Joenel Lazarte Bsed

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ED-72 Module1&Module2 ACTIVITIES


APPLICATION: Let’s apply what you have learned.

1. By the use of graphic organizer, present the elements of a profession.


Professiona Professiona
Professiona Accreditatio Licensin
Developme Code of
l l Societie
l Educatio n g
nt s ethics

teachers must
Assures that fulfill the code
Graduates from of ethics w/c
teacher must
Accredits it helps to was designed to
able to pass
The first element Programs start assure a professionals protect the
board license
Is only fulfilled Their minimum must also be a rights of
examination in
By taking a four- Professional competency part of a students
order to
year course Lives with throughout community
knowledge they their career
licensed teacher
need to perform
2. Why does a profession like teaching require long years of initial professional education and continuing
professional development after that long, arduous initial professional education?

 Teaching requires a long years of initial professional education and continuing professional
development after that long arduous initial professional education in order for the aspiring
teachers to acquire an adequate knowledge and skills that they can apply in their teaching

3.By way of an acrostic, explain the elements of a profession.

P- Professionals begin their lives by taking the four-year course which can fulfill to the first
element is the Initial Professional Education.
R- Regulatory body like Commission on Higher Education ensure that graduates from
accredited programs start their professional lives with the knowledge to perform
effectively is assured by Accreditation.
O- One of the most important in teaching profession and other professions it is called

F- From 4-year course this is one of the most awaited times for the teachers, to become a
licensed professional teacher.
F- For professional development, teachers also need to undergo schooling for additional
education because it helps to assure a minimum competency throughout their career.
E- Every professionals must also involve in such organizations to

S- See themselves as a part of the community and

S- seeks to further a particular profession, the interests of individuals engaged in that

profession and the public interest, they are the Professional Societies.
I- in the code of ethics, teachers must fulfill it because this was designed to protect the
rights of all the students. Lastly (let me add one, although it’s not included in the given
module), in teaching profession it is also important to fulfill the last element of profession
which is the
O- Organizational Certification, not only those as an individual needs to be certified but also
their organizations because it is a response to the reality that individual competence is
not sufficient to guarantee adequate levels
N- Not sufficient to guarantee adequate levels of professional service but organizational
characteristics can have much influence as individual’s characteristics.
4. Here is the line from Bernard Shaw’s play; Man and Superman: “those who can, do; those who can’t

People who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living, while people who are not able to do
anything that well make a living by teaching. Having learned the elements of a profession, do you agree with
Bernard Shaw? Explain your answer.

 No, I don’t agree about the line of Bernard Shaw’s play: Man and Superman, because his line is
like attacking the competence of people in technical fields where they make less money than those
in fields. If you really love what you are doing, your work or your job. Money does not matter

APPLICATION:Let’s apply what you learned

Present the historical development of teacher preparation and professionalization in the Philippines
from pre-Hispanic Philippines to 1996 by way of graphic organizer.

Pre-Hispanic Period Spanish Period

No formal schooling goal is to spread Education – priority

The objective was Christianity during the Malolos
basically to promote Establishment of the Republic
reverence for, and normal school for Ilustrados -
adoration of the training of spearheaded the
Bathala, respect for teachers Propaganda
laws, customs, and Headed by the Movement.
authorities Parents or Tribal
represented by tutors
parents and elders.
American Period Japanese Period Third to Fifth Republic

Encourage Filipino in the School calendar became 1947- Department of

field of teaching. longer Education with the regulation
Outstanding Filipino and supervision of public and
No summer vacation for
private schools belonging to
scholars were sent to US students the Bureau of Public and
to train as teachers. teachers need to obtain Private Schools
american served as the licenses following rigid Education Act of 1982
first teachers examinations provided for an integrated
system of education covering
both formal and non-formal
education at all levels
1987 constitution, the
fundamental aims of
education in the Philippines
were defined and most
importantly, elementary
schooling was made
compulsory for all children.

Third to Fifth

1994 created the

Commission on
Higher Education
(CHED). Department
of Education, Culture,
and Sports retained
responsibility for all
elementary and
secondary education
Interview LET passers now teaching who did not go through the 4-year teacher education course. They
are graduates of other 4-year courses but not education.

Ask the following

1. What difficulties are they experiencing in teaching?

 As a future educator we have to do whatever it takes to be the best teacher. A teacher must do
his/her best to teach and in order to be the best, there are lot of preparations to be done and this
includes the elements of profession; a teacher must possess wide-ranging knowledge and with
experienced because teachers are the greatest resource of students. Teaching the best way we
can is the generous giving of ourselves that produces the generous harvest.

2. Do they agree that a 4-year teacher education course is a better preparation for the teaching profession?

 Preparing myself in this four-year teacher education course was never really needs a lot of
preparations because teaching is extremely difficult and draining. I need to be understanding,
patient and flexible. In preparing myself for this battle I have always preferred planning rather
than plan, because typically plan is just any list of steps with details of timing and resources used
to achieve our goal while planning is an ongoing process.

APPLICATION: Let’s apply What We Learned

The Humanizing Mission of Teaching

1. Read this letter given by a private school principal to her teachers on the first day of new school year. It
may make your humanizing mission in teaching crystal clear:

Dear teacher:

I am a survivor of a concentration camp.

My eyes saw what no man witness:

Gas chambers built by learned engineers,

Children poisoned by educated physicians.

Infants killed by trained nurses.

Women and babies shot and burned by high school and college graduates.

So I am suspicious of education.

My request is: Help your students become human.

Your efforts must never produce learned monsters, skilled psycho path, and *Eichmanns.
* Eichmann – An Austrian, who became the Nazi official who administered the concentration camps where
millions of Jews were murdered during World War II (1906 – 1962)

Reading, writing, arithmetic are important only if they serve to make the children more human.

Explain your mission as a professional teacher by helping children become more human.

 Based on my own understanding, our mission God has given to teachers according to The True
Decalogue of Mabini is to dedicate ourselves in becoming our best and work hard for our own
success, but we must earn it in an honest and fair way.

2. Watch Discovering Your Life’s True Calling – Lou Sabrina Ongkiko at you tube. Based on the video that
you just watched, what is our life’s true calling? How can you apply that in your calling to teach?

 Based on the video I watched, our life’s true calling is to share love to others because it
strengthens the love you have for yourself and love also grows by sharing.

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