Patrika-En-1-2021 Vipassana Newsletter

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Vipassana Newsletter
In the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, as taught by S. N. Goenka
Vol. 31, No. 1, 28 January, 2021. A monthly publication of the Vipassana Research Institute
Website: International website:
A special on-line-edition of the Vipassana Newsletter

Haṃsādiccapathe yanti, ākāse yanti iddhiyā; Swans fly along on the path of the sun; those with psychic
Nīyanti dhīrā lokamhā, jetvā māraṃ savāhiniṃ. power travel through space. The enlightened go forth from
Dhammapadapāli — 175, Lokavaggo. the world, having conquered the armies of Māra.

On the occasion of the 50th Death Anniversary of Sayagyi U Ba Khin (6th March, 1899 — 19th
January 1971) may we all meditate and remember his good Dhamma qualities in order to pay
our homage to him — Editor
Day of Remembrance and Tribute to Sayagyi U Ba Khin
A ten-day Vipassana course of 92 students was in progress at the Burmese Vihara, Bodh Gaya when Sayagyi U Ba Khin passed away.
A telegram came from Myanmar informing that Sayagyi is no more, but the message from Mother Sayama also said " should not stop
the course. Sayagyi's blessings are always with you". With this is mind Goenka ji wrote the following circular letter to all students.
2 “Vipassana Newsletter” Vol. 31, N0. 01, 28 Jan., 2021. ∙ Regd. No. 49916/90; P. Regn No. NSK/RNP-232/2021-2023

S. N. Goenka
Camp: Bodh Gaya,
Dated: 22-01-1971
Dear Friends,
The post from Rangoon arrived the day before yesterday, it was heart-breaking to know that
the most revered Sayagyi U Ba Khin is no more. He passed away on 19th January at 3:20 in the
afternoon. The light was extinguished, but that great light lit up the lamp of wisdom within so many
people. That light is intact and we all will not only maintain it as true successors, but it will also
help us in igniting the wisdom of more and more people. His last message to all his disciples was
that we should always live in Dhamma. As long as the lamp of Dhamma is glowing inside us, then
the most revered Sayagyi U Ba Khin is with us, because he was the true embodiment of Dhamma
wisdom. To preserve his holy memory and to dedicate our true tribute to him, let us follow his last
wish in letter and spirit to keep Dhamma in our lives. If our Dhamma lamp remains alight then we
will be able to light the light of Dhamma in the lives of many others. There can be no greater honour
of the sacred memory of revered Sayagyi U Ba Khin.
Keeping the benefit of the students in mind, I am continuing this course, which will be completed
on 27th January according to schedule. From the evening of 28th January, I will begin my self-
course here for 10 days. I need the greatest Dhamma strength to give Dhamma to more and more
people so as to repay the debt of most compassionate, revered Sayagyi U Ba Khin. May all of you
also take time to meditate more and more in these days, develop inner wisdom, and fill yourselves
with metta-vibrations so that your Dhamma strength helps to make me stronger and together we
can achieve maximum success in fulfilling the Dhamma wishes of the revered Sayagyi U Ba Khin.
At the conclusion of my 10-day course, I am organizing a large Sangha-Dana in Bodh Gaya on
Sunday, 7th February 1971 in sacred memory of the revered Sayagyi U Ba Khin. Monks will be
invited from far and wide for this donation.
After the completion of this Sangha donation, I will go to Bombay for a few days rest, then the
program of camps will commence again from March 1.
In the sacred memory of the revered Sayagyi U Ba Khin, practice Dhamma as much as possible,
live a Dhamma life more and more, and learn to make true Dhamma part of the daily life. In this
we have happiness, welfare, well, health.
Bhavatu Sabba Mangalaṃ, Bhavatu Sabba Mangalaṃ, Bhavatu Sabba Mangalaṃ!

Kalyāna Mitra,

S. N. Goenka
“Vipassana Newsletter” Vol. 31, N0. 01, 28 Jan., 2021. ∙ Regd. No. 49916/90; P. Regn No. NSK/RNP-232/2021-2023 3
THE TEN SOLDIERS OF MĀRA Yesterday somebody planned to run away. He got up
early and packed his belongings. He planned to sit with
by Sayagyi U Ba Khin you all, and then leave while I was checking the students.
The following is condensed from a translation of a He was planning to run like mad, catch a bus, and get
discourse by Sayagyi U Ba Khin to Vipassana students home. He thought he would collect his bags at some later
during a course. It was first published in the Sayagyi U date. Luckily, I don’t know why, I gave the one hour
Ba Khin Journal and has been adapted for the Newsletter. adhiṭṭhāna (strong determination) sitting earlier, and he
You have to be very careful. You have to stand firm had to sit that one hour. There he was – trapped! After
and face many difficulties, so that you can know true the adhiṭṭhāna sitting, Māra left him, and he didn’t want
anicca (impermanence) with your own experience. You to leave anymore.
must work very hard – that is why we repeatedly remind When unwillingness to reside in a quiet place arises,
you. Difficulties come at this stage of the course. During the person wants to leave and run away. He may inform
the time of our great benefactor my Teacher, Saya us that he wishes to leave or he may just quietly leave.
Thetgyi, students would experience various difficulties The second soldier does not want to stay in a quiet
in meditation, such as not being able to feel the object secluded place because of the turmoil inside.
of meditation at all. When asked to focus their attention The third soldier of Māra is hunger – not being
on the top of their heads, they couldn’t feel anything. satisfied with food.
During ānāpāna (awareness of respiration) they couldn’t
feel the area around the nostrils. Some could not feel One student came with boxes full of food and said that
their breath while they were breathing. Some said that he could not stay without eating, so I said, “In that case
they could not feel their bodies. While you are here, you you may eat, but try one, two or three days and see for
too will find these things happening. Sometimes you yourself.” However, he was not hungry at all during the
will not be able to feel sensations and you won’t be able ten days.
to maintain your attention. Another student said that after about three days of
Some think that they have attained nibbāna (the eating only twice a day, he would become shaky, and
ultimate reality) when they cannot feel their bodies. If that in all his life, he had never done that for more than
you cannot feel the presence of your body, open your eyes three days at a time. He asked for permission to eat and
and see. There is no need to ask the Teacher. You will I said, “Of course, if needed.” When he got here, he
know if your body is there or not. These uncertainties meditated the first day, the second day, and so on, and
are rather disconcerting, aren’t they? was not hungry at all. One does not feel hungry if the
meditation is progressing, but only when the meditation
The nature of vipallāsa (mental distortion, corruption) is not going well. Something inside is making one
makes fools of you. These are undesirable defilements hungry. One cannot control the hunger then. Once the
hidden inside people. They are present in every one of us. meditator is established in meditation, he does not feel
When there is understanding of anicca the defilements hunger anymore.
have to leave; but they don’t want to – they want this
understanding to leave instead. The nibbāna nature of The fourth soldier of Māra is the craving for
anicca is very potent, so Māra (personification of negative various tastes and foods.
forces) fights against it. The Padhāna Sutta describes the Though we do not provide the same food you eat at
ten soldiers of Māra . We have to be careful of these ten home or may desire, we provide the best food we can so
soldiers, as they are the destroyers of meditation. that everyone will eat well and enjoy it. What happens
The first soldier of Māra is the desire to enjoy when very tasty, delicious food is eaten? Doesn’t this
sense pleasures. stimulate more craving for food? Is it possible to eat
without any appreciation of the taste of the food? Only
Some people have come to meditate but not to attain the arahant (fully liberated person) can do this. Wasn’t
nibbāna at all. They come with ulterior motives such the purpose of your coming here for this course to get rid
as, “If I become close to Sayagyi who knows so many of the kilesa (mental impurities), to get rid of the taṇhā
people in high positions, I may get a promotion in my (craving)? If you keep your eyes closed nothing can be
job.” There are some persons like that. They come with seen, so you will not be craving and clinging for visual
greed in their hearts. They cannot be successful in their objects. The same goes for hearing. There is no one here
meditation. There must be no greed. When you asked with a tape recorder or radio playing songs. You don’t
for the technique of Vipassana you said, “Nibbānassa have to listen to them. It is the same with smell. Nobody
sacchikaraṇatthāya…” – in order to realize nibbāna…. I here goes around wearing perfume, so there need not be
will teach you to understand the Four Noble Truths, but any craving and clinging for any sense of smell. There
if you are not interested, and intend to take your time is nothing here for you to feel that will give you pleasant
about it, what can I do? bodily sensations. But the tongue – can it avoid taste?
The second soldier of Māra is unwillingness to reside Only if you don’t eat, and in that case a doctor would
or be happy in a quiet place such as a forest dwelling. have to give you glucose injections for sustenance. Taste
4 “Vipassana Newsletter” Vol. 31, N0. 01, 28 Jan., 2021. ∙ Regd. No. 49916/90; P. Regn No. NSK/RNP-232/2021-2023
will occur when food comes in contact with the tongue. this way, you will overcome and win.
If you eat less tasty food, then craving and clinging for The sixth soldier of Māra is not wishing to be
taste will be reduced. alone and being afraid of solitude.
Since you have come here to get rid of your defilements Some cannot sit in one room but keep changing rooms,
of craving, we should help you by providing the best looking for company and feel frightened when alone.
environment so that they don’t increase, shouldn’t we? One female student was afraid of solitude. Her house is
You are trying to annihilate them. We don’t want to very big but she did not dare to stay by herself in any
eradicate craving on the one hand, and increase it by room; she needed a companion at all times. She came
food on the other. We do not provide an evening meal. here to meditate and brought a maid with her. She asked
By not providing it we have so much less to do. It is my permission to keep the lights on when she meditated
better for us and better for you too, because you are sure in her room, so I allowed her to do so. Not only that,
to become drowsy if you eat an evening meal. So you but somebody had to sit quite close to her when she
can do without it. If you eat well in the morning and at meditated. She did not dare to stay alone. When she was
lunchtime the two meals will provide enough for your by herself she felt flushes all over her body. After staying
body’s requirements. for a course, she got a little better. After the next course
The fifth soldier of Māra is drowsiness, sloth she was in the little cell by herself in the dark. She came
and torpor. regularly for ten days every month and benefited quite
You can understand this. Even Mahā Moggallāna well from it. She was first class in being afraid but her
(one of Buddha’s chief disciples) suffered from it. Some fear is gone now. Isn’t that nice?
of you can fall asleep while sitting. When I used to go The seventh soldier of Māra is doubt about
for my meditation retreats, there was an old man who whether one can be successful in meditation.
accompanied me. We sat in Saya Thetgyi’s meditation I suppose this is true of everybody – wondering if his
centre in the meditation room and he sat behind me or her meditation will be successful or not. (That girl
wearing a big yogi shawl. A little while later, he started is laughing.) You can succeed. The important thing is
snoring aloud. Normally there are not many people to wash away the akusala (unwholesome conditioning),
who can sit and snore, but there are many meditators and kilesa (mental defilements) embedded in us. That is
who can do this – sit and snore, then wake up! This is important.
called thīna-middha (sloth and torpor). Thīna-middha
cannot be avoided. When insight and wisdom become The eighth soldier of Māra is becoming proud
sharpened, the peaceful nature of nibbāna is felt; and and arrogant when the meditation is successful.
when the wholesome and unwholesome natures clash, When the meditation improves, one can feel it inside.
a reaction occurs and produces heat. Then the person The defilements become lighter and one tends to get
becomes drowsy and sleepy. conceited and arrogant, and think, “That fellow does not
If you feel drowsy at times, just breathe a bit harder; seem to be doing too well. I’d better help him.” I am
you’ve lost your samādhi (concentration). This is a kick saying this from my personal experience.
from within. Your samādhi has gone. If you lose your A long time ago when I started this meditation centre,
samādhi, focus your attention on the nostrils again, for instance, we did not have a Dhamma hall then. There
breathe harder and try to calm down. Sometimes when was a ten-foot square hut that was here when we bought
the aniccavijjā (the wisdom of impermanence) becomes the land. One day one student came out after the morning
stronger, you experience the meeting of physical and sitting and said, “Look.” He hitched up his longyi and
mental experience in your body and your insight-intuition there were little lumps all over his thighs and legs just
becomes very sharp and very strong. Then there’s a very like the skin of a plucked duck. The kick from within
strong kick from within and you lose your understanding was so strong that all those lumps appeared. Later on
of anicca and become disoriented. You can’t understand he hitched his longyi up and showed everyone saying,
what happened and you ask the Teacher. “Please look. See how strong the kick from within was.
If such a thing happens suddenly, there are two ways You too, please try hard, please try hard.”
to cope with it. One method is to try and work to get The next day he could not meditate. He could not feel
re-established in samādhi, as I have told you. Or, you any sensations and had to approach me for guidance.
can go outside and wake yourself up and the reaction When he preached, there was ego in it, the “I” was in it,
will pass away. Do not go and sleep when this reaction “I am doing well. These people don’t seem to be getting
happens. I am giving you methods to cope. They are anywhere.” He played very good soccer, was very short
important from the practical aspect. Drowsiness always tempered, ready to hit, strike and punch. When a very
occurs when saṅkhāras (impurities) come up. Then we bad tempered person with a lot of heat has a kick from
have to apply anicca firmly. It should not be just paying inside, it shows up on the body surface.
lip service to anicca, not just from the mouth. It should
This is why I am telling you all not to preach to others.
be the actual knowledge of the changing nature of the
If there is anything that you want to ask, ask me. If there
body with the awareness of sensations. If you practise in
“Vipassana Newsletter” Vol. 31, N0. 01, 28 Jan., 2021. ∙ Regd. No. 49916/90; P. Regn No. NSK/RNP-232/2021-2023 5
is anything that you want to say, tell me. If you progress get weakened. Speak truthfully, work regularly, build up
in your practice, just stay quiet and proceed with your samādhi and pay attention to what is happening in your
own meditation. body; then the nature of anicca will come up naturally.
The ninth soldier of Māra refers to the Teacher My benefactor Saya Thetgyi said, “Very fast,
and concerns becoming well known, receiving vibrating incessantly, helter-skelter, broken up, burnt
many offerings, gaining much respect and homage. down, the destruction of the body – these are the signs
I receive a lot of homage and offerings. I have to of impermanence.” It is the body that is changing. The
control myself to not get conceited. Look here, isn’t thought that knows that the rūpa (matter) is changing is
it likely to cause conceit? I have to guard myself. We the nāma (mind). When the rūpa changes and has gone,
started this work here for the people of the Accountant the nāma which knew about the changed-and-gone rūpa,
General’s office so they could meditate in their free time, also is changed and goes. Both rūpa and nāma are anicca.
but there are so few of them here now. We started this Keep this in your mind, be aware of it.
not on the basis of money, but on the basis of Dhamma. Focus your attention on the top of your head, and move
Any office worker who meditates for ten days becomes down through the whole body, from the top of the head to
a member. The admission fee is ten days of meditation. the forehead and then the face, from the face to the neck,
Isn’t it good? No need to pay a cent of subscription. Just the neck to the shoulders, from the shoulders along to the
meditate steadily, guard your practice, do not lose it. We hands. Wherever the mind goes it may be like touching
started from that and have come to this. Money can’t do with a small torch and feeling the heat wherever the
it. It was Dhamma that did it. We believe in this, and we torch touches, wherever the mind goes. Why? Because
do not have any money either. there is burning and annihilation taking place inside; it is
This centre does not belong to me. U Ba Khin should the innate nature of combustion of atomic units within.
not get conceited, saying, “This is U Ba Khin’s centre.” This is certainly present. Learn to be sensitive to it so
I do not own it. It belongs to the Vipassana Association that you can feel it. Try it with an attentive mind and you
of the Accountant General’s Office. I will have to leave if will know.
they drive me out. See, how nice! I do not own it. I have Once the meditation is practised and once one
to be re-elected each year. Only if they re-elect me will I becomes aware and observes with Vipassana
be here. If they say that they have found someone better knowledge, the defilements, the samudaya akusala
than me, and elect that person, it’s over for me. Or some (arisen unwholesomeness) cannot remain much longer.
members from the committee may not like me, they may They have to leave gradually and when they are all gone,
say I talk too much and elect someone else. Then I would the person becomes controlled and stable, and able to
have to leave. I do not own the place. live well.
The tenth soldier of Māra is following a false How long will one have to work? Until all the
Dhamma, creating a new and special Dhamma, immeasurable, uncountable old akusala kamma
in order to acquire abundant offerings, praising (unwholesome actions) accumulated along one’s journey
oneself and looking down on others. through the saṃsāra (cycle of rebirth) are eradicated
This is why I do not want to say too much about others. by observing the nature of anicca . Then one becomes
Let others speak as they like about us, isn’t that right? sotāpanna (one who has reached the first stage of
Some teachers get attached to receiving offerings. So as saintliness, has experienced nibbāna), and ariyapuggala
to get more students, they teach what the students would (noble person). This cannot be achieved easily.
like – false teachings, teachings that are not Buddha’s To reach the final nibbāna where all the saṅkhāras are
teachings – simply because they want the homage and abolished is very far off, but wouldn’t you like to try and
offerings. They stop working with true Dhamma. That is see for yourself the minor nibbāna? If it could be tasted
the tenth soldier of Māra. only after death, these foreigners would never practise
Dhamma dissolves sorrows and miseries and gives this meditation. They have tasted a bit, liked it and have
happiness. Who gives this happiness? The Buddha does kept coming back from near and far. They send their
not give it, it is the aniccavijjā (wisdom of impermanence) friends and acquaintances who also come from afar.
inside you that gives it. We should practise Vipassana Why is this? Because they have experienced the taste of
so that the aniccavijjā will neither stop nor disappear. Dhamma.
How do we practise? Focus your attention on the four It is important that there is a Teacher to help students
elements (characteristics of earth, water, fire and air in to have a taste of Dhamma. But students have to work to
the body), be calm, cultivate samādhi and do not let sīla experience the taste. What is this taste called? It is called
(moral precepts) be broken. the Dhamma rasa. “Sabbarasaṃ dhammaraso jināti.” Of
Telling lies is the one that I am afraid of among the all tastes, the taste of Dhamma is the most noble, the
precepts. I am not afraid of the others, because by lying best.
the basis of sīla is weakened. When sīla is weakened, You have to try to work hard to get that taste. Just as
samādhi will get weakened and paññā (wisdom) will also the human monarch enjoys human pleasures, the devas
6 “Vipassana Newsletter” Vol. 31, N0. 01, 28 Jan., 2021. ∙ Regd. No. 49916/90; P. Regn No. NSK/RNP-232/2021-2023
(celestial beings) enjoy the deva pleasures and brahmās which one can to live a life full of benefits for oneself and
(higher celestial beings) enjoy brahmā pleasures; the other. He didn't merely give empty sermons saying, “Oh,
noble ariyas (saintly persons) such as the Buddha and People. You must live like this, you must live like that".
arahants can also enjoy the taste of the Dhamma that they The Buddha taught practical Dhamma, the actual way
have obtained. You must try hard until you too can enjoy to live a wholesome life. And Vipassana is the practical
this taste, but please do not work to the extreme, without know-how to lead a life of real happiness.
moderation. Try to work according to the schedule we Q 5. Was it necessary for Buddha to practice meditation
have given, work at the right time, to the fullest, with even after enlightenment?
great care and effort.
Goenkaji: Yes, it was necessary. Even when one
(Reprint of N.L. Vol. 26, No.4, 22 April, 2016) becomes a Buddha, it does not mean that the law
+<* of nature will be different for this person. The law of
nature of this body is that it is decaying, dying. The
Q&A “A Storehouse of Answers” VRI body requires strength, and when a Buddha goes in this
Q 1. Do you think that U Ba Khin taught exactly what meditative state of Nibb±na and comes out, he finds that
the Buddha taught? Did he adapt the Buddha's teachings the whole body has become healthier. It helps, he can
to modern times? And if so, how and what did he change serve much more.
from the original teachings? There is so much work for the body of one who works
Goenkaji: There was no change in the teaching, but all the twenty-four hours, except for two or two-and-a-
U Ba Khin certainly made the way of presenting the half hours when he lies down. Some rest is needed. The
teachings of the Buddha more adapted to the people who mind is peaceful, but to rest the body the mind has to
came to him. To the non-Buddhist, English-speaking go to the depth and reach the nibbanic stage. When one
Western people, who were more scientific minded, he comes out of the nibbanic experience one is physically
would present the teaching in a more scientific way. So refreshed.
the explanation was made more palatable to those who +<*
were coming to learn, but the actual practical teaching
remained the same. Future Course Schedule and Applications
Information on future Courses is available on the internet.
Q 2. Why is your teaching called "in the tradition of All types of bookings are currently available online only as
Sayagyi U Ba Khin"? Did he inaugurate a tradition of per the Government’s new rules due to Covid-19. Applications
Buddhism? will not be accepted on paper. Therefore, you are requested
to check the following link and apply online directly for your
Goenkaji: He always referred to the tradition of the appropriate course or for dhamma service at Dhammagiri:
Buddha, the tradition that was transferred to Myanmar
and was continued down through the three generations of
Please apply similarly as per the schedule of other centres.
teachers we spoke about: Ledi Sayadaw, his disciple Saya
Here is the link for all Indian centres:
Thetgyi, and finally U Ba Khin. We use the term "in the
tradition of U Ba Khin" because he was the last teacher
and was very well-known in his country, but this does not +<*
mean that this is a technique invented by him. It's an old-
technique which he was teaching in a modern way. Schedule of Vipassana Courses
Q 3. Can you explain the Buddha's concept that the For worldwide schedule of courses, visit: For
entire universe is contained within this very body? schedule of courses including one-day courses and group sittings
in India, visit
Goenkaji: Indeed, within this body turns the wheel of
becoming. Within this body is the cause that puts into All courses are conducted by assistant teachers appointed by
motion the wheel of becoming. And so within this body S. N. Goenka. Please send the application form to the course
organisers only after reading the Code of Discipline so that a
is also found the way to attain liberation from the wheel place may be reserved for you.
of suffering. For this reason investigation of the body—
correct understanding of the direct physical reality One and 3-day courses and Group Sittings are for old students who have
completed a 10-day course with Goenkaji or his authorised assistants.
within— is of utmost importance for a meditator whose Satipațțhāna courses marked #ST end on the evening of the
goal is liberation from all conditioning. last day and are for students who have completed at least three 10-
Q 4. You keep referring to the Buddha. Are you day courses and are practising regularly for the last one year.
Long Courses: (Please get special application forms from centres) 20-
teaching Buddhism? day and Special 10-day course: requires five 10-day courses, one Sati-
Goenkaji: I am not concerned with 'isms'. I teach paṭṭhāna course, full-time Dhamma service for at least one ten-day course,
Dhamma, and that is what the Buddha taught. He never daily practice for the past two years, and full commitment to Vipassana.
30-day: 20-day course and full-time Dhamma service in at least one
taught any 'ism', or any sectarian doctrine. He taught ten-day course. (ānāpāna for 10 days in a 30-day course and for 15 days in
something from which people of every background, a 45 day course is prescribed.)
every religion, can benefits. He taught the way with 45-day: two 30-day courses and deeply involved in Dhamma service.
“Vipassana Newsletter” Vol. 31, N0. 01, 28 Jan., 2021. ∙ Regd. No. 49916/90; P. Regn No. NSK/RNP-232/2021-2023 7
60-day: only for ATs who have sat two 45-day courses. Dhamma Vipula: Belapur (New Mumbai)
Gratitude Course Plot No. 91A; Sector 26, Parsik Hill, CBD Belapur; (Parsik Hill, Nearest Railway Station:
Previously the Teachers’s Self Course—TSC. With the passing Seawoods on Harbour line) Navi Mumbai 400 614, Tel: 022-27522277, 27522404/03 (Tim-
away of respected Guruji and Mataji, this course will enable us to ing 11 am to 5 pm) Email:[email protected], registration only online http://www.
pay respects to them and to the long tradition of esteemed Vipassana 10-day: 3 to 14-2, 17 to 28-2, 3 to 14-3, 17 to 28-3, 31-3 to 11-4, 14 to 25-4,
Teachers. Meditating so many people at same time will give good at- 12 to 23-5, 26-5 to 6-6, 9 to 20-6, 23-6 to 4-7, 7 to 18-7, 21-7 to 1-8, 4 to 15-8, 18 to 29-8, 1 to 12-
mosphere to each other as Buddha said- Samaggānaṃ Tapo Sukho. 9, 15 to 26-9, 29-9 to 10-10, 13 to 24-10, 27-10 to 7-11, 10 to 21-11, 24-11 to 5-12, 1-day: Every
The same format as before will be followed. It is a happy coincidence Sunday, Group Sitting: Daily (any time) 9 am to 9 pm,
that the birth anniversaries of both Guruji and Mataji fall between Gratitude Course: 16 to 31-1-2021
these dates (in February) according to the Hindi calendar. Dhamma V±hin²: Titwala
Eligibility: Minimum one Satipaµµh±na course, serving in the Mumbai Parisar Vipassana Centre, Village Runde, Titwala, (near Kalyan), Dist. Thane. Web-
spread of Dhamma and local teacher’s recommendation. --- Dates: site, registration only online Email: [email protected] 10-day:
From 2nd Feb to 17th Feb. every year. --- All centres where single 2 to 13-1, 16 to 27-1, 30-1 to 10-2, 13 to 24-2, 27-2 to 10-3, 13 to 24-3, 27-3 to 7-4, 10
to 21-4, 24-4 to 5-5, 8 to 19-5, 22-5 to 2-6, 5 to 16-6, 19 to 30-6, 3 to 14-7, 17 to 28-7,
accommodations are available can include this course in their fu- 31-7 to 11-8, 28-8 to 8-9, 11 to 22-9, 25-9 to 6-10, 9 to 20-10, 23-10 to 3-11, 6 to 17-11,
ture programmes, with due consideration of the local demand. 30-11 to 21-12, 30-11 to 31-12, #ST: 14 to 23-8,
Please use NEW LONG COURSE APPLICATION FORM, available at Dhamma Giri, ∞ Long Course: 20-day: 30-11 to 21-12, 30-day: 30-11 to 31-12,
Dhamma Khetta, Dhamma Thalī, Dhamma Sindhu, and Dhamma Paṭṭhāna. Contact: Mobile: 97730-69978. (12 to 6 pm on weekdays).
Teenagers’ Course: 15 years Completed upto 19 years Completed Dhamma V±tik±: Palghar
(Please use new application form). Palghar Vipassana Centre, Gut No. 198-2/A, Behind Alyali Cricket Ground, Alyali Village,
MAHARASHTRA Palghar-401404, Contact Centre: Mob. 9637101154, Email: [email protected],
Contact: 1) Shri Irani, Mob. 92708-88840, 2) Shri Anil Jadhav, Mob. 91 9049151464,
Dhamma Giri, Igatpuri Email: [email protected], 10-day: (Male only) 14 to 25-2, 28-2 to 11-3, 14 to 25-3,
Vipassana International Academy, Dist. Nashik, Igatpuri-422403. Tel: (02553) 244- 31-3 to 11-4, 14 to 25-4, 12 to 23-5, 13 to 24-6, 27-6 to 8-7, 25-7 to 5-8, 11 to 22-8, 25-8 to 5-9,
076, 244-086, 244144, 244440, Fax: 244176. (10 am to 5 pm). Email: [email protected] 8 to 19-10, 21-10 to 1-11, 21-11 to 2-12, 25-12-21 to 5-1-22, (Female only) 31-1 to 11-2, To apply online for ten-day courses: (No ad- 28-4 to 9-5, 3-5 to 1-6, 11 to 22-7, 24-9 to 5-10, 7 to 18-11, ◊ #ST: (Male only) 12 to
mission without confirmation) 10-day: 6 to 17-1, 20 to 31-1, 3 to 14-2, (Old Students 20-9, (Female only) 5 to 13-12,
only 17 to 28-2,) 3 to 14-3, 17 to 28-3, 2 to 13-5, 16 to 27-5, 30-5 to 10-6, 16 to 27-6, 14 SCHEDULE OF LONG COURSES INDIA
to 25-7, 28-7 to 8-8, 11 to 22-8, 25-8 to 5-9, 8 to 19-9, 22-9 to 3-10, 30-10 to 10-11, 13 Special 10-day Course
to 24-11, 27-11 to 8-12, 25-12-21 to 5-1-2022, 8 to 19-1, #ST: 31-3 to 8-4, 7 to 15-10, 12 to 23-4-2021 Dhamma Thalī, Jaipur
3-day: 22 to 25-4, CAT/Teacher Meeting: 13-12, AT Meeting: 14 to 16-12, AT Work- 21-4 to 2-5-2021 Dhammapāla, Bhopal
shop: 17 to 20-12, Trainer Workshop: 21-12, Trustee & Dhamma Servers Workshop: 5 to16-5-2021 Dhamma Ajay, Chandrapur (MS)
16 to 17-10, ∞ Long Course: Special 10-day: 30-6 to 11-7, 2 to 13-6-2021 Dhamma Khetta, Hyderabad
Please register on [email protected] with following details: Full Name, 19 to 30-6-2021 Dhamma Thalī, Jaipur
Age, Gender, CT/assistant to CT/trustee, Name of Centre and Place: Special Require- 30-6 to 11-7-2021 Dhamma Giri, Igatpuri
17 to 28-7-2021 Dhamma Paṭṭhāna, (Haryana)
ment (if any): 19 to 30-7-2021 Dhamma Lakkhaṇa, (U.P.)
Dhamma Tapovana-1 Igatpuri 21-7 to 1-8-2021 Dhamma Sindhu, Mandvi-Kutch (Guj.)
10-day executive courses: 8 to 19-4, #ST: 2 to 10-9; Gratitude Course: 2 to 17-2 28-7 to 8-8-2021 Dhamma Pubbaja Churu (Rajasthan)
∞ Long Course: Special 10-day: 24-4 to 5-5, 18 to 29-8, 20-day: 7 to 28-1, 10 to 31-5, 24-7 to 6 to 17-10-2021 Dhamma Bodhi, Bodhgaya, Bihar
14-8, 11-11 to 2-12, 30-day: 20-2 to 23-3, 4-6 to 5-7, 15-9 to 16-10, 45-day: 4-6 to 20-7, 15-9 15 to 26-10-2021 Dhamma Paṭṭhāna, (Haryana)
to 31-10, 19-12 to 3-2-2022, 60-day: 12-10 to 12-12. 17 to 28-10-2021 Dhamma Sarovara, Dhule
Dhamma Tapovana-2, Igatpuri 20-11 to 1-12-2021 Dhamma Kalyāṇa, Kanpur (U.P.)
#ST: 22 to 30-4, 18 to 26-11,
14-days Gratitude Course
∞ 20-day: 19-2 to 12-7, 28-6 to 19-7, 30-day: 19-3 to 19-4, 8-5 to 8-6, 25-9 to 26-10, 45-day: 2 to 17-2-2021 Dhamma Tapovana-1 Igatpuri
8-5 to 23-6, 25-9 to 10-11, 60-day: 23-7 to 22-9, 17-12 to 14-2-2022. 2 to 17-2-2021 Dhamma Nāga, Nagpur
2 to 17-2-2021 Dhamma Sarovara, Dhule
Dhamma Pattana, Gorai, Mumbai
2 to 17-2-2021 Dhammālaya, Kolhapur
Dhamma Pattana Vipassana centre, Near Essel World, Gorai Creek, Borivali 2 to 17-2-2021 Dhamma Anākula, Akola
M(W), Mumbai 400091, Phone: +91 8291894650, Tel. (+09122) 50427518, Ext. No. (Male
» »
Office) 519 (50427519), (Female Office) 546 (50427546),Website: www.pattana.dham-
2 to 17-2-2021
2 to 17-2-2021
Dhammapāla, Bhopal (M.P.)
Dhamma Nāgajjuna, Telangana
», 10-day executive courses: 2021 6 to 17-1, 24-2 to 7-3, 10 to 21-3, 24-3 to 2 to 17-2-2021 Dhamma Pīṭha, Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
4-4, 14 to 25-4, 28-4 to 9-5, 11 to 22-5, 3 to 14-6, 30-6 to 11-7, 13 to 24-7, #ST: 2021 » 2 to 17-2-2021 Dhamma Divākara, Mehsana (Guj.)
» »
17 to 25-6, 3-day: 2021 23 to 26-1, 8 to 11-4, 1-Day Mega course: 2021 10-1, 23-5, 2 to 17-2-2021 Dhamma Lakkhaṇa, (U.P.)
25-7, Indian AT Workshop:2021 24 to 31-5, 20-day
∞ 20-Day Course:30-1 to 20-2-2021, (Parallel to Gratitude Course) 7 to 28-2-2021 Dhamma Thalī, Jaipur
Online application: 5 to 26-3-2021 Dhamma Sindhu, Mandvi-Kutch (Guj.)
Email: [email protected] ; For all other inquiries, Contact: 12-4 to 3-5-2021 Dhamma Paṭṭhāna, (Haryana)
Manager, Email: [email protected] Website: www.pattana.dhamma. 5 to 26-5-2021 Dhamma Sindhu, Mandvi-Kutch (Guj.)
2 to 23-6-2021 Dhamma Khetta, Hyderabad
org Dhamma Pattana can admit only 90 students. Unconfirmed students will be 20-6 to 11-7-2021 Dhammapāla, Bhopal
accommodated in future courses; they are requested not to pressure the management 2 to 23-8-2021 Dhamma Paṭṭhāna, (Haryana
to accommodate them. 11-8 to 1-9-2021 Dhammālaya, Kolhapur
------------- 5 to 26-9-2021 Dhamma Gaṛha, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh)
One-day: inside main dome of the Global Vipassana Pagoda Every Day 8 to 29-9-2021 Dhamma Suvatth², sravasti (u.p.)
from 11 am to 5 pm. Meditators can benefit from meditating in presence of the 28-9 to 19-10-2021 Dhamma Thalī, Jaipur
Buddha’s relics. Contact: Tel: 022-28452235, Email: [email protected]; 6to 27-10-2021 Dhamma Bodhi, Bodhgaya (Bihar)
30-11 to 21-12-202 Dhamma V±hin²: Titwala
(Pl. bring bottle so you can fill it with drinking water at GVP.) 4 to 25-12-2021 Dhamma Lakkhaºa, (U.P.)
Mini ānāpāna for Visitors 30-day
Mini ānāpāna Training Sessions, Hindi/Eng ench of about 15-20 minutes duration are held 7-2 to 10-3-2021 Dhamma Thalī, Jaipur
during the visiting hours, from 11 am (first session) to 4pm (last session). Participants are 21-2 to 24-3-2021 Dhamma Paṭṭhāna, (Haryana)
required to sit for the entire session.
28-2 to 31-3-2021 Dhamma Pīṭha, Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
28-2 to 30-3-2021 Dhamma Suvatth², sravasti (u.p.)
8 “Vipassana Newsletter” Vol. 31, N0. 01, 28 Jan., 2021. ∙ Regd. No. 49916/90; P. Regn No. NSK/RNP-232/2021-2023
5-3 to 5-4-2021 Dhamma Sindhu, Mandvi-Kutch (Guj.) »
English speaking students only) 21-2 to 4-3, 7 to 18-3, 21-3 to 1-4, 4 to 15-4, 19 to 30-9,
5-5 to 5-6-2021 Dhamma Sindhu, Mandvi-Kutch (Guj.) 7 to 18-11, 21-11 to 2-12, 5 to 16-12, 19 to 30-12, (Hindi/Marathi speaking students only
1-6to 2-7-2021 Dhamma Paṭṭhāna, (Haryana) » »
female) 2 to 13-5, (Hindi/Marathi speaking students only) 18 to 29-4, 13 to 24-6, 27-6 to
2-6 to 3-7-2021 Dhamma Khetta, Hyderabad »
8-7, 25-7 to 5-8, 3 to 14-10, 17 to 28-10, (Hindi/English In Kannada also) 11 to 22-7, #ST:
1-8to 1-9-2021 Dhamma Bodhi, Bodhgaya (Bihar) »
(Hindi/English speaking students only) 23-3 to 1-4, 29-6 to 8-7, 5 to 14-10, 21 to 30-12,
11-8 to 11-9-2021 Dhammālaya, Kolhapur 3-day: (Hindi/English speaking students only)14 to 17-9, 2-day: (Hindi/English speaking
28-8 to 28-9-2021 Dhamma Paṭṭhāna, (Haryana) »
students only) 10 to 12-6, 29 to 31-10, Teenagers’ Course: (Girls) (Hindi/English speak-
11-9 to 12-10 Dhammapāla, Bhopal »
ing students only) 16 to 24-5, (Boys) (Hindi/English speaking students only) 30-5 to 7-6,»
18-9 to 29-10-2021 Dhamma Thalī, Jaipur Dhamma Servers’ Workshop: (Hindi/Marathi speaking students only)19 to 20-11,
1 to 31-10-2021 Dhamma Utkal, (Orissa) Gratitude Course: (Hindi/English speaking students only)2 to 17-2-2021
30-11 to 21-12-2021 Dhamma V±hin²: Titwala ∞Long Courses: 20-day: 11-8 to 1-9, 30-day: 11-8 to 11-9,
15-12-2021 to 15-12-2022 Dhammapāla, Bhopal (M.P.) Dhamma Nāga, Nagpur
45-day Nagpur Vipassana Centre, Mahurjhari Village, near Nagpur-Kalmeshwar Road. Contact:
7-2 to 25-3-2021 Dhamma Thalī, Jaipur Mob. 9370990771, 9423403294, 9403870195, 9422182336, Email:[email protected].
21-2 to 8-4-2021 Dhamma Paṭṭhāna, (Haryana) »
org(No admission without confirmation) 10-day: 2021 24-2 to 7-3, 10 to 21-3, 31-3 to11-
5-3 to 20-4-2021 Dhamma Sindhu, Mandvi-Kutch (Guj.) 4, 14 to 25-4. 2 to 13-6, 16 to 27-6, 30-6 to11-7, 28-7 to 8-8, 11 to 22-8, 25-8 to 5-9, 8 to
28-2 to 15-4-2021 Dhamma Suvatth², sravasti (u.p.) 19-9, 22-9 to 3-10, 20-10 to 7-11, 10 to 21-11, 24-11 to 5-12, 8 to 19-12, #ST: 28-4 to 6-5,
2-6 to 18-7-2021 Dhamma Khetta, Hyderabad 24-12 to 1-1-2022, 6-5, 24-12 to 1-1-2022, 3-day: 26 to 29-3, 27 to 30-5, , 1-day: 21-3,
15-10 to 30-11-2021 Dhamma Suvatth², sravasti (u.p.) 11-4, 25-4, 26-5, 13-6, 27-6, 11-7, 23-7, 8-8, 22-8, 5-9, 19-9, 3-10, 17-10, 7-11, 21-11, 5-12,
2-11 to 18-12-2021 Dhamma Paṭṭhāna, (Haryana) » »
19-12 Teenagers’ Course: (Girls) 8 to 16-5, (Boys) 17 to 25-5,
17-12-2021 से 1-2-2022 Dhammapāla, Bhopal Gratitude Course: 2 to 17-2-2021, AT Workshop: 14 to 18-7-2021
9-2-2022 to 26-3-2022 Dhamma Bodhi, Bodhgaya, (Bihar) Contact: (for correspondence) Kalyanmitra Charitable Trust, Abyankar Smruti Bhawan,
Abyankar Road, Dhantoli, Nagpur 440012. Tel: (0712) 245-8686, 2420261.
Dhammānanda, Pune Dhamma Sugati, Sugatanagar
Pune Vipassana Centre, near Markal village, 8 km. from Alandi, (No admission Vipassana Sadhana Kendra, Sugata Nagar, Nagpur 440 014, 10-day: 6 to 17-1, 3 to 14-2,
without confirmation). 10-day: (Only for Hindi, Marathi, Students) 13 to 24-2, 13 » 3 to 14-3, 1 to 12-4, 5 to 16-5, 2 to 13-6, 7 to 18-7, 3 to 14-8, 1 to 12-10, 8 to 19-11, 8 to 19-12,
to 24-3, 10 to 21-4, 8 to 19-5, 12 to 23-6, 10 to 21-7, 14 to 25-8, 11 to 22-9, 9 to 20-10, 13
to 24-11, 11 to 22-12, (Only for Hindi, English, Students) 27-3 to 7-4, 24-4 to 5-5,
(only female) 18 to 29-8, 1 to 12-9, 15 to 25-9, #ST: 22 to 30-7, 22 to 30-12, 3-day 24 to 27-2,
24 to 27-3, 21 to 24-4, 16 to 19-6, 21 to 24-10, 24 to 27-11, 1-day: 1-1, 24-1, 30-1, 21-2, 14-3,
22-5 to 2-6, 26-6 to 7-7, 24-7 to 4-8, 28-8 to 8-9, 25-9 to 6-10, 27-11 to 8-12, 25-12 to 5-1, 14-4, 18-4, 16-5, 30-5, 13-6, 18-7, 14-8, 12-9, 21-11, 6-12, Children Course: 21 to 24-10, Group
#ST: (Only for Hindi, English, Students) 27-2 to 7-3, 23 to 31-10, 3-day:4 to 7-4, 3 Sitting: Daily 5 to 6 am. 6 to 7 pm and every Sunday 8 to 9 am. Children Anapana Group
to 6-6, 5 to 8-8, Contact: Pune Vipassana Samiti, Email: [email protected] Sitting: 8 to 9 am Contact: 1. Sukhadev Narnavre, Mob. 9422129229. 2. Kamlesh Chahande,
Tel: (020) 2446-8903, 2446-4243. Tel/Fax: 2446-4243. Mob. 9373104305.
Dhamma Puṇṇa, Pune city (Swargate) »
Kotamba (Yavatmal): 10-day: (Male and Female) 2021 7 to 18-2, 7 to 18-3, 18 to 29-4, 2
to 13-5, 16 to 27-5, 4 to 15-7, 12 to 23-9, 2 to 13-10, 5 to 16-12, (Female only) 1 to 12- »
Pune Vipassana Samiti, Opp. Nehru Stadium, Behind Swargate Water Works, Near » »
8-2021, (Only for bhikkhus and Male Students) 14 to 25-12-2020, 2021 6 to 17-6, (Only
Anand Mangal Karyalaya, Dadawadi, Pune 411002. Email: [email protected]; Tel: »
for bhikkhuni and Female Students) 7 to 18-11, #ST: 2 to 10-4,3-day: 4 to 7-12-2020,1-day:
(020) 2443-6250, 10-day: Only for Hindi, English, Students 7 to 18-2, 7 to 18-3, 4 to 15- Every Sunday: 8 am to 3 pm Children’s course: 28-2, 21-3, 23-4, 23-5, 20-6, 18-7, 29-8, 26-
4, 2 to 13-5, 4 to 15-7, 1 to 12-8,29-8 to 9-9, 3 to 14-10, 7 to 18-11, 5 to 16-12, Only 9, 17-10, 28-11, 26-12, Contact: Vipassana Prachar Samiti, Kotamba, Tal. Babulgaon, Dist.
for Hindi, Marathi, Students 21-2 to 4-3, 21-3 to 1-4, 16 to 27-5, 18 to 29-7, 15 to 26-8, Yavatmal-445001. M. 9822896453, 7776964808, 7038918204, 9175622575,
17 to 28-10, 21-11 to 2-12, 19 to 30-12, #ST:Only for Hindi, Marathi, Students 18 to » Rohnagaon: (Pavani Bhandara): 10-day: 10 to 21-2, (only Bhikkhu 3 to 14-3), 7 to 18-4, 19
26-4, Only for Hindi, English, Students 21 to 29-9, 3-day: 28 to 31-10, Teenagers’ Course: to 30-5, 16 to 27-6, 7 to 18-7, At: Managing by vishuddhimaggo Vipassana Charitable Trust,
» »
(Boys): 2 to 10-5, (Girls)16 to 24-5,2-day Children Course:(12 to 18 yrs Boys) 11 to 12-5,(12 Dhammapavan Vipassana centre Rohnagaon (Pavani), Dist. Bhandara. Contact: 1) Shailesh
to 18 yrs Girls) 14 to 15-5, 1-day: Every Month Second Thursday and Fourth Sunday 8:30 kambale: 9923268962, 2) Mr. Madhav Ramteke: 92233-49183.
am to 4:30 pm, Children Course: (9 to 18 yrs Every Month first and Third Sunday (8 am Chitki: (Wardha) Dhamma Kuti Vipassana Kendra, chitki, Pulgaon, Po. Kavtha, Ta. Devali,
to 2:30 pm) Dist: Wardha, (MS) 10-day: 13 to 24-3, 15 to 26-4, 7 to 18-9, 6 to 17-10, 6 to 17-11, 7 to 18-12,
#ST: 13 to 21-2, Contact: 1. Shri Khandare, Tel: 07158-284372, Mob. 9028494401, Shri Bhele,
Dhamma Ajantā, Aurangabad Mob. 9834603076,
Ajanta International Vipassana Samiti, Gut No 45 Rampuri, Vaijapur Road Aurang-
abad431003.Tel: (0240) 2040444, Contact: Email: [email protected]; Mob. 94222-
Tumsar (Bhandara): 10-day: 2021 17 to 28-2, 10 to 21-3,20 to 31-10, 17 to 28-11, 15 to 26-
12, 3-day: 16 to 19-10, 1-day: 8-4, 7-5, 4-6, 3-8, 2-9, 1-10, #Children Course: 1-3, 29-3, 18-10,
11344, 99218-17430. Website: 10-day: 10 to 21-2, 24-2 to 7-3, 10 29-11, 26-12,at Buddhavihar and Welfare Centre, Chulhad, Tal. Tumsar, Dist: Bhanda-
to 21-3, 24-3 to 4-4, 28-4 to 9-5, 19 to 30-5, 2 to 13-6, 16 to 27-6, 30-6 to 11-7, 14 to 25-7, ra, Mob. 096236-68240, Contact: 1) Mr. Dongare, 6260450336. 2) Mr. Choure, Mob.
#ST: 16 to 24-4, Teenagers’ Course: (Boys) 10 to 18-5, 09890441071, 3) Vijju Gondane, Mob. 096236-68240,
Dhamma Sarovara, Dhule Dhamma Bhand±ra, Bhandara
Khandesh Vipassana Centre, near Dedargaon Water Purification Centre, Post Tikhi, Vipassana Kendra Rahul Colony, Near Railway Line Sahakar Nagar Bhandara-441901 (MS)
Dist. Dhule, 424002. (No admission without confirmation. Dhule – Hendrun Bus is avail- 10-day: 9 to 20-2, 2 to 13-3, 2 to 13-4, 20 to 31-7, 10 to 21-8, 21-9 to 2-10, 4 to 15-12, #ST:6
able from Dhule Bus Stand every hourse up to 4:30 pm Rickshaw is also available from to 14-9, 21 to 30-11, 3-day: 27 to 30-3, 2-day: 24 to 26-12, 1-day: 17-1, 13-4, 26-5, 27-6, 1-8,
Panch Kandil Shere Punjab lodge to Tikhi. From Tikhi, rickshaw is available for centre, 1 »
22-8, 19-9, 3-10, 19-10, Teenagers’ Course: (Girls) 7 to 16-11-2021, 2-day Children Course: 15
km away.) 10-day: 2021 21-2 to 4-3, 7 to 18-3, 31-3 to 11-4, 18-4 to 29-4, 2-5 to 13-5, 16 to »
to 16-11, 1 to 2-5, 1-day Children Course: 28-2, 21-3, 11-4, 27-4, 11-5, 25-5, 8-6, 22-6, 11-
27-5, 30-5 to 10-6, 27-6 to 8-7, 11 to 22-7, 25-7 to 5-8, 22-8 to 2-9, 12 to 23-9, 26-9 to 7-10, 7 to 7, 29-8, 19-9, 10-10, 19-12, Contact: Saluja, 09423673572, Choureji, 9890441071, Vinodji,
18-11, 21-11 to 2-12, 16 to 27-12,#ST: 19 to 28-3, 12 to 21-6, 6 to 15-8, 5 to 14-12,2-day: 14 to 9422833002, 7588749108,
16-4, 23 to 25-6, 18 to 20-8, 12 to 14-10,# Children Course:16-8 10-10, 1-11, 29-12, 30-12, Dhamma Anākula, Akola
Gratitude Course: 2021 2 to 17-2-2021, Vipassana Sadhana Kendra, Khaperkehda Phata, Telhara-444108 Dist Akola Email:
∞Long Courses: Special 10-day: 2021 17 to 28-10, Contact: Dr. Prashant Deore, Tel: (02562) [email protected], Website:, Mob. 9421156138,
222-861, 221-821, Mob. 99226-07718, Email: [email protected] »
9881204125, 9421833060, 10-day: (only male) 24-2 to 7-3, 24-3 to 4-4, 21-4 to 2-5, 9 to 20-6,
Dhamma Siddhapuri, Bhategaon Solapur »
3 to 14-8, 1 to 12-9, 20 to 31-10, 24-11 to 5-12, (only female) 13 to 24-1, 10 to 21-3, 7 to 18-4,
Dhamma Siddhapuri Vipassana Sadhana Kendra, Off Vijapur rod, Near Bhatevadi, soregaon 5 to 16-5, 23-6 to 4-7, 18 to 29-8, 15 to 26-9, 4 to 15-10, 10 to 21-11, 8 to 19-12, 10-day: (Only
- dongaon rod, 4 km. from soregaon, Ta. Uttar solapur, Dist: Solapur-413002, Contact: 1) Mr.
Samrat Patil, Mob. 7620592920, 9011908000, 2) Mr. Bhalchandra Ukarande, Mob. 9860759866,
for Bhikkhu) 7 to 18-7, #ST: 29-5 to 6-6, 23 to 31-7, 3-day: 29-9 to 2-10, 23 to 26-12,
2-day:19 to 21-2, 21 to 23-5, 1-day: 30-1, 26-5, 21-7, 19-10, 14-Day Gratitude Course:2 to 17-2,
10-day: 17 to 28-2, 3 to 14-3, 17 to 28-3, 31-3 to 11-4, 14 to 25-4, 2 to 13-6, 16 to 27-6, 30-6 to 11-7, Contact: 1) Vipassana Charitable Trust, Shegaon, Mob. 9579867890, 9881204125. 2) Mr.
14 to 25-7, 28-7 to 8-8, 18 to 29-8, 1 to 12-9, 15 to 26-9, 29-9 to 10-10, 13 to 24-10, 17 to 28-11, 1 to Anand, Mob. 9422181970.
12-12, 15 to 26-12, 29-12 to 9-1, #ST: 30-4 to 9-5, 2-day: 11 to 14-2, 13 to 16-5, 12 to 15-8, 11 to
Malkapur (Akola): 10-day: (only male)» 11 to 22-3, 3 to 14-10, (Only female)» 13 to 24-5, 12 to
14-11, Teenagers’ Course: (Boys)» 21 to 29-5, 26-10 to 3-11, 23-12, 1 to 12-6, at Bhadant Anand Nivas Rajratna Colony, Yavata Road, Malkapur, Akola 444001.
Dhammālaya, Kolhapur Contact: 1) Mr. Aathavle Mob. 9404092468, 3) Mr. Tayde Mob. 9421794874,
Deccan Vipassana Research Centre, Ramling Road, Aalte Park, Aalte, Tal Hatkangale, Patur (Akola): Vipassana Sadhana Prasar Kendra Shirla, Patur, Dist- Akola, 444501 10-day:
Dist. Kolhapur, Pin: 416123. Email: [email protected]; (No admission without con- »
(Female old Student 15 to 26-2,) (Male old Student 16 to 27-3) (Female only) 30-3 to 10-4,
firmation) Contact: Mob. 97674-13232. 9697933232, 7420943232, 10-day: 2021 (Hindi/ » »
1 to 12-6, 25-7 to 5-8, 20-11 to 1-12, 20 to 28-12, (Male only) 15 to 26-4, 11 to 22-5, 25-6
to 6-7, 10 to 21-8, 21-9 to 2-10, (Only Bhikkhu 23-10 to 3-11) #ST: 26-8 to 3-9, 3-day Chil-
“Vipassana Newsletter” Vol. 31, N0. 01, 28 Jan., 2021. ∙ Regd. No. 49916/90; P. Regn No. NSK/RNP-232/2021-2023 9
dren Course: (10 to 17 yrs) 7 to 10-11, 1-day: every month second Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm 12-4 to 3-5, 2 2 to 23-8, 30-day:21-2 to 24-3, 1-6to 2-7, 28-8 to 28-9, 45-day: (15 day Ana-
Children Course: (age 10 to 16 yrs) every month third Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm Contact: 1) Mr.
Jaggannath Gawai, Mob. 7775928290, 2) Mrs. Jyotitai Vankhede, Mob. 9921998803,
pan) 21-2 to 8-4, 2-11 to 18-12, Contact: same as Dhamma Sota
Dhamma Kāruṇika, Karnal (Haryana)
Dhamma Ajaya, Chandrapur
Vipassana Sadhana Sansthan, AirPort/Kunjpura Road, Near Goverment School, Vil-
Vipassana Meditation Centre, At – Ajaypur, Po. – Chichpalli, Mul Road, Chandrapur, lage Neval, Karnal-132001. Mob. 7056750605, Registration Email: reg.dhammakarunika@
Online Registration :- Website :-, Email: [email protected], 10-, Contact: 1) Mr Verma, Mob. 9992000601, (3 pm to 5 pm) 2) Mr Arya, Mob.
day: (Only for Old Student 5 to 16-2) 22-2 to 5-3, 11 to 22-3, 19 to 30-4, 28-5 to 8-6, (Only for
Bhikkhu 16 to 27-6) 2 to 13-7, 28-7 to 8-8,12 to 23-8, 29-8 to 9-9, 12 to 23-9, 29-9 to 10-10, 17 to
8572051575, 9416781575, 10-day: 2021 10 to 21-2, 24-2 to 7-3, 10 to 21-3, 24-3 to 4-4, 14
to 25-4, 28-4 to 9-5, 12 to 23-5, 23-6 to 4-7, 14 to 25-7, 28-7 to 8-8, 11 to 22-8, 25-8 to 5-9,
28-10, 1 to 12-11, 8 to 19-12, 26-12 to 7-1, #ST: 5 to 13-4, 27-11 to 5-12, 3-day: 27 to 30-3, 18 to 21-7, 8 to 19-9, 22-9 to 3-10, 13 to 24-10, 10 to 21-11, 24-11 to 5-12, 8 to 19-12, 22 to 2-1-2022,
2-day: 21 to 23-5, 19 to 21-11, 1-day Megha Course:17-1, 1-day: 7-3, 26-5, 27-6, 23-7, 8-8, 26-9,
10-10, 19-12, DhammaSewak Workshop: 4-4, CCT Workshop 2-5,
» » »
#ST: 2021 27-10 to 4-11, Teenagers’ Course: (Boys) 2021 29-5 to 6-6, (Girls) 12 to 20-6,
Dhamma Hitak±r², Rohtak (Haryana)
∞ Long Courses: Special 10-day: 5 to 16-5, 2 Contact: 1) Mr. Gharde, Sugat Nagar, Nag-
inabag Ward No. 2, Chandrapur-442401, Mob. 8007151050, 9226137722, 2) Mr. Gautam Vipassana Dhyan Samiti, Lahli Anwal Road, Village Lahli, Tehsil Kalanaur, Dist.
Chikate, Mobile: 9421812541, 9422506476, »
Rohtak-124001. Contact: 92543-48837, 9416303639. 10-day: 2021 3 to 14-2, 17 to 28-2,
3 to 14-3, 17 to 28-3, 7 to 18-4, 21-4 to 2-5, 5 to 16-5, 19 to 30-5, 2 to 13-6, 16 to 27-6, 7 to
Dhamma Padesa, Pali, Ratnagiri, 18-7,21-7 to 1-8, 4 to 15-8, 18 to 29-8, 1 to 12-9, 15 to 26-9, 6 to 17-10, 20 to 31-10, 17 to
Konkan Vipassana Meditation Centre, At-Patharat, Post-Pali, Tal-Ratnagiri, Maha-
rashtra, Email: [email protected], Website: , 10-day: 1 to
28-11, 1 to 12-12, 15 to 26-12, #ST:2021 6 to 14-11,
12-2, 15 to 26-2, 1 to 12-3, 15 to 26-3, 15 to 26-4, 1 to 12-5, 15 to 26-5, 1 to 12-6, 15 to 26-6, 1 to Dhamma Dhaja, Hoshiarpur (Punjab)
12-8,15to 26-8, 1 to 12-9, 15 to 26-9, 15 to 26-10, 1 to 12-11, 15 to 26-11, 1 to 12-12, Contact: Mr. Punjab Vipassana Trust, Village Anandgarh, P. O. Mehlanwali, Dist Hoshiarpur -
Santosh Ayare: 1) 9975434754 / 9960503598 146110, (Punjab) Tel: (01882) 272-333. Mobile: 94651-43488. Email: [email protected]
Mahad: 10-day: (only Male) 7 to 18-2, 21-2 to 4-3, 7 to 18-3, 22-3 to 2-4, 4 to » 10-day: 2021 3 to 14-2, 17 to 28-2, 3 to 14-3, 17 to 28-3, 7 to 18-4, 21-4 to 2-5, 5
15-4, 2 to 13-5, 6 to 17-6, 4 to 15-7, 18 to 29-7, 1 to 12-8, 15 to 26-8, 5 to 16-9, to 16-5, 19 to 30-5, 2 to 13-6, 16 to 27-6, 7 to 18-7, 21-7 to 1-8, 4 to 15-8, 18 to 29-8, 1 to
19 to 30-9, 3 to 14-10, 17 to 28-10, 7 to 28-11, 21-11 to 2-12, 5 to 16-12, 19 to 30-12,
(only Female) 18 to 29-4, 16 to 27-5, 20-6 to 1-7, 3-day: (only Male) 28 to 31-1, » 12-9, 15 to 26-9, 6 to 17-10, 20 to 31-10, 17 to 28-11, 1 to 12-12, 15 to 26-12,#ST:2021 6 to »
27 to 30-5, 26 to 29-8, 28 to 31-10, 1-day: Every First Sunday 10 am to 3 pm.#Children »
14-11, 3-day: 2021 1 to 4-4, 1 to 4-7,
Course: Every third Sunday 10 am to 2 pm, Place: Babasahab Ambedkar Memorial Hall Shiva- Dhamma Sikhara, Dharamshala (H.P.)
ji Chowk, Koteshwari Tale, Mahad-402301, Dist:- Raigad, Contact: (020) 24436250, Email: Himachal Vipassana Kendra, Dharamkot, McLeodganj, Dharamshala-176219, Dist.
[email protected], Mob.: 7719070011, Kangra. Email: [email protected] Tel: 09218514051, 09218414051, (Registration
over phone between 4 to 5 pm) 10-day: 2021 every month Apr to Nov. 1 to 12. Also 15 to
Dhamma Thalī, Jaipur »
26. (except during other course’s). #ST: 2021 20 to 28-3, 15 to 23-11, 3-day: 2021 23 to »
Rajasthan Vipassana Centre, P.O. Box 208, Jaipur-302001 Mob. 0-99301-17187, 26-11,
9610401401, 9828804808, (for Manual registration/queries); Email: info@thali. Dhamma Laddha, Leh Ladakh (J & K), 10-day: 30-3 to 10-4, 12 to 23-4, 25-4 to 6-5, 9 to 20-5, 23-5 to 3-6, 6 to 17-6, Vipassana Meditation Ladakh, Dhamma Laddha, is 8/9 Km from leh, Contact: Mr Lobzang
19 to 30-6, 4 to 15-7, 18 to 29-7, 1 to 12-8, 15 to 26-8, 29-8 to 9-9, 12 to 23-9, 7 to 18-11, 21-11 to
2-12, 5 to 16-12, 22-12 to 2-1-2021 #ST:1 to 9-4, 8 to 16-6, 20 to 28-7, 3-day: 16 to 19-12,
Visuddha, Ancient Tracks, Mobile: [91] 9906971808, 9419862542. 10-day: 2021 10 to 21-2,
24-2 to 7-3, 17 to 28-3, 14 to 25-4, 12 to 23-5, 9 to 20-6, 7 to 18-7, 4 to 15-8, 1 to 12-9, 22-9 to
Long Course: Special 10-day: 12 to 23-4, 19 to 30-6, 20-day:7 to 28-2, 28-9 to 19-10, 30-day: »
3-10, 6 to 17-10,27-10 to 7-11, 10 to 21-11, 1 to 12-12, #ST: 2021 31-3 to 8-4, 28-4 to 6-5, 26-5
7-2 to 10-3, 18-9 to 29-10, 45-day: 7-2 to 25-3, »
to 3-6, 25-6 to 3-7, 21 to 29-7, 18 to 26-8, 15 to 23-12, 3-day: 2021 16 to 19-9,2-day: 2021 9 »
Dhamma Pushkar, Ajmer, Rajasthan to 11-4, 7 to 9-5, 4 to 6-6, 30-7 to 1-8, 27 to 29-8, Group Sitting: every Sunday from 9 am. 1-day:
Vipassana Centre, Near Village Rewat (Kedel), 23 kms from Ajmer and 9 kms from every Second Sunday Email: [email protected]; [email protected],
Pushkar towards Parbatsar. +91-94133-07570. Tel: (145) 2780570. 10-day: 10 to 21-2, (Old Dhamma Salila, Dehradun
Students only 23-2 to 6-3) 8 to 19-3, #ST: 20 to 28-3, Contact: 1) Ravi Toshniwal, Email: Dehradun Vipassana Centre, Village Jantanwala, near Dehradun Cantonment, near
[email protected] Mob. 98290-71778, 2) Anil Dhariwal, Mob. 098290-28275, Santala Devi Mandir, Dehradun 248001. Tel: 0135-2715189, 2715127, 94120-53748,
Dhamma Marudhara, Jodhpur, Rajasthan Email: [email protected]; 10-day: 10 to 21-2, 24-2 to 7-3, 10 to 21-3, 14 to
Vipassana Sadhana Kendra, Behind Laharia Resort, Near Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang 25-4, 28-4 to 9-5, 12 to 23-5, 26-5 to 6-6, 9 to 20-6, 23-6 to 4-7, 7 to 18-7, 21-7 to 1-8, 4 to
Kendra, -Chaupsani Link Road, Chokha Jodhpur-342009. Mob. 9783387504, 9829007520, 15-8, 25-8 to 5-9, 8 to 19-9, 22-9 to 3-10, 20 to 31-10, 10 to 21-11, 24-11 to 5-12, 8 to 19-
Email: [email protected], 10-day: 3 to 14-2, 19-2 to 2-3, 9 to 20-4, 26-4 to 7-5, 15 12,#ST: 5 to 13-10, 3 to 11-4, 22 to 30-12, 3-day:21 to 24-1, 21 to 24-3, 15 to 18-8,2-day:17
to 26-6, 30-6 to 11-7, 14 to 25-7, 29-7 to 9-8, 14 to 25-9, 9 to 20-10, 23-10 to 3-11, 7 to 18-11, to 19-10, Contact: 1) Mr. Bhandari, Tel: (0135) 2104555, 07078398566, Fax: 271-5580.
22-11 to 3-12, 20 to 31-12 #ST: 12 to 20-3, 29-9 to 7-10, 3-day: 5 to 8-3, 24 to 27-3, 11 to 14-8, 7 Dhamma Lakkhaṇa, Lucknow (U.P.)
to 10-12, 1-day: 26-5, Teenagers’ Course: (Boys) 31-5 to 8-6, (Girls) 2 to 10-9, Children Course: Lucknow Vipassana Centre, Asti Road, Railway Crossing, Bakshi ka Talab, Lucknow
3-day: (13 to 16 yrs) 11 to 14-5, (13 to 16 only Boys) 18 to 21-8, (13 to 16 only GIrls) 25 to 28- 227 202. Email: [email protected] Tel: (0522) 296-8525, Mob. 97945-45334,
8, Contact: 1) Mr. Nemichand Bhandari, Email: [email protected]; Mob. 9453211879, 10-day: 19-2 to 1-3, 4 to 15-3, 4 to 15-4, 19 to 30-4, 4 to 15-5, 19 to 30-5, 4
Whatsapp No. 9887099049, 8233013020. to 15-6, 19 to 30-6, 4 to 15-7,4 to 15-8, 19 to 30-8, 4 to 15-9, 19 to 30-9, 4 to 15-10, 4 to
Dhamma Pubbaja, Churu, Rajasthan 15-11, 19 to 30-11,#ST: 22 to 30-3, 19 to 27-10, 3-day: 28 to 31-10, 2-day: 15 to 17-1, 15 to
Pubbaj Bhumi Vipassana Trust, Bhaleri Road, 6Km From Churu (Rajasthan) Mob. 17-3, 15 to 17-4, 15 to 17-5, 15 to 17-6, 15 to 17-7, 15 to 17-8, 15 to 17-9, 15 to 17-10, 15 to
9664481738, Email: [email protected], [email protected], Con- »
17-11, Children’s course: (age 8 to 12 boys and Girls) 18 to 20-3, 3-day Children’s course:
tact: 1) Mr. SP Sharma, Mob. 07627049859, 2) Mr. Suresh Khanna, Mob. 094131-57056,
9887099049, Whatsapp Only) 10-day: 14 to 25-3, 31-3 to 11-4, 27-4 to 8-5, 29-5 to 9-6, 12 to
» »
(age 13 to 17 boys) 26 to 29-12, (13 to 17 girls) 30-12 to 2-1-22, 14-days
Gratitude Course: 2 to 17-2-2021,
23-6, 27-6 to 8-7, 13 to 24-7, 12 to 23-9, 17 to 28-10, 8 to 19-11, 23-11 to 4-12, #ST: 21-2 to 1-3, ∞ Long Courses: Special 10-day: 19 to 30-7 20-day: 4 to 25-12, Contact: 1. Sh. R. K. Singh,
28-9 to 6-10, 22 to 30-12, 3-day: 5 to 8-3, 17 to 20-4, 11 to 14-8, 9 to 12-10, 8 to 11-12, 1-day: 26- Mob. 9616744793, 2. Pankaj Jain, Mob. 098391-20032. 3. Mrudula Mukesha, Mob. 94150-
5, and Every Sunday, Teenagers’ Course: (Boys) 1 to 9-9, Children Course 3-day: (Only Boys age 10879, 4. Sh. Rajeev Yadav, Mob. 9415136560..
13 to 16) 17 to 20-8, (Only Girls age 13 to 16) 24 to 27-8, Children Course 2-day: (Only Boys
Dhamma Suvatth², Sravasti (U.P.)
age 13 to 16) 31-10 to 2-11, 14-Day Gratitude Course: 2 to 17-2,
∞ Long Courses: Special 10-day: 28-7 to 8-8, Jetavana Vipassana Meditation Centre, Katra Bypass Road, Opp. Buddha Inter
College, Sravasti 271845. Email: [email protected], Tel: (05252) 265-439; Mob.
Dhamma Sota, Sohna (Haryana)
93358-33375. 10-day: 2 to 13-2, 15 to 26-2, 17 to 28-4, 2 to 13-5, 2 to 13-6, 17 to 28-6, 2 to
Vipassana Sadhana Sansthan, Village Rahaka, Post Sohna, (Near Nimmod Police 137, 17 to 28-7, 2 to 13-8, 17 to 28-8, 2 to 13-10, 2 to 13-12, 2 to 13-1,#ST: 14 to 22-5, 29-8 to
Post) Ballabgarh-Sohna Road, Dist Gurgaon (12 km from Sohna), Haryana, Mobile:
9812655599, 9812641400. [Buses available from Sohna and Ballabhgarh.] 10-day: 3 to 14-
6-9, 14 to 22-12, Children Course: (8 to 12 yrs boys, and 8 to 16 yrs Girls) 24 to 27-5, 24 to
27-12, 12 to 16 yrs only Boys) 28 to 31-5, 28 to 31-12,
2, 17 to 28-2, 3 to 14-3, 17 to 28-3, 7 to 18-4, 21-4 to 2-5, 5 to 16-5, 19 to 30-5, 2 to 13-6, 16 to
27-6, 7 to 18-7, 21-7 to 1-8, 4 to 15-8, 18to 29-8, 1 to 12-9, 15 to 26-9, 6 to 17-10, 20 to 31-10,
∞ Long Courses: 2021 20-day:8 to 29-9, 30-day:28-2 to 31-3, 45-day:28-2 to 15-4, 15-10 to
30-11,Contact: 1. Mob. 094157-51053, 2. Murli Manohar, Mob. 094150-36896,
3 to 14-11, 17 to 28-11, 1 to 12-12, 15 to 26-12,Contact: Tel. (011) 26452772, 46585455,
Email: [email protected] Dhamma K±ya, Kushinagar (U.P.)
Dhamma Paṭṭhāna, Sonepat, (Haryana) Dhamma Kaya Vipassana Sadhana Kendra, Village- Dhuria Bhaat, Near Ban-
wari Tola, Tehsil- Kasya, Devriya Road, Dist: Kushinagar-274402, (U.P.) Mob. +91
Vipassana Sadhana Sansthan, Village Kammaspur, Dist. Sonepat, Haryana, Pin-131001. 9415277542. Email: [email protected]; 10-day: every month (except
Mob. 09991874524, Email: [email protected] #ST: 6 to 14-2, 7to 15-5, 19 May-June) 1 to 12, 16 to 27; Plus- 10-day: 15 to 26-5, 17-6 to 28-6; One-day: 26-5
to 27-5, 6 to 14-7, 23 to 31-12,AT Workshop: :2 to 5-10, Dhamma Servers Workshop:2021 6 » ( Buddha Purnima), #ST: 28 to 5-6; Teenagers course (Girls) - 6 to 14-6; ( boys): 7
to 7-10, ∞Long Courses: Special 10-day: 17 to 28-7, 15 to 26-10, 20-day:
10 “Vipassana Newsletter” Vol. 31, N0. 01, 28 Jan., 2021. ∙ Regd. No. 49916/90; P. Regn No. NSK/RNP-232/2021-2023
to 15-6; Contact: 1. Dr. Vimalkumar Modi, C/o Aarogya Mandir, Gorakhapur-273003, Gratitude Course: 2 to 17-2-2021, Contact: Ms Shashi Todi, Mob. 98240-65668,
2. Shri Naresh Agarwal- Mob. 9935599453, ∞ Long Courses: Special 10-day: 20 to 31-1, 30-day: 28-2 to 31-3,
Dhamma Kaly±ºa, Kanpur (U.P.) Dhamma Ambik±, South Gujarat
Kanpur, International Vipassana Meditation Centre, Dhori, Ghaat, Rooma, Post Vipassana Dhyan Kendra, National Highway No. 8, (Mumbai to Ahmedabad) 2 k.m.
Salempur Kanpur-209402, (23 Km. from Kanpur Central Rly. Station) Tel. 07388-543795, away on west of Boriyach tollnaka, at village Vagalwad Tal. Gandevi Dist. Navsari Mob.
Mob. 08995480149. Email: [email protected], (No admission without confir- 09586582660, Registration: 11 am to 5 pm (0261) 3260961, 09825955812. www.ambika.
mation) 10-day: 5 to 16-1, 20 to 31-1, 5 to 16-2, 5 to 16-3, 20 to 31-3, 5 to 16-4, 20-4 to 1-5, 2 to Online registration: [email protected], 10-day: 10 to 21-1,
13-5, 13 to 24-5, 5 to 16-6, 20-6 to 1-7, 5 to 16-7, 20 to 31-7, 5 to 16-8, 20 to 31-8, 5 to 16-9, 20-9 23-1 to 3-2, 10 to 21-2, 24-2 to 7-3, 10 to 21-3, 31-3 to 11-4, 3- day: 4 to 7-2, 25 to 28-3,
to 1-10, 5 to 16-10, 20 to 31-10, 5 to 16-11, 5 to 16-12, 20 to 31-12, #ST:22-2 to 1-3, 22 to 30-11, Contact: 1. Vasantbhai Lad, Mob. 09428160714, 2. Ratanshibhai K Patel, Mob. 098250-
3-day: 1 to 4-4, 1 to 4-9, 1-day: Every month Fourth Sunday. 10 am to 5 pm, Teenagers’ Course: 44536,
(Girls) 24-5 to 1-6, 3-Day Children Course: (8 to 12 yrs)1 to 4-6, ∞Long Course: Special SOUTH INDIA
10-day: 20-11 to 1-12, Dhamma Nāgajjuna, Nagarjun Sagar (Telangana)
Dhamma Sudhā, Meerut (U.P.) VIMC, Hill Colony, Nagarjun Sagar Dist. Nalgoda 508202, (140.4 km Hyderabad Road,) Reg-
Vipassana Centre, Behind Police station, Tower Road, Near Saifpur Gurdwara, istration: 9440139329, (8680) 277944, Mobile: 093484-56780, (only 10 am to 5 pm) Email:
Hastinapur, Dist. Meerut- -250404, Office Contact: Tel. 9555515548, 8171490433, [email protected],
7505414181,10-day: 2021 6 to 17-1, 20 to 31-1, 3 to 14-2, 17 to 28-2, 3 to 14-3, 17 to 28-3, CENTRAL AND EASTERN INDIA
7 to 18-4, 21-4 to 2-5, 5 to 16-5, 19 to 30-5, 2 to 13-6, 16 to 27-6, 7 to 18-7, 21-7 to 1-8, 4 to Dhammapāla, Bhopal (M.P.)
15-8, 18 to 29-8,1 to 12-9, 15 to 26-9, 6 to 17-10, 20 to 31-10, 17 to 28-11, 1 to 12-12, 15 to
» »
26-12, #ST: 2021 6 to 14-11, 3-day: 2021 1 to 4-4, 1 to 4-7, Vipassana Centre, Behind Kerwa Dam, Village Daulatpura, Bhopal 462 044.
Contact: Mob: 94069-27803, 7024771629, Contact: Prakash Gedam, Mob. 94250-
Dhamma Bodhi, Bodhgaya, (Bihar) 97358, Tel: (0755) 2468053, Email: [email protected], Fax: 246-
Bodh Gaya International Vipassana Meditation Centre, Gaya-Dobhi Road (15 8197. Online application:, 10-day: 20-2 to 3-3, 17 to 28-3,
km), Near Magadha University, Bodh Gaya-824234. Mob. 94716-03531, 9955911556, 7 to 18-4, 5 to 16-5, 19 to 30-5, 2 to 13-6, 14 to 25-7, 28-7 to 8-8, 25-8 to 5-9, 20
Email: [email protected], Website:, Long course Email :
[email protected] Contact: 99559-11556. 10-day: 1 to 12-1, 16 to 27-1, 1 to 12- to 31-10, 6 to 17-11, 1 to 12-12, #ST: 6 to 14-3, 11 to 19-8, 20 to 28-11, 3-day: 1
2, 16 to 27-2, 1 to 12-3, 16 to 27-3,1 to 12-4, 16 to 27-4, 1 to 12-5, 16 to 27-5, 1 to 12-6, 16 to 27-6, to 4-4, 16 to 19-6, ∞ 14-Day Gratitude Course: 2 to 17-2, ∞ Long
1 to 12-7, 15 to 26-7, 5 to 16-9, 20-9 to 1-10, 1 to 12-11, 16 to 27-11, 1 to 12-12, 15 to 26-12, 29-12 Courses: Special 10-day: 21-4 to 2-5, 20-day: 20-6 to 11-7, 30-day: 11-9 to 12-10,
-2021 to 9-1-2022, 12 to 23-1-2022, #ST: 18 to 26-10, 26-1-2022 to 3-2-2022, 45-day: 17-12 to 1-2,
∞ Long Courses: Special 10-day: 6 to 17-10, 20-day: 6 to 27-10, 30-day: 1-8 to 1-9, 45-day: 9-2- Dhamma Rata, Ratlam (M.P.)
2021 to 27-3-2021, 9-2-2022 to 27-3-2022,
Dhamma Rata, 15 Kms from Ratlam, Behind Sai Temple, Village: Dhamnod, Ta. Sailana,
Dhamma Licchavī, Muzaffarpur (Bihar) Dist: Ratlam-457001, M.P. Fax: 07412-403882, Email: [email protected], Contact:
Dhamma Licchavī Vipassana Centre, Ladaura Gram, Ladaura Pakri, Muzzaffarpur 1) Mr. Yogesh, Mob. 8003942663, 2) Mr Adwani, Mob. 9826700116. 10-day: 17 to 28-2, 12
843113. Tel: 7779842059, 8935963703, Email: [email protected] 10-day: 5 to to 23-3, 14 to 25-4, 19 to 30-5, 12 to 23-6, 14 to 25-7, 4 to 15-8, 4 to 15-9, 2 to 13-10, 19
16-1, 19 to 30-1, 3 to 14-2, 16 to 27-2, 3 to 14-3, 16 to 27-3, 6 to 17-4, 19 to 30-4, 5 to 16-5, 19 to to 30-11, #ST: 18 to 26-12, 3-day: 13 to 16-10, 26 to 29-12, 2-day: 5 to 7-2, 25 to 27-4, 23 to
30-5, 5 to 16-6, 19 to 30-6, 5 to 16-7, 19 to 30-7, 5 to 16-8, 19 to 30-8, 5 to 16-9, 19 to 30-9, 2 to 25-6, 15 to 17-8, Contact Office: Vikram Nagar, Mhow road, Ratlam, Mob. 09425364956,
13-10, 19 to 30-10, 19 to 30-11, 5 to 16-12, 19 to 30-12, 5 to 16-1, 19 to 30-1, #ST: 27-3 to 4-4, 1 09479785033.
to 9-11, Contact: Rajkumar Goenka, Tel: (0621) 224-0215, Dhamma Guºa Guna-Gwalior Division, (M.P.)
Dhamma Upavana, Baracakiya, (Bihar) ‘Vipassana Dhamma Guna, Village- Pagara, Dist.- Guna, (at 12 kms. Guna-Gwalior
Baracakiya - 845412, East Champaran, Bihar, Contact: 9431245971, 9934430429, Division.) Contact: Shri Virendra Singh Raghuvanshi, Raghuvanshi Kirana Store, Near
6204814341, Email: [email protected], 10-day: every month 3 to 14 (Except State bank of India, Ashok Nagar Road, Village – Pagara, Dist: Guna, MP – 473001. Mob:
in November 2021), 13 to 24-11, 3 to 14-1-2022, 9425618095, Shri Rajkumar, Raghuvanshi, Mob: 9425131103. Email: [email protected].
Vaishali: 10-day: every month 4 to 15. January to December Place: Vietnam Mahapra- org. 10-day: 12 to 23-2, 2 to 13-4, 14 to 25-5, 18 to 29-6, 16 to 27-7, 7 to 18-8,17 to 28-9, 20
japati Nunnery, Vishwashanti Pagoda Road, Vaishali-844128, Contact: Rajkumar Goenka, to 31-10, 19 to 30-11, 10 to 21-12, #ST: 12 to 20-3, 3-day:27 to 30-3.
Email: [email protected]; Website: Tel: (0621) 224- Amla (Betul): 10-day: (Only Bhikkhu) 17 to 28-3, (Only Female) 22-4 to 3-5, 8 »
0215, 8935963703, 9431245971, 9102288680
Nalanda (Bihar): 10-day: April to December Every Month 2 to 13, Place: Near Navna-
to 19-12, (only Male) 12 to 23-5, 10 to 21-11, 3-day: 28-8 to 31-8, 1-day: 17-1, (Grat-
itude Course 20-1), 14-2, 14-3, 11-4, 26-5, 13-6, 18-7, 22-8, 12-9, (Gratitude Course
landa Mahavihar, Sanskratik Gram, Nalanda (Bihar) Mob: 91-9955911556, Contact: Dr. 29-9), 10-10, 21-11, 12-12, Children’s course: (age 8 to 16) 28-2, 21-3, 25-4, 9-5, 20-6,
D. Lama, Mob. 99314-55583. Email: [email protected]. Online registration:
Website: 11-7, 8-8, 19-9, 17-10, 7-11, 5-12, Dhamma Sevak Workshop: 20-6, Pali Training Course:
24 to 26-12, Place: Pradnya Bhavan Bhim Nagar, Amla Contact: 1) Mr. Hurmade,
Dhamma Pātliputta Patna (Bihar)
Mob. 8234025899, 2) Mr Suryavanshi, Mob. 9907887607.
Patna Vipassana Center, Meditation Block, Buddha Smriti Park,Near Patna
Junction,Patna - 800001,Bihar, India, Contact: Mobile: +91 6205978822, +91 Dhamma Ketu, Durg (Chattisgarh)
6299534629, E - mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.pat- Vipassana Centre, Thanod, Via Anjara, Dist. Durg. Email: [email protected], 10-Day: 3 to 14-1, 17 to 28-1, 3 to 14-2, 17 to 28-2, 3 to 14-3, 3 Tel: 09907755013, Mob. 09589842737. 10-day: 7 to 18-3, 18 to 29-4, 13 to 24-6, 4 to 15-7,
to 14-4, 17 to 28-4, 3 to 14-5, 17 to 28-5, 3 to 14-6, 17 to 28-6, 3 to 14-7, 17 to 28-7, 18 to 29-7, 1 to 12-8, 22-8 to 2-9, 5 to 16-9, 19 to 30-9, 3 to 14-10, 17 to 28-10, 6 to 17-11,
17 to 28-8, 3 to 14-9, 17 to 28-9, 3 to 14-10, 3 to 14-11, 3 to 14-12, 17 to 28-12, 3 to 21-11 to 2-12, 6 to 17-12, 20 to 31-12, #ST: 17 to 25-1, Teenagers’ Course: (Girls) 30-5 to »
14-1-22, 17 to 28-1-22. #ST: 17 to 25-3, 3 to 11-8, 7-6, 3-Day: 27 to 30-3, 1-Day: 21-3, 26-5, 27-6, 15-8, 31-10, 20-11 Children’s course: 22-4, 2-5,
GUJARAT 2-10, 19-11, 18-12, Dhamma Sevak Workshop: 5-12, ∞Long Course: 30-day: 31-1 to 3-3
Contact: 1. Mr. R.P. Saini, Mob. 9425244706, 2. Mr. Suresh Bang, Mob. 9425209354,
Dhamma Sindhu, Mandvi-Kutch (Guj.)
Dhamma Ga¥ha, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh)
Kutch Vipassana Centre, Bada, Mandvi-Kutch-370475. Mob, 9638577325, Email: info@sindhu. Contact: Bhuj: 094274-33534. Gandhidham: 094262-50746. Mandvi: 09974575660. Vipassana Centre, 23 K.M. from Bilaspur city and 8 K.M. from Kargiroad Railway station.
10-day: 19-2 to 2-3, 8 to 19-4, 29-4 to 10-5, 20 to 31-5, 10 to 21-6, 1 to 12-7, 7 to 18-7, 20 to 31-7, Bharari, (via) Mohanbhata, Tal Takhatpur, Dist Bilaspur Email: [email protected],
#ST: 22 to 30-4, 22 to 30-6 ∞ Long Courses: Special 10-day:21-7 to 1-8, 20-day: 5 to 26-3, 5 to Website:, 10-day: 7 to 18-1, 28-1 to 8-2, 11 to 22-2, 11 to 22-3, 8 to 19-
26-5, 30-day: 5-3 to 5-4, 5-5 to 5-6, 45-day: 5-3 to 20-4, Contact: 7874623305, 9825320551. 4, 17 to 28-6, 8 to 19-7, 8 to 19-8, 1 to 12-10, 2 to 13-12, 17 to 28-12 #ST: 13 to 21-11, 3-day: 27
to 30-3, Teenagers’ Course: (Boys)» 5 to 13-6, 1-day: 3-1, 7-3, 4-4, 24-10, 7-11, # Children’s
Dhamma Divākara, Mehsana (Guj.) course: 25-4, 2-5, 17-10, 28-11,
Uttar Gujarat Vipassana Kendra, Village Mittha Tal and Dist. Mehsana, Gujarat. Email: info@divaka-, Tel: (02762) 272-800. Contact: 1. Nikhilbhai Parikh, Mob. 09429233000, 2. Upen- ∞ Long Course: 20-day: 5 to 26-9, Contact: Mr. D. N. Dwivedi Mob. 9806703919, 2. Mr. S.
Meshram, Mob. 98269-60230,
dra Patel, Tel: Mob. 8734093341, Tel: (02762) 254-634, 253315, Email: [email protected],
Dhamma Utkal, Khariyar Road: (Orissa)
10-day: 30-12 to 10-1, 2021»13 to 24-1, 24-2 to 7-3, 10 to 21-3, 24-3 to 4-4, #ST: 7 to 15-4,
3-day:28 to 31-1, 14-Day Gratitude Course: 2 to 17-2-2021, Vipassana Meditation Centre, Village Chanabera, Post Amsena, Via. Khariyar Road,
Dhamma Pīṭha, Ahmedabad (Gujarat) Dist: Nuapada, Orissa-766106, Mob. 094062-37896, Contact: 1) Mr. Harilal Shahu, Email:
[email protected], Mob. 09407699375, 2) Mr, Prafulldash, Mob. 7077704724, 10-
Gurjar Vipashyana Kendra, (40 km from Ahmedabad Railway Station, 3 km Dhol- day: 6 to 17-1, 27-1 to 7-2, 24-2 to 7-3, 11 to 21-3, 21-4 to 2-5, 5 to 16-5, 23-6 to 4-7, 21-7 to 1-8,
ka town), Village Ranoda, Tal. Dholka, Dist. Ahmedabad 387810, Mobile: 89800-01110, 23-8 to 3-9, 8 to 19-9, 3 to 14-10, 10 to 21-11, 1 to 12-12, 16 to 26-12,
89800-01112, 94264-19397. Tel: (02714) 294690. Email: [email protected] (Day
zero starting day of every course, Bus facility to Centre is Available from Paldi St Bus stand
∞ Long Course: 30-day: 1 to 31-10,
(Ahmedabad) at 2:30 pm. 10-day:6 to 17-1, 7 to 18-4, 3-day: 20 to 23-2, ----+<*----
“Vipassana Newsletter” Vol. 31, N0. 01, 28 Jan., 2021. ∙ Regd. No. 49916/90; P. Regn No. NSK/RNP-232/2021-2023 11

New Feature added to Vipassana Meditation Mobile App: New Centre Dhamma P±tliputta in Patna (Bihar)
Now register for various types of courses such as -- Dhamma P±tliputta is located in the heartland of Patna, erstwhile
- 10-day course, - Executive course, Patliputra. The Center has been built inside of Buddha Smriti Park by
- Children's course, - 3-day course, - etc. the Government of Bihar. It has been developed to serve 80 students
(male and female) and is equipped with modern amenities. The ful-
In centers across India, South Africa, Kenya, Indonesia, UAE,
etc. Once an application is filed, you can also view the ly air conditioned premises offers two 10 Day / other courses each
application status on the app. month to cater to locals as well as international participants.
Enable daily logging of meditation for your own personal record. Address: Dhamma Patliputra, Patna Vipassana Center, Meditation
Currently these new features are available only for Android Block, Buddha Smriti Park, Near Patna Junction, Patna - 800001,
phones and will be soon available for iOS (iPhones). Bihar, India. Details of Bank account: Patliputra Vipassana Trust,
Download App Link: +<* A/c Number: 440010110005452; Branch Code: 004400
IFSC Code: BKID0004400; Name of the Bank: Bank of India,
One-day Mega courses at Patna Branch, Patna, Address of the Bank: Fraser Road, Post box no.
166, Patna - 800001, Bihar.
Global Vipassana Pagoda for 2021 Contact Details: Mobile: +91 6205978822, +91 6299534629
Sundays– 23rd May, Buddha Purnima; 25th July, Ashadhi E-mail: [email protected]
Purnima; 26th September, Sharad Purnima and Goenkaji's 8th Website: +<*
Death Anniversary. All One-day Mega courses at GVP start
at 11am – till 4 pm. Non-meditators may participate in the 3 pm
discourse. (Daily one-day courses are still being held at the Pagoda Additional Responsibility New Responsibility- SATs
for those who are staying in the campus.) Please come only with 1-2. Shri Sajjan Kumar & Mrs Niru 1. Mrs. Rekha Bhasker, Andaman &
prior registration. Samagg±na½ tapo sukho: Take advantage of Goenka, to serve as Centre Nicobar Islands
the immense benefit of meditating in a large group. For registration Teacher for Dhamma Pataliputta, 2-3. Mr Sophoan Sok and Mrs
Patna. Sambo Tey (SSST), Cambodia
Contact: 022-62427544, 022-28451170- Extn: 9, Mob. 8291894644 3. Mr Jagdish Shindeji, (SAT) to 4. Mr Sieng Teak (TS6), Cambodia
(Tel. booking: 11 am to 5 pm daily). Online registration: assit CT Dhammapunna, Pune. 5. Mr Sochet Kuoch (SKSC), (All courses will be 3. Mr. Kazuhiko Ueda (KU) To Cambodia
arranged as per the Government's rules pertaining to Covid-19) serve as Centre Teacher for 6. Mrs Nary Poc (NP6), Cambodia
Dhamma Bhanu, Japan

Pañca œ²la p±lana bhal±, samyaka bhal² sam±dhi, Ʋla dharma p±lana kar³½, kar³½ sam±dhi abhy±sa,
Prajn± to j±grata bhal², d³ra kare bhava-vy±dhi. Nija prajn± j±grata kar³½, kar³½ dukho½ k± n±œa.
It is good to practice the five moral precepts. It is Let me practice righteousness with morality and prac-
good to practice concentration. To awaken wisdom is tice concentration. Let me awaken my wisdom and
indeed good, to remove the disease of becoming. destroy suffering.
Durlabha j²vana manuja k±, ba¹e bh±gya se p±y, Ʋlav±na ke dhy±na se, prajn± j±grata hoya,
Prajn± œ²la sam±dhi bina, deve v¥th± ga½v±y. Antara k² g±ºµhe khule, m±nasa nirmal hoya.
Rare is the life of a human being, which is attainable Let wisdom awaken in the virtuous meditator,
with great merit. Without morality, concentration and removing the knots within and purifying the mind
wisdom, one would waste time aimlessly.


Edited and published by R.P. Yadav for VRI, Igatpuri-422 403 and printed at Apollo Printing Press, 259, SICOF Ltd., 69 MIDC, Satpur, Nashik-422 007.
No.1, 28 January, 2021. Posted at Igatpuri, Dist. Nashik, Posting Day: Purnima of every month; Vip. NL Regd. No. 49916/90; P. Regn No. NSK/RNP-232/2018-2020

DATE OF PRINTING: 00 ( On-line-edition), DATE OF PUBLICATION: 28 JANUARY, 2021

If undelivered, please return to:

Vipassana Research Institute
Dhamma Giri, Igatpuri 422 403
Dist. Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Tel: (02553) 244076, 244086,
244144, 244440
Email: [email protected]
course booking: [email protected]

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