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Learning Module for Grade-12

Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions

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Learning Module for Grade-12
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
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VISION The Notre Dame of Kabacan, Inc. are guided by
“A God-centered community of friends renowned for its the following Core Values in a day to day basis:
academic excellence, holistic formation and pastoral S- Sincerity in trying to please God Always
orientation with Notre Dame as patroness and model.” E- Excellence in everything we do
MISSION R- Reconciliation, unity and interreligious dialogue
“Provide quality education and formation to its clientele towards Peace
with diverse cultures and faith through relevant programs V- Volunteerism as a way of life
updated instructions dynamic community extension and I- Integrity and honesty in all our dealings
active pastoral involvement.” C- Commitment to follow Jesus the Poor, Mary as
E-Empowerment through leadership that


To successfully finish this module lies on your eagerness to learn. Hence, this
module was carefully crafted just for you to learn with full of enthusiasm, vigor, diligence, and
independence. Aside from accomplishing the content and performance standard of this subject,
you’ll greatly learn additional skill sets that would help you quench your cravings for learning
and be a responsible and proud student in the future. The following are the guides that will
assist you in order for you to be on track and say at the end of this module that “I did great”;
1. Manage your time wisely. Create a suitable time schedule that will greatly help
you to understand each of the topics indicated in this module.
2. Be cautious with your time schedule in order for you to have the time to finish other
modules. It is best to put this module in a conspicuous area in order for you to be
aware of it and finish this module ahead of time.
Do not ask your teacher about some ideas that have been discussed in this
module. Always give time to digest each lesson well. If further clarifications are
needed to be raised, notify your teacher ahead.
3. Avoid being procrastinated on your modules. Remember, it is wise to finish the task
ahead of time.
4. Before doing each tasks, read and understand the assessment tools provided.
Don’t settle with low quality output. Aim for the highest standard. I know
you can do it.
5. Browse and read other resources (e.g. books, website, etc) that were related to this
module even prior doing the tasks in each part of this module.
Ensure that you will not miss any part of this module and should accomplish
every activity in this module as scheduled.
6. Additional discussions related to this subject will be conducted using Facebook
Messenger. Make sure to be part of the group chat for further queries and

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
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7. Inquiries, clarifications, and additional questions that were raised in social media
shall be of pure academic discussions. Only inquiries relevant to the subject are
highly encouraged and shall strictly enforce.
Avoid plagiarism and patch-writing. Patch-writing, a form of plagiarism refers to
the act of making small changes and substitutions to copied source material.

8. Lastly, you are the learner; hence, you work on the module on your own. Your
family members, guardians, and friends at home will only support you, thus all the
activities on this module must be done by YOU.

In order to pass this subject, you must:
1 Read and understand each topic carefully and do answer the pre-assessment
quizzes, self-assessment activities, and reflection questions.
2. Answer the print-based discussion activities.
3. Submit all task indicated in this module.
4. Submit the performance tasks needed for this subject.
5. Do the quarterly examinations.

Formative Assessment Activities

 You are required to answer the pre-assessment quizzes, self-assessment

activities, and reflection questions carefully and with full of understanding.

 The reflection questions were designed to help you analyze eachtopicin this module
for better understanding while the pre-assessment quizzes and self-assessment
activities were designed as a review management tool to prepare you for the written
works, performance tasks, and the quarterly assessments.


Week Learning Objective Activities

Discusses various art  Mind pressure
SEPTEMBER 7-11, 2020 forms found in
the Philippines. MAKE MEANING
Duration: 1 Week  Questions for
 Think of it
 Study time
 Complete me

 Expand your

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Learning Module for Grade-12
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
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Contemporary artists feel free to experiment with materials and use technology to
explore possibilities. What would you do with old textile, used plastic bottles, buri or
abaca? How can indigenous materials, found objects, and recycled materials be
combined to make an artwork? Can you use the computer to plan an art space before
installing an artwork? These are questions that artists grapple with in choosing or
planning the materials to use for their artworks.
The yearly celebration of Arts Month in February brings together artists from
different regions, who exhibit their artworks or combine their talents in public
performance. Here, we witness a variety of skills, art techniques, and art production,
such as installation of birds and animals made from leaves and twigs, rope and strings
meshed in a form; body art performance; digital presentation; music performance
amidst paintings, and many others.

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
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At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 identify the materials used in contemporary art;
 describe how technology has redefined art;
 make an artwork using selected materials creatively;
 explain the process of making an artwork;
 name and describe different types of techniques in art-making;
 give examples of how Filipino artists use certain art techniques; and
 explain how contemporary artists do interactive and collaborative art.

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
Page 5

Directions: Discover the words behind the jumbled letters. Arrange them!

1. TAR -

What can be the topic from the words revealed in the challenge?

“Art made and produces by artists living today.” – J. Paul Getty Museum

Contemporary artist are experimental in the materials they use. With the help of
technology and expand knowledge from other countries, contemporary artists are not
limited anymore in using traditional material.


The hanging bamboo chimes that create

sound when blown by the wind done by
Cavite-born artists Impy Pilapil.

Laguna artists Alfredo and

Isabel Aquilizan’s gathered used
objects, clothes, personal accessories,
and many other things and compressed
them into cube shapes.

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
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Paper as an art medium is also explored by artists like Mona Alcudia of Cebu,
who makes solid forms as well as transparent artworks using paper.

Painting is no longer confined to

canvas hung on the wall, they can
also be found on ceilings and floors.
An example of a painting which was
painted by Batanes born artist Pacita
Abad with 2,350 multiple colors.

Paint is also used for body art. An

example is Cagayan de Oro artist Nicolas Aca,
who paints his body to project an effect.

Some artists salvage materials that they can still use to make creative forms.
They can combine materials like wood and metal that can interact with the wind to make
music. There are some who used everyday items like plastic cover for sculpture, mirror
or yarn. Some may use their personal things like clothes or accessories.

Activity 1: Mind pressure!

A. Answer the following questions!

1. What makes this artwork contemporary?

2. How does this artwork reflect the people of today?

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
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B. Search the Internet for artworks by Alfredo and Isabel Aquilizan, Pacita Abad,
or Impy Pilapil. Choose one artwork that you like. Study the materials that the
artists used for the artworks. Note how he or she put together the materials to
form an art piece. Then answer the following questions:

1. How would you describe the artwork?

2. What is the subject matter of the artwork?

3. What materials are used in the artwork?

4. What are the dominant colors?

5. How does the size of the repeated elements vary?

6. How is texture used?

7. Is it beautiful? Why do you think so?

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
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Materials Used in Contemporary Art

On page 13-14 of your reference book Contemporary “Philippine Arts from the
Regions” read and analyze what materials are being used in making Contemporary
Arts and the examples given from the text. Then proceed to answer the following
questions below:

Activity 1: Questions for discussion

Direction: Express your ideas by writing down your answer on the space

1. Identify the materials used in contemporary art.

2. Describe how technology has redefined art.

3. Make an artwork using selected materials creatively.

4. Explain the process of making one’s artwork.

Activity 2: Think of it!

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
Page 9

Direction: Complete the following sentences:

1. In contemporary art-making, the artists use a variety of materials such as

2. The artists has to master the use of his or her chosen material because

3. Technology has changed the way art-making is done in contemporary art. It

allows artist to

Skills, Techniques, and

There are different types of techniques that artists can choose from:

Production in
Collage – is made by adhering flat elements such as newspaper or magazines cutouts,
printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloths, strings, etc. to a flat surface to
create a thick layer that is almost like a relief sculpture.

Contemporary Art
Decalcomania – is the process of applying gouache to paper or glass then transferring
a reversal of that image onto canvas or other flat materials.
Decoupage - is done by gluing decorative paper cutouts onto an object and then
coating these with one or more coats of transparent coating or varnish.
Frottage – is the technique of rubbing crayon on a piece of paper which has been
placed over an object or an image. The impression of the image can be made
using leaves, wood, wire screen, or metal with embossed image or words.
Montage – is used for photography or film where a pictorial image is juxtaposed or
placed overlapping to make another picture or design.
Trapunto – painting is the technique used by Pacita Abad where her canvases are
padded, sewn, and often filled with sequins, beads, shells, button, tiny mirrors,
bits of glass, rickrack, swatches of precious textiles, and other things that she
picks up from her travels and journey.

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
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Digital application – for art viewing is another technique. An example was made
possible by the Samsung Supports the Arts FACETS based at Yuchengco

Activity 3: Study time!

1. What are the different types of techniques in art-making? Describe each technique.

2. How do Filipino artists use art techniques? Describe one example cited in the lesson.

3. How are interactive and collaborative art done by contemporary artists?

Activity 4: Complete me!

Direction: Complete the following sentences

1. Art Production requires skills and techniques such as

2. Digital application can enhance art making by

3. Interactive and collaborative art production can benefit the artists and the public by

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
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Contemporary art is not confined to the museum. Artworks are also found in
galleries, arts schools, side streets, and public spaces like the train or bus stations,
shopping centers, or parks. Many installation artworks are intended for display in a
particular setting and for a given span of time. Then, they are deconstructed and cannot
be repeated. Some artworks are posted online. This means anyone who has access to
the internet can view the artwork and actually purchase it.
Style in contemporary art can fall under any of the more than 100 styles, but can
be categorized under the few big movements in art. Artists salvage materials that can
be recycled and make these into creative forms. They can make artworks that combine
structure and wood and interact with the wind to make music.
Artists explore the materials in hardware stores, and experiment with chemical
reactions on their base material. There are those who learn welding and simple
engineering skills. Some hire resin makers, house painters, and material fabricators to
help them in constructing their artworks.

Activity 1: Expand your knowledge!

Direction: Explain the following exercises.

1. Tell why contemporary art is not confined to the museum.

2. What are the most common subject matter and materials in contemporary art?
Describe these.

3. What skills are necessary for production in contemporary art? Explain each one.

4. Create an advertisement with visuals and text to illustrate your newly learned

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
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VIBAL - Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions by Veronica E. Ramirez, PHD

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