Flood Vulnerability Assessment by Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) Method: A Study On Sirajganj Sadar Upazila

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18485/ijdrm.2021.3.1.

Research article



Mst. Airen Aktara, Kanij Shohanib , Md. Nazmul Hasan c and Md. Kamrul Hasand*
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Pabna University of

Science & Technology, Pabna, Bangladesh; e-mail: [email protected]

Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Pabna University of

Science & Technology, Pabna, Bangladesh; e-mail: [email protected]

Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Pabna University of

Science & Technology, Pabna, Bangladesh; e-mail: [email protected]

Assistant Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Pabna University

of Science & Technology, Pabna, Bangladesh. e-mail: [email protected]

*Correspondence: Assistant Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning,
Pabna University of Science & Technology, Pabna-6600, Bangladesh.
E-mail: [email protected]; Tel.: +880-1783571409

Abstract: Flood is one of the most common and extreme hazards in Bangladesh
because of its geographical location. Sirajganj is a district with the highest flood
propensity in Bangladesh. The study aims to evaluate the vulnerability in the ten
Unions of Sirajganj Sadar upazila to the flood hazard. Different forms of vul-
nerability evaluation approaches differ in their method. The Flood Vulnerability
Index (FVI) method has been implemented in this research to determine flood
vulnerability in order to classify which areas of the study are the most vulnerable
to flooding. For the study of flood vulnerability, three indicators (i.e. exposure,
sensitivity and resilience, etc) are selected in four dimensions (social, financial,
environmental and physical). The FVI calculation determines the flood vulner-
ability index scores for each union. Following the analysis of FVI, in Sirajganj
Sadar Upazila Mechhra union is marked as being highly vulnerable. Since this
union is very poor in adaptability, coping capacity and resilience; exposure and
susceptibility are greater. The other syndicates are highly exposed to floods. Fi-
nally, the zoning map for flood risk was developed on the basis of vulnerability
index ratings.
Keywords: Vulnerability; Flood Vulnerability Index; Exposure; Susceptibility;
Airen Aktara, Kanij Shohanib , Md. Nazmul Hasan c and Md. Kamrul Hasan

1. Introduction

Bangladesh is one of the world’s biggest rivers with a dense network of Ganges, Brahma-
putra with Meghna distributors, and over 230 main rivers and tributaries. The basin Ganges,
Brahmaputra and Meghna occupies a net total area of roughly 1.76 x 106 square kilometers
spanning Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India and Nepal. Just 7% of this vast catchment area
is in Bangladesh. The country’s monthly yearly precipitation ranges from 1500 to 5000 mm
with an average of 2300 mm. Bangladesh is particularly vulnerable to flood dangers due to its
geographical location, land characteristics, the multitude of rivers and the mountain climate.
The floods are annual, with the worst floods happening in July and August. A few days now,
the earth has been flooded, inhabitants have been displaced on a wide scale and econom-
ic disruption and ecological impacts have been immense. Global warming such as climate
change, demographic and economic development and urbanization is exacerbating floods.
As a consequence, floods routinely affect life and livelihoods (Bhattacharya et al, 2013).
In Bangladesh, flooding is by far the most frequent and dangerous threat. During the
monsoon season, the volume of water flowing into Bangladesh from upstream exceeds the
rivers’ capacity. Each year, over 26,000 km2 (roughly 18 percent of the country) of Bangladesh
is flooded, killing over 5,000 people and damaging over seven million homes due to melt
water from the Himalayas. Floods have wreaked havoc on Bangladesh throughout its history,
especially in 1966, 1987, 1988, and 1998. (Disaster Management in Bangladesh, 2003).
Sirajganj is one of Bangladesh’s worst-affected districts due to flooding. Since so much of
Sirajganj district is located along the Jamuna River, it is regularly flooded and eroded. Be-
cause of the comparatively low lying areas and deltas, as well as the presence of a large river
called Brahmaputra, the ten unions of this Upazila are the most vulnerable to flooding (Bhu-
yian, 2014). In this report, the Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) approach is used to assess
flood hazard vulnerability in order to determine which areas in Sirajganj Sadar Upazila are
the most vulnerable to flooding (FVI).

2. Literature review

In contrast to other methods, the indicator-based approach offers a more detailed image
of overall flood vulnerability in each region. In flood risk management, vulnerability is the
most important factor to consider. One of the most important goals of flood vulnerability as-
sessment is to establish a direct link between theoretical flood vulnerability conceptions and
the day-to-day administrative process. Since a variety of methods to assessing vulnerability
have been adopted, authorities must choose the most suitable technique. Curve method, ca-
tastrophe loos data method, computer simulation methods, and indicator based methods are
the four most commonly used evaluation methods (Nasiri et al., 2016).
The report, titled “Flood vulnerability index as a knowledge base for flood risk assessment
in urban areas,” focused on the flood vulnerability index as a knowledge base for flood risk
assessment in urban areas. There is a need to develop flood risk management strategies due
to the magnitude of the effects of flooding. The assessment of flood risk at the urban scale
is one of the most critical aspects of flood management. Many studies have been conducted
on flood danger, including flood vulnerability assessments, because understanding vulner-
ability is important not only for the survival of communities that are vulnerable to extreme
flooding, but also for their adaptation to climate change. Developing a Flood Vulnerability
Index is one strategy for achieving this aim (FVI). The Vulnerability Index will assess which
areas are the most vulnerable to flooding and should be taken into account during potential

International journal of disaster risk management • (IJDRM) • Vol. 3, No. 1
Flood Vulnerability Assessment by Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) Method:
A Study on Sirajganj Sadar Upazila

redevelopments. That is, FVI establishes a connection between theoretical flood vulnerability
expectations and the day-to-day flood management process. This research is largely focused
on the flood risk literature (Nasiri, 2013).
The study “Community Vulnerability Assessment Tool Methodology” developed the
Community Vulnerability Assessment Tool (CVAT), a danger and vulnerability assessment
methodology that aids emergency managers and planners in their efforts to minimize hazard
vulnerabilities through hazard mitigation, systematic landuse, and development planning.
The model takes into account a variety of threats, such as storm surge, wind, and tornadoes,
and provides a methodology for identifying and prioritizing them. The model also defines
sensitive facilities (e.g., police, fire, hospitals, shelters, services, and so on) and calculates their
vulnerability to physical and operational hazards. A small number of inputs are used in a
social vulnerability study, but the analysis is not exhaustive (Flax et al., 2002).
This paper, titled “Reducing the Complexity of the Flood Vulnerability Index,” examines
the findings of an examination conducted to select the most important indicators in order
to create a frugal use of the FVI. This approach is applicable at three different spatial scales
(river basin, sub-catchment, and urban) and to the various components of flood vulnerability
(social, economic, environmental, and physical), just as it was with the original methodology.
Improvements to the FVI methodology were made by assessing the indicators’ importance
and studying the key indicators needed to effectively represent the reality of the fluvial floods.
This was accomplished by the use of statistical methods (a derivative and a correlation meth-
od) as well as expert expertise (via a questionnaire). Finally, both of these approaches were
combined to define the most important indicators and simplify the FVI equations. After its
complexity is reduced, the FVI can be more easily used as a tool for flood risk reduction, de-
cision-making enhancement, and education (Balica & Wright, 2010).
The article “Social Impacts and Flood Vulnerability in Bangladesh and Nepal” looked
at flood vulnerability, impacts, and coping strategies in Bangladesh and Nepal, with the
goal of proposing a long-term mitigation strategy. According to historical data, floods in
Bangladesh and Nepal have increased in frequency, severity, and length since 1970, causing
significant human suffering, disruptions in normal life and activity, infrastructure, crop and
agricultural destruction, and severe economic impacts. Both countries’ disaster manage-
ment bureaus have already organized numerous trainings, conferences, and seminars to
disseminate scientific information and disaster preparedness practices to disaster managers
and increase public awareness. Apart from modern flood control methods, the people of
these countries have lived with flooding for centuries, depending on traditional/indigenous
knowledge and other local adaptation practices. It is critical that indigenous, traditional,
and conventional traditions be incorporated into national and regional policy, and this
should be accomplished through a participatory process involving policymakers and rele-
vant stakeholders (Dewan, 2015).
The article “Community Responses to Flood Early Warning System: Case Study in Kai-
juri Union, Bangladesh” examined community-based flood early warning system responses.
Early alert is a vital aspect of reducing disaster risk. There have been significant advances in
medium-range and seasonal forecasting in recent decades. This paper outlines an integrated
framework for medium-range flood forecasting that is focused on the needs of agricultural
users in order to minimize flood impacts on the farming community. Danger and vulnerabil-
ity evaluations were carried out by group consultation as part of the methodology. Based on
farmers’ needs for early warning, the study included creating a flood risk map and response
options to flood risk probabilistic forecasts. The ability to use probabilistic forecasts for or-
ganizational decision-making is demonstrated in this report. Focus group meetings, infor-
mal interviews, and surveys were used to determine the predicted lead-time requirements,

International journal of disaster risk management • (IJDRM) • Vol. 3, No. 1
Airen Aktara, Kanij Shohanib , Md. Nazmul Hasan c and Md. Kamrul Hasan

impacts, and management options for crops and livestock. The findings included flood risk
mapping focused on the study area’s communities’ exposure to flooding, as well as early
warning impacts before and after flood events (Fakhruddin et al., 2015).
The research “Flood hazards and vulnerability assessment in a Riverine Flood Prone Re-
gion: a case study” aims in a remote sensing and geographic information system to evaluate
the danger and vulnerabilities of riverine floods in a flood-prone area (GIS). Flood frequency
analyzes are carried out for the purpose of assessing flood risk and vulnerability to various
levels. The vulnerability feature is developed for settlement and fisheries vulnerability maps.
Depth harm relationship has been established for the development of the vulnerability fea-
ture. In order to generate a Raster-based vulnerability chart, vulnerability functions of set-
tlement and fishing are utilized. The flux frequency analysis demonstrates the best fitting
distribution for flood frequency analysis in the study area of Pearson form III distribution. In
the 100-year return cycle, floods represent 48, 35, 53 and 38 respectively, respectively, for the
total agricultural, settlement, and fishery areas. Vulnerability has been observed in settlement
areas that are scaled down to low, very low, moderate, high and very high. The vulnerable
fishery areas of 18, 19, 9, 3 and 4 percent in 100 years of water supply are poor, extremely
low, moderate, high and very high. The research findings may be useful for a potential flood
mitigation strategy in the field of study (Bhuiyan, 2014).

3. Research materials and methods

3.1 Study Area Profile

Sirajganj Sadar Upazila (Sirajganj district) area 320.15 sq. km, located in between 24°22’
and 24°37’ north latitudes and in between 89°36’ and 89°47’ east longitudes. The study area
is unions of Sirajganj Sadar Upazila which is one of the worst flood affected region of Bang-
ladesh. It was surrounded by a network of rivers namely Jamuna. Sirajganj Sadar Upazila
located at the right side of Jamuna River. Every year this Upazila flooded in monsoon rain-
fall period from July to September. All union of this Upazila are vulnerable to flood. Flood
vulnerability analysis is important for understanding which unions are more vulnerable and
which unions are less vulnerable to flood. Every year flood occurs in this Upazila and is very
vulnerable to flood because of its geographic location and Jamuna River. That’s why Sirajganj
Sadar Upazila is selected as the study area.

International journal of disaster risk management • (IJDRM) • Vol. 3, No. 1
Flood Vulnerability Assessment by Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) Method:
A Study on Sirajganj Sadar Upazila

(Source: Author, 2019)

Figure 1. Study Area (Sirajganj Sadar Upazila)

Sirajganj Sadar Upazila consists of ten unions namely Baghbati, Bahuli, Kalia Haripur,
Kaoakola, Khoksabari, Mechhra, Ratankandi, Saidabad, Shialkul, Chhangachha. Basic Infor-
mation about these ten unions is shown in table1.

International journal of disaster risk management • (IJDRM) • Vol. 3, No. 1
Airen Aktara, Kanij Shohanib , Md. Nazmul Hasan c and Md. Kamrul Hasan

Table 1. Union Wise Distribution in Sirajganj Sadar Upazila

Population Literacy Child mor- Disable
Union Name Population Growth
Density Rate (%) tality Rate People
Rate (%)
Baghbati 53015 1994 1.77 41.9 4.6 1.4
Bahuli 39403 1661 1.14 39.1 4.6 1.2
Kalia Haripur 50400 1786 1.37 44.0 4.6 2.5
Kaoakola 17713 541 1.35 31.1 4.6 1.0
Khoksabari 302705 1549 0.69 44.8 4.6 2.1
Mechhra 24766 486 1.59 35.4 4.6 1.8
Ratankandi 48916 1467 0.33 40.7 4.6 1.5
Saidabad 47610 1328 2.08 40.7 4.6 4.6
Shialkul 45965 1882 1.88 45.1 4.6 1.1
Chhangachha 381709 1406 1.09 43.9 4.6 1.9
(Source: Field survey, 2019)

3.2 Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI)

Because of the increased flood hazard, better approaches must be established to help de-
cision-making in flood risk management. The Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) is a tool fo-
cused on indicators. The FVI has been thoroughly evaluated with regard to all components
of a flood disaster that are most likely to be affected: social, economic, environmental and
physical. The FVI tests the vulnerability level for each factor (exposure, susceptibility and
resilience). Vulnerability itself is known to be a combination of exposure, susceptibility and
Vulnerability = (Exposure × Susceptibility)/ Resilience (Balica and Wright, 2010).
This study’s evolved approach aims to assess flood vulnerability in three ways: (1) visibil-
ity, (2) susceptibility, and (3) resilience. These variables are defined as follows by (Pouya et
al., 2017): People, property, structures, and other elements that are present in hazard zones
and are thus exposed to potential losses have been described as exposure. Flooding can have
an effect on humans and physical objects, which is known as exposure. The values that are
present at the place where floods occur can be understood. Exposure is a term that is used to
describe the process Goods, facilities, cultural heritage, agricultural lands, and people can all
be included among these values. The elements revealed within the framework that affect the
probabilities of being harmed in a flooding situation are referred to as susceptibility. General
population, social ties, and institutional growth data are among the susceptibility measures.
The ability of a system, population, or society exposed to hazards to withstand, absorb, and
recover from the effects of a hazard is known as resilience. Political, administrative, environ-
mental, and social organizational evaluations are all used to assess resilience.

International journal of disaster risk management • (IJDRM) • Vol. 3, No. 1
Flood Vulnerability Assessment by Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) Method:
A Study on Sirajganj Sadar Upazila

Flood vulnerability is an important factor to consider when assessing flood risk and as-
sessing damage. Many methods for assessing flood susceptibility have been developed by
researchers. It’s difficult to quantify flood vulnerability because it depends on a variety of
factors including social, economic, environmental, physical, and even political factors. The
selection of indicators is the first step in any indicator-based vulnerability assessment. There
are three types of vulnerability assessment methods: vulnerability index systems, vulnera-
bility curve methods, and disaster loss data (Nasiri, 2013). The vulnerability index system
has been used to assess flood vulnerability in Sirajganj Sadar Upazila among these methods.
Since this Upazila is heavily populated, it is prone to flooding. Exposure, susceptibility, and
resilience are three factors having impacts on calculation of vulnerability. The FVI has been
evaluated holistically, taking into account all dimensions that are most likely to be impacted
by a flood disaster in Sirajganj Sadar Upazila: social, economic, environmental, and physical.
The FVI framework used in this study evaluates the degree of vulnerability for each indicator
(exposure, susceptibility, and resilience) across four dimensions and multiple spatial scales.
Table 2 illustrates the appropriate indicators under four factors but it is an important mat-
ter that selection of vulnerability indicators is directly relevant to that study context.
Table 2. FVI system components

Exposure Acronym Susceptibility Acronym Resilience Acronym
Population Educational status
Growth (Literacy Rate)
Population Awareness & Pre-
Density paredness
Institutional Ar-
Child Mor- rangement
Training Program
Disable People
Indigenous Prac-
Warning System
Household Economic Diversi-
Assets fication
Agricultural Unemploy-
Dependency ment
Flood Insurance
Land Use
Envi- River bank Embankment E
ron-mental Monsoon Erosion
Rainfall Water Body
Closeness to System
Geographic Access to Utility &
Location Service facility
Housing Pat-
tern Flood Shelter
(Prepared by: Author, 2019)
The general formula for FVI is calculated by classifying the component in three groups of
indicators: exposure (E), susceptibility (S) and resilience (R)-

International journal of disaster risk management • (IJDRM) • Vol. 3, No. 1
Airen Aktara, Kanij Shohanib , Md. Nazmul Hasan c and Md. Kamrul Hasan

FVI = …………………………………………………. (i)

With regard to indicators this equation is become to following ones (Balica, 2012) -

= ……………………. (ii)
= ...……………………. (iii)

= ..……………………. (iv)

= …………………………. (v)
……………..….. (vi)

Total FVI of each urban area is the sum of these four indicators based FVI (Eq. ii-vi). This
index value indicates extent of vulnerability as follows in below table.
Table 3. Flood vulnerability interpretation (Balica, 2012)

Index value Description

<0.01 Very small vulnerability to floods
0.01-0.25 Small vulnerability to floods
0.25-0.50 Vulnerable to floods
0.50-0.75 High vulnerability to floods
0.75-1.00 Very high vulnerability to floods

4. Flood vulnerability analysis:

flood vulnerability assessment is analyzed for ten unions (Baghbati, Bahuli, Kalia Haripur,
Kaoakola, Khoksabari, Mechhra, Ratankandi, Saidabad, Shialkul, Chhangachha) of Sirajganj
Sadar Upazila under Sirajganj district for identifying which unions are more vulnerable and
which are low vulnerable to flood by considering social, physical, economic and environ-
mental dimension with such components under three indicators. The current situation and
some important data about each indicator of ten unions under Sirajganj Sadar Upazila are
observed field field survey, Key Informant Interview (KII), Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
and questionnaire survey. A questionnaire has been devised with four main dimensions, con-
cerning the degree of significance of each indicator and the vulnerability components. It has
been completed by local people of each union. Some data has been collected from Sirajganj
Sadar Upazila office and Bangladesh Water Development Board. The respondents have eval-
uated the indicator’s influence on flood vulnerability in general. Some people are gathered
together from similar background to discuss about flood. According to their opinion some
classes have been created and weighted each components of each indicators under four di-
mensions on a scale 5 to 1, where 5 indicates very high vulnerable and 1 very low vulnera-
ble. Then these weights are normalized. Normalized value is 0.01-1. Table 4 shows category,
weight, and normalized value. The formula of normalization is:

Where, 𝑋′ is normalized value.

International journal of disaster risk management • (IJDRM) • Vol. 3, No. 1
Flood Vulnerability Assessment by Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) Method:
A Study on Sirajganj Sadar Upazila

Table 4. Category and Weight and Normalization Value

Category Weight Normalized value

Very low vulnerable 1 0
Low vulnerable 2 0.25
Moderate vulnerable 3 0.50
High vulnerable 4 0.75
Very high vulnerable 5 1
(Prepared by: Authors, 2019)

One normalized value has been found for every component. The Flood Vulnerability In-
dex for each dimension (social, economic, environment, physical) is calculated for ten un-
ions using formulas (Eq. ii-v) with these normalized values.
Social vulnerability: The social dimension includes indicators that describe the context,
capacity, skills, knowledge, values, beliefs and behavior of individuals, households, organi-
zations and communities at various geographic scales. Social indicators are typically used to
assess current conditions or achievements of social goals related to human health, housing,
education levels, recreational opportunities and social equity issues (Balica & Wright, 2010).
The indicators for social vulnerability to flood for Sirajganj Sadar Upazila have been chosen
as a determinant of vulnerability. For flood vulnerability index, ten components have been
chosen, which cover three indicators under social dimension of flood vulnerability and give
an overview of the situation. Among ten components, three components indicate exposure,
one component indicates susceptibility and six indicate resilience to flood. The components
of exposure are Population growth rate , Population Density ( ), Disable People );
component of susceptibility is Child Mortality and components of resilience are Edu-
cational Status (Literacy Rate) , Awareness & Preparedness (A/P), Institutional Arrange-
ment , Training Program , Indigenous Practice , Warning System . Table 5
shows that the value of Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) of every union for social dimension.
According to the table, Saidabad union is more socially vulnerable among ten unions.
Economic Vulnerability: The income and prosperity of the study area are depicted in
the economic dimension. These metrics would provide information about the capacity to
generate and deliver flood-prone goods and services. Developing countries, for example, are
characterized by low per capita income, a shortage of human resources, a lack of investment
and finance, and weak infrastructure. Developed countries, on the other hand, are charac-
terized by substantial investments in prevention and countermeasures, long life expectancy,
flood insurance, and urban planning, among other things. If economic growth accelerates,
the risk of flooding will likely increase as well (Balica & Wright, 2010). As a determinant of
vulnerability, the indicators for economic vulnerability to flood for Sirajganj Sadar Upazila
have been chosen. Six components have been chosen for the flood vulnerability index, which
cover three indices under the economical dimension of flood vulnerability and provide an
overview of the situation. Three of the six elements are exposure, one is susceptibility, and
the other two are flood resilience. The components of exposure are Household Assets
Agricultural Dependency , Income Source ; component of susceptibility is Unem-
ployment Rate and components of resilience are Economic Diversification , Flood
Insurance . Table shows that the value of Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) of every union
for economic dimension. According to the table, Bahuli union is more economically vulner-
able than ten unions.

International journal of disaster risk management • (IJDRM) • Vol. 3, No. 1
Airen Aktara, Kanij Shohanib , Md. Nazmul Hasan c and Md. Kamrul Hasan

Environmental Vulnerability: The environmental aspect involves indicators that relate to

the environmental damage caused by floods or intrusion caused by human beings that could
increase the vulnerability of certain areas. Activities such as farming, urban growth and for-
estry have been shown to generate greater vulnerability to flooding which can lead to more
pollution (Balica & Wright, 2010). As a factor determining the vulnerability, environmental
indicators for Sirajganj Sadar Upazila have been chosen. Five components have been chosen
to cover three social measures of the vulnerability of the flood and provide an overview of
the situation for the flood vulnerability index. Two components include exposure, one is vul-
nerability and two are flood resistance.The components of exposure are Land use Mon-
soon Rainfall ; component of susceptibility is Riverbank Erosion and components
of resilience are Embankment (E), Water Body . Table 5 shows that the value of Flood
Vulnerability Index (FVI) of every union for environmental dimension. According to the
table, Mechhra union is more environmentally vulnerable among ten unions.
Physical Vulnerability: The physical dimension contains how the physical conditions
(natural or human-made) can influence the vulnerability of a particular region to floods. The
indicators for physical vulnerability to flood for Sirajganj Sadar Upazila have been chosen
as a determinant of vulnerability. For flood vulnerability index, six components have been
chosen, which cover three indicators under social dimension of flood vulnerability and give
an overview of the situation. Among six components, two components are exposure, one
component is susceptibility and three are resilience to flood. The components of exposure
are Closeness to River , Housing Pattern ); component of susceptibility is Geographic
Location and components of resilience are Communication System , Flood Shelter
. Table 5 shows that the value of Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) of every union for
physical dimension. According to the table, Mechhra union is the most physically vulnerable
one to flood among ten unions.
The total Flood Vulnerability Index is calculated for each union using Formula (Eq. vi).
Table 5 shows total Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) for every unions where the highest index
value is 1.00 at Mechhra union.
Table 5. Union wise Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI)

Social Economic Environmental Physical Total
Baghbati 0.07 0.16 0.30 0.08 0.61
Bahuli 0.03 0.23 0.30 0.06 0.62
Kalia Haripur 0.09 0.04 0.13 0.23 0.49
Kaoakola 0.01 0.05 0.25 0.24 0.55
Khoksabari 0.03 0.2 0.30 0.06 0.41
Mechhra 0.01 0.14 0.60 0.25 1.00
Ratankandi 0.02 0.08 0.45 0.08 0.63
Saidabad 0.15 0.01 0.06 0.23 0.45
Shialkul 0.07 0.06 0.30 0.11 0.54
Chhangachha 0.03 0.04 0.30 0.15 0.52
(Prepared by: Authors, 2019)
Table 6 shows union wise Flood Vulnerability Interpretation where six unions are high
vulnerable to flood which index value range is 0.50-0.75. The most noticeable aspect of the
table 6, Mechhra union is very high vulnerable to flood.

International journal of disaster risk management • (IJDRM) • Vol. 3, No. 1
Flood Vulnerability Assessment by Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) Method:
A Study on Sirajganj Sadar Upazila

Table 6. Union wise Flood Vulnerability Interpretation

Index value Description Unions

<0.01 Very small vulnerability to floods --------
0.01-0.25 Small vulnerability to floods --------
Khoksabari (0.41)
0.25-0.50 Vulnerable to floods Saidabad (0.45)
Kalia Haripur (0.49)
Chhangachha (0.52)
Shialkul (0.54)
Kaoakola (0.55)
0.50-0.75 High vulnerability to floods
Baghbati (0.61)
Bahuli (0.62)
Ratankandi (0.63)
0.75-1.00 Very high vulnerability to floods Mechra (1.00)
(Prepared by: Author, 2019)
The FVI for environmental and physical dimension of Mechhra union is extending or
reaching upward more than other unions. Because of its geographical location, this union
is more environmentally and physically vulnerable. It has been observed from field survey,
Mechhra union is located at middle in the river and it is a “Char Area”. This union is very
high vulnerable for its low resilience and lack of indigenous coping capacity. Final result
has been shown in Figure 2. From the map, it is clearly understood that, Mechhra union is in
very high vulnerable zone; Baghbati, Bahili, Ratankandi, Shialkul, Kaoakola, Chhangachha
unions are in high vulnerable zone; Khoksabari, Saidabad, Kalia Haripur unions are in vul-
nerable zone.

International journal of disaster risk management • (IJDRM) • Vol. 3, No. 1
Airen Aktara, Kanij Shohanib , Md. Nazmul Hasan c and Md. Kamrul Hasan

(Prepared by: Author, 2019)

Figure 2. Flood Vulnerability Map of Sirajganj Sadar Upazila

5. Conclusion

sirajganj district is one of Bangladesh’s flood-prone regions. This study introduces a

method of indexing, which is applied to determine flood vulnerability and focuses on Sirajganj
Sadar Upazila flood susceptible unions. This research also offers a summary of the Flood
Vulnerability Index (FVI) framework assessment methods for flood vulnerability. The whole

International journal of disaster risk management • (IJDRM) • Vol. 3, No. 1
Flood Vulnerability Assessment by Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) Method:
A Study on Sirajganj Sadar Upazila

FVI concept is that the area (Sirajganj Sadar Upazila) is affected by a four dimensional flood
risk (social, economic, environmental and physical). This research covers a thorough review
and understanding of flood vulnerability measures, i.e. exposure, sensitivity and resilience.
The finding of the study is the comparative vulnerability analysis among the ten unions of
the upazila. This result will be helpful to design any kind of flood risk management measures
for Sirajganj Sadar Upazila.


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Funding: “This research received no external funding”
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

International journal of disaster risk management • (IJDRM) • Vol. 3, No. 1

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