Oisd STD 170
Oisd STD 170
Oisd STD 170
First Edition
JULY 1997
OISD publications are prepared for use in the oil and gas industry under
the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. These are the property of
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and shall not be reproduced or
copied and loaned or exhibited to others without written consent from
Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy and reliability
of data contained in these documents, OISD hereby expressly disclaims
any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from their use.
These documents are intended only to supplement and not replace the
prevailing statutory requirements.
With this in view, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas in 1986
constituted a Safety Council assisted by the Oil Industry Safety
Directorate (OISD) staffed from within the industry in formulating and
implementing a series of self regulatory measures aimed at removing
obsolescence, standardising and upgrading the existing standards to
ensure safe operations. Accordingly, OISD constituted a number of
functional committees of experts nominated from the industry to draw up
standards and guidelines on various subjects.
The Coordinator
Functional Panel on "Civil Engineering Works”
NEW DELHI - 110 001..
In addition to the above, various other experts from the industry contributed in the preparation, review
and finalisation of this document.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Scope
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Tank Foundations
2.1 Inspection
2.2 Frequency of Inspection
2.3 Maintenance
2.4 Rehabilitation
3.0 Dyke Walls
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Inspection
2.1 Frequency of Inspection
2.2 Checklist for Inspection
2.3 Defects
3.0 Maintenance/Repairs
3.1 Dislocation/Corrosion of Anchor Bolts
3.2 Cracks in main body of foundation
3.3 Settlement of foundation block
3.4 Dislocation of Base Plate
4.0 Rehabilitation
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Foundations/Structures used in
Marine Services
2.1 Pile Foundations
2.2 Offshore Structures/Platforms :
2.3 Marine Bridge Piers
3.0 Deterioration in Marine Structures
3.1 Concrete Structures
3.2 Steel Structures
4.0 Protection of Marine Structures
4.1 Controlling Quality of Concrete
4.2 External Protection of Concrete
4.3 Protection of Steel Structures
5.0 Inspection of Marine Structures
5.1 Inspection of Concrete Structures
5.2 Inspection of Steel Structures
6.0 Periodicity of Inspection
7.0 Rehabilitation of Marine
7.1 Concrete Structures
7.2 Steel Structures
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Factors Affecting Pipe Racks and
3.0 Repairs/Maintenance of Pipe Rack
3.1 Concrete Structures
3.2 Steel Structures
3.3 Grass/Vegetation Growth
4.0 Rehabilitation of Pipe Rack After
5.0 Checklist for Inspection
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Frequency of Inspection
3.0 Checklist for Inspection
4.0 Inspection of Components of
Building and Structures
4.1 Inspection of Concrete Components
4.2 Inspection of Masonry Components
4.3 Inspection of roof
4.4 Inspection of Steel Structures
4.5 Inspection of Wood Work
4.6 Inspection of Painting on
4.7 Inspection of Antistatic Sparkless
Mastic Flooring
5.0 Repairs/Restoration
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Concrete Deterioration
3.0 Assessing Deterioration in
Concrete Structures
4.0 Repair of Concrete Structures
4.1 General
4.2 Repair Techniques
5.0 Repair/Rehabilitation of Fire-
Damaged Concrete Structures
5.1 Effects of Excessive heat on
5.2 Repairs techniques
The civil foundations and structures are All the subsequent modifications to the
vital components in an oil industry structure and foundations shall be duly
installation. It is the general experience marked on the original drawing itself.
that these components do not get the The record of details of the job carried
deserved attention. Since the out shall also be maintained for future
consequences of even a partial failure of reference.
these components could be
catastrophic, it was decided to sum up
the related maintenance and inspection
practices in the form of an OISD
f) Any unusual or abnormal settlement
1.0 INTRODUCTION as revealed by:
The following corrective/remedial In case of settlement of foundation
measures are recommended for defects block, reconstruction of foundation or
generally encountered in the equipment reinforcement of the bearing soil may be
foundations. However, temporary required. The method of strengthening
supporting as necessary should be the foundation and its bearing soil will
provided before undertaking repairs. depend upon the purpose of such
reinforcement, Soil characteristics,
3.1 Dislocation/corrosion of Anchor Bolts design of foundation and the time
available for re-construction work. The
Generally holes are left in the form work purpose of foundation reinforcement is
to form pockets in concrete for the to avert any further progress of
Anchor bolts and these holes are filled foundation settlement. Chemical or
with grout after the base plate is placed cement grouting of soil is resorted to for
and the bolts aligned. Bolt holes shall strengthening of subsoil. In the
be filled with concrete after clearing the strengthening of the soil strata is not
bolts of all paint, oil or loose rust. The feasible, alternate means of transferring
bolts shall be placed and bolt holes the load to firm strata shall be suitably
concreted only after the curing of examined and implemented.
concrete of main foundation is
completed. In concrete mix, the sand 3.4 DISLOCATION OF BASE PLATE
shall be well graded and optimum
cement content be used to reduce The concreting of the foundation shall be
shrinkage and increase strength. Use of stopped at a little below the level of the
non-shrinking cement is recommended. base plate and this gap shall be filled by
For urgent jobs, suitable Epoxy grout mortar after leveling. Concreting under
may be used. The grout shall be mixed / the base plates shall be done evenly
placed as per manufacturer’s and without interruption. The base plate
recommendations. may be levelled by wedges or by screw
jacks, enabling the equipment to be
Whenever anchor bolts are shear off leveled accurately. To avoid excessive
due to corrosion and vibration problem it transmission of vibration to the
becomes necessary to extend the foundation through anchor bolts, the
anchor bolts. It is preferable to expose base plate of the equipment may be
the damage bolt by breaking the fixed on a vibration absorbing medium
foundation and putting a new bolt by such as cork, shalitex, boards etc.
reconcreting the part of the foundation
after taking precautions to ensure 4.0 REHABILITATION
effective bounding between parent
concrete and fresh concrete. Whenever Various techniques and methods as
this is not possible, bolt may be explained earlier could be used to
extended as required by welding and undertake rehabilitation of concrete
providing separate piece of the metal by structures. The repair method adopted
the side and welded properly. should be specifically suited to arrest
further deterioration which may continue
3.2 Cracks in main body of foundation to ravage the structure even after its
rehabilitation. Some of the methods
In case of excessive cracking of the commonly used for repairing
foundation block, the same needs to be damaged/fire-affected concrete
replaced. However, if there are minor structures are detailed in Chapter VII.
cracks at certain places, the strength of
the concrete needs to be ascertained by
inspection and by non-destructive
testing methods before deciding
corrective action. Depending on situation
pressure grouting may be done. In case
of minor cracks epoxy based liquid may
be grouted in the cracks.
Extensive use of steel structures has 4. BELL PIERS: This is a form of box-
been made for offshore structures like caisson construction utilizing precast
platforms. Concrete caisson structures concrete of steel shells to form the outer
are also used. Such structures are portion of the pier. These are lowered
designed to resist very high external into place, fixed, and then filled with
pressures during construction and they structural tremie concrete.
must also resist cycles of dynamic
loading due to tidal waves.
a) Cause of damage
b) type and extent of damage
c) Availability of type of
equipements, tools and materials
at site
c) Defective workmanship.
1.0 INTRODUCTION d) Defective shuttering and
Concrete is one of the most versatile e) Faulty concrete mix ratio
materials of civil construction in f) Inadequate quality assurance.
modern times. The same ingredients
viz. Cement, Coarse aggregates, fine 2.3 The important raw material contributing
aggregates and water in varying to the success or failure of the
proportions are used for producing concrete is cement. Though ordinary
concrete of various grades and Portland cement is used extensively, it
qualities. Considering the varying may be necessary to use special
conditions under which concrete is cements, such as, sulphate resistant
produced at various locations, the Portland Cement, blast furnace slag
quality of concrete may suffer either cement, low C3A cement etc. for
during production or during service special environments, soils and
conditions, resulting in distress of the underground water properties. Quality
structure. This chapter deals with the of cement should be ensured through
nature & causes of deterioration in appropriate tests.
concrete structures, assessment of
deterioration and repairs/ rehabilitation 2.4 The quality of aggregates, particularly
of damaged concrete structures. in respect of alkali-aggregate
reaction, needs to be taken into
2.0 CONCRETE DETERIORATION account. However, cases of
defects/failures attributed to alkali-
2.1 Defects & failures in concrete aggregate reaction in India are very
structures may arise due to the rare.
2.5 The use of water containing salt
a) Unexpected overloading, design concentrates for making concrete may
errors etc., also contribute to deterioration of the
b) Structural deficiency due to concrete and corrosion of
construction methods/defects. reinforcements. Excessive use of
c) Corrosion of reinforcement steel water in the concrete mix is the largest
and spalling of concrete. single source of its weakness.
d) Damage caused by fire, floods,
earthquakes, vibrations, wind and 2.6 Proper detailing of reinforcement,
impact loads etc. including adequate cover should be
e) Damage due to chemical attack ensured. Improper detailing results in
f) Damage due to marine congestion of reinforcement to such
environments an extent that concrete just cannot be
placed and compacted properly, even
2.2 Defective construction methods form the if concrete is workable.
largest segment of source of
distress to the concrete structures. 2.7 Other contributory factors that add to
Such defects can be broadly grouped bad workmanship include segregation,
as follows: improper placement, inadequate or
excessive vibration, leakage, of mortar
a) Defects due to the selection and through shuttering joints, inadequate
quality of raw materials. concrete cover, inadequate curing etc.
b) Use of defective construction
equipment for producing, 3.0 ASSESSING DETERIORATION IN
transporting and placing the CONCRETE STRUCTURES
Detailed investigation of damaged tools and materials are currently in
concrete is necessary for the use.
following purposes:
The repair of concrete structures will
a) To identify the problem. involve treating the deteriorated
b) To assess the structure for its material for extended durability,
condition and serviceability. and/or strengthening of weak
c) To establish the extent of the structural members to restore the load
damages/ weakness carrying capacity. Several methods
d) To establish the likely extent of and materials are in use for this
further deterioration purpose as described below.
e) To workout various remedial
measures and To make a final 4.2 Repair techniques
assessment for serviceability after
repairs. Repair of concrete structures in
general is carried out in the following
Apart from visual assessment tapping stages:
the surface and observing the sound
for hollow areas may be one of the a) Removal of damaged concrete
simplest methods of identifying the b) Pretreatment of surfaces and
weak spots. The suspected areas are reinforcement.
then opened up by chipping the weak c) Restoring the integrity of individual
concrete for further visual inspection. sections and reinstatement of
structure as a whole by various
Several methods are available for methods.
testing concrete but the most
commonly used are Core cutter, 4.2.1 Removal of defective concrete
Schmidt Hammer, Ultrasonic Pulse
Velocity and Windsor Probe, Chemical Prior to the execution of any repair,
Analysis, etc. one essential and common
requirement is that all deteriorated or
4.0 REPAIR OF CONCRETE damaged concrete be removed after
STRUCTURES providing adequate support to
affected members. Removal of
4.1 General defective concrete can be carried out
using tools and equipment, the types
Repair of concrete structures is of which depend on the damages and
decided based on factors such as: the situation where these are to be
used. Normally removal of concrete
a) the cause of damage can be accomplished by hand tools,
b) type, shape and function of the or, when that is impractical because
structure of the extent of damage, it can be
c) the type and extent of damage done with a light or medium weight air
d) the capabilities and facilities hammer fitted with a spadeshaped bit.
available with the repairing Care should be taken not to damage
agency. the unaffected portions. For cracks
e) the availability of repair materials. and other narrow defects, a saw-
toothed bit will help achieve sharp
The repair of a concrete structure may edges and a suitable under cut.
vary between just giving a cosmetic
treatment and a total replacement. 4.2.2 Pretreatment of surfaces &
Experience shows that many concrete reinforcements
structures, although they may appear
to have been damaged beyond The cleaning of all loose particles,
repairs, can be reinstated, and removal of oil from the cavity
economically, after proper should be carried out shortly before
investigation and by using well- the repair. This cleaning can be
designed equipment, tools and achieved by blowing with compressed
materials. Several such equipment, air, hosing with water, acid etching,
wire brushing, scarifying, or a
combination. Brooms or brushes will mix is passed through and intimately
also help to remove loose material. mixed in a special manifold and then
projected at high velocity to the
4.2.3 Repair of Cracks in Concrete surface being repaired. The force of
Structures impact compacts the materials. In
good quality work a density of around
Before repairing cracks in concrete, 2100 Kg./m3 is achieved.
the extent, location, width & nature of
cracks must be established. The Before gunite is applied, the old
following techniques may be used for concrete surface is prepared properly,
filling cracks: all the cracks treated and the new
reinforcement fixed in position.
A. Bonding with Epoxies; Hairline Cracks wider than about 0.5mm
cracks may be sealed with epoxy should be cut out and filled with hand
compounds; usually pressure applied mortar or with gunite. A wide
injection is resorted to in sealing variety of gradings for aggregates
the cracks. used in guniting process is
recommended by various authorities
B. Routing and sealing; This and equipment suppliers. For general
involves enlarging the crack along guidance, requirements of IS: 383
its exposed face and sealing it would prove adequate.
with crack fillers.
A nominal mix of one part of cement
to 3.5 parts natural sand gauged by
C. Stitching; This can establish loose dry volume is suitable for
restoration of the strength and general purpose guniting work. Due
integrity of a cracked section; due to the rebound of sand particles
care is to be given to make an caused by the high velocity of the
analysis check to ensure that this mortar at the time of impact, the
will perform well under applied deposited concrete will be slightly
load. richer than the above mix. The sand
should not be absolutely dry, but
D. Drilling and plugging; this preferably have a moisture content of
consists of drilling down the length 4% to 8%. The water-cement ratio
of the crack and grouting it to form may be between 0.35 and 0.50
a key.
For effective guniting, the nozzle
should be kept 60 to 150 cm from the
E. Dry Packing: Relatively narrow work, preferably, normal to the
cracks and deep holes may be surface. When enclosing
rectified by dry packing; the crack reinforcement bars during repairs, the
is slightly undercut, the surface nozzle should be held closer, at a
prepared, and mortar with just slight angle and the mix should be
enough water for sticking is slightly wetter than the normal. The
applied. gunite is forced behind the bar while
build up of gunite on the front surface
4.2.4 Restoration using Guniting of the bar is prevented, as otherwise,
the sandy materials may collect
Gunite is a mechanically applied behind the bar weakening the section
material consisting of cement, and developing shrinkage crack.
aggregate, and water. There are two Rebound materials should not be
guniting processes in general use; the worked back into the construction; nor
wet mix and the dry mix process. the rebound materials should be
salvaged and included in the later
The cement and sand are batched batches due to the danger of
and mixed in the usual way and contamination.
conveyed through a hosepipe with the
help of compressed air. A separate Apart from guniting, the following
pipeline brings water under pressure methods are also available for
and the water and cement-aggregate
rectification of concrete based on the
degree of deterioration: 5.2 REPAIR TECHNIQUES
5.2.4 Floors
Floors are strengthened by a 50 mm
topping with fresh concrete over new
reinforcing steel. Bonding is ensured
by drilling a number of holes - 50 mm
deep - in the old concrete and placing
dowels bonded by epoxy.
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