OISD STD 2015 OISD STD 155 1 PPE Non Respiratory Equipment
OISD STD 2015 OISD STD 155 1 PPE Non Respiratory Equipment
OISD STD 2015 OISD STD 155 1 PPE Non Respiratory Equipment
Page No. I
OISD - STD - 155
Amended Edition - October 2010
First Edition, July 1995
Amended Edition, October 2002
Amended Edition, October 2010
Page No. II
OISD - STD - 155
First Edition July 1995
Amended Edition October 2002
Amended Edition October 2010
Prepared by :
Indian petroleum industry is the energy lifeline of the nation and its continuous performance is essential for
sovereignty and prosperity of the country. As the industry essentially deals with inherently inflammable substances
throughout its value chain – upstream, midstream and downstream – Safety is of paramount importance to this
industry as only safe performance at all times can ensure optimum ROI of these national assets and resources
including sustainability.
While statutory organizations were in place all along to oversee safety aspects of Indian petroleum industry, Oil
Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) was set up in 1986 Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India
as a knowledge centre for formulation of constantly updated world-scale standards for design, layout and operation
of various equipment, facility and activities involved in this industry. Moreover, OISD was also given responsibility of
monitoring implementation status of these standards through safety audits.
In more than 25 years of its existence, OISD has developed a rigorous, multi-layer, iterative and participative
process of development of standards – starting with research by in-house experts and iterating through seeking &
validating inputs from all stake-holders – operators, designers, national level knowledge authorities and public at
large – with a feedback loop of constant updation based on ground level experience obtained through audits,
incident analysis and environment scanning.
The participative process followed in standard formulation has resulted in excellent level of compliance by the
industry culminating in a safer environment in the industry. OISD – except in the Upstream Petroleum Sector – is
still a regulatory (and not a statutory) body but that has not affected implementation of the OISD standards. It also
goes to prove the old adage that self-regulation is the best regulation. The quality and relevance of OISD standards
had been further endorsed by their adoption in various statutory rules of the land.
Petroleum industry in India is significantly globalized at present in terms of technology content requiring its
operation to keep pace with the relevant world scale standards & practices. This matches the OISD philosophy of
continuous improvement keeping pace with the global developments in its target environment. To this end, OISD
keeps track of changes through participation as member in large number of International and national level
Knowledge Organizations – both in the field of standard development and implementation & monitoring in addition
to updation of internal knowledge base through continuous research and application surveillance, thereby ensuring
that this OISD Standard, along with all other extant ones, remains relevant, updated and effective on a real time
basis in the applicable areas.
Together we strive to achieve NIL incidents in the entire Hydrocarbon Value Chain. This, besides other issues, calls
for total engagement from all levels of the stake holder organizations, which we, at OISD, fervently look forward to.
Jai Hind!!!
Executive Director
Page No. IV
The Oil Industry in India is over 100 years old. For historical reasons, the industry
has adopted different international standards and codes of practice in the various
organisations. With a view to standardise the practices in the oil industry (and
particularly in areas of safety), the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas constituted
in 1986 a Safety Council assisted by the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) to
formulate and implement a series of self-regulatory measures aimed at removing
obsolescence, standardising and upgrading existing standards to ensure safer
operations. Accordingly, OISD constituted a number of functional committees
comprising experts nominated from industry to draw up standards and guidelines on
various subjects.
The present standard on Personal Protective Equipment (in two parts) was
prepared by the Functional Committee on Personal Protective Equipment based on
industry experience and on various national and international standards and codes
of practice. It is meant to serve as a users’ guide and is, in no way, a substitute for
existing standards and manufacturers’ recommendations. It is hoped that this
standard will help industry personnel select the appropriate PPE and use as also
maintain them in the right way.
Suggestions for improving the standard are invited from users after it is put into
practice. These may be addressed to:
Page No. V
OISD publications are prepared for use in the oil and gas
industry under Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.
These are the property of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural
Gas and shall not be reproduced or copied or loaned or
exhibited to others without written consent from OISD.
Page No. VI
Shri A. K. Das Bongaigaon Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd.,
Shri A. A. Raichur Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
(Refineries), Mumbai
Shri B. Sadhukhan/ Oil Industry Safety Directorate, New Delhi
Shri S. N. Mathur
(Since April, 1995)
In addition to the above, several other experts from Industry contributed in the preparation, review and finalisation
of this document.
2.0 SCOPE 1
The cardinal principle in controlling an unsafe condition is to remove the hazard. This could be achieved
through better design, change of process or guarding by mechanical means.
In spite of care taken to design safety into all systems and operations in the oil industry, the risk of failure
of engineering controls, materials, equipment and even that of safety devices cannot be fully eliminated.
There are also some operations and situations like welding and cutting etc. where engineering controls
are not feasible and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is done regular-ly. The use of personal
protective equipment can, in such situations, do one or more of the following:
- Reduce risk of dangerous occurrences (e.g. safety belts).
- Provide a physical barrier between the user and the hazard (e.g. apron, face shield).
- Render a hostile environment friendly albeit for limited period of time (e.g. breathing apparatus).
It is of course of primary importance that personal protective equipments are carefully selected and
maintained. Improper selection, use and maintenance can only endanger the life of the user. The
limitations of each equipment should also be clearly understood and personnel should be thoroughly
trained in the right use of personal protective equipment.
Keeping this in mind, these standard guidelines are prepared for selection, use and maintenance of PPE.
This standard has been divided in two parts for convenience of users i.e.
1. Part-I : Non-respiratory Personal Protective Equipment
2. Part-II : Respiratory Personal Protective Equipment
This part of the standard is intended to serve largely as a guide for selection of appropriate PPE for
different situations. Specifications of various items of PPE are given in national & international standards
and their capabilities, maintenance procedures and methods of use should be known from manufacturers
also. This standard is not intended to give detailed equipment specifications.
3.1 Brim - The rim surrounding the shell.
3.2 Chin strap - An adjustable strap that fits under the chin to secure-re the helmet on the head.
3.3 Harness (Helmet) - The complete assembly by means of which the helmet is maintained in position on
the head which includes head band, cradle etc.
3.3.1 Headband - Part of harness surrounding the head. The plane of lower margin of headband shall
correspond to reference line of the head form.
3.3.2 Anti-concussion tapes - Supporting straps which form the cradle.
3.3.3 Cradle - The fixed or adjustable assembly comprising of anti-concussion tapes & nape strap,
where provided.
3.3.4 Nape Strap - An adjustable (with respect to the shell) strap that fits behind the head to secure the
helmet & may be an integral part of the headband.
3.4 Neck Curtain - Additional part of the helmet to protect the neck.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
3.30 Thermal Protective Index (Flame) - A number equal to the time in seconds before the temperature of the
back surface of the protective clothing assembly rises by 25 degree C when exposed to
standard heat source burning hexane.
3.31 Thermal Protective Index (Radiation) - A number equal to the time in seconds before the
temperature of the back surface of protective clothing assembly rises by 25 degree C
when exposed to standard radiation source consisting of radiant panel
3.32 Reflectivity - When radiation falls on the material, part of it may be absorbed, part transmitted and the
rest reflected. The reflectivity is the ratio of the radiation reflected to the total incident
3.33 Clothing Assembly - Clothing Assembly means composite material made from layers of similar or
different materials, including lining which is used for making a single garment.
3.34 Safety Belt - The equipment which provides protection & safety in situations like working at higher
elevation, maintenance of buildings, structures or jobs such as window cleaning &
chimney cleaning and includes all components & fittings required for its use.
3.35 Safety Harness - The assembly which consists of the waist belt together with shoulder straps.
3.36 Life Line - The line which provides linear communication between the user & rescue party at the
remote distance by tension or other means, particularly in enclosed space.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Materials used in the manufacture of the helmets and harnesses should retain their protective qualities
over a long period of time and under all foreseeable climatic conditions.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
(c) Sufficient ventilation should be available through space between headband & shell & through ventilation
holes where permissible.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Table - 4.2
Brief description of Recommended Remarks
Equipment Hazard Code No.
Shell :
The shell of the helmet shall be dome shaped without any metallic component passing through it. The
brim and the peak (if provided) shall be integral parts of the shell and without any sharp edges.
Ventilation holes (at least 3 on each side) of 6 mm (max) diameter with edges of adjacent holes, not
more than 15 mm apart, of total area, not more than 300 sq.mm, shall be provided on the shell sides.
Harness :
(i) Headband of not less than 30 mm width designed for adjustment of size shall be securely attached
to the shell and crown straps. A gap of 5 mm (minimum) will be maintained between the shell and
headband with the help of spacers for ventilation except at the point of general adjustment.
(ii) Cradle formed out of anti-concussion tapes (at least 19 mm wide) fitted to the headband and
secured atleast at 4 anchoring points should provide a clearance of 30 mm between the head of
the wearer and the inside of the top of helmet crown at the smallest size adjustment of the
headband and a depth of fit not less than 80 mm at the maximum size adjustment of the
(a) Chin Strap shall be at least 19 mm wide attached to the shell and fitted with a fastening device to
adjust and maintain tension.
(b) Nape Strap shall be either an integral part or an attachment to the head-band of adjustable size
and have a minimum depth of 115 mm.
(iv) Lamp Bracket or Cable Clip : (where required) shall conform to the requirements of IS : 2925.
IS : 2925 details six different performance requirements and ten different tests for industrial safety
helmets. ISO International Standard No.3873 sets out the essential features required in a safety helmet
together with the related testing methods. These tests can be broadly classified as –
(a) Obligatory Tests to cover shock-absorbing capacity, resistance to perforation and resistance to
(b) Additional Optional Tests intended to be applied to safety helmets designed for special groups of
users. They include tests for dielectric strength, resistance to lateral deformation & low
temperature test.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Table - 4.3
Safety Helmets: Testing Requirements of ISO Standard 3873-1977
Absorption of shocks A hemispherical mass of 5 Kgs is The maximum force measured
allowed to fall from a height of 1m and should not exceed 500 daN.
the force transmitted by the helmet to
fixed false (dummy) head is measured.
Resistance to perforation The helmet is struck with in a zone of The tip of the punch must not
100 mm in diameter on its upper most come into contact with the
point using a conical punch weighing false (dummy) head.
3 Kgs and a tip angle of 60 degrees.
Test to be performed under the
conditions which gave the worst results
in the shock test.
Resistance to flame The helmet is exposed for 10 s to a The outer shell should not
Bunsen burner flame of 100 mm in continue to burn more than 5
diameter using propane. s after it has been withdrawn
from the flame.
Dielectric strength The helmet is filled with a solution of The leakage current should not
NaCl and is itself immersed in a bath of be greater The 1.2 mA.
the same solution. electric leakage
under an applied voltage of 1200 V, 50
Hz is measured.
Lateral The helmet is placed sideways between The deformation under load
rigidity two parallel plates and subjected to a should not exceed 40 mm and
compressive pressure of 430 N. the permanent deformation
should not be more than 15 mm.
Low temperature test The helmet is subjected to the shock The helmet must fulfil the
and perforation tests at a temperature of foregoing requirements for these
minus 20 degree C. two tests.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Fig. - 4.2
Dimensions of Brim and Peak
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Contact lenses are not a substitute for safety apparel and eyes/face must be protected by the proper type
of goggles or face shield.
Every protector shall be distinctly marked to facilitate identification of the manufacturer.
When limitations and precautions are indicated by the manufacturer, they shall be explained to the user
and care taken to see that such limitations are known & precautions are strictly observed.
In order to assess the need for eye and face protective equipment, the following steps should be taken:
Survey :
Conduct a walk-through survey of the area in question. The purpose of the survey is to identify sources of
hazards to the eyes and face of workers and co-workers. Consideration should be given to the basic
hazard categories.
Sources :
During the walk-through survey observe -
(i) Sources of motion i.e. machinery or processes where any movement of tools, machine elements or
particles could exist or movement of personnel that could result in collision with stationary objects.
(ii) Sources of high temperatures that could result in facial burns, eye injury or ignition of protective
equipment etc.
(iii) Types of chemical exposures.
(iv) Sources of dust.
(v) Sources of optical radiation such as welding, brazing, cutting, furnaces, heat treatment, high
intensity lights etc.
(vi) Layout of work place and location of co-workers.
(vii) Any electrical hazards.
Organise Data :
Following the walk-through survey, organise the data and information for use in the assessment of
hazards. The objective is to prepare for an analysis of the hazards in the environment to enable proper
selection of protective equipment.
Analyse Data :
Having gathered and organised data on a work place, assess the potential for eye and face injury. Each of
the basic hazards should be reviewed and the type and level of each of the hazards found in the area
determined. The possibility of exposure to several hazards simultaneously should be considered.
Selection :
Specify the allowable eye and face protection suitable for the hazards identified.
Re-assessment of Hazards :
Re-assess the work place hazard situation by identifying and evaluating new equipment and processes,
reviewing accident records and determining the suitability of previously selected eye and face protection.
Table - 5.1
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
For the purpose of this standard, operations in welding and cutting have been classified in the ascending
order of the degree of hazard involved. Table 5.3 indicates the protection equipment permissible for each
class of hazard.
Table - 5.3
Shade No.6 : For general acetylene welding and also for use by welder’s helper
Shade No.8 : For heavy acetylene weld-ing or cutting, also for very light arc welding
Shade No.10 : For arc welding upto 250 amperes
Shade No.12 : For arc welding of more than 250 ampere and for atomic hydrogen welding
Shade No.14 : For Argon arc welding
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
special lens (flash goggles) provides protection against reflected rays from electric arc welding.
These goggles will not protect against the direct rays from an electric arc.
How to use :
For maximum protection and comfort, goggles must be properly adjusted to fit the face.
Goggles with elastic headbands can be easily adjusted by the user. The head-band should be worn
just tightly enough to hold the goggle firmly to the face. The headband should come just above the
ears and then slope down on the lower part of the back of the head. Do not place the band over a
cap or hat while using the goggles. Adjust the bridge, if necessary.
- Spectacle type goggles
This should be used for Ltd. hazards needing only frontal protection. Jobs such as machining,
grinding, routine process operations like opening valve, checking pump etc. fall in this category.
- Furnace goggles
These goggles with cobolt blue lenses and leather shields are designed for looking at the flame
inside the furnace.
Care of goggles :
- When goggles are not in use, keep them in the proper case. Do not throw them in tool boxes and
drawers as they may get damaged or the adjustment thrown out of line.
- Keep your goggles and lenses clean. Do not wear a pair of goggles which have been worn by
someone else until they have been sterilised.
- Be sure, the headbands are in good condition and are elastic. Have defective bands replaced.
- The lens must be securely held in the frames. Inspect them for pits & scratches which may cause
eye strain.
- Be sure to use the correct goggles for the hazard involved. Consult your supervisor in case of
(b) Based on Construction
• Cup-type goggles consist of two eye-pieces with adjustable connection across the nose.
• Box-type goggles provide total enclosure of both the eyes and have separate filter holders or
a single lens or filter lens.
Eye cup type goggles shall be provided with rigidly constructed screw-on type, with lens retaining rings of
metal or plastic. These shall provide a complete clamping action against the lenses.
Lens thickness shall be 3.0 mm. For lenses that can withstand high velocity impact, 2.0 mm thickness is
When properly adjusted for the wearer, the distance from the pupil of the eye to the inner surface of the
filter shall be such as to permit an effective angle of vision of not less than 105 degrees for each eye but
shall in no case be less than 14.0 mm.
In the eye cup type goggles, the two cups shall be joined by a suitably shaped nose-bridge which is
adjustable easily by hand to allow accommodation to various pupillary distances.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Headbands shall be capable of holding the equipment in correct position when properly adjusted. They
shall be capable of adjustment continuously (not step wise) without the aid of special tools. The means of
adjustment shall be designed to be non-slip.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
The workmanship shall be such that the hoods when worn in the normal manner shall not allow direct
entry of any particle or splashing of corrosive chemicals.
All interior parts shall be free from sharp edges or any irregularities which may be a hazard to the user.
The impact noise limit is 140 dBA per day for continuous exposure.
The permitted sound pressure level versus duration of exposure are given in the table below :
(v) Ear plugs shall be designed in such a way that they can be used in combination with ear muffs.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Table - 7.1
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Table - 7.2
Some gloves made of rubber, cotton or leather may be reconditioned to prolong their useful life.
Reconditioning may include cleaning, sterilisation & reshaping as well as repair. Defective protectors
should be scrapped and replaced at once.
Personal protective equipments required to be used for protection of human body in oil and gas industries
include items such as aprons, suits and safety belts.
TABLE - 8.1.
Table - 8.1
Hazard Protection Typical Operation
Code No. Against Hazard
H-1 Flame Flame proximity and
flame entry
H-2 Flying chips & Grinding, welding
rough objects
H-3 Strong acids & Handling chemicals
H-4 Organic solvents/ Handling petroleum
oil products
H-5 X-Rays X-ray techniques
H-6 Accidental fall Excavation, tank
H-7 Accidental fall Maintenance work at
high elevations such
as window cleaning
& painting/chimney
cleaning & painting.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
8.3 Aprons
Aprons may be classified based on coverage they provide and the material of construction.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
8.3.2 Based on material of construction
(i) PVC Apron : It shall be used in handling acid and alkali. Chemical protection clothing can be
manufactured from a special grade heavy duty high visibility yellow PVC. The material shall have
excellent chemical resi-stance, high tensile, tear & elongation strength, abrasion, ozone as well as heat
The clothing seam shall be welded by high frequency electrical heating.
(ii) Rubberised Apron:It shall be used in handling acid and alkali.
The requirements for the finished fabrics and coating shall conform to IS-4501 for rubberised water proof
fabrics. Rubberised fabrics shall have resistance to chemical solutions, solvents, abrasives, gases, punc-
tures, tearing, oxidation and ozone attack.
Stitching : Sewing shall be done with thread con-forming to variety No.11 of IS-1720 and lock stitch with not
less than 32 stitches per 10 cm. The joints for the strap with the aprons shall be stitched from inside
the apron.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Straps : The same material which has been used for making aprons shall be used for straps also. Strap shall
be folded and sewn at both sides.
Buckles : Suitable nickel plated sliding jaw type buckles shall be fitted to the rubber straps.
Dimensions: The length and width of the apron shall not be less than 100cm and 75cm respectively. Eyelets shall
be made from aluminium alloy of size No.24 of IS-4084, 1967.
(iii) Chrome Leather Aprons: It shall be used where there are chances of hot metal splash & sparks, flying
chips, rough objects and mild impacts.
Chrome leather shall conform to the following requirements:
— It shall be solf, pliable and free from flaws and loose fibres.
— The leather shall not contain any chromate extractable by water or dilute acids.
— The leather should also be treated for mildew resistance.
— It shall be treated in such a manner as shall not obscure defects and such that it is not to be
stained with compounds of iron.
Following types of suits are commonly used:
- Boiler Suits
- Fire Fighting Suits Note 1
- Chemical Protection Suits
8.4.1 Boiler Suit
It may be in one piece or two pieces. It is used by Maintenance & Inspection Personnel. It is preferably
made up of cotton fabric to retain the comforts of air permissibility & moisture transmission. It shall not
propagate flame, have afterglow, be self-extinguishing, shall retain basic characteristics of the fabric,
shall be durable to natural detergent washings, dry cleanings & be environment friendly. Where persons
may be exposed to sparks, flame or heat, fire retardant clothing or suits may be used. For TEL handling,
white colour suit shall be used. For details, refer Item 10.4.
8.4.2 Fire Fighting suits
These are of following types :
- Fire Proximity Suit
- Fire Entry Suit
(i) Fire Proximity Suit
It allows the fire fighter to work next to the flames i.e. radiant heat and occasional flame lick for the
purpose of rescue work & knockdown fire fighting operations in proximity of flames but not actually
in flames. These suits shall conform to UL/EN/ NFPA/BIS specifications. Note 1
(ii) Fire Entry Suit
It allows the firemen to work in the flames i.e. complete static immersion but for a very short duration
of 20-30 seconds. For typical fire proximity suit/fire entry suit, refer Fig.8.2.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Reflective coating shall be of such quality that it shall not crack or chip during normal usage of the
Clothing Assembly :
Fire entry suits shall have high thermal capacity combined with a high thermal resistance. Heat resistant
suits shall have a high thermal resistance and where possible, the outer surface shall be of such a nature
that it will reflect the maximum possible heat.
The thickness of the clothing assembly shall be such that it would not unduly restrict the mobility of the
wearer and in any case, it shall not exceed 15 mm.
All threads used for stitching of garments shall be adequately treated to render it flame retardant to the
same degree as other components of the clothing assembly.
The material shall be tested in accordance with the method of test given in Appendix of IS-7612. The
garment may be backed by a lining and/or under garments, provided that these are representative of the
type of clothing yarn for the proposed application. Clothing assembly shall meet all the re-quirements
given in IS-7612.
Headwear :
The helmet shall conform to the requirements of IS:2745-1969.These shall be designed in such a way
that visor or face shield does not mist up in use to an extent that it reduces the visibility.
Handwear :
The gloves shall be graded as light duty or heavy duty. The design shall be such that the thumb and index
finger are protected individually and the remaining three fingers either individually or together. The length
of this portion, measured from the wrist joint to the tip of it shall be as given below :
Small size - 350 mm
Medium size - 370 mm
Large size - 400 mm
Footwear :
The trouser leg of the protective suit should fit snugly into or around the boot to prevent ingress of flame.
For fire entry work, the foot wear shall reach to just below the knee and worn over shoes or boots. Use of
stud type fastener shall be avoided.
8.4.3 Chemical protection suit
It may be of PVC, Butyl, Viton or a combination of Butyl and Viton etc. For compatibility of protective
clothing for various chemicals, refer Annexure-I.
The suit shall be complete in one piece with gas tight zip and all joints shall be seam welded and with a
hood visor providing a large field of vision and complete with safety boots & gloves. There should be a
provision for wearing respiratory protective device internally. There should be a provision for inflating the
head protection cap. For typical chemical protection suit, refer Fig. 8.3.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Requirements :
— It shall be able to provide gas tight and chemical resistant cover for full body and equipment
— It shall be able to produce personal air ventilation inside the suit to reduce heat stress.
— It shall be able to build positive pressure inside the suit that prevents the penetration of chemicals
when leakages occur.
— As far as possible, it should be light weight.
— It shall be easy in donning for fast response to emergencies and shall provide easy movement in
confined places.
— Seam with high tear resistance be adopted to suit material. Double seam be provided on both sides
for gas tightness.
— It shall have integral safety boots with toe cap, steel sole and ankle protection.
— Wrist seals shall be provided, supplementary seals optional.
— Zip fastener used shall be gas tight, sturdy, covered with teeth inside, vertically located at front.
— Back Pack Padding shall be provided in the back pack area for protection against impact.
Chemical protection suits are available in various sizes like small, medium, large & extra large and also
as per the requirement of users.
Workmanship of finished garments shall be of the high quality. The stitches shall be secure, even and
unbroken. Wherever possible, seams shall be such that the threads are protected. The thread shall be
compatible with the body fabric and shall not impair the effectiveness of the protection afforded by the
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
8.7 Packing
Each suit/apron shall be kept in suitably designed bag of water proof material. The bag shall be provided
with a flap with quick release fittings.
8.8 Safety Belts
Safety belts are required to protect persons from injury by arresting the fall in the event of user losing
his balance or support & falling from the place of work either at an elevation or in closed locations or
containers, construction jobs or electrical jobs at elevation.
Safety belts and safety harnesses together with their accessories such as safety lines, life lines, safety
clamps, hooks etc. are to be provided for proper protection.
In selecting suitable equipment, that is, belt or harness for a particular duty, care should be taken to
ensure that such equipment gives the wearer protection as far as possible, compatible with safety,
maximum degree of comfort, freedom of movement and in the event of falling, the greatest possible
security against injury either from the impact from the ground or surrounding structures or from the belt
8.8.1 Types and General Design
Waist Safety Belt - Type-1:
This is for general use in industry where the movement is restricted and user is not likely to fall from a
height. This type of belt is intended for an anchorage within 1m of the wearer’s place of working and the
fall is restricted to 0.6m. This type of safety belt shall consist of a belt with suitable buckle fasteners and
provided with one or two D-rings for attachment of safety life line. The recommended maximum length of
the safety line with this belt shall be 2m.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Webbing : All belts and harnesses shall be made from nylon or other synthetic material such as polyester.
The material shall have a uniform thickness & uniform width. The waist belt, shoulder straps, hoisting
straps & pole straps of all types of safety belts & harnesses shall be made from nylon/ polyester webbing
which shall not break under a minimum tensile load of 2000 kgs. Minimum width & thick-ness should be
44mm and 3mm respectively.
Best quality nylon/polyester threads made from fibre of thickness equal to the thickness of yarn and of
adequate strength shall be used in the webbing. The webbing shall be resistant to heat and fire.
All rivets and washers used for joining the various sections shall be made from copper and should be
tinned (plated) for protection against corrosion.
Life line/Safety line only of nylon or polyester or other synthetic fibre shall be used. It shall not break under
a minimum tensile load of 2000 kgs.
All metal components shall be solid or forged in such a manner that the joints are not visible and the
joined part of metal does not impair the strength or quality.
Hooks and main load bearing metal parts and fittings shall not break under the test load of 2000 kgs.
Aluminium, magnesium or titanium metals or alloys thereof shall not be used.
All materials used in the production of safety belts including webbing and rope, shall pass the heat
resistance and flammability test as given in IS: 2925.
Only friction type buckles shall be used and the design should be of “No-slip’ type.
The safety belts and straps shall be suitably packed as agreed to between the purchaser and the supplier.
- Name or trade-mark or other means of identification of the manufacturer
- Year of manufacture
- Words in red letters “MAXIMUM SAFE DROP________”
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
- Type of belt
- Lot/Batch number
Instructions shall be supplied with each safety belt and harness.
Safety belts may also be marked with the ISI certification mark or approval from certifying authority like
Aprons, belts and harnesses should be stored in a cool & dry place and shall not be subjected to direct
It is recommended to have such storage in properly designed cabinets with enough ventilation &
prevention from excessive heat/humidity/contact with sharp edges & corrosion.
Life belts must be inspected carefully before each use. Fabric belts should not be used if the outer plies
are cut or worn through or if there is any sign of chemical damage. All belt hardware must be inspected
and replaced if it shows any sign of wear. If the belt is riveted, each rivet should be examined separately.
The life line must be carefully inspected for any sign of damage or wear.
If in doubt, replace the rope. Be sure that the lifeline is securely attached to the D-Ring of the belt. Be
sure that the tie-off point is of adequate strength.
Limitations and Cautions:
If the safety belt is exposed to or comes in contact with a chemical during use, this would weaken the
belt and pose a hazard to the next user. Report such cases while returning the belt so that proper
examination can be made and they can be discarded, if required.
- Safety belt and harness must be worn when an altitude hazard exists above two meters.
- Safety belts and harness must be worn when working from swinging scaffolds, boat-wains chairs and
spider stagings. Life line must be supported independently of the equipment and care must be exercised
to protect the lines from rubbing on rough surfaces and also from burner flames or welding arcs.
- Safety belts and harness must be worn when entering a vessel from the top and if this is the only route to
In an industrial scenario, the legs are prone to either direct hazard which has the potential to cause direct
injury like mechanical hazards (e.g. falling objects), chemical hazards (e.g. contact with acid/alkali), heat
hazard (e.g. exposure to hot surfaces) and fungal infection or indirect hazard like slipping (wet/ slippery
surface), electrical hazard (electrocution) and sanitation hazards (infection from insanitary conditions).
These hazards can be eliminated or atleast minimised by the use of suitable protective equipment.
Hazards against which Protective Equip-ment need to be used for leg and foot protection, are given in
Table 9.1.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Table 9.1
Hazard Protection Typical Industrial
Code Against Operation
No. hazard
H-1 Impact Striking against
object/falling object
H-2 Thermal Stepping on hot
H-3 Thermal Welding sparks or
heat radiations
H-4 Chemical Chemical spillage
H-5 Slippery Skidding
H-6 Electrical Electrical sub-
Flash station/non -static
Safety shoes and boots may be made from leather, rubber, synthetic rubber or plastic and may be made
by sewing, vulcanising or moulding. Since the toes are most vulnerable to impact injuries, a steel toe-cap
is the essential feature. For comfort, the toe-cap must be reasonably thin & light and carbon tool steel
is, therefore, used. These safety toe-caps may be incorporated in many types of boots and shoes. In
some trades, where falling objects present a particular risk, metal instep guards may be fitted over safety
Different types of hazards call for different types of foot wear. The following criteria may be kept in mind
before selecting the type of foot wear for a particular job. The types of foot wear suitable against a
particular type of hazard are summarised in Table 9.2.
Table - 9.2
Brief Recommen Remarks
description of ded for use
Equipment against
Leather upper H-2, H-5 These are
with rubber / safety shoes
synthetic sole & generally used.
steel cap
Leather upper H-6 Used in non-
without nails,with static
rubber/ synthetic area/substation
sole .
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
9.3.1 Rubber or synthetic outsoles with various tread patterns are used to prevent risk of slipping. This is
especially important where floors are likely to be wet or slippery. The
material of the sole is of more importance than the tread pattern and should have a high coefficient of
9.3.2 Reinforced & puncture-proof sole is necessary in such places as construction sites. Metallic insoles can
also be inserted into other types of footwear.
9.3.3 Where an electrical hazard exists, shoes should be entirely stitched or cemented to obviate the use of
nails. Where static electri-city may be present, safety shoes should have electrically conductive rubber out-
9.3.4 Synthetic rubber boots are useful protectors from chemical injuries. The material should show not more
than 10% reduction in tensile strength or elongation after immersion in a 20% solution of hydrochloric acid
for 48 hrs. at room temperature.
9.3.5 Rubber, asbestos spats, gaiters or leggings may be used to protect the leg above the shoe line, especially
from burning risks. Protective pads may be necessary, especially where work involves kneeling, for
example in foundry moulding.
9.3.6 Aluminised heat-protective shoes, boots or leggings will be necessary near sources of intense heat.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Electrical Properties :
Test potential, leakage current and break-down voltage for various types of rubber gloves are
summarised in Table 10.2.
Table 10.2
Minimum Test Maximum Minimu
Working Potential Leakage m Break-
Potential (rms) Current down
(rms) (rms) at Voltage
Gloves Test
Type 1 650 5000 4 17000
Type 2 1100 10000 8 20000
Type 3 3300 15000 12 25000
Type 4 4000 20000 14 30000
Marking :
The gloves shall be marked with legible and permanent impression at the back with the following
information :
- Size & type of gloves
- Maximum woking potential
- Manufacturer’s name and trade mark
- Month & year of manufacture
- ISI Certification Mark
Packing :
The gloves shall be packed in polyethylene bags.
Storage :
It is recommended that rubber gloves should be stored in cool and dry place.They should not be
unnecessarily exposed to heat or light or allowed to come in contact with solvents, grease, turpentine or
10.1.2 Insulating Mats
Insulating mats conforming to IS:15652:2006 having ISI mark, are to be used for covering floor around
electrical apparatus in sub station.
A) Material of Construction & Manufacture
The materials shall be made from the material – Elastomer, free from any insertions leading to deterioration
of insulating properties. Upper surface shall have small aberrations (rough surfaces without edges) to avoid
slippery effects while the lower surface shall be place or could be finished slip resistant without affecting
adversely the dielectric property of the mat.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
i) Thickness:
ii) Colour:
Any colour approved by the indenter in the specifications. However, no colour with metallic derivatives
shall be used.
B) Physical Properties
C) Electrical Properties
i) Voltage Test: The insulating mats shall withstand depending upon the class of the mats (Class A to C)
minimum voltage of 10000 volts to 30000 volts for 1 minute as per procedure given in IS:15652. The mats
shall not puncture or become appreciably warm at any spot.
ii) Leakage Current: The leakage current shall not exceed 10mA for all classes of insulating mats as per
procedure described in IS:15652.
iii) Breakdown Strength: The insulating mats (Class A to C) shall not fail at less than 30 KV, 45 KV and 65 KV for
3.3 KV, 11 KV and 33 KV class insulating mats respectively when tested in air between electrodes.
iv) Insulation Resistance in Wet Condition: Minimum insulation resistance for all classes of insulating mats in wet
condition will be 1000,000 Mohms with 500 V Meggar as per procedure prescribed in IS:15652.
D) Chemical Properties
i) Effect of Acid / Alkali & Oil Resistance: The insulating mats shall not show any deterioration and chemical
damage by acids, alkalis and oils and the tensile strength and elongation shall not be less than 80% of the
corresponding values obtained in tests at the manufacturers works on fresh samples.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
ii) Flame Retardance: Fire should extinguish itself within 5 seconds after removal of blue flame when tested as
per procedure prescribed in IS:15652.
iii) Ageing Properties: TS & percentage elongation at break when measured after subjecting the insulating mat
to ageing of 168 hours at 70+-1 deg C shall not be less than 75% of the corresponding values obtained for
unaged test pieces of the same lot.
E) Miscellaneous:
i) Packing: The insulating mats shall be packed in roll or flats using Gunny / Jute material for transportation over
long distances.
ii) Storage: For storage and other details, Annexure A (Clause 1.3.1) of IS:15652:2006 shall be referred.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
10.4.1 Personnel
Only male employees should be engaged in work involving handling of TEL.
TEL Operators should be :
- intelligent and reliable
- physically fit
- medically examined at regular intervals.
There should be as few operators as possible. The precise number will depend upon the type and size of
the plant,the method and volume of the compound deliveries and the extent of work involved.
A medical consultant is to be engaged to supervise the health of personnel engaged in the handling of
TEL in blending plants. The consultant will also examine personnel engaged in the handling of TEL &
mainten-ance staff in laboratories. Details of the recommended standards of fitness and examination
procedures can be obtained from the manufacturer/supplier of TEL.
10.4.2 Toxic Hazards
(i) Toxicity
Lead alkyles are highly toxic. They may enter the body by :
• Inhalation of the vapour
• Ingestion of the liquid
• Penetration of the liquid through the skin.
(ii) Exposure
Exposure to toxic vapour can occur :
• when drums are opened.
• when TEL escapes due to leaks & spills.
(iii) Threshold Limit Values
The toxicity of gases and vapours is usually expressed in terms of the Threshold Limit Value (T.L.V.).
This is the maximum permissible time-weighted average con-centration in air over an eight-hours
working day.
The TLV for TEL is 100 mg Pb/cu.m. which is equivalent to approximately 0.01 ppm (v/v) organic lead
vapour in air.
10.4.3 Respiratory Equipment
The respiratory equipment recommended to provide protection against toxic atmosphere will depend on
the conditions under which it is used (refer Table 10.3).
For details of respiratory protective equip-ment, refer OISD-STD-155, Part-II of the Standard.
The respiratory equipment that is suitable for use with TEL consists of a facepiece covering the face from
chin to forehead and held in place by straps passing over the head. As these facepieces are normally
manufactured to a standard size, it is impossible to get a close fit to the face of every individual. When
the wearer inhales, there is a reduction of pressure inside the facepiece and if it does not fit properly,
leakage may cause toxic vapours to be inhaled. Air-supplied respiratory equipment overcomes this
problem by maintaining a positive pressure inside the facepiece.
Air-supplied respiratory equipment should not be supplied with air from hand-blowers, as they do not
provide an adequate margin of excess air flow.
Respiratory equipment is tiring to wear for long periods, so the working day should be restricted to eight
hours to prevent undue fatigue.
Table - 10.3
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
A long tube fitted to the respirator enables the canister to be worn on the back. This is more comfortable &
keeps the canister away from the immediate source of the hazard.
The time spent in the toxic atmospheres should be as short as practicable.
It is recommended that the canister with 500 cc of activated carbon should be replaced after 100 hours of
use or 24 months after removal of the seal, whichever is shorter. Canisters containing less than 500 cc
absorbent will have a shorter life. The CC type canister has a maximum sealed shelf life of five years and
for other types of canisters, the manufacturer’s instructions should be followed. A record of canister’s use
shall be kept and the canister discarded when its useful life has expired.
Gasoline vapours, atmospheric moisture and other vapours absorbed by the canister can reduce it’s life.
Canister respirators should not be used where high concentration of TEL in air exists.
(ii) Air-supplied Respirator
Air-supplied respirators should be used when the lead-in-air concentration is expected to be high.
The air flow should be sufficient to maintain a slight pressure within the facepiece during the entire
respiratory cycle. A minimum of 7.2 cu.m./ hr of air is required for each respirator. In order to keep the
face cool when a man is working hard or in hot weather, a higher flow of air is found to be advantageous.
To ensure the supply of clean and dry air to the wearer, a suitable filter should be fitted in the air supply
line, downstream of the compressor to remove entrained oil, moisture & dust. This should be
supplemented by a small filter on the man’s belt to remove any dust etc. which may have been picked up
from the hose. The air compressor should be outside & upwind of the area of contamination.
The main disadvantage of an air-supplied respirator is that the air hose limits mobility of the wearer.
(iii) Self-contained Breathing Apparatus
In case of fire involving TEL, self-contained breathing apparatus with positive pressure is most suitable as
it gives complete mobility to the wearer. The apparatus is also suitable for emergency use in case of TEL
spills. Only equipment which permits air from the cylinder to be fed continuously to the facepiece should
be used, thus maintaining a positive pressure. Equipment fitted with a demand valve is not recommended.
The life of the cylinder charge depends on the amount of work performed by the wearer. Breathing rates
will vary according to the rate of work and will generally be between 32-40 lpm, using standard 1200 litres
air cylinder. A full cylinder will not last more than 20 mins. for light work and 10 minutes for hard work.
(iv) Air-supplied Suit
In the cleaning of leaded gasoline tanks and lead compound tanks, it is recommended that air-supplied
suit be used as it has been specially designed and tested to meet the severe conditions encountered.
The air-supplied suit with integral helmet, is fed from the compressor through a 13 mm bore hose. A
regulating valve is fitted to the suit to allow the wearer to adjust the airflow. In case of an accident, such as
a breakdown of the compressor, an emergency bottle supplies oxygen through a needle valve for
approximately four minutes, allowing enough time for the operator to leave the tank. In tropical climates or
during hot weather in temperate climates, a vortex tube provides cooled air to the suit.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
The use of incorrect hoses had caused accidents, so great care should be taken to obtain the correct hose
and to test, maintain and when necessary, replace it.
(i) Types of Hoses
Hoses detailed in Table 10.4 satisfy the requirements necessary for breathing equipment. Hose lengths
should be as long as practicable.
Any hose other than those described in Table 10.4 is liable to be at best unsuitable and at worse unsafe.
For example, natural rubber is likely to be affected by hydrocarbons and be permeable to organic lead
compounds. All fabric covered hoses are unsuitable.
PVC hoses without reinforcement, though resistant to lead alkyles etc., will not stand the pressures and
may kink.
When in difficulty or doubt, consult manufacturer/ supplier of TEL.
(ii) Routine Physical Examination of Hoses
Hoses should be checked before and after each use for physical deterioration e.g. cracks, separation of
wall layers & excessive abrasion. If the outer layer has worn at any point to expose the reinforcement, the
hose should be discarded immediately.
(iii) Testing Hoses for Lead
Hoses should be tested after every 100 hours of use. If the lead content of the air is below the TLV (100
mg Pb/cu.m.), the hose is still safe to use. If it is near this figure, the tests should be done more often.
(iv) Marking Hoses
Each length of hose should be marked with a reference number on a copper sleeve so that a record of its
use & testing can be kept.
(v) Care and Maintenance of Hoses
Hoses should be cleaned by wiping over with the kerosene-soaked rag and then washed with water,
containing detergent. Equipment should be protected against exposure to heat.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Table 10.4
Air Hoses for use with Air-supplied Equipment
Type of hose Air-supplied Suit Air-supplied
Cold Medium Hot hood,
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
PVC reinforced
* *
Terylene / Nylon
Nominal dia (mm) Int.
6; Ext. 13; (1), (2)
PVC reinforced with
* *
steel spring wire
embedded in wall,
Nominal dia (mm) Int.
6; Ext. 13; (1)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Star (*) denotes recommended air hose.
1. Maximum safe working pressure for each hose is 7 bar.
2. Reinforcement may be embedded in the wall or between the inner wall (2mm min.) and the outer wall (1 mm min.).
3. Only type acceptable with this larger bore, other types are susceptible to kinking / flattening.
4. PVC “creep” at high temperatures can cause couplings to be “blown-off” due to high pressures. Polyurethane does
not suffer “creep” to the same degree.
10.4.5 Clothing for Blending Plant Operations
In addition to respiratory equipment, personal (work) and protective clothing is required for all engaged in
handling of TEL. The requirement for blending plant personnel will depend upon the duties to be
performed. These are described in Table 10.5 but in all cases:
* Protective clothing and respiratory equipment should be readily available in case of an emergency.
* All clothing should preferably be white so that the dye from any contamination by TEL can be
clearly seen.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
* After use, protective clothing should be cleaned with kerosene-soaked rags, then with detergent
solution in water. The used rags should be placed in a suitable container with a lid until they can be
burnt / buried.
Table 10.5
Note :
Star (*) denotes requirement for a specific task.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Emptying compound * * * * * *
drums into a storage
tank or directly into
gasolene stream
Connecting/disconn- * * *
ting road tank vehicles
rail tank wagons or
portable tanks
Supervising the * * * *
receipt of compound
from bulk ocean tankers
Operating a totally *
enclosed blending system
Maintenance duties which * * * *
may involve contact with
compound, liquid or vapour
Emergencies * * * *
involving compound
Notes :
1. Star (¬) denotes requirement for a specific task.
2. The inside of gloves and boots should be clean and dry.
3. If an emergency occurs involving spillage of compound on the operator’s clothing, the operator should shower
thoroughly using soap and report for a medical check-up. The clothing should be burnt.
10.4.6 Emptying TEL Drums Into a Storage Tank or Directly Into Gasoline Stream
This operation exposes the operator to TEL at frequent intervals, usually over a prolonged period. The
operator should be provided with a complete change of personal (work) clothing, reserved specifically for
use in the TEL area and consisting of:
Fresh clean clothes should be issued atleast every five days (daily in hot climates) or when, obviously,
The operator should wear a canister respirator with a long tube and the following protective clothing:
Cotton overall
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Annexure - I
Protective Clothing Compatibility with Selected Chemical Hazards
Acetaldehyde G G P F F
Acetic Acid E E F G E
Acetic Anhydride G G P F G
Acetonitrile G G G G G
Acetone E G F P P
Acrylonitrile F G F F F
Alcohols G F P F E
Ammonia(100 %) G G P E _
Amyle Acetate F G G P G
Aniline F G F G P
Battery Acid G E P E E
Benzaldehyde F P E P P
Benzene P P E P P
Bromine G G E G G
Butyric Acid F G F G _
Cadmium Cyanide G E G E G
Carbolic Acid F E F E E
Carbon P P E G P
Tetra chloride
Chlorine F F E G G
Chloroform P P E P P
Chlorosulfonic P P F G F
Chromic Acid P F P G P
Cresol G G F F P
Cyanide Solution G G P F G
Cyclohexane P G E P P
Diethyl Phthalate F G E P P
Dimethyl Formamide E G P P P
Dioxane F F P P P
Ethanolamine F G P E P
Ethers G E E P P
Ethyl Acetate F G F P P
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Ethyl Alcohol E E P G E
Ethylene P P E P P
Ethylene Glycol E E G E E
Formaldehyde E E P E E
Formic Acid G E P E F
Freon P F E P F
Fuel Oil P G E G P
Furfural G G F F P
Gasolene P P F P E
Hexane P G E P E
Hydrobromic G E P E E
Acid (40 %)
Hydrochloric G E P E E
Acid (conc.)
Hydrofluoric G E P G E
Acid(30 %)
Hydrogen G E P E E
Peroxide(30 %)
Isopropyl E E P E E
Kerosene P E E G E
Mercury G G P E E
Methyl E E P G E
Methylene P P G P P
Methyl Iso- P P F P P
butyl Ketone
Methyl Meta- P P G P P
Naptha P P E F E
Nitric Acid (10%) P P P G E
Nitric Acid (70%) P G P P P
Nitric Acid P P P P P
Nitrobenzene P P E P P
Nitromethane P G E P P
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Oleum P P P F P
Parathion P P G F P
Pentane P E E P E
Perchloroethylene P F E F P
Perchloric Acid P E P E E
Phenol G G P G E
Phosphoric Acid G E P E E
Pickling bath G G P G E
Potassium Hydroxide E E P E E
Propylene Oxide F P G P P
Pyridine F G G E F
Sodium Hydroxide E E P E E
Styrene P P G P P
Sulfuric Acid P P P G P
Tannic Acid E E F E E
Tetrachloethylene P P E P P
Tetrahydrofuran P P F P P
Toluene P P G P P
Toluene disocyanate F P G P P
Trichloro ethylene P P E P P
Xylene P P E P G
Symbols :
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Tear Resistance G G F F G
Abrasion Resistance G G G G E
Heat Resistance F E P P E
Flame Resistance P G P P P
Elongation E E F F G
Symbols :
P — Poor; F — Fair; G — Good; E — Excellent
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”