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The Special Action Force (SAF) is the elite unit of the Philippine National Police founded by Fidel V.

Ramos. SAF Commandos have received training from the Hostage Rescue Team (HRT), Critical Incident
Response Group (CIRG), RAID and Yamam.[2][3] The Anti-Terrorist Unit (ATU) of the PNP-SAF is
responsible for police counter-terrorism (CT) operations nationwide.


As designated by the Philippine National Police, the missions of the Special Action Force are the

To develop, organise and train organic personnel in the furtherance of the assigned mission.

To conduct Counter-Terrorist operation in urban and rural areas.

To conduct commando type unconventional warfare (CUW) against lawless elements over extended
periods of time with minimal direction and control.

To conduct search and rescue operations anywhere in the country during calamities and catastrophes.

To conduct civil disturbance management (CDM) operations and address the requirements of stability
and security operations in times of civil disobedience on a national scale.

To operate as a rapid deployment force ready and capable to strike anytime and anywhere in the
country in support of other units and other agencies as higher headquarters may direct.

To perform other tasks as the Chief PNP may direct.

To maintain a reasonable degree of law and order in the national highways and major thoroughfares

Vision and Mission

Command Structure

These men and women of the Special Action Force report to the following commanders:

the Commander-in-Chief: The President of the Philippines

the Chairman, National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM): The Secretary of the Interior and Local
Government (SILG) through:

the Vice Chairman & Executive Officer, National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM).
the Undersecretary for Public Safety, Department of Interior and Local Government (UPS, DILG); and

the Undersecretary for Peace and Order, Department of Interior and Local Government (UPO, DILG).

the Chief, Philippine National Police (C, PNP) (with the rank of "Police General") through:

the Deputy Chief for Administration, Philippine National Police (DCA, PNP) (with the rank of "Police
Lieutenant General")

the Deputy Chief for Operations, Philippine National Police (DCO, PNP) (with the rank of "Police
Lieutenant General"); and

the Chief of the Directorial Staff, Philippine National Police (CDS, PNP) (with the rank of "Police
Lieutenant General")

the Chief, Special Action Force (C, SAF) (with the rank of "Police Major General")

A brief outline of the recruitment process:

Eligible candidates apply to join the PNP (PNP, 2019):

RA 1080, CSP, PD 907, RA 6506, or PO Entrance.

At least 21 years old but not more than 30 years old upon oath-taking (18 to 22 at time of admission as
stated by PNP SAF Recruitment in 2018).

A height of at least 1.62 metres (5ft 4in) for men and 1.57 (5ft 2in) metres for women.

Bachelor’s degree.

Make an online application (although applicants may personally submit application forms during

Philippine National Police Academy Cadet Admission Test (PNPACAT):

aka the PNPA Entrance Exam.

Conducted every last Sunday of October or in the 1st week of November.

Results published, usually, on the 3rd week of December.

The PNPACAT is competency-based, which means applicants must get passing scores or at least 50% to
all subjects/areas covered in the PNPACAT to qualify for the next phase of screening.
This means those applicants who have garnered the highest scores but failed in any of the subjects
covered in the exam, will not be considered for the next phase of screening.

Topics covered include: communication skills; logical and reasoning ability; math and sciences; general
information and current events; and values and aptitude for the Service.

Processing and screening:

Conducted first quarter of every year.

Psychiatric/psychological examination (PPE).

Physical/medical and dental examination (PMDE) conducted by the PNP SAF Force Health Office (FHO)
(PNP SAF Recruitment, 2018).

Physical fitness test, known as the Physical Agility Test (PAT).

Final interview.

Oath-taking and Reception Rites:

Held every May, or earlier.

Breaking Period/New Cadet Orientation Programme:

The 45 day Breaking Period or New Cadet Orientation Programme is conducted from May to Mid-week
of June.

Incorporation Rites:

Held every June after Breaking period.

Recognition Rites:

Held every December.

Graduation Rites:

Usually March or First week of April.

Basic and field training (see below).

Applicants are overseen by the PNP SAF Recruitment Section.

Training for personnel, known as SAF Troopers, is delivered by the unit at its HQ. There are a number of
courses available (Nepomuceno, 2019a & 2019b; Oliva, 2019):
Public Safety Basic Recruit Course (PSBRC) with Field Training Programme (FTP) (In-Service Training).

6 months in duration (Talabong, 2019).

Field Training Programme known as the Special Action Force Commando Operations Course (SAFCOC):

Or equivalent course such as:

The Scout Ranger Course;

Force Reconnaissance Course; or

Special Forces Operations Course.

6-8 months in duration (Talabong, 2019).

Initially termed the SAF Ranger Course, then SAF Commando Course, and now the SAFCOC.

Specialisation courses, including:

Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD).

Basic Airborne Course (BAC).

Urban Counter-Revolutionary Warfare (SURESHOCK).

Basic Underwater Search and Rescue Operations Course (BURSOC).

SAF Seaborne Warfare Course (SSWC).

Basic Internal Security Operations Course (BISOC):

“The newly appointed Police Inspectors underwent the first batch of Basic Internal Security Operation[s]
Course (BISOC) conducted from May 12, 2017 to August 2, 2017 by the Special Action Force to better
prepare them on the challenges of the Internal Security Operations.” (PNP, 2017, p.52).

A new specialisation course that focuses on the enhancement of the combat skills of the individual (PNP,

Pistol Instructor Certification Course (PICC) (PNP, 2015).

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