Shs-Hope-12-2 MSW
Shs-Hope-12-2 MSW
Shs-Hope-12-2 MSW
First Semester
(First Quarter)
Department of Education
Learning Activity Sheet in HOPE 12
(Grade 12)
Copyright © 2020
Dance can be used in so many ways. One of the functions of a dance is to relieve stress. In
able for us to avoid chronic illness or diseases, we opted to seek activities that may help us to
have a healthy living. Avoiding stress can make our life easy and much more fun. Through
dancing, we lead to a healthy lifestyle.
Dance is purposeful. It plays a vital role for self-expression and has been part of rituals and
religious gatherings. It is also part of our culture and traditions throughout the years. It was
passed from one generation to another. Its functions become extensive that it can even create
a great impact in our daily lives.
Dance is a form of exercise. It provides proper body coordination, mobility and reduces
tension in the body. It calms our mind and releases toxins in our body.
Dance offers a creative outlet for people to express their personalities in a safe
Your work environment is not always the best place to express who really you are. More
often, than not, you need to be a more buttoned up version of yourself and hide much of your
inner self. Dancing offers an outlet for people to express who they are- through music,
movement or even costumes. Dancing helps you connect to whom you really are.
Dancing Improves Your Physical Health
From weight loss, to increasing flexibility, stronger bones and building muscle tone, dancing
is a total body workout. Dancing can be a way to stay fit people of all ages, shapes, and sizes.
It has a wide range of physical and mental benefits. And nothing makes you feel less stressed
than when you know you are doing great things for your physical and mental health.
It is well- known today that stress is a silent killer and causes things from inflammation in the
heart to psychological distress. However, you can avoid these terrible effects by taking simple
measures like dancing.
• The scientific reason why dance can act as a stress reliever stems from the idea
that when the body feels good, the mind does, too.
• Any type of physical activity releases neurotransmitters and endorphins which
alleviate stress. Neurotransmitters are chemicals within the brain that help
communicate messages throughout the body.
• Endorphins are the body’s natural painkiller to reduce stress and improve the
mind’s perception of the world.
2. Dance Offers a Creative Outlet for People to Express their Personalities in a Safe
• Dancing offers an outlet for people to express who they are––through music,
movement or even costumes.
• Dancing helps you connect to who you really are. Leave that suit or pencil skirt at
the office and trade it in for sparkles and spandex.
Dance is a viable and enjoyable activity, a potential career for other people especially to
people with disabilities who face several barriers to participation and training. The main
barriers include attitudinal, aesthetic, training related and logistical in nature, with further
barriers related to physical access and a lack of knowledge or available information about
2. Absence of gymnasium
3. Tiredness and
5. Afraid of sprain
2. Is it possible to incorporate any kind of dance into dance exercise? Why did you say so?
3. Aside from HipHop, what other forms of dance can be incorporated in a dance exercise?
Folk dances are the indigenous dances of any specific ``Folk`` or the common people. They
are traditional customary or recreational dance forms of a given country which have evolved
naturally and were handed down across generation.
Folk dances are related to every performance in our daily lives, such as customs, rituals, and
occupation of a specific group of people. Most of these dances are related in origin to
religious belief, stemming from emotions superstitions, festivals, ceremonies of birth,
courtship, marriage, death, war, and countless themes common to all people around the
The three major regional classification of Philippine folk dances are tribal dances from the
Cordilleras, lowland Christians, and Muslim dances.
1. Tribal dances from the Cordilleras include non-Christians dances from the Cordilleras.
2. Lowland Christian dances are dances coming from places with Western influences as
that of the Tagalogs, Ilocanos, Pampaguenos, Pangasinense, Bisayans, and Bicolonas.
These dances are influenced by Hispanic and European cultures.
3. Muslim dances are dances from the people of the Southern Islands of the Philippines
such as in Mindanao and Sulu. These dances are influenced by Arabic and IndoMalayan
Directions: Match the Fundamental Dance Steps in Folkdance to its proper image illustration.
1. 1st Position:
Raise both arms forming a circle
________ in front of chest with the
fingertips about an inch apart.
2. 2nd Position:
3. 3rd Position:
Arms: One arm raised sideward, ________ the
other arm overhead.
4. 4th Position:
5th Position:
________ Both hands raised overhead.
2nd Position:
Feet apart sideward of about a pace distance.
9. 4th Position:
5th Position:
1. What is the importance of studying folk dances? How can you help in the preservation of
the folk dances?
3. What are the challenges that you have encountered while performing fundamental steps in
4. Identify dance/s in your locality and classify them according to their categories.
Complete this statement:
➢ Physical Education and Health Volume II Published and Distributed by: REX
Book Store.Pp23-33.
Improving fitness is an important goal for achieving optimum health. If carefully planned,
performed, monitored, and evaluated, positive health–related outcomes will be achieved
and the risks to acquiring health problems will be reduced. One of the best physical activity
is dancing. Most forms of dance may be considered as aerobic exercise.
The frequency of dance exercise refers to the number of times a dance activity is done.
According to the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines, it is recommended to
exercise 3-5 days per week and for more optimal results, exercise such as dance can be
done in most days of the week with a combination of lightmoderate-vigorous activity.
The rate at which the activity is performed is called Intensity. It is also referred to as the
magnitude of the effort required to perform an activity or dance steps/ routines. It describes
how easy or how hard a person has to work in a certain steps, and it varies from one person
to another. The determination of intensity depends on some individual factors such as
exercise, relative level of fitness, and needs of fitness.
The intensity level target may be determined by computing the target heart rate (THR)
range based on the results of an exercise stress test, considering the resting and exercise
heart rate, with 60% to 80% intensity level. (Karvonen's Formula)
The type of dance activity is determined by following the principle of progression and
specificity. To attain a higher level of fitness, select the type of physical activity that
challenges the body to accept an increase in work and caters the body’s need.
Time is the duration or the length of session of a physical activity. It is inversely related to
Intensity since the more intense a work is done, the shorter time it is performed.
Directions: Compute your Target Heart Rate Range in 4 steps. Write your answers in a
separate sheet.
1. Get the Maximum Heart Rate. Age: RHR:
(your age)
MHR =_________
(In getting your resting heart rate, place your index and middle finger on
your wrist just below the thumb so you can feel your pulse. Use a watch to
count the number of beats for 30 seconds and double it to get your beats per
a. 60% x HRR =
b. 80% x HRR =
4. Add each HRR to Resting Heart Rate (RHR) to obtain the Target Heart Rate (THR) range.
2. How can these dance steps help you in achieving or maintaining health related fitness?
(Week 8-9)
Cheer dance is coined from the words: “cheer” and “dance.” To cheer is to shout-out/
shoutout words or phrases that motivate and boost the morale of a playing team to perform
better during the game while to Dance is to do physical activity where one expresses
emotions or gestures while performing bodily movements usually in time and rhythm.
On the other hand, Cheerleading is the performance of a routine, usually dominated by a
gymnastic skill such as jumps, tumbling skills, lifts and tosses combined with shouting of
cheers and yells to lead the crowd to cheer for a certain team during a game or sport. To
draw the connection between Cheerleading to Cheer dancing, it is but imperative to take
a closer look and have an in depth understanding on cheerleading. This will lead you to the
idea that cheer dancing is deeply rooted from cheerleading.
There are three elements which make up a dance, these are: Space, Energy, and Time.
Space is an element which deals with the physical area where dancers move accordingly. This
comprises Direction, Size, Level, and Focus
Energy speaks of the power of a dance; could it be heavy or light, Sharp or smooth,
depending on what type of dance is being executed.
Time includes Beat, Tempo, Rhythmic Pattern, Duration, and Accent, refers to the
length, patterns of movement, music accompaniment’s beat, and tempo, as well as the
accent of the dance.
Bucket - arms are straight with fists facing down, as if holding the handle of a bucket in each
Candlestick - arms are straight with fists pacing each other as if they were holding a lit candle
in each hand.
Blade - arms are in straight sideways, open palm and fist facing down, and fingers must stick
Jazz Hands - open palm, fingers are spread out.
Clap - strike palms together in front of the chest
Claps - claps hands together in front of the chest
T- Motion - both arms are extended sideways parallel to the ground
Half T – both arms are parallel to the ground and the both elbows are bent.
Touchdown - arms are stretch out in upward position; closed fist facing in
K Motion - one arm is raised upward, while the other arm positioned downward across to
the opposite side.
Checkmark - arms are extended upward, clasp hands together
Dagger - both arms are bent; clenched fists facing each other parallel to shoulder
Box – both arms are bent; clenched fists facing each other; elbows are on shoulder
Tuck Jump - as you jump, bring knees closer to chest, keep knees together.
Spread Eagle- as you jump, arms and legs are extended open wide.
Double Hook- as you jump, both knees are bent sideways.
Front Hurdler- bring straight leg up to chest and between the arms, back knee points
towards the ground; land with feet together at the same time.
Front Hurdler- bring straight leg up to chest and between the arms, back knee points
towards the ground; land with feet together at the same time.
Side Hurdler - as you jump, one leg is bent; knee is facing forward, while the other leg
goes straight up.
Pike Jump- keep head up; bring legs to arms; arms parallel to the ground.
Toe Touch - also known as straddle jump. As you jump, legs are open and parallel
to the ground.
Directions: Below are the pictures of the essential steps in cheerleading. Identify the name of
each steps and write your answers in a separate sheet.
Directions: Choose at least 10 basic steps in Cheer dance and take photos of you while
executing the different movements. Label each photo before sending it via messenger or
email provided by the teacher.
1. _________________________ 6. _______________________
2. _________________________ 7. _______________________
3. _________________________ 8. _______________________
4. _________________________ 9. _______________________
5. _________________________ 10. ______________________
Technical Dance is being Dance is being Dance is being Only some Although
Skill performed with performed with performed understanding remembers
great attention attention with attention of technical some of the
to quality of to details of to most details elements (i.e. dances, only
movement, technique, has of technique, footwork, few attention
body position, attained quality of was
but has not
placement on proficiency in movements, being paid to
stage and other dance style. body how
proficiency in movements are
details. Also positions)
dance style is done or other
demonstrates an yet. being details of
demonstrated dance.
of dance style.
Directions: Respond to the following questions below. Explain briefly and write your answers
in a separate sheet.
1. After performing the Activity 2, how significant for a performer to know his/her medical
conditions before participating in Moderate, Vigorous, Physical Activities (MVPA) like
cheer dance?
3. From your experience, do you see yourself participating in such activities in school in the
future? Why or why not?
Complete this statement:
What I have learned in this activity
➢ Physical Education and Health Vol. II by Conrado Aparato, Zyra Brebante, lualhati
Callo and Peter Dajime