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Procurement’s Next Frontier

Accenture’ s research into how Procurement will

progress over the next 5-7 years

June 2017
Today’ s Presenters

John Walko
Managing Director

[email protected]

Mark Olney
Managing Director

[email protected]

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Today’ s Presentation Objectives
• Discuss Accenture’s Research on the Future of Procurement
– What is changing and what can be done to be on the leading edge
of change
– The future organization of procurement, strategic partner
– Vertical integration of key suppliers
– The Impact of digital on procurement
• How can Health Payer Organizations Leverage the future of
Procurement- What is the Art of the Possible, e.g.:
– Improvement of Procurement Efficiencies
– Procurement’s role expansion into Strategic areas of the business
– Supplier collaboration
– Supplier/Customer connectivity

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Table of Contents

1. Introductions

2. Procurement Research Findings

3. The Emerging Virtually Integrated Enterprise

4. The Organization of One Takes Shape

5. Cloud Computing – Leading Through Content

6. Industrial Internet of Things – A Wake-Up Call for Procurement

7. Poised to Ride the Analytics Wave

8. Augmentation to Automation – Cognitive Help Desk Agents

Are Only the Beginning

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Procurement Research

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The time is now for procurement to
reimagine its future

Our research paints a vivid picture of what the

procurement organization of the future will look like.

Our research:
• Analyzed Procurement trends from 2007 to 2017
• Surveyed over 150 organizations across 13
• Interviewed 52 organization leaders

The question is, which companies are prepared to

embrace it and which will remain rooted in the past?

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rights reserved.
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Procurement has evolved successfully for over two decades through
centralization and cost savings
But our research suggests a fundamental shift is coming for procurement in the next 5 – 7 years

High Performance Compulsive Future of

through Procurement1 Contributors2 Procurement
Procurement Masters saved 10 Procurement Masters expanded Procurement’s Next Frontier.
times what it costs to run their focus to generating value
procurement. beyond cost savings.
It pays to be good. More is asked and The Future Will Give Rise
more is delivered. to an Organization of One

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 – 2022...

1 http://www.accenture.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/PDF/HHP_brochure_low10_07_07.pdf
2 http://www.accenture.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/PDF/Accenture-Compulsive-Contributors-More-is-asked-and-more-is-delivered.pdf

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Today’s Supply Chain Masters impact the financial performance of their

Masters speak and impact Masters deliver more with Masters are the heart of the
finance less. They are: business
88% Masters have better Delivering a 15x ROI, compared Masters are 53% more likely to be
Pre-Tax ROIC compared to their to Masters in 2011 who delivered integrated into the executive
peers. 10x. ROI goes beyond cost committee providing great
63% of Masters have higher savings and expands into influence over buying behavior
Capital efficiency compared to procurement value. Masters are 63% more likely to
their peers. Achieving returns by increasing use their ecosystem for value
63% Masters had lower SG&A spend under management, chain partnering
expense ratio (as % revenue) influencing demand and Masters are 50% more likely to be
than their peers. specification embedded in product design
Doing more with fewer FTEs.
current difference between
masters and contenders.

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Over the next 5-7 years, Masters will begin a fundamental shift
to a digital revolution and the next frontier
Cognitive Computing

Industrial central
Internet Analytics
of Things
core team

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Digital Procurement operating models will look different than today’s

Focus is entirely  High Automation / self service ratios eliminates most of

shifted from operational effort
execution to  Procurement instead focused on compliance with supplier
compliance agreements

 Non strategic supplier relationships are managed through

Majority of suppliers supplier networks
will be managed via  Supplier performance is measured across multiple
across company companies
 “Tail of the tail” spend is managed through marketplaces

 Visibility of spend, consumption, compliance & supply risk is

Management insight will readily available
turn into an asset
instead of a challenge  Future changes of demand, prices, … can be easily

Seamless Collaboration  Internal & external collaboration via social media platforms is
within and across business as usual
companies  Innovation is significantly driven through open innovation

 The Source-to-Pay technology is completely provided as a

External services replace service in the cloud
internal investments in
Org, IT and process  Majority of transactions is exchanged entirely “hands free”
via supplier networks

Copyright © 2017 Accenture. All rights reserved. 10

Example Procurement Challenges in Health Payer

Our experience shows that Health Payer Organizations are facing common Procurement
challenges. Health Payers are seeking ways to procure more effectively while generating savings
throughout the organization.

Challenges Purchases not

managing spend considered part of
creep value generating

Difficulty with technologies to
tracking and measure and support
measuring realized procurement
savings operations

Compliance to Limited sourcing

contracts hard to and industry
enforce and track expertise

Decentralized Operating model not

procurement sufficient to sustain
functions with rogue savings

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11 11
Procurement’s Frontier: What is the Potential Areas of
Opportunity- Health Payer

Health Payers have the opportunity to use Digital and Other technologies to innovate, reduce
costs, expand strategic impact, and improve capabilities

• Selection of strategic partners to enable innovation How can strategic

partnerships be developed to control medical spend?
• Embedded procurement resources in key business areas to broader
procurements impact and to improve capabilities Which categories does it
make sense to embed resources vs manage centrally?
• Increased use of Digital Technology in the source to pay process What areas of
the source to pay process can be further automated?
• Use of Analytics to manage and track performance Have you developed
waterfall analytics?
• Connectivity to Health Providers. Are there opportunities to connect to
Providers to enhance the relationship, reduce cost of care, etc. ?
• Robotics- Have you automated processes such as claims payment using
Copyright © 2017 Accenture. All rights reserved. 12
The Emerging Virtually
Integrated Enterprise

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Our research points to the emergence of
the Virtually Integrated Enterprise (VIE).

Intimate relationships and uncharted


B Getting real in supplier collaboration

Innovation will be the key benefit driven out of collaboration with

the Virtually Integrated Enterprise
“We created a team with one of our suppliers to develop a totally new
product that could solve some of the problems and issues that our
customers had…This new product was first on the market...”
Eva Andrén, Vice President & Head of Group Sourcing, Ericsson

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rights reserved.
© 2017 Accenture. All rights reserved. 14
Intimate relationships and
uncharted suppliers
The Virtually Integrated Enterprise blurs the line between A

buyers & suppliers

A Virtually Integrated Enterprise is founded on intimate relationships with a smaller group of
strategic suppliers. The demarcation between buyer and supplier becomes blurred, to the point
that strategic suppliers are seen as simply part of the overall company.

Uncharted Strategic Transactional

Suppliers Suppliers Suppliers

Supplier Supplier Supplier Portal,

Collaboration Collaboration Room, Cognitive Agents,
Room Analytics Analytics

Digital Communication

Smaller, central Procurement Core Team

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Getting real in supplier

Developing a truly transparent relationship relies on 5 B

structural elements for success

Strategic Harmony

Staying Sharp
in the Supplier
The 5
Imperatives of
the Virtually


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Motivated Alliance

Cohesive Talent

Getting real in supplier

Virtual Company Mall

A Virtual Company Mall guides requestors to purchase and collaborate with the right suppliers for
the goods and services they need

Supplier agreements
Virtual Company Mail Suppliers
Requestors of goods and
Company Stores
services have a self-service,
Business (Negotiated mall-like experience assisted as
Logic and content) required by virtual 'personal
Procurement Rules
shoppers' to guide them.
Goods and Services may be
Business Supplier Stores Existing
Requestors (Standard
located within a 'Company Store'
Content) where the buying org has
negotiated pricing or within a
'Supplier Store/Marketplace' for
Procurement infrequent, tail of the tail items.
systems Support Agent

Transactions Support Agent

Maturity of Company Mall Concept

• Marketplaces (with standard prices) exist, however have so far only achieved mediocre content coverage
• A procurement mall so far has not been implemented in the B2B environment (B2C providers like Amazon are looking to move
• Most organizations don't have the business model or procurement organizations built to support this concept
• Procurement execs are actively looking for available content options (specifically for tail spend)

Copyright © 2017 Accenture. All rights reserved. 17

What’s Possible

Supplier integration will help manage supplier ?

risk and innovate new products and Services

Health Organizations CPO’s reported that reducing costs and introducing new products or
expanding into new markets are the two biggest priorities.

1. Health Organizations will rely more heavily than ever on a small group of strategic
suppliers that will be asked to help substantially reduce waste and risk but, even more
important, to significantly boost the top line through more effective innovation. How
much spend do you have managed using strategic partnerships?

2. To be effective, innovation must be based on a relationship in which everybody from

both buyer and supplier realizes that innovating together will benefit both companies,
and that there is no barrier to sharing ideas. A company needs to break down internal
barriers before it can effectively integrate outside suppliers into its innovation process.
Do you work with your strategic partners to formally review how the relationship is
working and how it could be improved for both parties?

3. A company also must have a formal process and technology to support innovation so
the right ideas are identified and nurtured. Do you have standardize process and
technology to support strategic partnerships?

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The Organization of One
Takes Shape

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The future procurement organization will see
dramatic shifts in all aspects in 5 – 7 years.

A Central core team – smaller,

and amped on digital

B Focus on the strategic

Non-Strategically central Strategically
procurement Cost to serve trends
core team downward

“Embedded resources will wear the same stripes

as the business, making a strategic impact by
working closely with product development, R&D,
or other departments”

André Le Lerre, Vice President, Ericsson

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rights reserved.
© 2017 Accenture. All rights reserved. 20
Central core team – smaller,
and amped on digital

Central core team – smaller, and amped on digital
The Organization of One Takes Shape from procurement resources that are embedded in the
business and will be connected back to a smaller core team focused on 5 key areasIn this
model, digital pushes cost to serve down dramatically

Smaller, central
procurement core team
… parameters for …
• Business strategy
• Global demand and supply
• Policy
• Compliance
• Global strategic supplier

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Central core team – smaller,
and amped on digital

Further move procurement’s focus on the strategic

Changing the role of procurement to be more aligned to overall business goals

Next-generation procurement organizations will be measured and rewarded on their

contribution to a variety of business results the larger enterprise is trying to achieve, as
well as common procurement KPIs (e.g. savings, compliance, etc.). These include:
• EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization)
• EPS (earnings per share)
• Reduction in functions’ budgets
• Risk mitigation
• Supplier innovation
• Time to market
• Sustainability
• Diversity
• Commodity price risk management
• Driving continuous improvement and
• Compliance

Copyright © 2017 Accenture. All rights reserved. 22

Costs Trend Down

Cost to serve trends downward

The end result for leading procurement organizations is lower cost to serve and higher strategic

2007 Now 5-7 years from now

1.0% cost to
overall spend

0.8% cost to
overall spend

0.3% cost to
overall spend

Copyright © 2017 Accenture. All rights reserved. 23

What’s Possible

The Organization of One Structure can move
Procurement to more strategically involvement
Greater than 50 percent of health CPOs believe their current teams’ skills and capabilities are not
sufficient to deliver their procurement strategy.

1. Strategic activities will be handled by embedded resources, who will create more value by:
• Working with the business and suppliers to develop new products
• Help manage price and supply risk
2. Procurement individuals will have markedly more advanced and diverse skills. They will
often be a specialist with expert knowledge in some business domain - such as care
management, provider services, marketing - depending on the need and likely will come
from an area of the company other than procurement.
What strategic procurement activities could be moved to embedded resources?
3. The non-strategic activities will either be handled by the business in a skilled and
compliant manner through the use of automation, or it will be managed by members of the
virtually integrated enterprise
What non-strategic activities could be moved to a VIE?
4. Opportunities to recruit individuals with specific or expand capabilities of staff.
Are there members of your team that could assume a role in the business with the right
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Cloud Computing – Leading
Through Content

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The competitive differentiation of Cloud
moves away from lower costs and
standard process to embrace new

A Superior usability reigns

B Content crowns the victor

Although Cloud still offers great cost advantages,

productivity, engagement, and usability move into
prime focus in the future
Slightly less than 50% of all companies either have a
cloud first or cloud only strategy; some form of cloud
strategy is pervasive among all with 90% of
The Future of Cloud Computing: Annual Survey 2016,” North
Bridge/Gigaom Research

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rights reserved.
© 2017 Accenture. All rights reserved. 26
Superior usability

Although Cloud still offers great cost

advantages, productivity, engagement, and
usability move into prime focus in the future

Hans Melotte of Johnson & Johnson says

employees increasingly wonder why the
technology at work can’t be as easy and
intuitive to use as the tools they use in their
personal lives. It frustrates them. More
importantly, it impacts their productivity at work,
and therefore also impacts a company’s ability
to innovate and grow.
Hans Melotte, Vice President and Chief Procurement
Officer, Johnson & Johnson

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rights reserved.
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Content Crowns the Victor

Using content in the cloud to enable core processes will B

be a competitive advantage

Examples of enriched content

could range from…
• Dynamic price searches on the
internet at large for specified
• Content available in next-gen

…To the advent of dynamic cost

models, that reach into internet
sources for real-time updates,
alerts, and noteworthy facts and

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Content Crowns the Victor

The Virtual Category Room provides up to date information
on key categories

Illustrative Strategic plan/yearly finetuning drives the key

initiatives. Initiative-driven templates set the structure
Virtual meeting via OC

of the project management and /document storage.

PMO dashboard. Cat. Leader Central Cat. Mgr

Zone Cat. Mgr.

Planning- and Zone Cat. Mgr.

procurement X-initiative
document management
structure Wiki- Blog-discussion forum

Accenture proprietary
collaboration solutions
‘Grapevine’ and ‘WhiteSpace’
improve idea sharing and
innovation within Procurement
Community, other departments
Access to eSourcing and with suppliers
and Contract
application Initiative driven value tracking Central/zone spend area specific
(pre-defined category The fields used for project identification and scoping in the dashboard.
specfic templates initiative overview (above) are the basis for the Value Access to EDWH for
Tracking reporting. BI/Reporting.

Maturity of Virtual Supplier Room

• Most supplier portals today provided through supplier networks or created custom and don’t typically integrate most or any of the
capabilities above

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What’s Possible

Cloud Computing – Leading Through Content ?

New cloud computing technologies are enabling breakthrough innovations in supply chain
management (SCM) applications delivered via SaaS (software as a service) models.
1. A strategic approach to implementation is essential. This should recognize that not all
supply chain processes are suitable candidates for migration to the cloud. Two
categories of process in particular may prove to be unsuited to cloud computing.
– First, complex and/or unique processes that require a heavy degree of customized processing are
less likely to be delivered as cloud computing based services, at least in the near future. And
– Second, processes that require heavy integration with either a physical flow or with other
information systems—particularly those requiring ultrafast response times—are currently not well-
suited to cloud.
2. What functions should take the lead from a cloud computing perspective:
– Source to Payment
– Supplier network development
3. Alongside these core strategic advantages the replacement of on-premise solutions with SaaS-
based SCM models have the potential to deliver four immediate tactical benefits, with quick wins
helping to support buy-in: Speed, single source of truth, low cost of entry and business value
• What opportunities have you taken advantages of? Many of our Health clients
use the cloud to support ERP functions, Souring and spend analysis, and
supplier networks and low cost of entry.
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Industrial Internet of Things –
A Wake-Up Call For

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Why will procurement care about the Industrial
Internet of Things:
The Industrial Internet of Things
A Increases traceability
(IIOT) promises to fundamentally
transform aspects of Enhances the use
procurement, including changing B
of analytics
or even entirely eliminating
certain business processes. C Challenges
existing processes

Key to analytics is rich data, and that’s where the

IIOT really shines.
Dirk Van De Putte of BHP Billiton is working with
suppliers to develop sensors to monitor the health of
its trucks to predict failures and boost utilization. Data
in scenarios such as this can help fine-tune category
Dirk Van De Putte, Group Chief Procurement
Officer, BHP Billiton

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rights reserved.
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Traceability of and transparency

into supply and services will be
accessible to companies and
consumers alike.

“Transparent supply chains [are] something that

you cannot stop. They’re going to happen, and
they’re going to happen all the way down to
source-level control.”
Tom Linton, CPO, CSCO of Flextronics

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rights reserved.
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Enhances the
use of analytics

Key to analytics is rich data, and

that’s where the IIOT really shines.

Dirk Van De Putte of BHP Billiton is working with

suppliers to develop sensors to monitor the
health of its trucks to predict failures and boost
utilization. Data in scenarios such as this can
help fine-tune category strategies, as well as
reduce part and vendor proliferation.
Dirk Van De Putte, Group Chief Procurement Officer,
BHP Billiton

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Challenge existing

Reexamining the process will bring innovations C

to procurement
Question the fundamentals with IIOT: allow it to inform your procurement strategy and completely
reshape your processes

Requisition PO Receipt Invoice Payment

Is the PO still a required document?

Does an organization really need an Invoice document?
Could an item be “auto-receipted” due to an embedded sensor?
If an item is auto-receipted, is an invoice document required? In place, could the auto-receipt trigger
a check against a digital contract for appropriate pricing (e.g. late arrival discount), releasing
payment automatically?
Will payment be digital currencies in the future…?

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What’s Possible

The proliferation of connected physical devices will ?

significantly alter Supply Chain operations

Healthcare organizations are taking advantage of the IIOT to connect medical devices,
supplier information, provider network capacity , etc. forecasts that a 30-fold increase in
Internet-connected physical devices by 2020 will significantly alter supply chain leader
information access and cyber-risk exposure.

0.9 billion
installed units

26 billion installed units
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Poised to Ride the Analytics

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An Accenture survey shows
procurement as the least likely
1. Finance corporate function to employ
analytics. Opportunity
2. Customer Service abounds for procurement
3. Production/ Operations

4. Sales A Embracing the Analytics Trifecta

5. IT / Telecoms Procurement needs more than

an adding machine!
6. Human Resources
C Forays into advanced analytics
7. Procurement will depend on where you start

Developing the right analytics insights requires a

company to develop an Analytics Trifecta, where
three types of resources come together to help
each other.

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Embracing the
Analytics Trifecta

The Analytics Trifecta forms the first dimensions A

required to reap benefits

Dimension 1: The Analytics Trifecta, a robust Center of Excellence (CoE)

Functional Experts (e.g., procurement

or finance) with the right knowledge to
define the problems they want to solve

Statisticians to create the right analytic

models and algorithms to uncover the
answers to those problems

IT people to ensure the analytics

technology is integrated with the
right enterprise systems and other
data sources, and provided to the 2 3
right person at the right time Statisticians IT

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Embracing the
Analytics Trifecta

The second dimension requires the right people to A

interpret the data

Dimension 2: Interpretation; putting key insights in the hands of the right people

CoE feeds all stakeholders

who require the information

Integrated Procurement

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Embracing the
Analytics Trifecta

Supply Analytics

Maturity of Supply Analytics

• Numerous tools exist (Accenture proprietary, 3rd party analytics tools, ERP/Cloud Procurement tools) but most tend to be
descriptive vs. providing the buying org insights to help make better decisions (predictive/prescriptive)
• Need for analytics-based capabilities that intervene 'real-time' – either with alerts to avoid/minimize risk and ensure compliance
or with guidance to drive better outcomes or pull in appropriate experts

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Procurement needs more
than an adding machine!

Sophisticated analytics requires

sophisticated technology.
“Many procurement organizations are still
somewhat legacy—practically the whole
procurement organization is driven by an Excel
spreadsheet… Investment in appropriate tools
or partnering with a supplier with this specific
expertise is what is required to take it to the
next level.”
David Annett, Vice President Sourcing & Real Estate,
National Bank of Canada

The right technology is nothing

without Data.

“…I don’t think you can do analytics well unless

you have good data coming in,” said one
procurement executive.
“We’re really data rich when it comes to
anything related to [our] operations. We’re data
poor in the supply department itself…”

Copyright © 2017 Accenture. All

rights reserved.
© 2017 Accenture. All rights reserved. 42
Forays into advanced

Maturity and opportunity in Analytics will vary by analytics will depend on

where you start

company and industry
The following 5 types of analytics are areas to watch, and will become more advanced over time.
What will your company need in the future?
1. Commodity Pricing
and Risk Management

5. Quality and Advanced 2. Product Cost

Reliabililty Technology Management
& Analytics

4. Procurement Planning
3. Compliance
& Supplier Collaboration

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Augmentation to Automation
– Cognitive Help Desk Agents
Are Only the Beginning

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A new breed of emerging cognitive computing
tools will produce a foundation-shattering wave of
new opportunity in companies, including your
procurement organization.

A Cognitive Computing is on
your doorstep

• Supplier help desks are just

the beginning

• Advantages abound

“Through 2023, one-third of all highly skilled work

done by doctors, lawyers, traders and professors
will be replaced by smart machines or by less-
skilled (non-specialist) humans assisted by
cognitive computing technology.”

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rights reserved.
© 2017 Accenture. All rights reserved. 45
Cognitive Computing
is on your doorstep

Cognitive computing aims to make computers A

operate as humans would

Sense: Computer vision, audio the World
processing, or sensor processing

Comprehend: Natural language

processing or knowledge

Act: Inference engines, machine

learning, or expert systems

2 3
Analyze & Make
Understand Decisions &
Take Action

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Cognitive Computing
is on your doorstep
Combining technologies that sense, comprehend, and A

act, there are currently 3 capabilities possible

Human-like characters, natural interaction, recommendation systems

Technologies Capabilities

1 Intelligent Virtual Agents

the World

Natural Language Q&A Systems

2 3
Analyze & Make Machine Learning Applications
Understand Decisions &
Take Action

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What’s Possible

Cognitive computing technology is already in place in ?

Deep Knowledge Ventures appointed to its board of directors a machine learning program
capable of making investment recommendations.

• Cognitive computing is making inroads with intelligence augmentation in the

medical field assisting doctors.
• Procurement organizations are seeing intelligent automation through the
replacement of supplier help desks.
• More futuristic capabilities could include a category advisory cognitive agent,
assisting category managers with content knowledge as doctors are assisted
• According to Gartner, “by 2017 managed services offerings leveraging
autonomics and cognitive platforms will permanently remove head count to
drive a 60 percent reduction in the cost of services.”
• Benefits span not just cost, but quality, consistency, and compliance, with a
need for the system to stay connected to the greater mandate of
procurement, with the right checks and balances

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Make the future happen!

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