Tally 9.0: Create A Company
Tally 9.0: Create A Company
Tally 9.0: Create A Company
Create a Company:
When you start Tally for the very first time you would require creating a company “Create
Company” simply means giving basic information about the accounts Tally is to maintain for you.
Choose Create Company from the Company Info menu then press Enter key or Press ‘C’.
ALTER a Company:
You can modify, at any time any information given while creating the company.
First open your company name.
Click on “F3: Company Info” button from button bar or Press: Alt + F3 key.
Choose “Alter” Option.
Choose company which you want to delete
When Company Alternation window appears, made required changes.
Press: “Ctrl + A” to save
DELETE a Company:
To Delete an existing company first you load company in alter mode then press Alt+D. A conformation
message will appear.
First open your company name.
Click on “F3: Company Info” button from button bar or Press: Alt + F3 key.
Choose “Alter” Option.
Choose company which you want to delete
When Company Alternation window appears, Press: “Alt + D” key.
Press: “Y” to accept.
The data you enter are stored on hard disk. A copy of entire set of should be kept in of the place (Like
Floppy, USB and CD) etc. even in the hard disk for safety. This process of keeping a copy of the data in
another place is called backup.
Choose Backup from the company Info. (Alt+F3 / Alt+F1)
Choose Destination drive.
Choose Company Name.
Press Ctrl+A to Save.
If the original data stored in the hard disk gets damaged or deleted then you can copy back the data kept in
other place. The process of getting back the earlier data in hard disk is known as restore of data.
Choose Restore from the Company Info.(Alt+F3)
Choose Source drive.
Choose company name.
Press Ctrl+A to save.
The F11: Features are Company-specific and the F12: Configurations are applicable to all the companies in
a data directory. The F11: Features is divided into the following major categories:
Accounting Features
Inventory Features
Statutory & Taxation
You can press F11 (functional key) from any screen of Tally 9 or you may also click on the F11: Features
button available in the button bar, to enable the required features. The F11:Features are specific only to
the company currently in use (for which the said feature is enabled), thereby allowing flexibility of
independently enabling different features for each of the company.
Go to Gateway of Tally > press F11: Features
The Company Features screen is displayed as shown.
There are various settings available under Accounting Features, Inventory Features and Statutory
& Taxation Features, which facilitates the additional information to be entered during voucher
F1: Accounting Features
The Accounting Features consists of configurations/ functionalities, which generally affects
Accounting transactions and reports. The Accounting features is further sub-divided into six
sections, namely:
Oustandings Management
Cost/ Profit Centres Management
Budgets/ Scenario Management
Other Features
Go to Gateway of Tally > F11: Features > Accounting Features or click on F1: Accounts
The Accounting Feature screen is displayed as shown.
Maintain Multiple Godowns: If your company has multiple godowns for storing items and you need
to record item based on godowns, Set “Yes” here. (It enables Godowns option inside Inventory Info
Maintain Stock Categories: Set “Yes” if you want to categories your items. (It enables “Stock
Categories” option inside “Inventory Info” menu.)
Allow Purchase Order Processing: Set “Yes” if you want to follow purchase order processing.
Allow Sales Order Processing: Set “Yes” if you want to follow sales order processing.
Working with Account Masters
Account Info Menu
This menu provides following sub-menus if all features are activated from F11:Features:
Group is a collection of Ledgers of the same nature. There are 28 predefined groups in Tally 9, which are widely used
in the Chart of Accounts of many trading organizations. Out of these, 15 groups are Primary Groups and the
remaining 13 are Sub-Groups.
Among the 15 predefined groups, 9 Groups are Balance Sheet items and the remaining 6 groups
are Profit & Loss A/c items. However, you may also alter the nomenclature of these predefined 28
The List of Accounts screen is displayed as shown
1. Capital Account
Reserves & Surplus [Retained Earnings]
2. Current Assets
Bank Accounts
Deposits (Asset)
Loans & Advances (Asset)
Sundry Debtors
3. Current Liabilities
Duties & Taxes
Sundry Creditors
4. Fixed Assets
5. Investments
6. Loans (Liability)
Bank OD A/c [Bank OCC A/c]
Secured Loans
Unsecured Loans
7. Suspense A/c
8. Misc. Expenses (Asset)
9. Branch/Divisions
Out of the 15 pre-defined primary groups, the following are the six pre-defined groups that
appear in the Profit & Loss Account.
1. Sales Accounts
2. Purchase Accounts
3. Direct Incomes [Income (Direct)]
4. Indirect Incomes [Income (Indirect)]
5. Direct Expenses [Expenses (Direct)]
6. Indirect Expenses [Expenses (Indirect)]
Groups can be created in the following manner:
Go to the Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Groups.
The Groups menu appears as shown below:
Single Group
From this section, you can create Account Group one by one in following manner:
From this option, you can display the details of any particular group
Choose “Display”
From given list of group, choose one which details you want to view.
From this option, you can change or remove any specific group.
(Note: You can not delete default and any those group where already any ledger assigned.)
Choose “Alter”
Choose any group which you want to modify or delete.
Modify any changes and Press: “Ctrl+A” to save or Press: “Alt + D” to delete
Multiple Groups
You can use this section if you want to create multiple groups under any specific main group without
entering extra information. You can also view or alter group in multiple manner.
You can create multiple currencies and their exchange rate with Base Currency defined while creating
To create currencies:
Go to “Account Info”
Choose “Currencies”
Choose “Create”
Fill all necessary field as per your requirement.
Save it
Defining rate of exchange:
Go to “Account Info”
Choose “Currencies”
Choose “Rate of Exchange”
Fill all necessary field.
This menu provides following options:
If you want to create ledger with fewer
details but in fast pace, use Multiple
Ledgers section. Use Single Ledger
section if you want to use more details.
Choose “Create” option from
Single Ledger section.
Fill following field:
o Name: Name of ledger.
o Alias: Write nickname
if any.
o Under: Choose suitable
group for current ledger.
o Currency of Ledger:
Choose currency
symbol for current ledger. (Only display if you activated Multi-Currencies from features
o Inventory values are affected?: - Set “Yes” if you are going to create ledger under Sales
Account or Purchase Account group.
o Pricing Level Applicable: Only activated while you are going to created ledger under
Debtors or Creditors. Set “Yes” if you want to use different price level.
o Maintain Balances Bill by Bill: Like Pricing level, it is also activated while you create ledger
under Debtors and Creditors Group. Set “Yes” if you want to manage bills.
o Default Credit Period: Only applicable on Debtors or Creditors. It allows you to set credit
period for debtors and creditors.
o Set Credit Limit: Only applicable on Debtors or Creditors. It allows you to set credit limit.
o Cost Centres are applicable: Set “Yes” if you want to assign current ledger any specific cost
centres. (Only activated if you enable it from features.)
o Activate Interest Calculation: Set “Yes” if you want to apply interest calculation on ledger
related with Loan or Loan and Advance group.
o Mailing Details: Only activated if you are going to create ledger under Sundry Debtors,
Sundry Creditors, Loans, Loans & Advance group to provide mailing information of any
specific party.
o Tax Information: This section allows you to enter tax or vat related information.
o Opening Stock: Enter opening stock if any.
o Press: “Y” to save changes.
You can display the information of any specific ledger from here.
Choose “Display”
Choose any particular ledger from the list to view information.
You can modify or delete any specific ledger from here.
Choose “Alter”
Choose any particular ledger from the list.
Made any changes and Press: “Ctrl+A” to save or press: “Alt+D” to delete.
Creating Godowns:
Activate Godowns from Inventory Features (F11: Features)
Choose “Godowns” from “Inventory Info” menu.
Choose “Create”
In “Name” field, enter the name of godown.
In “Alias”, enter nick name if any.
In “Under”, choose required parent godwon for current godown.
Save the record.
Inventory Vouchers
Inventory voucher provides two vouchers 1) Stock Journal and 2) Physical Stock. Here, Stock Journal is
basically used for transferring items from one godown to other and Physical Stock Journal is used to verify
real stock and stock shown by Tally.
1.Stock Journal:
This inventory voucher is used for transferring goods from one godown to another.
2.Physical Stock
This inventory voucher is used to verify
physical stock available in Godown with
Stock shown by Tally.
Select “Inventory Vouchers” from
“Gateway of Tally”
Press: “Alt + F7” or click on “F7: Phys Stk” from button bar.
Specify item name, godown and other information.
Save it.
Interest Calculation
If you receive loan from other person and you give loan another person then you have to calculate interest.
To Activate Interest Calculation:
Press F11 key.
Accounting Features.
Active Interest Calculation – Yes.
Some Examples:
2. Loans receive from Market limited Rs.900000. Interest rate 2% as a calendar months.
First of fall you have to create Ledger (Market limited) under Loan (Liabilities).
Active Interest Calculation - Yes.
Then, you have to posting Receipt Voucher.
3. Loan given to Kantipur Institute Rs. 300000. Interest rate is 15% as calendar months.
First of fall you have to create Ledger (Kantipur Institute) under Loan & Advance (Assets)
Active Interest Calculation – Yes.
Then, you have to posting payment voucher.
4. Loan given to Mechi Trade Concern Rs.200000. Interest Rate is 4% as calendar months.
5. Loan receives from Dang Trade Concern Rs.600000. Interest rate is 2% as calendar months.
6. Loan taken from Himalayan Acadamy Rs. 1000000. Interest rate is 16% as calendar months.
To Display Interest:
Gateway of Tally.
Statements of Accounts.
Interest Calculations.
Interest receivable/ Interest Payable.
Press F2
Give date range for interest calculation
Credit Limit:
Credit limit is set for party ledger under sundry debtor or creditor. Normally management evaluate credit limit for
safety credit granted to party.
To Activate Credit Limit:
Press F11 Key.
Accounting Features.
Maintain Budget and Controls – Yes.
After setting it for party ledger if you try to enter a voucher that exceed credit limit, tally will refuse to accept entry.
Gateway of Tally.
Select A/C Info.
Select Ledger.
Select Credit Limit.
Select Sundry Debtors For example: Ram & Company and set amount again set for sundry debtors ABC
Company and set amount.
Finally accept it.