Slump Test

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Slump test

Slump test is used for the measurement of a property of fresh concrete. The test is an empirical test that
measures the workability of fresh concrete and the consistency of the concrete in that specific batch. It is
also used to determine consistency between individual batches. The slump test is carried out by filling a
specified mould with freshly mixed concrete and measuring the slump after removal of the mould. The
slumped concrete takes various shapes, and according to the profile of slumped concrete, the slump is
termed as true slump, shear slump or collapse slump. Slump is achieved, a fresh sample should be taken
and the test repeated. A collapse slump is an Indication of too wet a mix. Only a true slump is of any use
in the test. A collapse slump will generally mean that the mix is too wet or that it is a high workability
mix, for which slump test is not appropriate.
Objective: To determine the index of concrete workability in the field.
Apparatus: slump mould of galvanized iron or steel. The mould shall be in the form of a cut-off cone with
the following internal dimensions: diameter of base: 200 + 2 mm diameter of top: 100 +2 mm height:
Sampling tray
Tamping rod, made out of straight steel bar, 16 mm diameter and600 mm long.
Rule, graduated from O mm to 300 mm at 5 mm intervals, the zero point being at one end of the rule
Materials: Sand, cement, coarse aggregate and water.
‘; khlEnsured that the inner surface of the mould is clean and dry. Place the bottom of the mould on a
clean, smooth, horizontal, firm and non-absorbent surface (base). While firmly holding the mould, we
filled it with fresh concrete within 2minutes after mixing. The mould shall be filled in three layers, each
Approximately one-third of the height of the mould when tamped. Tamp each layer with 25 strokes of the
tamping rod, the strokes being distributed uniformly over the cross-section of the layer. Tamp each layer
to its full deptlh.Heap the concrete above the mould before the top layer is tampered .after the top layer
have been tamped, strike off the concrete level with the top of the mould with a a sawing motion of the
tamping rod. With the mould still held down, we cleaned away excess Concrete found on the base and the
mould. Remove the mould from the concrete by raising it slowly and carefully, tn 5 to 10 seconds. The
entire operation the start of filling to the removal of the mould shall be carried out without interruption
and shall be completed within 21/2 minute. Immediately after the mould is removed. measure the slump
to the nearest 5 mm by using the rule to determine the difference between the heiglit of the mouid and the
highest point of the specimen being tested.


Quantities Cement (3kg) Water (1.95 litres) Sand (6kg) Coarse aggregate (12kg)
The result of slump test by using the above amount of cement, water, sand and coarse
Aggregate was 25mm true slump.
Slump test result is 25mm which mean it is success result which mean the concrete does not collapse.
Very dry mixes; having slump 0 - 25 mm are used in road making The slump test has been found to be
useful in ensuring the uniformity among different batches of supposedly similar concrete under field
conditions. Mixing cement, sand or gravel and water initiates a chemical reaction. If too much or too little
water is used, the chemical reaction and consistency of the concrete will not be optimum and the concrete
may ,be relatively weak. Hence during our experiment, we use moderate amount of water so that the
cement can mixed well and it also increased the workability and higher the strength. The workability of
a concrete mix changes with time due to the hydration of the cement and loss of moisture. Tests on
different samples should, therefore, be carried out at a constant time interval after mixing if strictly
comparable results are to be obtained.

Therefore, 25mm can be accepted in this slump test result. The higher the water contents in the
Concrete, its mean higher the workability but lower the strength of concrete. If the cement
content higher, the workability also become higher. The good mix particles, particle shape and
size are cubical or rounded, the workability also become high. .We concluded that our specimen
is a normal workability and it is a true slump.
1. Gambhir, M. L. (2004). Concrete technology. Tata McGraw-Hill.
Retrieved 2010-12-11.
2. Lyons, Arthur (2007). Materials for architects and builders. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Retrieved 2010-12-11.

Aggregates used in road

construction, should be strong
enough to resist crushing under
wheel loads if the aggregates are
weak, the stability of the pavement
structure is likely to be
adversely affected. The strength of
coarse aggregates is assessed by
aggregates impact test.
The aggregate impact value
provides are lative measure of
resistance to crushing under a
gradually applied compressive
load. To achieve a high quality of
pavement, lower aggregate
impact value should be preferred.
Toughness is the property of a
material to resist impact. Due
to traffic loads, the aggregate are
subjected to the pounding action or
impact and there is
possibility of stones breaking into
smaller pieces. The aggregate
should therefore be tough
enough to resist fracture under
impact. The aggregate impact test
has been standardized by the
British Standard Institution and the
Indian Standard Institution. The
aggregate impact value
indicates a relative measure of the
resistance of aggregate to a sudden
shock or an impact,
which in some aggregates differs
from its resistance to a slow
compressive load. The method of
test covers the procedure for
determining the aggregate impact
value of coarse aggregates

To determine the compressive strength of concrete specimens as per IS: 516 – 1959.

i) Compression testing machine conforming to IS: 516 – 1959


Tests should be done at recognized ages of the test specimens, usually being 7 and 28 days. The
ages should be calculated from the time of the addition of water to the drying of ingredients.


At least three specimens, preferably from different batches, should be taken for testing at each
selected age.


i) The specimens, prepared according to IS: 516 – 1959 and stored in water, should be tested
immediately on removal from the water and while still in wet condition. Specimens when
received dry should be kept in water for 24 hrs. before they are taken for testing. The dimensions
of the specimens, to the nearest 0.2 mm and their weight should be noted before testing.
ii) The bearing surfaces of the compression testing machine should be wiped clean and any loose
sand or other material removed from the surfaces of the specimen, which would be in contact
with the compression platens.

iii) In the case a of cubical specimen, the specimen should be placed in the machine in such a
manner that the load could be applied to the opposite sides of the cubes, not to the top and the
bottom. The axis of the specimen should be carefully aligned with the center of thrust of the
spherically seated platen. No packing should be used between the faces of the test specimen and
the steel platen of the testing machine. As the spherically seated block is brought to rest on the
specimen, the movable portion should be rotated gently by hand so that uniform seating is

iv) The load should be applied without shock and increased continuously at a rate of
approximately 140kg/ until the resistance of the specimen to the increasing load
breaks down and no greater load can be sustained. The maximum load applied to the specimen
should then be recorded and the appearance of the concrete and any unusual features in the type
of failure should be noted.


The measured compressive strength of the specimen should be calculated by dividing the
maximum load applied to the specimen during the test by the cross – sectional area, calculated
from the mean dimensions of the section and should be expressed to the nearest kg/ An
average of three values should be taken as the representative of the batch, provided the individual
variation is not more than ±15% of the average. Otherwise repeat tests should be done.
A correction factor according to the height/diameter ratio of the specimen after capping should
be obtained from the curve given below:-

The product of this correction factor and the measured compressive strength is known as the
corrected compressive strength, this being the equivalent strength of a cylinder having a
height/diameter ratio of two. The equivalent cube strength of the concrete should be determined
by multiplying the corrected cylinder strength by 1.25.


The following information should be included in the report on each test specimen:
i) identification mark
ii) date of test
iii) age of specimen
iv) curing conditions, including date of manufacture of specimen
v) weight of specimen
vi) dimensions of specimen
vii) cross-sectional area
viii) maximum load
ix) compressive strength
x) appearance of fractured faces of concrete and type of fracture, if unusual.
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