Kaiser Permanente California Dental Insurance Plan Brochure KPIF 2011

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Dental Insurance Plan

A reason to smile: Kaiser Permanente Example

Service Adult cleaning
offers an optional Dental Insurance
Plan dentist charges2 $75.00
Plan. This plan is underwritten by Kaiser Plan pays – $43.20
You pay $31.80
Permanente Insurance Company (KPIC),
The “Sample list of allowable services” on the back
a subsidiary of Kaiser Foundation Health
displays some covered services and the maximum
Plan, Inc., and administered by Delta amount payable by the plan. The full list is in the
Certificate of Insurance.
Dental of California, one of the nation’s
largest and most experienced dental No deductible for preventive services
There is no deductible to meet for diagnostic or
benefits providers. preventive services, like cleanings and X-rays. For
other services, there is a $25 calendar-year deductible.

Freedom to choose Annual maximum

This dental plan features lower annual deductibles The plan will pay up to a maximum of $1,000 toward
and competitive rates. Plus, you may choose from dental services per calendar year.
Delta Dental’s more than 25,000 affiliated dental Waiting period
providers in California or select any other licensed Some covered dental services are subject to a waiting
dentist of your choice. period.3 Consult the complete Table of Allowances in
To enroll in or decline the Dental Insurance Plan, the Certificate of Insurance for the specific dental
simply check the appropriate box on your application. services subject to this waiting period.

How the plan works Eligibility

If you enroll in the plan, you will receive a Table of If you do not enroll at this time, you may not enroll
Allowances (in the dental plan’s Certificate of Insurance) until the time of your annual plan update.
that allows you to see all covered services and the 2011 monthly rate
amount the plan pays.1
Enrollee only $24.94

When you visit a Delta Dental participating dentist,

If you discontinue coverage, re-enrollment will be
you will pay the difference between what the dentist
available two years from your initial enrollment date.
charges and what the plan pays. If you go to a
For example, if your dental coverage starts in January
non–Delta dentist, you may be responsible for the
2011 and you decide to drop coverage in October 2011,
entire bill, and you will receive reimbursement of
you must wait until January 2013 to sign up again.
the covered amount from KPIC after submitting your
claim to Delta Dental.

Advantages of seeing a participating dentist include

no claim forms, no wait for reimbursement, and
possibly a lower rate due to Delta Dental’s
prenegotiated fees with its in-network dentists.

1 The
 Table of Allowances lists the maximum amount, or allowance, that the plan will pay for each covered dental service. The plan will pay
the lowest dollar amount among the following three: the dentist’s usual, customary, and reasonable fee; the fee actually charged; or the
allowance. Any difference between the allowance and the dentist’s fee will be the responsibility of the patient.
2 Service charges vary.
3 The
 waiting period is the period of time during which you are required to have been continuously covered under the Dental Insurance Plan
before a specific dental service will be a covered benefit.
Sample list of allowable services1
Plan Plan
Procedure pays2 Procedure pays2
Diagnostic Prosthodontics
Comprehensive oral evaluation—new or established patient $25.20 Complete denture—mandibular $241.00
X-rays—complete intraoral series including bitewings $54.00 Note: Coverage includes routine post-delivery care. Procedures
are subject to a 12-month waiting period. Procedures relating to
Preventive dentures, partial dentures, and relines include adjustments for
Prophylaxis/cleaning a six-month period following installation. Such procedures do
not include specialized techniques involving precision dentures,
Adult $43.20 personalization, or characterizations.
Child through age 13 $33.60 Oral and maxillofacial surgery
Restorative Extraction, erupted tooth, or exposed root $39.00
Fillings (elevation and/or forceps removal)
Amalgam—one surface, primary or permanent $35.00 Note: Coverage includes local anesthesia; suturing, if needed;
and routine postoperative care. Procedures are subject to a
Resin-based composite—one surface, anterior $46.00 six‑month waiting period.
Note: Procedures are subject to a six-month waiting period. Surgical removal of erupted tooth requiring elevation of $74.00
Crown mucoperiosteal flap and removal of bone and/or section
of tooth
Resin with high noble metal $182.00
Note: Extraction includes local anesthesia; suturing, if needed;
Note: Procedures are subject to a six-month waiting period.
and routine postoperative care. Procedures are subject to a
Endodontics six‑month waiting period.

Root canal General services

Anterior (excluding final restoration) $193.00 Office visit
Bicuspid (excluding final restoration) $227.00 Office visit for observation—during regularly scheduled $24.00
hours (no other services performed)
Molar (excluding final restoration) $306.00
Office visit—after regularly scheduled hours $49.00
Note: Coverage includes treatment plan, clinical procedures, and
follow-up care. Procedures include all test X-rays taken as part For a complete list of benefits, consult the Table of
of the complete root canal procedure. Procedures are subject to Allowances in the Certificate of Insurance.
a six‑month waiting period.

To make an appointment
Simply contact the dentist of your choice and let him or her know you are covered under Delta Dental.

Have a question?
Call Delta Dental at 1-800-933-9312 (if you are already enrolled, call 1-888-335-8227), 5 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, or visit deltadentalins.com.

1 There
 are certain limitations and exclusions to the benefits of this plan. Please refer to the Certificate of Insurance for an accurate and
complete list of treatments and services not covered. To receive a Certificate of Insurance, call Delta Dental of California.
2 Plan
 payment amounts are only a sample and are to be used for illustrative purposes only. Please refer to the Table of Allowances in the
Certificate of Insurance for an accurate and complete list of benefits and allowances. To receive a Certificate of Insurance, call Delta Dental
of California.

Kaiser Permanente for Individuals and Families

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