SSLC Chemistry Chapter Wise Questions: Muhammed Muhsin CK 9207010369. 9946057991

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9207010369. 9946057991
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Unit 1
Periodic table and electronic configuration

1) The maximum number of electrons are present in f sub shell?


Ans: 14

2) The 2 sub shell electronic configuration of cromium is given.

i) 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 3d4 4s2

ii)1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 3d5 4s1 write reason to select this electronic configuration.

Ans: ii is correct the half filled or completely filled d block elements are more stable compare to other

3) The last sub shell of an element is 3p and there are 3 electrons in it.
a) Write the complete electronic configuration of the element?
b) Identify its group and period?
Ans: a) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3
b) group= 15 & period =3

4) The atomic number of an element is 19.

a) Write the sub shell electronic configuration of the element?
b) Identify it group, period, block and oxidation umber.
c) Write any one characteristics of the block to which the element belong?
ANS: a) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1
b) block=s period=4 group=1 oxidation number= +1
c) high atomic radius.

5) The outer most electronic configuration of element A (symbol is not real) is 3s2 3p4
a) which period belongs to the element?
b) Find the group number of the element?
c) What is the block to which the element belongs?
ANS: a) 3
b) 16
c) p block

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6) There are sub shell in shell around the nucleus.
a) What is the maximum number of electron that can be accommodated in d sub shell?
b) Write the possible sub shells in 3rd shell in the increasing order of energy?
c) Which the following is the outer most electronic configuration of copper?
(Cu=29) A: 3d9 4s2 . B: 3d10 4s1 . Justify your answer?
ANS: a) 10
b) 3s<3p<3d
c) B is correct. In d block elements the half filled (d5) or completely filled (d10) electronic
configuration of the element is more stable than other. So, to attain stable electronic configuration on
element shifted from 4s to 3d.

7) Electrons are situated at the sub shell of an atom

a) write the possible sub shell of 3rd shell ie, M shell
b) complete the following table.

Sub shell electronic The highest sub shell

element configuration number in electron is Period
5X 1s2 2s2 2p1 2 2
11Y 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 3 A
19Z B 4 C
ANS: a) s p d
b) A) 3 B) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 C) 4

8) Analyses the given table, and answer the following question.

Element( symbols Atomic Number

are not real)
P 11
Q 18
R 17
S 26

a) which is the noble gas element?

b) which element belongs to 1st group?
c) write the chemical formula of the new compound formed between P& R?
d) which element shows different electronic configuration.? write the electronic configuration of that
ANS: The electronic configuration of these elements are
P = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1
Q = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6
R= 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5
S = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d6 4s2
a) Q (outer most sub shell contain 6 electron so group 6+12=18)
b) P (the elements belongs to s block and outermost sub shell contain only one electron)
c) oxidation state of P= +1 and oxidation state of R = -1 then the chemical formula of the new
compound is PR.
d) S . the electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d6 4s2

9) Which sub shell is common for every shell?

ANS: s

10) Lanthanoids: 6th period actinoids: ………………

ANS: 7th period

11) How many electrons are present in the outermost sub shell electronic configuration of noble gas
(except He) [2,6,10,14]
ANS: 6

12) Pick out the wrong sub shell electronic configuration from these given below?
(2p 6s 3f 5d 4s 1p)
ANS: 3f & 1p

13) How many electrons are present in the outer most sub shell of 17th group element?
ANS: 5

14) The sub shell electronic configuration of some element is given blow.
X- [Ne] 3s2 3p1
Y-[Ar] 4s1
Z-[Ar] 3d6 4s2
a) write the complete electronic configuration of element Y?
b) which elements shows different oxidation state?
c) find group number of the element?
d) write the chemical formula of the compound when element Y is reacting with oxygen?
ANS: a) 1s 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1

b) Z c) 8 d) Y2O

15) Two compounds of Fe are given

FeCl2 FeCl3 (oxidation state of Fe= -1)
a) in which compound Fe shows +2 oxidation state?
b) write the sub shell electronic configuration of Fe3+?
c) why transition element shows different oxidation state?
ANS: a) in FeCl2 Fe shows +2 oxidation state.
b) 26Fe = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d6 4s2.
Fe3+ = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5.
c) In the case of transition elements the difference in the energy bet when the outer most sub shell
and the penultimate d sub shell is very small, hence under suitable condition the electron in d sub shell also
take part in chemical reaction. Hence transition elements shows variable oxidation state

16) The element X belongs to 16th group and element Y belongs to 1st group in periodic table.
a) find oxidation state of X & Y?
b) write the chemical formula of new compound, when reacting these compounds?
ANS: a) X= -2 Y=+1
b) Y2O

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17) The sub sell Electronic configuration of X2+ ion is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6
a) find the atomic number of the element X ?
b) what is block to which element is belongs?
ANS: a) 20 b) s block

18) Given, sub shell electronic configuration of an element is [Ar] 3d5 4s1
a) in how many shell the electrons are occupied?
b) what is the sub shell to which the last electron is filled?
c) what is the atomic number of the element?
d) find the group number of the element?
ANS: a) 4
b) s
c) 26 d) 6

19) Based on the hints given,find out atomic number and sub shell electronic configuration of the
elements.(symbols are not real)
i) A- period 3 group 17 ii) B- period 4 group 6

ANS: A- atomic number 17 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P5

B- atomic number 24 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 4S1 3d5

20) When the last electron of an atom was filled in 3rd sub shell, the sub shell electronic configuration was
3d8. answer the following questions related to this atom .
a) complete sub shell electronic configuration
b) atomic number
c) block
d) period number
e) group number

ANS: a) 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 4S2 3d8

b) 28
c) d block
d) period - 4
e) 10

21) Pick out the wrong sub shell electronic configuration from those given below
1) 1S2 2S2 2P7 2) 1S2 2S2 2P2 3) 1S2 2S2 2P5 3S1
4) 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 3d5 4s1 6) 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 3d2 4s2

ANS: 1S2 2S2 2P7 1S2 2S2 2P5 3S1

22) The element X in group 17 has 3 shell, if so,

a) write the sub shell electronic configuration of the element.
b) write the period number?
c) what will be the chemical formula of the compound formed, if the element X has reacted with Y
of third period which contain one electron in the p sub shell?

ANS: a) 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P5

b) 4 for more material 9207010369
c) electronic configuration of element p is 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P1 its oxidation
number is +3 oxidation state of element X is -1. then its chemical formula is YX3

23) The element Cu with atomic number 29 undergoes chemical reaction to form an ion with oxidation
number +2.
a) write down the sub shell electronic configuration of this ion?
b) can this element shows variable valency? Why?
c) write down the chemical formula of one compound formed when this element react with
chlorine (17Cl)

ANS: a) Cu2+ 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 3d9

b) Yes. In the case of transition elements the difference in the energy bet when the outer most sub
shell and the penultimate d sub shell is very small, hence under suitable condition the electron in d sub shell
also take part in chemical reaction. Hence transition elements shows variable oxidation state
c) CuCl2

24) The atomic number of Fe is 26

a) in which period the element Fe belongs in periodic table?
b) what is the oxidation state of Fe in Fe2O3?
c) write down sub shell electronic configuration of this ion?

ANS: a) 8
c) Fe3+ = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6

25) In some elements the last electrons are filled in penultimate sub shell
a) this type of elements are commonly known as……………?
b) write any two properties of this group elements?

ANS: a) transition elements

b) d block elements shows different oxidation state,
they can make coloured compounds

26) The outermost sub shell electronic configuration of an element is 3d5 4s2.
a) write down complete sub shell electronic configuration of this element
b) what is the atomic number of the element?
c) find its period and block?
d) why this element shows different oxidation state?

ANS: a) 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 3d5 4s2

b) 25
c) block - d period - 4
d) In the case of transition elements the difference in the energy bet when the outer most sub shell
and the penultimate d sub shell is very small, hence under suitable condition the electron in d sub shell also
take part in chemical reaction. Hence transition elements shows variable oxidation state

27) The sub shell electronic configuration of X3+ is 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S1
a) find atomic number of element x?
b) in which block element belongs to? for more material 9207010369
ANS: a) 14 b) p block

28) The electronic configuration of an element ends as 2p6

a) how many shells have this element?
b) what is the valency of the element?
c) what is the group and period of the element?

ANS: a) 2 shells
b) valency: 0
c) group: 18 period: 2

29) The sub shell electronic configuration of A3+ ion is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d3
a) Find atomic number of the element A?
b) write sub shell electronic configuration of the element A?
c) write any two properties of the group in which the element belongs?

Ans: a) 24
b) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1
c) shows different oxidation state, make coloured compounds.

30) the electronic configuration of some elements are given below

A- 1s2 2s2
B- 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d2 4s2.
C- 1s2 2s2 2p5
a) what are the possible oxidation state of element B?
b) write the chemical formula of the compound, which A & C are reacted?
ANS: a) +1, +2, +3, +4
b) oxidation state of A is +2 And oxidation state of B is -1 then chemical formula is AC2

31) ) Pick out the colored compound from the given bracket
(KCl, K2Cr2O7, KNO3, KClO3)
ANS: K2Cr2O7

32) two electronic configuration of element A (symbol is not real) given below
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d1 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1
a) identify the correct electronic configuration?
b) write the period in witch the element is present in the periodic table?
c) consider another element C which sub shell configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1.In which among the
atoms A&C the attraction of nucleus toward the outermost electron is more reason.
ANS: a) 2nd electronic configuration is correct.
b) 4th period
c) the attraction of outer most electron toward nucleus is more in C because the element C contain
only 3 shells. So, when distance decreases to outer most electron from nucleus the attractive force is high.

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33) Bohr models of two atom are given.

a) What is the atomic number of A?
b) write the sub shell electronic configuration of atom B?
ANS: a) 11
b) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d6 4s1

34) CuCl and CuCl2 are the two compounds of copper.

a) identify the copper ions in each compounds?
b) write the valency of the copper in these compounds?
c) write sub shell electronic configuration of Cu3+ ions?
d) find group and period of copper? (atomic umber=29)
ANS: a) CuCl Cu+ CuCl2 Cu2+
b) CuCl valency of copper is +1 and in CuCl2 valency is +2
c) 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 3d8
d)group= 10+1= 11 period=4

35) match the following.

Element Outermost electronic Property

s 3p5 Majority of the compounds are
p 3d4 4s2 It include lnthanoids and
d 4f1 3d1 6s2 Small atomic radius in period
f 3s1 High electronegativity.


Element Outermost electronic Property

s 3p5 Majority of the compounds are
p 3d4 4s2 It include lnthanoids and
d 4f1 3d1 6s2 Small atomic radius in period
f 3s1 High electro negativity.

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