Slump Test - Workability Compacting Factor Vee-Bee Test: 1. Various Lab Test On Fresh Concrete

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There are many tests which are conducted to check the quality of concrete.

These tests are

basically divided into two categories
1. Various Lab Test On Fresh Concrete.
Under these, we have the following tests
a) Slump Test – Workability
b) Compacting Factor
c) Vee- Bee Test

2.Various Lab Test On Hardened Concrete.

There are two kinds of tests which are done on hardened concrete. These are non destructive
test and destructive tests. In non destructive test, the sample is not destroyed and this test is
very useful in determining the strength of existing buildings or structures where as in
destructive test a sample is made and then destroyed to find out the strength of
concrete.Compression test is the example of destructive test. Here are the nondestructive

a) Rebound Hammer Test

b) Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test

Slump test is used to determine the workability of fresh concrete. Slump test as per IS: 1199 –
1959 is followed.The apparatus used for doing slump test are Slump cone and Tamping rod.

Procedure to determine workability of fresh concrete by slump test.

i) The internal surface of the mould is thoroughly cleaned and applied with a light coat of oil.
ii) The mould is placed on a smooth, horizontal, rigid and nonabsorbent surface.
iii) The mould is then filled in four layers with freshly mixed concrete, each approximately to
one-fourth of the height of the mould.
iv) Each layer is tamped 25 times by the rounded end of the tamping rod (strokes are
distributed evenly over the cross section).
v) After the top layer is rodded, the concrete is struck off the level with a trowel.
vi) The mould is removed from the concrete immediately by raising it slowly in the vertical
vii) The difference in level between the height of the mould and that of the highest point of
the subsided concrete is measured.
viii) This difference in height in mm is the slump of the concrete.
Reporting of Results
The slump measured should be recorded in mm of subsidence of the specimen during the test.
Any slump specimen, which collapses or shears off laterally gives incorrect result and if this
occurs, the test should be repeated with another sample. If, in the repeat test also, the
specimen shears, the slump should be measured and the fact that the specimen sheared,
should be recorded.

Typical Questions
Ques 1. What is the ideal value of slump?
Answer 1 In case of a dry sample, slump will be in the range of 25-50 mm that is 1-2 inches.
But in case of a wet concrete, the slump may vary from 150-175 mm or say 6-7 inches. So
the value of slump is specifically mentioned along the mix design and thus it should be
checked as per your location.

Slump depends on many factors like properties of concrete ingredients – aggregates etc. Also
temperature has its effect on slump value. So all these parameters should be kept in mind
when deciding the ideal slump

Ques 2. How does a superplasticizer effect the slump of concrete?

Answer 2 Value of Slump can be increased by the addition of chemical admixtures like mid-
range or high-range water reducing agents (super-plasticizers) without changing the
water/cement ratio.

Ques 3. How much time one should take to raise the cone?
Answer 3 Once the cone is filled and topped off [ excessive concrete from top is cleared ]
raise the cone within 5-10 seconds.

Ques 4. What are the dimensions of the cone used in Slump Test?
Answer 3 The dimensions are
Top Diameter – 10cm
Bottom Diameter – 20cm
Height – 30cm

Compacting factor of fresh concrete is done to determine the workability of fresh concrete by
compacting factor test as per IS: 1199 – 1959. The apparatus used is Compacting factor

Procedure to determine workability of fresh concrete by compacting factor test.

i) The sample of concrete is placed in the upper hopper up to the brim.

ii) The trap-door is opened so that the concrete falls into the lower hopper.
iii) The trap-door of the lower hopper is opened and the concrete is allowed to fall into the
iv) The excess concrete remaining above the top level of the cylinder is then cut off with the
help of plane blades.
v) The concrete in the cylinder is weighed. This is known as weight of partially compacted
vi) The cylinder is filled with a fresh sample of concrete and vibrated to obtain full
compaction. The concrete in the cylinder is weighed again. This weight is known as the
weight of fully compacted concrete.

Compacting factor = (Weight of partially compacted concrete)/(Weight of fully

compacted concrete)


To determine the workability of fresh concrete by using a Vee-Bee consistometer as per IS:
1199 – 1959. The apparatus used is Vee-Bee consistometer.
Procedure to determine workability of fresh concrete by Vee-Bee consistometer.

i) A conventional slump test is performed, placing the slump cone inside the cylindrical part
of the consistometer.
ii) The glass disc attached to the swivel arm is turned and placed on the top of the concrete in
the pot.
iii) The electrical vibrator is switched on and a stop-watch is started, simultaneously.
iv) Vibration is continued till the conical shape of the concrete disappears and the concrete
assumes a cylindrical shape.
v) When the concrete fully assumes a cylindrical shape, the stop-watch is switched off
immediately. The time is noted.The consistency of the concrete should be expressed in VB-
degrees, which is equal to the time in seconds recorded above.

Rebound hammer test is done to find out the compressive strength of concrete by using
rebound hammer as per IS: 13311 (Part 2) – 1992. The underlying principle of the rebound
hammer test is

The rebound of an elastic mass depends on the hardness of the surface against which its mass
strikes. When the plunger of the rebound hammer is pressed against the surface of the
concrete, the pring-controlled mass rebounds and the extent of such a rebound depends upon
the surface hardness of the concrete. The surface hardness and therefore the rebound is taken
to be related to the compressive strength of the concrete. The rebound value is read from a
graduated scale and is designated as the rebound number or rebound index. The compressive
strength can be read directly from the graph provided on the body of the hammer.

Procedure to determine strength of hardened concrete by rebound hammer.

i) Before commencement of a test, the rebound hammer should be tested against the test
anvil, to get reliable results, for which the manufacturer of the rebound hammer indicates the
range of readings on the anvil suitable for different types of rebound hammer.

ii) Apply light pressure on the plunger – it will release it from the locked position and allow it
to extend to the ready position for the test.

iii) Press the plunger against the surface of the concrete, keeping the instrument perpendicular
to the test surface. Apply a gradual increase in pressure until the hammer impacts. (Do not
touch the button while depressing the plunger. Press the button after impact, in case it is not
convenient to note the rebound reading in that position.)

iv) Take the average of about 15 readings.

Interpretation of Results
The rebound reading on the indicator scale has been calibrated by the manufacturer of the
rebound hammer for horizontal impact, that is, on a vertical surface, to indicate the
compressive strength. When used in any other position, appropriate correction as given by the
manufacturer is to be taken into account.


This test is done to assess the quality of concrete by ultrasonic pulse velocity method as per
IS: 13311 (Part 1) – 1992. The underlying principle of this test is -
The method consists of measuring the time of travel of an ultrasonic pulse passing through
the concrete being tested. Comparatively higher velocity is obtained when concrete quality is
good in terms of density, uniformity, homogeneity etc.
Procedure to determine strength of hardened concrete by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity.
i) Preparing for use: Before switching on the ‘V’ meter, the transducers should be connected
to the sockets marked “TRAN” and ” REC”.
The ‘V’ meter may be operated with either:
a) the internal battery,
b) an external battery or
c) the A.C line.

ii) Set reference: A reference bar is provided to check the instrument zero. The pulse time for
the bar is engraved on it. Apply a smear of grease to the transducer faces before placing it on
the opposite ends of the bar. Adjust the ‘SET REF’ control until the reference bar transit time
is obtained on the instrument read-out.

iii) Range selection: For maximum accuracy, it is recommended that the 0.1 microsecond
range be selected for path length upto 400mm.

iv) Pulse velocity: Having determined the most suitable test points on the material to be
tested, make careful measurement of the path length ‘L’. Apply couplant to the surfaces of
the transducers and press it hard onto the surface of the material. Do not move the transducers
while a reading is being taken, as this can generate noise signals and errors in measurements.
Continue holding the transducers onto the surface of the material until a consistent reading
appears on the display, which is the time in microsecond for the ultrasonic pulse to travel the
distance ‘L’. The mean value of the display readings should be taken when the units digit
hunts between two values.

Pulse velocity=(Path length/Travel time)

v) Separation of transducer leads: It is advisable to prevent the two transducer leads from
coming into close contact with each other when the transit time measurements are being
taken. If this is not done, the receiver lead might pick-up unwanted signals from the
transmitter lead and this would result in an incorrect display of the transit time.

Interpretation of Results
The quality of concrete in terms of uniformity, incidence or absence of internal flaws, cracks
and segregation, etc,indicative of the level of workmanship employed, can thus be assessed
using the guidelines given below, which have been evolved for characterizing the quality of
concrete in structures in terms of the ultrasonic pulse velocity.

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