay their respects to him
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always went to pay their respects to him
whenever he came toMEDITATION
way, Ven. Webu Sayadaw continued to
encourage Sayagyi’s international
mission of spreading the Dhamma.


0 LI K E S


Webu Sayadaw - Short Biography


The Setting of the Discourses of Webu Sayadaw


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